6 The Gekuinc w - w TfiiOW?,tmdbv One dozen of the genuine .TO II ANN HOFF'S MALT EX TBAOT pjives as much strength and nourishment u a t ask of ale, without being intoxleatlngi it is highly bene floial A)r use at meal time for convalescents, weak chil dren and ladies, and as a goneral tonic for the weak and debilitated. Insist upon tho ci'imliK- .IOHA.ns Hoi r'e. which most have the signature of "JOUANN Horr" on t hi' nock label. Elanar ,v Stondeloon Co , Solo Accuts, Now fork. PITTSTON. Schuyler N. Goddes, Sired 33 ytmrf, dWd at thv borne of his eurents 00 the Tunkhnnnock road. West Pittiton. e.trly yesterday morning after u linger' Ing illness. The funeral will lake place Sunday afternoon at 130 o'clock with services nt the hous. Interment will be madd iu the Truckville ciui itery Richard Miset tt. of Oregon, wlio ha been n resident of Pittiton for the past thirty yeara, while prepariug to roiir Inst night wna suddenly tak.'ii ill uu 1 In a few minutea expired, During the dny he waa iu nil U4ual Rood tiealtb and attended the funeral of bin grand -cbild. 1 wis due to heart disease He was Sged 53 yenrs, ard leaves a wife, two sons Uicliard and Edward, aiid two daughters, .Mrs. Duffy and Mrs Patrik Egan, of Ureirou, to mourn his loss Tne funernl will occur Sat urday afternoon M 3 o'clock. Inter ment in Market Btreet cemetery. Tbs Pittston Steel R ingo company are rapi Uy getting their pi tot in slmpe for to begin work. Iu conjunction witb the manufacture of steel r inses which are fast gaining favor with hous 'Keep ers, trey j.roposj to tnunuiacture cast iron stoves, coo.iugs. etc. With that ot j'sct iu view they line just received p litems for fifty-six complete stoves, ranges aud htaters from Iroutou, Iow.t. A:i explosion of gas in the Twin mmft shortly before noon yesterday, seriously b.irnwl ,Iacol BltYVOSkt, age 24 years, and Oyrou BoSUnUM, age 19. They were taken to th hospital tor treatment. The rules granted by the) Luzorne court We ineeday comiuaudir.g Uur g'.'Sii Mai uey, uf thij place, to appear andeboar oatua why uttictmients for contempt of court should not issue against bin for not miking roinrtis to writs of certiorari as cotumandad by the court, ure returnable tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Tbe action is brcnglit by Charles Broa 1 & Co, merchants of Wi.kes-liArre. .Several days ago liort Dymoud, an employe, was arrt-s'.ed hero and fiuo ! for peddling without a li cense. Tr.e Vilkcs-Brre Tiuios com mentiug on tbe affair says: Messrs. Broad & Co. have il-termined to test the validity of tue Pittston or dinances nider which the burgess de mands license fees for the privilege of delivering their goods iu P.ttston. Several times Unit men h'ive been ar rested and put in tbe loekup In that place for 'peddling without a license, and ia tome instances celiv ry erseortl bave been looted whilo tho m-n were imprieo.-.td. Last werk broil & Co sned. and obtained judgment In tree. pass, against Jumes Fi'.zpa'.rick, a livery stable man, for the value of fruit taken from tneir wagon wl.ilo it was detained in bis barn and Brond's men locked up. Execu tion was lssnsd yesterday nr.ou this judgment, and officers Same 1..T;) yes terday and prooedd to levy, bu'. Mr. FitZtutrick stopped tbe proceedings by tbe payment of T'J and in costs. Act ions are also being brought against tbe authorities of West Pittston boro ngh for Similar reasonr. It it quite likely that if tbe Messrs Broad suc ceed in establishing tbe invalidity of the ordinances in .question that heavy damago suit will be brought by the vonng mm who have been imprisoned in the different borough lockups. Iu all these cases liror.d fc Co. have re tained Paul J. SfaerWOod, who estab llshed a wide reputation by bis success In similar cases brought agninat Ply month borough. The firm Is making a I old stand all along tbe lino aud tbo outcome of these cases will be watohed witb interest by