THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING, MAT 17, 1894. POPULAR TEA GOWNS ALWAYS FASHIONABLE AND IN GREAT ER DEMAND THAN EVER. These Garments Are Warn at All Season. Their Variety lit Endless Some Are Com fortable and Simple In Effect j Other Are Elaborato Affairs. Is thore a period when a tea gown does tot offer itself persuusively as a garment to bo included in one's wardrobe? The answer appears to bo that whether it is (spring, summer, autnmu or winter a new toa gown is a desirable addition. The wor tea gown nowadays aro of wide significance. They cover all sorts of Indoor dresses, from a simplo morning tobo to the elaborato garment in which one may receive formal callers in one's drawing room. Morning robes aro trimmed so beau tifully with laco and ribbon flummery that one scarcely knows then from tea gowns. Some of the models aro charm ing. One of pale yellow delaine, flow ered with carnations, with pretty puffed sleeves, was trimmed about tho neck most becomingly with laco and had yel low ribbon tied in a bow nt tho bust. Another that was simpler, but quite as taking, was of cream delaine, with a design of mauve orchids. This was more- a FKK.vil Mukmno ROBE ly trimmed Wittl a sailor's oollar edged with lace. A charming Frenc h rube is made of a woolen material, in pink ami White, with a neat check. The sl.wes, vest and nth are of plain white woolen stuff, and the nifties at the wrists. M also Uie collar, aro trimmed with puilr. bebe ribbon. Tea gowns this season aro fashionably Bnde of on p n and silk. Tor Lnttanuo, one made in black crepon falls full from a shaptNl yoke of nee pink bengaline, ilriped with jit, the large atoeree bt Ing ;tin;ly made of bengaline, with deep , lis of black laco over the tup and at ' te wrist. Another pretty gown WH in yellow erepon, with a white silk yuke, outlined with a vandyki d band of Mack" watered ribbon, covered with cream col- j and guipure. A dainty arrangement was of cream colored crepoa, daoked with slc ves, and zouave of buttercup yellow velveteen, and an ideal Uilroom drebbing gown wiv. made of silk of pale blue, with rvers from niik to hem. out- Unadwtth white thibei The luxuri ous invalid might indulge hi this 1 i-t with oomfott ami elegance, f r, in truth, there is not a garment so comf ortable to wear as the dossing gown, while the pale blue and thlbet'vi mid make a plan' Woman look Well A tea (own worn by a pretty young matron was attractive in its simplicity. Draperies of white cash- TEA OOWNS OF IHEPON AND KII.K. mere, edged with silver braid, cut 1 m at the neck, sack back, fronts era m loosely and held in place at wahrl I y I silver plaited girdle. Less elaborate affairs aro tho tea gowns in cropon of uny detiruble color, more simply fashioned and lew extrava gantly trimmed. A very pretty slvle is furnished when silk is antftloyed f t the fronts, e'pecially when it is amookod or gathered at neck and waist. A dreatj effect may bf gained by the addition of lace shoulder capos and rovers. Another attractive erepon tea gown is one trim med with rows of insertion or embroid ery and made with triple shoulder oapea, These last two models are equally pri Ily made in cashmere, or, when for midsum mer wear, of French ohallle, which is one of tho coolest of all wool fabrics. It also wears welL I.Tonnulnr Potatoes. For lyonnaise potatxies chop an oniou