The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 19, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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Fuat.isnxn nAit.r in suaanTOX, Pa-
Jw York Omoi: Tuinosa BoiLniwo,
FltANK S. GllAY, MavA.ikil
tnlrrtd at th roifoJTfce of .Skranfon, Pa,
fterntid-C.'au Mail Matter.
SCR ANTON. MAY 19, 1804.
Inteukktimi 1'KKSOSAI, and aoolal
mention will be found thit uiorniiion
jiAK Ave. Thin are local aotivltiei
of more value than crimes aud scan
dals, ami this journal proposes to do
its share toward reporting them
The Blue Law Problem.
One of tuo issues which will com
bafore the next loKislatitre for serious
aetiou will be an effort to rnoderui.e
the spirit us well an the verbiage of the
present Sunday o'nserTHnee lav.- of
1704. It is olaimed by many persons,
the great majority of whom are con
scientious, dinoere and well-meaninn,
that the enforcement of theao lawn, to
the full measura of their letter, was
never more necessary than now. Is
their portion found? Is it in accord
with the general teaching and drift of
common souse, or is it an
view, made reineotabie onlv
extreme i
because :
the person! who share It command our
respeoU Without indulging In tho
language of exiif gerntinn or permitting
prejudice lo wny the judgment, what
it the true fnnetion of the atate with
reference to the protection of the
OariatUn Sabbath from desecration?
Hue it any right, under our form of
government, to consider the sectarian
or even the religious siguilieauce of ono
K'.ven weekly rest day, ni opposed to
nuy other? That is to say, is Its inter
ference in tho securing of a proper ob
saryance of Sunday due to theological
reasons, or is It 4ue to the single idea
if ' the grentest good to the greatest
In this country church and state aro
utterly divorced. Our political theory
does not exalt one creed or class or
failh at tho expense of another. It
racog nil M ailiiantM 'tjual units, and
it strives to secure the bast resnlta for
the greatest number of those units. In
the state of Pennsylvania it is nur
opinion that a goodly majority of hon
est citi.fus wish the fret day of the
week, commonly called Suuday, to be
observed as a day freed so far as prac
ticable from the noises, distractions
and anxieties of ordinary secular pur
suite. Thie, to our view, le the com
mon sens of the thing. We do not,
frcm choice, recognize religious dis
tinctions in our laws, and, therefore,
the purely religious aspects of the first
day of the week become nueetiona for
individual consideration. Theeectar
lan who may wish to worship on a Sat
urday or a Monday has abundant privi
lege to do so; but the very fact that he
is accorded such uncurtailed liberty is
a convincing reason why, in return, he
should be equally considerate of his
fellow citiz-us who ehooie Suuday ae
their worship day,
The Sunday lawa of 179-1. which it is
proposed to revive in thie community,
belonged to a time and were formu
lated by men who did not recognize
the modern possibilities, who could
not foresee, in fact, the modern demon
stration of complete civil and religious
liberty To them religion, as inter
preted in the eevere exaotioni of a ier
eecuted eect, was the highest aim; anl
to further that aim tbey did not
temple to persecute as they had been
pereecnted, and even to take human
life, as their lives had once been taken
Laws frame! in snch an atmosphere,
laws worded under eueh conditione are
liot fit laws to apply unreservedly to
the. wholly different conditions of to
day. In the nature of thinga they
mnat b narrow and intenae. They
cannot be, and they cannot lie con
strued to be, broad, liberal and in touch
with the wide fellowship prevalent to
day among all races, classes and creeds.
Is it nowadays eesential to tha reason
able aad proper observance of Sunday
that we should go back for our modele
to the obsolete ttandardt of a wholly
dissimilar state of society? Is the in
telligenoe or 1-91 so faulty that It must
wear the intellectual cocked hat and
carry the severe visage of oua hundred
years ago?
In our opinion, no. Thar is a right
way to go at thie thing.and thero ie alto
h wrong way. Some of nt are pursuing
the wrong way. Somo of us are doing
work that it meant to be good, but that
evrntnatet at bad. The mission of
legislation, in a republic, ie to protect
the fair majority in their ressonabl
right. We believe that u majority of
person in Pennsylvania ol intelligent
parsons, of good citizens -want to rest
on the first day of the week. Some of
than want to worship on that day and
some do not; but all want to rest.
