The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 17, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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All Tilings Musical
134 Wyoming Ave.
See the Shaw Piano from
the World's Fair in our
A Foe to Dyspepsia
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Co,
Punch Cigars
B. & Co.
Fairr'n't" en r"r!l C!0
Garnoy, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
(.! Imisr; kUUAKK,
Mr I AT.tST.
J .hn Barley, of ililtoo, wai bore yester
day. I). W. Payne. o( Ei .ura, i. at tho Wet-
Dr. M. J. Mlllock, of IJiubrjok, Oat , Is
at the V. yoiuiua.
Rev. M. J. Kelly. nf l'ittatou, was in
tho city yesterday atteri.oon.
Mrs S L Hrowr., of Wllfcoc Dsrro, is
visit lac f riecda at Green Riii,'.
Jliaa I.ury Yaiiuao. ot Carta mdala. called
ou fi iomla la tun city yeaterday af ternu m.
A caMogMM ree -lvod yesterday after
Doon announces tlie anfu irnval in good
health of Mrs. Clarence I. hiinuajn. at
P, II. Dudley, nf New York, will lecture
011 tteei rails before tin' Scrauion E i
ftnoci'o dab at Albright library Saturd iy
i'.'i.t at - o'clock.
C' L. Iiaan, press ncreut for the
Burncni and B.ilev GreMiwt Show ou
Earth, in in the city today. Mr. Dean
aaya that although the management DAI
boas looking' forward to a much smelter
business than n-imi ttiH nccontit of
the talk of buKini-Kh d-ireaion und hard
timet, BOtbtngol tba kind lias been an fur
OttCOOtitared. The business has Im-hu laryu
and tbii uudioncaa enthusiastic. Tlo show
meda a tremendous hit in Raw York,
wlierx- it stayed live week . at tin- Madison
Suare garden. The Btboological onnirreas,
illairatinif the rustnmcs. native music,
dances, ImplemsalS of warfare and COO
toflkfof people m nil parti of the earth,
and showing a larger nnnibar of rac 1 ami
tribes than were gathered on tho lemon
Midwuv plaleence In Obicago last, summer,
is regarded by tha public, Mr. Dean -ay.
a-, the moat enterprising novelty the show
baa ever brought out. Tlo rSnrmiin and
Bailey date la Scrantou next week U
hi 0
It Will Be Oooduc.nd Tbia Afternooi b,
Prtss Clob
The nnction of box-t for "A Diagb
ler of Dixie" at tlio Frotbingnao next
Moodiiy and Taaadajr evening, will b
conducted tilia afteruo ju ut I D3 o'clock
by the PrfM clnl'.for whoae benefit tin
play is to be ah'en
It ia quite probable that the bidding
will be brisk, aa th nuthor of th pluy,
Daniel L. Hurt, of WilkfS-B iri-d, ia
well known In this city, and tho i
will be produced by n oompit-nt com
pany, chosen from Cuurle EVobmao'l
All tho ec airy for the prodaotion
baa been painted eapecinlly to Mr.
llart'n ordur, and the laruo FrolblOK"
ham ti;o will give ample opportunity
for soenio t St Ota, symbolic of the
gonth, In which secliou the plot is laid.
A drefs !rabenraal of tho play tukea
pluco at Wilkes-lUrre tonight.
Sorantin'a Bukineas Inttreats.
VBt TbIBDRI Will Soon publish a caro
ftilly compiled and classiUod Hat of the
leaalng wholesRle, baukiufr, manufactur
ing and professional interests of Scrnnton
and vicinity. The edition will be bound
in book form, beautifully Illustrated with
photogravure views of our public build
ings, busiuess blocks, streets, etc., together
with portraits of loading citiztns. No
similar work has ever given an equal rep
resentation of Kcranton'a many indus
tries. It will bo an iuvnlunblo exposition
of our business resources. Sent to
persons . outaido the city, copies of
this handsome work will nttract
new comers and be an unequalled
advertisement of the city. The circu
lation Is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to those concerned as well as the city
atlarge. Representatives of The Triuunk
will call upon tikis:: whose NAMES
are desired In this edition and explain
ilrf nature more fully.
