THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1894. FOR ONE WEEK We will sell our entire stock of New and Stylish TRIMMED HATS at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Come and see them at NEWMAN'S 303 SPRUCE STREET. WE have special facilities for A NO. 1 WORK, LACKAWANNA THE LAUNDRY 808 Penn Ave. A. B. WARMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue We are showing new designs in printed IRISH LAWNS, JACONET, DIMITY and PONGEE. 415 Lacka. Avenue. CARPETS BARGAIN NO 'X We Will Offer for a Few Days Fine Moquette Rugs at $2 00. Theae Ruga Have Never Been Sold for tcai Than I3.00. Williams & Mm '27 Wyoming A va. CITY NOTES. The Meadow Drunk and National col lieries uf William Council & Cu. will be paid out Saturday. Tbe city companies of the Thirteenth rglrai.t were iu Honeadale -.-t.-r.j. at tindn k the ktrioeee of Curupany 1. TN fuceral of th lot) A. .1. Maliuo, of )llivue. will m bold at St. Peter', catbe t.ieJ u ttor.ow uoruinx at V o'clock. Tw.i aet.i f came, atolen from tbe lrn of tbe Mowers' Parking company wars found by the police yeaierdajr uo the ner bank. The King's Daughter of Kirn Park church will aerv- nipir till veiling (rule 0 to S o'clock, wblcb will bo uuuau a.iy elaborate. The Ladie' Aid aociety of the (Jrwn Hid.- I'rrobyterian church will hold a upper OB lliuraday evening at the chnrch parlore; prlcettconti. The North ai.d South w irks of tha lsckawanna Iron & Steel companv will be i.aid Hue week. The former ou Friday and tho latter on Saturday. Traction romp .v,y officials have taken ao action following Mayor Connell's an nullment of tb company a rlgt to extend Hnea ou certain airueU. Tbe Ladle 8-irial union of the I'enn Areone Ilaptlat church will nerve supper lute evening from 6 to S o'clock. A cordial in'itat. .u 11 eslecded to Ml. The aaoead c rerle of gtmm between "uod's college and High acliool takes place at Scran ton ball park today at 4 p.m. No admlaaon wiV. be charged. Tbe Seraiilnu Haae Ball park ! uudergo lag a geod rolling down and will be in flr.t class coudlti.-u for uoxt Saturday' gem 'j.-twoeu Cornell aud '.- h 11. New Wonfii'rJarjd thi alre CMS be reuted ay tbe right or week during tiie summer mouth for ennevrtx, convent I :, loctures, beaellta, etc. Mauager Davis reside on premises. 'ike funeral of the late Thoinaa Mullen aa beid yesterday from St. Peter's catbe Aral where a solemn bigb mna of rwiuiom vil celebrated by Kev. J. A. McHugb, assisted by Kev. -T. J. Maugnn and ltev. M.3. Mlilane. Interment was made in the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. The liall beareri were: Thome Cutnminga, Anthony Kelly, Jatnes Unvigan, Patrick r.emiug, James Kelly and Tbomaa O'Mal ley. Open All Night at Lehman's Spruce street JCNNII JOKES WILL RECOVER. Bar Life Epaied That She Hay See tba Error of Her Way. Jennie Jcuee, tbe unfortunate woman woo fctteinpted her destruction by allowing two ounces of laudanum ltetiUy afternoon in a Center street xiaort, li pronounoed ont of danger by 'he poysfcians at tbe Lackawanna hospital. Th j patient is very lame and sore as result of tbe artificial respiratloa sad tbe manipulations employed for liven hour j to arouse ber from stupor. botft 13r. McAndrowa and Dr. Hilda s' II bare been commended by their professional brethren for their traat neut of the case by permanganate of pwasstnm, digitalis and strychnia. Treatment was not commenced until nearly an hour after tbe poison had been taken, and the suocess of the doo ton and muses was a prominent topio of discussion in msdloal cirolea yes terday. For fine shoes and latest patterne try tbe Commonwealth Shoe Store, Washing ton avenue. ' Finest plnee oheap at Conrsen's. IMS s MEN Fill IP II SLATE