The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 18, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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THE SCTlANTOtf TMBtJKE FftT DAT KOKffiBftt, MAT 18, 1894.
TTJ17 A T)T HI? "HT? PT?T?V ' grnwn thoso a skirt and loose jacket
inij Alii UJ! UltAlXilll I opening over a shirt waist is tho uoxt
best fashion. Guimpes, with nhort, lull
A Design That My Bo rued For Attaching
to a Swinging Kod or n Stationary Pole.
Suitable For Halls rrctty Effect For
Narrow Hall.
A vexatious problem which The
Eonaowifo makes simplo is that ol
hanging a curtain before a door without
mere leaving to fall straight. Tho design
chosen hero uuiy either be used for at
taching to a swinging brass rod or to a
regular door rod, sunken in sockets or
to tho polo resting on brackets.
Having made np tho curtain two yards
wide ami long enough when it will bo
hooked on to rod moroly to touch tho
K ,C
waisted frocks, aceentuato tho size, and
while wry effective on tho slender chil
dren wji.. an to run off their flesh, so
little do thoy retain, become abomina
tions on their heavier sisters. Blouse
wuists, comfortablo as they are, make
big girls look much bigger, and if worn
by them should bo tempered with u
UWVeleM Eton jacket, which seems to
reduce tho blouny effect, while it does
not substitute tho objecriouablo waist
I Valu-
PRAriNM a cnnuv.
floor otherwise it would get under the
door More drawing it up at tin- tup we
show how to prepare it for draping in
the easiest ami matt graceful manner.
Spread it out on the uor, wrong side
up. Along tho front edge from the top A
mark off 48 inches, A B; from (' make
C D four inches. Draw line B 1);
at B round off tho line, as indicated,
about four inclii above tho point, then
proceed tfl BOW Bnall half inch braM
rings along this oUiqne line at intervals
of sis inches. It would be advisable to
sow a piece of tape under the ring at B,
as the greatest strain will lie here. Fi
nally draw up the head of curtain to
suit the rod, in a tape of courso, saw on
the hocks, and it is now ready for fixing.
We now rjnire about five yards i f
No. 3 glace lino as near the onlor of
curtain as possible, another screw eye
and a bras. cup hook. Pass the COM
through the rings, fastening one end se
curely at tho front of B ring. Ril the
screw eye to architrave of door, exactly
in a line with the obUojpa rim-:, and
pass tho eoi-d through the eye. Fix the
hunk also to architrave about two l'- t
It Makes Delirious liiilillnga and Is
alilo Thickener For Soups.
Sago make3 a delicious pudding, but
the form of the food should bo preserved,
according to an authority in such mat
tors, who writes DS follows in tho New
York Tribune: It should bo cooked just
long enough to that it will become per
fectly transparent and will melt in the
month when eaten, but will retain its
shape, like the grain of rice, instead of
being melted into a formless jelly. Put
a scant half cup of sago, well washed,
in a quart of cold milk and set it over
tho fire. Let it come gradually to the
boiling point, stirring it frequently wit h
a wire spoon. Li t it boil slowly for SO
minutes, stirring it almost continuously
after it logins to boil. By this time v
cry grain of the saj;. should be perfectly
transparent and easily crushed to a jelly
in tho hand. Then take tho podding off
the fire, add tho yolks of four eggs beat
en with a half cup of sugar and a little
of tho hot mixture, a pinch of salt and
such flavoring as yen may prefer,
Orange is a nice Havoc for this pud
ding. Any delicate wine is also excel
lent Butter six tin molds or six small
china rape holding about a gill and a
half. Sprinkle the buttered inside of the
I molds with BrtUnlatBd sugar and ponr
in your pudding. Set the molds of pud
ding in a deep tin pan tilled with luke
warm water to fully half the depth of
tho molds and place them in a moder
ately hut oven to steam for i' minutes.
