2 THE BCBAWTON TBIJ?UNE-FK1DAY MOKNINGr. MAY" 18, 1894. BASE BALL A BIrdseye View of the Diamond Sports Yes terday. SCRAM DROPS ANOTHER GftfflE Although the Horoos of Hogan Park Out-batted and Out-played tho Reading Base-Hungers, They Were Defeited by a Costly Error Hazle ton Downs Pottsville-Kins Kelly Again Defeated at Harrisburg. Notes of the Game. Tho situation In tho Stut" lagne wns practicully unclintiged bv yesterday's gams. Lucky Harrisburg took another stride toward tho pennant and Soran tou and Eaatou'a ptrotatant ihrlvellad under defeat. Under defeat in their game with HuletOO, the Pottavillx sluggers change pi MM with tho Al tonna eiub, Tho games yvitorday roaulted as fol lows: llarrisbiiic, 1": Allentown, 7. Altoona, 10; K.iston, I. Haaloton, lit PottaviUa, 3. Battling, 0; Beranton, 4. t STANDING 01 THE CLUBS. Won. Lost. Par CI. HarrUbnrK u D 1,000 Allentown 8 5 ,048 llii.loton B 0 .'! Reading ti 8 A99 J Hooua 8 ,490 Pottsvllle o 8 Benton 4 10 .8S8 Koran ton 4 10 .SMJ - LOST BY BAD LUCK. Beranton PUva All Around It'-adlng-, Uut Ii Dif.'atfd Kkadino, Pa , May 17. Althoogh Banding was outfitted to lay good fl (I ling, tho hunching ot hita and aac r;fics nt lha proper tuna won tbfl game for thi home leaui. They ware aided by Pnichon'a error on liMautnnnt'a single to rltfht, which let three EtoadlDg BMB score Kiuihell waa substituted for Khoude iu the fourth Score: BEADINO. It. II. (. A. C. Millers L f 8 8 11 i Eustace, a. a 0 0 1 1 1 Launon, c f u a 3 o u Torre) son, 3b 'J 1 8 5 0 Beaumont, lb l 8 7 0 l BtepBWaOB, r. f..... 0 0 8 0 llei.rv, lib II U 8 8 0 Qoodhart, c 8 8 o Rboads, n 1 1 8 0 J Klmbel, p o o o i o Totnle 6 37 10 11 Hl'KANTON. K. II. n. a. K Staltr., L f. I 0 8 0 0 Hogan, c. f i i B 9 o Paleban, r. f o 3 8 8 l Rngtra, 1 i 4 l o Maaeay, lb o a u u u Wataal a. e o 1 u 3 1 WaaUaka, .'ib u l 2 i l Btggfna, 8b i l 4 4 o Fiauigao, p 0 10 3 0 Totala 13 37 18 Reading 0 3 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 fi fccrauton I 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 04 Earned runs Leading, l; BcmntoB, 3; Left on baaat Reading, 4. BerantoiL u. Ftratbaaaoo balla Off Bhodoo, li final, gaa, Htruck ont By Kantian, l; EClnv Lei, P;a..isa, ' 'l ure,' bi" luis Mil ler. Two been win Hogan, Higgtan sic rule" In:- Mi'i'l1"' Henry, r.ustnoo, Ieamou, Hogaa, Irian la: aa, Main. Stolen bmm Banding, i Doable pUrre -Henry, Torreynott and Beaotnont; EligglBi and Alaeeey, Hit by pltabar Bnetaoa. V in jure, Kmn. Time of mime, 1.50 OTHER STATK UUOUB 0AH8BJ At Ham-burg - HarrHbarg....O o o 5 o i o 7 o-io Allentown.... 0 001008007 Hits Harrl-hnrg, 12: Allentown, 11. Errora Harrlabnrg, li Allentown, 3, liat MrWe8progel and Bnunk; Kilroy, Miiii gan and t.'oslello. L' lupins Kclrick and Ala'ilove. At Altoona Altoona 4 0 4 0 0 0 2 0-lo E.tston 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Hits Altoona, 12; E.iston, 4. Errors Alt'" iia, 1: Lsston.4 Battel loi Scheible Bud Cote; ilulun ami Wrote. At Pottsville Pottsviila o oi n n i n n o Baileton 0 0 1 .1 1 0 0 1 I 11 Bits Pottsvtlla, .1, Dultton, 11. Er rora I'ottsviI, Oi llaileton, o. Matter le.s Tom ai. 1 Diggenat Penan i Moore. NATIONAL LK.UJt'g. At IlroXlyu Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1-4 'ev; Vork 1 0 0 0 0 I 2 0 20 Hits Brooklyn. 7; New V ,rk, 10, Br rois Brooklyn, 8; New York, I. But t'r."K Kcnmaly, ( iu-HU'lit and Kmalow; Kusio niid Fartell. l uiplre Lynch. At Phlladelpbr PbHadelpbia.,1 02000000-3 Boat n 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 x 4 BiU Philadelphia, 0; Boatoa, 10. Er roia -I'liilidelphia, l.lli'toii, 1 Ilntieriea I aran and Ulanratni Nicboiaand By no. Umpire Hurst. At Baltimore Bnltlmoro 1 0 1 0 1 4 3 0 x-10 Wi iWnirto...0 000020002 Blta Balllniore, I8 Waahmgton, 4. Ermra-lialllnioro, 111 WnHlin.gton, 3. ll ittTies llawke and liobiiiaon; l'etty ami Dngdnla, Empire Stage. At 1'ittabiirg 1'ittshiirg-Louiaviilo game postponed on account of ruin. I vsT 1! UN LRAdlig At Witkea llarre WIlkee-Barre.O 0 0 1 4 0 0 4 1 10 J'royldeuce....0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 81 BIU Wilkes-Harre, :3; I'rovideiice, 10. Errora Wilkes-Harre, 1; I'royitleucB, 7. liatteriea ('ainplielU and Wnrner; Sulli van and Dixon, l inplro Hunt. At lliguainton Blngbamton..O 02123000 s Springfield.... 