Those desiring viows of their resldencos
in this edition will please 1 avo notice nt
the office.
Ribban Social at the J tckson Street Baptist
Young People's Literary and Debating
Society Reviews Its Winter's Work.
Works of the Greatest Authors Dis
cussedParty at the Home of Mrs.
W. H. Williams Journey of Com
pany F to Honesdale.
The Vot Bids olllce of ths Scranton
llunuNK is located at 1040 Jackson street,
ml. .r.. ui,hoirm?..inq mK'ertla.ininntu unit
communications will receive prompt at
CI asset No C and 10 in the Sunday
school of tho JacklOn Street Baptist
church gavs a most successful ribbon
ocial in the church las: ev.'niu. Th
entertainment was opened with re
marks by the pastor, lliv. D.C. HutfUSS.
Tliwn followed a solo by William .1.
Davles, Dauiol Phillips gave n rsoita
lion and a v. ry fine IOIO was rendered
by .Mrs Mary J 11 Williams. Miaa
Martha NiobolbVn young lady oftalsnt,
rsndtrsd a solo in a pleas ml manner
A recitation whs reudcrad by Miss
Emily Evans, and a solo by Mias Aim I
liediloo closrd tho nsrformanofe, Upon
entering the scene of festivities, each
person, especially tho youuc people,
was presented with a rlbbjn bearing
a number. During th social thcyoang
gentleinea Were lUpDMed 10 Si'ek their
lair companions for tho evening by
tindiug tlie lady whole number corre
sponded with his own. and of oonrsa
take lu-r to lappet Tins afforded a
great deal of amusement.
The teachers of the classe-i are, John
Harris and John Hons , and ths follow
ing comprises its lui-mbers: No 0.
Misses .Uggie Taomasi Olara Jam s.
Jennie Harris, Alice Thomas, Ami i
Ueess, Maria Pourcc, Katie Coons,
l'.tta UnrlOW eud Jennie Abbot, No
10, Hiss Aim Beddoe, Mary Niob
olls, Agnse Dsrle, Kittio Baton and
Maggie Morgan,
A Succaaala! Rcvltw.
Largo was the an hence which
assembled at lb First Welali Baptist
ohoreb last evening to witnsas the olos
iugvzeroisea of the jfoang People's
I Literary snd iMoating socieiy ot tne
i ciioroh. Kev. W. & Joues, tho pastor.
I presided. The OOjeOt of the susaion
Was to give a review or iae ausBOrs ini
ti cety bad Studied '.mill,' the winter
course. Among them arit Si.akesps.ire.
lio;dmitli, L ird Byron. LonfellOW,
llolnws, Joim (1. Wbittler, Tennyson
.. I iT. ... . rili.. Tk,. ,i-nl
I ailU UO.'HI' , ..U.MUM.
was of u very iatercatlug uatur . Solos
were ong by several msmntrs ana
recitations Were given S una read
p .per or assays from writers they
i. ad stu lied Among tbate wss s
critical pP'r on tliorge Elliot
I by Councilman E E Rujaf an J. j
lvit. apoi."' bneny on tioimss, anu
Mist Butli Evaus. danghl n d Bobool
Controller Evaut, gave n very excellent
deeoriptioD ot the work of Teuaysoa
Following the entertainment was a ao
cui, at wiiput u most en jay able Itms
was bad. This cloiet t i sas i of tti
Vftaaa Peon e s society until fall, when
Hie work will be ri:ewed II has a
large attendance, an I thf m itiuer In
which ihe m;ui).ri a.q-utiel t 'in
s"'.ves last evening thows the great b-n
.tils to be derived UnTefroin.