Turn them out of tho molds when they
are done and serve them with a cream
sauce made u. follows:
B. il a pint of milk. Boat 2 eggs with
A Novel Batter Dish,
A new butter dish in plat a, also in
sterling silver, ia so contrived that by
its means tho butter is presented at ta
ble in an effective form without tho ne
cessity of its being handled in any way.
Tho dish consists of two parts a round
ll L
from the floor, draw up the curtain un
til it chars pleasingly, make a 1 . on
the cord to fix over tho screw h i !; at
tho desired height.
This style of curtain is admirably
adapttil for halls, where one or two can
bitted, according as the width of the
hall dictates. An oxomlingly pretty
effi-ct is g'.t in a comparatively narrow
hall with sfjiijriuw; beyond by having
ono curtain file d, say, a distanco of thief
or four feet behind the other, the ono
draped to right, the other lo left
An Inexpensive, Playliuiiae,
Theru are possibilities in the
closet under a withstand for tho little
ones, says The Household, Tho walls
can be BdORMd with Christmas cards
and colored pictures of fashion plates
for tho little girl's baby hoUCAj while a
very small sum of money will furnish
it with toy tables, chairs, sofa and cook
ing stove, which will give delight, and
"keeping house" will be a sourco of
endless pleasure for stormy days.
"With partitions of nastpboarn. which
may bo kept in place with pins, stalls
for hones and oattlewill convert it Into
a barn and farmyard for little boys, ami
if the animal toys to stock it with are
too expensive they can lie cut from agri
cultural papers, pasted on cardboard and
furnished at the back with a strip of
tho sanio to make them stand. Hay
racks, sleighs, pungBj buckboai'ds, ex
press wagons and Carriages can be man
ufactured in this way, and Hie prepara
tion of them will afford a pleasing occu
pation for the child.
I !1 even tabb spoonfuls of sutfar and a
heaping one of flour and a pinch of salt.
Add a little of the boiled milk to the
mixture, and then stir it gradually into
the main port In of the tailed milk,
which should be removed from tho stove
for this purpose. As soon as tho eggs
bare blended smoothly with tin-milk re
turn the mixture to the fire, and stir it
continually while it is coming again to
tho boiling point Then remove it at
once and add the flavoring. A teaspoon
fill of orange flavoring or of sherry is
excellent in this sanee. The orange fla
voring here referred to is that made at
home from the thin yellow peel of or
anges cnt in bits and (Kicked as tight as
possible inb.jtM.iand then covered with
90 per cent of alcohol. This flavoring
should stand for one year before it is
used, and it is better if if itands for two
years, when it seems to attain the
strength of a One liqueur,
Bago ia not only exoelli nt as a iweet
dessert, but it is a valuable thickener
for soups. Two lablssjpoonfttla added
raw to 2 quarts of cold roasoniuin and
boil-il 10 minut'S give a consomme with
sago. Tic- soup must be skimim-il to
get rid of the thin film which covers it
and would otherwise destroy its trans
parency. Tho up should 1 stirred
while the sago is cooking to (in vent tho
grains of sago from clinging together.
When the soup is served each grain
should lie a cle ir transparent lolie, with
out showing the least touch of the whits
of the dried pith, Pteahsagowill easily
cook in th" time given, but "old stock"
that has In come hard with keeping may
BOmetfanaS take flvo or ten minutes
more. One of the most delicious of all
soups is tomato with sago. Make a well
seasoned tomato puree, add 2 table
siHionfuls of sago to tho cold puns' and
boil it for from lo to 20 minutes. Skim
it and serve. Sometimes chicken force
meat balls are add d to this soup as a
The CSM "f Millinery.
The Frenchwomen aro a great deal
more careful in the care of their mil
linery, and consequently always make a
battel appearance, than tho majority of
Americans. When the Frenchwoman
takes off her bonnet, sho does not bundle
it at once into a bandbox, or throw it
hastily on a shelf, or hang it np on a peg
Not she. Every little loop and bow U
pulled out and put into ihaM strings
are gently caressed intosmiitiin'ss, jets
and uigrets are straightened and fastened
in position, and the bonnet receivm the
touch of the brush to remove dust, and
then it is laid between folds' of tissue
paper and is ready for Its next appeal
unc.' ;w fresh and new. to all intent, as
when it left the milliner's hand.
