8 THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNETHURSDAY MORNING. MAY 17, 1894. Peecham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, tlyBpepsia, heartburn, torpid livcf, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills' 25c. At drugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co., ;u5 Canal St., New York. GORMAN'S The beautiful weather suggests yoor necessities; your necessities ROgge8t our special offerings to day: Gloves, Laces and Embroideries Dress Trimmings, Hosiery and Underwear Wc also offer a I area lot of n n For women and children, iu all the li st and latest shapes. Sailor Hats and English Walk ing Hats From 50 cents to $5. A beautiful assortment of Pino French ami Domestic Flowers. WOMEN'S Tailor-Made Costumes Handsome Tailor-Made Cos tumes in Blue and Black Barge, Covert Cloths, etc.etc, with lull sleeves and per fectly hanging skirt, most carefully made in every de tail. Among onr best stylo of suit- are the Derby, Amn ion and Penwiok. A STBOlfG LINT Of Ladies' Vests $1.50 and $2 Each. DUCK SI ITIN(iS Choice styles Ladies' Duck Baitings in Light and latk ( Mors, Pries 12'. c. Per Yard. DV'S DOING AT UUNMORE. Eaccril 1' Event of a Xnd.rn D.it lr. Ar.cir.t Hucktown Sprrti'i to the Scranl'in TWmit. Evmioiik. Ph., May 10. The Ep Wurth li- iiju-' helil an !!! rtiiiiU'ii'iil kO'i tociiil ut the MrttliodiMt Bplicopal church I all niirbt. Tim nil tir w is lit I for 0 - pnrpoee of raiting foe ! to pUrcbftM rt now plSBO linJ It wm !ib r illy psUroolSMi tli leag'JH realising (imt" nm. The programmi wss open 'i by Professor Korn, wi. r no introductory on the iBStrumiBl Xbil WM fin lowed by 1 iUrw dull 1 I eovted by M Chamberlain mid Dialer. A vocal solo by Jim .S tiler, piano and violin iinut by the Misses Powell ; vocal to . P. A. Citr: ma no sole, FrofOUOt :.i ; VOesI solo. MiaiSnilar; piano an ' violin tiu-t, M:s Distorted Hi Pi ui; quartette -lction by HIm s I rell and Kit-hard and Mi ami He iio J sad fitOWafa Bo endly the a Salt wm also u ibcoss and Many rinaleil ll .Ptuirlvoa with l ho lam toons repart that wan Hpri-a.i Miss Umnciie Ilium Uft jctterday f ir Bit.gbiiuitou, N. V,. wlirn she will riaitatttie home of V. 0 Qslpln MoieikDavin, of Mnicuw, vltlted bis brother, 1'bilip DaTtt, on Tic slay. To-morrow evening t!i v iu ig Isdlet of the Bon Ton dancing cm", will rn tertnln thi-ir friend by giving ii so. lal at the Odd Fellows' hull A lintfe nnniber of invitations have been inane I to young people both herii nnd in Scrauton and un onj yublo tint is nii tiripnteil. Mm Wood nnd ion, Hoy, are visiting Honesdiilo relatlvea. Ufa Wnrdoll It visiting her mother, Mrs. Shaffer, nt Union Kid go. Stephen Alton underwent, a very crit Icnl operation at hi homo yesterday sfterBOOB, Mr. Allen huu been nn In Talid for Honio lime and ;an t -no had developed in his leu. After a eOBtnlta 40U of the doctor It was dectded tli.it th innmbr would h ive to be ampu -tSted, which was successfully nccom pliahed by Dr. Frank Winters, a late grudunte of Jefferson college, assisted his father and Doctors QarVOV and Murphy. The operation was neatly performed, nnd reflect lunch credit on the. town's youuir doctor and bit assist ants. At late accounts Mr. Allen WM fceliug comfortable and noil! effects are anticipated. Strawberries and fresh uiilk at Pal mer's for B