Told to a Few Llnta.
Mrs. Y H. Williams, of Thirtep-itb
street, enti rtain-d m toy of li -r friends
at her boaua last evening. Fim h nes
wns brilliantly lllnminaled and the
fragrant cdo? of tha tl r d deoorati 'ii
wat prevalent. Tnosa pr snt enjovod
llii'Uif.Vea ia a aoci il m inn-r foi usaoy
Honrs, aftr which reffeibmsnti wer
serve I.
Company F pre in ted a li m app i ir -aooe
at they in irebsd lo the Delaware,
Lackawanna a'jd r?eatara deptl ye.
terday altcraoo to attend the IClrm si
at Honetdal.
A Lfllrroe atrset car anlitioc'u
pania i. early n.-t with disaster
day alUrnoou on Hie R ibluao.i street
SWlteh li 'as at tlie where tha
car went over the embiukin'tit t nu-'
Um ago, and a rrpeti'lou of the act
was only flopped by th- plankl which
have been placed there recentlr.
ii.oiuaa (1. and Arthur
Davi'. loth of (forth G irfl-id af .i .
spent yesterday in Elm .urtt.
Jonti it El wards, of PriOS strcst. is
in a very low condition with congeatioo
of tho br tin.
Mra. Henry S. Evan, "f Wi I I
Baire, nas returned boa atler a visit
with frieodi on tins tile
Charles nud J c t Langstalf, ol
Bulfuio. were aiaotig Wen Si . visitors
yeatsrd y.
ihe jirayer Of the W.Hhbnrn
(Street Preebyieriaa obotah was con
ducted in St. D ivid'a hall last IveOlOg
Mist Caroline Detweiler, of .S lam
kin. bus retitruel from a visit with
relatives here.
Miss Clara Sean, of Bridgeport,
Conn , who bus been vibltmg friends
here for some time past, hut returned
Allred L ing, of U iikes-Barre, wat
on thii ti I- yeeterdsv
Bohen Morris lb ige, Order of Iv ir
Itae, will run au excursion to Bake
Ar if I on Juu 7
Seen t Ocod Advaoiagt In It LaatNigl.t
at Aendimy.
"Annette, ihe Dsnciog Girl," was
pVOduesd by Minnie Beater and cum
panv at the Ac idsmy of Music last
avtuioi in a splendid uinuner. Th"
odtbursts of applause wcr frrqneoi
aud hearty .
In the second act Mi SI L sler danOCal
a sailor's hornpipe in a cl- ver m inner,
and in the third Frank M N'na e.iter
t.iine I with his special lies
This aflerooOT) 'or a matinee "Tne
Rose of Kdliirny" will be seen, Il is
a ehsrming Irlih iday. During the
progress of Ihe piece the m lyp U dance
will be given. For toblght "The Silver
Ledge" is billed.
The Flan of Cnmpalun Commit ea Pre -acuta
lit Roport.
Tb ways ani menus committee of
the Phil Shsrid in MnnameQt assdola
lion, met in the board of trad1) rooms
lust nignt mid lb matter of formula
ting the boat pl ana to advaiico theaaset
of tho society was debated
The first order of business after the
Drovious nseliog'l ininutes were read
nnd adopted, was the report of the plan
of campaign committee,
John E, Rocho is chairman of it an I
mad an explanation before submitting
the report.
He Hinted that while the report of
committee was not an elaborate one,
nevertheless the members of the
committed did mocb work.
Tbe report sdvocnted forming looal
organizations in every community in
Lackawanna county to assist in the
general plan of raising funds.
The ways and means committee will
be enlarged from time to time by ad
dition ot members. Tbe meeting ad
journsd to assemble every Wednesday
evening hereafter until further ord
Two Women I'ecamo Iuvolved in a Dis
pute. In Court llouat.