1 010101004 Hita Blngbnm ton, 10: t-pringfieid, 0. Errors-Biiiuhamtoii, 2; Bprinraeld, 3. Batteries Delauy and DoWMj Kaafa and Leahy Umpire (iaffney. At Buffalo Syracuse 2 0 0 1 0 0 8- fl Buffalo 0 0 8 0 1 0 0-18 Hits-Syracuse, 13; Buffalo, lfi. Errora Syracuse, 3; Buffalo, 1. liatteriea Shar rott and Wilson, Mahoney and Boyd, Umpire Holland. Uame called ond of seventh inning, rain. At Erie Erie 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 o-r Troy 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 Hits-Erie, 8; Troy, 0. Errors--Erie, 1; Troy, 2. Batturie3--ilerndon and Uunaon; Aleak In and Cahlll. Umpire--Snyder. - GAME AT H3GAN PARK. Wood' Colls ft Taam Defeats Ihs High School Team bj 14 to 6 Tbe second of a aeries of games to be played between tbe Collego mid High School teams was played yeatorday af ternoon at Hogan park between a large mid appreciative audience. The teams played well, bnt the Wood's Business College team seemed to have tho better owing of tho game throughout. The college team pounded Kelly and Owens for eleren hits, while the High School aeoured but three off Gibbs. Two home rune were made in the fifth tuning, one by Wetter and one by Kiple. Tho game was spirited from beginning to end and wus nnnsnally interesting. The score: w. b. c 1 man school. it. n. o. A. n.i a. h. o. a. e. Wetter, 3W 2 3 S 2 WaUter.SM 110 0 Fuller, SS..1 1 1 2 II Kiple, as... 1 3 2 2 2 Glynn, rf..2 1 0 1 0 Bean, c. . ..(I 0 3 0 0 Dunne, lb.. 1 1 11 2 (I lJoii'lme, 2til) 0 4 4 1 Lewis, c... 2 2 8 3 1 Musher.lb.l 0 11 0 3 Hcllive. 2b. I 0 U 1 II Dwiis.i'.p.O 0 0 4 1 Har't'n,of.O 1 0 11 0 B'htold. ll'.t 0200 8tbU,p..8 1 211 i JamieaXltl 011:: Damli'r, lf.l 2 2 1 1 W.rms'r.efl 0 0 0 1 hjjj- p u u 0 10 0 Total 14 11 27 81 M I Total.... 8 34 11 Id W. B 0 3 2 1 2 5 0 0 1 '-14 Ili'.'ll Sebnol 0 1 0 0 4 U 0 0 16 First baas on balls- ((T OMbbe, 01 Kelly, 2; Owens, " struck not- bi Olnba, i: Kellen Oi Owens, 1. Home runs Wetter, Kiple, um nlroe Walab, Cook. Tuna of liiime Two uoora, GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Pittsburg ban released Pitcher Knell. (iiinson, late of Erio, has signed with tho Altoona club. Grand stand gods nt Alloutown havo be gun to hiss King Kelly. Catcher Qllinn, who was released by Pottiville, has signed with llazleton. Umpire Henderson is the father of n hoy whom he will name after E. EC Meyers. Larry Ketrick's umpiring Wednesday at Bnrnabnrg caught tho crowd, li 1 is heartily applauded. Secretary Dlddlebook is authority for the statement tint all Kelly's Allentown players are regularly employed under con tract, shortstop Hngb Jennings, of Baltimore, is doing excellent work this season. Ilia average no far places him at the head of the list Wilken-Barra bai i-igneii First Baoamaa Hill Brown, released by Lomsviile, in place or West, who is said to bo too aluw on ground pick-ups. Ilia Trojans and Lindway base hall nines will play a name next Sunday to see which nine will buy tho now uniform (Of the respect! Ye olnba TbiTbibi ni: Carrian defeated the Ro publican Uarrters iu a game ot bill on ths Little Wood's grounds yeatorday alter noon by a f core of U to H, It is the opinion of the Allentown lender that during tnO past tWO years "about nil Secretary Diddlaboek appais to have done was to draw his salary." This, however, is not fair. Il lma had to stand nbnaa enough to make linn earn his salary twice over. Before tbo season