flno, fry it brown in a tabli'spoonful of butter, add another tabletpoonful to the iron spider after tin- frying und let tho butter become very hot. Then ent 0 whole boiled potatoes into seven slice and lay them in tho spider, which should be amplo enough to hold them without lapping over one another. Let them fry brown on both sides, tossing them occasionally to provont them burn ing. Sprinkle a tablespoonful of parsley over them and servo at once. They should be very hot when brought on the table. Utllltlng Cold CliW.o. Make chicken patties. Chop tho meat of the cold chicken line, season with salt, make a largo cupful of rich drawn bntter, and while ou the fire add two hard boiled eggs minced fine, a little chopped parsley aud tho meat of a chicken. Let this mixture boil. Have ready some pate pans of good rich paste. Remove the covers with edge of knife, All in with the mixture and arrange on a hot platter. In baking tho crust it is a good plan to fill in with a square of stale bread, which is easily removed as soon as it comes from tho oven. This i i ; - . - . .. keeps the crust from falling flat, as it would otherwise do without tho chicken mixture SALAD MAKING. Bow to Serve With the Hlmple French Dreeing A New Salad. Many housewives aro deterred from having salads often from tho impression that a mayonnaise is indispensable. In fact, preference is generally given to a simplo French dressing, which any ouo can learn to make with a little practiou. Tho usual proportion for this is throe parts oil to one of vinegar. Asido from lettuce, there aro many salad herbs, such as water cress and peppergrass, escarolle, endive and dandelion leaves. Dandelion, however, is only lit for a salad when its leaves are tender. All of these herbs mr t bo washed carefully, leaf by leaf, ajd allowed to stand in cold water until firm and crisp. At the table dress the salad by pour ing over it first three or four tablespoon fuls of good oil and toss well, turning it over and over until each leaf is well coated with oil. Now put into the salad spoon a saltapoonfol of salt, a liberal allowance of pepper and fUl the spoon with vinegar, mixing the suit and pep per well with the fork before iwnriiig over the salad. Toss ai before and eerve. In the absence of other green vege tables cabbage makes an excellent salad, but it must be cut in very line shreds and crisped in cold water and dried thoroughly, ('so plenty of oil and four tableapoonfnlaof vinegar and serve with crackers and cheese, advises Harper'B Bazar, which also furnishes the follow ing: To make a new salad select large ripe tomatoea, cut a circle from the stem end of each one and take out the pulp with a sharp knife, in ring oarefo! Dot to break the skin. Chop np the pulp together with a fresh i nonmber peeled and a slice of onion. Beaton with pepper, salt and a little nice oil and eat in the loebot With the --kiiis to p t quite cold. Make at the saint time a thick mayonnaise and set that also In a cold place. Just before erring tirne fill the skins with the chopped mixture, draining off all luperflnons liquid, and put a large spoonful of tho mayonnaise on tup of each one. Arrange some crisp lettuce ll avi in a circle on a low platter, set the Stuffed tomatoes in the center and servo as 0 separate course at lunch" on or dinner, peering With it delicate crackers ar.d cheet-e. MARKING LINEN. An