The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 19, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Ul Tilings Musical
134 Wyoming Ave.
See the Shaw Piano from
the World's Fair in our
A Foe to Dyspepsia
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston MID Co,
Punch Cigars
G. B. &
m leah C'H'
Garaey, Brown & Co. Mix's.
DR. H.
M l I VI 1ST.
IL'nder this headinir sh'.rt leMMef interest
will b. ;ii;U: !.el wtu-n aci:oMan:-il, f..r uuV
Ucatioi., ! the writer r.anw. T.itTBILl NE
win not t aeM responsible for opinions here
Hynm 1
Sanday Closing-.
To the Friend of the Subbstii la Scran
ton: Six dsvs f r labor and one day for rest,
that '.a 1 be issue. Let It be fairly staled,
and there cau be no div.siou aiooug tbe
lest ritiz-nsbip of Scrantou.
there i a louk in the dyke. The Hab-
batb 1 rotection committee stands i i 1 ling
ii. ijeyouu question tn isw or ii'.H is th
only O' li-nn: of tbe pr.sent against tbe
coutiiier'Hl Sunday in this city. To lot
out tin- Hood by conceding tbe point ic
dispute involves much. In tbe Hood are
tbrsu inuri.siient-, viz.: unrestricted sale
ana aelivory ot ail necessaries of life on
Sunday im p-.s li.i.r.., of extending tbe
t.iiLe without limitation; soda fountains
in every place iu full blnst: tbe corner
fruit stands and several hundred small
shops, now closed, re-opened: Sunday con
certs in tb parks a:;d tbeateis; more
noisn from the newsboys and bootblacks;
photograph gallenes aud barber sbotw
open khiii; ball ijsmen iu every suburb;
Sunday excursions; it good excuse for the
saloons to defy the law; a pretext for tbe
courta to say, "We aro jwerles;" our
puncipal tborougbfurea as full of idle and
dissolute promenaders on baboalh even
liifrns on any circus dny; full license to the
hawker- of s'anMs and beverage; a holi
day instead oi the dny instltuied ofdod
lor mail's Lei.etU ami sanctified in order to
be iierpetUBi; the workingnian's rest dny
in jeopardy; infidelity running away with
the ( IrittiU faith, and the Christian
mini-ter sneered at and im wanted ; the
church wterBlnedi the foundations of
society UMWg us sapped and broken, and
ur t.olitical life peimenteil with rotten
Dess. In tLe laugiiugo of Martin Luther,
"Hero we stunil; w e can do no other Hod
help us." What say the people? The
committee asks three things, viz,:
first. To all Christians: Let us see our
delves us others wo us. Desist from every
practice and usage iu the home economy
that calls for infringement upon the Hub
tiuth of another, except from necessity
Justified by thu laws of tie- state and the.
spirit of tbe fourth coiwnaudiueut. and
begin today,
Second, To all pastors and priests:
Preach and pray for whilom and firmness
In thu present struggle. I'ress the matter
upon the people from the Christian stand
point. And sond one business man, Inter
ested in saving tho Sabbath, from each
congregation throughout the city to aeon-
lereuco or Dullness mon to be held at
iouug Men's Christian Association hall,
Friday evening, May i!5, at 8 o'clock.
Third, To business mon: You are asked
to continue Sunday closing, oud assured
that those who dofy the law shall answer
to tho law.
Your committee will meet every re
sponsibility if sustained by Christian
eentlmout and o-oporation. If from any
cause these are warning wo shall hand
back the trust you gave to up, conscious
that the fault Is not oura.
By the committee,
.'.A' DoNY Chairman.
Scranton, May Is, Ism.
Mothers! Motberall Mother 111
Mrs. Window's Boothiug Svmp has been
nsed for over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while toetblns
with perfect succoss. It soothes the child'
softens the gums, allays all pain; cure's
wind colic, and is the best remedy for di
arrhoea. Sold by di nggists iu every part
of tho world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs
Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no
soother kind. Twenty-five cents a bot
tle. Muslo Boxes Exclusively.
