The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 18, 1894, Image 1

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. u . r ntiuaqi'j U Jliqy
SI 11 M l .1: IS YOUNG.
111 IIP
Us In
Senate Committee of Five Appointed to In
vestigate Serious Charges.
The Members of the Senate at Last
Aroused to Action Rumors of
Gross Violations of the Law Will
Be Looked Into Some Interesting
Developments are Expected to Fol
low Investigation.
Washington, My 17.
THE recent newspaper publications
as to the alleged attempt to
bribe two senators to vote
against lb tariff bill and a to
ttie sugnr provisions in that bill, hav
ing teen inserted in coaaideration of
the gift of ball a milliou ilollMI to the
Democratic campaign fund iii 181)2.
were brought up in the senate today
nnd occupied its attention throughout
the morning hour
Mr. Bunion, Virginia, on of the
two senators rbOC0 voe it wan nought
to buy, ISOTCaaad tbs hopo that the
matter would be investigated nnd
proled to if depths, and Mr llnrris,
TonnniHt. joined in the llkt request
on behalf of the other e-nator iuter
sste.l, Mr. Kyle. Booth Dakota, absent
from Washington o:i committee buoi
iiesi. Benator Hansbrough. North Dakota,
presented a latter from the reputed
bribery agent, 0, W. l'utu, also in
viting the ipeedleet investigation, and
denouncing the whole stoiy as a falai
bood and slande. Mr. Hile, Maine,
Xaretted his belief that tht atones
were (jjt np for the purpose of calling
away attantioo iron nthar points coi-
tirct-d with the bill ant ou the
principle of the 'stop thief" cry,
The resolution wus liually agreed to
without a divisi on, considerably
widened iu its scope from the one as
originally offered ty Mr. Lodge, Mas
achTavetts, on Toaaday, It provides
for a committee of five senators to in
Veatigite the charges, to inquire
wh. ther any contributions have oeen
made by the sngar trust to any political
party for cainpdgn or election purposes
or to secure or defeat legislation, and
wi ther any senator has peon speculat
ing in sugar stocks during the pen
dency ot the tariff bill.
The committee was snbeqaenUv au
nonnoed as ij'nitors Gray 10 n .
Del) Lindsay i.D ui. Ky i Llg
(Kep., Masa.i. Davis, (Rip., .Minn ) an 1
Allen (Pop.. Neb.)
Although the tariff bill was taken up
as nsnai at noon it was not until aft-r
4 p. in. that any progress mi made
the intervening time having been 0000
pied by Mr. (tillinger of New Haiui
ibira in the delivery of Mm second ol
vision of bis ipoooh, an 1 Mr Hinging,
Delaware, it remarks favoring an in
ei case of duty on ocher. sienna and
nnbat srtbn. Ther were fifteen
disposed of from Item -IU to item 57 in
clusive and ' medicinal preparations"
were ftMbi d. wneu the Ml! Waa laid
aside !or the day.
At thu usual hoar for adjournment,
6 i lu , the Bt ublican side of the sen
ale was startled by a motion made by
Mr Harris (Tenn.) that lustsad of ad
Jonrning till 11 a. in. tomorrow, the
senate luke a recess until that hour,
the i I ject of i lat movement being to
keep tiie bill perpetually before
the s nate, to the exclusion of thu
morning business. The motion was
resist on the Republican side and
Whs met Willi a resoll to filibustering,
the Republican declining to vote and
leeving the senate without a quorum.
( DBS ruoacEbtMis,
The agricultural appropriation bill
wan finally disposed of by the house
tins afternoon after having been,
slightly amended. The m )t Important
of these changes was an additional pro
vision to punish the publications of rala.
weatlisr reports or the unauthorised
use of weather bnrenu signals Pro
vision was made for continuing the
investigation Into the cultivation of
the Rattle libra for whicn Secretary
Morton b a failed to make an esti
mate. Nearly two hours of thu session was
wasted because of the failure of Messrs
Hatch, (Dfin., Mo.), iu charge of the
bill, ai.d Cannon, (Rep ., 111 ), to agree
up 10 the time for debate of au amend
ment to increase the appropriation for
nn investigation in connection with
ti.e inigation of arid lands.
