t THE TIM!'. TO BID OR Al'Tl'MN TRADE IS WJUSN THE si y.MLi; is young. BUSINESS IS READY TO REVIVE; IT JUST NEEDS THE iJUIl HEXING TOUCH. 3d LM EIGHT PAGES--5G COLUMNS. 8CRANTON, PA.. THURSDAY MOKNINQ. MAY 17, 1SD4. TWO CENTS A COTY. lAf Miff IMlnW ft HflEM TBI Iff ITU rns ilia HE Til MORN WERE BRIBES BO Certain Good Senators Have Refused Offers of Bad Lobbyists. AN INVESTIGATION IS DEMANDED Agricultural Deliberations in tho House An Increase of 530,000 Is Made for the Purpose of Furthering the Distribution of Free Seeds Opium Is Placd on the Free List. Other Business Transacted. Washington, D. C May 10 N THE senate today Mr. Lodge (Massachusetts.) offered a resolution melting statement lu Ibt Baw York Pun tbn t bribe bad been of fered to crt.tui lenuton to induce tban to votn against tbe pending tariff WH, anil u Bitrned article in h Philadelphia pup-r statins timt tbe auger achedala had been made np as it now itaoda in consideration of a large sum of money twiil for c.:inpaic,:i purposes of the Democratic party, and providing for the appointment of a committee of tive senators to investietae these charges. The vice president asked Mr Lodj; What action l'.e desired. Mr Lodge r. plied that he aalcod for the present con fidaratina rl the resolution. Mr. Cockr-U, Missouri Let it be printed and lie on the table Ai d nn ler the rule the resolution went over until tomorrow. The resolution offered yesterday by Mr. Alien, Nebraska, calling upon the seer' tarv of the treasury for certain in formation, was laid hefore the senate, and after remarks by Mr. Allen, eiilng precedent for the naolutloo, it was (ragweed bv Mr Chandler. New Bantp sbire, as requiring information which it eras impoeelbie, for the treasury da part ment to supply. The resolution Went over without action WHKSTI.IM. WITH THE TAJUfT. When. the senate adjourned y- stur- lay twenty igbt item of tlie tariff i iii, nil comprised wit .in the obemieal seb'duls A. hid been considered mi l Lbjpnwd of, Ivavtag forty- . Ten it m on tn tcbtdul alill to be soted oa The pregreos m uie on the bill led a was nut s-o Satisfactory as that made ye if rdny, I nt thnt was oaring largely to the fact that nearly two aonra1 time was consumed ill the d 'lirery of a speech bv Mr. Qallinger, (few H..iud hire, which he desenhd at "ai ac curate historical analysis of American legislation on the snbj -ct, sine' the day wbtn the pilgrim pat tli-ir feet n Plymouth II u k." Be hid onlv got so far as tho Polk lection in 1844, when he yielded the floor with tl.e purpose of continuing i he suij.ct hereafter. Mr. Dubois. Idaho, followed in a ibonj speech, in which he upreeaed his preference to bays the bill pssd promptly, rather than have too tariff :ion left nn decided, and declared ibat ttut highest Bnd mt fit stable protp.rity would at me only whan protection was united with bi-tnetalliara rotnmnoi items qomukbe& Tne result ot today's ucliou Was to d .osh of fourteen items in the chemi cal schedule, amongwi.cn were Bu seed or linseed null poppy aecd oil, ') cents per gallon. On hemp seed oil. ttd rape send oil pi cents per gallon On olive oil fit for salt. I rurpos.s. 'Mi cents per gallon, On aqaaOM, extract of opium, for medleinal note, and on tincture of opium, und laudanum ' ) per e nt, ad valorem On opium prepared for smoking, $t per pound NOAM opium being s.rueR out of tho dutiable list, to be traced en, the fre lit On hone black and lamp black, M per cent, ad Valorem On chrome yellow nnd other cbrnrnium colors,!) cents p r ponnd f"r the load contained in them The senate nt 0 lo o'clock adjourned until tomorrow AOBJCtn.TCHAI. AiTiif I'PIatio.sh Ten pities of the agricultural appro priation bill disposed of in committee if the whole was tho net remh of nearly five hours semiou of ins house lo lay. The feature of the proo ding m i s an attack npon th monthly crop bnlletir.s issued by tbe department ol agrii ultnral by Representative M ush, ol Illinois, lie denooncad them a a fraud upon thirty millions of people of the Uniud States, and said that tbey were issued only in the interests of apt culator in farm products. He sup plemented his 'paeon with a notion to strike mi: the appropriation for the K.iti.ering of the information contained In ibeas report and their publication, but this lulled of