Mad l'.mli I'll'.
Stew (S'iches until perfectly soft,
mash fine and add for two pics half a
teacupful i f sweet creum and a teacup
tul of sugar. Bake with two crusts, or
OtnitCTi am and add half a teacupful of
boiling water and butter size of a hick
ory nut
Cape lor Ttraag Ijiilles.
A verj- pretty little spring caps oan be
: made in either cloth or velvet, or a com
i biuation of lioth. The gape in brown
; cloth is fitted to a yoke of a paler shade,
stand on which a slice of butter cut
from the regulation dairy roll is placed
and a perforated dish, into which the
little stand is pressed, thus forcing the
butter through in littlo rolls of pretty
floral shapes, according to the design of
the pattern. This is to be recommended
both for its cleanliness and the saving
of time in preparing the butter for
Literary flower Beds,
A new fad is that of the literary (low
er bed. For instance, there is the Shake
speare flower bed, containing all tho
(lowers which tho renowned hard of
Avon mentioned in his writings. Then
there are Longfellow, Whitticr, Brytuit
and other (lower beds.
These i,re enough to give one an idea
of how much can I e done in this lino if
a study is made of the authors' works.
Salicylic suet Is used in the Centum army
ns a remedy for foot ions, etc. Instead oi
tiiu salicylic powder formerly Deed, it is
i'iuiiHised u( two parts of pure salicylic
add uwi alnetylghl parts of tho u-Ht
mutton suet
Having miff ml from Dys
; a for three yean, I as,
MOM t i irv III aooi s Ml oon
IliTTiaM and after using "i.O
bottle I iohikI myeelf io mink
butter that I iu
to use enothor; a'Ui Mkiufl
tbU I Bml myself full v rsx
stored Umt I 1 not uni'l uf
mere infdl In' . foi ling truly
grateful to B B li
Mh i whitb.
TaWs.onelila ' , Jf.l.
maae a wen
Man of
f cseaslsMBj
m "as
w . m . m
i i l.M u Jio lT. - W;,lv
I iilliltilC
i rtoref
III: t-.
mi biu.r
rMi'ti ! Tiu ttKvB
IM -I I.M U ;0 IMT. rem
Hrtvou I'Hc.M- I i 1 V 'i i
I'.ti ). ril--i'l-in"'. Marbtlv ijiiLk
lloffj , tgH,WIMa bv t-ast ih i if,,'!!
to -h. urikcn "i jnti". til J ititklj but fur
l.cel MMxb.
uo it I riaffej. , r
1 I'll. J
1 , .14.
sritu stHarNalri'lofiiMer Mnsn r fn4mA 1' r '
lt nv unirtn ln'(t ftt tcffl' Boll rou any trim! rf
i mtitmikm. ln.i-1 i ii. ,1 im mem wot 1)
he has n. it (fot It. WO Wfti i U bf ntAtl IIMlMtiM
i firtt PM0bW in NUM i tiTni'ip" am AAtlnm
ori. ivrti. ..m . , r (hifagt., in., wtmammh
I SOLD by Uatthowa irot . Wholanale and U. til
i muliit, slRanton, i'A . -nu oUmi LmJ
CNftORtfO RT TMg HlQHftT MtOir. AuTIOnr.
navc you r irrn nnu
j1 St. Isseum will eare i i .