Tho most noticeable feature of tbo
afternoon' debate waa Mr. Dingley's
(Rep., Me. ) statement that tbo secre
tary of agriculture bad fallen short by
moio ti, ui a quarter of a million of
dollars of redeeming the promise made
in bis annual report lust Novsmber, iu
respect of tbe ruduotion of expense! of
thu department.
Agsnt of the Companies Are Scouring
the Sou'h for Recruit.
Uniontown. Pa , May 17 The offi
cials of tho Rainey Coke company an
nounced today that every foreigner in
their employ will be discharged as faat
as is posiible.and that their place filled
by negroes Toe company has agents
iii tho sonlh employing these substi
tutes and two car loads are now en
route to the coke regions. Others will
come north as fast a? they can bo se
cured. It is said several large companies are
also getting colored workmen from the
south. The agents report no trouble in
securing all tho good workers they
want. Elm Grove and Mount Brad
dork, of the Rainey company works,
will be fired np next week witn the im
ported negroes
0 dor Istusd frrm HoadQiarlers Last
Hakuisburo, May 17 Three orders
were tinned from headquarters of the
National guard tonight. First Lieu
tenant Edmund H. McCnllougb, First
troop, Philadelphia City cavalry,
grauted leave of absence from May 15
uutll Sjpt. 1, 1894, with permission to
go beyond the sea. Cornet John C.
Grooine, First troop. Philadelphia
City cavalry, granted leave of absence
from May 16 until July 28, 1894, with
permission to go beyond the sua. Cap
tain Elward Morris, Company D,
Third regiment, grunted leave of ab
sence from May 1 until June 15, 1891
The following officer are honorably
discharged: Captain Joseph Lipsev
Wilson, First troop. Philadelphia City
cavalry, fatigued May 7, 1894; Captain
Gnstavua K. Morehead, Compauy G,
First regiment, resigned April 25,1891;
First Lieutenant Frank M. Stephenson,
adjutant Sixteenth regiuisut, resigned
April 20, 1894
closed bv coal famine.
Shop Obliged to Suipsnd, Throwing
1,700 Men Out cf Employment.
Montreal, May 17, --Tomorrow nil
the shop on the Grand Trunk eystein,
without exception, will close down ow
ing to thu ooal famine The cloto down
may last ten daya or three wk. Pas
senger and freight trams will be cur
tailed us much sa possible.
Iu Montreal alone fully 1,700 men are
Jury Selected After Considerable Difficulty-Many
Challenges Were
Made- Case Attracts Attention.
aawssal 'n "i? asvwifoa TWeaaa
T TTBBORO, Pa , Mav 17 -A jury w
selected at the United Stales court just
belore the close this afternooa to delib
erate upon tne case of Jennie Ross, of
Scran ton.
Considerable difficulty was expri
enced. many challenges boin- made
The case will come up for trial tbe
Aril thing in the morning. Yesterday
afternoon Attorney Wats in moved to
qu tail the indictment on tlw groun I
that It doe uot set forth the contents
of the letters and that obscene matter
senle'l in an envelope, with nothing but
tho address on the ouui e, do not
come under th head of uumuiUhle
matter. Judge HufBtigti n withhl I his
decisiou until tin morning, when be
refined to aiistaln the ttOtiOD. Tho
case is exciting much interest in Pitti
barf, and the court room will lie
crowded tomorrow Attorney Watsoa
i prepared to pal np a hard fight for
his client.
The government will attempt to
prove that the letters are iu the hand
writing of Mr. Rosa and it is trader
stoo l that tbe defers will plact Ptttl
burg p umsti on tbe slant to swear
that the writing t not ber Tbe ess
will doabtleai occupy the balance of
the wiek. j Mr. 0
Th usarda i f Aota if Tlnib'r Dsatrcrad
In Bbcda lalaod.
PitovipiNLK. B I. May 17 The
most destructive forest fire kt.own In
the history of West Rbode Island la
now ragiog in the towns of Waal
Greenwich and Ex-ter. Thousands of
I erst of wood and meadow Ian I baTO
already I en burutd over and tbe fire
is still buruins. and, nnleas rain or
some more efficient means of staying
tli progress ot the tl iinsa than those at
hand can he. brought to the assistance
of the fanners, the path of th tiru will
eiteiid to the shore of ti e buy
It is uupisible to make any accurate
ealimate nf the amount of d image don
or the Oltetri which thu tUuies have
spread, but according to au approntly
reliable estimate, the tiru has cut a
swath from three to four miles in
width snd nearly fifteen lu length.
