The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 18, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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rrm.iwtr.n daily in sntAsTOS, PA.. by
Nrw Ton Omen: TurnuvB BtRIDtm
fiiANK s. Ghat. Managt.r.
tnhrcU at Fottofflce at Frranton, P. OJ
Second-Ctasa JUail Matter.
WHIM THB Allegheny conuty Repub
lican delegation on Wednesdny unani
mously decided to snpport Lyon nnd
Huff, it virtually the only re
maining uncertainties with reference
to week's state convention. Jnck
Robinson lias tnadu a gallant tight; and
will be in line when another apportion
ment comfs.
Republicanism and the South.
There is a jrood deal of sonnd sunse
In the proposition to alter the basis of
representation in iho next National
Republican convention. At this tiuis
the bnsis is that of general population.
Tho south, for instance, gets twice as
many delegntes ns it bus eongressmen
nnd senators, yet it altogether may not
cust ns many Republican votes or at
least get credit for casting ns many
as are cant in nuy two of our nmnller
northern states. It ifi proposed now to
givo each state two delegates as dele-gates-at-large,
one delegate from each
congress district, nnd an additional
delevrato for every 7.000 Republican
votes cast In any oongresg ilistrict at
the presidential election of 1809; also a
delegate for the fraction of 7,000 votes
greater than one-half besides two del
egates from each territory and from
the District of Columbia, Concerning
this proposition, National Committee
man David Martin says:
1 an entirely In favor ol the proposed
ohange, and I have no nesitatioo In haying,
that uiy vote, if uei'csiutry, will lie cant m
T hut way. Under the presout svteiu of
representation tre are laborng under a
gn.- iimuiali!) and the mouer It is rem
edied the better it will lie all nrotiml.
Tbo injustice of the thing mast be apparent
nt a fiance Pennsylvania, which gives
royal Uepnblloan inajorltl4,la oonpallvd at
national conventions to mumi on the me
footing n Mirli Democratic a Toa.
utid A lilt num. The drlegntes from Texi,
for instance, will he qmte Voelferon In
proelatmina their ebowtof randidate
for thu presldaocy, wban the delegatas
know mid everybody else known (hut
Texas v. iil come up BtltOg with tretneud-
oas majorities In favor ol the Domoeratle
candidate, I have tiie greateal regard for
tie stiuggling Republicans in hopelevoly
DeniocratTc itatea, and tbev deaerve much
eiconresenient and mnsMaratlra, but I
do nut think It fehonld lie done at the ex
peiibe 1 1 roval Republican -tut- . like
Pt nnsylvaula, lr tutMt reasons l ftvor
a huge in the rule.
Mr. Martin has gone to the tronhln
to Ogare out that if the proposed
change is tundo the number of dele
gate! from lVtniitylvain will be in
creased from sixty-four to ninety seven.
The whole n timber of delegates In tbi
convention will bo increased from BOS
to 110."). a est lncreSke in th body of
CCH di l-'gutes. H' mark.ibie changes
will take place in the strength of each
lata delegation. Daly four statei,
Delaware, Montana, North Dakota
and Bboda Island, will have the
same number they bad under the
old basis of four delsg:ttes-at-:urge
from each state and two from iich
congress district. The representation
in all the lOQtbarn states will be radi
cally decreased, while those of the
north will le increased. New Y rk will
gain the powerful number of .",1 nnt
will have l'Jfl votos in the next cn.v-v-tion,
Where in th last she only had 7.'.
This will be the largest increase ol all.
If the proposition carries the Republi
can party will speak in the next con
vention as It has never spoken before
and the voters who mnst be depended
npon to elect the ticket will be the ones
tiint I'ominate it."
The obviooa advantage of this nr
raagaaitDt is h;t it vrili cnt eff one and fruitful eonrc of scandal and
uncertainty In ipaiaafjr settll oiii
UBOttiaa where R publican voters are
few It la a oomparatiraly easy matter
for a coterie of scalawags to invest
themselves with tictitions titles, as-
name great trap irtance and "control"
ths politic of their section. Thus they
rouie to national conventions as dele
gates virtually repr. sentit.g nothing
bnt tueir own conceit or groel and at
once proceed to open negotiations with
the managers of the varions booms. In
the esse of a Republican president
tip for COtoloatioa, they naturally
cling to the candidacy that of
fer greatral hopaa of retention in
the post offiuea, and thoruliave been In
itaooea known when unpopular men
have thus been foisted on the party
through thu iutetested "gratitude" of
these poou Dili Boiitlieru placeholders
All this is unRi publican and also un
fair. The hoiust element In the party
ought not to be made to tolerate it.