Best made. Play any desired number of
tones. Gautscbi & Sons., manufacturers
)J8U Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orrhestrial organs, only 15 and $10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes. '
Traction Company to Connect Its Lacka
wanna Avenue Hill Lino,
Fato of a Polish Laborer in the Hamp
ton Mine Crushed Under Falling
Rock-A Call Extended to Rev. R.
R. Davies, of Sandusky. O. Will
iam Norton, of Eynon Street, Has
a Foot Crushed.
The West Side office of the BOBAMTOM
1 huh: nk is located at 1010 Jackson street,
where subscriptions, advertisements and
communications will receive prompt at
tention. Tho Scranton Traction cnoipuny lins
been gKvn the right to lay tho con
necting curves on West Lackawanna,
avenno at the junction with Ninth
street, nnd nlso at tho corner of .Main
avenue. A part of the ratle have al
randy been placed ready for laying. An
arrangement will be placed on tbe rails
so that the car cannot slide backwards
The roinpuny proposes to lay n double
track from Franklin avenue to Ninth
street this summer
A FoUnder KilUd.
A Polnndsi whose numo could not
be obtained was instantly killed by a
fall of rock at the Hampton mine yes
terday. The nnfortuuato man was em
ployed i;s a laborer for George Sgitu
melpfiDnltk, who had tired a shut, the
concussion of which removed a prop,
loosening the rock overhead, which
fell without warning, striking lbs de
ceased Oil the heud and shoulders, kill
inc him instantly. lie was removal
to Cedar avenue, where I'udertaker M.
F. Wymbl prepared tho body for
Told in a Few Lines.
At n recent meeting of tue inotnbsrH
of the Ply month Congregational
church, it was decided to request Her.
K. K. Davits, of Sandusky, O.iio, to
fill tbe church for the coming six
months. A call to pastorate was sent
to him, but he stated that he would
uot do so just now They will try atid
procure hitu for some months, how
ever, nnd hope that within that t i iu .
he will reconsider Ills refusal.
John Slavitzun, of Price street, was
injurd in the Unabin uiiue on Thurs
day. Mrs Hannah Jones, of Washburn
street, very is ill.
Thomas F.v.ins. of New York, has re
turned from a visit with friends here
William Norton, of Eynon strnet, re
ceived a badly crushed foot by a fall of
coal iu the Central mines Thim lay.
The del ate nt the Welsh Philosophi
cal society this evening will ho: "K
solved, ; h coal in tbe earth is not
composed of decayed vegetation." Af
firmative, Ejeiiizer P. Davies, nega
tive, Evau P Davies. Duvid VV Mor
gun will speak on the topic, 'I' There
such a Thing ui Latent Light-?'' One
week tonight the society wilt adjourn
for the snmtner months.
Kail farrier Waller McNicholas has
returned from Wl'kisHsrre.
The Hyde t'ark Literary and Debat
ing socle'.)- will meet Monday evening
in the Welsh l'hilosopnical room its
s ssien will close for the summer on
Miy 19 with a special pr gramme
The SI in Mine Acci Untal fund will
run aii excursion to t'arviewnn Jane 7
The VV.ishhurn Street Presbyterian
chorea ssrvicos will be bald In Bt,
David's hall on North Main avenue at
11) 80 a. m and 7 ilO p. in. Hible school
nt 1.' DOM, Christian Endeavor Jiiaior
at 4 o'clock. Y jUii;: People at 0.10 p.
m tomorrow.
The shooting of a dog, whicn wss at
tacked with a fit of i. :: i .
laro crowd together at Mum avenue
and Jachson street ltst evening. Lien
tenaot of Police Williams dispatched
tbe canine.
Stephen Allen is feling better, and
it is thought that the operation which
was performed a few days ago will
length -n the years of one of Dunmoro's
oldest rsi loots.
M. C. (irady, who w is assistant post
Master during Miss II Mooney's term,
was deposed by Postmaster UcDooaM
on Ihursday. ills position will bo
filled by Miss Ella, Postmaster McDon
ald's sister. During Mr (Irady's offl
clal career he has always benn court
eons to those who came iu contact with
hitu and Lncle Ham's mail has been
handled with unsurpassed dillgsnce
and dispatch.