Fntlrrly Orlgtaa Plan Fat Marking Lmirhrun Cl.itln and Napkin. A new and vi it beautiful way of linen wua recently shown by a lady who had hal a lunch cloth and set of napkini to match marked in Lond in and illustrated and described in The Household: Draw with a lead ptncil ou th" a square im-ovar- ITBW wav To KABI LOOK, ing from -' to H inches, according to the size j r. f mil for the initials or mono gram; lii n mark with .ucil uny num ber of s from 12 to IS, according to the amount of open squares upofuuod outside the h tier, taking care that the oppoi-ite siib-i ounvsponil exactly. Then draw the squares with h ad pen cil and outline the letter or monogram in the center. The work is now ready for tho threads of the squares to la drawn i ;tt. and it will l- found n.u a sary to cut arum- I the initial. Lmbruid or entirely around the nlge of the In itial wirh white embroldary silk In a cluso over and over stitch in order to form a linn edge fur it. Several threads must ! left at tin pern ihil linen tu form tho Nuares, and each group Of strands thus left is cov ered with white silk, put round and round it, so that when finished the whole forms a square network of white ti Ik, leaving the lutters in damask, with a silk lge in tb nt- r. The outside edge of the finished iii the same way. tr a this novel marking is very beautiful, and it is us durable an the damask, but it is Somewhat difficult to space the wuares evenly, and it would Is- well for a be ginner to try the work on ft piece of cot ton cloth first. A I ntaj rim Hellion. A pincushion of peculiar ami pleasing appee ranee is thus daeenbed In Tin De lineator, which also illustrates it: The foundation on which thli pin- cushion r -:ts is a silver piated leaf, the upturned cdees of which are bronzed, While the stein is graeefnlly curled to form a handle. In the center of the leaf a KOTO, riNCivsino.N. rosts a cufliion, tho lowr imrtiuti of which OOOliata of a blue silk bag with a circular bottom Cardboard aimed to fit the upper portion of tho bag is nvt-r- wl with erlmped paper, and ritlng from this is tho bluo satin covered cushion, into which pins arc thrust, Silk cord is firmly scwud over tho meeting of tho hilk mid cardboard, and tin: result is a novel and useful article for the toilet tabic. Tho focudation leaf or similar fimiil 1 trays are on sale at most fancy stored aud are inexpensive. An Kcoantrlo II. n Aii eccentric Dominick hon U owned by a Philudelplila bliickmnlth. Every day about 10 o'clock the hen walks into the shop, mounts the forge aad scratches a bollotv plHcu In the soft coal nix inches from the lire. No matter how hard lie blows the fire the hen will not move until ahe hiw laid her ejtg. Several limes her feathers were scorched, but the held her place Yuukeo likdu. . ::::: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 114-1 Koyal Teacher, Many stork's am told of the Emperor Frederick ot Uermany, known to (be peo ple while lie was crown prince us Uuuer Fritz, which show why ho was so loved, almost adored, by his subjects, over whom his reign was so short. He was always kind to tho poor, the sick and the helpless, and reading of his many deeds of charity oue can easily understand DOW, during the war of 1870, the terrified French peasants so quickly learned to feel confidence In the commander of tho itivad lug army. One day, while he was crown