I I THE RCB ANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 18, 1894. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT COur Corssts Are Tue Tiilk of the Town. OOnly ltoliubla Makes Handled. RTlio moat complete stock in the city. S Don't ruiu jour form wear ing poor Corsets. EWben wo Kuanmte Cor net we stand by such guar antee. TAII late iuiproreuieuts are in onr Corsets. SOnr Prices Are Popular. SUMMER SHAWS. Almost every woman find'a light, fleecy shawl a most dtsirable adjunct to her summer wardrobe, especially on cool evenings in the country moun tains or at the sea shore. We have a very attractive line at much less than prevailiug prices. White and Cream FANS Our stock in rich in btaOtifol, dainty White and Cream Fans; most accepta ble graduating gifts, at 50c. ,75c, $1. $1.25, $ 1.50 and up to $5. Not those that yon eat. but those tbat you wear. Duck Vests wo a ovale of to fit stylish ladle SilM from 81 to 3Sl Prices, $1 30 to double tremteJ, with pesrl buttous. GREAT ASSORTMENT OP Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets For Women and Children are shown at all times nt most moderate prices. Grt-at Uaal :.t Cincinnati In tlm Ico Age. The country in the vicinity of Cincinnati owes lis unsurpassed beauty totbeoperar tions of nature during the glacial era. It was the ice movements that gave il those fine terraces along the valleys and graceful contours of formation on the summits of the hills ffcat were so attractive to the pio neers. Here it was thai the great ice move meet from the north ended. As h is been remarked, "Those were the days of ilie beautiful take rather than the beautiful river." No single cause hasdoneraore to diversi fy the surface of the country, to add to the attractiveness of the scenery and to fur Dish the key by which the condition of tho Ice age can bo reprxluced to the mind's eye than glacial dams. To them we owe the present ffatOOf of nearly all the waterfalls In North America, as well as nearly all the .akes. A glacial dam across the Ohiorhrr is opposed to have existed at the site of Cm cinnatl during the ice age, and tho evi dence supporting the theory is so full ami conclusive that its existence can almost be assumed us an aUuiute certainty. The evidences of the former existence of this dam ami the lake caused thereby were first dlsWWtd and the attention of the scientific (TOrld attracted thereto in the summer of 1Mb Professor O. Frederick Wright, of Oberlin. Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio. Cow Hells. The hell seen on a cow's neck looks like very ordinary article, but in reality it Is different from any other kind of hell in nw, and ismado especially for the purpose. There are several thousands old annually in this country, and 'JO per cent., if not tnoro of them, are made in Col il tin villi?, where the industry has assumed quite im portant proportions, shipments of cow liells going to Mexico and Canada, and even touch more distant points. Thu demand from western ranches used to be very large, aud It Is still heavy, (of not only is there a bell carrier or two in moat herds, hut there is almost always a rellablo slow going old mare In n horse of mule herd, her location being indicated at an immense distunes by the ball, and the presence of the younger animals around her being assured. The cow bell has covering of copper, and used to be quite an expensive article, but of late years Improvements in ma chinery and reduced ooat of material have brought the price down to about a fourth of the old standard. There is little salt In lnrgo towns now to what there used to he before stock laws wero so rigidly enforced. Interview in St. Douis Q lobe-Democrat. ftalirig- Men hy IVIeuna of the ling. Warden Davis, of the Jackson (Mich.) prison, has a peculiar method of reading the nature of the prisoners In his charge. "A mean man hates u dog," said Warden Davis, "you can put that down as morally certain. 