Orand Trunk Riilwav will Uaadl no
Mors Oraln.
CiitCAiio, Mav 17 Officials of the
Grand Trunk Railroad couipanv an
nonnced on the board of trade today
that pending a settlement of th coal
strike no more grain would be rceivd
for shipment.
Any coal rcidved by the srstern, it is
announced, will las reserved for paasen
it trains and periahable freight.
Thr Feral th llraeti of a Fr.nch
Town and Flahi th Polk.
Roubaix. Frauce, May 17 - A des
purale tight took place last evening be
tween the police and a mob of auar
chiotf. who were parsding the street
and shouting. "Vive LTuternationale, "
and "A U is La France. "
During the diatnrbaoca several anur
chlat were injured aud six of them
were arreHod.
liy a five-story fall from a tilting eleva
tor, In a New York apartment house,
Thomas Foley and August Kuler were fa
tally hnrt.
Three drunken tramps tried to wreck a
Chicago expru-s near V inooa, Minn., and
were captured by tho train hands after a
desperate fight.
Alleging conspiracy tu cheat him nut of
a diploma, E. J. Church, of Omaha, Neb.,
sues the regents of the Mate university for
(25,000 damages.
A drink of very cold spring water start
ed the hlccouL'hs od Anthony Mvninez. a
furiui-r, ago 1 7S years, two weeks ago.
Doctors eould not relieve him and he hic
coughed bis tiro away, dying yesterday of
Two now cases of smallpai are reported
at llarrisborg.
Tbe pardon board mooting at Hani. burg
has been postponed from May Iii! to
May 84.
A ft-year-old child of Epliralm Brosev,
nsar Palmyra, fell into boiling soap fat
and was fatally burned.
Tho African Methodist Episcopal confer
ence of Philadelphia and lialtiinore opened
yesterday at Iiarrlsburg to continue five
As a result of the crusade nn Chester
bottlers, Media officers yesterday raided
an alleged speak-easy kept by James Hush
and Ulleu Wren, at Avoudale.
Ex-Provost William Pepper, of Philadel
phia, and Congressman Brosius, of Lan
caster will make addresses at the State
college commensemetit ou June in.
The Pennsylvania Iron works at Lancas
ter, which employs 275 men, has suspended
operations because of an inability to secure
bituminous coal.
Organizers Are Cmvassing Among the Steel
and Iron Workers About the State.
Report Amonp Steel Workers to the
Effect That a Strike Will Be In
augurated That Will Spread Over
the Entire Country Agents Are at
Present Sounding Steel and Iron
Workers on tho Subject.
PtTTtBCBO, Pn., May 17.
rtNROBABL'X the most important
UJ buslnesa to be couaiderod at the
( h veland convention of the
J Amalgamated Association of
Iron and Steel Workers is the advisa
bility of a national strike in the iron
trade. Buob i the report current
among the local iron and xteel workers,
who say tnat the project ha been un
dr discussion in their lodg a for sever
al months. According to the same
sources of Information atnliaariet have
been working with inucii success
among tbe employes of non-union
it is well known that tho non-union
worker as well as the unionist have
become dlaaatieBed over th pretent
con lltiou of affairi H is Stated that
thu desire of Amu g.uuati d Aiaoclu
lion of Iron and Steel Workers' orgnn
izttiou to co operate has been eagerly
arcepied. For the purpose of stirring
up a general strike sentiment for
higher wages tm-td orgaalaen have
bee ii sent to Stoeltoii, llarnaburg,
Bora n too, Philadelphia l'ottttown,
llellefout and otuer astrn m aiiufac
turn.g cities to sound the workniguieu
and ascertain whelh r they will join
in the movement
This national strike, it la said, will
not b entered immediately. Six
month or more may ela before it la
undertaken In the meantime a part
of tbe plan is to hsr the convention
adopt the si.xtv day limit VTAgS cab
It is also asserted that in many ttilll
which are nominally wo rking under
individual agree BIIBti secret lolgea
baTa been organize 1 and the men are
only waiting au opportunity to aaert
their allegiauc to th Am ilgainli t.