They do not want to bo disturbed by
business carts, either of their own
or of their neighbors. The will of
the mejority ahoull prevail iu this mat
ter, business should be generally eut
pended. Secular pursuit ahould caaae.
The din of traffic and the annoyances
of piping activity should take one day
off. lint that is all. There should ba
no petty oompuleions on the part of a
minority. No coterie of men shall say
to what church tha publio must go,
what food tbey mutt eat or what re
freshments thy mutt drink. Tho will
of the majority, so far a it may prop
erly eeak expreaaion In law, will have
been subserved when tho desired sus
pension of annoyiug activitiee aud em
ployments thall have been achieved.
All things beyond that enter the do
main of individual option, and are to
be regulated apart from the statute
bookt of thit commonwealth.
It nlvkk rains but It pours. No
eaoner had that ngly sugar truat scan
dal been unmasked than the Demo
cratic majority in the senate announced
that two of their number had been
offered bribes not to vote for the pend
ing tariff bill. They have forgotten
most of the cironrustanoes of the trans
action; do not know who tba would-be
briber tepreaented, nor whether he waa
talking seriously, But their lofty vir
tus revolts at the very idea of the thing
and ,'tiey want aatlsfaiAiou. As an of-
set to the saccharino syndicate dis
closure, this little iucident is scarcely
a complete aiicceas; but as indicating
the proneuessof the Democracy to make
Itself ridiculous, it is not without
strong points.
TBI Democratic party seems provi
dentially adept in invariably, at crit
ical moments, ranking a fool of itself.
Notwithstanding the local preva
lence IhsI mouth in 150 cases of one
or mere of four contagions disensss
which, when malignant, often prove
fatal, the April death rate of 185
is moderate and indicates that
Scrsiiton is in an excellent san
itary oondltiou. Commendable vig
ilance is being manifested ,in the
protection of the public health, and if
individual caution wore on a corres
ponding plane of watchfulness, the
vital statistics of May would be even
more encoursglng.
Tub EToNOBABMI Kppa Huuton, a
senator from Virginia, i.-i mad because
an ' unknown mau" trl"d to bribe him
and madder still became the man is
yet unknown.
6cr.inlon's Good Opportunity.
The fact that as many as seven large
industries are in communication with
Ike manufacturers' committee of the
local board of trade, with a view of
effecting a transfer of plants ta Scran -
ton, is indicative of a hopeful feeling
in the world of business. Industries
ooee anchored do net underco the
many expenses of removal without con
siderable assurance that their trade
will thereby be tnftleiently Increased to
warrant the outlay , or that expenses
may b suftleiently reduood: or both.
Unless there were general faith among
the shrewd men who conduct these in dustries
that the Amerioan people have
already virtually recovered from their
free trtds spasm, and faith, also, that
when the threat ol hurtful and vicious
tiriff legislation at Washington is
lifted from the indastnal situation in
this country business will revive in all
directions and tiade take on a new
lss of steady and profitable life, they
would not now be desirous, under
of the temporary depression, to make
chnnges in sites so as to be better pre
pared than ever before to meet the re
vival in demand which all believe is
soon inevitable.
These inquiries, therefore, betoken a
healthy etale of commercial confidence
and point strongly to the need at tins
time of a vigorous presentation of
Scrunton's snperior claima as a city for
manufactures. The next few month"
will be moving time among the fac
tones and mills of our land. With
works closed or running listlessly on
fractional time, those Industries not
at present giving satisfaction to their
j proprietore may be transferred with
uncommon eaee and economy to loca
tions offering bttr chaneet for profit
able and continuous activity If not
transferred now, while times are slack
and available labor abundant, many ol
these plante will not be transferred at
nil, and the local advantage of inoro
diversified indnstries, which all cran
toniant concede, would virtually be
lost through indifference.