Just before court convened yesterday
afternooa two women in the corridor
in front of the main room bee tine in
volved in a dispute as to tha merits of
the case against William Wood. Their
conduct became very boisterous, and
finally they threatened to beat each
Then white winged peace in tho per
son of Ofiicer Michael Moran, of Car
bondale, nnd Court Messenger Newton
came betweeu thoiu aud uileueu was
Tbe dispute occasioned considerable
excitement in tho corridor, and a large
crowd assembled before tho dispute
Otlll r Faahloni I'm' Hutb Sexes ol' tbe Ills
log Generation.
This sen. oil's for little pirls ore
lnrp' and mainly trimmed with flowers
ami rib! ions. Tboy ore seen In all colore and
ksufflolontiy wide assort tnonl of sua pee.
Some of the prottloet arc In light or mixi d
straw and chip, trimmed with bunches ol
Hold dowers poppies, daisies and corn
flowers grouped together and sometimes
oombliiod with buttercups und ;mu
All rod siraws trimmed with pop les and
rid ribbon are also soon. Bed is a beauti
ful ciilur and alwnys looks wolT on chil
dren. A Heat SUlt tor ft little boy U of black
Velveteen bound with braid. It has a short
locket, with square comers open In front
over a frilled lawn waist either all white
or trimmed with color, having a wide col'
ty Vf- - .
JTL 1 yf t
ttrrtj: oixli cnAixn i v.kk.
hw and turned bach cuTs. Tsa brectl a
an- tight and fasten .-it tie- knoo with a
Wai l; rC'Uil' and '-ii buckle In th OM
fa- htoti d way,
A variety i ' italnt) bnby caps are shown
for worm weather vn ir Tbey ore of the
nana cloee hood ih.ipj, tying tmder the
chin, but ! oomposcd of cxti i udyopen
embroidery without i lining, ami are there
fore cool and comfort vi Te. nn- also
a nnmberof beantifnl little aeki taof thin
woolen intais, unlirs it ami nmrei r kMta
namcntcd. A parti .. !y attractive nne
Was of I luati 1
Long loe-n
leai let Icatltet
boy . fflsocs
tapi.iro tsasl t
is n very mnsll
brown, (nil nnd
sv.irn by little
re and girls are
worn with
pr tty ' r
mor. a sth
nil at. i
very lit
tl-an t
liii-:. an-
.k-. huly
nd are no
US-ll ntlcS.
I. (or chil-
:t nf iiii'i'
nal for the
never weal
Pal ni leatl
drpn, i ut It i
rial ami scetn
wear of llttk
dnnv il nubs.
th. y n hot agent 1 and
oomitirtaoi on w n
a ! etch i a a halliogoK n f .r a
Uttle gtri It hi - a boa platted iri and
bsiiev ami ci-ae- loovc with a shoalder
off, It I. nntahed at the nook .ttb a
stand igeuBsrand Is rriirrtnrd with ve)
veins.:;.- JttDIC CROUJtt
Tii t .it. in.. Basil Ihe "Hii w."
All tnefnots am not dwnl yet. A party
of roUUg men and ssomeO WOO had evi
deiiMv Is enenj.ivoig a ibi s outing arririsl
at the Chambers street terry, witn the In
tentiniiof crow-big over to tne ;
of the river
Having some few mlnutrs to wait One
of tlie:r iiiiiub'T 1-spn I me i I the "drop a
cent in the slot ami get your weight nui
chines.' and resolved to haven little fUO
nt the expenes of any one of hia trieods
who had Out si SO the j"l.e In .'ore.