H" quits his place with the highest
recommendations of Miss Muoney the
postmistress an I tho presont post
mas'.er, Frank McDonald.
I'irry Dolph, the bor mgh's ugsil and
raiimm gnar-iian or t&o peace, was
ronghly baudled by one whom he had
summoned to appaar before the squire
on Tburslav. John Lavln committed
the deed. Mr. Dolph was arm M with
the suinmona arid proceeded to nontf
it. He was met by Lavin s mother and
sat down to await thoiirrlval of Lavin
Ihe vonng man s father entered the
room, and thinking be was the man
required be commenced reading th
paper, when youug Lavin came up
lotiina mm and dealt him a torrlll
blow ucross the buck of the head
with a ponderous club. Mr. Dolph is,
however, of sturdy old slock, and the
blow did not knock him insensible and
he wrenched the club from his assail
ant and defended himself. A warrant
was issued bv Squire Cooiuy uud Lwin
placed under arrest, At tbe hearing
last tilght he was placed under I.VIU
nan to appear at court.
L.etture, green peas, plno npples for
canning at Palmer's.
The people of the North End. irre
spective of pnrly affiliation!, are anx
idus to see Alexander Simpso i reoaivu
too nomination for county treasurer.
Mr. Simpson is decidedly a strong man
as far as this part,of the city is con
cerned. Snnday school class, No. 10. of the
North Main Avonuo Methodist Episco-
Eal church, will run an excursion to
ako Aiiel on Jane 19
Tho Father W bitty Dramatis com
pany will produce the "Confidential
Clerk" a Muslo Hall. Scrantou, on thu
evening of May 80, Decoration Day,
for the benefit of Looul Assembly, No.
15, Knights of Labor.
Will Taks Fossssaion of Club House on
Juno 5.
Members of tbe Lake Underwood
Ni m rod club are engaged in prepara
tions for the coming piscatorial sea
son, and as oarly us June 5 u number
of numbers and. guests from this city
will enscoco tbemselvoa for n few
days at the clnb boose at Lake Undei
wood. Tbe lake abounds with lake tront,
land-locked salmon, wall-eyed pike,
pickerel and peroh, a variety to satisfy
the most fastidious Wultouese.
The officers of tbe olob ure: J. D.
Stooker, Jenny n, president; Henry
Siebocker, vice president; Fred J. Wid
mayor, treasnrer; S. Y. Cook, Jermyn,
secretary. Carbondale, Scranton and
Jermyn business men compose the
Eotbuiiasllc Audteno Witness
Prnduotlon of Beacon Llirhts.
An enthusiastic audience greoted
MibH Minnie Uhster an i company at
the Academy of Music last evening,
''Beucon Lights," a typical western
play, was presented. Twenty mou of
companp D, Thirteenth regiment, par
ticipated in a tiibleax scene at thu end
of tho third not.
The charaoter danoing of Mlia Litter
and Frank McNish's negro spicialtios
wore warmly appreciated,
This nftiruoon "Fanchon the
Cricket," will be presented and every
child will receive a useful present free
The price is lOoenti to nil parts of tho
house. Tho bill for lonight is "Jack
Shepherd," iu which Miss L'istor ban
appeared over BOO limes.
Mies Letter and company will be ut
the Academy all of next week ami will
give matlneei every day except Mon
day and Tuesday.
He Llugsred Aftm Beirut Warned that a
Phot was to bi Flrad.
Henry Peel, of Leggettl slreot, aged
IS years, a laborer in the CayOga mine
of tbe Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company, was fatally injured
while at work yuilcrduy about 11
o'clock n. m.
Tho cause of tho injuries that re
sulted in his death was a prematura
blast. A moment before his death he
was warued by, his miner to get out of
the wny, ns ho was about to firo a shot
After the shot exploded he was found
lying near the face with un enormous
weight of coal on hi in. Hit face wa
besmeared with powder, showing that
be was either the victim of a premn
ture blast or ellt did not leave tue
place when warned.