) WM sVto' -'ti l.i kit mri
50 jtTf- I !(!. N(irr 'i'lH ..i
flnenra, HreeohllU,
rn i rr i h. if
lnnte 'UU'rrlut A n Pfllcetil
rCOII '. rcnrcnU'lit toenrrr
l',rn,in..itl I .-
miniMuuainMnininMi r morn 7 r id ROM frt-,
HI '1'rlM fn-c nt liri.c. II via. t d n. ll
U eaWb L I. CVSJS1I, M(r Ur Hunx Sui, P. S. L
MFHTi ini TmMt for
men 1 nvji. r, ,
1 niiriim I fjirjejitrne, l-nu W oadrriul rem
.(' 7 " rn.J. r. t.-r . fl I '-, r. .
nntlniiril I in I .TrrH
ForniU by Mutttn-wi lirN..Miriaii In
Monu a. Co
Complsxian Preserved
iti mov" I reniloa, Plmi U,
liver - Mclns, BUOtllNMi
flunburii aiol ami 1 -
Mtiiria th.i tl.-tu u l:i nrlsri-
nl (riimt.-.!, p-ndiiciiiK
ccar linn 11c.nn ("-n-i
1.1. , Inn Fnm ri jrt-i!l mm
rr-mtl ;im 1. 1 1 1 f,r,mlc.. At nil
iirunUU,urUuUi OttoltOoUb timl lr Circular,
VIOLA SKIN 80P ! laiJr irwum
kln w;Mr-r w .ju,i.i M U., iU. x.t 1 . ( . ( ft
rlil fc I l.o Bunrr- A- .(.irt ftul; wll
Mini. Arl. P-tco 1$ CrnH.
Q, C. BITTNF.R 4 O'X, Tot.tDO, O.
Fur i by ttsttkewa Htm .MBnaiilaniiaad
i.liiC III ,V Co.
Novcltlc In Millinery.
Thero is ;i wonderful variety ol new
hats in tho market. Hats always Bccm
to como flint, and among tho iiovtdties
it is notiocabla that thotixinn slinpo iro
yails, but it is now mado of itraW,
moutitcd on a liiuulcao, wrcathod with
llowurs and trinuued cither at out) side
of tho front or hack, with an eroot bunch
of blossoms or a bow. Tho bonnets ap
pear to bo rather broader acrow? tho front
than they wero last scasou, and on all
tho Parisian models you may notion
RtringB, those of course forming that
monster how under the chin without
which no maiden or matron is today
mini etc.
flow to I)rM SO. ill fllrls.
It is suggested by various fashion
writorf) to mothers planning how to dress
thoir littlo girls who aro littlo only in
years, having acquired, as many girbj
of from 9 to 14 years do acquire, an al
togothor redundant avoirdupois, that
any stylo which does not ontlino tho
waist lino addB to tho slender cflcrt. It
may bo said in passing that moro than
stont girls may make n noto of thin. A
writer in tho New York Times says:
Tho frock which falls from a ycko or
tho ompiro stylo is becoming to these
ovovstout girls, and when they have out -
covered with gnipnro. A pointed hood
at tho back makes a rolled edgo to tho
yoke and is linishcd off in tho front
with a rosette at each side. Tho hood
and rosettes oan bp mftdi in velvet to
. ' .1 - r- n . '
able monthly regulaiin;
ri prompt, wild rortuln In rmtu Th i i
Be tor. Peel'rl not r iHneppnlnl KMiaBreaee
fl. I'ouiMcii" '" ' inneUO,
Bold liy JOBM II. PHELPS l'linrmacht
eoner WtoibIbii eVeoue tad ri nice Htmnt
Bcrunlnii. Va.
Mauufncturcil at tho Wapwallonnn Mills, La
orno iinititjr I'll., uml at Wll
miiiKtun, li. lio m.(
General Agent for tho Wyumlug District.
118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa.
Iblrd Natioual Bank BuUdlu
THOB. FOIID, Plttetuo. T.
JOHN B SMITH & HON ; l'lyuionta. Te.
E W. M I 1. 1. Ill A n. WUke Barro. Pa.
Agmita for the Kepaunu Cliouiljal Com
i imy'u HlgU ExploelTee,
and a bad liver
you'll always find
ioinod together.
Mako a note of this,
and see If it isn't
Now, why not give
your naturally sun
ny disposition a
chance ( Dr. Pierce's
Fluauunt Pullets
will do it for you. Thoy correct your dis
ordered livor, clear up your system, and
make life look difforant to you. Ihey do
it in a pleasant way, too. They're tho
smallest, the easiest to tako, and the most
natural remedy.