merchant and ped dler! throughout tbls entire section. HONESDALK. About 100 persona from along tbo Erie attended thekirmess last evening. A special train was run from Port Jcr vis, The armory was packed wlib spectator, Much moro enthusiasm was manlfeatod than on some previous nights. A few dnys ago a Honosdale young b.dy left her home in a hurry to do an errand. In her busto alio bung hor black shoulder cape on tho boll handle. Tht long black ribbons bung down; the caps looked like a knot, and soon the report was spread that a memoir of the family was dead. Tho capi closely rcBombld efsps. HALLSTEAD. At onr last term of conrt nn applica tion was made to annex a portion of Great Bend township to liallHteud borough. Tho court appointed C. A. Van Formor, of Montrose, ns auditor, to adjust the IndsbtnSfS between tho township and the annexed portion, and he was attending to the duties of his appointment yesterday. The portion to be annexed comnrise abont thirty families and will add about 150 inhab itants to onr borough. Mrs. James Millard and son G.'orge Were in Blngtniinton yesterday. Enuines 81 and 127 nre out of tho shops at Scruntou and will be nt thuir old boraes in this nlace in a few days. Mrs. William Maynard. who has boen visiting friends In the parlor city, has returned homo. Curb fob Croup. Use Dr. Thomas' EclectrloOil according to diroctions. His the best remedy for nil sudden nttacks of Colds, pain and intlnmtnation.aml injuries Music and Musicians. The announcements in Philadelphia journals of an evening of musio in which original works from Dr. Hugh Clurko, W. U. Gilchrist, Michael Cross und other well-knowu composers of thut city wire given, culls forcibly to miud tho dismal results of an at tempt to awaken entliuji asm and a taste for higb-clasa compositions among ticranton musicians lust winter. Through the efforts of the Sarauton members) uf the hituto Music Teachers' association the composers nbova man tloned With tho exception of Cross woro induced to visit this city uud per sonally couducl the first presentation of original compositions. Dr. Clarke decided to presant u now oanlaU en titled, "Tlio Song of Dtborah and Barak." Vocal pirts were sent to Seranton in advanoe and members of musical societies were iuvited to take part in the formation of a chorus. Or. Clarke camo hero with an orotlMtrn of fifty pieces prepared to give Seranton mnsic lovuru lontethiog onaiaitlly lino. At tin. final rehearsal with orchestra, however, only sixteen vocalists could be Indnoed to tuko part. Tlio doctor wittidrew his composition from th prograhtnla and returned to Philadel phia in disgust. Tlio Music Teachers' association, it is estimated, dropped tout or live hundred dollars in the en deavor to Hons an interest in high class compositions by PonsylTMiS art ists, and it is probable that aeveral Hen sous will elapse before another lOOb nt) opportunity is offered in a musical way iu Bcranton, I! II II B Davis, musical director at tlio Sumner Avjuud Presbyterian ohoroh, is making preparations for the presen tation of tho beautiful cantiti. "Ks ther," on Juno 13. Miss Sadie K ilasir, tho promising young WllkaBrre so prano, will udsume the titlo role. Tbo other characters are to be Impersonated as follows: King Ahasuerus, Lien H"r belt; Hamao, John T. Witkius; M r deoal, Divid Stevens; Zresh, Mill Margaret Jones, of Hollevuo. The can tat will be glvnn at Ifaslu h ill, and the aotuLts will be austaiuuj by a lurge well drilled ohortU, ind in orchestra II II II Hector James will sing at tlio Penn Aveune Baptist ohurcb tomorrow in the absence of Director John T. Wat kius. ii ii n CarbonJale amateurs talk of pre se-.ting "Tho Pirates of I'enz inco" in this city II II II Miss Lizzio Webb, the well known pianist of Qreen Ui Ige, is s j nrning ut Colorado Bp iug II II II Miss Draegor, at Warren, has Nien engaged as solo contralto at Elm Park Ohoroh and will enter upon duty Jane 3. II ll II Heathen of the choir nt the Church of the Good Shepherd at Green lild :e are now attired in cap and gown. The change was br"Uht unout through tie-eff'-rts of Mis-. Uinsbnll, the organist and nimicsl director. !l I! II St. Peter's ciioir. nnder directiou of Professor S -l.iiling, it is laid, will soon n inc- an oner . DOCTORS ENDORSE IT. An Eminent Pkyaietnn of ri. n. i. ll . of oni. ill ii:nrl.aMi unres Of t'oiianmnlloii. itamj". xi ' i'1'r Co., Ark. ,ir..