Very fortunately the hoard of trade,
through lis various ofllcials and com
mittees, Is alive to thie opportunity
and will improve it to the utmost
uieature of their popular support. The
hearty co-operation of the business in
terests of the city is essential to pro
gress in this direction. There will, as
before, ha etock to buy, land to donate
and subscriptions to make. I'nless
Scruntonlans offer this material kind
of encouragement It will be useless to
expend a great deal of energy In ad
vertising the city aud In soliciting ne
gotiationt with site eeokers when it it
foreeeen that nothing taugibls would
be likely toreenlt therefrom, of all
tini"t In the history of onr progressive
city this is the one time when some of
the old-time snap, energy and unwav
ering self confidence that made Boran
ton what it now is, would go fart heat
and accomplish most in the tstanaloo
of our material reaoutcee and ia t'ae
broadening of the foundatione upon
whloh our growing community rests
To HISTORIANS It is interesting to re
fleot that the contemporary suocessor
of those fleree-lippsd comniandera of
the Moslem faithful who, in olden
time, need almost to chew pious Corie
tian 'ruasd'ir alive, hat Just granted
bit grscions permission to the t'alns
tlne Kxploratlnn soeiety of London to
prosecute at will prolonged irobasolog
leal Inquiries among the i inns of old
Jernsaleni, ("Ivilir. itinn has tamed th
Presbytor iuns In Session.
In the sense that distinguishes a nov
alty, the s . called Prlggs heresy has
spent its force and lost ground. Those
who arranges! themselves In the Ilrlggs
line chiefly because it gave them the
appearance of boing "sctentili :." and
of being "advance guards" have sub
aided into their normal common plaot
aud th real battle I waging quietly,
amid spiritual pain. The general at
aembly today In session at Saratoga
la distinctly a conservative gathering,
proceeding slowly, moderately and in a
becoming calm of temper and soul.
The selection day before yeiterday of
Rev. Dr. Mntehmore, of Philadelphia,
as moderator waa ooneplnnonsly a vie -tory
of the old aohool forces. Dr.
Mutobraoro, both as an individual
preacher and teacher, find nt editor of
the Presbyterian, baa ootabatled power
fully the new belief that Scriptural in
spiration ia a llsxible standard of faith.
No Briggt candidate was proposed, but
none, it is said. could have boeu elected
in aay event. Tula general assembly
will doubtles move along to its decision
without the exciting aoenes that
characterized the latt two assemblies of
this denomination; bat Ilrlggs must
yield or else withdraw to more con genial
organization. This la the band
writing that illuminate the walL
And. after all, why not? Why should
ba aeek to alter a denominational strno
ture that would lose its corner stone
with it concession of hia point? Wonld
it not more directly conduce to his own
comfort and to the promotion of truth
were he to accept the obvious logic of
the situation, mid depart, with his fol
lowing, into freer theological binds?
The trend of the times is awsy froui
dogmatism and In the direction of 111 -ertl
unity. But even the championship
of an advanced tenet may be made of
fensively dogmatlo; and It is the opin
ion of many persons that Dr. Briggs
has curried liruiness to tho point of ob
stinacy when he has Bought to fasten
upon Presbyterlanisui, as an Integral
part of l'reHuyieriauisui, teachius
which Preibjrteriaaiim as a seat has
explicitly and repeatedly disavowed.
The world of tuonglit and faith is too
large to justify suon extreme persistence.
It n
BURPRI8INQ that so c.iro-
fully edited
the utmost
of crediting
My Lover Snid,
have seen this
a newspaper as the
Press should mxke
inexcusable mistake
the poem, "What
' to Klchurd Kialf. Wo
exijuisite verse bully
treated in more way than one; but
that was in uuld lang syne. Nowadays,
the real author, beyond all porudven-
turnre, is known tube Homer Greene,
the brilliant Hones. isle lawyer, liter
uttiro and man of affairs.
SlNCB Ma JOB IfoDoWKLL has rinchd
n state of placid resignation with rjf
eronce to the rapidly growing Huff
boom for congresiman-abOarge, every
stumbling block appear to have been
removed from tho pathway of General
Harmony leading to next Wed aesduy's
Republican convention.