For deserving Republicans in the south
there will naturally be much kindly
consideration. Hut they will first need
todhsociato themselves from the fa
miliar type of .Southern Republicanism
which generally sbowa np resplendent
lit national conventions, before their
claims can be weighed with exeat jns
tico. Coxky'h i'kdehtkian ability fits him
rather for the domain of the buskin
thau for the gassy forum of congres
sional debate.
Curtailing Court Costs.
It is a noteworthy fact that a .Schuyl
kill county grand jury has this week,
out of sixty-five oases ignored, placed
the costs in fifty-eight coses upon the
plaintiffs. There can be no question
that this vigorous kind of treatment, If
systematically pursued, will soon act
ns a dumpener to that form of petty
spite which sueks to air Its small
grudges in the courts, as well as to the
hankering of certain aldermen for triv
ial opportnnities to tap the county till.
Ia this connection another change
should be made in laws governing petty
conrt costs whereby a bogus plea of
insolvency will not eventually throw
the burden in rejected oasos over upon
the county.
The general acceptance by Pennsyl
vania county courts of tba presedent
sot in this city several years ago by
Judge Archbuld with reference to ex
orbitant fees arising from dishonestly
formulated justices' charges Is proof
that this particular evil is widespread
nnd that the public is willing and
eager to have the abuse practically
corrected. For n time it may ba diffi
cult to get the legislature to givo seri
ous heed to amendments needed in ex
isting laws, but entrenched jobbery la
polities is daily getting mora precari
ous and shaky. In the end these things
will be righted.
If it be really uecessary for the west
ern advocates of fros silver coinage to
have a candidato for president two
years hence; if the fever of inflation
cannot do better than to vent itself in
another political abortion short lived
as Greenbackism, we cm foresee no
likelier candidate than "Hilver Dollar"
Bland. He is an experienced states
man nnd a man of personal integrity.
He really believes, with the accumu
lated emphasis of profound abilitv and
long self-deception, that it would be
possible for the American people to
stamp their fiat on a fifty-cent silver
piece and have it accepted on a dollar
basis by intelligent persons throughout
the world.
Tin: KtTBKItKD Norristowu Herald,
rather flippantly remarks that "it is a
decidedly bad day for denunciations
when Congressman Breckinridge is not
'again denonnced' by sumu society or
other." It is a pleasure to note that
there is cause for the Herald's utteuit
at a joke. When public sentiment di
rects the finger of scorn at the moral
leper iustead of denouncing his weak
victim or partner in sin, who imiully is
forced to suffer alouo, the world is cer
tainly growing bettor. The colonel is
not entitled to sympathetic botiuets
just yet.
Make It Thorough.
The unanimous adoption in tho senate
yesterday of a resolution providing for
committee of five senators "to Inquire
whether any contributions have baon
made by tiie sugar trust to any politi
cal party for campaign or election
purposes, or to secure ordeteat lagiala -tion;
and whether any seuator has been
speculating in sugar stock during tho
pendencyof the tarilf bill" indicates that
the sanatoria! mood ha lately an 1 ab
ruptly changed. Substantially the
same investigation wis propned four
weks before, and the matter was
incontinently dropped upon the repre
saltation of on reverend senator that
paying attention to such idle rumors
would lower the senate' traditional
A rwersal thus marked, OOaing
within so brief a period after the orig
inal reins si, inlicates unerringly th it
public opinion has gather? 1 fore. H
la CCarOaly to be supposed that u com
mittee from tba Imptleitad i -.