1 have stationed my old family dog here good old soul, never had a mean thought in his life, did you, old man at the gate as the convicts (lied through, and watched their faces as they saw him. The men whom wo know to be wicked, black souled criminals either look away from the dog or glare at him with a look of wild fe rocity, while tho better class of convicts smile pleasantly at the old chap and fre quently favor him with a pleasant word." Exchange. A Quarter Century Test. For a quarter of a coutury Dr. King's New Discovery has been tested, and the millions who have received benefit from its use testify to its wondorful curative Eowers in all diseases of Throat,' 'best and lUugs. A remedy that has stood the test so long and that has given so universnl satisfaction is no experiment. Each bottle is positively guaranteed to give relief, or . .. Ml . . J. 1 I ...... -.I me money win oereiunuuu. n is n'mm u, to be the most reliable for Coughs and Colds. Trial bottles Free at Matthew Bro's. Drug Store. Largo size 60c, and f LOO. ' Highest of all in Leavening Powci. CRCHBOLB GLEsNINSS. News of One Day Epitom zt t for Intelli gent K ndan tonxiai to the Abronfoh IWowm, AROHBALD, May 17. Councilman E. A. Jonvs is in Alloona, representing Archbald lodge of Odd Fellows at the state convention of that order. Mr. and Mrs James Congblln, of Railroad stltK't, have ug liu bi'n called on to mourn the loss of a child, their l-venr-old daughter, Mary, having died this morning after u short llluess. Duly last Friday their eldest child died, atid this affliction coming so soon after tills the stricken parents with sorrow. There is mueh sympathy felt for thorn E.lward McDonnell, of Cemetery street, is building a line dwelling house at the Wayne street corner. It adds a grout deal to the tppearanoa of that locality. A congregational meeting will b held in the Presbyterian church nt 8 o'clock ou Monday ovening. At a re cent meeting of the same Congregation the following persons wero elected trustees: Stephen Cairns, of Newton, for H years; A. Samson, I! years; 0 It. Eaton. 2 yoars; Professor It. N Davis, SyetlSj and ltichard Clstkion, 1 year, The forty hour's devotion in St Thomas' church closed yesterday morn Ing with n high miss. At th service? Sunday evening ltv. Frank Mack, formerly of this place, pfMOBed an Me and impressive sermon on "Sotn dal." The evils that follow the un charitable nss of the tongue were graphically descnled and adrlco was given which, if followed, will be pro ductive of good. A noteworthy feature of th services was tho excellent si g ing by Miss Attttta Drown, of St Pit rick's choir, C Olyphunt; her rendition of Cbernbinl'i "Ava Maria, 11 bavins been admirable Jums A. K arnev, A. J Cawley, Captain P. J McAndrew and Miles J. McAndrew attended the Toting Hen's Inatitne entertainment at Peokville on Tuesday eveniog. Dr. and Mrs. Van Dnran and Maggie Alzinaaud Charles Baton were at the performance of '"The Piratea of Pjn zmee" in Carboml.le on TussJ iy eve ning. After making hit home on the rolling deep f' r live years, Wultur Ibllke. ol tho Baflt Bide, is again wilb u. Mr. linrke hss seen service in th navy OH the warships K-rarge and Benning ton, and tells interesting stories of oil travels, His mauy friends will be glad to :;reet him. On Tuesday evening Miss Marv Kraft, the oharinlug daughter of Mr and Mrs Peter Kraft, of