Ani now comes the medical discov
ery that appendicitis is an after conae
qaeno of the grip There are IhOM
who had already know!: it was intim
ately related to the gripe
Tin: OPINION of most disinterested
persons seems to be that the Mate IIass
llnll league management ItlofferlOg at
present from u levere attack of hobi
ism xrFfles
Grave and Gay.
ou may talk about youreditors who sit in
easy chairs
And fry to hohs the whole niadmie and
put 00 lots of airs,
And seek lo make the people tbluk it's
what they have tC nay
That keeps the business on the move and
makes the paper pay;
Hut don't yon never think it for the whole
truth simply Is
The editor's not in It with that huge con
ceit of his.
Kor tnere's onlv one essential iu the
newspaper plan
Sucre. alone depend apoa tb adyettle
lag man.
The men who edit telegraph end writs the
local stuff
Within the HttM fi.-lds they till may
answer right enough;
The sporting and dramatic men noil -ins,.
fry such as those.
Who gobble all tba itusis and who visit
all thu shows;
Aud likewise, t..o, the poets, who Insist
they iinint reherse
The llmpl things they have to ssy In
blind and hailing verse.
Thry. one and all, hnve uudcrstmsl since
Papers tint becan.
That tliev were mere assistants to the ad
vertising nun
Tis true tba advertising man has naught to
do hut talk.
Yet he's the one who. after all. irmits
I he gl. al to walk.
For w hlle the editors their pens iu trashy
stuff MMM
He toils uu something worth the while
the n.lverti.iing page.
Aud if you'll but Investigate sufficiently
ou ii iiini
He wurks mire men and hours than the
other all Combined
To li i tn be) ioh tint victor's crown--thls
brave catch a catch-can.
Ke. n, motiev getting, buslurss booming:
advertising man.
Nixon Watkhma
KM 01 rut ..ktii noUtj
Iu the gloaming. my daibng.
v. here the r.ignts are en months long,
If I tav till midnurht, darling,
Would you think that It waa long '
Would yon work the old gags on iw '
WoOul you murmur soft and low.
That I would be laie for breakfast.
Or the c loca waa all weeks 'low '
- Is fruit t'rrt Press,
home one with considerable hsr.l -ense
advites "AdveTti! If y .ur business is
not worth advertising, advertise it for
sale '1 hi- la something that merchants
wbo are notl la the bant of adveitismg
should think about. Tba aid fanhlonwl
notion thai everybidy who you
are, where you nre and what yon have fur
tale is forever played out. cA.iue.
Me and my wife, my aon John and his
Wife, us four and no more, must he pro
tected bl a tariff, ami the higher the bet
ter is the Democratic weaning of tariff re-
form, as exemplified by tha measure now
bwtntr forced ll.ioiigh the senate. r'rrniA -
..rf Srmn.
Hcrsnton may lie said to owe much of
lis proaperltv to local iMiihllng and law a
sociations. Not the kind that tnk your
money i. way lo ot her states, but the kind
that are purely local. WUk4$lUtm
"Judge, your honor, I didn't at-al this
man's coi net. Indeed I didn't," pleaded
the prisoner, "I bougbl It from him. You
know me better than that, Judge; I live
In the same hi. ck with you-"
" li, you do?" laid the judge. "Five
years. ( all the next case " huttHMfOtii
IS THK allAfiK
"Bluffen seems different from what he
used to." remarked u muu on I'' street.
"In what way?"
"lie was one so sell -reliant a id boast
ful. One of the people, fell know, who
scion to know it ell."
"( ill, lie s had that taken out of Inui."
"His sou, aged 21, ia homo from college."
M'liWtiNofuii .S'for.
Good night'' nir no; the hour la ill
Which levers those it should unite;
Lai us remain together mil,
Thau It will bo good-night.
How can 1 call the lone night good,
Though thy awaat wishes wing Its flight?
lie ii not talu, though understood,
That it will be goo l-nlght.
To hearts which near ech other move
1 1 ei entng clou to morning light.
The night is good; because, my love.
They never sav good-night.