opened, Bernnton tbonghl they would win UWpiOttnnl with hum iu the Pennsylvania league, but now how different Is their tune after four straight U-feats by llazleton. Tbe poor showing of the team la attribated toetopid playing and. iank arfora. Blngbamton Ki publican. Prank i;mn, says the Allentown Loader, "i m ithout doubt the best umpire in the State league. His decisious are accurate ami Impartial, ami the lovers of tLe game admire bla method o( keeping tbe players oooatantb at work. A few noroaoob uiiipirn as Mr. Itiun would help th" goBM , ,j -lei at ly 111 tli State leagu.. In be Bait of our own ljii ry, wo object, Bion is a good ma no dovbtj but oogiparod with Kettru k he is invisible. Accustome,! to browlieat umpires, strik" awe to the hearts of opposing pluteiaaud act generally as monaron of an im sur yeyed, Kelly was 11: ablo SO endure the fJinnani arlin whlnli Katriok refused to yield to bjaj, NeltkM c ul l hi promt spill', bruok defeat at tbe hnndaol the club be catue bere to "cbn k Iu lis mad cuievr, " n the Peannttowneraao guuefuiiy pot it. H. iu e it was not a i;i "s: - ir in - t . . ; I Who saw the "only " Kelly's abagrln to learn that h iiwi boaraid the Bi Lens expre.s with Ills Keliyite an I OtM to A' -toon a, being unable, a be eipr"."l It, to I lay ball here. And If yestenla I 's gOBM tells anything, h is right IU i-n't abh to pln hall bttn Of anywhere. urris biii'i ntri t. Belt Kiturdaj'.j gaiue at hs ball will lie tho first ever playd in .'crauion by collego nine. It will also he the fitst game since May v, m tim Unroll ton Base Ball patk. With this ten day's respite from base hall it is atpeeted tint laffre nnmbera wiB eome ont Both iba t'ormdi niivernty and L-bigh university nines are In splendid condition. Tbe partialis of those colleges will be on land to cheer lustily their lavi ritea Also a larue eon Undent of colleg, nu n will acrotnpauy the ballplayers Tbe Delaware and Bttdson and Ontario and Western will bring bae ball entl.u-iants nil along thrir lines tost tend what w II be the h gacsl game of tbe season. Harry lVck of the et Side k li the bnttini (or 1chlgh. Edward Banks, sp irtiug editor ot the A'touini I iazotle, who wa once a candi date for Uauetnry Diadlebock'a place, writes these opinions of the present force of State league umpires "Vrsnk Bum has BBIptred here this season and baadotM his woi 1 satisfactorily, 'Larry K' trick is here i.ow ii:d "ins t" ulve sail-fact ion. his ihs isi.ius bi lnir evidently ha-ed on bin honest opinion of what he tbouifht had happened. I ran t say anything ab nt Banderaoi or Wanor, but from what ooe benroand rokda sbont tba lstter, he a fnilu'e as an umpire It's a pity that Sec retary Dtddlaboel didn't s'cnreJack liol laajtl, of Bonding, as a Slate lfaj.i um plie, he's a 11. an who km W" the game, and OBOVbo could not r.ikiiy bo scared luto wrung declnlons." Champion Corbett has slgu-il a contiact to give exhibitions of b .-. ;r.g f. r eight nights at the Noiivean trqce Iu Paris, for which he will receive I3.U00. f lipped from Canada "Presbvtnrlau, " tinder pignatnre of C. Blackett EtoMnson, Prop'r: I wascnre.i of oft-recurring bilious hesdaches by lluidock Blood Bitters. . GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES. A New Vork 1 rial says there have been r),000 tons of English and Nova Scotia coalsoUBt 1 rrlv in Mw V"rlt, a jiortlc.n 1 f which has alrendy Ie.'ii shipped from Cardiff, Livarp'sil and BlaagOW, and from Sidney, N. S. The cost is within 46 and 80 Centa par SOB Of the ordinary price of soft steamer eon dslivered alongside in New York. Tho bulk of this has b en takmi bv the eotnpaniee supplying staamon to nil their rontrarls. Th n are negotiations on foot for tbo purchase of 100,000 tone Morn to be delivered hero between .June I and 10 by the MOM parties for Hie mine purpose ProtU thia faOt It Is inferred