He was not ibjad when found and
was conveyed to the Moses Taylor hos
pital, where he succumbed to hia in
juries immediately after arriving
Peel buried bis wife only n few days
ago and was ttHICn affected by his
Michael Muar, of Pars ue, Ii Severely
Michael Murray, of Parsons, was
frightfully mangled on the Delaware
and Hudson railroad near the Storr's
mine at Priceburg yesterday
Iu company with a man named
Kelly, be was riding on a trip of coal
cars, wheu a jr caused tbe engine to
uncouple and Murray was thrown 10
the track, the cars pasting over Ms
right arm. mangling it iu a terrible
H" wsi removed to the home of a
relative on Vinegar hill where Dr.
Sullivan attended him.
John Matthews anil Eliza Koberts, of
Carbondale, w. re granted a marriage by Clerk ot the Couits Thomas yes
terday. 'I in- Will I f I'lisrle Booh), lte of S ran
ton, was admitted to probate yesterdav,
nn.i h Ucm tosumeninrv granted to Eliza
beth lioebl.
Thomas Campbell pleaded guilty to neg.
ligenre Ky bailee and was sentenced to
pay a fi ie of IN and i'eud twenty clays iu
the county jail.
Andrew 1'au line, charged with aggra
vated assault aud battery by Frank li is.
ton. plea le i guilty and was fine.;
cosis unu uirei ieu io sp-Miii sixty (lays iu
tbe couuty jail.
Margarel Boboeoa has brought an ac
tion against the BcraatOD Traction com
pany to recover aa.issi for injuries sustain-
d by bung struck by oaeofthf de
fendant company's electric cars.
Farmi for th Million.
Tho marvelous development of tbe
States of Minnesota, Smth Ilskota, lows,
Nebraska and Wyoming, within the last
few years lias attracted attention In all
parts of the world, it is not Dreetaary.
however, to search far for the califs oi
this wonderful growth, for this satire
region, which Is penetrated by The KoTtb
Western Line, teems Withgolooa Oppot
tunities for enterprising farmers, me
rhauies and laborers w ho b iro to letter
tbeir condition. Here are lands which
combine all varieties of sol!, climate and
physical feature that render thein most
oealrable for agrienltare or octane rot
Klch rolling prairies, capable of raising
nie nnesi quality el inrin pp ducts in lux
urious abundance, ran si ill be secured nt
low pfiOM and upon most liberal torms.
and in many cases good productive farms
i an 1st purchased for scarcely niofe than
the yearly rental n.ary eistern farmers
nro compelled to pay. Reaching the prin
cipal cities and towns ami the richest and
most productive farming districts of this
favored region lbe .North-western Lin
0 nicngo iV .Norm-Western Ii i offers its
patrons IMMVantagO Of ready markels,
Unexcelled truln service, perfect fipiiii
nient slid sll the COBfort and convni
lenres known to strictly Hrsl-cUss rail
way travel. Mape, tune tables mid general
information can be obtained of ticket
agents of coinu ctmg line1, or by nddp s.
ing W. A. Thrall, (ii neral l'aseiiger and
ncaer, agent i uicago ,v .Nortn-W est-rn
K'y, Chicago, 111.
Camara Cb,h Otlle r '.
The Young Men's Chrisilan Association
Cnoierarluh met laat nigbt anil elected
ofllcors for the following year. l)r. H. M.
Stratton, president. Uharlet II. Lindsay,
vice president; Charles (tenter, secretary
and treasurer. Iterative committee,
John Svensoti, It. Adams, VV. Jones, K I,
Weston, (i. (i. htahjr, 1-; Dolph. The llrst
outing will be held on May .10. The prize
contest will lake place in the Young Men's
L'b ritt Ian sasoclatloo parlon on June 7.
Colonel Blpple waa appointed ohalrman of
Jndge committee, Ail mateors t bo In
tend to participate are n que.sted to seud
iu their names at once.
Dry Ar Pilar Refrigerator.
The BDOVO refrigerator is sold only In
this city by Thomas F. Leonard, Mi., Lack
Wanna avenue. Asa preserver of food It
has no superior, and fur economy of ice it
bus no equal. It Is charcoal filled and zinc
lined. The refrigerators are built In hard
wood, liulshed in nnliqiic.nud pine, grained
in oak and walnut colors. Wo also have
a large line of sideboard refrigerators.