Democratic Leaders Selecting Their Candidates For This Fall. NAMES OF THE UNFORTUNATES Several Persons Selected for Each Office So That When Declinations Begin to Come in There Will Be Some One Left to Uphold the Ban ner of the Party of Monumental Political Foolhardiness. There has been considerable hobnob bing and whispering of late among the recognized Democratic connty leaders relative to making up a slate to be rail roaded through the coming nominating convention. The elating has been attempted with efforts to hold it as seeret as possible until a short time before the conven tion The leaders thus hope to guard against iuterfsrenoe ou tbe part of un desirable candidates who already ehow Igne or a political bee buzzing about their ears. Three so-called seeret meetings have been held; two of the meetings were held at Zlegler's, and Tim TnniUNK is enabled to present for the benefit of all political creeds the contemplated ticket. Here it is, and where more than one name appears for an office the mott likely candidate is presented first. Judgo P. P. Smith. Congress Lemuel Amsrman, ex-Sheriff RoblnBon, C. o. Boland, S. B. Price. Sheriff James U. Itsiley. Treasurer Charles II. Schadt, John Gib bons. Clerk of the I'-mrts John J. Fabev. J J. O'Boyle. John Durkin. Prothonotory -James 0. Bailey, John J. I nhoy, Frank O. Megargce. Hecorcler James fiealsy, of Dunmora. I'.egistor of Wills-Uenry T. Koehler, Frank Deckert. Senator-M. E. McDonald, M. T. Burke. Jury Coniminaloner M. J. Moran. Arch bald. District Attorney John P. Kelly. NOMINATION OWED To SMITH. While R I. Smith was last fall de feated for the judiciary, it is thought that tne party owes him another try for th office; at least that is what the slatemakers would say, but the real reason La that he is tbe only available timber willing to be sacrili - I The leaders olaim that ua Lemuel .Moated Mr. Serantou 111 18111 he stands ua good a chauen aa ever for another election. ili-Siienff Kob loiOll would have been willing to make I he fight, hut presents a proaetire ol business aud a prospective trip as au excuse for declining Those on the In tide My that Mr Robinson would have boon the most likclr candidate oB the I ioke1 (, Boland and 8. B. Pno r rsienrs forces, and iu the event of Mr Aniermau withdrawing for bml :i s reasons Mr. Bolan.l will no doubt U tbe Joiulcce, nuleas. ludeeil, it be t'10 nltimate defilsicej not to iiuinlnate a "andidale at nil. for foar his free trade proclivities inigUl injure what little etiauce there is .'or the eounty '1. t'l it Is known that such an oinls 1 . '-I la ear. 1 RsljT under cjiisiileratloa Th shrievaitv it leslly tht lone of contention, or rsthr dii-ennlentton, of the whole iist of - B t Tht J'arty Is willing that Mr bailey should have It, bnt Mr. Hallsy thluka the more elite rfflee of proll.onutary is nearer his b.ightb an 1 breadth, lie was defeated by only 169 voles by Mr. Pryor, the present ir.cumbenr, slid will not have tube urged to take tbe responsibility again, i'rauk 0 Megargee the well known paper limn, la unwillingly put i.-iward by Ida friends for the protbo Dotuyinlp.1 The slaters feel that if this 1 ua:iii-s rrpresentati'ni is urged, Mr. Megarg'-e will be tbe candidatu and Mr. Itailey will have to be content wiih the shrievalty or iiuistly disap pear OSUDt FOR THRASL'KEH. Councilman 1 hnrles H Schsdt, who defeated Mr Browning, of poll tut fsm, In the Sixteenth ward, la choaen as tbe treasury candidal' and thu Oer 1:1 ni corner of the ticket. PrSMenl Sheriff F.i!iey has to he p.ii 1 ii snme way for rfToris in beh.ilf Of the party, unl he was given llie choice of the protbonntsrysbip or court clerk ,p It la reported from the meetings that the rlerkshipis