priuce, Unser Fritz was paying his accustomed visit to the school at Horustedt, and talk ing to the children, when a telejrrani was handed to the school master, informing him of the Severe illness of his mother. "Go ut ouce," said tha priuce, "and leave tho school to mcl" Though tho poor schoolmaster at first demurred, he was at last persuaded to hurry oil, and Uuser Fritz continued his iuRtruction of the astonished but delighted scholars until 11 o'clock, when the clergy man arrived ami relieved him from his du ties us schoolmaster. Youth's Couipuuiou. An emulsion consisting of water, soap and kerosene in suitable proportions is the most effective remedy yet found to destroy the chinch bug. A furrow la made about a Held, some fresh cornstalks added, and when the bug! collect they aro sprayed with the emulxion. WEAK MEN Y0lJR attention Is C.'.I IIU To THE Uioat I'.ngllsh Remedy, Gray's Specific Medicine IF YOU SUFFER ""' llatflM.A UIH TUN, Joi i Li-a. mill Itmioteiii y. aud all ilia.-asos thai win" from 'iv-.r iinlnltfoii-" ami self uljuw. m Longer Ueiiinry and l'uwur, DUB8M w YB ion, Premature Old An and muriy other dkr Mail thai Ii-mJ to Inutility or I '.l.uiuoi ..... ami naarlr jrara, wntofor a uanihlilut A.UlrtwliKAV MHDKINK to. HuSalo. N. V. The Spiclflo Mt-dlrlnn la sold by all diuiik.':l ,.t j it iiaekanu, or a,t .1 U.. tor JS.or aunt by mall on rcvi-lpt of money.aud with ovary S.MH nrdr Wr (tUARATf r r montj rafaadod wm tOn acrount of BOaaUrftttl wo liava aiiopted toe ilinw Wrap Mr, tat oaly giau- lM selit In Si rantun hv Matthowa Hroi 0. B. Burdock Blood Bitters U a purlv vegetable rompouDil,piaiilng perfect rignlatiag powimovar all the or lu of tM tratata, and eentreliiaa their aecretlona It also puiiQea the bluol that 1 1 Cures All blood huuoriand d.araaea fr.m a eonv ' p plmpls tu th worn aen fuloui lora, aed tale eoiahtaed with in unriraiiad rv k-n!litia rlesuaing and pur:t,,ug Infla- iice on tb ,vreiion of tb llvir, klduays t-owili and akin, rauder it unaqualled aa a core for all diaaaae of the Skin .i n. nn to two buttlM will cur bolla, piuup:.. hletcliaa. nattlu raali.ioruf.Uttar, II d all th aiaipln formi ,,f Hk i o dlieaaa. fnm tiro la fuar txittlaa will cor salt I ftim i r errona. al.iaglaa. eryalpalaa, ul etnk abaraaaaa, raonltig aor a-id all iklu nuiitiuov It U noticeable that lufferert f rem aklu Diseases art atarly .ilwaji afra:d byiulolar tehlug. but thl iiuk klr mibaldaa oa tk i val ef th dateaaa br H R 11. I'aaa ''gun ., graver ret pievaleat duoaaaa. uch as tcrotnlo ji swallloga, huamrs aud Scrofula W havn undoubitst Mol that from thraa la il bottlaa uaed ml -rua .y and by iW vaid applloatioa (dilated if tbk!a It ' to tat aftttttd parta, will tf tet a art raepaal i- - ut 11 it u to aalaM ih. iiv-r, kMacfa, i-iwaisaai llood. laearrtct ald.ty and wrong r the -t'lmacb, aud to opn Um aiaioe art tf tlieaysitm to '.carry off all i loggad id impure secretions, allowing nature Bus to aid recovery aud rvtn rvo with jat .'all Bad Blood iver coinplaitt, bilioamtaa. drapepala, ilak headache, dropiy, i h.uusltain, and 'f ry spo. In, (,f dl.eaw atliogfrom di- "rdllrer, kidnevi :on,ach, bwslt ted btoofl Wl gaaraiil very buttle of i) le 11. iu l anv par. en b diiaatls Btd attir nsicg tl.e ftrit Ik.: 1 1. ws will re fund I In, money on aupliratlnn personally I br Ii-ttrr. We will alM be glail to send telluii)ulala and InfonaatsM proTingtha 'ITaCtl uf li B, n. In tLe above namsd dl " .. -.n Splillra'l . t roeTka miLbubh i y. iiuiraiaif.T. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS ast JTEAB he had 1 He luillllt n hOQM worth 11850 -pnid 800 down, tfuvp it nmrt gtgt fof 11,500 Today he esli mate.s it- follow; rti iit isve.l Inti roat ob nortaitt., Taxes and rvp.irs Net anviiif; 08 rent lavae mi uiurv Ttappll on morls-ago. $'.'K) )l ...Mi oi ... M U d lit) 150 IA) 17l .i HI I I I ION --"In MM It yaatl bouts Will ttiae Irom ilabl mill I i llJVi- M In. UK. ot Hi V tilth." OSBBM MOO! i ih" paraalai aoatas i inn a laas i, . .. ractatly iiiri n btaatlful viiia. arhtah Utaj . on en paymeiita, at ;h.-o (tut ihftll for r ( nil ui thtlr oiiir... batwaan Waahingtu aud Adauia on Ollvvalraot. EZRA FINN 5 SONS. DUPONT'S JII.Nl.NO, BLAaVTIMa AM) 81'OKTINO POWDER llttiiufi.rtu: -oil nt Ihn Wapwnllinn Mlfls, Ln- arat my I'n.. and nt Wll- miniitou, Delaware. HENRY BE LIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. ii8 WyommgAvt., Scranton Fa Ihlrd National Bank Building. AOBMOin. THOH. FORI), nktotoo. Pa. JOHNB SMITH & HON; Plymouth. Pa. B. W. MULLIOAN, Wllkes-liarra, Pa. Agenta for the Hpauno UhoiuldaU Com pany's High ExploelYM. HEALTHY CHILDREN come from healthy mothers, and moth ers will certainly be boaltby if they'll take ur. rierce's Favorite Prescription. Noth ing can equal it in buildiug up a wo man's strength, in regulating and aesLst ing all her natural functions, and in put tin in perfect order ovory part of tho fe male system. "Favorite Prescription " is indeed the "Mothers' Friend" for it assists nature, thereby shortening " labor." Timk, Cottle Counfu, Texaa. Dn. It. V. Pierce: Ikar Str-I took your " Favorite Prescription " previous to connue ment and never did so well in my life. It ll only two weeks slnco my conQuement and I am able to do my work. 1 feel stronger than I ever did in six weeks before. ca. and vli?or qalckly rrittord.VKricucel, lronl, ..I 'jrly cirr.1 bf IMAIVI. ttw trreuit lUTtUiwi BBOI , Druggist Hlnifin, Hci-.-.U .v ait irruta PttrtfMMiaagam. auurl i.t , Scranton.Pa. Ladies Who Value AreflDcd conipleiion must use Pozzoni'a Pow der. It produces n soft nnd beautiful -kin. 1 I a. . A M3 V() oca.. C? -tYS ' i'i.tivn v-y .' IV -.VM1'N SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL 1 be a U, to brnmla of flour ran be had at any of the following merehantt. r.o will sce.-yt fltr Tllilil sr. KI.uUii IXJL'l-uN u( ij on each u ia buniral r ,,.i- '. f fl ur or ,'u on each barrel of flour. i rn:. n F V I'r . In. d Mla limn I Vatataatn avnu- i DunlD.H -f f Prtaa, Oold ktndal llrand baaoMtw-1 t Manlar nupaiuUv llran t liyil fark ( arson a Laiav Wahuurn at ( Id Madal Ural. I J Mph A kliura. Mam . IfMM MnparlatlM. Krand Qraao Rkla-a A UHpiaiariUtSil Uxlal Hrai.J. J. I M II ,, Su.; atira ru, ,lrnr... Kei.n.r (niaie,nU N Main ara uua. rtaoarlalira iirand.''. J W Mark.,i alraat uo.l M-Ui llrauj olrihant J.itdaa. tapttiaUet raad l. krilla-shaff-r a K la-r huparlatlr. Jarrnyn c. i Wn uri a To M.tpara aura Arehliald-J.oaa M io.n i ' . DoM Ml. II s. i lark. Oold Madal ltrn-.d. H..,islal I N f'.atar a Co (iol 1 Mol M.nooka M 11. I.iralla. T D D p at LJ ..!.. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM g: Hakes Sr Marvelous Cures grin Blood Poison Rheumatism sEand Scrofula P. P. p puttettoMoodaMMtn tb weMk i. 'I ilettiUlttttexl, fTej trtnKli t. . fo.-.i orii, oii't-ia . 1 1 i airknwift, tcl" Hi... r .11-1. liin; i a lit i U aftltU )v nrt eaastaatataati bbb u tan iBssssaaasaaa asaitMatBsastst P'-r 1'rlu.a.rr .a- o..,.Ury nnd tt-rtury vphlll. furl'lootl i-oianlnK unrttt riiiiH'le- n. ntJavU dvar"-i., and In nil Mot ttol ttttln iilB,fMi, Hko biotriiot, pimpUt., old rhronk ulrvrs, tf.tir, hOftil, hoiln, rjrpriit, ocsriM wtuia; uv, withuut (t-r tf c -ur - M-tl m , thnt V. V. P. Uthntalit Mo. ; i r' f' r I i itit r -l.1,n l niaat4 Vf' tl . . . t ifttMt and ,'cro.itit'ut t urus Mlti LsaiJ1Mi whoe 7ailtiiti r prlftonjd nd n 1 i 1 is In an Itapurv m tlin, diif to ni' iirttrim: t.-rrguJarlt ua, ari iipjiiarly teLrHt d tb won dffful toil0 and Mt." prop frtlrid f, V Prlokly A.b, Kik HoMt utid ( ui aaiiium tiWTtf Wl i, Mo., Auk- Hth. MS. 1 cin 't'onk In Ihf Ml fft t-rru uf vour nttiiciue frtTiuiy uwn ptraoaJ VrmwIwdKO. 1 waaudtT. 1 with lu-irt aa l rhouniatioi lor tMatfli tri'atfd I the cr I "t fiby-lcLiaa ami apriit hundr-da d d-l-nra. trtod evr known rt mtly with out r-dlf. I mm only tnkn onu (KtUli- f your P. P. p.. and .tu (ditfurftilly any It ha don. il Mora food than nnythlt.K 1 ha va o r takun. oaa rtvomrnand yOVf mtxllclao to all auffarvr ot th ahov dlaoaaaa, M fti X. at YKAHY. Apr jUvld, QMN County. Mo. A B a U l-T- . A KAh 1 i p r -W 'iHCMffTl i....i0i.rfs,iw. bofotv uid Alt tl Lu.g. twniMUos 'H inaai ll Foraaio by JUUN ll Srr.Miii-n, Pa. ..ctnac iai arvte iirmr 1ST. "."7V ,.Vi,..M:,..l,l."I.'"":-..r',,,u J'.' "" arinwna. roru. iaia "arwrtbaaaar auuruia aektis sleii i , , Heiotnc leniple, I hicaijo. li.J- ForSale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druireist, enr Wauhineton WM Soruco utro(5. 6 BCttiUVDnVftl rzM TliUl AL a Auk for DB. MpTT'O PENMTKOTlL FILM and takt no other. ftar Band air olroiilarPrico 91.00 smi box, 6 boxra ror as.oo. iMV. juu i 1 b UHKM1CAL CO.. - "Uloveialiii. tJI.I,. For Salt ByO. M. HABRU, Druggta E. Robinson's Sons' Lagbr Beer Brewery MaDuractureri ot the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum. Iroai (A; Y. Tribune, Aor.l. ti.'J The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct 81. Fha first ofrkiti tnnonnceraent of World'! Fair di pl itnas on tb u r has been made. A medal been avrardtd by th World's Fair judge to the flour manu feetwed by tho Washburn, Crosby Co, ... the TMt Wtshlnrn Fluur Mills Minticapolla The c inmittee reports the tie or itronff and pun1, ttid entitles it to rank aa flrst-clau patent flour for Umily und lakrrs' ut.' MEGARGEL & CONNELL V ROUtl l l .l HI - Taylor-Judf a C. Oold Madali AtherioB a Co , hooarlatlra I uroa Lawrrie a Mora Co . Hold MadaL Hooalr-Jobn MrCrlndlo. (laid Madal. Ptttal :. m w CVBoTia, OoM MMai ( iai (iran r'ra.a A- i'arkar, Saporlatlva lark a ViiininiT K M Youni.K Id Mad a! 1'sllon S E T'nn a Hon. Oold Mada B.-aa 1 Ni.boNon J t Hardias. v a.rlj M v Unit Sat Ih.'.iI MikM Fa. t irjrTllia Charlaa Oa'duar. Oold Heda'. llo.i.uiv.n, ' M I ,:.i. 'd Mda Tubyhansa-T ilvbai.a a U-h.r Luiutr to Oold Madal Hi and H A Adunt '..V.I,.: Mna- uar -Oaiga a (1ant 0 1.1 Maatal ' a Xamaa A H. i -: I '.:',. Kur.-atOly J I. Morgsu a Cu. (loid Ma.l Pimples, Blotches anri niH Cnroo HUM UIU VIUI LJ Catarrh, Malaria 3 a"d Kidney Troubles Arr i 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' , . tti.. ,i by I I. -Prickly Aab. Poka Rot and Pntaa aluoi, lL grt-atatat blood purlOur oa Hi Allans. O . July 'Jl, M"aa. 1 irrHaN P i . aTaniiata. Oa. . -n . I I uarhf aUit't..f y ur P V P. ai Hot -, . f . .ami It baa d no ma !nre a'-.! ; ban ffcro month' trttattnant at tha Hot dprioga. Maud thrt-f btHtlaa G 0 IX KrvaptM'tfii!. yuura. ja. m. mrrw. AhrMiHtp, Hr ib Couaty, O. Crnpt. J. D. Jotinataa. TV a aiari if m p ri, trn: hartv by ttaatlfy to tha w.uidfrful pripariitta) a ft I' P Tor etrui'tlona . f tha akin. I offT' l for tf .raJ aara with an un lgh:ly and ditrtxHab!a rmptloa afj my the. I trie. 1 vrory known r. mr d but In Taln.uutll P. P. P. waa ud. and am now Di'-rly araal 4lnml b J- ! JfHKHTOK, 14 fan nab, Ua. Kkln Cancer I urcei. TuMmonp from He Ma or, , t Kir..7kx. ' IWjUia, Tax , Janaarr 14. lw.3. ' Mxmaa. urrMAN Rao... flarac ah, t Oa. . litntitmt t- I triad jrtur P. P. P. for a dlaoaaa ( tbaakln, uauaily ' known aa akla L-anrr,of thirty , ptr.ri'iinaT. anil found xrac irl'nt it purilloatbr Mi d and rt aiTr all Ir- ' ritailon from tbo aeat of the dsa , and prrDta auy irtadluar of ttio aoroa. I bare takn flvaor alz botilea and frl oonfldtint tlmt aSOtaart: (iur-6 , will ffTnai a unre. It baa alo rallav-.! ma Trora lndlgatloi, aud auxiiacb ' tro-bica. ran truly, capt. w. m. Rear. Attorney ai Liir. Boom oi Blood wss Mclied Fne. ALL Dltt'UltST8 RRLL IT. LIPPIVIAN BROS. Htul'HItTOKd, l.jppmna'a Illurk,Nu unnah, tin RESTORE VIGO il Kr .-u r-,,., ,n If, at - j . na .. , a. -. "f'- - DU'OWtlD Tf P . Mr -.ii. f i.. i . i ,i ,. ... .a... n ai. v ;r'' iv::; ,T.r r r, II on ftt hot by mall. 6 far . w',th cv. r yAW'trZee T ACT 1'HliLPf Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Ave, end fcpruceSL, 'NERVE SEEDS. Thl aaid.rfal riafr gut,. .ntr.l l.i.r. all UUW, Mi. f-aa.:.. nurh as Weak Mwoorsr, Una of Brain I'ower. Hoartacbn. wakafulatms, iaii .VnnlKKnl, Nicbtlr Kmluloiia, NiirTiiuani-aa.alldrulnaand Ion of poner liiOt'.inmUTpOmanaof elthf r arl cauac.l liTOTerriarlliiu.youlhfuli-rrori. nioiMalTe oas nf iiitiaoco. apluio or atlniulsnta, oblcblcml to Inllruilly. Con-.-null Honor U-auiii. Osn lie c.nrrtoillr Teat pnoliot. Ml porlnu. fm Bf Bttjj lira pii Irl. tyitb a aa order vre alv a vrltta uu.truutaa to curt Tha only tafa, turo and Dll 1 0 r LLo. Trizr- 191 l'tnn Avtnut. THE THIRD PORTFOLIO -OF Art Students' Series of Contains four incomparable paintings. By Paul De Longpie. The Ottman Lithographing Company in reproducing these paintings from the originals, has achieved a marked success, and produced four pictures that will eas ily hold first place in either home or studio, not only for their artistic merit, but as fine examples of the work of thia renowned artist Remember, one coupon with one dime secures four pictures. This is the coupon. IMHBIIIlliinilililKi.MMIIMIIIillliritllllllllillJSMllSlltltl.flMjSHIUIIirj I Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa., May 17, 1894. I Send this coupon, with 10 cents 1 in cash, and get four of the marvelous 1 t.ta,ak4-.4AV4aU3 t. XI I - U J ictr lllC g I greatest offer of all. Mail orders k extra, nik'tiiriiiniiBin iiiiiiiiiii!isiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiHiiiiiC !i:iiniiiifigiiiiiiii.l fr-lt-11 ci THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO K-K ANTON AMD WlUCeS-BARRIC Pa.. MAMOPACTUBERS Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office. SCRANTON, PA. THE-