The reeent s'nke in noo-nnion
mills re of th spirit of un
rest now prevalent, and the Amalga
mated aiK'tatt n nfhYi ils are not slow
to take a lvtntag ot the situation. It
is leDtlr prei'.loied that uuleas
there are radical chsngi a in the pUr.s
during lb" t'ievelaal convention, tbat
a nation! s'nke in the iron and steel
industries will certainly be order -d
In slied at the Me-i a at Alu nr.a Yri
teidar Aft-rii on.
alLTOOM A. Pa May 17 The closing
lea.ioii of ti e 1 1 ran I b Ige of 1 1 1 I'- I -
low was held this afternoon when th
following i fliers were Installed
(Irani ui-ier. Harry L Nall, of
i Philadelphia, deputy grand master,
Charles Danville; grand
warueu. Amos 11 Hi. I. ot liilUIrl
pbla; grand secretary, James It.
Nicholson, of Philadelphia Mr
Nicholson has fillet this importation
position for tweiily-s;x years lirand
treasurer, M. iUehafda Mnrkle, of
Pblladedpbia, who haa tilled the rdttae
for thirty - mbt years; tnpraastt tall tea
to the aovaruigu grand lofge. Robert
K Wright, of Allvutowii, nnd Francis
M. Ray. of Philadelphia.
After th BOtttnatl IB of officers had
been iuatalled lirand Master N all an-
iiouuceii hi appolnttnenta
The delegates were then giveu ord
ers for their monty and the grand
I dge- adjourned to meet at Philadel
phia next year.
On of lh Bat.dli MotKy W. undfd
b,- ihs Shet:fr Poa
Si i t ii west i rv, Mo., May 17 A
courier from Qraud River, thirty-five
mile south west of In re, in th Iu liau
Territory, report tbat a battlu was
fought neur there between llie South
west City bank tobbt-rs aud the
shnritT posse.
One of the rubber Was fatally
wounded and captured. Re enforce
ment have left here. J. C. SoaDoru,
who was wounded by tiie bandit dur
ing tho fight here, dead.
Hn and Woman Walhlnf BOO Mils In
a it of Quid
San Francisjo, May 17. Already
over 2U0 ttiOeri have p iss -1 through
Juneau, Alaska, for tho gold mines up
the YnUon. Among them were three
or four women and several children,
who will walk lino miles.
Last year th miners got a good deal
of gold, and quite a !:iiinbr cleaned up
from fi. 000 10 $10,000 each. This ha
cause. I these wuiueu to go ill and join
their husbands.
Cooilne to Thla Country as an Asylum
From Rellglou Persecution.
London, May 17 A dispatch to th
Chronicle from Moscow says: ''One
hundred German Baptists have left the
provinces of Kherson and Volhynia for
America to seek an asylum from Rus
sian religious persecution.
As tbe vessel on which they em
barked left Libau the pmlgrnntn sang
a psalm, which greatly atfeutod thu
crowd gnthered on the dock.
Tha Aotor Dr. p Kin Bsvsrlda for Wife
N . 1.
Nkw York, May 17 It la said that
Charles Coghlan, the actor, has re
turned to his first wife nnd broken with
Kuhne Bevoridge for good. Misa Rose
Coghlan. Charles ( Vghlan's sister, I
! Nutbority for this statement. She has
Slinonnoed this fact privately to sev
eral of her friends, arid yesterday. In
peakiag of it. she said: "I am so
glad that Charles' troubles aro over;
this scandal has uiadu me simply sick
Charles is now living with Mrs, Cogh
lan nnd Gertrude. He has oome to his
senses. "
This morning at hor homo Miss Cogb'
lan would not make any Statement for
ptiblleatlon. Misa H-veridge has been
living at th' Albland H01133 for the
past six weeks, and Cu-irles Coghlao
has 1...-U llting alono, The lirst Mrs.
Coghlan was boarding in another part
of the city. They hud been seon to
gther in public a number of times, but
until Miss Coghlan made this state
ment it was not positively known that
they were united.
Just what becomes of Miss lisveridge
under the new dial is a mystery
Coghlan married her nnd lived with
her, while h" had a lawful wife living
Miss Heveridge mav sue CharleB for
bigamy us a matter of ruvetige.
- .
Th Oreut Uastlnir at CUveland Harran
of Re.ult.
CutVKLAXD, O., May 17 The great
o inference between tne rapretantativei
of 200.000 striking miners and o; orators
has oii'icd iu failure. The two inter
ests c.une together, presented their de
manda, discussed the condition of th
mining trade in nil its bearings and
found their differences Irreconcialable.