more to his liking John Dnrklu is also spoken of for the clerkship The other offices slated, except tbe senatorial, appear rady to dr.ip in the lap of the convention without auy die sension, 'though if biskoriogs ensue among rnndidiites slated for better piying office, some of the am iller fry down tne ticket may t thrown over tionrd to 111 ike room for the dissenter The slnte makers don't propose to have any bolting by the shining lights. Iu making tbe ticket the leaders are reported to be highly pleased with the districts raprcsouted. Th-j ssntiotis In clude three Bcrauton wards, besbles Hyde Park, W'avrly, Djnmori-, Cur bo:iduie end Arclib.ild. V. 1 . of tbe friends of H T. iiurke. the present Fourth district representa tive at the legislature, will b surprised at the announcement of Mr Burks's candidacy for the souat rt!,ip , in fact it is understood at Carboudale that Mr. Uurke will light for a renotuina tlnn against Miles J. McAndrew and James F. Healey, of Arclibald The trnth of the matter is however, that Mr. Burke wishes to climb up the poli tical ladder, and may interfere with .Senator McDonald's aspirations for a renomination. BURKS IS IN EARNEST. It is understood that nu emiessry of Mr. Burke recently conferred with some of tho leadors here and urged his patron's candidacy. The Inside men are on the fence in rhe matter. There is 11 possibility that If Mr. Burke is turned down as a senatorial nominee he will cause the bosses much uneasiness. CHASE WILL BE A CANDIDATE. 8c Says Field Marshal James Mahon tvii . Ehould Know. "I think it is safe to assert that At torney A. A. Chase will again be a can didate for .lodge this fall" said Field Marshal James Mahon last evening ss he gracefully leaned on his cane at Wyoming avenue and Spruce street and thoughtfully rubbed tbe snow white stubnle on bis chin. 1 'I have not heard Mr. Chase express any desire to rnn but from the way af fairs and sentiments throughout the eounty are shaping I do not sse how he oan refuse -to become a candidate. These who advocated his oandidaey be fore will do so again but with renewed vigor," As to whether or not Mr. Chase would accept a nomination from the People's party if served to him with appetising trimmings Mr. Mahon re fused to say. Pineapples for canning. Coursen. 4tMA n 1 1 . . i.b la.n.l n.llM.. trtr the Commonwealth Shoe Store, Washing ton avenue. INJUNCTION IS CONTINUED-. Judgo Qunster Hands Down an Opinion In Davis-Jirmyn Case. Judgo Qunster yesterday handed down an opinion in the injunction oase of Leah Jones-Davis agaiust John Jermyn and Contractor Conrad Senroe der. A portion of it ie ae follows: The evidence shows that the premises included are part of a double buildnig aud that tbe plaintiff has constructed and erected extensions and additions to it; and that since she wont into possession, she had used an outhouse, situate on tho easterly half of tho whole lot in connec tion therewith fir. Jermyn Is engaged in the erection of a hotel building which Is desigued or planned eventually to cover the whole lot. At present bis intention is to completo tbe strvcture to the inside line of the double building, of which the plaintiff occupies the westerly half, To do this it will be necessary for him to tear dowu tho easterly half of the building. The evi dence shows that this can be dono without injuring or destroying tbe westerly half or tbe extensions or additions thereto. But Iu excavatiug for the hotel bulKling Mr. Jermyn encroached in tho rear and it also became necessary for bim to remove the outhouse which the plaintiff had UAed mid which she claims tbe right to use. This structure however was not on the prem ises described in tbe lease that Is whs not on