Taking i cent from hia pocket and quiet
ly placing it In ins mouth he uskcl the
crmvd if they had seen how one could get
Weighed by blowing down the tint. Vi
one had seen or li .rd uf It, ao hcpt
lydeiuonkt rated how easy it Waa, (Jetting
ou tiie platform he placad hit mout b to 1 1
alot anil dcxttron-h ins.rtisl the cent
which i.e had previously placed in his
mouth The machine 4 course iliil the
(hie of tin party, a fat, ni faced fellow,
anxious to gat weighed forn little wind,
attempted lo perform the earns trick, and
getting on th platform, inflate I hia lungs
to their uunoat capacity, glued ail month
to the alot, with a watch me diMlie com
penyexpramloOi blew (or ail he wah worth,
but to no purpose, OXUSDI to alTm d Ullltm'
1 1 tad amnaomcni to the crowd who ware by
tble lime III Hie lkS
ilia futile attempts oonvubjed the on
lookers, and after live or six lerrlfli at-
tempts be gave up the job, only to li irn
bow lie had been fooled Then he went
home by himself. - New Vork Coiamerclal
Advert im r
An Atraelons Intorprstatlos.
Dr Class. ..I Poplar muff, one nt the
"standby!)1 of the Meyliodist ooofereaoa,
Who hs otlli inlcd it the birth, baptism,
marriage and II ual exit of more men ami
women uuder thirty years of age than any
reverend doctor in mt heist Missouri, telhi
a good story of an old brother preacher up
at lira ii by
(In one occasion this old brother wan
called on tocouclildu the doctor's sermon.
His theology was a Utile "olT," so waa his
grain titer, But his earnestness, piety and
purity of heart was undoubted lie could
run the gamut in a single sentence, from
double ban to pianissimo shrieks, and to
preserve t he cadence of his periods he used
the "holy grunt " He never, in the course
of his long and useful life, perpetrated an
Intentional pnn. yet the one he got off in
Qmnby church has made him famous.
"Yea," Concluded the old brother, "yes,
my beloved brothers and sisters, for forty
live years I bttVC lived on the Lord's side,
nh, and now, ah, I have got one foot In tho
grave, ah, and tbt other is all but, uh."
To this day he cannot aCOOUUt for tho
smile that rippled over the faces of bis con
gregattou at the oom'oal picture his pecul
iar Speech conjured up, of an old gentle
man living on tba Lord's cider, wdth ono
foot in the grave and the other ull butter.
St. Louis Republic.
A device has been Invented by which an
engine may he stopped on any floor of a
building by simply press ig a button, thus
making an electrical connection with tbe
ifoveroor of the engine.
J, I- 1
Suits Against the Minaoka Riotcn Heard in
Uderou Wittbt's Office.
The Case Will Corns Before the Grand
Jury Nc:;t Week Water Mains to
Be Laid to Connell Park by the End
of the Week His Bondsman Deliv
ers Him Up Other News in Shorter
The suits growing OUs of the action
of tho mob in Miii: oka on St Patrick's
Day, when car 204 on the MinooUa
and Greenwood line slightly braised
two young obildren, who fell ahead of
it In attempting to cross the track,
were ealled for a hearing yesterday
afternoon in Alderman Wright's court.
Mylet J. Vorley, charged with assault
by Mptormsn J. J. Burke,
hearing cud entered bail in the
sum of $0011 to appear bifora the graod
jury, l'atrieic Walsh became his
DO0dsma0. Michael Flaherty an I M irK
-uliiv.n asked for a hearing. They
r obarged In tho warrant with tu
multuous iiflrav. Conductor Philip
Foy swore that Flaherty stood along
side the street car track and was v. ry
pronounced in bit argument to the ex
cited crowd advocating lynch law
He importuned his hearers to
get a rope nnd Hiring the
slioet car employe! np to the
merest telegraph p"l P. F Hara
SWore that be bear I Flaherty shout to
lynch tne mntormsn and conductor,
Neither of thete wilii-nea aiw S illi
van near tbe scene Jo in T. Brown
was sworn and testified that he law
and beard both Flaherty and Snlllvau
ai that day and that each was i-icititig
tu riot. Ihey were tbeu bound ovvt to
appear the grand jary in the
sum ot tdOO each John t'oole qual).
iie.1 as 1 laherty's bondsman, audbulli
vac beoams ma own racognti mcs.