cents pur quarts. A (Junrter Gantiiry Tr.it. Tor n quarter of a rontury Dr. Kind's New Discovery lin'i been tested, nnd the millions who hnvn rocelvad bandit from lis uso testify to Its wonderful cnrntlve cowers in nil disonsos of Throat.Cho.t nnd Lungs. A romoJy tlmt has stood the test so ln; end lhot tins jlvon so universal latlafiictlon in ::o eaper.mooti Ench buttle to positively finnranteod to give relief, or tho money mil be refunded, It It admitted to br the roost reliable for Coughs nnd Cold". Trial bottlesFree at Matthew Bro's. Drug Store. Large slzo 50c, nnd $1.00. BRAND DEPOT HATS 110 BONNETS HONESDALE KIRMES5. DHZzlinK Feiturua ui th Gfcond Night. Th Military Pamela. Fl'ccicu !o t;i rttraann Tr6aas, HON BSD ALE. May 1(1. The secoud night of the kirmesa aijain brought forth a largo audience, numbering nearly as many ns on tho first night, The dunces in every case were much better, more freedom and frolic tiding shown. The May Pole and Gypsy dances wer.' recoivud with the mime henrtinpsB of the preceding night. The Bptulth dance is a light, skip- in;; step that takes tho eye at once. The youtiK Spaniards with their lonu spears and bright coiupanians pro Rented a most attractive tppearnnce. The dance is of that lively, quick, thrilling uatnro that is sure to take well nnd the house applauded again and BgaiU. Miss Antoinette- I). Hall dance a favorite solo to tho Spanish. Her h'rnceful. bowitc.iin movements bring on loud applause. The flower dance, by young laditl alone, is of a much slower, stalely movement than tho others. Tlta figures ilumed are petty ai.d grnoofully exe cuted. The tnrantello is similar to the Span ish dance, but iu place of the tpear "f the young fata in the Spanish tht young ladies carry long scarfs. Tho Bae dancing of the young people was well received, Probably no dunce provokes more I luuhtT or is more heartily enjoyed than the War and Moon danot ot the Americans Indiana Dressed in exact rettmbltnot to the original American Indian with war paint, tomahawk and ftatbtrt, th?se tiraves and MUiaus dance to the time of the rumbling, ertthiog mntle of the war dance, l the lead mav be teen Shrill Murphy, in hi moccastm six feet five inebtt tall aud T. B, Clark of in nrly the same height, followed by otbtt giauti of ill loot ttatue. The war wboopt tie blood OOtdling, Tiin tomahawk is flourished with menaoa At tho sound ot the dntijjer every Indinn ilrocs as if DM ptMOn, Then ivine a part tlut pli tti I everv ou-1 :.d:er. Mis Barbara weaver dances n sulo In the droit ot the council that is very i'wet nnd pleasing. .Mis- Weaver' totolt excel lent. The Harvester Were applauded Inud and Iniiir. They Imwv 1 ta-.r ackno.vl edgrineiit, but ill i not danre the sec ond time. Toe tolo danctrt were rt clpitntt of bandtomt bouqu t "t Aowerti winch th-y highly UMtrved fot tin IrtZetllent dancing. owing tn th abandonmtnl of the frequent change ot sum.' ol tht poorer colernl ligtits the dances were much luprovtd In gtoeral tpptaraoct and i fleet. Do not mis th little oom at th matinee, yon can't afford It. Thursday nnd Friday at 1 1 m . Sttur dav at it p in Among the out nf town giit we sun, Mio Maine Charlttwortn, John Blackwood ant .Mr Hunt. S.-r trit.m Mis Annie Sharp, MIm Ntlll Parn- inam, Miss Ai.tia l.rm.ilt mil .tin- Kiora Suimer, 1'ort Jcrvi. H. B, Buy .l, r. Bondoot; llltt Dalle WilkM, Mid dlttowoi Mrs. Bid nty Hen wood, Mr-. D.