chosen by the appointment of a pre: I
i:g officer whose election to the vice
presidency is alleged to have been in
cluded in the dugar trust deal, would
nuder ordinary circumstances Marl It
self ubuormslly lor ths unpleasant pur
pose of befouling its own nest Cm.,.,
qneutlv if this unanimously adopted
resolution of Inquiry is to have Uy
practical force, it moat gain it ibrOQf fa
the strong Impelling Strength of in
dignant publirsjutimeut determined to
get at the trn inwardness of the-is
charges. Tho persons who make tnetn
are known. 1 heir tOUrOM of informa
tion are easily obtainable The de
tailed evidence is sail to bn In rand I
ness for prompt preeeatatioti to th'
proper persons. I.t the public, I her
fori-, insist upon a thur u g h probing,
Whether the finding b trus or false
in this particular rae. there will he
anotber commute- of Inquiry whir1;
the Dtlnocratic tariff tinkers of t!.
senate will have soon to face, and it
will Ml desl In white The com
mittee wi.i conalet not rf five, bnt of
I".. '"'","" iu-i:iliri,ai; I It will endue!
an inquiry of which there will b no
evasion When so prominent a Demo
crat as Rej reentative Barter admits
that his fellow partisans In congress
have acted either ns kuavo or ns
drivrllmr Imbectlen, it will rein orler
f..r tie people to cross-examine their
serv.i.ts and ascertain the axCt
measure of ibtlr demonstrated nrflt
uess for ( They are in a moo 1 to
do this; and they will do it with a
ftiruMurraTTTi Michael D. iiarter
i much dlapleneed with tha senst eli
tion of the Wilson tariff bill, and d
rlnrr s he will not vote for IS. II fr
Its enactment woul I "stamp the Iin
ocratio members as a lot of imbeciles
and their party msnsgers in both
bonses as driveling idiots." Ih 'io are
pointed words, but wo are not prepared
to do much in way of denial. We r
disposed, however, to ex-ept nna nam
Michael D Harter is a tree trader ften
mistaken conviction. Ha is wrong. I it
ho Is honestly WTOnf. He ts not tn the
tariff reforming business for the money
there is in It.
The American Peasants' Rcvoll.
It is a coincidence of morn that tran
sient Importance that on tl. every day
when ' lienoral" Coxey wus cited to
appear before the district courts nt
Washlniton for conduct notoriously
foolish, if not Intentionally sriuilnal,
he was being nominated for congress
by a convocation of excited mtn repre
senting a district which hnd once been
served in congress by a statesman
named William McKinley. Amid all
the jocularity excited by this Coiey
episode, and back of all its shifting ab
surdity, striking originality and un
common methods, it is well at tlmee to
give it serious heed.
That It Is the forernnnor of vast sco
nomic reforms, to which It bears no
more serious relationship than tho
crowing fowl that sits astride a barn or
coop swept onward by an irresistible
yet noiseless flood, is not improbable.
We must remember, too, that the utter
stupidity of Coruishman Wnt Tyler was
necessary to enlighten the yeomanry of
feudal Britain that they also bud rights
ae well as the hereditary lords. And
even frothy Jack Cade, decrying men
who could rend or write, nnd bellowing
lustily for a regime in which "six hoops
of ale should be sold for a ha'penny,"
played, iu bis way, no worthless part iu
the affranchisement of Kuropeau man
hood, notwithstanding be lost bis heud
in a double sense aud caused many a
ghastly gibbet to hang low with its
churlish fruit.
When gas bags like Coxey nre thrown
in inflated momentnry prominence to
the surface of public affairs, though
tbey may be punotured tho monieut af
terward, and collapse like a bubble
that is spent, it is a certain Indication
that things are moving underneath.
Froth does not float on quiet water,
nor foment exhibit exhibit itself
where progress hn9 run it course. It
is probably true at this moment that
the future of the American middle
classes is at ntak iu this agitation
not at stake In Coxeyism, understand,
but in the agitation of which Coxey
ism is intrinsically the least moment
ous exponent. Two extreme forces
have brought this condition about.
Ono is the force dominnnt now in con
gress a force which may be tersely
epitomized as popular spoliation, which
has as its allies unprincipled politicians
of any or all parties, ready to sell
thsinselves or their country upon any
occasion for place or power or pelf.