The United States senate has boen hyp
notized by the great trusts. It has won
all the other tinsts and lost that of the
people. Hxtthvitlr. Kcpuliliean.
There Is something more than a vague
suspicion that the Coxeyltes are iu train
ing for the next Democratic congress,
should there ever be one. M ort'on t'aron
ieti The tariff tinkering should stop and let
the people right the oxisting depression
upon tbo old schedule that brought pros
perity to every Industry. Mekmeiid fade
pendent. He goes forth with good spirits,
To angh, his wish:
Ho come back heavy Loaded
But not with fish.
Alliums City Journal.
THERE is but one
way in the world to be sure
of having the best paint, and that
is to use only a well-established
brand of strictly pure white lead,
pure linseed oil, anil pure colors.
The following brands are stand
ard, "Old Dutch" process, and are
always absolutely
Strictly Pure
White Lead
"Atlantic," "Eoymer-Bauman,"
"Jcwctt," "Davis-Chambers,'
"Fahnontock," "Armstrong & McKelvy."
If you want colored paint, tint
any tin; above strictly pure leads
with National Lead Co.'s Pure
White .cad Tinting Colors.
Tha e ol 1 1 are s.M In oaepeund caae, each
can being ftufai lent la I let ..5 poaadi 01 Strictly
Pare White Lead the desired; levy re bi
no s. use ready-mixed palala,butacoBUMaatiQti
ai perfectly pure colors in the hsndlstl form to
tint Btrictl Pure wiute Lead,
Band us a postal card and get our book on
paints and . ol. 1 -t or J. lice.
Hill Sc
131 and 133
N. Washington Ave.
Large Stock
Bottom Prices
& Co.
Meat Market
The Finest io the City
Tho latest Iniprovad fnr
nlsMriKi ml apparatus for
kplng msat, tmttnr and agga
KH3 W filming Att.
Qualified Veterinary Surgeon,
Ovur Thirty Warn' Kiiieriunco
Practical Shoeing
(Irailuato of the Anierh in VMariMlf
Tba traatttant ol LAMKXB81 smi uth.-r lm
I'viMim nt m Iu th inovi'inntiti of hnriiort
.'viry sfterniK.ii.
Lama sndelok unlrr.aU cxainlwul ami pro
scribed for lro of i hsrge every Monday from
I 10 IP It
Rl I iF tinning and solderlm: all doim away
withbv tbsBsaol hautmanh "AT-
t-.V" PAlNT, which uoimlxt oT mgrcd! Dta
roll known toad It run b apollud to tin.
salvKiiizod tin, Hti.wt Iron roofs, aiao to brink
dwIHnvi which will prurani almolutalv any
oranbUAiii oraoktaf 01 laraaalM of tha
hi 11 k It wld ontlaxt llnetng of any kind by
innnv paara.Md It'aooal does) no atosad on-
tmh that.. Ii.. coat of tinning Ia Bold by
the joli or p.. mi l f mtrarl taken by
v. ii.Mo 11 vhijiiw Birch at.
WANT a Piano or Organ Cheap?
An nxtra fln.i Ilonry P. Mlllor Byuaro
I hum $171
Aa 'Xtrn 1m i lii. ici.rlnB"Squaro Piano 17ft
A Rood llaltifH Hrotliitrs Sqoara I'lnno... UK)
A Koo.l Moynr llroihora Mpiaro Piano..., IS)
A Hood Klrth & Pond Scuinro Piano , T5
A u- I I'iiiphouiu Uiuar.' Piano 60
A v.. rv MM BOStoO Piano DO. Waltiat
aprfgfii 190
A vory g.Kxl Whoflock I'prlglit Piano. . IW)
A vory iiood Whoelock Uprlglit Plauo. . 130
Thirty-six Inches
Finished Laundry and fast Color
Are the special points contained in every one of the Shirts that
you know see in our window for Men and Boys at 49c.
Genuine Balbriggan Two-threaded, Maco Yarn, Pearl Buttons
in Shirts, with ribbed tails.
Drawers with extension strap backs, patent cuffs and sus
pender loops, only 49c.