th it tho coal companies intend lighting the strike to the Hnish The present low rates of ocean ?i : : ; 1 , t in ike it possible to bring coal from England in unlimited qnsntitles and at competing prices, even by steam, as very little freight mi now coming this way. Vice Pranidant Sayro, of tho Lehigh Val ley rniliond, does not concur in tho belief that the bituminous strike has yet mater ially benefited the anthracite situation: "If the etrlke continues long enough," he says, "wo will no doubt profit by it. But that time has not yet, arrived. Tho supply of bituminous coal on hand was very large when tho strike was inaugurated, mid it will last some time longer. President no pe w, of the New York Central, says his road bus enough bituminous coal to last at least thirty days. .Most of tho roads are doublle.su iu tho samu position. Until tho bituminous coal supply is exhausted tho anthracite market will not feel tho effects of the atiike. Wo can tell very readily when tho demand from this source comes by iBUraaaad salos of the larger sizes. We cannot judge it from tho sale of pna and buckwheat, because the demand for them has long since been greater than tho sup ply." A novel appliance has been put into operation In tho bed of the Lehigh canal by Superintendent John Huddle, for the purpose of lifting up coal sediment, or "wash." The ainuch Chunk Daily News thus describes it: "An 8-inch rubber pipe extomls to the bottom of the dam and a largo fan sucks the coal dirt through this pipe, up into a box raised to an elevated position. From tbis box tho dirt and the water that accompanies it runs of its own accord into a revolving screen that Is prob ably live feet in diameter and twelve foet long. Tbo screen la raised higher at the end that teceives tho dirt that it is at tbo other end. Its revolutions carry tbe dirt to tbe lowest end where it passes through a chute into a canal boat. The water that Is raied with the ooal dirt through tbe suction pipe passes out through the screen, which 1 of tine mesh, and flows back iuto tbe canal It copts the Leblgh Coal mid Bavagatton company annually hundreds ot dollars to keep the dams nt Maucb Chunk clear of tho coal dirt which washes down the Netiiuehouins; crook from tho mines at Beaqueboning, For a long period of voars this conl dirt was n total waste. Of late some of it is prepared for market and it is seat down the canal in boats for use iu fnrnaoei fls buckwheat coal." Tbe 1? lldtnrr ,.-., iwura hAH 4J-?S finrl in cash uu baud in tho hanK, with which to meet tho interest paymonta falling due Juno I. Tmeiiest mutual Insurance policy against att nek of sickness m to bo touud in taking Hood's Banapaittta, If you are weak it will muko you strong. Hoon's 11111.S arothobost after dinner pills, assist digestion, euro hoadacue. Try a box, 85& FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Btooha and Bonds. Kbw York, May 17. The stock market was Armor today, tho improvement being due to covering of short nontraota, The advance in prices ranging from to IJ4, Delaware nmi Hudson and Union Paoiflo leading. When the demand tor tho shorts censed tho market was weakened. The repnrls of the heavy assessments to be! levied on New l ngland, Erie, Atchison and other stocks, is causing liquidations by those not in a position to meet the pay ments. Tho bears naturally are taking the utmost advutitsgoot these liquidations. The iiulustriais were strengthened by th declaration of tho dividend of 1 por cent. 0B Lead. Whiskey alter selling down tO BOM rose to 25 ou covering of short contracts. Iu the afternoon tho break 'In wheat led to renewed attacks by the bears and tho I w esl lluures of the lay wero recorded. St. Paul fi ll to ,'.;, Burlington to Lock island to 08 ,, Lake Shore tu 130, Manhat tan to iil, General Electric to 3.Vt, New York Central to 07k. Missouri Pacific to toBTK, New F.nglaiid to 4'L Atchison to ''...Northern Pacific, preferred, to 18)4, Beading tO I.V , and Western UBtOB to tUit, At tba does tba market waa weak, With the active issues anywhere from ' , to ", below yesterday's final Ugurea. The sales weie 801,800 sharea. The following complete table snowing the lav's fliictnati'iri in active Mtocks la siipplh'd ana revised dally by l.altar & Kullsr, slock brokers, mi W roinina aronnoi Open- Hiih Low est. m a.'