Wutoi Malat l C nuell l urk.
The work of laying the water maim
lo Connell park wai oegnn yeelerday
in ruing by Contrast i Pster Mullen,
who ssproti to bare Itfinlehedby tbe
end nt the week Tbe pip-i will be
laid from tbe Pittstou afeone m tin np
OlbbOOl street lOtb second alley above
Hton avenue, 'inereit win enter we
park nnd bfanoh 'fi to tip. f-mr corners
When everything is completed so
thai tba (rerduer can utllia tbe water
to moil tin lbs tl wr beds and other
growth, it it tXpeetld that the pirt nl-
retdy cultivated will blossom nud in
(nil fresbai ! Ths need of w ter at
the park m a greally fell luring the
lecent sultry weather The hot MO
ici r- bed Iba plants aivi shrubbery to a
great exttnt and threatened to deetroy
:.' in altogether.
hertei PareeTtaphe
The txcurslon eommittee of the
Beranton Athletic club met at cer
tninia hall i .tl iii.'ht end complete.!
srraaaemrnts for the eluVs exourstoo
la Kan view 'ti June It
Bddie Bsrtman, ol Pittatot ivonue,
wb m skull ws frsetored laet week, it
.etiing Well rapidly will be able t
go to acbool la a week.
liotnat LrduU. -be biindiman of
Michael C fne, of tfluneka, who is
i, .. r bail for eeeacltiag airs. Mania
C wie. of the taint place, toirsniere I
i km yrtlerlsv mid Oi tn ws taken t
tbe county js'i Lydon feared thai
Coyaa would skip the town, aa hi ap
. .-.r d to be making preparatlooi to
i. p. t on a loa ' Journey.
Charles II Kn.ater, bookkeeper al
lb M -d m Of i i; store, is n. AltonM
it i. hi dms t ia Id Fellows' ec iventl
j.iiiu (liti iiiii, nf Company 1, and
Hi rgan J nee, of Oempaoy C, went to
iloqsedale ftatorday with th
., f. fgiment
K J, afclatyre, of Muoeie, vititet
-s. -ut h Bids i ilndi v.sterduv
A i w doctor, P Uatrett. DM
peoed an office at iTis Pittitoa a
DUi .
The fun. rl ol LonglaM Weaver, of
'-line I VSnUe, will take place lti:
morning with a high man nf r.iiuiotn
in St Mary's cburoh at u o'clock
B i BptU M and wife retorned yca-
t r lay from Honesdale, where tuny had
: ei eleltli g irlondi
M;k kllBUle HeM ind Frank Krayer
wm uiar id In Ihe Hickory S'ret
l .-aliyt riKn church Tuvaday eveimin
at 8 o'clock ry Kev. August Lange.
i .. - ceremony waa nitneei ! t y a large
i Ututer i I frit loltof tlie young couple.
It Will Oi Ine F.ff-ol on h rntral
Railroad . f N w J rj.y on May 20
The f. lb.wiug tiiu- t this will go into
ffpt on the Cntrsl Railroad Of Ken
..'"rtev on Mai M
Train No, 10 Will leave tjcratiten St 190
a. m.i V i kee-Barre at '.' ia
Tram HO, II (initial Kiw will leave
8 ran on nt II vi p m ; VMlkee Batroat
i H p in.
'limn Tn'.. Baadays,Wfl1 leave Scran
ton nt 2 15 p. in.; Wllket-llarru at get
p. in.
All trams will arivent Maneh (.'hnnk,
ai.d atatlons east nt tbe aaui" time aa nt
pnseni Other soothboaed tram from
BCtlOton will not bi' i hanged
Train No. 7 Will arrive at Willies lUrra
at 2 1.1 p. m ;Kratiton at S.i.1 p in.