the westerly half of the lot, aud while tho plaintiff may have been permitted to ue it, nor right to do so is not clear. As the present plans of Mr. Jermyn do not contemplate any encroach ment upon or injury to the rights ot the plaintiff, the injunction might t dis solved, but as It will work him no harm and will seen re nn observance of the rights of tbe plalutiff, I think it best that It should be couttuued. Tbo rule la madu absolute and tbe in junction heretofore grunted is continued until otherwise ordered. A JAUNT TO THE MOUNTAINS. Scranton Officials Examine the Hend ler Quarry at Maxwell Those Who Were in the Party. rpon invitation of Joseph Hendler. of Wilkei-Barre, n prty of Scranton ians, including councilman, school controllers, city officials and contract or a, boarded the U o'clock train on the Delaware and Hudson yestarday morn log for Maxwell, to inspect the exten sive stone quarries owned by Mr. Hendler, on tus line of the Lehigh Vallay short branch railroad, between Ulen Summit uud i'ittaton. Tbe excursion party was in charge of Cltt F.uginaer and Freight Agent 1). T Yost, of the Lehigh Valley road At Avoca the Serantou people were joined by a number of promiuent Wilkes-Barreana, among whom were Mr. Hendler, ex -Mayor Hubert He Kuue, Peter Shepherd, William Neu er. Dave Oallon, Totn Peteri, Mr Jost calk, and City Pssaanger Ag'nt S S CtlM, of the Lehigh Valley railroad The stone ijtiarriva. which sre about aeveii milea from Avoca, are near the locality made famona bv tba murder of McClnre and Flanugban, bv U.l Nose Mike several years ago Tbo exeiir sloniats readied th ijuarrv about 1" HO a m , and spent uu enjoyable . viewing the worklugs and partaking of refreshments served by their BMl Au excellent quality of genuine con glomerate rock is found there, which, according lo Mayor McKuue, contains UT per cent, silica, capable of making the lincit ot glaaa for opticians. Fifty men are working at th main ledge at present, but it is probable that th force will be increased In tbe uar future The goeata of Mr Haulier were taken to Wilkes-llarr via (ilen Sum mit, and after spending several hour In viewing the quai nt stghta of the city returned boiue delighted with their trip. Th councils were represented In the oertv by Mes'ra Began. William S Ibomas kotatban, V TboshOJ. 1 dsn. Norton, Sweeney, Coonell. ''lark, Moon, Borne, Wei sel RoMnoon. Roono , Hlrker. Boas The school controller worn Secretary Kiiow. Messrs, Will iams. Coir, Devauney. O'Boyle. Among th- other excursionists were Building I nop IS OT Nelson, Street OoBsnlwiOOOf Klraf, M T, Lsrollo, cltv clerk, City Assessor Yo, Assistant City Lt.giue-r Sbvrwood, Aisistont Clerk of tbe ( loSM cila McLean M4 Contractors S Ores. Kmil btliiiiid', Max 1 .1 ; -, D J. Rochl aud W K Knit o OPeNlNG OF IfluKll Hill PARK This Heaalna; Boser, Ilacanllr K ocvatad, Wl I Opn Mai 30. Laurel Hill park will be opened to th public on Ivcoratlon Day, May SO The park having twice been visited by fire and the principal buildings having te n dretroyed. necessitate. 1 the build ing of tbe s .me, which has been done in n moat complete manner. Tbns It will open this season with much btt-r accommodations aud privileges than ever before. The psrk will stall times h guard-1 by police officer nnd the strictest or der will be observed, Thu car eervice from all tarts of the city to the park will be better thM last year, uud p tsoiis rUltlog that pi tee may rest nssurd that there will be 110 unneoesssry crowding of cars The new dancing hall l.aa a floor area of nearly 4,'Q square feet, or about 1,000 more than the one of Ust yrar. (iood music will bo engaged for several nights each week, and those fond of this enjoyment will