., n I'M l h ajfl ml ;' noe- Inc. ml s MB io;'4 mi likii lei. : - Lfa MM m w:s Uu li k., x, m, la I I 7rt l-H th U ll l'4 ngi Am Cot Of) Am Suaar I si A. T. . is. If I Can. So. ril'j Con. N J h"' I I. r. ,V N. W o:, est. li li'ii 1 a ' , in H-l, ','.' u 11. g -'i ("hie. Gaa. 1 I 0 . 0. 0 Bt. L.... :t7 1 1 . lli-k.Val A T ;. 11 .110 11 m 23 I4l l mil i,J mil ' s uH B ' H ' 'i tm I-ti D L. A W i). a c. r Krle G. B. Oo Tks shore I. 1 ....mi .... .... 1 N b.l iu 11 14 141 m m '' ,., t irQ I1'4 Bsii m ; mi in, Manhattan I I mio. rae Nt. I.es.l M, V. A N K.. S. Y. OeatraL S. Y..o A W S Y .N. A W U. 8. C. Co Rorth Pao North Pae. pf. Cmaha Par. Mall Heading Ki'k Island. .. K.T st I'sul J . C. A I .. .. Texas A l'ac... Onion Pact Be, . Valih p' .. 37 :: i rS .in IS . 1 m s e fw 8BM a b'Ai s st let. IS big 4 II 4I, m. .n .'.I. , W, a L I. pf rHro flrxtn and Provisions. a iinT.'H, Miy 7. -Tbe followlnj ooota .. . ,re sepplUI ant 6TroM dally by !, 1 u 1 . BMea,atoeh shaaa,lsl Wyouua are BBSs WHAT. May. Ja'v. Perl opsninff .", ltH asla llla-ievi v. 6" aswj l...west HM Ml c II -i !.4 57 CollN. 'li'ir. II. J.. : IaiwusI 1 loali s "Us 1 iiin Illk'tle.t Inest , l'.lnif , I'niiK. Open tia Illgheat Isiweat 1 1-ilnir LARD, iisalai Highest Lowint I Mag MHukT hins Hia-nlua Ili,l.. .t Lowest C.oamtf iffl4 TT IX SS ni as u s "i 6 M ai :u JM a 91 r2 a ;is m ll.-, 11m nm HsS 11.11 U'.c. iiru ii;i 11.11 11:0 nil inn T Co sen Ts nsn iu rji ass rn 188 n5 ew r.ir. it (i& BU nl ni nil no ei . 811 sit 6W N.w York Prtdure htarkat. Kbw Tom, May It. Tfaava Ml, weak. WHBT--Dull:ltnlr. lower; No. 2 rail. tele and 1 ...i at r, ., vS-V ,c, altuat, .',7c. . f. o. b, B7Wa8Ba,i aagradad rad, BBbST&i No. 1 northern, SAtc: optsona wart ac tpve, l)alKa, lower; rloaiaj wmk. Bo, 2 red June, MKo.) July, n7Kc ; August, VtMt. Beptt luber. faHgOLj Drrember, Klc. inn Dull, lower, wah No. J, 42a 4-)c ; elevator, 4.',S.a4 i'c. afloat, steamer lulled, 4.' .ic: opil 'os ware dull, weak and ; optl "I l,i s".c lower 42c. , Juue BBd July, 42 ,c UsTa More tietlve. Ilrmer: options, mod erately active, Steady, kfa, lower. Mav. 7'tc; June, July, 87,i,e; No. '2 white. Mav, 413(0.; spot price,, N. 2, BfXaBBe,! No. t white, 41wja42c.; No. 2 Cbicsgo. Mya800.;Noi, 37c. , No. S white, 40;4a41c; mixed western. .VwJVc.; while 1! BI I w hite state, 42j4.'c BrfK-Vulet, steady, TiBBCtn Hkm' Dull, 1 1 r .lk.ATa-(ulet,Bteady; middles nomi nal, LaiiIi -tuiot, lowaf) western steam, 17.13; city, tUo. May, 7.00j July, 87 30. radaod, dalil continent, 7.80 South America, S25; compound, 6aflikc. pyjRI Dull, steady. liuiTkit- Steady, tinalerntely active; state dairy, 12alii'.tc. ; do. rrenmery, 14al7o.. Peutisylvaiila, do , llal7c ; western dairy, 8n Bio.; do, oraamary, iBalwido, factory, Salle-. ; elgius, 17c; Imitation creamery lOaMo. Cncitan Qniet, weak. Km. s Steady, fairly active: stato and Pennsylvania, UalSo.; western Iresh, 12a - Philadelphia Tallow Market. PBILADBIMIA, May l7.TalloW was dull at formor rates, 1'rlcee were: Prime city in hogsheads, 4 ,c; prime country, in barrels, 4'.c. ; do. dark Iu bar rels, 4.i4c.; cakes, B& I grcam-, 4o, Electric Bitters. This remedy Is becoming ho well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have iiih1 Ehrtrio Bitters situ: t lie same song of praise. A purer medicine does notexiat and it is giiuriiu tatd I" do all that is claimed. EleOtriO Bitters will cute all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Bolls, Sail Bheum and other affoctiotis caused by impure blbod.