Tniiii No. U w ill arrive at ilk-, li irr.i
ai f,IS p. in ; Beranton at f,U p. m.
Trata N - II erlil arrive nt .Ctea Barn
at 0.80 p nt.; Beranloa at 10 01 p. m.
All trnina will leave Maucb t hank and
stations eaat at the snmo time asatprca
eut Catea Htard tn Pellci Court
J. (Tern n and Heury Boduov, brothers
at.d fanners from Spring Broog tOWUahlp
i mi civil war veterane, fell from grace
Tuesday night and while IntOXtOBtod and
annojitig -rdit:lnua on Cennr avenue
they win srreeted. Theypleadli gnllty
ami were lined tl eai h by Alderman Puller
in yesterday'' police court.
Hubert l inclinnl, aged 81 years, a car
penter living at fit llrenker atn et, was in-
toxtcated snd lakes from n Dataware and
Hudson train ut tin- Qreen Hidgo depot
Tuefdny night. He was llnedl.
Michael Uorpny, Of lla.leten; Dauiel
li, l , of Twi if th ward; Tlmotby Uabon,
ol i'lttston, and Patrick Ryan, of this city,
all ot whom were arrested for drunkness
and begging on I, cknwannn avenue, were
discharged for lack of i videnoa.
Ucther.I Kothsrsll Kothtr-lit
Mis. Whitlow's Soothing Syrup has b 'en
used for over fifty veins by millions of
Bothers for their children while teethlntr,
With perfect succose. It soothes the child,
softens tbe guins, allays all pain; cure's
wind colic, and i the best remedy r.r di
arihcoa. Sold bydmggists in every part
nf the World. lie sure aud ask for "Mrs.
Whitlow's Soothing ByrUp,nand take no
no other kind. Twenty -llvo cents a bot
tle .
Now has linschnrn ef the gBVSfOKg IIO-
i hi,, foroierly oalled the Oross Keys, corner
Bremloy ave. and Kwotliuiti. A fiill line nf
Liquor, Beer, Ala ana Fine cienra wi.i he
kvbt tn itosk. Mr. PhUltps will Venlsaaidt o
.f hill iimnv 11, .n U u-li,. u lli f i
1 with a s 11
He Will Answer Hit. Deny' Chaigss at
W. T. Jonlciiis, the Lackawanna ave
nue saloon keoper, charged by Rev. F.
A. Dony with selling liquor last San
day, waived a hearing at Alderman
Post's offioo yesterday afternoon nnd
furnished bail in the sum of $300 for
bio nppoaranca ut court. Ex-Sheriff
Robinson wa tho surety.
The case of Druggllt Rran, also
charged by Mr. Dony with keeping his
place of business open on tho Sabbath,
was continued until tomorrow after
noon at 3 o'clock.
BeadlsFton Woera'a and Ballanttne's
idee are the beat. B.J. W auiii, ugeut, M
Etaiawauua avonna
Hqyg Yqu
Seen the Latest
Neapolitan Ware? II
is the Most Artistic
ever made.
:t, .. p.
&t cL d y
If you wan I a good car
riage you should see
I -' Q -i
UiiU i U iw
Best Assortment.
116 Wyoming Avenue.
"One Coat Makes
Them Look Like New"
1 Varnl h Stalna.
'in nr.rV 1 t -r
irnltur , fist B
la-s ttC . ,-tf
nd Varnlali an I
il Imitatteai ot
Chirry, Mihoany,
Oak, RDewod, Wa'nut,
Vermillion and Ebony
Pot up in Pint and Half Pint (' UM,
II.' tut-1-. t : ( . 1 li ' - u 1 '.i.ii uolNi
dtsappcia d.
To Obtain Satisfactory Results
with Ready-Mixed Pa nts
-t sr. thf.