-w Dr. It. . 1'ip.kcb: m i .10 I win uj uiw to you. that (Vnnuni'tlun Is hi p ilitary In my wife's family; s aae have aj rrady l. : vltti th" ti n'. M wlli- has a sla ter. Mrs. K. A. Clcary, thut was token with SOS mini ttoa She urii your MOttjden Mi. ileal niai uv- erv," amt, to the mr priet of her many friends, sin. not well. My wife has also hnd hrtiiorrhagi'S from tbi' Innns, nml Tier sister irwim. t on her ua in? the "(ioid. n Medical Diecorory.n I eonaentea to her usinif it. anil It h is ha 1 no ovtntitums of consumption for thi- iot six fehfa, rOODM 1 1 .i. Ibis 'IbM ! i an take no ttcr reumly. i oura very iruiy. MT. PLEASANT AT RKTAlIe fVial of tli txt nnallty f .ir flomeatlu use.anil ft all all", 'lt'livorod m uuy p.irt of tlio city St lowiut ITlro. Ordir left at my o(tl-. no. 1 1 r, uyovmno Avrvrr. Rrar loom, fir', floor. Thirl Mational IUna, or f.ent by roatl or t.'lplione to tie m'.nn, will reri-ivi. i r .nipt ntt'-ut. m. hi fi'inrarii via ii IW'I" wr we sat and deUvet I Of IttlCI. 'VillTlt VM. T. SMITH. Conpiexion Pmnnd DR. Kr-.DF.A'E VILA CREAM Removes FreeUUn, Plm-.'ao Livor Moli; Bl I Sunburn aud Tsn, and n stores tli'i tWn to its orbtt ...I I I... . i ...riu.lnr, n OH . m vr clear and Doallby j :.-1 nlflfn. BmiaarlflS'taaillaiM jireiiuratlona and pcrleeily liiirmk'. At all uriiklstn,oi tootled lor Med, bjud lur rireuiar. VIOLA SKIN SOAP I" 'tit kasananMi M il.ln iiii.lOi4 Hvv. uiAi'bM hr Uii lu.b. aal wl IhsI tU'.i Ut Id"' l.irTf. AL'f.l i "t! 1 1 ' S.l lujl cmo4. AlSracti-'l PrioA'JjOe:il1. G. C. BITTNiiH A, 50., Tot.COO, O. For aab'liy Mntthowa Uroa , Morns n I ' Mi Morif.ni A Co. pr.Tn.r. riiub en., b in -I Hl.f.M HUOl , . ' I. . IN TUB i. r.i.titiii.nc.ri. rue v tt u". A miliar . u dollar tartttn Thin t-udli H' sol id Prenvh IJongoln Kid nut ton ItMt delivered free aaytrhara In lliel reeili'toft ar.1i, Mnin y iinii r, nr riiutiil Nolo for SIM, lineal" every way the boots Mild In nil retail pt.-ircA for ,fiD. V e l.i.ike lllia linet uiinmlvm, llii'ri'foru vo j;.'ir- and If any o: n i,i not SSHsflsd vo will re. u tin mo munpy or wnd aaoibof plr. (iprra loo or t I'liininn t-icni'', WHUIS 1 B, ft KB. I n C I.. ,11 0 '-.-Anlen. Sunt iour lj'-: V.'-., llilHlV...i fv loq'io Ft! EE Dexter Shoe 0O,lK.f ffMCIOI t-'ftut to JH'tttrm, A Handsome Complexion la one of tho grontcst charms a woman can pooNess PoKZoxi'a Compluxion Powdub givos It. Mns. Itimtns. P'li vul l:.-r. S!i- 1 lir WH EN Paine's Celery Compound Made Mrs. Leighton and Her Sis "O, I'm only a little nervoun. "1 didn't ii" to be. ''What can I do to overcome it ! dust what a wnuian means by Ivlng a lltte nervosa sba can't esaetly say Shu tells you she is retleHs; that sln can no longer sew or rend; conversa tion no longer int'Tests. or it evon troubles hor BOlaes startle her, and alio eries for no chu Snob ar tbo tint small bsginnlBsTS of nervous WCSkneSS, 1 ho world in full of lovina;. patient wlTes and mothers who have been callul upon to miT r Intense emotional strain; have undertaken to nurse tin ia dear to them llironfh protracted lllneee, or have worltfd beyond their Ipbyslosl J.owers. 