The Record Broken
Swivel, Clipped and Bourette Scotch Ginghams, never be
fore less than 35 cents. Special sale of only about
40 Pieces at 20 Cents
Don't miss one of the best things that we have ever offered
in Fine Wash Dress Goods They cannot last long at this price.
In Cloak and Suit Dept.
Fine Tailor-made Jackets at Half Price. Beautiful Imported Capes at Half Price.
Ladies' Duck Suits.neat patterns, at $1.98. Ladies' House Wrappers, 59 cents.
With the New Valves
Out of Sight
Our new l'.icvcles art now
to be seen at our 14 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Hoys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
I Ui
814 Lacka. Ave.
Fountain Pens
Fountain Tens
Fountain Pens
A Guaranteed Foun
tain Pen, regular
price $1.50, for
98 Cents
Reynolds Bros.
Stationer and EnnrAveri.
Dr. Hill & Son
fat loJKl: best sat, $: for (told caps
and teath without platoa, called crown and
bridge work, call for prloea and referooewe.
TOKALOIA. tor extraotlnj teoth without
palo. No ether. Mo gaa.
A vary sood Shonlnser Upright Piano.. 126
A Mason naralln.nearly now.hlgh top,
donblo rend "0
An A. R Cbiiso, nonrly naw, high top,
donblo rood 76
A Chli-ago Cottago.nonrly now, high top,
donblo raad W
A Worcestar, nearly new, high top,
double rood ''"
iiiLLinmuu. unu
and Organs at Wholesale and Ketail, on InsUUuients.
Long, Ivory.
224 Spruce St, Op. Tribune Office. i.utA
WF. ofTi-r tha fln"t line of WIimuIm ot nil fr.If nd gn.irar.t. every mwhlr."
I I'ur.'buiiirn taught Jo rul.) rfM of ctutrv CaU for rjttsl .ff-Je.
'l'ti .-vi'iilnif ?pii'ittl iwtrifniiis In ter -
The Alaska Refrigerator
As well made inside as out.
Made for economy and made to last.
Pjrjr 1 ot
The best is none too
good. Ours are 18-k.
All sizes and weights.
423 Lackawanna Avo.
Another Advocate of
(IKNT1.IIM N It aflorda m s;rat
UaaM to stals that your MW prswasi
uf rilrartlnic l'tb a a itran.l aiiroesa In
mv eaa. . and 1 l.rai tlly r..oomi.i.uid It to
all. 1 bopo that othiia will
ttsl Ita ilirrlla.
Vnura reaprtfnlly.
CAI'T. BElTAUti Scrnnlon, la
Henood k Wardell,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
Will on and aftor Msv 11
ti i m tho prlcoa of plaUw. AU worn g"
anteoi nrst-clasa in ayary particular.
A Standard, naarly now.hlgh top,donblo
A bluiulngor, noarly now, higli top,
donblo rood
And about 20 othor good second hand or
gans, if:: . to (HO.
Tho nbovo oolleotlon of Second hand Insni
mm lib nr.. all In good ordor, fully guaran
teed, tho groateat liargains ever offered In
tin. city. Call and aoe thorn. Installments
or disoonnt for oash.
nd lm:i'l wIvM
Globe Shoe Store j
Evans & Powell S
A liniitoil Dombu of tho nbore
bonda nrf lor salo nt pur anil ac
orrjfd iiiti'rost by tho (bllowlng
parties, lroin whom oopiM of tho
niortpvpo anil full inforinatiou can
ho olitaineil:
EL W. ilullijran, Cashier Second
National Hank, Wilkes-Harro, Jfe,
W. L. Watson, Cashier First Na
tional Hank, Pittston, Pa.
J. L. PolflOj Cashier People's
Savings Bank, Pittston, I'l.
A. A. Thy den, President Minors'
Saving Hank, Pittston, Pa.
Aud by tho Scrauton Savings
Hank aud Trust Coiupauy,Truatoe
under tho Mortgage.
T. E Atherton, Counsel,
InserUd in THIS TRIBUNE ai U
lata of ONE CENT A WORD.