Tho other is the eudeavor of honest nnd
business-like, thinking citizenship to
preserve through legislation for the
benefit of all the people, America's
natural advantages and her incompar
able superiority in ths theory of self
government Of the outcome wo can, in the long
run. hnve no serious doubt. There is
a destiny in btetory wbtoh points un
mistakably to this continent nnd to
this republic as the theater in which is
to bo solved humanity's groat battle
for stable and tquitably distributed
government. Those, only, ihspnir who
cannot look ahead.
BlNATOB LODQI is CO titled to credit
for having dually smoked tho sugar
trust ground bog nnt
Coffee Cools.
Referring to a provnlont rumor that
100 competent journalists in New York
city, as well us an equal number in
Paril, were out of employment and on
tho verge of etarvatiou, the Pittsburg
Dispatch rather punitsJly expreesu its
disbelief, adding pertinently: " There
may bv a great many idle men who im
agine they are competent journalists,
an 1 nre not, nnd, perhaps, an equal
number of men of good abilities wnose
habits are so unreliable thnt they throw
away their chances. Hut we huzard
the assertion that even at the present
time a thoroughly couiietnt, reliable
newspaper tiinn will, In nine cases out
f ten, he able to tin I steady newspa
per employment within thirty davs of
commencing a vigort as search for it,"
The talk ol overcrowded professions
soaea mainly from those who have
choHt-n voluntarily to take remits
obanoi s of mooeos iu the Dim I occu
ptloua rather than work hard in busi
ness or manual vocations where a fair
m anure of success would l aim it
Already the Idol has fallen Ii the
laud of i -aunts and goenodneit tbeeele
brated atlobaelJ Kelly, it bo erstwhile
vasliunt re.i ! fur coiigreei.
iatbm lerlded by tbeeatlrioal editor
of the Allratown Lender: "AUentown
has Idoliltd UIOhneL Us has been
aliks the urchin's drmi-;od and the
hero of ths age The lawyer and the
doctor and the minuter have not reins-
d to yell for bun, and the innbh-i.s
gay nn I toddliog infants hav clc
qoeotly lisped bis praise, lint Michael's
star is already in the descendant
A:br if.-.. -: i . -r t weeks ami a d r.m
eventful gims he ilready begins to
pall. uir eb ntean turning to groan.
nr prond hurral s to sneers of doriston
Unless King Kel can be more of a BMC
man ne teemed to t yseterday, the
svrelling do. ru of cheers will die in a
lIMteOt hili. Unless be turns Ir in
bnffo 'iierr to base bsll, the popnlsOS
iil.i-u be glad to turn him out to
great, If ever man acted Ilk- a cMld.
Mike Kellf did so vretrrlay.
onby i ranks sickened his spectators
His Slllv jocularity gave to IiSjm ball
loren i faint fecllag. His Indignities
msde one, nnd more than one, pine for
, last of the good oi l Hunloo regime
Mr. Kelly Is not loo ol I tC Darn belter
If be cm beat Harrisbiirg nnd DebaTS
iko a gentleman, ail may be forgiven
But If he can't we would recommend
l ira lo strk a job in a Coney Island
concert hall forthwith " Hucu, alo. U
Following np a line of thonjht re.
Ceotly advanced tditormlly in I iik
l nil i tM, the esteemed AUentown
Chronicle verv semlbly says: It dues
not bote wU lor tba future of the
Stat - leagoe that there should be so
srly in tho season so much c intention,
bargee of 'dirty play,' fnnlt-'in ling
with ii in tree, disorder! ln as on tie
ground nnd uiidun jvnloiisies on th
part of managere. it n been demon -itrated
mt tu nnbUc will patronize
tn gams friy win it i condooto I Iu
an orderly in innr and when plavers
act the part of gentle nMB, Unfortun
ately rowdyicm oceanienally inanifests
itself, to the Injury of the sport. A well
euiitr-tod game, where there Is an ab
sence of prof nutty and letting, ts one f
the most n: j ly.ible of diversions, to
which no reasonable objection can be
made, and there is no reason why the
I true cannot nt all times he Bade clean
and respectable Rivalry is natural, It
stimulates luterest in ttM game and Is
healthy , anil while each team sliould do
us wn to win iner is no jusiiiicalion
for the outbreaks that on occasions have
brought discredit on the gam. There
is no surer or swlftr war to bring bsse
ball Into dtwepnte and to lose it patr m
age than diiorderliuesa on the grounds,
whether between players or spectators.