( fel'iert and C'ohnl It ,a. SeraOtO . Ml Dr I'Mim. ItlM Outtlt Ciillntu and Charltt Armbnater. Bawlty; 111m rtnwltnd an 1 wi:., li iwley, Houefdaie i gnily dteked In bunt ing aud tltg today in bono! of tbt guet of Oonpany K tho Tbirttratb regiment. A large uuiut)r ol Ml C town people are pretent, m ik, thi the greet day of the klrmttt, Every r ,erved aeiit in the armory h ,s been sold and Hie building wilt bs peek 1 At 4 l"i the aoldttrt arrive l.an 1 f 'rul ing In line paraded t'io principal aire!. A dr. pus le under tne new tactic wa held on Dppi r Main strtet tnd witneB-d by a large tbi tog pittston CONOtiSaTIONl N vi of II ih H r Kin Oslltd a id r.- (ollv Ei '.nm a ' I fpertttl tt.r , rn;., i IVtbeaa 1 ITIMi'N, Pa . Mav I'l I ( if ,i. B Pnnersos agalnttJ A Touiiill, Whlob was tat 1 iwo f r tr. il thl week. bst been eooUnsed iwing tot iuiarrfe noobei ol c tit i to bt trie I, j. teph P. CfBeyie, brother of As.i: nut Dutrlct Attorney tllloyie, b.ts commence '. tli am ly of law In the latti r efl ' t Vil !l irr William Liwa'.l, ef Wtlete-Barre, u out with i cii illtoge to ruu ttveral printer' 100 yards, ll" gives Joba Jones, If, Baekley, It inert Martin, on yard trt in li.'ivard; Dni or Smith, three yiir l lii In ), or will run l Ion' iff thl tturk for a purse r inging lr..iu fl'sj to f 1 10 i si In Jacob W. Bvant, of this place, is in rf c-ipt of new of the Barn age of Mi brother! Hvan Bvant, formerly of tin place, to H-ii.cc i vVtlllamt, The in- lorrtting event l'H)k Jil ice lit NeWharg, (Jre., on April 17. Tne delegates from this plsee to at tendance at the annual r. invention nf the C.ttbolie Totni Abstinence union being hel l iri WUketBam are: Father Matbow tocltty, M. w A rrrit, J. II. Foy; St. John's cadets, Thoina J. Lottu. M J. Koran i St. John's nveitty, PorlOrifflth, IL J Bgut, Bdward l)i. uglier; S-. Joaep'i'a ealets, M F Qtlletpit, Prsaett II icktn, I'he oondition of .1 Z -i tier, who wv kiektd by a uiul", is critical and little hope i expressed for an reeovtry by the attending physician. In common pleat cunt today tht .oli'.wia ' I.;!. I I, a- b oi ui.ur.eil i:i to., cam u! llert Dymo.nl vs I'ittstoD bo rOUghi Proper proofs of rvica of writ of Ctrl lor a having beuu served upon ThomM llaloney, bnrgttt ot Pittston borough) commanding him to sud up his r.c irdt t second Monday in May, 1894, and that he has failed to nbey the commend of laid writ, roll It granted upon Thomas M ilonty to tbow cause why ao Sttacbuttut tball not l sue against him for co.it-mpt of court iu nut ohiying the USUdatee of ttld writ. Returunbie Mav 10, at 10 a.m. John Jordan, of Upper Pittaton, whose tlectioo with that of Michael Lyons, us jitsti. e of the ptaot, bill been declated void hy the state attorney general, has retained a counsel At torney John T, Lensban, who will go to Harrllburg tomorrow to appear bc foro the governor and attorney gtntrsl unit argue to cstnbllah tie; validity of Mr. Jordan's eloction. Tho decision of the attorney general as to what Hct ot assembly and mpnleiuelits then to this borough is at present, under ro-divi-lion( governed by will be S waited with considsjr ililo InteftStj as it will in any event hnvu bearing nn the tux reottvi! contest, tht number of years rounoil men are elected for, and tho number Ol school director thu district I untitled to. Oaz itte. 