- Will drive Malaria from tho system nnd prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For euro of Headache, Con tts potion and Indigestion try Fleet rlc Illttera Entlio satislactiou guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 90 cts. and -fl per bottle at Matthews Bros., Drug sun rf Thero is notbing like Dr. Thomaa Eolec Iric Oil to quickly cure or relieve hoarse ness. Writtonby Mrs. M. J. Fellows, Iturr Oak, St. Joseph Co., Mich. BASE BALL. CORNELL IS, LEHIGH AT HCKANTON BASE BALL PAUK, SAT UBDAY AFTERNOON, MAY Ml ADMISSION, an OKNTA Reserved Seats and Boxes may be obtained at Floroy A Holt's. 212 Wyoming avenue. 01 CEHT;Connolly& A Word. Wants of all Ainis sort fiat mueft, er tft Situations Wunted.which are inserted Situations Wanted. A sriATroN'w ANTElT BY A YllUNO V lady as clerk. '1 hree years oxperlonoe in Philailelpliiiu c.ia furnish roferuncua. Ad dress A. J., Tribune oltlcn. QJITUATION WANTED FOR WASHING O and cleaning. Inouire .i2ll Leo Court. C1TBATIOM WANTED BY A YOUNG 1 lady as bookkeeper, Can furnish refor ences. Address II ft.. Tribune Office. c iTUA'iNffATi t ioT-i)i't iishmakku O wfshoe to go out sewing by tbe day, Ad dross K. A., 627 Adams avenue. OITPATIUM YVANTM1- BY ia IBLK. UK kj HablsBlanof all WOrk Address Tribune Biuilory, Tribune building, ITUATION WANTKD A8 A BUTCH KB vy a utinif iiiariieii man. 01110 years ' xpeilence! fan speak German and Lnglish. Renrenaa Maaaden Addreas J, w Arnold, Misisie, Lackawanna cuntv. I'a. I 11TKATKIV V AVTI'llVA-Tl'll HV A 13 yoiim colored woman, work by the day I or genaral boneawork aidaisa man wants I work ns coachman : colored: address ur cull at ill Lackawanna are., Beranton, Pa Agents Wanted. CALESMKN WASrHH To SELL Ol.'R I ' goods by sample to the wholesale and re. tall trade; Bull 011 sight to every business mail or firm, liberal salary and expenses paid p- SltklQ permansnt lor terms addreaa with stamp. CKNTKNNIAL MP (I Co. Mihvau keu, Wis. U'.VN PSD MAN W UU UTi AN 1 ft UK insurance experience aa solicitor iu Lackawanna county; g sid in lueiiinoiits to right mail Address Haiti li. t oulldlinr, Philadelphia, Pa. lor Rent. I, oil REST Fl UNISHKI) hol'sK AND I gardaa la oonntry, Tor soasmer, Boaas large; running spring Water; plenty of shade; beautiful lair., full .f gSJBS fish a few rods lt"inil's.r Ht per month. l W. hroW.n. atbarnj)-. 6es spru. street, pSS RENT lb. nr. WELL FURNISHED I ruumi, delighttul lu. atiuu IH I Washing Inn s venae, 'I'u LET FOR A TERM OP TIARS 1 Part or all of three hundred fael of yard i"om along railroad Ai;4y at i Frank llu i sane 'I'U HI NT STdl I. - v, tiR FCRNISHKU I hall on ilreen I: ;ti. '.-'s-t Vrrv disilra- . alien 11,1 nn 1 .1 . m la terms. APIU JoP E. NRTTUtTI 4 ui a WOOOBt bepnl'lk-aa l.uill,ug For Sale 1,'oi; SALE FARM II" Ai RKS. rTaORM I tmpri've l I wogoisl li .u". running spring watet ai aotlLthreegool iarn yonngorhoard, I. 'atrd in vi. lag,.. .f Fori st Lake HnsqnanaBBa eonaty onlvaf. r l to l.,..l, church, pwloAoe, . Bisuiiful lake sell stooksa ith game ti-n Terms easy, apply lo D W. BROWN, aAturnay. t.ru... strwil jolt mai.k ANIDRaLOuI ifTRYBOMI, I 7 a rea ,.f l.o, d line lar? h,.u.. ma.l rn Iwpi ravaenti Baey d!uuic fium Harap t n. A I.j 1 d s 1 bla I'uii'tlng l "U in 'iiatry. I W BROWM All y Sa Sprue street. L'ull SALE A 1 MtR ' F EIGHTY A' Ua.iT I '... 1 . .1. - '...I' 1.. e - tr.i 1 I 'alt m en ll. lN.lafte. 