find uo other place presenting as many advantage. Kvery Wdnsaday afternoon fr- in ,N until 6 30 the park will tie exclusively to ladies nnd cbillr.n. Such ae may wish to puss au sojoyable afternoon, where they may feel pur fectly at home and free from petty nu noyances, will find this place fully ns eoioyabloOtO private park A bind will make tbe time pass pleasantly by remitting popular muslo during those hours, The admission to the psrk will free ut all limes eioupting wuuii reuted by societies or orgsnizutlons of s like nature. The psrk will be furnished with eeats, and swings of all kinds. A sods-fonn-tain, ice cream stand, morry-go-aroun !, jumbo roller, sbsdud pnvilioim, etc, etc., will also add to the comfort un l pleasure of those mukiug use of this beautiful resort, Ona Dollar Par Barrel Savad By using tho noted Royal Blend Flour, the highest grade and best family flonr manutactured. Used by thouiands. Ask your grocer for it. H. Montgomery Co.. Agents, 720 W. Lsckawanna avenue, Scranton. An Evening- of Pleasare. Tonight the children of Mrs. Swan's de partment ot the Sunday School of film Park will give an entertainment in the lecture room of the church. It will be a happy event. They Have Oone Down That Is prices at Guernsey Brothers, For fine shoes and latest patterns try the Commonwealth Shoe Store, Washing ton avenue. If it is a bouse or a lot yon want to turn into money, call at office of e Wood's College. JURY SAYS NOT GUILTY D.'Lddb AcqjittaJ tt ObUilLog DUgi! Fees. CHARGED WITH BEING ROAD AGENTS Daniel Mahon and William Reese, of the Ridse, on Trial for Robbing; John Flock A Half Dozen Young Men from Legget's Creek Answer ing for Robbing John Early of a Jug; of Mountain Dew. Ths DoLong ouse was placed in the hands of the jury yesterday morning snd before noon a verdict of not guilty nnd the costs of the c urt put up ju the couuty was returned There aro several other indictments pending against DdLongof substan tially luo saai4 character, lint tne dis trict attorney informed a Tumi ni: re porter that nomi of them will be called up this term of quarter sessions' court And it is possible that tin result of yosterday'H cuss uiiV onuie u nolle prosequi to bo entered Daniel Mahon and William Rse e, were arraigned before Julg" Sittsei yeetcrday afternoon, charged with hav ing taken it sum Of money front John Flocl; of Arclibcl t on tho evening of the 'Jlst of last DtOMubor. They were defeuded by Attorney John li. Jones, ex Ju-.lgn Stauton eesUtod District At tornoy Kelly iu the prcaaootlon, Flock alleges that the defendants as ssnlted him aud stolo his pay unount iugto4') His story ia that he met the young Ben in a saloon on the 'Bilge" in Archtald borough aud tre.itrd them OOTi ral tlm s Hi ihowtd sev.ral bills In paying for his LieaLl ami theae. be sae, the detond ants took from bin as bo was irolng home. DRNY noCS I 11 m 1 -. The accused deny all of Flack's charges and any th")' know nothing whatever about his DUMMY. Flack and a man named William Bidridg tuati fied for the commonwealth. The do feudauls and Wiiliam Duffy, who was with them on the night in question, gave evi leiice for the aOOMod and there was 110 material different' t in their statements Squire tiildaa. Warden Walah, Tipstaff 1 J. Walsh and Thoai.ia Mnnley bore testimony to tne good character of the accusa l. Th evi dence was all in Wuen court a Ij mrned, snd will be tiiilbh.'