'the Mi- Olive Smith, r-arnb Drury, and Laura Jontt started on their trip to the old cainlry this morning. Tiiey lift Now York at 4 o'clock on the ittrmibtp Citv of Pkrit, Iheir destina tion boiug Southampton. Arriving there, they proceed to London, in which city they will make their besdqhsrwrt during tho two or three laotiUis that they are to IpeOd iu viewing sights and visiting relntivfH and friende in Bng laud and Wales. Oharles O. Smith ac companied the young lmlio to New York to see them safely oft The music class of Miss BlilSbatb Hoyt, of the West Side, will give a musical.' Inmorrow evening. Thefol I ivvliig nrogrnmiri" wil b- r-nd-r'l; Duet V.ils Concert Mnttei Clara Lanford and .Marian benedict. Pizacutti Dolibes Clara Andrews Charge Hussars Spmdler (lertrud Hughes. (JeburtstngB Marsch Schwalm Mary lirydeu. n. Rondo in C iloznrt b. Flower s0ug Raff Nellie Davenport. Btrcinte Jotot Hoffman Clara Lingford. Song, "For All Bteroity Jessie Porriu. Morceau doRal Widor Varum Benedict. BabiUsrde (Oaprlce) J. Ruff Jenma Dittriok, a. Hong Without Word .Mendolsuohu b. Polka, "Wane." Altn Iievan. n. Rondo in P Kohler b. Alpine Roses Spiadlor Luna Monte, Scherzo Mendelssohn Marum Benedict, 4f FROM FOtiEST CITY. Btlttlt of tb- Fire Pay Uy Colsbrnted r. rtonul Net n . Fs rcini tn ftatferanfoM 7W6um POBRSrClTT, Pa, Mav l(i Thomas EL Reynolds, of BorSUtOn, wns in the bun ugh on hast cell today. Prof. YY. 11. ( lillel, superintendent ol schools of Susquehanna county, will be in Forest City tomorrow toconduo1 an tzamlnntton. The Brat picnic of the year I being In Id IndaV on tl a grottndl opposite the Trie ttatton by Cunrl Clinton lodge, No. 7807, Ancient Order ForMtert of America, Tht parade was headed by the Vsudling Corutt b ind. F. L' Keed has moved hi family from this pilot to Vattdllng where Ic ins t arte I n brmch store, A. M. I illicit and 1) E Evans, ol Gibson, were iu town witntn tho patt tw i d ays Mien Lizzie Hsrtung Is vlsltlog this we k in Boneedala Mrs. David Anthony, of the West si It, Scran too, visitol friends in tin place yesterday wiiilu on her return tr..ia t'l'tTird. The Pi ret City Mhool will close to morrow A very saoeteifnl lertn off school has boon taught under the prin cipalshtp of Professor W. ti Trim rHB TaiBOKB reporter mad a visit today to tut icene of yetterday'i lire. A force of mechanic wa bntlly at work connecting the stam Iteam hM been raised In two of the boilers and tho steam puinps t tt the nine were started running today alum 8 o'clock p. n An opening has ben ni.do In the tbtft bttwoen the tlopi ..ml the No, s'mft. it i Intended to ;,ivu the 1 colliery working tomor row The fan holler are not BO se verely detunes I as wa at firt tsptoted lie.) faii suglne, boitt tngist and ti.e two high Speed eniuts that ran tde tltotrie generStOfS are cracked and ruined. The limbering ind banting with the guide in the oust i will h.iv 1 1 bt rtpi iced 'V"r twenty mine car Were ba lly d ilnaged it Will be at l.