Bonth Main (treat, ww married to Qeorga P Lo- rmz, of Dun tnore, formerly of this place The cerouiony was performed by Rev. J. 0 Kn lolph in the Lath ern churci'. A reception whs held at the home of the bride Which was at tended by many frien It of the young people, Tb"y will live in Dnnmore, Every one vtiu wish mem success, ior they deserve it The mines In this vicinity am tusk ing reuinrkaMy g ol time, The Del i ware and Hudson mines are working Hire- -quarter time, aud so far they have made nearly (nil time at the Ray BMsUl i HALISUAO ITIMS. Su'quhsnna OoantV Nw. Tcld la Brl f rraraphs prxciat to tit aerfealea lYJeaaa IIaI.LsthaD, Pa.. My 17 -Il.inj .mill Bead and wife emiod Bingham ton ytsterday Qertrnde Nloboli is vlaltlng fritndi in Brooklvn David Depew, of liiugn imton, n for mer hotel proprietor iu Uruat Hon I, wis In town today. Mrs Terboaa hai the foundation laid for a honse on Do lion street. E H. Call, the hustling agent of TBI Twin NK, visited this city yostei dsv Kate Gannon, of 'lllngbamton. Wno has been visiting her mother, iu tins place, hss rettirnod home Tom Maguire, wno. it will be remem bs red, broke his kneo cap tome time ago by jumping, is able to be cut again. Mr an'. Mrs. Joseph Mrl.totl visited New Milford frien Is yesterday. Patey Bony, wiio has been the night caller for four or five yeHts, has gone to (irilnp on the Delaware, Licka wsiina and Western. John McAIOOO, of Chase avenue, who i.as been ill 'or four weeks, has gone to his work again on the iKduWare, lack wanna and Westorn. Crl letting n Y unir Lsiy. "She BfonM he a pretty girl for but MM thu g." "What's lhatr asked Charley, i ,,. d ,.H,.r fscii is always covered with purple and red blotches. Ofcariey Ob, that's easily iii db liosed of. Used to h i thu sanm w,' iny elf. but I eHiiifbt on to the trouble una day, and got rid of it iu no time. (jeorge What was It! i barley Simply blool eruption. Took a short Course of P. P. P. 1 tell yon, it' . the boss nlood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that youtnuld hear him ho'ler clear across the p oultry every time ho moved. Be tried It, and you know what an athletic old lent he is l ow. If somebody would give Miss Delay n pointer, she would thank them after wind. All too drug stores sell it. I s forest citv flashes. Ths Contesled Election Cats Ptrsonal end Other Items. filarial to the Hcranton fWcefte FdwstCitv, Pa., Mny 17 -"Dub" Martin, of Oarbpndale, was allowed the freedom of this oily yesterday. The picnic hi Id by the Foresters yesterdny was well attended and provod lo be a financial success. Harry Skeels, of Carboudale, was visiting friends in town ycntcrlay and participated in the festivities of the picnic. M. D. Evans spent a short time last evening iu Carboudale on business. About twenly-fivo persons took the teacher's iximination today in the school l.ous- given by Profees3r W. D. (HI lett, superintendent of Sosquohaunn county schools. Miss Olia Lenning, one of theofil cient teachers in our school, left this afternoon for ber home in Sufquo nanna. Her sister, Misi Martha Den ning, who bos been visiting here, also returned. Depositions are being taken in tho borough contested election cases today at Attorney Wedeman's office by Com mlsioner b. W. Brewiter,of Montrose. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Con Donovan representing the con testant in tho tux collectorship, Attor ney Wedeman the defense. John Gardella, of Jermyn, visited John Biggio today. HEARD AT HONESDALE. Our Correspondent Views the Situation at Basn of Irvine Cliff. social fetas Stoma fos IWeaae, IIonksdm.k, Pa , Mav IT -MissSadln E. Mill was married at noon today to Andrew Bit rd Donamore,of Weiisboro, Pa. The oeremony was performed ut the home of her mother on Beat streel by Krv V. H Barghtni Oitly rela tives of tho bride wore present. Am m u thosa from out of town were Mr and Mrs John Bwittton and Mis Anna I'randt, of Donamore train. Mrs. W. mond, and Seranton, friends. l'ort Ji-rvis. Mr an I M is left on the 1 'Jil tiruvity K. Oreely and son ly Mis. Joseph Gillespie, of ure visitiii" Hon. sdalu Ei Bebardt, of Bawley, was a oaller In town today. The time of tho KlrmeM matinees have been changed from I p. m to I BO p. m. MUs Francis limit. Miss Em Wells, and Mits Heth Archbald, of Seranton, are the guetts of Mist Ddsv HolmM, Miss It 'liu. of Soranton, is the gu st nt the Mutes Stanton. William F I ! i irn i lias purchased the property lately owned py ins mother, It is nnderatood that some prominent Scrantoolani wlio were present at the Kirmets Wednetlav evunlug d"tirel to engage Miss Slowart to place a Kir meal in Bcranton during the coming (all for tllu benefit of the Assuciatod Cnarltles. They expressed tneir high appreciation of the Klrmtei here The people of Honeadale were very much pleaaed with tlm appearance of the Thirteenth regiment here and the soldiers of the Thirteenth are lond in their praise of the supper served thuiu by the ladies of tho Meluolist Episco pal church. Eleven hundred people witneeeej the KlrmeM Ust night. The bo nee ws crowded, all standing room b-iug tak -n up It was uncomfortably warm Tba lane went elf with the same ex.'el lenoe of the preceding livening, but the audience, aithongh delighted, wr cold in their applause. UjoI, loud iiand clapping from an approving iiudi -nc-i would st iinulatii the dancers. Lt us have it. Patronizi tne various booths. Cigais. cigarettes, Huylei's cindiet, fancy articles, Viimtitu and I ,pu"s war", p 'it 1 1 plants and cut tl iwers cau be mpplle 1 you Onane .ire bviug taken on a palm, clock, mandolin, puuci bjivl, Japaneae enr tains, etc. Mis. W. F. Ilrigirs held aimisiiou ticket that won the f, latl evening, With every purchase yofl are given a ticket that is one 0OAUOC on Miss BroMoomba'i etching After th Kirmaaa you are at lib)r;y to dance on the stage Tonight It Port Jorvla night, arp' oUI tram will hi run lo House Isle. It it reported on the streets tonight thai orer two buiidred excursion tickets have been sold. All t ;e resvrve seats have ben taken, Then is lively eonteal going no oyr the two licycl-s oil r) A uuiu bar of young ladii s ar coutettautt for ibe one aud asveul b -s for t.'ie other. Ci RBL'NLiAlE CHAT. Little Lecalt Coi.cemlng th fljlit la ih Honr ( Uv. Scint tottim sririan Trtbun. CiUOHbAtg, i'a. May 17 Mrs Philip Berrymtn and littie danghter, uf Oueonta, N" Y. ar gu sts of the former's parents, Mr an 1 Mrs QeOrge I,"Wsly of High ttre t J lines Monle, of Pittston, made a brief call on friends in this pi ice this evening He spent th" latter part of thi vsi Ing with For. st City friends Frat.ii P, Duneklee, of Pitlslor:, spent last evening With bis i l, iu Csr bondale. J. S Jadwin, the Ssletn nvem druggist, died this to irning at fl o'clock at hit home on Hlrkett street, after a long lllneis. Mr Jadwin was lo. the forty - first year of bit age, and is sur vived by 'lit Wife and five d Bg itOn, Buean, Angutta, Florence, Qlailyi and Amber. His nurvlvlng brothefa are ex-Coiigressin in (' C J id win, of Booeedale; u. H Jadwin, a nrnmlnoat arbAleeale draggtal in New York oltyi ex IfayOT 1'. It. Jadwin, ol this city, and C i .la 1 in, of Seranton, The funor.