Keep a vial of thoso tiny Pellets in your
vest-pocket. They'll give you a permanent
euro for Biliousness, Jaundice, Constipation.
Indigestion, Sick or Bilious Heodachee, and
every derangement of the liver, stomach
and bowels.
Tho makers aro so sure you'll be satisfied
that they'll agree, if you'ro not, to return
tho money.
For twenty-five yours theso Pellets have
sold on their merit. Why buy other pills,
When P. P. P. are " guaranteed" f
There's nothing Hkoly to be " just as good."
Best in the market
Brandt Clay ProductCo
CF1ICF.: Bliigtmmton. N.Y
FACTORY : Brandt, Pa.
E. Robinson's Sons'
Manufacturers of the Celebrated
100,000 Bblfc Per Annum,
For Delicacy,
For purity, and for improvement of tho com
pletion, aothlag cquuiti Ponoin'i Powder.
f AST YEAR ha had saved WOO
He bought a houae worth 11850
paid ..'iot( down, (,'avo a mort
gage for $1,550, Today ho oati
mates as follows:
Rent us veil Ji!0)
Internal on jnortKftiM ; 'i OJ
Tuxes Mid rep ilrs Jt tf 119 .'d
Net wivlun on root 9130 (VI
Hsved un ulsrv lie UK
To npplj on mortgage i7U &J
aai u. Hon "in rooa awt
house ulll be fre from ilebt nd 1 shall
have ii houie uf mjr own."
OUM aiDOl la Use pereitlse for
I Finn A Nous have reeently tin
Ulieil a beautiful all I xv which tUvy uffrr
uu eaay payiuenta, al SlHjO.
fall at their nfflci, brtweee v'aahtiiglon
and Ailama on Olive alreeL
k ' T-r'l.lft It 7
! L .
iicm ate IE V. Tribune. Aeul, lJ
The Flour
"Chic ago, Oct 8L Fhe first ofucin
sniiouiu-tment of World's Feir di
I'li' on floMr has been made. A
inwlal has lieen awarded by Hi l
i rkfi Fmr jodgM lo the flour maaa
lectured hjr ti, Wiutlihurn, Crosby Co.
in tic real Weahburn Flour Mills
Minn) spoils. The conitnittce reports
the fltr.r stmnc nn 1 pure, end n'.ttle
it to mnt m tot-el aw pateal Hjux Im
lamily and lakers' uee."
m noi.i i au a, i m i
'i i.c ill vn t rands of flour i an l had at nny of tbe following iu r. . . .'
wt.c v iii nccipt Thk TitunNK i i.nfit ool'roN of M on each oie hun lroi oaadi
of th ur or 60 on nich barrel ol Hoar.
SC 'ii F. V, Prlee. Waalilng
( (( . i.i, nr. ci !
'' I' 1" .! Malal nran I
luuiii. r. F U M nly HuperUtlre Irani
Hyde Park Carsoc m Parta Washburn St.
lo.M Me.UI llramC J "epli A. V, r. V illi
nvetiue. Tip,.rlativii Ilraiiil.
OreM Mdae Utpenaar.OoU Ue,ia! Braad
J. r.MriUlo, Sup riative
rrorloei rentier a Caappell 9 Main are
pae, SoperUtlre hrajid.i:. J OUiesplt, v
Murkel atrr.ll clnll M l,l Brsnd
Olyplunt Jn. nea Jordan Hujx.rLiiivo llrsnt
I'e.kviiia. ihattera Kibir HuparUtln.
Jermvn '. ll Wit.t.-ra Oi Muperalatlre
A r : i . ill .1, i. m m,,.i.n ,v i-,. . (I ,;.t Mettl
Carls ada'.s - H s Clark. QoU Mochil llranJ.
Hemes lafs I N. Poatar A t'o Uol.l Medal.
Ilia wka M M. UraUe.
st. uujI Tay lor-J udg.i A 0a . Ball Medal; Atherton
ti., Miunrlallv
peryea barraaoa stom Co., QeM Mwtal
Mooalc-John Mefrliidln. (lolj Medal.