1 lur in the many yoara ol bard and wonderful work, Prod Bdwsrd K. Phelpe( Dartmoiith's ttr-ut ptoft-ssor, bad these weak, "run dowu" women lo Blind. The study of nob oaasi of ner vous prcatration, nenrelRla, rbtnma liam, dysp psla, ind debtly led him lo the moat marvelous discovery of tbe oentnty, Paine's oelery comjiouud. Prof. Piiclns became conslnoed that the troubl" in all three ens re ol weak BOSS lay In a dlsturb ure of nutrition. '1 he cure lies in t iller, ricbof bloo 1 and bettrr fed ihtv m lltanes, Paine's colery ecmponnd eilrs tbe executive or gans. t e liver end kidneys, to stronger Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Coloring ; and Lower Prices than ever before, arc what will recommend them to our patrons. VI 9)1111 PITTSTON, PA. N. A. HULBERT'S Gity Musio Store, uv.i.su Af. ICHAM tUSk KTIINW Y Sfll )).( til. It BROTHERS KRANICH a M M li mi t.iz At hai 1. 1; ana CIL'JM k -t ni i a set ORGANS WI SH At, UKKUHANOlHtt ol I Mti, uxa. KXO flocms 1 and 1 onnoiiwUltk Bll'l S KANTD, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Hade at tho MtiOHKt nnd KUdll DALli WOltKS. GLOB WAREHOUSE MO POWDER CO Llfflin & Riinil Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batterlss, Fusoi for oxplol lug blaHtK, t-r.f.'iy I omi and RepaunaChemical Co. 's High Explosives ALL ELSE FAILED. ter Well Again. action ; thn blot d nd redder and n IfOWS at onco jrurer re capsbls of enrry- mi; nutriment nud xyu'eu to every nerve anu muscular tin r tb.i lolv. I alne .. celery c imnound makaa neo tile well by building uri now ii."nes in placu of tho old; regulating shaky nerves by appropriate nerve food aud sending a strong,full tids of mro blood through the diseased parts of the liver, bsnrt, itomseb, and kidnovt. To worried women.just as to business nsn staggering under Bonnets) advr sltT.comss nervoososas and Bnal ore ik d own. ''1 am notill snough to takr medi cine," she too often eays, and puts off from day today the correction of bor truble. Paine's celery sompound is tbo grsst spring medicine, It cures every form ol unvotis weakneu und the ipsdsJ dlaordera of II ver, bsnrt itomaeb, and kldnoys tbst nri'" 'rem Impure blood and a "tun down" system badly notir- ished. These nre tbe diffleultt s that I'aine's celery compound corri cts. It builds up tbe whule body, blood nerves and ti Knes in a way tbnt nothing elsu has ever iqualrda People Ret well who thoughtfully and thoroughly try It. b'or rhruin itisui it Is th one tnt) sp cific. Prof. F A Leighton it intrnctor in Ui 5 ON SCRANT0N THU WOPLDS URoEST. GRANDEST. y yK3W HI VW-" Seranton I :- xi l? i am s i i v.. . m As. on Qtrti? l.'OIJAL v I'M. INI BTBD, sn. .-.nn.tino ONL1 iliV BNDObV NO F.M. T PltKTKNsr. El very thing Just Ni '.v l i rf"i i.iain "i. Now C I s P o ai:d 1113 bride- oNl.Y PAlU OF MALE A XT) PEMALR (loitll.LAs stw seen together ahwe tbe ereatlen, and : nalUval tke omi hIaNT AMI) OlANTKhS HPKCIMKN8 bow nr ever la oaptlvtty mil,- hit tori nl Iba World, MOST HUMAN-LIKI. ANIMALS KNOWN, attrai'tlng R, oo protiM daili to OentrsTPark, N Y , whoa loaneabf Ihree ti we to liatn' oIokii -ii garni a Tba woodaf ol sm Newspaper ami Sti sitiflfl Worlds. Grand Ethnological Congress of Strange and lavage People Cur. "in Hntnaa Doings With (inserraUjlons and rir mo il Putins, Molatoi-a. lL'ath?n, Uoaanimrdona vknnlnoia Vinhntw, Bnddnlsta. Ooafnoions, Hindoos, tiinstiant and ah laoaa, wholo-famUios of ssvaira poopHs with thaw lnitx. weaponai It: l ivli'-litP.lllllh'l'al II..1I Ulllu:.lM,l it i-.v'l'l t'llloll.i H.diilltMl llllil natUo i-VV-'-'V'Y I ,i J-M' I. fr-r Lni i JlliawtJial'l'i''ii' u rt-j;..M r v - m'p.r n ill; Gri'.-K lCUBSTKIAN Tournament LeVptnt, Tnnbllnj and Aerobatlc Displara 12 Of the Wor d's Greatest Circus Champions-1 2 Ub rivaled Bqasshrlsi Peats iy a do., n male mid female riders. THE HOST FAMOUS ABRIALlSTfl IN THB WORbD, ah ih i Oreal Still etna. Gymnasts end Acrobats. Sensational Animal Exhibition Lions, 'rivers sin-mi psgi, Panthnrs, Ebpbanti and Horsoa, pertormlng at one time, lu Harmony toother, In a CoUVsSaL HTEF.I.