Paint h l--n ID u-e f i . . r
ttteso vasts sad we leeuasmsnd it a. b ing
swatawilfel,'-t i ,l sarabli ami
mde fren II - bm p i r. its
Ihe aal.sf.M ttin XMaaMd liy oor eiut.m
era a.xiuaU fur nur in -roa.el trade in tin ai
Call or a -n 1 fur a ta:n'.d-' eard th.evuig rii
ate end with t .1 loatrarttnas as t ttwtattaa
Met of beaeUfytag yuuraom- sad arr and
ll Matthews Bros.
L.ii ka.-.anni Ave.
Print Butter
25c. a lb.
427 Lackawanna Ave.
Vletor, BeUpea LovCD, riininond
and Other WhwUd
Ami nil hinds GARDEN
6 BEDS in bulk Rod in puck
Pierce's Market
f BtlMN AVE.
Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle
Now on sale for 25c. orgiven
away with purchase of every suit.
Handsome line of Spring Overcoats
and the Hobby "Bell" Cutaway Suits
Martin 6c Delany
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
Wyoming Avenue.
'mmnummi'MvAnvm'zt:mmmm 3iii3i!iig:i3S0iitiiiiiiimiiiiiiu
At 308 Lackawanna Ave.
I 200 La lies' Trimmed Hats,
.1 r A a mo
s wort 11 $5, lor Jpz.yd.
s lodoz. Sprays of Flowers,
'i for 15c.
(W ajs
5 45 d"- S of Flowers, assorted colors, worth $1, -
for 39c.
" ?H fin fvfpa Ifiivr full rnrttlir litlrlo 1 I n rm c A rr( Hlfal ?
a - s w vniriia ivilki luw avati niat - 1 I'villljuvtt j
Ladies' llosi;, worth ;,oc., for 25c.
5 36 doz. Ladies' Mitts, worth 39a, for 25c.
z Il8 pair Lace Curtains, worth $2.75. for $1.75.
no pair Lace Curtains, worth 5.00, for 2.00.
96 pair Laci Curtains, worth 4.75, for 2.75.
1 pair Irinh Point, worth 10. oo, for 5.00.
I 18 pair Irsh l'oint, worth
S 10 pair Brussels, worth
Now Open
It's a Great Shock
To tha who ar ' si ,tei n: they indent'.
all -it'll ra t 1 fill 1 hat wita -ut the least tils.
or Matter w ar atvtni euatomi rs the ben
ettt in 1. ich op portaia trial a. tiiate.
a Mm 1, Mich Grade i iuht-M. ii;ii 1
V ii . ,. IBM pattvra, i- I el U . ash.
Ill 3 i.iii. rii alio Wheel, for 0TI
latM .u. r 11 OlOO U heel, lor a.1 east . prictb make th business at nur store.
Bicycle Riders,
Take Notice!
CAPS Invented
by a rider
Something New
Has the Agency
for thein
11 .A.WOS
Are at Tre-cut lh ICfMrt Popnlar ami LraMrtf4 7
Leuiluii; ulsia
VftTtroOfQtl Oppnsitofolumbus Monument,
Washington Av. Scranton,Pa
in all the reiular shades, g
assorted colors, worth 50c,
15 00, for 8 50-
35.00, for 15.00.
a Fine
Worsted Suit
for Men,
in colors black
and blue, for
Mi $9.80
For Women
Sell, Sell, Sell, is the order
of the day.
Imported Olay Jaekets. Tut,
Style and Work 1 he best of
the tailor's art. A redaction
of SO Per Cent. Bee this offer
ini,' of High-elan Jackets.
Your size is here.
in Cloth, Morie Silk, Covet
Cloth nnd Lace. Many styles
:iih! prices that will please you.
Printed Duck nnd Serges.
Strip 'd and Spot Patterns.
Y'oti onght to have 0110. Tho
price, $3.50 to $7.50.
G.W. Owens & Co.
Clonk nnd Bttltl Makers,
Court House Square.