. tomorrow uioroing. Stephen Setnati tral found guilty of cruelty to atuuula He was 1 unit -diately aetitnrsd hyjutge Sillier to pay a lino of S and coots "f prowen linu and will serve twutity djje in tue county jill Andrew Mehahk waa foun 1 not guilty of discharging hrearmi and tli county will pay thu coals uf the pro ceeding against hliu Charies Wool was foiinJ not gull : y of the first c iui.l m lb indlcimeu'. agaiLst him, OsdOOHon, bnt was de tlerod guilty of the aecuni c urge, for Mil ton. Iu court room No '.' ths tirat ease yesterday afternoon was that uf John Bsrly sgaiust Edward Paddea, John Biylan, Patrick Walati. Michael Wnlol and Aulbouy Doucy The charwe Was .aaauit and battery Cntof.of'rolloe W i Simpson was prdHMntor for Mr Early, AJD.T'1 t'aisr. or 0 4MA1M The indlrlweut against these yonrig men arose fross their SCtlOO lower I larlv on tbe morning ot July ID. Between 'J nl 'I 0?cl I ll thav Mreo add his residence Willi stone! and to inito cam. breaking the ! iri and win do Wf nas of tbe stone bit Early on the arm and cut It vrely Ileal Jo lull, the miraul-ra brjk Into the cellar. whr B r!y kpt a "drop of th craibur, aud Uuy cirried sway with tham to s nrlgliborlug hedg a jug of "potneen " Two other y mug mn, P .trick Naarr an I William QnOT. nf tteiptl cited ou tbn en trgd of malicious mis cbl-f. The evidence uf the proiecutor was not Uiiisbad when court aalj mrned -CONCtRT AT GOf IN RIOCf. It will bi Ole.o at th Aabury M. k Churoh T -Nlcht. The fulluwing program will te ren dered nt the concert giv.-n at the Aa bury M. E church. Ureen Kidge. to night PART I Overture Contralto Solo,. . Mentation Violin Solo Baritone Solo Orchestra Mia Powell .ii Cor Oriftlu W. b. Ceujamiu Pr eor 1'rotberoe. Jlus. Bac t)net, S. pranu and Alto MUsea Powell Part 11. (Ivetlure. "liolden Sceptei," . Iirchestra s pranoHolo Mra. I) T. Jayno PiauoSlo Professor 1 A. BvatlS Mediation Miss Cora Urifhn Duet, Soprano and Baritone Airs. Joyce and I'rofeasor rrolln-rue The committee lias propared a treat for the luvers uf go.-d music and sa the sdmisslon lias been placed at the luW price of lo cents it will be uerosonry to be prompt to saeure good sants Doors will open at 7JU p. m snl concort be gin at B o'clock bl; Ml JUVENIU STRIKlgo. Mai. villa Braakir Boy Rfui to Con UnM at Work A fow of the breiksr boys stopped work at the Manville breaker, Ur Iti lk', yesterday The mine is oper ated alternat'ly each mo 1 1 h by the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western aud the Delawsre and Hudson cum pint 's Tbe Delaw ire and Hudson company is working the mine thi" ruouth. Coal Supei intendent A. II. Vandling ssid laBt night tbut the stopping ot work by the boys did not in any way interfere with operations yesterday and most of them would probably rsport for duty today. Iliuilo Mcx-a Exclusively. Beat made. Play auy desired number of tunes. Oautschi A Sous., manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful on he-u ml orgaus, ouly $A and flu. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunas. Dr. Q (X Laubacr, dentist, Qas aud Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in Hcrauton. ee Ik you have a mortgage, a lot, a house or a business property to tell I efanll be pleased to confer with you. F. E. Wood, Wood's College. Stenographer Furniahad. We are prepared to furnish business men with firet-olass stenographers by the day or hour. Expert bookkeeping a specialty. Serantou Commercial Association, Lim ited, 425 Spruce street. Cure roR Croup. Use Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo UU according to directions. It is tbe best Betnedy tor all ludden uttaoki of colds, pain and lDfismmation,aml injuries. OF INTEREST TO DELEGATES. Thay Can Stoure Low Bate b Calllns; on D. W. Powsll. Delegates to the Republican state convention at Harrisburj; ou May 28, or others who muy desire to attend tue proceedings, can cull on County Treas urer D. W. Powell, who, in the capacity of chairman of ths Republican county committee, has received