Due of the most pr .iminent operators
lu the Ptttabnrg dfetylot told tueropr
sen'ativ of the I' r ite. I Priss tonight
that within a vaak the Btlnen would
be at work, and thnt they would n-c-ive
practically the aaata of wages f. r
which they have been contending in
tho conference th it h is jutt end !.
Mining Conference Cannot Agree.
Can thn Strikers Hold Out
Much Longer?
( t rv: i anp, May 17 Tha nlnaca and
operator md today, b-for the
convention was called to order, ae far
apsrt as they ever were, aud at the
Bollaadaa and Wdlell, where th
operator! are qoartorad, the b
lief seemed to be general that
baf tu evening t'i aoaftraaoa will
coin to an end without having
readied un thing approaching a
settlement. N it even a modus Viv
endi, whsrsby tbe country may le
anpplied with coal and the qiition of
Tag liscuassd at ti (hrr time, i ex
pected. Ti e convention w. s railed to order
shortly after 0 o'clock, an I i. airman
Z -roe called for a retort of the confer
euc committee. Evry !lgale In
hletorttCaM hall knew just what it
wonld be that no agreement coold ba
reached aud ther wem no surprl.
lu that
i In hiiaara had ten laforttad by the
morning newapsp-ra of the belief aa
1 r- s.m Py the operator Prae ideal
M'-Hrlde could not aeep the men ou
strike muc'i longer and they
proc ded lo dfarPai what they called a
neltuloa on the pirt of their employes
They pointed to the fact that sink so
complt and far-reaching in it result
are not declared IT by the sink rs
w hen 'they pave an much to nconrag
an i little to dlao Muaga than,
Secretary Patrick J. MeBryd has In
dited all aloag that do aetlleaMl aan
be made boCMM the t peratnr have
not yet felt the rigor uf a coin;, let
tie up.
M hit operator started home last
nigh', leaving th If proxies, and aOttl
wo. away tnlanorolag, so that tne
oonwatiou, when it was aallod to
order. QoaiUtad of not more than 200
delegate There wer- 1 l on the Ural
The sm all cperalora agpaot tha largr
one to make an effort to break the
trtke, a they, Mpecially thOM from
Plttaburg. Who have taken coniract to
deliver at ont '. M o in poun la of coal to
rallroadi and for the Ink trad for
from Tl Uo to J 7( prevsnted a settle
m -lit.
Last season roal for dialing v. said
old from $2 23 to $2 Vi, but the yrar,
before navigation era fairly opened,
an op rating company took tee con
trect to luei veaaeli for i no. such
contract na Hush have o lr prevented
ii aettb Uiuht of the VSZed quostiuO.
Hurrlcan Daitroy a Town Sevan P.c
ple Are Killed
BSTAll, 0 . May 17 Between 4 and
o o'clock thia aftiTlloon a cyclone
paaaad over thla (Wllliatt) eoanty In a
it rtbesaterly direction It ii rojportad
by courier that in Kniikle, a hamlet
twelve mile north of here, th wind
was terrific, destroying half of th
town, killing aavan people, and injuring
about thirty others.
Dootora! from neighbnrlnir town
are hurrying to the scene The wind
was followed by four or five inches of
Ooorg OrCl'ha Truvala Around th
World le 01 Day.
LOftMtt, May 17 (leorgo F. Grif
fiths who started from Loudon at 11
o'clock on the morning of march 12 to
elroomnavagate the world and to beat
tli record of 74. held bv "Nellie lily"
of New York, arrived heru at 10 last
evening, having accomplished his feat
iu 0-1 days, II hours and 20 minutes.
i ii illiths expected at theeturt tocovor
the distance in sixty days.
Because his father, a widower, took a
new wife, Leopold Boulay, a Paris cab
man, killed him.
Twolvo hundred invitations hwu been
issued for the London banquet to the offi
cers of thu United States cruiser Chicago.
Spain promises to pay 17,0IK) Indemnity
to au American missionary, who suffered
injury In the Caroline inlands, but will uot
allow him to return there.
England will not be allowed to seizo
Tangier, says ex-Premier Castillo, in tho
Hpanisb Cos'tos. He declared that no one
nation could evor hold tho key of Uibrnl
tur. The 1800th performance of "Mignon"
took place at the Opera Comique, in Paris,
Tuesday night. Composer Thnnias has re
ceived the Uraud Cross of tho Legion of
It Enlivened the Closing Hours of the C. T.