Illlston -M. W. O'BoyU, UnM Me-lal.
Clark's Oreon Prace A Pi-rkor, Superlative
(Isrk's Mimmi: P M ffoanc, Hold Motal
I'Mton-s E Finn A Hon. Hold Mela. Ureal
lili bolsoa J B Har-iiha.
W n.. rlv . M v. Milss A Son Oold Medal.
fiMiseryrOle Otarles Qawlaer, omd Medal
liopUitioni N. M I'liiiiASon, (,oid Mi-da'
Tobyhaiiua'T'iliyhaunt laaigli Lumbir
fie I. old llrau 1
Ooiildabiro- S A. Adam Ool.l Mlal Bravl
MiMi ow-Oalse A Oeinent ()old Modal.
Latie Ariel J.u.n A 1' nr. ., i.o.a Me,lal.
Fi real City J I.. Morgan CO., OolJ Mi.
Positivo Care for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bron
chitifj, Whooping Cou?h. and all Affections
of the Bronchial Tubes.
The Purest, Safest and Bast Throat and Long Remedy Ever Pro
lur. il. It Will oore erery form of THROAT and LUNG Diseases
down to the u-.v borderland of (XiN'sumpt.on.
Ask Your DraMM fore Freo
Trinl Hoi tl.i.
I . ! I- I'M let I'll rSafl J Jllll,-
aaleed tunic all nersnu ells-
nftxon, aucti uu Wwak Momury, I.oasor Iltuln J'ownr. tUniltutio, Wakfuthcta.
I.- 4 i;i..h i. Ninl.ilf KroUitoni, Nor voiiaiiean, all drill us Slut liiaa ol powor
In (laiienitlva.irirsia of either SOZOflQaoo iy orer exertion, crrnrj.
eniieanlvn uae of lobsoec, opium or ailniulante, wlncli lead to liillnulty.fV'n.
niii.iMI,.ii oi UmaiillT. ('an lie carried In vent pocket. perDOJLW iprsje,
nr mall nrennl.1. With a Bi order wnelve rllen anariintee lo enre
n't ,.,.f,r,..i ti.A I.,...,,.,. rir,.iMr fr Hnlil liv i' ll ti. aattnaes. Aak lnrlLuike
uEFOAf. AN!) AFTllrl USING. no oitiei. Addrvas VkMTK .sriineil.. Masonic Temple,
For Sale in Serantoti, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Drnircisti. oop. WashlniitoD
mri Snrncp itreeta.
Tim iivnt reiooit y for nervons prostration suit all norrous dlaoasos of Konaniiivu orKBiui oi eiiner aex. rucn nn inci voiih rroairaiii n, ruu-
InK or Uiat MnnhoiKl, Impoi -y Nilii I j Kiulaaloiiu.Youtliful Krroni,
Mental Worrr.eicoflllve nan of Tohnccnor onlniii. which lead toOnlt-
Blimutlon and tnlanltT. With every SAnnlrr BM wl n. written acne.
antoo tceuro iirrtfunii the iniincr Held at Ml.oo perbos, tlhoxeo
uaaaiai u Al. ajij,, t. 1c vcliauu, vtuoa
Art Students Series of
Contains four incomparable paintings.
By Paul De Longpie.
The Ottman Litliorapliin Company
in reproducing these paintings from the
originals, has achieved a marked success,
and produced four pictures that will eas
ily hold first place in either home or
studio, not only for their artistic merit,
but as fine examples of the work of this
renowned artist.
Remember, one coupon with one dime
secures lour pictures. This is the coupon.
Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa., May 18, 1891
rorim.tro. jn. siu i T s ci
Fur Sale bid M. UARtUS, DruMlss. lJ feun Avenue.
Send this coupon, with IO cents
in cash, and get four of the marvelous g
g Multichrome Art Uems by iar the
greatest offer of all. Mail orders 2a extra.
Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office, SCRANTON, PA.