adoption. A luriie purl of the afternoon was devoted to the discussion of thi dis tribution of ssedu by the department of agriculture ami after a eigoroni fight, led by Mr. ficltler. of South Dakota, Riley, of Now York, and Wilson, of Washington, an increase of $3'J.0(;0 was made lu the appropriation lor the purpose over the amount reo ointuended by the committee in the bill. Adjourned until to-morrow. TfUGEDV uf a KNIFE. Alanaon Hyait Btabl Ills Wire aod Thsn Suicides. Elmiha, N. Y., May IB Alansou Hyatt, a well known citizen of Wav Mfly, went bcm at i! o'clock this after noon, stabbed his wife aud then hiin aelf. He died almost immediately, md liie wife cannot live. Hyatt bad been drinking consider. ably of lata, and about ten days agl he went homo and nssaulted a boarder who had him arrested and placed under bonds to keep the peace. CCXEYITES DISSIPATE. Ths Numbi. cf Drunka Are Increasing DaiU- at Iiladensburir. Washington d. C, May 16. The ItUllt and the foreuoou pasted at iho Cogey cuuip nt Hladetisburg without incident except tho diminishing uum li r of corralled tramps, tho incroase in number of "drunks," and the contin ued absence of paying gute receipt. A brick oven hut been constructed to bake into bread tho carload of flour re ceived from Missouri yesterday. The absence of President Cleveland from the oity on his fiibiUUi trip aud the consequent impossibility of re commissioning Judge Miller till hi, re turn, will probably causo a delay of some days in passing sentences on the three oouvicted leaden, Coxev, Drown and Joues, or determining what course shall he taken on their counsel's motion jor a supersedeas. PAWTUCKET'S DIG BLAH. The Flam.s Wipe Out Worth of Property. Pawtitkkt, R. Li May 10 Fire which brok- out late this afternoon in Bewail' coal yard spread up quickly and aid was a.iked an I responded from Providence aud Lincoln. The electric stall jn aud (fas works were ou lire ut one time but were saved. Four coal and lumber yar is, with barns and eighteen bone and four dwelling boost wore burned. Con idenbla damage was alto done to ves (sl and Other property. Lois $jOi), DUO to 78O,0O0, 4 I1PR0VED REDSKINS. Proceedings of the Great Pow-Wow at Bethlehem Officers for Another Year Ejected. ! ETHi.Eiir.M, P.j.. May It!. Tho great of the Pannsylvauia Improved Order of lted Men spent the greater part of the day in considering appeal The eleotion of oQoara resulted at follow i Baohrm, Harrison Xetbitt, of Ltm villet senior sagamore, John E. Poor, of Philadelphia ; junior sagamore, Walter Wbite.ol York; prophet, David Conn, of Philadelphia; chief of re cords, T. K Dunnallhy, of Philadel phia; keeper of wampum. Qtorg W. Kriam-r, Philadelphia. Kepr-enta-tives to tno great council of tfi United States, J J Noupnsr. of Mr Joy; James U. George, of Wuke-BrT,and Cbarlti H Newell nnd Ciemuut U. smith, of Philadelphia. Ths n:-xt meetiqg plfoa will bt Phil- Hde!ihi. i'he state ebleftni .-..fcti , the uniform r ink of the ordey. hel l its annua) meeting today and ateoMd th .'..ii.iwmg oOoarai Superior chieftain, Morris Sullivan, ol Wllkot-B irrj , lir-t vice Chieftain, John Manning, of Baa lou; second vice chieftain. J. nil Duke, of Philadelphia; reroi ler, James H (ieorge, of 'iV'i.kes-Uarre , IraMOTer, lUinson Naabitt, of Lk sville. GKANO 1.1. U I O. O. f tcsns at thi Qtoalag of the Altoooa esttasei tVucewA, Pit, Kay ig At ths aftor KM) 'Ion of In- Grand lodge. III Is pendent Order Odd FjIIoiy. by a na anitnons votn Pnilad-lpalt wa etisen s th neit plac of meeting of the Grand lodg At tonight's sasion the unwritten work was egemplifled The seciud sesl n uf too Haughtvr of Uebekuh as-embly wa held lUl morning witli Diueiy-lbraa delegate present, i'he report of the tair held in I Philadelphia to replenlih the omlding fund or tne u-ii-kiii noine ror nrpr.an of Old Pellow ebowed that fcl.Sn had boeu reallEid Toe follow!:, g uffloer wrn elected at lh- m rning and m-stall-d at the v tort;'. n : n l'reideut, s strr Annie M. Lntz. of i Kither lodge No. I of lieiding, vice pr- siient, Si.t -r M M. Hii.ea. of Eia.i Off lodg N" II of thi oily ; secie- tarr. Sister M irv M ioalyo, of Thar eaa lodge of i'ntl lelphia. tressuror, Sister Jane M. Lyon, of Ann i llirri son lodge No SI of Maboooy City Tne assemtdy tuea adjourned to meet next year. OISASTK'JUS fire Chuicb and : ..i.i Dwellings Batned Ln $70,000 Mt Hoi.lv. N. J., May 10 -The vil lage of Pemoerlnn about five miles from here, wa visited by a deitructiee tire today tliat OaBM near wiping out Uie town. Nearly all the housis are of wood and the flumes spread rapidly. 