A. U. Coiivcniion.
A Host of Candidates Named for the
Dolegatcs to the National Conven
tion at St. Paul Several Hours
Consumed in Selecting Them Who
The Fortunate Ones Were Next
Convention Will Be Hold In tho City
of Carbondale.
WltaUa IUHrtE, May 17.
THF annual convention of tho
Catholic Total Abstinence
nnion of th diocese of Scran
ton closed today amid u lively
display of oratorical fireworks.
Jut before th lavaotlon edjoarood
the qocation of the dhpsitioo of tbo
union trophy waa ratsd an I prodttOC I
what was by far the most exciting
cnu of the convention.
The tru;;gle lor d-Ugateshlps to the
national convention, waa extremely
lively and it required several hours to
ie tormina jail who the pro;er persons
President Devlno was ho nored with n
re-election ns a token of the apprecia
tion that is felt for bis zealous and un
tiring eff rts In behalf of the move
m-nt. lie presided over the delibera
tion of thn convention wuh ooolneai
aud caution and protected the privi
leges of . very pecker who obtained
recognition. The faithful officer who
served with him were also reeleoted,
HP-im ss i i Tin: m iiM v;
At B o'clock yesterday morning the
delgatea attended man at st Mary's
chore!', R v Father O'Roorka bring
tbeoelehrant President Devlacoallcd
the convention to order at U l' and
sai I th it to facilitate burn- ha ' nld
have to a ply the rule prOblMttO any
delegate from speakliig mora than
onoe on a autj ict without the p-rtni
slon of th convention
A Utter from A W Daffy, on of
the officers of tbe national union, waa
read, which urged inmy societies' a
poetlhle to send d-legate to the Na
tional convention in St Paul Jin Aug
ust lie said that half rates of fare
will be given Py the ratlr oadl
Mile J McAu lrew. ihalrttU of the
delegate who r-prerntel th di aeaan
union at the national convention kCl I
in Springfield, Mass , last Angnat,
prentwd th JtOBaft of tne delegate
It wa a clear and lucid pre.wntation of
ihe work don by th natl nl fOnVCO-
tion. Mr MoAndraw aaid that the ra-
p r'sof c fflcers siiowcl that tli-r wer
72T tooietie in the national union,
il Tided a follow Men, L5S cadet,
17$ ladies. 80; efirla, 2 Tbe total
Bettbarahlpaf these crganlr itions at
that tiroa ami M n;o
Maurice Walah of West BaraatOB,
claimed tbe attention of the convention
and urged that the I Ian of lusurance
Thioh, it wu state-l on Wednesday
would be brought to th atttntl m
of ihe convention toly. Ihi given the
laiiy. tie j 'ku warmly lu laVor of
lusurance. 1 he r. quest of Mr. Walsh
for th ii w plan bi ought M. T. Parke
Isifsire th tnsdy and h dated that the
huw plm wa very vxhausliv and tbat
It ws desirable tbat It should be car. -
fully c imderrd by i P iles Li
said th it before the convention a
Joorotd the lrurance tottttlttaa
would rtcomtiKud tnat the plan ta
printed ai.d sent to tl.e dlffureut socie
ties for consideration.
J. J. MeMealia, ol Driftou, mnv.!
t hat a general parade of all th ocie
llea of the un ion bo held ou lot 10
Belt to commemorate the birth ot Rev
Theobald Mathew, the apostle of latt
lraiice and f Hindi r of the rOOVCDCOl
The proposition produced a stormy
debate, participated la by Mr. Caffrvy,
Jerayn, Mr. Borka, Catboadala: Mr.
Mi il wee. l'lvniouth: Mr. Harry, Kinga-
totti Mr. UeAndraw, Arahbald; Mr
Mullraney, CarboadtlOl Mr. O'Toole,
Wilkaa-Barrei Mr. Oatisgher. Wl k-
Barn , Mr Calico, S-ranton , Mr. Walsh,
Will ton.
iwti i'arapi s will UK iu:li).
Mr. Burke of Carbondale amenddd
Mr McNealls' ttotloo by substituting
th word "d'strict" for "general.
The ItteodmtOt prevailed and Mr.
Hrrry of Kingston moved that the
territory covered by th iiuion b di
vided into throe districts and as many
parades held. This motion was
amended by Mr. McKlweoof Plymouth
to read that four paradaa be held.