It pays to be decent. "
Curious people who hare hauuted the
vicinity of the Brooklyn (as wvlls have
been unablu to get a sniff of the gas or
gain any intelligence upon the subject
other than that published In Tin-. I it i
i I HI several duys ago. The derrick
has been fenced up nnd no ouc is al
lowed to approach the hole night or
day. The oil fever, however is un
abated According lo the Tuukhsn
nock Age. work has been commenced
on the farm of Alpheus Adams, near
Forkston. The drillers intend, if neces
sary, to go down ',600 feet. Their
rope to which tho drill Is attaehed Is
3,480 feet long and weighs nearly 8,000
pounds. The parties interested have
about 10,000 acres under lease, and are
confident of striking either oil or gas,
(hi stolen train
Across the plains
And through the mountain posaee
They take tbeir Might
Through dark nnd light
In ragged, howling masses.
Though marshals rage,
And judges sage
Send out tbelr stern Injunctions,
They heed them not,
They caro no jot
For law's mure common functions.
To bog nnd steal
Tho commonweal
Claims right in every section
Lot otherB toil
They will not soil
Their bauds iu base subjection.
But still wesmllo
To think the while
Thoso "earnest men" nre crying
Foruld from ti is,
The law. that is
The thing they ure defying.
IKoiAfnyton Ntxn.
Science to til RsiO'le.
lKoln'iifoii Pott.
Tho nolitical possibilities of the cam
paign phonograph are uulimitod. When
the manufacturers of the instrument mas
ter the art of producing luexunuatible
cylinders It will be possible for Senator
Pett'er to reach his Kansas constituents,
Keustor Cjuay will be able to deliver his
tariff sfieech by proxy, Senator Alleu's
financial views may hs transported iu this
manner, and even General Weaver may
orate without fear ot eggs.
Senator Vom-hs Defined
Irulianapotii JMSSJ,
On Indiana "stumps" he will rave
against the Uoulds, the Vanderbilts and
the money power in language thut ought
causo him to be arrested nnd bound over
to keep tho peace; but iu Washington his
vote and influence are dedicated to the
faithful service of monopoly ns it seeks for
privileges nt the hands of congress.
Ihe Thlf of Publlo Coi.fltsnoe.
PifMoiru Mfjxtfes,
Next to the trusts, procrastination Is
the greatest foe of pure Democracy in
these days.
Hill &.
131 and 133
K. Washington Ave.
Large Sock
Bottom Prioes
& Co
Meat Market
Ifie Fires t in the City
Tiie lato.t tVptOTtd fnr
nlshlnR. sml sj'p.rslu. for
kaoplng tn.t. titittar sn1 sirge.
US Vomln Arm.
Qualified Veterinary Surgeon,
Oror Ttalrtr Y.-ar." Etpriienm
Practical Shoeing
Orailuat. of tho AmerUan V.torloarr
Tbo MtMMtal of 1.A.M: Ml anJ other liu
iHxlltuent. In the movement, of boras,
every afleruooit.
l smeanJelck animal, examined and pre
ecrlbeil for frwi of chargoevery llouday from
Eureka Laundry Go.
Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave.
CutUT Htiunl BguAKE
All kinds of Laundry work saarante!
ths best.
O JOI' tlnnliiK and aoldriii( all rton.i away
" with by the u of HAKTMAN H LAT
EST Pain t. mUah oou.i.u of iukohII nu
.!! known to all H ran bj appliod to tin,
yalranlzed tin. shett Iron roofs, also to brlok
dwelliniH, whlrh will prorent atmnlutely any
rrumbllnit, craekinit or br.aklng- of ths
bru R Itu llloutU.t tinuliid ot any kind by
many yeara.aird It's eo.t dooa Dot exreol one-
fifth itnatot thaeosj 'f tunlnc. i .old by
th" job or uouud. Contracts taknn by
si. .M.i 1IAKTMANN, tin UtrobSt.
An extra ftno Hoary P. Miller Rqutre
All., V t'..' .I '.V'i.'lVlr illlM'fOA i.'J J..V Mwki'
1 anno 111
A good liaiucH Hrotliun Squara Piano...
A Rood Meyer Brother, f-quare F"lano....