from the chair man of tho stute committee u package of orders. These orders are issued by the Penn sylvania Railroad company, and by getting ono from Trensursr Powell tho holder is entitled to a hulf-fure ticket from Wilkes-B.irro to Harrisburg and return. The order must be nresentsd to tho company's ticket sgsnt ut Wilkes-Barre, and hs will issuj n speeial return tick et, the cost of which will be the regu lar fare one way. Tickets nre good on any train going from May 1!) to 'lo, inclusive, and must be used in returning not later than May 20 Tbe order does not include passage between Wilkoa-Barre and Soranton, unless f'it'ir arrangements are mado. GOING TO STATE OTEN1M Arrangements Mado for Those Who Will Attend from This Part of the State. The delegates to the state Republican convention, which will be held iu Har risburg on Tuesday next, will lssvs this city on Monday afternoon. Thsy the Delaware and Hudson train at Bridge street ut 188 aud go to Wllkss Birre and then proceed to Harrisburg over the Pennsylvania railroad, arriv ing tlmre nt 8 o'clock 00 Monduy even ing. The delegates from the districts in the vicinity of this city who will com pose the party nre Alexander Aikmau, trom the First district, Major Everett Warren, from the Second; V, M Fran cis, from the Third, and W J. Scbu bmobl, editor of the Olypbant Gazette, rroin the Fourth district. Mr. Lsncss ter, a delegate from Wayne, aud the eutlre delegation from Susquehanna county are expected to leave the city ou the lame train. Besides the delegates a large number of well known Republics-, a or thla city and vicinity will go to tbe convention. Among those already listed srs Protb onatorv Pryor, Attorneys F. W. Flellr, John M. 11 irrit, M W. Lowry and It. H. Hulgate; W. S Millar and N C Mackey, of Waverly, luomas P Cos grov, of Arcbbald, J. A. Northup, of Dallon. Klward Hardenbergb. of Hones 1 . and Representative W. K. Peek uf Moscow. At Bellfoote they expect to meet the epecuil car contain ing ex liovern r Beaver and party and thry will theref.-re bo present to psrtlclpst in the ovation wMch will undoubie lly be tendered to the veteran BepiMiou At tbe convention on Tueidiy a can didate for governor, lleuteuaut gov onor, auditor general and secretary of Interns) affairs and two cougresmeu at large will be nominated. There will be nu candidates from Lsckawanna or Luterns counties be fore the cjuventlou and no one from sny quarter nearer than Mr Grow, and there seems no doubt whatever but thst he will be renominated without of position i her is a general feeling tnat Uon ernl B sating! is the most available candidate lot g veruor and II la pre dicted tost lie will be nominated ua tho Oral ballet CONSIGSRO TO MOTHtR EARTH. Funeral bt M C. Drl k.r U Id ToelOr dar Morcluc The fncsral of M. C Drlokar, uf tula city, whu died iu New Mexico where be 1 ad gone for hla besllb. occurred ytiierdiv uiorniug at the sc.- R formed Issooofjnl chorea. K-v. Al fre l K Bates and Rev Bicbard Hiorua officiated, 'lb arrangements were iu charge of Arjt Williams Th- pall bearers were Jot n D. Ward, A 0 Banshaw, W L Pry .r. U. D Buck, I t. m. Evans aud (ieorg Mott. Tne Vu. il mualc was rendered by a quialrtle compeed by J Wetkins ii M. DeWlit, L J. Siebocker, Ljuu Conrad aud Tbomaa Bmuu Many reprreent itivei of (,' mpany D and the Foki alien Jed the eer vices In ttrmenl ws made ui Forest Hill cemt lery 1 .i. SOME WOaotMrUl HORSES. They Will Bt Seen With lb l A BalUy Show. Th bigh-j-iinplog boracs Iu ths Bar num & Bailey greatest sbow on earth tbll jeer are unapproachable in style nnd merit Some of tneiu have WM first prises at the annuil horss sbow in Madison Square garden. New York, nd one, a notable beast, lortuerly