A'ter a loug dlMUilon Mr. Murray
of Plymouth umun isd the moliou to
tha effect that two parades be held
Tin- motion earried and ou motion of
Mr. Culleh of BorantOII It Was decided
that societies north of lb dividing line
between Lu.ern and Lackawanna
counties ihOQld have one parade ai.d
those south ot that point another.
A recess was then taken and thu dele
gates from then portions of the union
caucused. Churles Livin was chiur
luan of Hie LiiZ'rno meeting and J. J
Gallagher secretary. Baileton,Pittiton
and Parsons were nominated for thu
parade iiud on the second ballot Pitts
ton was cliosm. I'lward Doiigbor, of
that place, was nominated marshal.
James Pidgeon, of Carbondale, pre
side over the meeting of tbu Lacka
wanna delegates and J, J. Swaaney, of
Scraiiton was secretary. Jermyn aud
Jeastip were nominated forth' parade.
A ballot resulted iu thu selection of
Jerinyu. Miohnel IfoHale, of Jermyn,
wa elected marshal ot that pirade.
The result of the work of these meet
ings was reported to the convention
and ratified.
M. T. Hurke, chairman of tho com
mittee on constitutional amendment,
submitted tbe report of that body, and
ou motion of Mr. O'Toole, of Wilkes
I 'ii re, it was accepted and its recom
mendations complied with. The
amendments recommended that an ap
propriation not bo exceed $100 be made
yearly to defray tho expenses of the
Continued on Pago 6.
Young Man if Wealth and a Parted
Nnm Dlsnppsara.
West CiiKSTi n, Pa., May 17. The
police here were- Informed today of th
mysterious disappearance of a son ol
T. Blwood Martin, a wealthy resident
of New Loudon, this connty. Young
Martin, who is about 20 years
of age, left bourn two weeks uo
with the Intention of going to
Unrrisburii to undergo an examination
by the state board for a diploma per
mitting him to praotioa as a druggist
lluring the past winter bo attended
lectures at a college of pharmacy in
Philadelphia, He failed at the recent
examination nnd thu had a very dt
pieeaing uffect upon him.
A search has revealed tbnt ha d id not
reaoh Barrlibttrg and his frtaadafaar
that some mishap has befallou him.
Young Martin is a member of one of
thu best families iu b.iuthsrn Chester
county, and when he left borne lie bad
a considtrabiu .sum of mousy about bU
Th Hobs Art Not Uaaful to Citizen of
Deiuiy. P.i. , Mav 17. Galvin's indns
trials arrived here ye.tirdav with 112
Dtafl in line A little food was given
them, bnt s n rule the people have no
use for then.
The army will leave for LUairsville
The Basj Eall Magnates Quarrel
Like Little School Bos
at Harrisburg.
HABJUIBOBO, Pa,, llaj 17. Ir was an
exceedingly vociferous meeting of the
State Hasu Hull leatMia held at the
Grand hotl tonight. All the clnbs
wre represented, even Witman, of
Beading, who threatened to bold a
rump meeting of the league at
Reading, snowe I up early in tbe
ana. He and Han, on, of Hazleton,
were the last to reach tbe hotel, Those
present were M ryen and Htuton, L
Boa ton, of Barrlibttrg; Ilnrew and
Donaghue, nf Altuoua; Smith, of
Potfsville; Siulers and Swift, o!
tJeraotoa; Kelly, of AJleatoam: Ban
ion, of Hazlitou. and Witman, of Read
lag. The proxy of Parke, of BaatOD,
we held by President Meyers.
Oa tbe Invitation of President Mey
are and Secretary Dtddlabodb half a
doBea newapapar man were also on
i and, but they were Mattf tly fired
from thu room on King Celly'a motion,
bnt not until the i.-ague Qgctala bud
protested agalot tbe d;-c urtesy.
Tiie presi lent aud aecratary each
mid a apeuch in w.ich they
stated that there having been
groai tnlarapiaaeutatioo of their
offlcial scti ins by certain members of
tbe league through tbe press, it was
I tit fair that the press sh ml I tie given
the lr no fact. Hut the clique which
teems teuton disorganisation lusiatad
on a rcret ssinn and th newspaper
un n retired
At midnight tbo mooting is Hill on
wui.out no alga ol idjoaraaaint M.