'Ibe fire department, at P. ml erton bnd nothing but an old band engine, with which tbey c uld do nothing, and tele grams were sent to Mt Holly and Pur iingtOO for assistance. The departm mts from both th-H ' towns respon led promptly aod thtuiig.i their eflorts the town Was saved. The Methodist Eotsi opal church and par sonage, eight dwellings and one store were burned oil which the lots will exceed 70,000 Thaaggragat Intur ance will i.ot exceed fM,000. Tlie or igin of the tire i not Known. - FLASHED trtOM THE WIRES. Heavy frost badlv damaged iruitiu cen tral and southern New York. uosish Quincy will probably be nomi nated for mayor of Boston, by the Demo crats. lleci Ivors of the Equitable League of America, at Baltimore, now bold X7,31H of the league's funds. Ilavinc accldentallv shot hii- 1h. year-old niece, Herman Pet r-, of Keuisen, 1 killed himself In remorse, Wouuds from haul; robbers' guns, st Southwest City, Mo., ended the life of ox State Senator J. C. Siiabnru. Million of grssshoppors have been plowed up by Ontario far (tt eft, who expect a worse plngue than last year. In the delirium of illness, Charles hner ish, of 8t. Paul, betrnvnd himself as the murderer of William Lindboff. Whllo curling her hair, BoM Bergar, aged 17,a New York domestic, tipped over a lamp and was fatally burned. WASHINGTON NOTES. Prominent neorgians appeared beforo tho house committee on appropriations in behalf of government aid to tho propose I Cotton Stales and International n posi tion at Atlanta iu 1895. The excess of government expenditures over the receipts for the t"n months and a hulf to date is i7U,000,OUO, the round flg- n res standing: Receipts, i."7,ouo,uuo; ex psudikuies, f 127,0110,1100. Mr. ZeballoH, the Argentine minister to the United States, lias satisfied himself that tho recent reports of a threatened political and financial crisis in the Argeu ti no republic, were a pure stock jobbing scheme O'h-M- EasterD League Oimes. Springfield, 14; Blughainton, 13. I! i. halo, 14; Syracuse 7. K:ie ys. Troy, postponed; rain. THE MENACE OF C M Reports of Trouble ffltH the Tramps Come from All Siatious. KELLY'S ARMY IS SHIPWRECKED A n Attempt Made by Drunken Tramps to Wreck the Chicago Expross. Surrender of tho Coxeyites at Green River Movements of the Troops. Deputy Sheriffs Resisted. Qbbin Rites, Wyo., May 10 THK CoXVitM Who took a train from United States Marsh il Rankin In Montpeller day before yesterday arrived here lust night, and made request to be t l ioed Under nrrett, but United States Mar siuil Rankin at firtt refused to comply. A sand storm was rawing, and later uow and hail fell, m iking the hungry men desperate They were ahou: to ae is a trdn when Marslal Rankin, acting under information from Unite I Slates Marshal I'iukhnm. of Idaho, ai rested tliem. They were then Booted and fe I. Colonel Pollard and ISM men of the Eighteenth infantry ranched here at 8 o'clock this morning They will ai i Marshal Rankin in the work of taking the arretted tramps lurk to Mali '. Marshal Pinkh iiii, of Idaho, will reach here this evening with warrants Col onel Copeland, with 200 soldiers, in on the way here from Cheyenil", BLDOR, la , May 10. One hundred boat loads of IC--llv'a band of Cogeylto oamped laat ulbt half a mile below tnis city, the rest taing scattered 0 shoals, rocks an I sand bir ten mi Us ubove. Tl.e Rock Uland to '. ran all Its engines out of the city, (I pn rantlou against au attempt to steal trains. Deputy aberlflk have orders lo allow no Kelly men to land abov the oamn, One toat-load dd so, and w.ien a deputy order.! the niu oir th y threw Iffja at the officer, whtreup n tbey ware elnbbad. Two war arreated and gave bond for ippvaranoe In court There was anotbei outbraah last evening, in which several m-n were hjrt Winona, Minn. May 10 An at tempt waa made by tbra drunker. tramps to wreck the Cht.-a.