-HARHKD AUKNV 3 Cirous Compr.nioj in 3 Rinqs, 2 Elevated Sta;es, Racing Track and Animal Jrena. SIOHl'S M- v I it aa KM REVOKE THIS aliowh. :: II, r Is or F.li'i.lMi' : '.' Droves of li s of Ti iiiin d and Wild B-aatu, -"I Old Two Performances Daily al 2 and 8 P Mi Admission to everything 50c. Children half price. Reserved noats at regular prlco and admission tlck tt i nt Banal advance a t Thompson & Pratt's Book Store, 312 Lackawanna Avenue. Mighty New Free Street military uniforms nud mimic of all nutions, nt B A.M. on dny of show. LOWEST BXOCRMON RATES ON ALL KA1LROADS. Will Exhibit in WILKES-BARRE MAY 23. ind snporintendent of the statS dairy SOhool at the Iowa statu agricultural col leg nt, Amei, la ll hns been them beriial years and is well known throughout that state. His wife, writ- ma to elln, Kcliardon o: Co. who now prepara 1'aiue's colory compound say : uaai .vi.iy i nan rheumatism so so verely that 1 could only et around by the Hid of erutohae. Nothing that 1 used did inn uny pood, and I despaired of regainnlng my health. A friend re commsndsd Paine's clery compound lo me una i used it regularly for two months. At a result, I was able to visit tbe world's fair, ataviuff there quits a while and walking all day with out any uifliculiy. "The compound nlso did my sister a great deal nt good while attending col lege, giving her strength and healtb. There is nothing I know of In tbe world that is its rqoal for building up the weak and inn-lown, and giving strength and toue to the system. I am ttt' r for years, and nscribo my im provement wholly to th nso of I'aine's celery compound." This is one of thousands of similar testimonials tint Paine's celry com pound is the rituedy that makes peo ple well. Thursday, May 24 DRIVING PARK. BEST AMUSEMENT INSTITUTION. 4. lU V OWNCk' j DAILY I SP rn 11V Tin: 0tBO1 NO K.AC NSIN. S7.: Kl F.UATION. as Advertised I'm t.l... Nrw Attrartlona. Johanna sV : 1 SEASON nnd only to bo witnessed In these Ciimols, (lisnt and I Ik'my Animals, t Menager tim, Modern nn I Pantoinliiili Clown a. Doors open an hour earlier. Parade SrMstYWe? yiAW rr7V3Z. j- L. 1' .JA-" v; i ' O-i .v- I ! mi i-fri m-wm BUSINESS AND PMYtttt uSn AXLt SvttOMMM 1 H. U. tlJOAK DEAN has removed to (lie XJ Biiruco street, bcinntou, la. CJuat on lioslte court-houso Honarfr) 1)K. A. J. cONNKLLTotiiee Hul WttaliinBton J avunuo, coiner biruea stieut, over rrancko sdruir store. Kesidonco, iij Vtuoac. raosnonrat iu.nn to 12 a. m. and tot uua ti.JO to 7.30 i. m. Sunday, 2 to 3 in. I)K. W. E. AI l.EN. Ullicu cor. Lack J-7 wiinnaand Washington aVSS. 1 over Loon ai d shoe store) olhco hours, 10 to a. m. nnd to 4 p. ru. ; evouincs ut realdeneek GU N. w iiHliliiirton nve. lH.a i I Ki.V. 1'iucllr.u llllllUlll tu lliv J eaaea of tho Kye, Eur, Noho mid Throat oince, va Wyoianni uvj. si rem. Ucbidcnco, '!- Vina Dli. Lj.lt OATK& US Wanlnncton Avouii?. Ollko tiuura, S to D a.m.. l ot) to 3 mid I to R p.m. liosldrnco :m Madison nv na H'll.N U WKNXZ, M. I)., oillee. H and ( ominoinvmilth buildine: reaidenao 711 Madison arej niiice hours, loto is, z to t, 1 to R; Hiindavs' aO to 4. 1'vetilngs at ri'sidonca A speelnlty inado of illinun 's of tlio oyo, oor, noaa and throat SBS ttyneoolotry. I. A KtW. I M (1 BANUKU Law ami ivdkmtioi ut J . Ilco, No. 317 tihrilri. mt. ,,ni,..uiln Ki.r.Mit Honsa. Boras ton, 1-a.; n.lkrtiona a kpticlaltv throngnont Peniuqrlvsiiia; miiaLio corrimpond- m.U in evi ry ruunty. I brlSUfn i HA.sD, ' tt.it' . :,llll ( mltlH 'I. I lorn ut Law, WaubiiiiitoD avo. Cosnmonwaaltfa bnUdlngi W. II. .(;. .i i'. lltuiACK B. Hand. W. H, Jkksup. .Iil IV-II.I.AKI). WrAKHKM Sj KM API Vttor- iit'inairi i uut.M'ioi-K at Ljiw, HOD lmililiinr, Wu-ihiii.ton iivi-.. Haranuin. P uMicaa LtArTBUMMf A WlLcuX, Atloruoy aud 1 "iinbcUora at Law; olllcaal) and o Llbrurr Lulldiiyj. bcranton, Pa. RMwatn n. rArnnaoab Vt ll.M M A. WlU lix A I.I Itl.DII iNIJ V. II. 1. 1 AM .1 IIAMJ, At torii'iya and Colinutlloii. Couiiiioiiwcalta Imddlti l(.,.,m It'. -V and :l W '' M" LL, Alton.' v at Luiv.No.l'j and V V SI), Hill r luilldlnrf, Washliiirton aveune. HEN BY It. HKKLY U offliea in frico InrUdlng, UI Wsshlngtoo avsnae. PRANK 1 oKi.LU Alti.rnuy at Law. Iioorn . I "id Kxi )ian'. Si rojitun. Pa. MILIUM W LUWKY, ti ii. von stobi ii. Atty, toll av . ( IS snlnnsj II. wiuuro HK.