-l fill beheld on S itur lay af lei . noon nt 3 M o'clock at the rusidonoa on Birkatt ttreat. The widow ofjt' irr Simps in died fe terdty afternoon at tho age of lilyeirt Pnneral will be bald Priany after ooi at I 80 o'clock, tervics lieingc.iii lu ll d iu i he Metho list church Inb riUMit will be ma le p M inlewood MB ttttf The Ontario and Western compuiv paid their employes iu this city today Fern hall at Crystal .Ink" will be re opeued in June to transient trad Rati h, $i a day. Th or alarm eoande I last ovening shoot 11 o'clock caneed ty a blazi iu the Filth ward, which proved to be a fiirm owned by W. U. Lin .which was totally destroyed. Miss Jennie Moran and Joseph Hig gins, both of this citv, were muted in marriage in St. Hose's church yester day nfteMioon by Kev. J ,1. Cnrran, The bride was niten led by Mits (.iiinu, Dennis Tooliu iirstided as best man. Thn (Inn una baud uuteitaiuud a large audience this evening hy an open air concert which was rendered lrotn tho balcony of Hotel Anthracite. Mrs W. 11. McCartney and .laugh ter, of Bprlnuflild, Mass., arc visiting relativss in this city. Mr. and Mis. A, J. Rdibeln. of Hones lale, sp ml 1 let evening in this city and witnessed the home talent production of "The Pirates of Pen zance" ut Hie Grand. Tho teachers of the city and Carbon dale and Fell townships will meet in union institute in thu high school Sat urday morning. A pleasing progr.imm lias been nrranged for the ocuiaiou, When Tinny was Blclc, wo (rave her Castorta, When h!io was a Child, she cried for Castorle. When she hecatue Mlns, she clung to Cnstoris, When she had Children, she gavatheu Castorta, JERMYN AN 3 VICINITY. The Story tt n Day's Dcigi Reined la Crlp Itnmt. fpecint lo the Scniaroa JYifmne. Jeumv.n, P.i.,May 17 The ice cream festival and cuke walk in Gllmore ball last evening was well attended and much eujoyed by tbote present. There will be a New England snpper in the parlors of the First Hiptist church Tuesday evening uext from 0 to 8 o'clock. The bill of faro will in clude com, bread, podding, gems, pumpkin pie, mush aud milk. etc. The charge for supper is only 10 centi, Rev. Mr. Howell wili take clarge of St, Jaiuy' parish on June 1, unless Dishop Rulisou mikes different ur rangementa. The clerka of Carboudale have not yet accepted the challenge of tho Jer myn clerks to play bull on Meniori il Day. It is tho general impression that they do not wish to moot tho club from this place, The cantata for the benefit of tho Congregational church takes plnce iu Enterprise hall this evening. Don't fail to be present. "A Dream of Fairy Hand" deserves a crowded house. Doors open at 7 Admission 25 cents. Joseph BltohOtr, of Pittstou regis tered at Hotel Avery today The employes of the Edgertoti Coal company will be pal I Saturday. Jacob Hlller has the contract for John Met 'al ley's residence ami John Paaamore, nf Oarbondale, will ereut one lor Tbomai Netherton. David Hill aod Bertha Utt are at tending the meetings of the Boodny tehool workers of the ('ntlgregaliou.il church In Providence. Tho Improvements In the Jermyn cemetery are very noticeable. Buparln tendant Netherton is d dngi great deal of work, and it is fast becoming one of the no st beantifnl letting places for the dead iu this vicinity. John Mohan an i Frank MoOaSerty are in Wilkes IUrr attending the convention of the temperance societies. Announcement is msd of a new vi Itly paper called the Jermyn Cour ier, which will nuke its nppearnnce in the near future and be published every Friday iu th" Nellson bplldiug Walt r iV Palmcr,o( Prioeborg, are the edi tors There Is plenty of room for another paper iu Jermyn and we bono lo see both tlm new an 1 tho old tiiako a suc cess of the butlness. John II. Qrlffltbs and Mike Roberts, of the Drat word; Tnomai