-n.l six or eight w..ks tetfnr the No. 2 colliery can bt worked. An insurance wm earned Lizzie D iVSBtf.thl U-year ol 1 laugh ter i f Patrick nn i M argent D.vany. of Vandllng, dltd yrilerdav of heart f illnrt i ruie. t wiii inks piac t morrow rbnri lay) in St. K ' ctn i.C Celnet. I V, ( 'tr boll lal-v List M D lay Was piy lay. and nfter having etleoreted tu. evnt wiin mo much "poUnky," John ll ack, a p . land. h gni a qasttol with one John Oaehneek lt.is,ck w gttmg the w.ir.l of lh proc-. ling, w hu hu drew a I Ifl and Inflicted an uglv cut on Ooaanack, cutting i.im in the seek. I h" cut was ah ut thte" inche long and in th ibapt of an L. th bottom upward It wa intlu'tad over the Ugar v.. in. Tim man was in gNfll danger of bl -tdlng ti d'atli fot a tun. I 'r. KnSM attend" I hun and h- la rest ing eati.y at tht WtfttUR P .stack was arrange 1 before Njuirn W. J Max y. wtio hld I.im uinior i i t ail to up;mr at court. Buck Ainu t fia va. The beat aalv In tb world fseOSSe Ilroiaea, Boiaa l.'lrr. Malt Khaarn, Paver Bt i-. 1 tier. i.app.t lla 1. i Li: bum. I'orus ai.d all skin Eruptiniit, ai.d pjal ttvtly rurea 1'ilos. or un pay required. It tgseresttid t" give parfect tatlafaettoe r r BtoMg rvftnded, Mes r to. rOI a.!e by ItSSSheWI illu. M fiRCUNO OlVf'MiNt Uatlv U tdfet tf Eatartalaln Ojtt i frota a Liva Town ft . mi to ra .Mcraafoa TViaaa. Olvi iiant, Pa , May 10 H-v Oaurge H A. Ian, or NlW York, la visit ing with fri' ii Is la t .w i William MmOB, ..r li Jtely, went on a ion nel trip in WilKe -llarr todtv William s .. of Orecti ltiJgv, wm a calb r iii lows vter lay. Mn T. ."d. Djvtts of TOptka, Ken., ii visiting btl mn, Wiliiam H D iviaO, on Ln kawanna bin I Bav Pete: B inerta sttendtd tii- Coo gregational ha d ty achnol c invention at Piovi donee to-day T. It. Hard, nf Pvckville, circulated among friend i i town to-day. Mr Joi n li and and Miss ( I'Nnd, Of Carboodllt, Were Vtttllngon Lack awanna Stn et to dy. Wm Burks r the North p. id etrce I a ted among friends iiere to o if, Miss Minnie Boban, of Daaekor ttreet, i rltliing trn-nd in Dnumort The Brown teia- bill olub will ormt bat witli the Young Men' QhrisliS association team ..f BoTSntOO on the borne ground Saturday The manas era will have cltalrs on the grmi i I t areommodata the crowd. The follow ing ere pisyaro: Btttery, Korea broth erSJ first base. Oritlilii; ttoood bate, Soblagerp third base, Frank v7heler; shortstop. Welsh, left lid,!. .Sun R.; center ti ild,Meebao ; runt lie! i t 1 1 . r rah. . Street Oommlstiootr N rulo 1 1 doing sums good work "U our e;routs. Lit the good work go nit. KILUD ay THE CARS. Mrs. Mary O'Jcyla Ct.ut lu Froat of a Deinware and ilutli n Train. fytckU ta fa icrtuVoa IXttas OLTMAirr, I'a., May 1(1 -Mrs Mary O' Boyle, an aged Inly, who had been visiting t j'. ii GHiraartlu's in Pok- ville, and Was going in VtSlt btrdaUgb- ttr in Provldenue, was walking down the Delaware ami BndBoU track today when alio heard S VOal irain coming Stepping out of tho way of lb: cod train, she Stepped in front of the 8 80 passenger train, Wbloh stiu k and killed her instantly. The remains were taken iu charge by fJodertekti Bw enev. Whon Haby WM link, we gave her Csztorta. When she u-ns a Child, slie cried for Ca.