-o rxpres on the Miiwiiik-e r oil.nur Minnesota City, six miles from here, Isst night. The tramps got on the tuggige car nt Mlnniska and roboe 1 tile i hm lox ou the end of the tm)r of link and pins, winch they dr ppel to try to throw the train off IbC track st Minnesota city. The train crew tried to capture lo. tram's. A flg it ensued, and aftr a deeper 'te struggle two of th tramp eere t ij tur- I. not thirl, tn leader, paned Kelly, Well known us a despera do, got away. Liter he also vrasc- tnr i and It p iw la jail bare, Fi'NH lit" LAf, W ., May 10 Five tramps WM Dumped arjun '. a g of beat near the cuy iimiU ynturlay poiici man Pontana ordered tbem t" more and they OBeBOd bra Ml loin, itt Dletlng a painful wound. A party of eltlten panned them ontfi dark. John McKstai, a farmer, joined th party Bnd was niHtaken in the dark for one of the tramp and was ordsu-1 to (top, but refuse I, and W8 M ri U 1 wonn led py a vol b y of bullet from tlie p isS v QklBR BOgO, I s., May 10 The klfin army broke camp at Latrobe this moriiiii,'. and at 10 o clock started up the railroad witu Derry as IBelf ob jective point, C lOUal UaUm went abend in lb main llnaagprvaata cure quarters for thitn. 1'bey Were U'all supplied with piov.aious. A riXM WHl BJTCHERT. Willlsms Hlrrd IWB to flury Body of the 'uid-id Woman. Dallas Msv 10 L B, William', an uj bobtanr, lived witu Ins wife M tba second II ior over his bn-nies house List Wedi. esday the Dvlgbfa hi baoam itttptciont, an I inlormd in slier, tf. who arrested Williams and Dirk Johnson, a negro emp ye. The mattress and bed Olotblng in William' boon were inlunttd with blood, and an ax was fouud Inotngted with gore. Near the aidevvn k earth WBB removed, and I WO feet below tba surface was loiiud the holy of Mr. Willi im. with the skull nrub i Dick Johnson has BMfMd tlin ill: .01 kil.e 1 lo wife an I ,n 1 hun and another BBgro to conceal the holy. 1 a SHE WAS LOST 6T A PICNIC. The Dls pasarai.ce of Annie M lousy In 18S3 at Last Cleared Un. San PraMOUOO, May 10 Tno mys tery snrroiinduig the I ieBlltV of a young woman calling banal f Tidily J. Freeman has been cleared up. mil it trauspires that she is Annie Hoonay, who was lost at a picnic In llelinout, Sin Miinteo county, Cal , in 13. Her disappearance at that time cre ated a great surprise. Her father was James Mooney, a carpouter, and thongh ho whs curtain the child had been kidnapped, he was absolutely un able to fasten reasonable suspicion upon any person. ! ! I! HON M.'.i FOR JIM CRONIN. Will be the First Psrnn Hangsd Under a New Lew. Nkw Haven, May 10. The snpruine court of this statolius refused a new trial to James OrontU, now sentenced to bo hanged on August 21 He will bo the first criminal to bn axecutod under the new state law re quiring private execution, at tho state prison, beforo sunrise, and be will be hanged on a new automatic gallows,' operated by water powor. ANGRY BRlC KMAKERS. Thsy March fiom Fithklll and Intimi date Workmen with Threats. PoOOBKgKMU, N. Y., May 10 A strike in the brick yards near Fishkill Landing and Duchess Junction, affect ing about 1,500 men, Is on. The strikers, armed with clubs nnd stones, marched down tho Central Hudson railroad tracks to Duciosr Junction, five miles, stopping at six or seven ynrds and forcing all the men to stop work. The mob, compotrd of Arabs nnd Huns, led by neveral Irishmen, at tacked the foreman nt Timotiv' yard and ran him into the woods. The yard owners have culled ou Bborlff Uirtlett for protection. WHITE CAPS IN 7I!E TOILS. Four Alabiimx Diepsrs tool Arrestal for Dturdtrleir a Farmer BlltMlstiilAM, May 10 Three nights ago White Caps oalltd BpeBOM Atkins, a prominent farmer, frmn his botioe and shot him to death. On Monday, Deal Nee! and was arrested mid placed in jail at Vernon. Yesterday he confessed to the sheriff that he WBB a member of the party of Whits Oapa who murdtrad Atkins. N'-eland's pals tailed t r-scil him ou .Monday night, and out of revenge he gave tlie alien If the nam 's of the mem bers of tlie gang Alexander and Allen Jordan and Henry Hawkini were ar rested. All nre desperate char, icier. Open threats have Win mad" by friends of the prisoners to resc i them, and Governor J. nes has urderod a com pany of state troop to guard tba j .11. Congressman Grow Says Literature Is Not His Strong, Point. V7ARMKOTOH, Mv Ifl Representa tive Gulusiia A. Grow, nt Pennsyl vania, laughed heartily to day when taki ! if it wa true that be purposed writing a book of reminleoeuoea oover tog the legislate- hi'tory of the United State fr in ISM down to the preBtBt tune. "Hss that story been started Bgalfl i" ha aaked. "No," b eontinnad "I bav nev r thooght of doing aneh work My fnen'.s thing that when 1 bavan'l Bnythlng else to do I ou.-ht to write a BOOB. Itook-writing," said Mr. (imw r- Ilec-t-t vely, 'is an urt, nn I It can't be sc qui red la a day, I might b able to n .irate ttU faott of history fairly BOUgb, but pei pie don't want c ! 1 facta alone; they w mt accessor ies the flue Imaginative) an I d tori pile w rk wblob t-rve to malt the fats attraottvai I'm not capable of doing th.t Bot cau anv on do it laota ifn ly except . man of dtot'led literary ability or a iiewsp.p-r writer, to wn m lh narra tion of rv-ul b c an a itl'.i of sec iid nature I never brepaTOd but tWO speeches in my 1 ife y l..st work na Ineatnmp bet always ben impromptu, and I wnnl 1 do faint jaittc to any ubjrct if 1 (B dOWB an .'trie I car a rally to work It out " Th I'.nnsylv.iai R publlOBBI will meet in convention st aarrttburg ou Wednesday, the "i'A mat , to nominate a g rtrnor, Hantenant g 'tmu .r, aon gresimeii-it large and other offieert, It le nndsratood mat Mr (iriwwui is re-norainated lo congress without op- poaittOB. e AN SSSSSSIN AMRiST.'O. Altenhin(r R-coan S'd by Newspaper Deeertprl m K. i-Burp Dad TJtICA, N Y.. May 6 -Herndardl AltOB ' tg. r. ibe would t murd-rer, who left Katie Rum for deal la the wood at Saake ilm, N. J , was er reeled on I he Chicago Limited train kOTB at 10 ) last Blgbt Bl capture is due to the newspaper description of bun WheB the North Shore limited on the New Y. ,k Central left Albany las evening two dtll ns ot Rome went aboard. In the uawtpapert tbaybad bOUght tbey reel an eOCOOBl of the murderous ass mil on Kan- Repp, und as ths yi tmg woman was from their city they became Interest, d The men anJayCapron, a prominent R)publi can bOtltlciaa and a former depnty shrrifT, mi I t iiaunrey Hiull urt. They bad hardly finished re.. Ir g ine article when they noticed in B e at oppoattB to th m a voting man, stylishly dressed, wl n seni"d to answer the description of Altenlierger. Tbeyatadled bis lotiona and dee id d to can. e 'is air. st when the train reachel U o-a. When 1 tie train arrived here at 10.88 Mnrltmrt followed the suspect wblla Capron oalled for a po lic 'inm. T" young man went into cafe at the depot ami purchased a glasr of beer. Just after he drank it Police men Cheney und JflBN arrested him. A rep .rter of a local pap-rsliow. d Altrnberger bl own nbotngraph, an t then he admitted hi Identity H wis taken to a polio ItatlOO nnd scire ha I. lie had a grip, and in it wore found several articles used by tailors, a bn -tOOhbl PUnob, nnd a pair of scissors. He had som" thing he bad parobaaed In New Y uk, including a striw hat, which, however, he did not wear, Hill nslng the one bo had ou wb -n the .. anil was committed. Upon bis tv non were found tho photograph of Mi Unpp and himsll, as well as In r gold WBtOb and $00 in cash. Ho said lie had shot Mis Unpp twic. He said that he shot bor because she was a Catholic and he Protestant and that this difference in faith made it impoeaibl tor bim to marry her, though be tayi he still lovs her Jggagv CiTt, May 10 Rati Rnpp who was ahot at S inake bill by Allen btrger, died at 11 19 toaUbt. HEARD OVER THE CABLE. The impending s'nk" of fjOOdon "abbies wi'l withdraw 7, iMKI cab from servlco. Cholem is oftlciallv declared to exist in seven governments of Southern Itiissla. prance will onnex Tunis and Madagas car, over both ot which she now has a pro tectorate, soys tho Pari Matin. UflUhil reports to the Austrian govern ment show that Manullcher rilla wounds are more deadly that those of the old lrgo-boro weapons. Bicycle riding has greatly improved tho health of Mis Frances Wlllard, president of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in the United States, who is visiting Lady Somerset in England. Premier Hosebery, Sir Chsrltn Dilke end Hi an L,cckey will take part in tbe London banquet in honor of the oftkera of the United States cruiser Chicago. Ad miral Erben and otberB visited Ambassador Bayard yesterday. VIDENCE 10 E Diocesan Convention Decides That Whitty Society Won It. Father INSURANCE FEATURE DISCUSSED Action on the First Plan Formulated Indefinitely Postponed Another Will Bo Brought Forward - Address of Rev. E. J. Mtllcy He Advises Delegate to Get B ck to First Principles President Devinc's An nual Address a Thoughtful Effort. WiLKn-BABBg, Mav 10. TBERE was ,i large and reproaent BtiVS gathering of earnest, sin cere ti mji Tancr men in St.Aloy sins hall on Boftbampton street tod iy. Tbey were tba delegate of the l ather llatBBW s cleties that coiuuriio the Catholic Total AbttiuM union of tbe dlooeee of Borantoo, and tbey mat in twelfth annual OOUVention 10 c di al Ir plan for extending tbe influence of the union aiong temperance iun-s nd im.k.ug it n inor valuable initita lion to society. The present oAOBM of lh Unina are: Spiritual director, R . K J Melley, Booth Bcrantoo; president, John 11. Davlne, Watt Soranton ; first vtc presideut, Cbarlei Livin, Willi s Uarre; second vire-presidrnt. Mm Marv 11 May. KlBgtO0 treasurer, John A Collier, Pltttlon; general sec retary, Joba M Msck. Lastroa All of the ofliceri Were BfaOtnl CXC ipt Ml." Bay, who it in M ntsna, and Treas urer Collier, of Pulsion. rbe eoavoBtloa waaotlled tn or'.er at 1" J by Praaldtot Joba H D viae, and afier th" ojiening pr aver, Rev. E J. Melley, spiritual lire.", .r. x k latro dttoed an 1 iddfreaad the delegate I iTltet: Mi l.l.LV a sah;: i: .m - il" brlefli rafarrad loth lottetof n apirttusl direotor, ramarkina that, at tun . they tvan of such a nature as to arouse oppoaltlon, for ad vie and au gaetlona are no' alwayt kindly taken, ' intlnBing h atld 1h gaud that bn ta-en sec.iinphshed bv yi.nr saieties in the past ig.-..it, but Ibere It atvrlhslsas, na denying that Ine evil of intemperance has no. Baea . ra n- BatedtoBBv aoaatdanbla tent It t a terr.b'.e evn and In it tba church Bods a frce that peralyz bereff .rta. ihet Ul ehsttnetire mov.inenl originally sprang I irot'J a l til l-tian ueire to lhake IB 1 1 ri 1 I - tu r, n 1 w .w a I. .r f tlie church in : the w.,rk ct social and religion reform There l no true re'i rr.1 wi h ut tbe grace of 1 1 '. and a de :r" for a lr.:ii"r ar: '. ' 1 1 1 r life, and this fact you ttroald kaapCOB tnnily befere you. Man should not de pend on bimewt but oa Hod. It 1 clear then that tbit li a rrliu l.ius work in wl.nh you sr.. e'ign..-d Therefore gel baoB to old principlee t laj get back to where year weveateut orlgt nally stood. It is not bi raawry t iy bit tcr ihlnga III order to prove lh tt you are in earned lu this gruud BMVomeat. Ton are no more eai n.-i in yi iu di-sirj to ave souls tban your prnt wiiu have ilevcted tin ir UVM lo that work. OBBM cheer to the aaorcbi let there b no Mere oontea lion or wrangli. g; devote your eurrgle liicereiy to the in v iueut ja u are en gaged in and you will Qad ibat the total HtMl.ueiice mo ateni Will increaw in Strength each year. I IM OF Hi t Hi 1TH P.BAD. James J O'Ban, of Parsons, nnd Jsmes V.. Dwyer, of Barlalgb, were eeleclad aaaiatanl "cretarts. and Pre ident D vino nam' I Frank McCffrey. ofafevmye: M. J. K ighron, of Ashley. and T P Kadgrtt, ofScranton, as a . mm i tee on credential. Afi.r ire area of Bttaoo m nut. . tbe report of tba committee sn pnaeatad. i ne appear anoaof tbe co iveiilion was brignleued liy the presence of a lies who represenl the ladiea' wing of the movamant The report of the cummittee showed that the following d-d-gat ware present : Aahley St, Alo)ms, M. J. Klghroa, A. J Boooay. AvocM- St. At .ysio. Edward Iteilly. William I'onsherty. Archbeld- KnightB of lather Mnthew, M. J. MoABitrew. Jaine-i K. McAndrew. Barn toe Si. Patricks, Jaiu.-s K. Uidi gan, J. Donovan, l arb Uidale i'loneer Father Mnthew, t. T. l'.nrke, ,Ia:ne PtdgO0 Kuichts of Father Slathew, P. Klaaiiel v, Elward Dougherty, RdWard K.lley. s-.. ft nan, J, J, Muilray, Patrick UcDounellt St. Pat" rick, John OoeteAo, Nni. tea Mnrtaoah, Uiiflou St. Aun isidets, J. J. McXiiis. Bcklvy st. Mary, Edward Gallagher. 1 reaieud - .--t. An 1 1 ioi r corp.. P, Be. Boatal, Pal tick Clark: Yoaag M n, Jo n.'i.b D. lien, n, Edward Baalon. Frmichtow u - si. Patrick, Heery Terry. Foiest City St. Joseph John McDon aid, M J. Baly, Urnnd Taunl St. Vincent, J. f, Mc Carthy, John Le. Baatatoa -St. (Muriel, Arthur J. liwius, Patrick Honer, iiari. lgb-si. Aloyilni, Edward Can Hon, James I Dwyar, Jeraup St. Jam, Joba J, MeAadnw, J ante Coonom st Janes cadets, James F. Loftus, Tin inns P Walsh, ,i. i in vii st. Aioytloa, F. McCafferty, John Heehan, Kingston St, Aloytint, w. f. Barry, W. J. Oabaleni Bt, Aloyalai Ladiea, Annie McCabe. Badts Allabach; st. gnattna guardi Patrick Ballagbw. UinOOka St. Joseph, Jatues F. Jndge, P Caaiek. Baatlcoki st. Praaeit, Patriok Baalay, P. J. Fisher Ir ; St. Franci cail-ts, Pat rick Fisher, Joaapb Smith. Parsons St. Aloytins, M. P. Finn, Thomas li win; St. lHiuinick cadets, J.J. (Ulnra. plymonth-St. Vincent, Sf.U Money, J, McBlwee, St. Vincent cadets, J. W, Scully, Baal Sweeney. Plttston- Father .Mathcw, M. W, Morri", John II. Fey; St. JoMpli cadets, F. ilack in, M. F. Uiileapie; St. John', V. line .Men, M. J. Tigue, IM. Doughert st. John' ca dets, Thomas J. Murphy, Joseph Moruu. THK BOBAKTOH DaXIOATM Bo rah ton St, Leo's battalion, James BoBnmara, James B, buruett) Father Whitty Young Men, John II. Duggan, P, V. May; Father Matbnw, West Side, J. i '. (Inllsgher, John 11. McNuliy; Cadets, M. T, Walsh, John D. Oroatn; St. Paul's, llreeu Uidgo, T. V. Early, M. J. Mellody; Cad, ilartin Ferguson P, I). Muhou; St. John's, South Side, John J. BcUnlre, James P. Ouvan; Cadets, J. J. Wlilte, J. J, Cullen; 8t. Pntrick, C. (1. Holand; Ca dets, James P. Luvelle; St. Paul's Pioneer corps, J. J. Sweeney, William J. McUee; Cadets, P. F. McCoy, T. A. McCoy; St. John's, Pine Brook, D. J. Campbell, Timo thy Bnrke; St. Cecilia's, West Side, Mar garet Burnett, Mary Hennigan. TROPHY Sugar Notch St. Aloysiur, ThomaR Mc Ci'une, T F. Uiley. Simpson St. Micbaal, JameB Boyle, John J. 1 urns. Wilkx-Barre- st. Aloyalut, J. J. Galla gher, II. C. Gallagher. Andrew Fi-ldman, .John H. Gorman, P, J. Bnrke: St. Mary's, William Moiri, John MhsIpbod, Joseph Collin.-; cadets, Patriok Toole, Tbouius Qaffaey. While Haven St. Alovsins, T. J, De vnney. Daniel J. McCarthy; radebi, Mi chael Brlffin, Edwar l T. Dcmpsoy. Then are seventeen loolatiei on the roll of tb i anion which are not repre sented. After tbe reading ol the min ute of tba l ist oonvantion President Devlne named these committees: ReeoloHons 3 B Foy, Ptttatont P. J. Burke, Wilkee-Barrei Joan McDonald, Forest City; Jehu I), llerron, Kr. eland; John D. Cronin, Scran ton; T. F. r7alb, Jess ii p. Constitutional Amendment M. T. Bure, Carbondalei D J. Campbell, Bcranton; W, J. Oaalea, Klngttoa; P. T. N. rtoa, Pitt.ton; Jama F. McAadraw, Arcbbald; James McBlwee, Plymouth Continued on Paf;o 0. KORSETiEN ARE ARRESTEl Participants in the GravescnJ Races Aro Hauled Up Right and Left and Placed Under Bail. Bsw York, May 18, Tbn was contldrrabl (uppreatad -xritement at tba Qraveaend rsc tr ick to lsy owing to the stand IV. r D-LauHV has taken against the Brook!) u J ckov club. AI l- r the sixth race, TLoma- L Egaii, who has charge ol tho betting ring, and three bookm liters were placed un der arrest and tak li i . 1 r- Judge Voorbees, who admitted tbem to ball in tbe turn of $1,000. Sheriff Bottling anil a sous I ul deputies appeared on lbs track at i lid ..'clock and immedl ately went to the jn Ige.i'a s'.and, where they informed Colonel Simmons, Clareaaa McDowell und Viciur Smith that tbey were uu ler arrest for siding and abetting a lottery. Mr. Banter, chairmen of tie stew ard . sra also plaoad under arrest, a warrant bad also b-eu laBBod for Presi dent Lawrano of tu0 Coney bland J. ck iy clan, who is alanona of the Bet ing st wards of tn Brooklyn Joekay duo's meatiag, but be wita not at the track today. C .rrisgee were procureo nuteide the tra ik and ihe . r t v prc natdad to tn Iowa ball, wn-r Justice Vo irhs held .' ten iii S.O u ball Jus toe Voorbaaa, npon admitting ibe men to hall, staled Ul it if tile men Were broaght before bim again bu wouil bold ihem In 0U0 tiouds. i Prealdent Pnlllp Dwyor. when In- ' i io 1 ot tlie arrests of tne jnjgea au 1 teward. did nut appear to beat all :il'.r'e ! !! ud lliat the arr. iu WOO d give Uie i oey cltib a chance to adopt a c irtain liae of ncttou, but what ' aotioa wiii be taken be would not : stl '. Be further stated that the asao ' elation would atend by the bookmaker and others woo have been placid utnl. i arrest; taut eminent couns d w mid b . mptoyad, and that la ail probahtlit) li i.-r.l 11 mij iiuui F. Iracv would di rect II. e all ur ol tne turfwea. - WcALERS CAP I I.-1 A TRAIN. Tbey Thn Make a K qiat Thai lh-y 1 a.'-, t On in Kiv: k, Wyo , May 10 The Common Weals n who took a truin fron. Ul lted states Manh il R mkin in Mont pi li. r hive arrived her and made a re qa 'it 10 b put and r arrest, but Mar sna Rankin rfiit to comply, a sandstorm waaragtag ami later snow and bail fall, making tbe hungry man deeper it They wer.- about to sen a ir il . i : l .: h tl ll:i ;m, u-i mi ui- i formation from Mnrhnl Pink, had them arrested then. Tbe Were then I boused an 1 fed. i i Oopelasd, with 900 aoldlert lit i Cheyenne for tbta place yesieidsv. and i Col. Pollard and V$ men of tbe Cight- taantn Infantry, reached her. it :; j o'clock thi morning lo aid Msrehnl Rankin lathe Work of taking the com mon wralers back to Idaho. Marshal Pltikhain, of llaho, will reach bore this evening with warrants tor the ...iniuoii wealers who erenow impris oned in tbe army. FIRE ON THE MOUNTAINS. Fleict Ooiflettattea Hsttlna In Tike I'oun'y, Near Port Jivl IVht JBBVIS, N Y., May 10 For three days a ti ice l.i has been burn ing ill the mountain just bo rots the Delawnra r;vcr, iu Penntylvanla, and b itween than tn i MUfor I, a tammer i...r'. The lire hns heen Untied by a farloai Wiad an i b is burned over an ii r - a ot ah mt seven nil, d. tloyiug a l uge amount ol timber aud two or ihrco farm In uses. The peoj I wno lira In t!i w W Is are ail "in endeworlag tn save their homes, I difficult t .sk, owing to ba vohx'ity of the wmd. MINERS BCORI a VICTORY. Mon-TJolon Ken ai Hm Grove 1 r- huaded tt J la StrUsr. WHESUNO, W. Ya May 10. Tile stnki. ig uu iers sc ired a mat viatarv i hen thi morning by pnnnting the Bim Grove mine from resumiug. a hundred non-union nin were ready tn ;:o iii but were Bually persuaded to quit and join the ..ion. This was the last mine of any size WOrklOg in tins section. IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Bevanty-atath regiment survivors Bald then- reunion ai Lancaster yesterday. Tin mas Wall fell from his wagon at Oraninion, naarDnbou, and waa ran over and killed. laac Palmer .vu almost killed and one of bi horu Wa fatally bnrt iu collision with a Lancaster electric car. Thieves broke into K. lyat's pest ofTlce, near llntletou, stole f'.ll in cash, fM ill pottage ami destroyed a pouob of Utter, T lire at the Lehigh Valley OoBl com pany' COlHenr. Packer No. 5, at Colorado, near Girardville, is still raging fiercely. WEATHER FORECAST. I 1 " ABHIKOtOBj May '(1,-Foreci.sf BCLEAR r''''"'" Rrnnfloao, for B lattrjoag; UntttUad teaatMn I ' but proOaNg fait during (Ae gtairparl ofThurMtay; wrarmer; Mrfndt Mowty south. Por nVstern ivnn sytvaafa, fbir, exetpi tkoteer in norMern Dortion.' lenmwr. rami aearlu v,i.'..,.. in norfnern joriou; south u iVds. FILEY'S HER : MAJESTY'S Corset BEST IN THE WORLD guaranteed -TO- WRar LOKORR and stye mors KA.sF.and COMFOHT than any other C ill s I', r made In the World. AMI MIT TO CHANGE Its SHAP BKOABOIJBM ol TIKE WORN. HliiAK ovor tht HIPS. IN'.HLBtheHEALTIl ..r liKSTKOY tba I niiUKK. Bald by the LEADING MODISTES to be the ONI. V COBSET over which a Dre Waist can be PERFECTLY and PROP. EK1.V I ITTKD. II EK MAJESTY'S CORPET MPST NOT BE MORK THAN TWO INCHES SMALL ER than the SIZE of yonr Waitt wher measured tightly over v. ur dress. If se ordered, r.o ( ( iRSET MAKER can mak one to order that wiil fit as well or with as mocn ease and comfort, or give tnch Magnificent Form. VH ADVISE ALL LADIES to pnrcbs BBS MAJEsTY's Ci IBSET and are CON FIDENT that thev will be DELIGHTED with their EXQUISITE FORM, FIT and BPLBBOIO WBABIBQ (vCALITlEa FIHLEY'S 510 and fii2 Lackawanna A?e. mt COTTI FERCHU BUBBEB ITStt'I FAMOUS Maltese Cross BUBBER BELTING AND HOSB. CHAS. A. SCHIEREB CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Ouk tannad Leather Belting, H. A. Kingsbury AUENT 513 Spracs St., Scraoton, Pi Lewis, Reilly & Davies A DRIVE lit Russet Shoes. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVB 114 Wyoming Ave. WHOLESALE ANH RETAIL. We Examine Eyes Free of cbarp;o. If a dorter is needed you aro promptly told so. We also guarantee ,-t perfect fit. AH SILVERWARE and Damaged Goode at Arcade Fire will be aold at SO Per Cent, Below Coat f.J, t The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. ii. W n