-j W. OAKl oiilj, Attorii' V i.t Ua rooms SS, 84 and O, Uommonwaalth bTg. A1IUBL W. KDUaH. Attornei ai La. ottl.,.. tlT Soroos St.. Hcnuiton. l a. I a eA'fBJta. Attonwv at Lniv, tu Ijii-kawanna atin. 'i, r.-inton. Pa IJ K nstilH LoanMoT at Law. IrlBoO, A . rooms Sj. SS, SS Commnawaalth builillnit I ' It il li HBlt, A tt or nay at Law, Uior V. monwrqlttj luilloinu S"rantn. Pa. t- COM Ki . 1 .-) nl Strueo t I ll III., i.i.i, i.h. Atloit.iv i..mi.i mv ' t tlati"! on I'oul ihtt i-c-. tirlty.4iie Sprue-. L) r .KILLAM. Atloi .' V at l-a. Ia w'v NVrentoS. UAVB YOI U DBBtMi AM) MuHTOAUhH M. i wruivn r.t.:l ! k li 1 1 .1 H"l 'a ,i- J W hhowxiNii attornwy and Notary Public a imii"iiti '-alth I'.tnMititr Ol IP " tL or TILE LACKAWAB NA, hcr.n )J ton. Pa . pn pare boTS and stria forrolloirs or buainutts: thoroiii.-lily traliu vouna uhildrea LaUloKua at requmt. Rr.v. Tnr-MAs M CAn WALTKS H Biti.u MUln WOBCESTIB'S KUtDSBOABTEM and Frliool. 412 AdatOS STSnOS Pnp-.li rii-elv.-l at an timoa. Next tarvu wid open April V l) s u i ' i LA UllAi'li, Burgeon Liiuti, .V,, 113 "yoniina ara. 1 I. Alii N ..Hr l.i -h -n I l.ll.l.NN rpHK REPUBLIC Bevinga anl an Aiso- x iatio:, i..a ou n urnaM and pay yoo bottur on tuvestmuut th in any other aaMn-lition t'ai. n S. ,N. l Ai.Ll.N I ::. Pjm Hank btiiliLn '!.! Us. " li CLABS A CO.. twlsmen F. r sta VI. and N (tore lj WailaiiA.ii avenue: cr" n house,1330 North Main avi uoai itore telephone 7M TEAR. (ihAMi IN ION l i .Inn-, Hr tt 1KB ( RE i fOS KUETTKL) SwS Lackawanna avenn mantif'r i f Wire Screen ri NTT . Pi HOTELS AND RI ITAtTRAItTS 1 rrn UK WLM'MIXSTEB 217 SD Wycm are It..'i heated with steam: a.". cu! em itnprovetii'-nta M. i ki'HAM, i"ron V HE FLK CAFE. 1J ard UT Franslin aviv nue. Hatca roaaonahlo. P Ziigi an. IVoprletor. nkb'l'jilAbTKB HOI KU W. 0. BCaEirCX Manager. I '. h itreet, ena hlnck east nf i r. a. I way. at Union Square, Xew Yora. Amrriran p.an, tiUi p. r dar ai i npwart I H'V.NE BOUHE turepean plan, 'coo.1 V rivena, ilea day and nuihu Bar aup. plied wltu tba braL P ft. COYVK. Prorrletnr l i RAMTOM HOUSE, near i) U NV raw . ' Hirer di p.it Conducted nn thi European plan. VICToa K i'h Pr.-nrli-tor. ' KAMI CENTltAU ine I ordeal anil tiut eantptioi l ot", in AUontowu, rai ratoi I'.' and I-.jii pi'r day. V limit I' ManNre. Pn-rrteter. A NO H II KtiK I) A VI llnL I I. Ar.'Htt".ta R tn ii a-id r I .'iiiiiinnweallli t I'l'u Srran'on. I. WAI.il.Tt. Aichtt.ct Llkrary boiid i 1n. Wviiiliia avenuo. SViinton. I.. HP.OWX. A: h IV Ar.hit.vt. Price bunding. im aeStaSrren Ave.,Scranten. I Nl'KLI IKKOlia RCHKsTRA Ml' HVa ' If.-, i lit IDTliA Ml'Mi' FOB alia, plrnlos. laartiea. lOOOptlOOOi weil uiiik'. an I pomvit work furnlilimi. l or terms sdoress It .'. Ilnuer. eondtictor. 11 Wyoming SVO . over IlnllHtrt'a music ston. FT HinnS D SWAHT-s WIIOI.ESAI.R liiinber. and Dime l . tuildliia, Hcranton Pa I I UABUEK BROTH EW1 PKINTKUS I Mll'llll rBvatonsa pnpac oana twls 110 Woahingtou ave. Seranton, Worohunon Pa Ln Ti:-s l. IV I UY. lfvvl Ciiponae avenue. I Klrst class carrlac's D L 1 OOTE, Agt Funeral Dir. - lor and Kntbahncf. I.'UANK 1 l'UOWN , (- WIIOI.K I a. utle li nleia in WiMHlwaru. DovAaM ami nth. T'.ti W. Lackawanna avenue. trUtA riNN A si'Ns. liuilders and contrao J , tore Yards- Otrner Ollvnai and Adams ave : corner Ash at. and Petin ave.. Seranton. THE Thatcher IS THE Bi ST. Get prices and ico tho furnace and be eon vincod. A full line of HEAT ERS, Aitpallu and Qauze Door Bangs CONLAN'SHARDWARE PITTSTON FA. tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKi I AMERICA Bond or bring two of theso with Ten Cents,antl get one of photographs. Ten numbers CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Antbracito coal usod exclubivoly, insuring cleuultnciu and comforb Blfl TA 11 LIS IN EFFECT FEB. 1, LSSi Traine loavo Seranton for Pittston, W'llkiMv. Barro, etc., atA, B.I5, 11.30 a. m., 12.JU, 20 8..10, 4.011, 7.2."). 