tbe property of ex Mayor (Irani, of that city, his a record of jumping seTen feet, two incr es high wub a rl lor weighing 170 pounds Tne long distance leaping, too, is MDjOtblnfJ iqually great and record bieakiug. These equestrian exhibitions will ail le seen wneu th show comts here on lbursday, May 24 D Beok, Tailor, I arms a tun line uf ssmples, foreign and aewaaii, iura-rmg anu euaiuier suiting and irouaerlnga. Hive biin a call at .131 Linden street. Wonderful Are tlie w.irki of wheelbur row. It should bo oiled ouoe yi'tir. HOW ABOUT YOUR WATCH ? It is a much liner piece of mechanism and - h uld be cleaned aud oiled every year, to keep it in good order. Have it done by W. W. Berry The Jeweler Who has had twonty-fivo years' experience. You will find him at 417 Lacka. Avenue. Best Sets of Teeth,$8.oo Inoludtag the painless extracting ot teeth by au entirely new pro-Cess, S. O. Snyder, d.d.s. W WVUM1NU AVI. Thlrty-(wj Set Positions. We offer rpe.-ial advantages during thia summer in busiuess. Shorthand and Eng lish departments. The fact that thirty two secured good positions during April is the best evidence of the practical nature of our work. Wood's College of Buslnewi and Shorthand. Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii I THAT DOLLAR I I OF YOURS f S Takes a new looso of lite tho minute S S 3'on bring It into our store. To con- B J vinceyou of tho trinhof oureta'.emeat g we name a lew priues. 5 Tea or Coffee Pots 55c.up a ''Marion Herland" ' Cofee Tots 85c .up f s GAS STOVE'S A touch and there's the full blaze; another touch, gone: Clean, slm tile, safe. 75c. up. Many SUMS and kinds. OIL STOVES CO-, np Dout build large m i-oal Hi.- till warm weather; it B makes thu whole houo uncom- I foitutj'.- B We Im . H .oinuthlns entlruly new , ......... p m"-- MM very latest wonder. (Jlad to show you S tllH Tl. IlltU. I '. . ITl nf.i ii i 1 1 tin, 1. B SPEAH8 ooKing naago tea f the points. Come In and eoe. ii is not B i' uuy aiwaye r I HENRY BATTIN & CO. 120 PBMM AVESl'E. HOUSEHOLD SPECIALISTS. niiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. We are now displaying a line Hue of Hosiery In COTTON, BILK and LISLE THREAD. GRAND QIIITO ARMY ulil I 0 The month of May always brings these to the fore. It is the month in which the GRAND ARMY in all parts ot the Union sees to its uniform and fits itself, to properly decorate the graves of fallen comrades. Full Grand Army Suits from $6.50 up, single and double breasted, each coat and vest being made with eyelets and furnished with two sets of buttons. Every pun hswer of the lioautiful PABLOR FIN CLOTHING & SHOE HOUSE 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA. S. L. O ALLEN. We Don't Want TO INJURE The Drum OF Your Ear DY TOO MUCH BLOWING. BANISTER'S, Straw : Hats FOR EVERYBODY None Cheaper Styles Correct BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. WE ARK OFFERING FOR This Week A $1.50 Leghorn Hat for 79 cents. Flowers, worth 50c. a Spray. For 15 cents. Our Trimmed Hats marked down to half price. IN OUR Cloak Dept. A find Clay Worsted Coat, linedwith Moire Silk, worth $14. for $6. A Black Moire Silk Cape for $9, worth $20. Your choice of 100 Capes and Coats, in all shades, for $2.98, worth from $7 to $15. Also, a Tailor-made Suit for $4.98, worth $7. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. next dime bank. 8L worth or over receives a chance on Sl'IT. But we want to impress upon you the fact that we are offering better values in footwear than any other Shoe House in Scranton. Call and we will prove it to you. The benefit will not be one-sided, We'll get a new customer, that's true, but you'll save money by trading with us. Cof- SUlJW" km None Better Prices Right