Thoy are all made in a thorough manner,
constructed SO that they aro self ventilat
ing dry air, free from nnv taint or odor.
Come Ud see our stork before you buy.
We are sure wo will please you.
Dr. Gibbons,
of New York city, will bo in his Scranton
office. 441 Wyoming avenue, every Mon
day from s in tho morning until U in the
Beadleston 4c Woeri'a and Ballantine'a
Alas are tho best. K J. WAIsUt agent, M
Lackawanna avenue
Whtre OhI When P
Is tho best placo to buy shoos and Oxfords
At the S-Uros. "Snot Cash" Shoe Store. fslN
Lackawanna avo.
Dr. C. U Laumach. dentist. Gas and
Water company building, Wyoming ave
nue. Latest improvements. Light years in
Father Stopper Feels Effects of a Torpedo
Placed ou Street Car Track.
It Was Placed on tho Rail by Young
Scamps Who Make a Practice of It.
Sketch of the Newly-apnointcd Po
lice Officer, George W. Jones.
Youn-r Men's Institute Social Per
sonals and Shorter Paragraphs.
Rev. Father Stoppjr, enrato of St.
Mary's, (iorinau Catholic churob on
River street, while waiting for the ear
at 8 o'clock iast night at Cedar avenue
aud Hickory street, was strnclc on the
hand by the Hying frag menta of a tor
p do, which was placed there by some
young Vagabonds who are iu the ha bit
of indulging iu that kind of mischief
very frequently of lata, Father StOD
per was within a t w feet of the
track ami when the front wheel of
the street car exploded thu tor
P' do, tho shock nearly threw him
to tho ground; and aside from the
pninltil contusion ho received on the
hiici; of his hand, his eyes were filled
particles of dust ami his clot bet were
hi spattered with the slush ou thoatfoet,
I in reported his experience loan
on Lackawanna avenue ami a watch
will be kept on the michievoiis urchins
iu the future.
Cfllor Qori VV. Junes.
One of the two policemen who wero
appointed by Mayor Coiinell and th;ir
Haines sent to the lelool council on
Thursday night for approval ia (ieorge
W. Jones, of 809 Cedar avenue. Tho
petition of Jones, who is among too
beat uliixens of th Eleventh Ward, was
signed by William ConnelL Colonel
Ezra H. Kipple, Dr. A. J. Kolb and
mostly nil the city coniitilmen, besides
tho county and city officials, Jones is
III years old, weighs 800 pounds and
stands 0 feet, '.I inches high. He wns
sworn iu yesterday ami will report for
duty Monday. He will be assigned to
a beat ou night work.
Ytuuir Msn'a Ins ltiita Social.
Columbus council, No. 17'J, Young
Men's oetitnte, held a social itl Phar
macy hall last ttighl and the evening
was spent pleas inily by the members
and their lady friend. A large nuni
her of Visitors from other council'
were present. Thu hall was Well
lighted and the II i r w is at ui nth as
glaKS. Cusirk's oroboetTil of Bvt pieces
fiirinshel spleudil moalo Tfte re
Bvtpta of lbe evening wort very grati
fying, an I sp-.ii for the huuon abil
ity ot the committee iu charge.
Fitld Drill of Patriotic Guards.
Company A, Patriotic guards, which
meets in rrnehan'l hall, has arrange 1
for an cnt door drill in the S tolta Bide
l as bail park Friday evening, May
2.V The increasing m iBberOblDof the
company has in ids their present quar
ters too narrow f r exercise in drill.
At present the members drill in sec
lions, or squads, but on Friday even
ing the enure mipsny will jjlu to
gether in one body
The captain, Aiuntt Weymjy.T. it a
capable drill m ister, and ni ier his
charge rspi I headway iu tiroficiencv
has been made. A special meeting was
held last evening A picnic will be
held by the company natal month, the
dste of which has not yjt been tixid.
Shortar Paragraph.
Mr. Daniel (ielbert, of Smth Was'n
lugtnn avenue, is visiting Miss Alma
Volgbt, of Hones Isle
.nrs. aspr iiaas, or ntiston ave
line, is seriously ill of typh ud f vt.