E Smi lets, of the Scr into i Trnth rams
on for the pnrpoaa of tnrning down
Secretary Hi Idli lock and putting him
slf in bis place.
Th Pottavllle-Barrlfbarg game
played hirs last Siturday was thrown
tit Smith protested that the nmpir
had violated th rubs in allowing a
runner hi base on a fly ball dropped by .
an tntiei ier wnen a mm was on first
hsse. The protetd game at Fasten
was awarded to Hazleton on tbe ground
tht thectowd hud nit- I with the
Prealdaat Myr was depcsel ru 1
llai.loii of II lleton. elected instead
the vote Wing Alleiitown, Altoona.
lisrrisbtirg and Reading for ilanlo
and Potlavllle, Scrsnton and Hazleton
for htayirs. The proxy of the Faston
club held by Mr. Meyers was not
11 H. Dlddlabock was reelected sec
retary nnanlnooaly. F.x-Preideat
Meyers tendered the resignallou of the
Harrisnurg club as a member (if the
league, aad withdrew from tho meet
ing I lie league gave visiting clnhi the
privilege of taking .V) per c. t.t. of tbe
gate receipt instead of tbe $.V) guaran
tee, and this so incensed Wiiman, of
Blading, that he followed Meyors' x
ample and resigned.
'ihe league ad j mined at lit) a.m..
bnt after t n luinntes, reoOOVcncd.
President Banlon resigned and IX
Presi lent .Meyrs was uuauimously re
rolorad Widow Capture a Bachelor
Funny Slyl.
BntraXBVtUJL, 0 , May 1(1 As the
result ol a mock uiiirrmr;o recently at
Ihe colored church entertainment, per
formed by tho pastor between 'Aunt''
Lviio Jacobs, a widow, and William
Dade, a bachelor of Co, Mrs. Jacobs
nnd claims to be Mrs. Dada, nml any
sue will stiu her hiisbiud for uou sup
port. Dade is well-to-do and will fight tho
case. Under the Ohio law tbe mar
tiage is hgul.
Senator Hi ice ha-i bet Svnator Veat fsF,n
to HO that the taiift bill Will luiss the scu
ate by June 15.
A decline ot the gold reserve to $s7,000
000 Will b the iisnlt of the exparta of
18,800,000, iniiiouuced yeaterday to thu
treasury dlDBI iineut.
The state of Virginia has defaulted on
the payment of fSlll.iOl) of Virginia stato
bonds hehl by tea Dttlrad Statu treasurer
as Indian tiust fnndl and now due.
The Nnrris Peters company, of Wnsb
Icgton, has regained tbo contrsct for the
photocraph litnographic work ol the iat
eut office, al $68,808 Iteatban when it for
merly Bald the contract.
I 1 W a s f 1 1 r.TON, Mn y 1 7c- Fortcn st
I RAIN "': ,''"'ioaoi, for
I irittay: I ,. vmther, with
I 1 Wa . irow for,$kowm
aad Inwirler stonnev ov4hwfndc:
For trejtc-ii I 'n ni tylvnn in, seoiMTI and
aroeablu Maader Mormi;1 ooofer; high
winds thifti,y (otctif.
WE A It tiOKOBRiad
glv EAKEand
OOMrOBT than any
other C lit BBI made
in tb World.
HRKAK over th
TlUiY th7
Bald by tho LEADING MODIsTES to be
the ONLY COB8ET over which a Dr
Waist can be PLUFECiLY and PROP.
BB than the SIZE of yonr Waist when
meaaunxl tightly over vuur dress. If sc
ordered, no CORSET MAKEIi can mak
oue to order that will fit a well or with
a mnch ease and comfort, or give such a
Magnificent Form.
vTB ADVI8B ALL LADIES to purebaae
PIDBKT that thev will tw DBLIOHTBO
with their EXQCIflTTE fOBM PIT aad
510 and m Lackawanna A?&
Maltese Cross
And Ook tanned Leather Belting.
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Sorace St., Scranton, Pl
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
In Russet Shoes.
114 Wyoming Avo.
We Examine Eyes
Free of oharge. If a doctor
is needed you aro promptly
told BO. We also guarantee)
a perfect lit.
All SILVERWARE and Damaged Gooda
at Arcade Fire will be aold at
SO Per Cent Below Coat
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
v jj? iSeMjaaftiV '' '' ' 'syrTaaaTraaiiaM