1 . I, .. .i. :.a aril W.,. ri. railroad First elaaa farm ti . se. althansver la. Lag "i nog iiaarbv Im latrm g,! Ian 1 aiel g - .1 rcbar, Will i loiap. leriu nur. Al'i'-.. Ill 'IN &IOKI M .r I-AA' HI. I. IS eiivtitora, l,:t lrkaursliua . null li Y LB FOR - ILI aUhfBLRR Mo i li ti ..I ,-. i, RtioB, sV lanteii ir.i in.,. sgeney, ll.n,. lal. li l'. BALI i ll I.Xt HANill; POR M KAN I n i. eropert A laatring erant grur .iirreaelng it. praaai tsBB and valua )aar,y id ll. r ,iijr - ; n : 1 ; rl la A Id r as V C XI 1 llf.H'S I ..:'., Piorlla Boarding CI MkUl BOABDIMU loLR MUiraCT i sb! p r.'0 .an fiel Brsl i laaa I. aid with niaii family In la-ge airy h"Ue. II ,t and ciH laitha Frr carriage t, d t and rhur. h on,, atd uu. .piarter mile of station llr. lnr ka-alilr Addr aa but &i, ( larks' Baaisalt, Rooms Wanted U'ANIKH HV MIDDIsl AORD LApT, i ii, and l.i.td off uf ear lin R. t.r ,'lirea gnen A !Jre II A . Tnl.uar aS bpecla Nctlcca. IT A MKKTING ol TUP. l'IKRToKHor fl Baa Nay Aug Palla and F.lmnurat laule tard ciutatny it waa rea. hi.1 that a !: tuur of the seewkkoUeei ha sailed t-i mnrag., i lie. general eelee of the la.miaiiiv. r.aau M, K.plil.l an lul l. ling, isi tha .Ith daiufjuu,, A ll IXH. from A. 10 M until i P M, te take a. Il .ii on th SppTOSal or dlaappro! i.f ih prwpOBaai laifsase ll( lha rajatal ta:k of id e. nii any from -',.iOi n, i ' and lliat the r, -aiy l an,: ha la. li,r.l'V dn.'.-tial I., five tell' - thereof a, r ijuire.l by law 'l 11. WA'l Iv N, Secretary. oTi( TUR NoMlNATIoN'h POR OP fleer of tiiu Ovruieina lluildin.- i, L'ii asaoelatloa of r. uth ecisntoa will take ilaea Fridav erasing. April ft. MM. after iranssetiiig the r.-nular bu.lnra. jAC'diF MILLRR e -.r.. IILANk IneiK. PAMI'lll.KTS UGA II atnua, tc , b'Ond or ral-.una at Tub 1 i nit SB office. gulck work. UeasoosUe Jlei-s IfKAL TP Kl TB CAM HE HAD a T Hi ll rurnsr eir. street end Franklin av Hue Twenty meal In Seta for 1.1. ') (Juod tal4li. legal lxTATK OF PATRICK .1 CSaXK'lATI Jj of tho borongh ef Tay hnf, aaeeaaed Lal Ian of admuststrnessB upon the at.v, estato loiimg 1 i granted to the aneWraigaed, all peraoBS navtM claims or demainU against tba aid eftate will prsaenl them r,,r psyinent an 'th s InabM tin I "Iu will please make Immediate naj nn nt to HANNAH I RANI:. Administratrix, Tavler, I' JoHN M. HARRIS, Attorney ,.r Fatate I.1STATK. UK K"IIA UK WIT IMiKi KAEH li Notice h) herehy given hnl s rule l.s I n grain. '1 to .how i suae why Jane I, )o Witt, tteeutril "f the iaat will and b ttainent of "aid deeedont. ah ill net I c discharged from llu dull. and I utilities ,.f her appointment Application wdi bemadoto have aaid rats male al -oluU .mil tin, le.mrli di l,,,r.-. ,1 July S, IBM, s ft PRIOR, Attorney for executrix Proposals l)i:o'iiSALS FtiR HRIIiili: HKALF.H I IWnnnaSlI Will la) received until I.' e'. l..k neon, "f Saturday, May M. Iwl, f,,i tin, ci.n- BtrUotiOn 'if S uteel bildge ever the Roaring Brook gl rgeat Nay Ang l'all, In accordaiico with plm i and apeatBoanaBS on iti at the otllee "f ('. I' Matt, s. en Ine 'r. L. (' A I ,, building. Scrant n. Fa. Hlds will l- nent to 1'. G, School) imiker. K. "in 7, tVmitnnntvealth huildiug. Thv company reaervua the light to t . i uny and all hills. C D. SIMPSON, President Nsv Anir Falls and Eluihurst Booisvard t umpany. CJEALED PROPOBALB WILL ii Rl O Oslved b the secretary of the BeMBton niarr hoactl until 2 o ilock p ill.. Friday. May IS, for furnishing nnd putting ;in ptaoeTaboul MB feet of 4. ft and ii inch stvaiu piia. and llttings at Hillside Home Plana and ipMlfteatioQa mal li" seen at the office f F. J. Amnion, architect. The hoard reserves the right in reject any or all blda F. .1. I.V NK IT, secretary. Scraiibin, I'a , April II, !8W Hotel Waverly Euronnan Dan. Klrst-claaa Bar attaatteA I )i not for liergnor 4k Kugel's Tannhsmser aMi N. I Cor, 15th and Filbert Sts, Ptiilak Most deslrahls for residents of N.E. I'enn" fylvaida. All eonvunlences for trsrelsrs' to and from Broad Street (Ration and tho Twelfth and Market Strot station. De sirable for i ii.it, ng Serantoulaus and pw l li- In the Anthraolto Heglou. T. J. VICTORY. PR0FRIET0R. Ladies' and AT 10c, 12a,25c.,35c, 50c, 75c. and $1.00. AT 