Hunter ami John Solomon, , I the HeCOOd ward, and il A, Wlllman, of the Third ward! have announce l themselves ns candi dates for delegate to the Republican c. invention, Bev Mr. Bntcllffe, of the Primitive Methodist ahnrcb, tl moving into one of (i, S. Kimball's homes on llioo street. A large crowd collected on Main street oear Winter ft Co, 'a store lust evening to witness the free enow ad -vertieed. As usual tho profit! went into the pookeM of tht siiowm-u. . . Cucklon't Amlci Sslv. The test aalva la the world for '"utt Diateea. sires, Ulcer salt Bhenm, Vevaw S res, 'letter, v hspis lleinls. Ijhllblains, turns tint all hkin Erupunnt, and potl- tiveiy curee Pile, ot do pay raqolnkC It guarantees! to uive perfect sattsfaCtiOO cr mouey refunded. Price ' cents per box. i'or sale by SU'.luuwt lirue. - Th. M.. I'.m It Waatsd, nrMerg Mspafei Home day It t . be hop, il lha' the hon eit majority will insist tbat money and polities m kepi distinctly ecpnated. When that Is done, the power of the pio feasional polltidaa Bttd the ii llueiii'H of tbe millionaire on legtalatloB will b' ma term tj mid beneficially leiseacd, lr. NorwiKid's Norway I'ine Svrnp was need for yesrasa preecrlpiioa by a soc cessfu! pliynlclnu. it is In all re-perts tbe beet eogOl meiliciue made today, b lM by nil dealers ou a guarantee of tatfaclt n. Indutiv 1 .!' tlv Manlftsttd. J"liiri; '.rjsifrfc Patti was pi ,..ir. ol Bg when she msde her del. at. The halane.. .,f her career has tex'ti devoted to farewells, A few drops of Bo vi nine taken in milk will sustain a patient's strength while dieting in severe cases of typhoid fever, pneumoniai diphtheria, and all fevers. It contains the active principles of beef concen trated, and acts as a simple and effective food, accept able to any stomach. It will sustain life for weeks unaided, as it did in the cases of General Grant, the late Emperor Frederick, and many other distinguished persons. Ask any physician. ,S'nf;f hy nil ilrux'jjisf.e. rmt oovtimn co., mtw vork. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Ppeelallst on the Eys. HtefUKlbSS nnd Nervousness relieve I. Latent and. Iniproved Style (if Kyo Ulasi'M sad IpeOtaolsCat thu I ov is' I'rlces. i .ii .1 Artillcial l.yoi lusi'i ted for . 105 SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Office. BLOOD POISON innnntnUyouim, I tD30 to OO d; fry I edv. umlflr gturnn!r. biCsMwl by iwTtW ont 1 . Pre, ft i ve proofs nnd IDn.)gr rvmk . illtiitintfd from I llhfroni .cf,li,puro'i,fre by m.ll When MotSpHiif, I and Kemnryrail, Out Macio Remedy villi I pcrtltisaly t I UIIK lir-BF IM I U-. CtVSiTO. 111. v . IT. Mr. p. ii. Hush Auaiuiiiiuk, penn. A Wonderful Cure Ulcer in the Stomach Hood's Sarsaparllla Restores Flesh Strength and Health. "C. L lloodii Co., Lowell, Mass.: " 1 feel It my duty to suffering humanity to -ivua statement uf the wonderful cure Hood'i Sarsaparllla hrougbt about fur me. Over two years ago I became in, due to an nicer in mj itomaeb. 1 had tut or seven different pbyal sUUIs, whose ItaadUg was of the btgbtst, but they ili.l not cure me. I was broken down 1l Uealtb and Inst In weight from 145 to 118 Pounds. I i on Id Ii ir.lly get around, ami niter sufferlnr leverely for about a year, l commenced taklni looii s Sarsaparllla. After the Bret bottle 1 1 e i iu to feel like a new man. I pun based an- HoodVr Cures other bottle and bad not taken half of it when 1 Kraacuredof my trouble, I am now In health, back to iny old weight again and atteiMlIni ri-B-'ilsrlyto my work. 1 (Irmly believe Hood's issr- sai.irllh s.n, 1 lev life." P.W. BfSM, Alinlo mink, Pennsylvania, (let flood's. Hood'fi Pills are band made, and perfect in urutKirtieii ami appearance. He. ih t tui. YES OR NO A We l-Known Pnysician,Who, Anions Other Things, Is Noted for His Frankness. No one ever heard Ir. E. firewfr tii the phrase "I think in his practice. Tbe doctor la ona of tboee frank, fearless, hou- t, poslilve men who never hesitate to ay yes or n", ss tbe rsu may lequne. "lean core yon" or "I cannot cure yon," la bla Invariable decision after i xamins lion, stnl to thu fact ftct l attrihulsble ins remarkable record wttbont faltnrea. Bnl it wi til I bo -tratic imleeil if the dec tor wire not a nioieiiinn usually success ful pnctitioncr. Be has been sargeon-in-chief ia more tlisu odo ot the larirent hos pitals of this country, was lately Damon strator of Phrslotocy and Bnrgeryal the Medic. -Cblrnrgleal Coiiege in Philadel phia, ba bean eteoted au ln-uorsry inem-is-rof tho Mrtlico-('hiruri;ical Association, is a graduate of the UalTerelty of Peon sylraala, etc., an,i it still aeloseetadrat A man with such a reror l COttld not fail to be a tuff esafnl physician under tnv circa nutanos, but when backed by oantkraa, oonservatltm in eipressiuu, or, lo u-e a in. re popu'ar phmi.o, the ,b- nre-yon're-i Ight-tbeu-go-aheed" system, it would r more than strauge it failure overtook bun. Yon Can cc.rtBlt Dr. Wrewer any .lay at K"oius 5 sod A, Temple Court Building si i nPRVCE i r from Ii a.m. till 9p.m. ( ontultationn frw Those sufferinc from Nervous iM-esiwii ire (. :nir 11 tee i n cure I r ktich there It the cheering word "Yea," as failure it un known in the doctor1! treatment. Third National Bank of Seranton ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, - $200,000 SURPLUS, - $250,000 Tbtl timili niters n dtp, .alters rrrry Itrlllly unriii 1 l tin Ir lialanrea, l.u.i- ueee an,i rssuiiml Mllty, MpeelaJ atMntloa given ta asaslases ae, eouata lei, test in i, i on liaae geeelta triLLI ' M I OSNI i U Prtltle l.l.O II All l. Vlie-l're.lilsak ILL! A M II I I I K. miller mill i i tuts. William n -ii, GsnrM ii. rnitin. Mi,.. i Hi, ml Jawee Arenbaldb Mearj lUlla, Jr. Mllll.,in T. - .,i, lulhar heller Ms and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT ft CONNELL GO. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. nsi9mi3miniiMiiiiiisiisaiiiagciBiiii!ifiisii:ii!iiBiii3Eiiiias3!EiiiiiHiiiBi S j 1 s EverythingFOR Everybody AT The Fair 400402 Lacka. Ave. Sole Agents in Every Pair Warranted rJ(TRA Our New Millinery Dept. Now Open, rtllllllllllllllliillliiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir; -0 Wholesalers and Largest Retailers of Straw Mattings from China and Japan. -4 KERR & Fine Carpetiugs. Lowest Prices, One entire room devoted to Oriental and Domestic Rugs and Art Squares. 1 m Rome Was Not Built in aDay Bnl littk by littlo tho grand est empire of the Old World was reared. DON'T do without because you haven't the ready money to liny the Kurniture, Carpets, Draperies, Stoves, eto., your needs and Inclinations de mand, when our Equitable Credit System stands rendy to assume the indebtedness and accept your small weekly and monthly payments in liquidation. I Seranton for the PRICES 50 Cents 75 Cents $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 LONG WAJST. av Leading House for Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Lace Curtains and Upholstery Goods. , 40O and 408 Lacka. Avenue. Loiest Prices. -S 4- We make a specialty of Window Shades, Awnings and Draperies 3- I f you have not seen ! ou heard of our stock of Baby Carriages, Refrigerators, Mattings, Porch Chairs, Lawn Settees and Couches. iiiiiuimiici Economy Leads in Summer Good s as in Everything.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers