I THE SCI? ANTON TBIBTOE-THURSDAY MOBNING. MAY 17, 1894. BASE BALL Hie Scrantons Succumb to the Ball tors from Pretalvllle. IT TOOK TEN INNINGS TO DECIDE Harrisburg Draws Still Farther Northward by Taking a Game from Allentown Pottsville and Altoona Also Victorious Summaries of the National and Eastern League Games. Notes of Interest to All Base Ball Cranks. The race for the state championship Mill presents the SDectacle of Harris burg pulling farther ahead ol' its com petitors, Allentown and Hazleton con testing sharply for second nlace; Read ing, Pottsville aud Altoona a tie for for fourth position, anil Scrautou and Ea8ton struegline fiercely as to which should wear the leather mails!. The games yesterday resulted as fol lows: Harrisburg, 12; Allentown, G. KemliDK, 7: Scrautou, 6. Pottsville, 17; Hazleton. 14. Allentowu, C; Easton, Easton, 2. STANDING OF TUB CLUBS. Won. Lost. Per Pt. Uarnsburit 13 0 1,000 Allentown. 9 4 .OM Halls tOB 7 tf .588 Beading 5 ,886 Pottsville 5 8 .W Altoona 5 8 ,885 Enston 4 ! .808 Scrautou 4 y ' .308 LOST A GAME TO READING. It Was tha Bast U.imi Seen lu That City Thia Seaton. s)MCeaJ to the Scranton Trihunt Reaiunu. Pa., May 10 The best game of the season on the Reading grounds today resulted in the defeat of Scran in tea inninits. It was marked by hitting aud superb fielding. Rinn, the new umpire, of ficiated, aud his decisions were so iatls factory that they were cjueatioued but once in the eighth Inning, and then only when he called a ball on Bodfon which the visitors thonght should uT been a strike. The features were the two home runs of Stalls,, one of Stephenson and the oa'ones of Leamon aud llogan In cen ter, the last of which prevented Ste phtnsou from making a sscood home run. The gentlemanly conduct of the visi tors was vary favorably commented Upon. Score : BEADING). H. O. 1 1 0 s 4 6 A. k II 1 0 0 o 0 Miller; Lf. 1 Eustace, s. s 0 Laamon, c. f 2 Torreyson, 2b 1 Lenuinont, lb 0 Stephuuson, r. f 1 Henry, 3b 1 Qoodbart, c l June.', p 0 2 0 8 0 0 It) t 0 2 10 0 3 2 3 1 1 I I 0 0 0 10 Totals 7 II 30 M I SC BAN TUN. R. H. (. A. I Stalu, I. f. 2 3 0 0 0 Hugau, c. f 1 1 3 o 0 Patcbea, e o o i 4 Q Bogars, r. f o 2 4 o i .Masev, lb 0 I !l 1 0 Wetzel, s. a 0 0 1 1 (I Wostlake, 3b 1 1 0 3 II Htxgins, 2b 1 2 5 3 0 Hudson, p 0 1 0 3 J Totals 5 12 30 IS 1 Reading... 1 00008008 7 bcr.tnton. . 0 0 1 0 11 0 0 2 05 Lamed runs-Mending, 4: Scranton, 3. Left on baM Keadlnif, 9i BcMMtOB. 6 First baa on balls On Jours, 1: off Bad on, 5. Struck out Hy Jones, 1, br Ho 1 aon, ". Hume runs -Stepheuou, Staltz 2 ''. : t.-e base bits tloodhart.IIouau, Ma.sey. Iw-i biue lilt Leamon. lt.Jgerj, Maasey, Hodson. Sacrifice hits-Eustace, Jones, l'ntcheu, Ilodaon, Manser, r-t. lca bases Staitz. linuble plays-Jours, Henry, Baaamoatj I'atchen ami Blggiaa, Hit bv plteber hv i.e.,.. i,. Wild pitcbes--Uod-aoa. L'mpire Kiun. Time of game Two hours. - -KEllY'S PlUMES OR0OP. Bis Track Club V i : i .had b.- tb Lucky Harrisburg- Pounders. HaJUIfMrga, Mir lO -King Rally's colors trailed in the dust tonight, and with a l esrt bowa.l down he left t'.ie fi'ld to the victorions lenders of tha Mr- le.igus. He was received at the Union station on his arrival with the Allentowu club by it band and tally-ho coach, aud escorted to the Hilton House This afternoon 3.000 pe.-p!e gathered to se tho contest whici was exciting from tart to finish. It wna a game of see saw nulil t o ninth inning, when the visitors tied the score. Harriabarg then went 1o tbe bnt and with tloioly hitting and the errors of the visitors piled np six l una. This demoralized Keily, who tried in every way to delay the game and force the umpira to call it back to even in nings on account of darkness It wouldn't work, however, and when Kelly positively refused, without the shadow of an excuse, to go to bat, the unipiro gave Hurrishnrg the game. Tonigut Kelly left with bis club for Altoona, hit failure to stay for tomorrow's game being based on the p'.ea that he is afraid ol' being mol Jied. His course is geuerallv Ban aiired and if persisted will seriously endanger, a promising laagne. Tue core : Hnrrisborg.O 8 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 6-12 Allentown. 1 0 1 8 0 0 0 0 1 X fl Huh Harrisburg, 14; Allentowu, H. Er rors Harrisburg, 3; Allentown, 9, bat teries Jleany and Stnmk; Baldwin and Milligan. Unipiro-Kotrlck. Kelley re fused to play in the tenth unless the crowd was put farther back and the game was given to Harrisburg 'J toO. OTHER STATE LEAGUE OAUKH At Pottsville Hiltsville 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 7 417 Hazleton 8 2 0 1 0 0 8 5 014 Hits Pottsville. 17; Huzloton, 18. Er rors Pottsville, (i; Hazleton, 2. Batter ies Black, Carr aud Liggens: Ely and Moore. At Altoona Altoona 0 0 2 0 0 0 4- C Easton 0 0 0 1 1 0 02 Hits Altoona, 9; Easton, 7. Errors Altoona, 1; Eastou, 1. Batteries West and Cote; Wilson and Sharp. NATIONAL LKAUUE, At Philadcdphii Philadelphia..4 0 0 0 8 0 0 2 1-10 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 Hits-Philadelphia, 15: New York, 7. Er rorsPhiladelphia, 1; New York, 3. Bat teries Haddock and Clements, Meekin and Farrell. Umpire Lynch. At Boston Boston 0 0 1 0 1 4 2 0 8-10 Baltimore 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 4-8 Hits Boston, 18; Baltimore, IS. Errors Boston, 5; Baltimore. 4. Batteries Lovett and Gansell, Mullane, Brown and Robinnon. Umpire O'Rourke. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 0 0200000 x-2 Chicago 0 0000000 0-0 HlU-Pittsburg, 7i Chicago, 5. Errors- Pittshurg, 2: Chicago, 3. Batteries Killeu and Mack; McUill aud Schriver. Umpire Emslie. At Cincinnati Cincinnati.... 2 0301001 07 Louisville 0 12000160 V Hits Cincinnati, 0 Louisville, 12. Er rorsCincinnati, 2; Louisville, 1. Bat teries Dwyer and Murphy; Hemming and Grim. Umpire McOjuado. At Cleveland Cleveland 0 28 10000 0-0 St. Louis 0 0000030 2-5 Hits Clevelaud. 10; St. Louis, 6. Errors-Cleveland, 7; St. Louis, . Batteries Clarkson and O'Counor, Gleason and Buckley. Umpire Swartwood. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 18 Washington.. ..1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 '2 Hits-Brooklyn, 12; Washington, 7. Er rors Brooklyn. 1; Washington, 2. Bat teriesDaub, Kennedy, Klnslow and La Chance; Manor and McGnire. Umpire Hurst. EASTRRN LEAGUE. At Wilkes-Barre-Wilkes-Barre....l) 0103004000 210 Providence 4 210000 1000 0-8 Base hits Wilkes-Barre, 10: Provi dence, 10. Errors Wilkes-Barre, 5 Provi dence, 6. Batteries Keenau and Warner; Ruddcrham, Sullivan aud Dixon. Unwire Hunt, GLINTS) FROM THE D I AM ON 0. Harrubnrg has met with uninterrupted success thus far. There is good material in our club aud it will yet display itself. Spanner Can, who pitched for Scranton eRrlv last season, has beeusiguod by Potts ville. Scrautou and Enston are locked in a fierce struggle for tho honor of bringing up the rear or the procession, Ilodson again vent into tho box for N rautou yesieiday. He appears to be the only piti-her that Luaagar Swift has COB tideuce in. - - s TeiBU and Tiu'E is the verdict of people who take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tho good effects of each medicine are soou Mt in nerve strength rostori, appetite treated and health given. Bood's Pius do not weaken, but aid dlgvstiou and tono the stomach. Try tli -n " Dana Tw.sti tha Damrsr. A'rir York .Vim. We have long knov:i that in tirover Cleveland, a pUtforin unto himself ami I crank at that, was the seed of political m coheiency and disorder. His fto lias made him for the moment ivpuliat. Hut deny the right of responsible liemocracv t turn soii.i isaiilts alter an eccentric and irresponsible executive and to make ltse'f di iibly anarclmt bv i.dopting the wealth plundering principle ol auarchy without tho popular sanction of a uatioi.nl election. On Wiv Tower J Reclprocl jr. gjsjaaaa CWf Jouinif. t'ungress is takings turn at reforming tbe courts. If t ! courts could recipro cate and do seine reforming lu congress we might be happy yet. - s Tha Od Fe.hloned Bey. i Where uthe boy wh could awim on bit DacE, And dive and tread water and lay his hair, too; The boy who could Jump off the spring board korwtiack. And light on li is a'.omacb at I nscd to dot 0 where and U where la tUo old-fashioned bojf Has the old-fashioned boy with Ins "11 fssbl iued ways lleen crowded aside by the Lord Kauntle- ny, The cheap pi I. .-lie 1 bm a brae full of al loy, Without tli pure gold of tbe rollicking joy Of the old -fashioned boy in tbe old-fashioned days? .tianriiix ii 7Vi,ui, Clipped from Canada "Presbyterian," under signature oft', lllarkett Ribmson, I'rop'r: I wasruriHlof oft recurring biilnut beadscbas by Itunlock Blood bitters. GLNEReL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES. Shipments of roal over the Healing rail mad iat week aggragatad 107,066 toaa, daoraaaa, aa ooniparad with ih"ame pe riod last year. Of 2,355 tons For the year shipments aggrega e 4,s7V,lJu tons, a de ci eate of 4'J,7."3 tons. The m tunnel ol the New York, Sus iUehanua and Wcwteru railroad through tan I'alisailes was f rmally op,.ned for traftlc Tuoday In the abtsnre of auy thing more Inter esting to talk about, says tbe Stockholder, brokers ami operators lu the st ick markc have lieen putting two and two together aud anno inc.- tnat they make four. Tint In rou ecllon with tbe attitude of the Vanderlnlts toward the l.-lanara and Hudson. As a result of lbl flatfsililtoil they ayrt that the latter will in due course be I ease. I in the New York Central, an I that thesto 'kholders will be guarau tee I 3 per cent, dividends fur a nbaf of years. Basing their oplulou upon this con tingency they predict a sharp advance for Delaware and Hiid-on, which now pays 7 par OOO t, '' ' ' ". '. -. I- - having an enor mous treasury bsl mce behind It. A welcome and somewhat unexpected piece of news haa been received at the tielaware and Hudson collieries iu this vicinity, says the Wilkes Itarre ft at IPS fl. In the lo-oi oi an order that on und after Tuesday the mines of that company will go ou tlire-iiarter time until further no tice. The new order of tluugt is undoubt edly brought about by the enntiuued and extemivo strike of coal miners west of 1 ittsburg which has caused a scarcity of soft coal aud correHpouilinj demand for anthracite Tim I.. : .i Valley i oal com pany and Lehigh anil Wilkes. itarre has also put its mines on hett, time this week, about three quartur timu. The New York Central has scarcely euough coal on hand to supply Its engines for three or four davs at the moat, and fuel must b secured from some other source. Owing to the scarcity of fuel the Company has issued ortlera tu carry notb inir nut perishable freurht. The aravlty rnilrosd 'tniloyes lmve re ceived iiotioi that that deparluielit of tbe Delaware and lludsou company's industry will gn on full time after today for an in definite period. According to the Easton Express there is a railroad rumor atlontto the effect that the Central company is nrrangiug to run express trains between Jersey City and Buffalo via Hampton Junction to Wash ingten and from there over the Delaware, Eackawanna and Western railroad. It is also ssiii that aconploof new passenger trains will be put on. The close relations between the Central und the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, prompts this traflic arraugvineut. A rednctlon of the cost of casting stoel and iron bv SO per cent.; a great saving iu time: the production of castings free from oxidization and blow holes, and most important of all, the produotion of pig iron in mountainous and remoto dis tricts having water power and uro but no coal all these things may result from the application of electricity accoiding to a new process descrlbod in a report to tbe department of Btate by United Stnto.s Coil sill Frank Mason, at Frankfort, Germany. The process is known an the Taussig process and providtw for smelting and casting metals by olectrlc heat, under the influeiicn of rarlded air. An air tight furnace liued with glazed lire brick has its hearth connected with molds into which the fused motel ilows by gravitation. The firebrick liuing forms an efficient insnls tion and tho electricity is sent through the charge directly without tbe use of any fuel or temperameet of carbon electrodes. Thereby the fused metal is nearly pure and free from carbon, aud tbe continued exhaustion of the air aud gasoB produced increases tbe fluidity of tho molten mate rial, prevents oxidization uud blistering and produces den , , umooth castings of the highest mechanical qualities. In a small experimental lurnacu a tou and a hidf of pig Iron was smelted in fif teen uiiuutes, by a current of 30,000 am peres and SO volts, about 2,000 hor power. With water power the cost is very low, and even using steam to generate tho eleotric current tnere is an economy In fuel in smelting of 30 to 50 per cent. The cost of piy iron, with ore at 18.40 per tou, It is said, would not oxceed $8 per ton, with a motive power of 1,000 horso power. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Btooks and Bonds. New YoBK, May lr). Lower pricos were tho rule at tbe Stock exchange today. The hears had it all their owu way. Tho bulls made but a feeble resistance. Tho factors favoring those operating for lower priceB were the engagement of $3,200,000 gold for Hhinmeut to Europe, the likelihood of heavy assessments ou stocks of roads now in the hands of re-organization commit tees, the rate troubles at the west, the low prices for wheat, aud last, but not least, liquidation by tired bold ers. At tbe opening bears were lib orul sellers of the Industrials and Loudon at the same time dis posed of some of its specialties. Sugar was the weakest stock in the early trndiug dropping from 10,'t,; to 101. The opiuiou isgrowiug that tho compituy will have to light its battle over usain in the house even if the present echedule should happen to pass the senate, tuber weak stocks wore Chicago Uis, St. Paul, Western l uion, iyend anil ItQCkl in the hands of re organization coinmittues und roceiveis like (Talon nud Northern Pacific, aud Atchison, Tho declaration of tho reg ular quaiterly dividend by the Burlington led to a lively covering move ment in the stocks which rallied Irom In i- , This rally checked the selling iu the general list for a time and Sugar ro OQVriogj to lol'.oud other leadiug issues to s4. lu the last hour, however, a itrive wai made against the while list, hut St, i'aui and Load bore the brunt ol tbe attack. St. l'aul fell to 50 and Losd to 3i)i. In the late decline nearly every stock on the Hit got down to tbe lowest of tliedavnnd the market cloeed weak and Si to 2W percent, below yesterday's llnals, lolal transitions were HBjfM shares. Tne foil .wing complete utile snowins the .lay fluctuations in acllva stocks Is supplied i.in'l levisei! dally hy I.alUr Poller, stock brokers, Vl Wyoming sTenne' Open Huh Ixier Clos ing, est, eat Inc. Am. Cot. Oil l U Mi '-' Am sugar 10 U ' M '""t m A. T. H. K I"H I'S ' "4 Csn.s.1, 'sn " M &u cn N J I'll 1' 1" I"1' chic ,n N. w i si, lOBM i.i;h 1'7H g B g wmj lm n ;st4 t'bic (laa. 01 Mi 0 'Sa g .I ek St. I KM . ' Col, Book. VaL AT. Ii. II 1 rrui i 1 tA It., u w I). AC. P -3 -lai "i tSH Krle Hi H'l 13', l:, il. K. Co :4 :! w . Uke -hore Una iao 1' v N 4M til 4" ManhatUn ICIM l&M IM ISli Mies Pac -'Mi M & Nat. U-ad ; Mi 4 N.Y.AN.l. M W IM W4 N.Y. Cent -al te j fi (as, . Y., O, A W IV, M I4H IM I S. Y.. S. A W c.s. :. Co : -14 in Worth Pas H H I.'nrth Par. pf KH IM M4 !-!, ouiaha ' w 'H sTi i'sc. Ma.. 14 Itu lite Mtsj Keidinr I'-H )t4 iSKj law K. Island M m HH grve K.T M. si I I .-t Paul 1st tKl W Ma., T I C A- I .... If 1st Mlt lt Tetaa A IMo st a, s Dnl a Pa las , 17 KVt iM Valh p IS IS IVt : Wtera Uaiaa si mh kh B v. tl.i. . US US "l4 l"4 W. A U L pf i a; , ail e CMcato drain and Prorlsl mv cMatoai, Msr W.-TI ollowtn iiaota tl M ' are supplied asd ferreted dally hy I .a Bat Ku ier, akvk lirokers,UI Wyoming are hue. Wiir.AT W Jn'v SetH OpeDloc ft - !':H llunet U t &st i.om Ml, mU Ml Cloafasa Mt, y. Mlj COKS. (ij-ntr, r nu au lllaheet ' ', : i,ow,t r. i;u e-i (loslnjc I.I, T4 -s I'AiS Opaatag -ft) t iinibct vi ati an I... West SVl2 tvu S3i 4 MM pohjl iipennir n-s II Ilk'. Hie-beet li tau Mi U.W.Hlt 1 w, 1 PU )IW, I loataj in lau Uiu laid, oi-.niiiir 7 m an II 11. .t 71 (Ul w. utMt n m w 1 loin :ju m& w: Hindu- RlUt) Oueoiaa l? (IS M Hbjheet ii Mi WJ Umeet 117 Slj SI'. C,oela lOJ CSU OAl New Yoik Produce Market Nitw V0U May 11 Klovo Dall, weak. Wheat- liull.flrir. t. higher. No Irad, tore and elevator. M : afloat. .'iHija.Vi1,!-. ; f. o b, )ta.M',r. ; no graded led, HaMr.) No 1 northern, n.Vio','- . options elided tlrni al VaSc ovtr yeeteriluy. No. I rrl, May. -c; Jane, 6-c , July, .'iUN,c , August, Hic , heplenib.. tllc. . December, M c ' 0 Dall, "leudy: No. 2. 44C ; fle VatOV, l-'lSc; afloat, options were dul. kPd alo.nl v at tjc. decline May, 4. ,.- .1 ni v. 43'4c ; Septemtwr, aic. Uatm -M. re ective. flruiei, optioua,dnll, (Inner May. 3714c; Jon. S7ir . July, 37,C.: No white, June, 41c; spot prices, No. 2, l7WaglX I No '4 White, 4ltia4l4i.; No. ii Chicago, .w4c.,No. .1. 37c . No ,t white, 4U:tc; DtuM western. 3tja3Vc. ; white do. and while state, 4la4.V- IIikk Dull, steady. IlKSK ii AMM-tJ'ilet. TiKitckii llktr Iractlve, steady. I 1 T tlgSTI thill, steady. Laiiu -Kaner, quiet: western steam oloaad atl7.60aT.Wi Mil, 6)0,1 May, 6.7J; July, 17 40; raBaod, Qglitl continent, . South America, 68. 4U; compound, SSV PoltK yalet, steady. iiLTiKu- Modarata otaMd, Haadytatalo dairy, new, lltloC do. rrenmery, new, 14al7c ; I'etinsy Ivania, do., 1 lei 7c. ; weelern dairy, new, lial'Jc, do. creamery, new, ItalTO,: d". factory, to w, hallc ; elgins, I, limitation creamery, 1'uMc. I iirksk Utill. weak. 1 1,1. s Pair demand; fancy, steedvistaio anil Pennsylvania, I6)fal60ij western fre,b, l"all!iC Philadelphia Tallow Market. I'nil.AnKLrillA. May 10 Tallow was dull and barely steady. Prices were: Prime city In hogsheads, 4(,c; prime country, In barrels, 4',c ,1 do. dark lu bur relf, 4V&; cakes, 5e.t grease, 4c. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becomiug so well known and so popular as to need no jpecinl men tlou. All who have used Electric Hitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does uotezist nud it is guaran teed to do all that Is claimed. Klectrio bitters will cure all Uncases of thu Liver and Kidneys, will remove Piuiplos, lioila, Halt Kheum and other affect 'oua caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent aa well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Contispation and ludigestlon try Electric Bitters Entire sstislaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 60 cts. and 81 per In. tie at Matthews Bros., I 'rug stors There is nothing liko Dr. Thomas Ecloc tric Oil to quickly cure or relieve hoarse ness. Written by Mrs. M. J. Fellows, Burr Oak, Kt. Joseph Co., Micb. America 16 ntiAUTIFUL PICTURES, EVKRY NOTRI1 I I. Al l: IN ALASKA, THE I'NITRD STATES AND MfcXICO. FIVE M 11 in It- ON THE COUN TER. TEN CKNTS ANO ONE COUPON FOR ANY NUMBER CENTlConnolly & Wallace A Word. H'nnfs of all kinds cost that much, esc ttpt A'iluuti'ons lyoiited.ufticA are iiist'i fed HiEK. Situations Wanted. 'upTcatTonv I J anil eleahlnir, Ipquire W Lee Coui. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG kJ lady as bookkeeper. Can furnish refer woes. Address 1). It., Tribune Otllee. SIT U A TION W ANTED -DlitESS M A K E K wishes to go outsewiuu by the day Ad-dro.-s K. A., Adams avenue. SITUATION WANTLD BY A MJBKk. KE I ; liable man of .ill work Addrosj Tribunt Bmdory, Tribune building. ClTU.VTION WANTED AS A BUTCHER k- hv a yuung married man Mue years e x pi t lanoa Can speak Ourinan and KUKlish. Reference if needed Address J. W. Arnold, Jloosic, Lackawanna county. Pa. SITUATION WANTED WANTED BY A VJ yonni colored woman, work by the day or Kenerai housework; and also a man wants work as coachman: colored; addresser call at flu Lackawanna avo.. Scrnntun. Pa Wanted. 'ANTED tlbNLRATOH FOR CHABQ ,oi s ,Ja touiitulu. Address with price, II , 1 ribuuo onua. w Agents Wanted. UALI8HEM w.vNTEH TO BELL QUI kj if. HMle by sample to tho wholeatle ar.d re tull trade: sell on siidit tu every business man 01 III in, liberal salary and expeusea paid; po siltuii permanent iur terina address with namp. UKNTKNNIAL J'F'U Co. klilwau ' -e, , ) U ANTED MAN WITH LIKE AND FIHE Insurance experience as solicitor in Lackawanna county. i(.d ladueemenU to tlSht man A.!. Ires llUW it. bulldiutf. PEOadelpaia, Pa For Kent. pOB KENT- FI RNiVhKD HoOVe AND ' Harden mtrv, for summer. Hon. Kra-e. raanlaa sprtag watar; plenty of shade, boanutal laa fun of gams fish a few rods frota door Ma par maaal D w. MHuWN. attorney, it bpnii s nr....; ITOB RENT blOHtX Ml Lai KAWaNNa I .e Inquire at HgHRTrakT, 4'.i Ls kawaaaa .we. TX)B I.K.N r LMIiT. WELU I'i'kNMIKli 1 rooaMj ilel.gbttul lucatiou IM Weehlnir lOO avenue. rVO l.LT F( K A TBK.M VV M.XHtZ 1 Pert or all of three hundred feet of yard room along railroad Apatf al untraukiia svt'tme 'I'O HINT htoke aim or FURMiailiO 1 ball on fire-'ti Mdaa str,st Very deeira 1 le location and on rewmahle terms. Apply to I i. Nl.Vi LLU'.S or a. suilJlafr'. lu-puhlican 1 tilldins For Sals nOB KALE Fa M 110 AOUMl eV ACWM I improved T'ired boiisr..riiiinins Pprtag water at loth, three Irn ,11,. ,,rl,, rd 1 - ..U.I In villas- "f Forest l.aki..-iiMuinna . siat Oal f. w rod to scaool abarabj poatorrlre. etc. BeaulKul lake all stocked with BHPJS rli" ferpjaoaay. pply oD W BROWN, alt-.rnei. ie s,,r t,.t LH)E SALE AKIDEALO CNTET HOME I T aeri e of land, flue large bouee, mod rn lmptov,inriiti Kaey dlitsbce frua i-cran ton Alsu 7 J-eir hU iMildlut U.te .0 caaatry, u w BBOl n ah , 60S K prate m , 1,'UR SALE 1.1 STAINEIi OULgO VIE I does in He. Waabhtira Htr.et Pr.-shy teriau il.nr. h. Hyde I'.rk for sale ibeip, on ace .ant ol teartbtf down church Apply at c 'lurch Moll 'ALL A r'A KM 1 iF F.blMTY A CRM, I one and one half miles trues Daltua aa tho Deiaware. Lackawaiiua aud Wet.r.'i rsllroad First elsss farm house with a oevar faii'B sprma aetrbTj tw , haroe. rl lead and '.! iHrcBar.l ft ill l euld h.. iernje eee'. Addrvee II F VQE ETOECSar IgslAI F.i.lo- aaaaat II Da.lou. Le.kawai.aa coaaty. Fa, np vi le run sale rambles nh i I (I -. I roiiditioi. S. rant. 11 Trd.uue aeni Hnaaadsle IJ Ol SALE 1 R KM llANflK fOE WHAS too property A lstrlnii oranse (rue laaranalag In pro.lu. tj,,n aasj ralu yearir la the orsl.se " t 11 In I t .ri..e Ai'.drea V E KE'll I.EI't'N lAk Helen. Fionoa Boarding UCMMEE BOAFDIHU roUR EBEPECI l aids- jarfaPPJ I su fllidj Aral claes Nerd with slush family In la-ire. airy buse. Hot and c,,d hatlte Free carrlafe to dep. t pad church. lue eed one inarter mile uf station Healuy locality. Addr as but d Clarkt gaajuaw. Specie Notices t T A MEETIMI iF THE IliajgCTOEEOF : the Nay Au( Kail an I Elmhniet It, ule yard company it wu 1. aalvaa that a rovetin,, of the etockhohteri let called to convene at ti e eeneral 0 1 f tli,. rs,i.iHu) ro. ni In Itepubllcan butldli.K on the Mh deyufjuae A D laH from A IU M. until 1 p I,, take a. 1 ion iai the aPgaTOVQl or dleapproral of tli afopoapl In. reaee of the , spitsi eti- k of said company from f jj Oi t evi,iiii, and that the srrrtary le. and he Is btreb due. ted to e'e, n tP-e tbre.,r u r.t ouli.l hy lew T II WATK Ns, Sr. ratery NOTlOg-THI N'lJUINAriONh s-uR (if lean uf the liermaDla Iluild'ne- snd I..n aae. latejo of -outb cri.ir. a wi',1 take place Friday evonlnf. April ff, Isji. aftoi trsiisaelinir the r.-un'sr nu,lni-sia JACiipF MILI.kR. ea retarv. BLANK BOOEfl I'AMIIIl.KIS, bUQA t uea. etc . U un4 or rebound at Tna lHini .se offl.u yulck ork Heeeonl... I r.i .a WEAL III KITH CAN BX BAD AT lit l e.,rui Mprin u street sl.d F'rankllu ave line Te-enty 111 al Briaal lor .. , Uood false lrd. Propoaala. clCTSl) IiGs'TlTIiCk kl coited hy the secretary of the .Scrantoii pOOr.boarsi until 2 o',lo. k p in .rriday May Is, for furulsbiny and puttiuif in pi ie..;ahout PM feet of I J o I " inchsteam pipe aud Sttinsrt at Hillside IP tne Plans and I PecinoatloOS may t I st the office of F J Autwden. areidt- et 'i he hoard 1 ewer sisi tbe tit-lit to ii. el any or all bids E J. I.YNI.t l.e-rotary Scranton. Ta , April It, IR4 DOCTUR JOHN HAMLIN Qualined Veterinary Surgeon, Cver Thirty Yeara' Eipenono Practical Shoeing (Irsduate of the American Veterinary Ctillem The treatment of LAMENESS aud other im pediments In tin. movements of h rts every afternoon. I Pino and hc animals examined and pre scribed for five of charge every Monday from hot P. If. Eureka Laundry Go. Cor. Linden St. end Adams Ave. COVRT HODSK BQUAIta, All kinds of Laundry work guarantaoj tbe bast. BASE BALL. CORNELL vs. LEHIGH AT SCJfUJTTON BASE BALL PARK, SAT URDAY AFTERNOON, MAY IV. ADMISSION, ZA CENTS. Rossrved Seats snd Boxes may be obtained atFlorey & Holt's, Wyoming avenue. 119 GOODS. WASH GOODS. WASH GOODS OPENED TODiLV Pieces Indian Dimity Tb i y aa aOMunnu array 01 styles at J 2 J -2c SO Piteces Camilla Organdie White and Cream Grounds (Lace Effects), entirely new prints, J 2 1-2c; wortb 20o. 30 Pieces Ponemah Leon Satines Navy Blue Grouud, with white printing; all in Lace and Open Work. Greatest Bargain of the season. J Sc., worth 25c. At Our Glove Department See the Chamois Kids wo are showing at J5C, a pair. They will wash. Worth 1. 25. CURATIVE SOAP, 18c. A BOX THREE CAKES. CONNOLLY & $101 SEE ISlOiDID YOU KNOW? Ten Dollars buys a Hand some, Best Triple-plate, five piece Tea Service at Free man s. Did you ever hear of a value to equal this before This merely serves as an il lustration of the immense saving which may be effected by buying for spot cash from a firm that sells for cash only. No other firm in the city can otfer you anything like this in value. $10N$10 1 - v atiivn, s a AT THE Driving Park Scranton, JULY 7Uh 12,000 vrorth of Dtemondi to b given away M prizoi. All the belt known raciui; men in the country will oompete, Graml Pamde of heel men in the inoiiiiiij;. F.xcur.siou i.ues ou all roads. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on tlie Eye. Ui'Silanhas anil Nervouaueaa rellered. Lateat ami Improved Style of ICjro Ulaaaea and Sjieolaclea at tbe Loweat Pltsta lleat Artlllclal Eye. luaerteil for IV Eos SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poat Offlca. $10.00 Bicycl Hotel Waverly Enropcan Plan. Firat-claaa Bar attaehefl. Depot fur Bergnor Lngcl'a Tannbaeuaw Beer N. t Cor, M and filbert Philadi Moat dcairable for resident of N.E. I'mm; ylvauia. All eonreolsDcoe for traveler! to and from Broad BtreVt etatlou and the Twelfth aud Market Strent station. Do Irable for vlditlng 8erantonluue and ueo l in the Anthracite liogiou. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. WALLACE 209 SOMETHING NEW This Beautiful Bed Speaks for Itself. If you need a Child's Bd don't buy until you hava sean tbis one. You will regret it if you (Jo. When folded takes but little, mora room than a chair. Strong and durable. Made- of Oak and Natural Mapla Viky mil huii finish Holds all tbe Heddlng when folded Length, S feet. With, 30 and 40 inches PRICE VERY lOW Wl AltK RF.TAILING AT FAC TOKV I'ltlC'liS. IWThereare bo Welgbta or Stiilcjsn ttie Fuldn-K Macbaulam af this Bed. WILL ONLY FOLD BY LIKTINU. THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO. CORNER I.AOKA WANNA AMD ADAMS A V l: That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graver free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau 31IT I A i 'K. W WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN' DOLLAItVtiolid Oak licdroon. Bet! We sell Furniture as cheap u anv house lu the country that in tends to jrn e honest value for the uioney. Try nt. Hull Co. 105 AUD 207 WWW Ml NORWAY IKON IU,. UK DIAMOND UtVKB EXTRA si'KciAL NANDKRSOVS KNCiUSH .IKsMirs KNOUHIt CAST STKlil. HOKSK Mi.u s TOU CALK HM MACHINERY (iPKINO SOVT NTKKL ANVILS Ur.LLOWS HOREK NAILS W1LKY RUfWRIaL AND WBLIaS BROS. KCRGW OCtTlMU M ACHINKRY. Bittenbender&Go.,Scranton, i auJ i. tail dealers' in WaRODtuakers' and Blaokninitlia' SUPPLIES HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of young men and young women in thtl country who have splendid ability, but they have never beea wukened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand IIiw been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people. If yon are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON RNOLI9II COUUSll IU sim ss COURSK. shorthand course. F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We alwayB may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. S!AVL & Connell AXX t AVKXL'la WAGON WREBL9 AXLES SPRINGS III HS SI'OKKS KIMS s 1 I 1.1 SKI INS R. R. HI'IKMS