Mrs H. F. Moore. In th opinion of
her physician, Dr. Kolb, will be able
to resume her household duties in ten
Mrs Mason, of Now
visiting her tistor. Mrs
serions illness is noted
this column.
York city, is
Haas, whose
els 'Where to
Profoasors Jo'm P L linn in an 1 M
J D nahoo will stand t xaniinttion for
admleelon to tbe bir of Liekawanna
county next Saturday
Wasbtngliin Hruui
will picnic iu ('antral
Hay 80 Tonight tbe
eorps, No. 480,
Pal k garden on
corps will pa-
in ! the sir. ets in announcement of
the picnic on Monday at Central Parli
of lbe Electric Boeial club, a ilmrlth
ii .g orgai, nation of this side.
Jam s Connell lodge of Odd Fellow
have two candidates for the initiatory
degree at their meeting next Wednes
day night. Two candidates were
clothed with tho second and third de
gres at tbe lust meeting
Henry, the 10 montiis-old chill ot
Adolph Oldakoaki. of U21 S nth Wash
ington nvennn, di-d yesterday evening
at 8 o'clock. Tue fnnarul will take
place tomorrow afternoon Interment
in the Polish Catholic oemet ry, Mm
ooka. The funeral of Matbsw Murray, of
Irving av. nne, will take place' this
morning at 1) o'clock.
The mooting at the South Side Young
Womeo'l Christian assoslation roomj
Will be held by Miss Kate- Chrtetophel
Snbjkcf. "Tboie Who VTere Heady."
Special music is prODarod for tbe song
service. All young women will be
The South Side annual meeting will
be held nt tho rooms Monday evening
at H o'olnck, when ell reports of the
year will be given. An excellent mil
sicil programme will be mingled with
the reports nnd the meeting will be
presided over by the president, Mrs.
Uentleinen as well as lsdiee arocor
dinlly Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Sprnks returned
Utt evening from Honesdnle.
- e -Scranton's
Bualnaas Interests.
Tint Tluiii'Mc will soon publish a care
fully conq. iled and claasllled list of the
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing nnd professional Interests of Scranton
nnd vicinity. The edition will be bound
Iu book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views of our pnbllc build
ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together
with portraits of loading citizen. No
similar work has ever given nn equal rep
resentation of Scranton's many Indus
tries, it will bo an Invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Bant to
persous outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will sttract
now comers and bo an unequalled
advertisement of the city. The circu
lation Is on n plan that cannot fail of good
results to those concerned ns well nsthecitv
at large, representatives of Tmc Tkibunk
will call upon mnsB wiiusu namks
are himiiih in this edition and explain
Its nature raoro fully.
Those desiring views of thoir residences
In tnis edition will pleaso h avo notice at
tbe oQlce.
Now litis hnschnrio (It the KF.YMTONF, HO
TEL, formerly called the 'loss Keys, corner
i.iomiev uve. ana eweiiana, A lull line of
Liquurs, lieer, Ale nnil Fine Cigars will tie
kelit 111 slock. Mr I'llilllliS Will he nlenu,H ..
greet his ninny Irieuds who will favor bun
with a cull.
Have You
Seen the Latest
Neapolitan Ware? It
is the Most Artistic
ever made.
If you want a good car
riage you should see
Dinner, Tea
and Toilet Sets
Best Assortment.
116 Wyoming Avenue.
"One Coat Makes
Them Look Like New"
TJtV. BBFCB t l Campbell's Varnish Ktains.
", the very l. st thing in the marks I t,,r
t .ueh ng iii and finishing Poraitare, Harden
or lurch ( tislrs. Baby 'arnak'.,. ate., etc
w ith one apnlieatio n Stain im.l Yaralsh and
translorin them into lua ittdil ini.titluu of
Cherry, Mehogany,
Oak, Rosewood, Walnut,
Vermillion and Ebony
Pal up in Pint and Half Pint Cms.
Bo eare to get Campbell's tail yon will not be
To Obtain Satisfactory Results
with Ready-Mixed Paints
This Paint hr.s been in eonataat ate t r over
fifteen rears tad we raeomnn n I it at b Ing
seoMmleaL. eoavenleat and ravabkt, ami
uodo trnui thu be.: matcriala.