-it.iria. When she beeMMllItt, ahn dnag to C.istorla. Whon sho had CUlldron, she gavollwui i:astorla, CARBON D L COililER. Pretty Woddlr rr at Trlr.ity Cha ch ?er onul ii. d Otli r Note. .' l eant the. SeraHtO IW5WM. CaBBOSUALB, Pa., May 16. A very pretty wedding took plaot thi evening at Trinity church, Tho contracting parlies wore Mies Lizzi" Phillip, of this citv, nnd Albert Nlcol, of Arch bald. Tho ooreinouV was performed at 8 o'clock by Rv, E J. Bollley, The bridesmaids were Mis Lizzie Ktefer, of Scranton, and Miss Mintiio llat tinger, of this plaot. Tho maid of honor was Mus An oil Moylee, of Scran ton. Charles M F.atou was grooms man. Tho usln rs were Harry II. Dill and Augustus Bsttsnburg, of Arch bald; Wiliiam J. Roberts and Melvin Tappan, of this city. Tho bride was very prettily arrayed in a dress of white corded silk, as also were her attendants, who were attire. 1 in white. The OtWly wedded couple, will at once commence housekeeping in u newly furnished bome on Main street in Archbald. Frank perry has tempted a poaition with City Engineer Fnck A telegram was recniv. d tod ly by Bdward Bitted, announcing tin. desth is tiiterlu-iaw, .Mrs. V H. Crago, of Aldtuvlllt, Wayne county. Mr. ami Mrs HUted lett this nftornooii for that pi ice. Mis Mentis Donovan, of Lloo.iln ab line, will leave touiorro.v morning (Tbnnday) for Scranton, where the win retidi in the future. O.. tge Taylor ii the iruest of Dr. Jetlklnt, of Church street. Yetterday afttrnoon while driving a tpirited hi. io on Belmont ttrtet nnd ttie animal bteoming frightened au.i nnmnnngtablo at the eight of s street car. Reed l owler wa thrown out of . in. e irria ami -iH.uiue l some bad bruises. Jiuum H. V'arin iu ofCansan lift this morning for Philadelphia H wpltel, where he will r.c tvo treatment for nit eyea. Mr. m l Mr. .1. s It rryof CsttSSU trail spent today with friends in Bcrautob, 1 " '!) Dubois and Sam Ferrell were in Honesdal-to I iy on a busiuesi tnji M. L us It ii r, of Scranton. Deut thia evening with friindt in tins city Mr Vain., n i rttUmi I to lo r bOBM In Port Jitvi after a visit with her liter, Mr J u Vanoau, Mils Sad io Car r. .if Jersey City, who iu -Nt i -1 Lluta scurry's gueai during the pMt Jew diy, left todny lor n short stay witb H msedsls fnoud before tetnrinn g bomt H.-lLbllAJ AND GWtaT BCMD. It tat nf tatenet lr m IB Twin r u qa h..en T .wna y) rfinl a thr N outran ,. HaIXSTBAO, Pa Miv 1.-Mrs. i-. rge liav.a, of Btnghamton, i vutt lug friend! lu town. The tonal Bns on th lull a'.out tt,i peetty rillagt an dMtroying larif" nembet of tn- tree Mm Kittle Plka i d red a priz of a ring to a hoy and girl for good Be. havior during tbi term. The pr.xi were leoond by Mitt Aim Boyt uJ M later Tbomee Adams, Me in rial Day, M i- In, will h pe'a- 1 r it-. l by s mmrell p. it, No. 888, Orsai Annv of tin Bepublla rt member of the p t will amhl at t'i. lr room at Ol in. from which plsee they will march to tlraee Ctinrch cemetery; tbence to WikxJUwh and Liar I.C cemetetlas After Ihe aar tlOet at lues cemetena tbey will break rank for dinner. Tby will -Mml I again at 1 p iu. Th aftarin or. Mrvloee will eoaetet of gnnd parade, aarvire nt ii Hoi cein-tery at II ill stn!, ml aldrasa.t itKntier i ,."ra boast iv Rev I w Wise, ofTosk- baao el;, au l others. The lint of marcli will Nt through the principal (treat of Oreat Head and llal!tad. Tin infant sou of Mr. and Mr .lame s.minr. 11, agd v'mt 2 month, died this afternoon at 8 o'clock Th fooeral win be held oa Friday after BOOB at .'e'ock Intermint will be made It !!,,;, m .irv Mi. M B Page, of BtngstBttea. Is vi. nine triiB l in town Oouoiv Bnperinteedeal of School l p GHUst, will ho d a t'acher tS aiuiustion at ti.n tiriit Band on Sttnr dav June Fred