25c. and 45c. We still continue to sell CORTICELLI 100-yard Spool Silk at 7 cents per spooL Our neighbors all get 10 cents. CONNOLLY & $101 SEE $10 Tea Uollars buys a Hand some, iiest Triploplate tive piece Tea Service at Free man s. Ditl vou ever hear of a value to equal this before:1 This merely serves as an il lustration of the immense saving which may be effected by buying for spot cash from a firm that sells for cash only. No other firm in the city can offer you anything like this in value. S10; "BS10 I Scrjnton, Pa I at a in-: Driving Park Scranton, JULY 7ith 12,0(10 worth nl Iliamoiids to be given away as prics. All th'! host known racing men iu the eiiiiutry will OOmptlBb Orantl I'atatle of M'hoeluieii iu tbe morning, Excursion rates on nil roads. A Daughter of Dixie DANIEL I. H Mil NKW AMI OHKATUT PLAY, I ' t .lor the anenices of the SCRANTON I'RESS CLUB AT- THE FROTHING HAM Monday ami Taearlny Evenings, MAY SI AND 23. TICKETS, fl 00, 75 AND 50e. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ONE MORE WEEK And continued sucoess of MINNIE LESTER With her famous orchestra aud excollont company. For anuuuuooment of pluys soa papers doily. Prices, 10, 20 and 30c. Matinees Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat unlaw Matinee price, 10c. to all parts of the house. Seats for the entire week now on sale at the box office. $10.00 Bicycle Special Sale of Gents' Ribbed Aa unlimited assortment of Ladies' Vests, White or Ecru, short sleeves, long sleeves, or without sleeves, high or low neck. These goods are all of the finest make and best grades of Cotton and Lisle. Every conceivable shape. We are showing ttvo Hues of Men's Ribbed Shirts and Drawers that fill a long felt waut. We don't think yon will find these goods in any other store iu the city, aa we had them made espe cially for our own trade. The price is ridiculously low, whilo the garmeuts bear exceptional merit aud are perfect fitting. WALLACE m SOMETHING NEW This Beautiful Bed Speaks for Itself. If you need a Child's lied, don't buy until you have seen this one. You will regret it if yon do. When folded takes but little more room than a chair. Strong and durable. Mnde of Oak and Natural Maple. Very PM1 RUi finish. Holds all tbo Bedding when folded. Length. test. With, DO and 40 ioobea PRICE VERY L.OW WE ARM RETAILING AT FAC TOKY PRICKS. WThere ars ho Weights or Spring In the I . Idlig Machanlaui uf this Bud. WILL ONLY KuLU bV LIFTING. THE SCKANTON BEDDING CO. CoRNtn LACKAWANNA AMD AHAMS AVIS. DID YOU That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau iMi7 LAI K A WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN IHILLAK Solid Oak BgdrOOaV Behtl Vi si-ll I'urnituro as cheap as any Imuse in tbi country Unit in toiuls to ig honest value for tbo mousy. Try us. Hull 205 AID 207 NORWAY. llio BLACK DIAMOND Bllil KB I I i: sl'i;c IAL BANDBKKON'i I NOLISU ii ssni's BNOLUH cast BTBWL UOKSK Minus TOB CALK 1181 MACHINERY PRfjta BOFT STEEL ANVILS BCLLOWI HOUSE NAILS tt I LEY A ItrSHELL AMI WELLS nitOS. CLTTINO MACHINERY. Bit!enbender&Go.,Scranton, Wholesale aud retail dealera' in Wagonmakers' Dd Blacksmiths' SUPPLIES. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men and young women in tlili country who have Bplendid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been an inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, eome to the Collego. COMMON KNOIilHH COURSE, HUSINESS COURHK. shorthand course p. e. WOOD, Proprietor. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been' A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMRER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. Underwear s",r SVE KNOW? & Connell ANNA AVSNUH U Co. VTOIIHG AVB. W.VflON WHEELS AXLES RI'ltlNUB II I' its POKKf RIMS MKKL SKEIN9 It. R. Sl'IkKS SCREW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers