6 THE SCRANTON IfilEUKE-THURSDAY AiORNING. MAY 17, 1894. "Tmr ft mi i r tp- I "Tig Old standby Ouo dozen of the genuine JO II ANN HOPFS MALT EX TRACT gives m much strength and nourishment as a cask of ale, without being intoxicating, it is highly liene licial tor use at meal titno lor convalescent, weak chil dren ami ladies, and as a general tonic for the weak ami debilitated. Insist upon the Ronnto e JO-HANR lion's, which man bare the itgnatnre ol "JOH IBS Hoi t " on tin' neck label Eisner & Menaelsoa Co., Soil Agents, Now York. I El I! Concluded from P.u;f The eaoTratlon named tbe fnllowl im auditing oomtntttee: Xenl Sweeney, Plymouth; Andrew Peldtnen, WilkM Ibirio; James I'lJueon, Carboudale; M. W. Morns, Pitlelon; W. F. Met. , Himnton. After the appoint meat of ilio commit MM tho bo.ly took u rMMH fur dinner. Tin: afternoon si:ssio.n. When thu convention reussmublel in tbi afternoon Secretary Mack Bill -mittsd Uii annual report It showed that ftorins tlie yor twelve societies with itn augregite membership of 1,000 were dropped from the roll of she nuion, bat iioiwitliitatpiiuir. thu: feci the membership of tho uui n iicr'Se 1 ?o members. Since the list eooTtn ti(n Are newsocletlssl wertiadnilltad. Transnref, Collier's report showed thut the total receipts daring tha vtr were fl.iH 71; sxMndUnreeIT7Ml47; balance on bind, $s.M 24 Bolb reports were referred to the an Itting committor and then President Define delivered his Annua sddreeo. Ho poke :m follows Rev. Father and Delegates to tbe Twelfth Anutial Convention of the Catholic To tal Abetiaenoo Union of tbo Diocete of H rantou. About one year ago I wan electej as president of your uuiua aad immediately afterward took the following pledge: "I do solemnly promise that 1 will faithfully rrotect, main tain and support the cousti i ition hint by-laws , f ttils union." In my o: lulon no man can realm the rcspinsl- t ility nfaacb a pledge until he has taken it as president ot your union, Hut it was not uutlll bad made an oAcial call upon our riiiht reverend - bishop, whom you all know Is our spiritual director, not until I bed raoeivod bis advice and a short but importaot history of our union, that I re solved, so far as human effort might go, that uo official net of mine should ever do any lung Of causs to be done anything that would Cast the faintest shadow of doubt npou tha sublime purpose for which we are organized. In glancing over tbe history of our union wirhin the past year a year of struggles and trials to all organizations reipiirlug tbe payment of monthly due to meet cur rent expouses--I am pleased to be able to say, as the secretsry's rup rt shows, we havo not only held our own, but under ery difllcuit circumstsuces gamed. having organized about twelve new societies an cf which are already aftilnti-d with our union, QOAHtttVI "NVh.NTIOSS VAI.t 'ABLE. I find that the holding of quarterly con ventions has proved beyond a doubt to tw of great benefit to onr union. While it would be impossible for your cflicors to visit every local society in the anion, quarterly conventions have made it possi ble to meet your representatives in the different districts throughout the dioceso. Tbe generone assistance of tbe public press in every district of our union baa done much good. You Mill be asked to piss upon several Important matters, Including insurance wbieh I hope you will give careful consid eration, and I, aa your president, would also ask that today you show to tho world you can abstain not only from strong drink, but from anything and everything that would tend to cast discredit ution our grand old anion. Let as have C'atholio total abstinence In all Its simplicity, m all iu purity of pur pose. Why have we organized? For what havo we organized? Let every dele gate ask himself these questions. It is t make men sober, it Is to lessen and stop, If possible, all drunkenness and tho tempta tion to crime that lends therefrom. How best to obtain this end should bo tho work of every true total abstainer In my opinion it can never bo ac complished by any spasmodic jumps from one new-fangled scheme to an other. Tbe broad-gauged, generous minded, never-to-be coerced people of this free republic will never be won to any canse that smncksof crankism or intoler ance. We have but to glnnce at tho his tory of our country the past few months to provo that yvhat I assert is true. We bave seen individuals riso up in different sections of tho country, apparently to ameliorate the condition of the unem ployed. Wo have seen these ssmo unem ployed, in their thousands, hungry and disheartened, hold aloof with nothing but scorn and contempt for such deuingognes. In conclusion let mo ask you to udhero strictly to tho lines of your constitution, not swerving to tho right or left, and if your laws are not what yon would wish, the remody is in your own hands, aud when tho time comes to take a stop for ward, let it bo known that It is onr union, undivided and with all its strength, that has mode tho move, THAT INSURANCE FEATURE. A letter was road from I lev. A. P. Doyle, of New York, general eeorotary of the Nationnl Union, expressing his regret at not being able to attend tho convention. The amendments propoied to the constitution with a view to hav ing nn insurance feature in connection with the union were read by Secretary Muck. That hronght the question, which has been agitated for years, qnarely before the body for considera tion, aud Mr. McDotmlil, of Forest City, moved to lay the wnole matter 00 the table indefinitely. Be saiu that It was the sentiment of his society that the insurance feature would tend to distract tbe societies from pushing for ward the temperance work to advance which they were organized, The motiou to lay on tbo table did not win sympathy, and on motion of Mr. McCaffrey, of Jormyn, the body went into a committee of the whole to consider tbe inenrance question. Tbe motion curried and President Devine named Joseph H. Dnggan, of Provi dence, a chairman of tbe committee .7 BMPERATH IN IEI of tbe whole. Mr. Cullen, of Scranlou, moved that the roll bo called Bnd the seutiment of the delegates obtained us to whether or not tho plan presented was considered with favor I y the dele gates. Mr. Guiluey, of Wilkes-Barre, emended that a vivo voce vote bo tnkiu instead of having the roll called, as wus contemplated by Mr. Cullen. This amendment wsb offered to save time. After three-quarters of an hour of dis cussion on various phases of tho ques tion and ameadmant, n voto yvas taken on the amendment and it vns lost. Mr. Bolaod moved, as an amendment, that the Committee ariso mid report to the convention postponing action until Hie order of ntw business is reached. Mr. Oaffuey moved an amendment to the amendment that the committee arise and report adversely on the insurance proposition re;;d by Mr. Mntk. Tho amendment car ried, Jiefore tbo amendment w,is tint President Devine explained that the insurance cominitteo which formulated the plan read by Mr. Muck had, prepared another, and what was be lieved to be a superior plan, Wbiob yvonld be presented later. After tho commit tea ol the whole bnd arisen and reported to the convention the auditing committee reported that the accounts of the cretary and treasurer were found correct. TliOl'lU.i: oVh.lt THE TROPHY. The next matter to eng ige tho atten tion of the convention yvas tho dispute ovtr the compel itivo drill held at Bcraotoo lust S ptember. Mr. May, of Providence, ohalrmau of the committee in charge of the drill, made a verbal re port of the committee's y.'ork an I said he had tiled a Written report of the proceedings ol its meetings with the board ot government The report of Mr. May yv.is received and then I be written document tiled with the board of gOVernm nt yvas read. It showed that Company 0 ol Pitts loo, and the Father Whitty Young men of Providence had participated In the drill and John McGutre (and Wil liam McGreevy, a majority ol tha judges, awarded the trophy to the Providenoe organlzstion. It yvs credited yvith a percentage ol 99 and the I'ittsten society with a percent ; ol 98 John li. Pojr of Pittsion asked pet mission to pre nt a rep.ri of the minority judge, Captain Plaonery, but tha Chair decided It could not then ac cept the report, a t ie time for tiling it had expired. I: gave the Father Whitty'a a petcsutage of Ml and Pitts ton iij On motiou of M. T. Hark of Curbondale it was decided to bave tbe proceedings ol th board ot govern ment on tha question read, Mr. 0 Hare at the same time asked that the matter be referred to a com mittee i f bve tor consideration) . long debate followed and C Boland mggeeted as a compromise that action bo deferred until (tomorrow morning, the parlies to tiirt ilwpuie in the meau uine to sndsavor to come to an agree ment This compromise was not so oeptable to the disputants and Mr. Bo land with irew it After fnrth-r debate a motion wn passed adopting lb report of il in mittoawarding the trophy to the Father Whitty society in accordance With the decision of the majority of the y. Igts Tha trophy has been In the custody ol the Pittston organiz ttiou since the drill. M. T Hnrke delivered an address in favor of an insurance plan and at 0 10 tho convention adjourned until this morning. Scranton, Thursday, May 24 TMC WORLDS LARGEST, GRANDEST, CAPITAL DIVBSTEO, 94000,000 DAILY i: I'KNSi;, st.iioo iimi saoW KKDOBXKD B1 mi I i ROI no fai.se pngTinsa no u tQONsvnov, Everything Just as Advertised New l'erfornuneos. New People, New Attractions. Chiko AND HIS BEIDE Johanna only PAiitor male anii KEMAi.K OORTLLAB cvst issm tofttbev slans the ntsatlea. sod rositively the only HI ANT AND (llANTEr-H HPI i I MENU n , r SVI r In I iptlvltV In the history , f the w rid M08T UUMAN-UXE ANUIAU KNOWN, iirrtiiu 31. uA i-.-onle ilsily to ( 'en trul I o k. N V , when hxiuil by tin w "hown t i tint so ulugleal garden. Thu WOadet of tbu Newspaper aud ucl ntlllc Worlds. Grand Ethnological Congress of Strange and Savage People Curious Iltmuu Btlon with rjuoir r lUktQH nrul coronxmlr, l'ann, Il luf or H- nthcn. Mohainni'-tlans fiumil'iiU, Vlubnim. HullliJstH, Coufui laus. IIlLdotm, t hrl.ituu and AtimzonK, wiiitlu fWBlttd "f tvK' ptDtto, witti ihnr l i.tr, n.i'iu, imjileini'iiti.ntUHsoal iiiHtruiii',!itH,rit,i,-orfiiiot)tioai1il;iiic, Uui ntucik ra. ' ,i i wmXT -s aVPI v-' Grent EQUESTRIAN Tournament lieaplag, Tambltag and Acrobatie Displays 12 Of the World's Greatest Circus Champions -12 L'nrivalod Kquostria i Feat by a do., n male nnd female rider THE MOST FAMOUS ABRIALlSTfl IN THE WORLD, All the Oreut Athletes, Oyinnasti and Acrohats, Sensational Animal Exhibition Lions, Tigers, Sheep, Piinilieri, El 'phanti and Hornet, performlinr at. ono tlmo. In narrnony tos-eiher, in a COLOSSAL STEEL It A ItHI'.O AKENA. 3 Circus Compnnies in 3 Rings, 2 Elevated Stages, Racing Track ami Animal Prena. SIOHt'R NlSTCR MtBM BBFOBB Tills RRABOM and only to be witnessed In these sho8, 2 Hards of Elephants, '1 Drovet of i'uiiisIh, (li int und I ik-ray AnlmalH, 2 Menager ies of Trained and Wild i: .- . M old-time, Modern and Pantonilmie Clowua Two Performances Daily at 2 and 8 P. M. Doors open an hour earlier. Admissipn to everything 50c. Children half price. ltusorvoil Mfttfl at rotfulur pfi06 Mid a(lmlnsinn HOkttl at uhuiiI a'lvancoat Thompson &. Pratt's Book Store, 3 1 2 Lackawanna Avenue. Mighty New Free, Street Parade "Z'Xn:; military iiniforms aud nnisio of all nationH at A.M. on day ot show. LOWEST EXCURSION RATES o ALL RAtliROADS. Will Exhibit in WILKES-BARRE MAY 23. Tomorrow tho cffljir for the ensu ing year will be elected. John H D vlne will In all probability to again honored by nn election to the presi dency of the tun ni and their is a senti ment in favor of awarding the Becre thry'sbip to tbe lower end of the dio cese. In that event Johu D. llerron, of Freehold, will be selected. P. J. Messitt and J. J. byveuuev, of the city, Mr. Mack the present secretary and Michael (Jnslok, of Mlnooko, are also mentioned as candidates. Candidates for delegates to tho nn tional convention nt St. Paul in August are numerous. J g M. HARD FOR YOUNG GIRLS. Trying Preparation for Entrance Into Society What Paina's Celery Com pound Docs. To bo graceful, entertaining, accompli-, ted in music and French, easy talkers on topics of the day, yet up In ancient history this and much more is yvhat society expects of tho young girls who "come out" at 18 r 19 In the few years before 90 SO great a change is wrought that wo almost, us if by magic, see n woman, where out a short time before yv.is only a child If, during these critical years, con stant mental exertion absorbs blood and nerve force, tbe system grows feeble and Buffers from laCI of nourish ment. The vital mistake of tho thousands of girls Who yearly bro.ik down m schools end colleges le just hero: A vigorous healthy body ami brain must bave an u:. limited hiipnly of pure, rich blood, folly capable of building up growtns tissues and repairing the waste of h od Worked nervee and brain and body. This is just w :nt Pintle's celery com pound is providing today fr over worked, anxloUS, "run down' people all over the United fcjt.-tt s mid Canada, If care be taken that no part of the body be poorly nourished, a great deal of hard work and study can be safely one through, lint when y ueg girls are seen to grow thin, pale, spiritless, and nervous, there is pi duly starva tion of sum - of the Important oreans an I a craving of the blud and DerVSS for better nutrition I'aiue's celery compound w.is first prepared by Prof Edward & Phelps. M 1 1 LL I), of lhirimoiuh oollege, with tho fuiUs. knowlege ol any mtdl- muu of hi day of yyliut tire I, Weak, nervous women ueel to tuuku them well and str ng Tue'bappy effeoto of Paine cilery compound IQ all cases of d'blllty. lier- vona weakneee, uud Im pro veriibad, Im pure blood are eitooishlog It nukes peonl yvell yvh re everything ele t ills. '1 he remarkable remedy mikes sickly, feeble women (strong, dooe away c iiii pletely with the lanquld feeling that comes from underfed nerve and blood. As a sure sign of it radical effect on the system for good, it I noticed that in a short thin tbe eyes grow clearer and brighter, the cheeks ruddier, and the mind more active and h ipafot Paine' celery compound cure dys popsti, sick headaches, nouralgis, rheu matism, and every symp'om ol impure Mi I, and periiuneiilly cur the most d '.lLult diseases of tbe liver, kidneys and h?urt Thousande and thousands of men and women who hive taken Paine' celery compound re toUy par feet ly well and ba py. 6UST AMUSLMENT IHSTiTUTIOft I Ua vAi ? on Earth- fe?7 t 4) . sul 1 eaa , wu i :ma. u Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrona t PITTSTON, PA. N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, - foaUMti . wiiAMui BTKIITWAY sni Dl i HER Miviri!Kta an niiA.Mtu & HM ia HTULTZ It A I i.U PIANOS 4 : t :n iturn of Ant-Cijsej ORGANS Sll HIC l. Ml III II '. 1,1 Sit hit . l ie. I.1U MOOSIC POWDER CO. km 1 and 2 Ccmm3fiwa!tb BU'g. s K AMi )N, I'V. MINING anJ BLASTING POWDER : s: i - an I uLsil- DAUj WolUOt LaJDa i Hand I'owOer Go 's ORANGE GUN POWDER Kltctric Catisrt, I'm for j.l- 1 1B( biaita, nafsty I'usa aud RepsuaaChcmical Ca'sHigh Explosive Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have rtmored ihcir offitw to tbsii WmWOOOiB) numbers 141, 143,145, 147, 149, 151 MERIDIAN ST. TXLEPHOIfl M'MHEH, 3Ci The QENTJINH tttm Baven "Mathushek" Pianos BSTASLDUiED m New York Wsweroomt No. so Fillli A ven no. K. G BICKER CO, Kole dsalers in this sectioa. "I I H 1 : 1 Adams Ae., TslepbOB BTA'g MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL real of the Nt qnallty f r domegtln ns,snil cf all size, di hvsrsd lu auf part of IDo yily at lowest price. Orders left at my nfflea, NO. MM, VA VOMINfi AVEVIT, Kear nmm, flrtt floor. Thtr I National Dank, or sent by mail or telenlious to the uiluu, will receive prompt attention. Bin elal (sntraets will l madnfor the aalo sud dulUui y ot lluckwhtat CoaL WM. T. SMITE DKKKU 8li(IK CO., Ino'p. ( apllal, 81 ,000,000. I1KHT MM SHORE IN TIIK W)ULI. A dollar ntn ed it a dollar earn'd," k ThlsriulliK'SolWI Krsnih Dsiiitrola KM It lit ton IUm dvltvortd fire nnvwlii'ro Id the I'.s , nn nwi'lpt nf ( 'iifti, Mnni'y Onkr, : ovpry way thn hooto soul la all retail slnrra for tJ.&J. W'v make Hits boot oiiwlvM, thiTfforo wo guar' . . ti,. ,., - - and If any ono U licit aaunllrd vo will rrtnna tno money Htnd another pair. ( )ter:s Ton or Common Hemic, v. I I U I ' KIT I to 8 and half . Send your rtte; tie will fit uon. um$wm Cata- lOklUB FREE Dexter Shoe Co,, lonrotf! mass!' Ppteinl UtfM t" Aales, A Handsome Complexion In ono of tho ureatest charms a woman can possess Ponx!fi'B Complbiion Pownaa givesn. GLUE WAREHOUSE sVv vvi a j i-'.tj sjsn aa.jv SBBBISbS r t a Good Men Be serve Good Clothes SO DO GOOD BOOKS ONE of the strong points of The Trib une's equipment as a lirst-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to-date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that arc fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania. Preserve Those Pic tures Don't Spoil Those Mol tichromes Have Them Neatly Bound The Tribune will promptly preserve any ol the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. It will make pecial rates on the binding of any or all parts of the World s Fair Series America Illustrated Series Holtichrome Series Or Any Other Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL lJtYl 1ANS AMI hUKUI'.O.NS. lR. (). El, GAR DEAN bus removed to 010 Spru-js streot, Scranton, Pa (Just op poslte couri-houso ijiiuara) A. J. CONNBIX, Office 201 Washington ff avenue, cornor Hpruco stioot, over raiicko H drug store. Rcsldonco, 7a Vino at Ootiourl iO.an to 1 a m. and '4 to aim Uj ,.oU p. m. Sunday, 2 to 'J p. ui. fyS. W. B, AI.LKN. OtUco cor. I.ackl , wuuua and Washington aves. : over Leon ard shoe btore; ollicu hours, 10 to 12 a m. aud ' P- Bli evenings at residence, 5112 N. Wtanlngton aye, )i-i . h. fBBY, PraoUo limltad to 5u cases of thu Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; efneo, 113 Wyuining uvo. Rosidonee, oil Vine street. D R. I. M GATES. Ut Washington Avoniu. ' i, Htr.ii.n, i i ' , . :i ,o ,i : s p.m. Basidenes Sue Madison areav OH I,. Wtsra ,m. L,., omcus Si! and ! g omiuonttoallh bttlldlnll r. sidcnoe "11 Madisonave; olUeohour i iff to 12, 3 to 1, f to ; bnndays 2.80 to 4, eveuings at residenco. A specialty mane of ,i.ni,s..H uf the eye, car, uosj and throat sud i-yneoology. I. A V. VDIIS. I J' O. UANCK s Uw an,i (-,,, ,-tion of. O . nce. No. ;U7 Spruce ,t., opposito Korost Houe. Bcraiilon, Pa,; collections a bpeclnlty tnri'tik-nout Punnsjlvauia; reliable correspond eitts in every county. Ilibhti'SoJ tlA.U, Attorney, and omit ," 0 lots at Law. CHafflOBWeelth hullduig, Wssoingtoa sve, W. H. Jassra Hoiiai i I: llim. w ii jrsHi-p, Jr. WlLl.AItD WARRKN KNAl'P, AtSor ueys and OoaasalOrSSt Law, Repuhlican tiuildimr. Washington av,-.. Scranton. P.-l pArrKRBON WILCOX, AtUjriieys uud 1 Counsellors at Law; olticcs 0 and a Lihr.iry Luilding. bciauton, Pa. BaBwau n PArraasoai WILLI Ol A. WILCOX A I.KliKIHIAN'K WILLIAM .1 UANO At i torneys and Coun -ellors, CotanoawsMSB nn I, Ilia- Itoomi 10, -v an 1 -:i U' IP iV LE, At'iirney at LaA-,.s-.l'j and i '.'0, Hui r leillding. Wjn.liiiigton iiv.-nw MEM'.Y M BEELT Lt ofn,;etn Prici building, ItM Washniirtou av, una RANK 1 OKtttXs Attorney at Ut. Room I ... I ! KsekangK Setanton. Pa. HILTON vi ' i win, , AM ). tB Washing G H VON8TOBCH, I too sv.. I 11 squar IAMI.SVS OAKKORO, Attorney at Law, rs,uisi. m n,l SV Commonwealth b'l'g UAMUKL W. KDU H. Attorney si Li. P Offlre, ill Bprncett . Scranton. Pa, I A efATBEH, Attorn-y at Lu,v, 421 Li. Larknwanna ue. Si ranton Pa Ii P. SMITH. Counsellor at Imw. nrri-e. . r'-ims M. ,M. .va C,,inmnwiilt:i builiiini i: 1 1 1 i Jim:. Attorney at Law. Cciu- nioT,U',-a'tll lotlloui SerAnt.,n. a I i nMKiiW Cf J h ru t hh UKl Lin.l.K. Attorney Loan, xmv , lisle,! nn real i.tjte w, urity.lo- Spmoa J t KII.1.AM .-.ttouiiy a: Law. IJU wf is emlaffaveno H ran ton, nAVBTOttR DtKOS and Mi ut toaoks written and ackbow ledgwl ty J W. BBl iWNINd. A'torney and Notary Vablic, 29 . ' mm nwalth lliiitdlnir. M 11(1, 'I s CCUooLor TIIK Lai Kawanna i Fan l1 ion. la. prepare Ikjvs and clris f, .. i . or l,-.isi,,,.sj, tlioroulllr tl 4,11 luuu chu.lrar. Catalogu at iMu,t Rtv TnoMA M rsx A LTP II If Hl'r.f L lls- WOBCBJTKR'S K1NDCROABTEN 'i ani retool, tu aaameTaa 1'upiii JKJJTjl at all Umea, Nut term wU open HI NTJhTi C C I AUBAI If. burgeou lnt!a No, llj yotnllikt av it ii -1 h a rroji 1H1 UUi H .K having! and Loan Ar S nation will loan 51.U money on eaaler terirn and pay yOS bolter on Investment than any ether M,s-Utl,Ki Call n S. N. CALLI N 'K.R. Inn - lum t.uiidir SI I K". (1 K CLARK A ( (, S.-..1 anion, i stl s and Nurservnien. store 146 Washington avenne. gr-n I, ua,iajC Norih Main avenue. rr. as. 1 . 1 . Willi MJIKS.NH.' OB KintTTEU ii Lackawanna avua f ' - 1 ' :. I -, . il rnfWlj HOT1 1 1 im RUTACRAMT I'lIK" sTMINr.TKR. 2IJ 2IS Wjomng 1 are. Burma heau-d with steam: all mod rn im; rninta C M TatSHAR, Crop 'I'lIK F.LK CAKP., 125 and i:7 Franklin tc I duo. Rate r.asonahle. P Zi (oleic. PYoprWor l nWSUJtaTRR HorEL J I W (1 M lll.Ni K. M t blxteenth atroet, era hi s k east of ttruadway. at I'nlen Square. New Yura. American plan $.1 .'.1 per day sad upward 'OYNK Hot's E. Eur, i3n pUsu; goo.1 v ro,na tpen day aud night. Her sup plied alts tbe Vat f R JtjTNE, Pr -r VJi BANTllN HOL'rtE. near P LAW. pas t seng'r depot Conduct, l on the t. urn pea n plan. VictvK Horn. Proprietor 1 KAMi i IINTRAL Hi, ars'eal ;. 1 hv I 1 -,. 1 :-! !. ' . ,n A..en: -u. Ii , rate) I. and ,d SiJil B r day It' Ton P. P.Ani. Proprietor. lu RtTKI 1 1 AVIB A licit PI. Ar.-tnte, t. H - -1 ft and 3S Commonwealth n'ld'g Scranton. D L WAI.1ER. Ar.lnt.vt, Lit rary I ui.,1 . lag Wy minis- avei.u S.-ianton. U BROWN. Ar.-h B Architect. Price ivuiiduif. i2ii w neaiaatoa Av,..,srrant l Mist 1 I 1 to II ACER'.- ORCHESTRA MCslO FOR bails, tortile, nartleiv nveptiotM. w,vl dings and Concert work furnished For terms addrsas R. ,1. Baur. etSMMtor, 117 Wyoming ave.. over llulbert's music store. HokTi'N !. iVAM- WHoLE-AI R rsmbsr, S and Lnino Bank building, Sera ti ton. Pa sieoaRof.k BROTHERS, PRINTERS' il fupph'-s. envelope", pajwr bags, twina Warehouse. 1JU Wasjimgtou ave., Bcranton. Pa IOOTEH LIYriiY. IVsl Capouse nvenue. 1 First class ,-arrlairee II L FOOTS, Aft Funeral Director and Embalmer I 'RAN K P. BROWN ft i u, WHOLE I sale deslers In W,sdwar, Cordage and Oil Cloth, r.M W. Lackawanna avenue. L'iSRA FINN sons. batMers and nontras Xj tors Ysrds: Corner Olive st. and Adams ave ; corner Ash st and Prnn ave.. Serai, ton. THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Oet prices nnd seo the furiiKce ami be eon vinced. A full lino of HEAT ERS, Anpello and Uiiuze Door Ranges. CONLAN'S HARDWARE PITl'STON PA. ailllllllimilMlIllllHIIIIMIIlEIIIIIIBIISIIBIiilimillllBllBH I AMERICA I COUPON NO. 66. 1 Send or lirinfr two of theso conpona, (lilTorontly nvnnlierecl, S S With Ten Cents.and get ono of the series of sixteen magrjifiMOt 5 S photographs. Ten numbers now ready. Mail ordors,2c. extra, a illlEIII.MIIIIIIIIIIIIMim CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthraclto coal used exclusively, Insuring clounllneHs nnd (omfort. mo iabu in mraoi saa. 1, isoi. Trains loavn Scriiutou for PlttBton, Wilkes. Barro, etc., at 8.1(1, IU5, 11. .ill a. m., 12.80 20a HfO, S.do, 7.2",, U.U5 p. m. Bundaju, ll.OU a inJ 1.0U, 21), 7.11) p. in. For Atlantia City, 8.10 a. ra, For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, S 10 (express) a PL, UMO (expros with Buffol parlor car;, 8 .80 (SxprSlaO p. m. bunday, .'.:), p. m. Poa JiAin ii Chunk, allirtowh, Bkthi.s Bail, LAeToa and I'iiilaueli-hia, 8.10 a. nu U..KJ, .1.WI, un (excopt I'hll.-idoliihicJ p. in. Baadar, 2 uu . m. ,, ,F,or Lono lliiANi-ii, Ocean Gnove, etc., at M0 a. in, I2.:i0p. ui. For Roading. Lehaun aad TTni ristur?, via Allontowu, h,lo iu iu., 12.1)0, B.Ct), p.m. Baadsr, 2.(10 p. m. ' For l'ottsville, L0 11. tu., I2JTI p. m. . . Itetuining, leave New yri, (out ot L.hcrtJ fVPNJOT rlv'r' Rt WO (express) a. in., l.in, !.,, UB (expross with liutfot parlor cur p. rn. Sundav, 4 80 a. in. I'cavu ''''lladolphhi, Reading Terminal. D-1J a. m., 2.01) and 4.11 1 p m. Sunday, li 27 a. in. I hrough tickets to all DotnUIt lowodt rat's may bo had on at, plication 111 advancj to tu' ticket agent at tho station. E P BALDWIN, J. a OLIIAfSEN, J-Agent. &n, supt. DELAWARE AND 11UL SON RAILROAD. Coinineiiclnif May 2. IKI2. traina will run as follows: Trains SVa Bridgo Stneit .Station. Scranton, for pitta- WJfWl9 s - - ' ut"' " 1 mm a an - . ''-'. in.. 12.10, w mm ' 1 W MS, 8.H ii. I, fW r and 11.81 p. in. Iff For N, w York and Phila delphia, 8 00 a. ru,, 12-10, ;.2i, M 4.18 nud 11.80 n. ui For lloiieHil.-ileffrom Delaware. I.ackawanns and wo.stern depot;, 7 00, S.8J, lU.10a.ui., lSui ni . 2. 17, 9,10 p. 111. For Carlnudalc and Inter rncoiats stations, 5.40, 7 00. Ml). 10.10 a. m.. 12,00 m.,2 17, 3.1'j.iln, I 90 and 9 i5 Is rn. ; from Hridge Mtroot Depot. 101 a. in.. 2. Land 11 p. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga the Adi r ndack Mo a 11 tains, Boston and New Eng:;i!,(t point, 5.S0 a OL, nrriv nx at Albany L'.lj, Saratoga 2 20 p. m , and leaving Sera&ton at I p 111 . arriving at Albany at el. r,o m., Sara toga. 12 V, a in., and Balon. .) a. m The only direct route between the coal field and Boston, "The Lending Tourist' Route of America1 to tbe Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lakes (ieorgo and Champluiu, Montreal, etc Time table showing local and through train win " hvtsri -n stations on all divisions Dels war" and Hnnsou system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket orhcea. H. (i Yol'NU, J. W BL' It DICK, Bi 1 Vi i re 1 lent Bsn Paea Aji I EBIOa VALLEY RAILROAD. 1 rn. 11, Itet Tram leaves Boraataa for Phlladelpnla an I New York via D. S H B R at 1 am.. 121). im sad 11 16 p. n via d., l 4: w. r. r., coo, B.iss ll.au a in., and l.JI p. m. L"ai Set inton for Pittston and Wilkss-liarr,- nil., L it W It. K , ti.UU, aOa, fl il a. in . L D, ISO, 1 1 ;, 11 1- p. m. Leave Bcranton for wait Haven. Hazleton, PMtlTUl and all points on tho Beaver Meadow and pottsvill,. branches, vt E. & W. V . ii40.m.. v.a D. ft IL II R. at I a m.. 12. M, MS I .'. p.m . via . L. & W. B. R., 109, IjK 1120 a ui.. 1 It MOM Leave S( ran ton for Bethlehem. Easton, Reading, Harris), urg and all intermedial points via D ,v H II. It , a m .12 Iu. 2 Ha. u.jj p.m .via D , L & W. K. R, oo.s 0s, 11.20 a ut, I.u p u. Leave Scranton f .rTuukhinuock. Towau ly, Elmlra Ithaca. , ml ...1 u,tr:i. -li.: points via D. A II R.R..V07 am..l210 and 11.3S p nL. rla D U ft W. R R.. s 1- a m.U) p. BL LoavK Scranton for R:!i't-r. Buffalo. S'l gara Falls, Detroit, Chicaro and all poiati smtfiil) & H R. R. v.o: a.m.,12 lo.gp, 11 Si n m. via D. L i W. R. R. and Pitt.ton Junction, sua a ru 1J0 JS p tn , via E ft W. B R.. J.I1 0. 111. For Elm.ra and th) wut via Salamanoc i-t D. Ai II it R slot a.m.. IXU,t.ii p. m . ml), L. A W It tc. ,s 0 , m.. 1 .) and .')( p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L v. chair cars on all trains btwecu L. B Junciiouur Wukes Barr- and Now York. Phlud lpuia, Buffal 1 and Saswnsion Brtdt-e BuLLIN H WILBUR Oes Supt East Die CHAs s. LK1. ii.-;i. Pas- Agt.Pblla.Pk. A W NONNEMACHEB Xss't 0-.-a.Pasa Ag't, . . DELAWARE, Lai 'KAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD Trains leave Scranton as foil ws: Express for Kw YorS and all Dotal East. I SO. iJtt, I . - ' and V it a m. : It&S and 3 M p, in. Express foe Luton. Trenton. Philnaelphts ei.l tu- s.-uth, ill, S.0U and .5l a nx; ItSI and H..V) p m. Washington and way stations 9JI p m. Tobyhanna aocomm'slatlon, el" p. m. Expr a for Blngbamton. (swego. E mirs, Corning. Rath. Danaville, Mount Morris and Buffalo. II ei 2 1.', a. n, aed 1 14 p. m.. m iking close connection at Buffalo to all point in the West. Northwest and Southwest. Bath acconim station. I a m. Bn.giiamt n aud way stations. 12 37 p. m. Nicholson and way statiotia p ra. Nlcaosoa aci-ommodation. at 4 p. m and S P m Blnghamtou ano Llmira t vpresa Co, p. m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Oewego. Vtiraand Richfield Springs, LU a m. and lt p ra Ithaca. 2 and Bath -a m. and 124 p m For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes llsrra, Plymouth, Rl,s,mt,urg anl Danville, making close connection at Northumberland for Wl'.llamaport Harrisburg. Baltimore, Waab lngton and the South. Northumberland sud intermediate stations, On. 920 a m and 1 JP aud SOT p. m. NantiC(Ao and Intermisliate rations, H'ls and ILSU .1 in Plrmoath SM intermedia:! tationa .1.vind a;"s p. ni . Pullnnn parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains . - . For detailed information, pocket tlma taUas, etc , apply to M. L smith, city ticket oincj, n i.a s 'wannasvenue, or deis.it ticket otHoa Nl li 4TtlN Hl l-IOS. In I 11, .1 January llNlh. ISfll. orlh Hound. 2O0 0 fOS stouth Huund moi aos sos c a 1 x. . al st.,:i' i.s i Z e- a (Trains Daily. Ex- - :. - 3 1 w - 1 - a 4 W 1 cept aanay ) r 5 a rrlvc Lear J. 1 H 7.18 7. Vi 81O It -.'08 2 11 1 -.'4 -.nt 2 41 sss I 44 : ot) 3 02 - .- V Y Frankliu s: 1 10 West Und sfrii't !" : 00 weehawken r ( 8 20 T. 8 10 .. 7te, . t ai ., T4o . T: .. 7 7 22 .. rr 7 is ,. S M 5 e 1- rsi i r u Arrlvt Leave 1 1 ii Baaeoei Juaettoa 1 3 i ,v I lane v's 80S I -J V- Starltghl Pi 1 ston Park comn PnrtrteBs Belmont p laaal mu Unlondalo F'orss-t 1 ity Carbondale White Bridge May Hi id jersaya Archibald Wtasea PeefctfUle OPpaaat ldokaon Throe p Providence Park Pio) 8 IS 1. (, M ti I h 1.) (. Ml K471 I2 32 12 12 18, tl , , Ml M J8 , i-a ., i ? V s.s .. 31 is .1 II Wll II 27 DUO 20 M r -r e iNflls t; am si it 41 8 II . 84 9 Mi .", 45 7 48 10 Ol S tl 7 43 1008 8 S4 1 a.l x. 1111 -Jali MS'." 1 ijri ifv. d v. ' , 1 1 21 '. 4e III 10 7 310 18 7 .-4,10 17 ' 3 cl , 404 I 407 S U i ' 8 21 I W II 17 II IS SI) II II 13 i 0 10 20' 410 I ml 10 St 4 14 8 0BI091 4 IT - 11 It SO 4S 1 MA I S 8 IV 4 6.' '1 fS IMlf4 AS S 181 4N' ii (' Scranton m itaasf Arrive All 1 1 ions I ui, uiui,, ' ' I' o-.j I stgnliles that trains stop on signal for pss 'tSewtioaal trains h ave Carbondale tor scran, to-, , ; ; !' -o 1 ' " scrunton l.ts) and 1.00 Leave scranton for Carbendnle 8 .Vi and 8.SI srrlyln. al carbondale at 7 :l(i aud 9.1.', a, m. ieOOre rates via Ontario a Western before pni-cliusliik' tickets and save money. Day and Blhgi Kiprrss 10 tlie West. J.C. Anderson, Gen. Pass. Agt. t. VBtorotl, Dlv. Pass, Agt. scranton, Pa. . .. ...... 4.,h. n,,t Cnnrinv TMtlE AND WYOMlNll VALLEY RAIL ROAD Train- leave Scranton for Now York nnd In termediate points on tho Erie railroad at M a BL and BJM p BL Also for H -inosdale. llawloy end local points at tl :5. H.4S 11. m , and 11 24 B m. All the above are through trains to and from HoaeeflNe, AB additional train leaves Scranton for Luke Ariel at 5.25 p.m. and arrives at Scran ton from the Lake at 8 40 a 111 aud 7.A p.m. Trains loavo for Wllkes-llarro at 8.40 a ra. aad 11 p. m,