Decker ii hav.ng an addition bnil". on hi r .i.lenc. l rtro I- Blobols haa r'turned hou.t from viaitlug frteodl in Blngnamton. Dr NorwiviKl a Norway I'm Svrup na Med for yrars ai a prefer. puon by a ac cefu! phy.lrtan It I la all respect the bet eoffni BMdk made today. Slid by all dialers on a gBereatOC I f Minfartl u. a. lEabi T AY tOK tOPICS A Neluhbirlig 11 r.iugli'i N w. Oract feU Wrl la. Up tjftittt to rA Hcraaliiti ,u.,a. Tayi.hu. Pa. M iy 8 -The Electric will piay tin (fevei Sweets ciui on Sal .r.lay rbeesM w Jea John Eobter and QeorgeJ Poaattl annouBoa thenswlwa ' in Ii Int. - l i .leg it. .a to the Third legiaiativ aoavintioa Henry Bewails, Elmer Daniels and Itev Ivor Tbotaa attended the Sua day a.-hod conwotlon of the Coagre- grtllon ll chlirclies at Pr .vi lene i to lay. The tobooll nf L ickaw tuna township will el. sa on J un I. Th Oelitatil "G in vieve, " at the Cal- v.in Dsptltl c urcn on Tnitday night, WMgretrted 'ii- l crowded b un ni.it ablyglvea The m-mben of the 'l ay I ii ti intra a qnitt .1 thtmitlvM ore- dil 'My T oo "C lit. derate Spy" will bo given mxt Wtdntaday nlgbl nt the rink Join, Wet bit aid Barbers Negley were wedded lod.iy a: tbt Qtrman Evang Mcii ebnrch by Uev. Beck. We r' park waa BBSploioasly opened today Taylor hand wat pret ent d glVl several el oice Selections Tbe path ll lighted up by electric iighN an 1 i. uvii arrange i lor tdeasure ji ri. a. H orun N mateel an I 1 1 1 M irtlu w r m nied tnutebt by Ret, Ivoi Tbnmtt The couple will m one go honaek in -. i dn a rwl Sbatp, HMOtblg ii;ns. back ache, side ache, chest n.utis and nalnl. t.-iii iii relieved in t ink MINI ik hy the COTt Ct KA Ami-Pain I'las TBSf the first and only pain kining platter. It rCStORI viiu electricity, Jd hence cum ner vmr pain and nius- culut wtaknesl, Tri mail. i..i ' aaaane 11J lau l'auii a.m. e,,i . Coar., Ilo.ton five, $1 -.1 SragghM or by uprmuiipnUv cuimI in 211 li.WdtJ. bf . Ill ',,!,. ' ' 1 ix:-::.'T...A -- i.'L T,:.j.7r. uH.ii..l....r..l, Krkr4 l tllMI UM, r.i hi . ..... ivv .K" -'. ' . ... .r. I llftfrim p.i,iht'ir. I.froi. by moll 'h.n HotHfrinRt I E.un BaiaarifcU, uir Mnitlo Remedy ami I putuvolv ciira. I on ami" . nwe, in. fe)g&Weak yhm Kidnevs II I Air. Frederick Seller St. Peters, I'eun. Like a Young; Man Although 71 Years Old rhoumatis:n Curort nnd Strength Olvon by Hoocl'o. "C. I. Hood & CO., bOWtll, Mass.: "i ban taken three bottle of Beod't sarsn narllla and am now Ullng tho fourth. I car. till sa it h i made a new man of m atxny ad weed age ol it. t ban luflared with rbeuma- lai 'or tuny jears. for ten years thin has tan a I welling In my shies aim also andi r mj J ill,;. It v. as :.o severe I riiulii nut siaop ..in wlUiout pain. Nounuggavt me reflet iu ' ifter I ooinnwu I tn take Haod'i Sara rllla. I hue Qonttaued to Improve iteadll aooti's5 e: l the nalO hM li It lay shies and knees, en hag iii" to sto ip to thn ground with ease,, t un working ni.e a yonni man, thanks to Hood's Sananarnia. I cannot prabw It enough In re turn for the . . i it hu done for tne, not alnue for i... mutism, but alto for mduey troulle." r'nsDiuicR miii i. .. st. ptt -rt. rtnn. Hood's Pills cure Constipation hy res tor log the pert taltlc action ol tiiu allmtntary esusl YtS OR NO A Wo l-Known Pnysician,VVho, Among Other Things, Is Noted for His Frankness, No one evrr bnrd I'r. E. (ircwer BM the phrase "I think ' In his practice. The doctor l one f tin frank, fearlea,bon it, poeltlva inn nt).. never bealUte to J or ii , -. the ease mav leqnire. "1 cati cure too" . t I cunii .t cure you," Ii Ida Invariable Itchi n nfter tsamisa Hon, and tO this fSel fact I attributable, lis rrruatkabh. record without failure. Hut It WOUld be .imige lint 1 if the doe- tar war nut a naon than u.uaiiy ucee- fnl pnetltlosar, Ut haa been .urgeoii in chief in e . re than ot I Of t: . .arct hoe pltaltof tbtteoaatry, wm lately Demon untor of Phyetetooy sad Surgery al the .Medic i I irur -.. al COiltgt iu Pbltadet- i in, ha- been tleoted an benersry mnn btrefthe Medici Cblnrgieal Aeanciation. i-a gradunte u! the UntVertlty of penn- ylvaaia, ita, and is 'iii acioae atmirut A man nh ittth a re oral rouht BOt fail to be a .urcet.fnl plMician under am .-e. imitenc , but when backed bj MBtioea, e. aervatim la aiprtaaioa, at, n. tie it ii,. i.. .j uar phr.ae, lb "be- an-yon're-rlfhl the a-go-ahead'' irm, it wi,uld bt mure than streagu if failure . vertni k huu. Von can coun t ewer auy day at B .una lands. Temple Court Building m 1 BPRTJCR s 1 frnmUaa. till l p in. 1 otunltation. tntt. Tlioe urlerin(; Irnu Nervou lineaaea ar tuarantefrt a cure. For aiieh there 1- the i b lag r I "Tat," a failure It uu knun 1, in tn,. .I.., lot trea'.iawnt. Third National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, - $200,000 SURPLUS, - $250,000 TM. tviiik often m .!, .t,,ra ,,rrj la. -II lit iiui I In Hi, lr hiilaiit . a, bail- tea a,i 1, ajMaiejDlllt 1.1I an. 1. 11, ,B fitea ta halat a toMMtt iasana eaiaea Uata deeMlt till I till KIWI I I I'lrsl.l, nt lii" II I I. IN. Vlrr-rrralrient m 11.1 IAN 11 n.i k. oaaBtet DIM l ints. William (01111. ll, l.eeree II. .ill.. Ilfred iiuiiii Jam Anhbale. Heurr ii.nn, jr.. ttiKKiii 1 BUI Ilk, I. inner It! 111 Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELLCO. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. aHlinitIllNfM8UigBiEIluiI(tCi.kG.2B9BH3tlllfil..r. EverythingpoR Everybody AT The Fair 400402 Lacka. Ave. Sole Agents in ik'isumaadDi.c, Every Pair Warranted rJ(TRn m Our New Millinery Dept. Now Open. r.lt!li!llt3UIUllliliilllllIlllllllllllllllllllllliiiuiiigii;iiiiiiiR Wbolestlers vA Largest Retailers of Straw Waitings from Cliioa and Japan. KERR 6c 1 ine Carpjtin;s. Lowest Prices. One entire room devoted to Rugs and Art Squares, Rome Was Not Built in aDay lint little by littlo the pud est empire of the Old World w:is t en red. DON'T do without because you haven't Ihe ready money tn bay the rDltaro.Osrpetis, Draperies, stoves, ete. your needs and lnolinationa de . tn. ind, when our Equitable Credit System Btands ready to OSSpme the indebtedness and accept yonr small wet'kly and monthly payments in liquidation. Scranton for the eaim! PRICES 50 Cents 75 Cents $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 LONG mrjJ Leading House for Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Lace Curtains and Upholstery Goods. 40() and 408 Lacka. Avenue. Lowest Prices We make a specialty of Window Shades, Awnings and Draperies 1 f you have not seen ! You heard of our stock of Baby Carriages, Refrigerators, Mattings, Porch Chairs, Lawn Settees and Couches. mniimiHii Economy ''BeBaBej'aveBaufBBBBiBEB. Leads in Summer Goods as in Every thine.