Taesatasfaetloa txprteeed by our custom
rs accounts for our increase! trade iu tu
Call or semi fir a sample eard thowiag roi
orn an I with fall instructions as t estimating
eeal pt heenllflaa veer Uvea- and surrouud-
Matthews Bros.
320 Lackawanna Ava
1.50 per tloz. 13 Cans.
Full WdghtB.
Wt keep BO Bioppy floods. ,Tor
soy Bone Orejt,ntery Battel in i
Bad ."1 lb, paile, 26a i'i n.
BoTga reoetved daily from the
Some Poultry farm,
427 Lackawanna Ave.
Victor, Qondron. Eclipse, LoveUi Diamond
and Other Wheels.
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor. Linden St. and Adams Avo.
OODM House SyuAus.
All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed
l he best.
Horrios are arriving
in very fine condition
and prices low.
Fancy Teas, Hoans,
Squash, Tomatoes,
Asparagua, Beets,
Cucumbers, etc.
Pierce's Market
IErsilM AVE.
Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle
Now on sale for 25C. r given
away with purchase of every suit.
Handsome line of Spring Overcoats
and the Nobby "Bell" Cutaway Suits
Brlartiii & Delany
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
Wyoming Avenue.
H!Il!IIIM!l!l(Ii::iugE!:2lllilEJi3E ISIIECiilllBltaailSIIBEiaiiElliiiEUlU
a? ti'
At3()S Lackawanna Avo.
E 2o Ladies' Trimmed Hats,
worth $5, for $2.98.
iodoz. Sprays of Flowers,
I for 15c.
I 45 doz. Sprays of Dowers, assorted colors, worth $1,
5 for 39c.
S 20 doz. extra long, full regular made llermsdorf Dye
1 Ladies' Hose, worth 39c, for 25c.
S 36 doz. Ladies' Mitts, worth 30c, for 25c.
11S pair Lace Curtains, worth $2.75. for $1.75.
S 110 pair Lace Curtains, worth 3.00, for 2.00. 5
s 96 pair Lacs Curtains, worth 4.75, for 2.75. r,
5 iG pair Irish Point, worth 10,00, for 5,00.
I 18 pair Irish Point, worth 15. 00. for 8 50.
I ; ) pair Hrussels. worth 35.oa for 15.00.
Now Open
It's a Great Shock
Ti'thr fnius wbe are elalnlne thv aadereeU
all'rs t I Bad llint with ut the ItMl luis
Of blaster wa arntfirlai rn-tom rs this t.a
olil el sut'h oiii'ortuiiitios as thoso.
A MuriH H1t.l1 ia.1v I luln-u. iglt 1
HIi.tI, Ittdl .iitlrrn f. r It! lit
ism BMltera, B1IKI Wheel, tut
ISMpBiteva, aioo Wheel, for BSSeaeK
These priott Dtake tho luisinpaa at ur store .
Bicycle Riders,
Take Notice!
CAPS Invented
by a rider
Something New
Has the Agency
for them
Arc- at Present the Most Popnlar and Prcrerred by
LcsiIiiik Arilsls
Warernoms : Opposite Columbus Monument,
205 Washington Av. Scranton.Pa.
in all the regular shades,
assorted colors, worth 50c, S
A Fine
Worsted Suit
for Men,
in colors black
and blue, for
v vSjj r
For Women
Sell, Sell, Sail, is the order
of the day.
Imported clay Jackets. Cut,
Style ami Work tho best of
Hie tailor's art A redaction
of 50 PerCent. See this offer"
ins of Bigholass Jackets
Your size is horc.
in Goth, Uom Silk, Covet
Cloth and Lace. Many styles
and prices that will please you
Printed Duck and Serges,
Striped and Spot Patterns
You )ii;lit to have one. Tin
Price, $3,50 to $7.50.
G.W. Owens & Co.1
Clonk r.iul Putts Makers,
Court House Sauare.
Only $9.90
- 1 V.
- - ' .. . 'I llMiillil .-.v..