11.05 p. ui. tiunduya, D.00 a. ru.. 1.0(1, COO, 7.10 p. in. ' For Atlantic City, 8.10 a. m. For Now York, howurk und Elizabeth, P.U (Spreia) a. in., 12.30 (oxpross with Buffnt parlor carj, SSfj (cxprotuj p. m. Sunday, 2.0J p. rn. Foil Maitii Chunk, Am-entown. Betiii.ii hem, EAsTon and Piiiladeli'IUA, 8.10 a. m.. 12.110, 3.:, 5.00 fexcopt Philadolpiilai p. in, Hiiudny, 1 00 n. m. For Loan BRAaCB. Ocean QaOVB, etc., at 8.10 a. m., 12.:n)p. m. For IteiidniK, Lubar.on and Ilnrrlsburi?, vli Allcntown, o.lOa. rn,, 12.30, 5.00, p.m. Sunday, 2.iO p. m. tor Pottsville, 8.10 a. in.. 12.30 p m. Returning, Uavo Now York, foot of Liberty Street, North rivor, at 1.10 (nxpvss) a. in,, l.W, 1.30. 4.30 (express witli, Bullet parlor car) p. in. Bunday. .:) a. in ' Loavo Philnilolphla, Keadlng Terminal, 9.11 a. nv, 2.00 and t.:i p. m. Sunday, 0 27 a. in. 1 hroiiith tlckutH to all points at lowest ratoS may be had on anpllcatiou in advanoo to the ticket ageat at thi atatii.n. B. P. BALDWIN. J- n. OLHAI'SEN, "-' Agani Pan. Bant DELAWARE AND IIUD SON RAILROAD. Commencing May L'j. Irj, trains will run aa follows: Trains leave Bridge Btrset Htat'on. Bcranton. for Pitta. ton Wlllro. . ll...--.. .... ,in Sjf '.oT, B.ST, 10.43a. m., .110. M tSJ. 4.10, til, ui and ILSS p. m. For New York and Phlla- delnhia. 8 00 a. in.. 12.10. :.. S.18. 4.18 nnd Il.:i0n. m. For Honsedale (from Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot;, 7 00, 8.30, 10 10 a.m., ttJt ni .. 2. 17, 5. 10 p. m. For Cm boiidaln and inti rnu-dlata atatlorj, 5.40, 7 00, CO, lu.lOa. m , 12n0m.,2 17. 3.25,5 UL 0 2n and 0 35 it m ; from Bridge Street DeMt, 2.UI u. in.. I.uaad 11 .'S . m. Fast oxpn-HH to Albany. Saratoga, the Adl rondack MotuitalnH, Boston and New Erigliin-l po uts. 5.10 a in,, arriving at Albany 12. ti Saratoga 2 JO p. m , and leavinv Seranton a. 3 p. in., arriving at Albany at 8.5" p m., hara-toy.-i , j , m . ami Boston. ".) a. ta Tne only direct route between tha coalflMi and Boston. "Tho LiadliiK Tourisu' Rout of Anwrtea'1 to tho Adirondack Mountain re sorts. Lakes George and Champlaln, Montreal, Cte. Time tables sbowinir local and through train SSI rise between stations on all divisions Del, wre ami Hudson system, may b" obtained as all Delaware and Hudson ticket offi. es. a O. YOL'NO, J. W. BLKD1CK, Si-. o,i Vji n president Pen. I'a.s, Aift. L KHIU'.I VALLEY RAILROAD. i eh. ii. law, Train h-avea Skiraiitmi for Phllatelnhia and New York via. D A- H R R. at 8 in . :r.t0, 2.3" and 11 35 p. m via D , L. & W. B K . 6IA4, S.IK.ll.n) a.m.. and 1.30 p. in, l.-avi' s rn.ton for Pittston and Wr.kes Barre via D., L ft W. R. B, 6.00, 8.08, ll.aJ a. m , LSD, it.V). I 07, SJJ p. nv Loavo Seranton for Wnito Raven, Bazletoa, Pottiville and all rints on tbe Beaver Meulow and ftottavilia braiichoa. via E. 4 W. V., 40 a.m.. v.a D. & IL R R. at 8 a nv. 12.10, 2,3s. 4 18 p.m, via D.. L. & W. R. R., 6,'jO, ejti, 11. Si a in.. LSS, 3.-V) p.m Leave rv-ranton for Bethlehem. Easton. Reading, liarrlfbara and all intermedlaw points v:i D. A- H. R. It, 8 am .12.10. 1, 11.8 m ,.'iii, u a: w. a b,..'. Cj - oi u.-jj a. nv, B m. Leave Seranton forTui.khannock. Towan lv Elmira. Ithaca. O. neva and all intermodule I,.nts via I). A- II R R..' ' 7 a m..L21oand 1L39 p. in.. vu I) !.. & W. it K.. 0 a ml,'p. m. 1jvh S ranlon lr Rcheter. Buffalo. Ni agara Fa!.., Detroit. Ch'.eago and all potatv ittTiih ii 11 R. R. v.'J7 a.m..l2 10..15,UJS p m . vu 0. L. W. R. B and Pitutoi J-i:.cfon. sOt m., 1J0 i p. m, v.a E A W. R It.. 3.11 p. in. For Kfanlrn and the went via .Salamanou via h. , H K R .U7 a.nv. LilO.,15 p. nv. v.a D, L. W. K.U.. 06 a.m.. 1 Jl and S07 p m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trams between LSB. Junction or W: k Barr- :.r. S N w Y . Phli -Ipsla, Buffalo an 1 Snsts.nion Bridge RoLLIN H WILBUR, Oen Supt. Evt Dir. CHA8 S. LKB lien. Pass A t Ptili-.Pa. A. W N K X E M A CH E R. Aaa'l Q jn.Paaa Ag't. South B..ih.'h'--nv Pa. litUw.d'l, LAI KAWAM1 AND 11 n ESI F.ii HAD.Kt'AD Traina loavo Scrant n a f oil ": Exuisna foi New Yi rk and all pmuts Eaat. I SO. ISO, 6 1.', Mti and i' '.". a. m : 1! &i and 3 50 p. m. Exprvaa lur iXsion. Trenton. Philadelphia a: the S.uth, SIS, f.W and Mi a. m. : Ujl and i5l p. to. Wahinirton and war tatior.a, X V p. m, Tob) hanua ooevuiiuudation, ulu p. m. Expr as for Blnhamton, Oswego. E'.mira, Corning. Bath. Dai cm lie. MTint Xorru and Buffalo, VI 10. 2 15 a. m. and 1 4 p. m.. making i '.om- con: ivtions at Buffalo to all pjinta in taa Weat. Northweat aLd south weu P.a:b aocommodatiot:. I a m. Bicffhamton and way stations. LIST p. m." X n bolaon and way ataUona, 5 45 p. m. Nlckoaon a. '-.'niin.idaliou, al 4 p. SL and n m Plnfhamt.in ano Elmira Kipr. o 06 p. m, Eipretx for Cortland, syiaue. Oawoavk ' Utica and RlchfltU spring. Iu a. m. and i-iA p m. Ithaca. Zb and Bath : a. m. and li4 p. m lor Northumtcrland.Pittstcn. WiUea Rarra, Plymouth. Bioomahurg and Danville, miking cl.se connections at Sorthuniber'Jiu 1 for Willumfport, Harnabure, Baltimcra, Wash Irgt.n aim the South. - rthnmbrrlaao nd intermediate stationa eic. n ;m a. m anrt 1 Ju and aOT p. m. N .nt.. a a:.l i.terme-iiat'1 atatior.s. s at l Ili9i a m Plymouth and luteimanhlie station. 15.' and 8.Sjv. m. . i .n i arl. r and (.l.vping coachea on aU. exp isaS trams. for Swiailad information, pocaetum-taolss. tc . an iv to 51. 1- fuiitn, cnj ucin uuk La. kail anna avenue r depot itehoSotaoa. IIANTiIN IMT1SION. la SaTSoi Jaassri SSta, ISES, Nona Eniiiio Of 101 rn.-. Miulh Hound, I OS :'t I SO Ststlons . - a . ri rains 1'i-iv. r3- - - . - - y. ro pi hnnSay 7 3 a r a A 1 111 - Leave m rex Y Itanvilii s: ....I.... T3S 7 10 W est 4-.'r.d street ....I ..., TSS ?i) Vseehawken I I....1SOO r n'ArrtVa Lcavea m ... r u r S sin fsi TSl T4-'1 r s : 5 ; .v r ;t 1 iMiaik'cvk Junction (011 . i35 i 11 S4 1 31 ill 45) 1 54 .. n .1 114 3 l. 1 1 ii v iiM ii 4r 188 i li l ii Hancock e ce StailUht Preston Park Oaase Poy olt lie Hi latent nsoaaal Mt. u Bseadut Porset City s :h , altV . lis . S4l . u 45 . t. V. . tiai hti.vt . 11 M ii .' 1 1 .. 5 3i'll t i .1: not ,1 1 " t lute lit ld,-o 5lyili ia Jcrinj a Aulillnild Wit, ton lckMllo OlM'hanl Dtekaaa nrean pro ideaoe l ark Plain seranton .1 9 if 5 4 6 4NCr(lUO; SB 4.1'f.'- i"l . 6 4!' 5 --' 11 S8.S.1 5 14,11 IN UK' 511 fll5 SJ S iT .1 SI '.' 14s 3 54 i uRiuna : u its I 45 T 4l) ill i 8. a 51 T 13 ItlCS'S S . 1 :i .8 :5 set : 54 U IT 4lT TM 10 8 1 4 10 s ii 1" it 4 14 mis ut: 4 If ii 4 81 1 a Mra as "i n S8I MV ft IU 1 .v 15 4 V 11 IN II 15i II lit fS 1.' 11 v. 10 4 V'lll IO p a'r a! S'LeaVS Arrive Alfirnlns urn dally 1 cpt Sunday. I. slirnlilcs that trains slop on signal for pas "'aiIi'iIoiihI trains h ave Carbondalc for scran, ton 1.10 uud ii. 15 p. in . arrli lug at scrnuton 1.5S and T ti Leave seranton for Carbondalc 150 and s SO arriving at carlwudalc ut T SO and S.U n, bi. Heenre ratts via Ontario a Western before porchaslna' tickets and siivo money. Day and Eiiiii B 1 press to the west. J.C. Audomon, Gen. Pass. Agt. t. glttorutt. Dir. rasa, Agt. Scr anion, Pa. I7RIE ANIl WYuJUNU VALLEY RAIL 1'. KOAD Train, leave Seranton for Now York and In termediate points on tho Erlo railroad at tt.l a. 111. and It'-'t p m. Alao for Honosdale. Ilnwloy and local points at n 115, 9.45 a. m . and SS4 p.m. Ail tho alaiva are through traina to and from llonoadale. An additional trnin leaves Seranton for Lake Ariel at .i.ii p.m. and arrives at Scran-, ton from tho Lake at S 4(1 a m and 7.:ii p.m. Trnlns lonro for Wilkes Harro at 8.10 a. BV aud S4I p. 111. 1 ,v " ; COUPON no. sr. s 5 sea s coupons, differently nnmbcred, the series of sixteen munificent now ready. Mail ordors,l!c. extra. s ..l.llllllls.lll.lllW