A good lilt 1 1 & Coiid Squar Piano
A good Plnplnmitt Bquiire Piano
A very good Uoiton I'lano Co. Walnut
A very good Wboelock I'piight Piano..
A vorr good Whoelock Upright Piano..
Thirty-six Inches
Are the special points contained in every one of the Shirts that
you know see in our window for Men and Boys at 49c
Genuine Balbriggan Two-threaded, Maco Yarn, Pearl Buttons
in Shirts, with ribbed tails.
Drawers with extension strap backs, patent cuffs and sus
pender loops, only 49c.
The Record Broken
Swivel, Clipped and Bourette Scotch Ginghams, never be
fore less than 35 cents. Special sale of only about
40 Pieces at 20 Cents
Don't miss one of the best things that we have ever offered
in Fine Wash Dress Goods. They cannot last long at this price.
Fine Tailor-made Jackets at Half Price. Beautiful Imported Capea at Half Price.
Ladies' Duck Suits,neat patterns, at $1.98. Ladies' House Wrappers, 59 cents.
With the New Valves
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store
And a full line of Hovs' and
Girls' Wheels. We arc mak
ing extremely low prices on
S'm ond-hand Wheels.
314 Lacka. Ave.
Fountain Pens
Fountain Pens
Fountain Pens
A Guaranteed Foun
tain Pen, regular
price $1.50, fur
98 Cents
Reynolds Bros.
Stationers and Engraven
Dr. Hill & Son
at teth. SoJV); beat set, S; for gold raps
and without platoa, called crown and
bridge work, call for prtoes and reforenoo..
TOKAIXIIA, for citractlnj MStb without
pain. Mo etber. No gas.
Piano or Organ Cheap?
A very good Phontng.r Upright Piano.. 118
A Mnnon Hamlin, nearly uew.higli top,
doublu reed I 80
An A. B. C'haiia, nearly now, high top,
double reed 18
A Chicago Cottagi. Hourly now, high top,
double reed 80
A Worcoater, nearly now, high top,
double reed 80
- and Organ, at Wholesale and Rstall, on Inatallinonts.
Long, Ivory.
Finished Laundry and Fast Color
n Cloak and Suit
224 Sprnc3 St, Cp. Tribune
AtXTK. ufTar tho flnrat lin of Wtinul ct
iM Purthaer. taught to raiio
The Alaska Refrigerator
Ah well iriade inside as outs
Made for economy and made to last.
Foote & Shear Co.
uiitiiiiiiim'- -MsiiiiiuiiiiinnniiiiniitiiiiMiHiimiiiiiiimiHiMiiiHiHitiu
mm fa
The best is none too
good. Ours are 18-k.
All sizes and weights.
423 Lackawanna Ave
The Great Marvel of Dental Science
A recent discovery nnd the sole
property of
Henwood k Wardell
316 Lackawanna Ave.
A fter linvlnc eleven teeth extraetej at
one alttlng by the paint. a. method, I pro
nounen It entirely aatlafaotorr In every
particular. J. U. 8KAMONS.
A Htaudard, nearly new.hlgh top.double
A r-honluger. Hourly now, high top,
double, reed '. "
And about 'JO other good eecand hand or
gan.. MB to jou. . ,
Tho alwvo collection of Socoud hand
moiitearoull In good order, fully KUarare
tiHid, the greatest bargain, ever offered ill
this city. Call sn see thorn. Installments
or discount f ar cnh.
Itranrh Rturo:
Washington AT.
all grade, cut eu.r.nv e every machine
frw of rhnr- Tall for Catalan.
31 8
Globe Sloe Store!
Evans & Powell jf
A limited number of the above
bouds aro lor salo at par mill ac
crued interest by the following
parties, from whom copies of tho
mortgage and full information can
be obtaiued:
B. W. Mulligan, Casliior Second
National Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
W. L.Watson, Cashier First Na
tional Bank, Pittston, Bo.
J. L. Bolen, Cashier People's
Savings Buuk, Pittston, Pa.
A. A. Bryden, President Miners'
Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa.
And by the Scranton Savings
Bank aud Trust Company, Trustee
under the Mortgage.
t. a
AthertOD, Counsel,
Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at ths
1 ate of ONE CENT A WORD.
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