THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 1G, 189. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT The beautiful weather suggests your necessities; your necessities Buggest our special offerings to day: Gloves, Laces and Embroideries Dress Trimmings, Hosiery and Underwear We also oiler a large lot of Trimmed and Uiitrimmed HATS HID BONNETS For women and children, in all the best aud latest shapes. Sailor Hats and English Walk ing Hats From 50 cents to $5. A beautiful assortment of Tine French and Domestic Flowers, WOMEN'S Tailor-Made Costumes Handsome Tailor-Made Cos tunics in Bine and Hlack Serge, Covert Cloths, etc., etc , with full sleeves and per fectly hanging skirt, mosl carefully made in every de tail. Anions OM best style of suits arc the Derby, .Vina zon and Fenwick. A STRONG LINT. OF Ladies Vetsts $1.50 and $2 Each. DUCKSLITIN( iS choice siyies Ladies' Dock .Sailings iu Light aud Datk Colors, Price 12 '.c. Per Yard. M IHRO R t U Al MOUblC. Little Local rf Oinoral Inttreat Ovtr th County Lin. Sivciai to the Scranton 7Yi!iiiri. MOOSIC, I'a., May 15 The funeral of Mr- I). H, ildrick took place from her latu bom Monday frruoo!i Remarks nude lit the home by Ran I.imleriuutli anil Unco, aud ser mon wns ilelieereil In the 1'resbyterian t l urch by Kev. Brylle, bar old pastor Interment was mail'' in tbe Marcy oeinetry. I),Hvnd waa a member of tke V. . na Christian Temperntice unioo and tb metabsrs attended the filio-rat in it body. Robert B"nt:i left on tho midnight trntn for New Yurie last night, wharf bt baa none 10 meet his Int. ndtd wife, Win tailed from Scotland last Tliurs Jay The Ladies' Aid s.iciety will moet at Mm. Elmer Betlew's this afternoou. Ice cream and oak will be sold during tbe if Urn 000 and evening. The ladi" are working to make money for the Methodist i., - ,. church that is bo log bnllt. cordial invitation la ex tended to all to help in tbe good cause. Cottage prayer meeting will l held Frl lay evening at V. f. Waterman's William 1 r ike is moving: in hi new bmne on Minooka avenue. Mr. and Mr". Rice returned to their h'in I in New Jersey yesterday morn Iok alter h.iTiti apeut a few days with relative e h'to Miss Mnv Bond baa raturned to M, boopany. FAIR VIEW JOHN A. MEARS, President. BENJAMIN HUGHES, Vice President. JOHN T. RICHARDS, Treasurer. Office: Price Building WASHISGTOH AYE. evening Power KIRMESS AT HONESDALE. Tha Fl'atant SjiIos of Entertainment Auipiciou' ly Opned. Fvetial to the Scranton TV 01411. BoNBBDALK, Pa.. May 15. The Kir mess, whioh baa ao long been talked about in Hnnesdale, waa opened last evening. Seven hundred people crowded into tho armory and pro nounced it a grand success. The cur tain first aroso upon a tableau, repre senting nil nations; the various groups of dancers were here mussed in one beautiful picturo. Then came tha North Country liarveat dance; tbe scene, pro duced by the costumes of the danoen pointed clearly to Germany. The !1 ir vest is one of the most graceful and b" witching of the dunces, the dancers are agile and their movements cultivated the audience. Miss Kit Uiylord and Benjamin Gardner, jr., danced 'be Harvest duet, aud received a most lib eral impliiuse. The hornpipe or sailor danotrs, l they might be more comiuoulv termed, next came tripping liiflitly in ThSSS are young dancer dressed hi white sailor auita trimmed iu rid Their movements were noiseless, sailor-like and iu perfect tiui" They wore tin e. and were applauded again and again After the sailors had disappeared tha flower girls glided npou the stag, dancing pretty BgUroSj then appeared the conn jester, T Frank Bam, an noUOing the arrival of the May QOMn, Miss Katharine Stanton, who wss fol lowad by young lada with tha Maypole. Miss Stanton aud Mr. Ham danced a duet, which was heartilv received The ribbons were plaited about the pole and unwound aud the party disap peared without tber' having been a cessation iu tho motion of tha dancers, Amid tbe will rattling of tam bourines the Gypsy danoen oami forth. The dance waa wild, beautiful, perfection. The OOttUmes were in exact keeping with the d.ttico and dancers. Misses Bertha aud Ktta Fuerth danced the Gypsy duet the least that can be said is that DTOfaa siounl dancer coul 1 not have d Dl better. Tue Misses Fuerth are grace ful au.l perfect dancers. Tne wall-known and difficult serpen tine dance was portrayed by Miss 1 i ooos Ham. Tlis young ia.iy'e wall known ability was an aasnranea of an extraorlinary dause, Mis Hani movements were excellent, t. e Bgnrei produced from the QOpatant ui ring skirt beautiful, and the dance a pic ture. Of the tHrantelle ll r.ver, toreador, and war and llioou d meet, tti -v WaM all excellent aud will b dtacribed I iter The colored ligiits, red, blue and green are very bad and hurt the eyes of spectators, as wull as blurr the dances An enjoyable evening was passed by tbe Liedrkra:.z laat Tmug A large delegation wa present from BCTBUtOB I -.a and Indletlrn In their worst forms ar" cured by th use of P, P. P. If yuu are debilitate 1 and run down, or if yon Band a Ion la. to ragala Ileshaud but appetite, strength and rig ", take P. P. I., and yog nil! be strong and healthy. : r - .altered constitutions and lot uiaubotal P. P, l' (Prlekly Aab, Poke Knot and Poiaaatatnj is tbe king I i medicines. P P, P la the groalmt blo. 1 purifier iu the world. Pol sa'.u by all dtiiggisUf. " ARCHBAL0 (il'ANINCS. An Batartalalag Oorrepadaat'a V,..w of ih Dillv Situation. 'atrial t isr g rintfou rHlnaa An iiiiAi.o, Pa . May 15 Tbe forty hours defottoa in Bt. Thomaa" clinreii are very Weil attended List rvei.i .. It-v J, A Maligna, of tbe catln Iril, preached all afffCtiV sermon from Ibf text: "Ask and you shall mclfe, seek and yu shall fin 1 ; knock and it shall lie opened unto you' The vr moil wa w -11 delivered Ttiis evening R-r Fraiik Mack, of DnabOTO, a fa voritn Arebbold buy, will preach. Tn veiling also Uial Annie Hi iWn, of !St Patrick a eboir, Olyphaot, i expeotei to sing The iiaVOtloni will close to morrow morning In yesterday s cnrrespondenc it was Highest of all in Lc HA Cry "" ml Nek s&s&mpj & w -r - PARK HoiTies in the city. Fresh, Pure Water, Electric Light, Street Car Service at the door, Churches aud Schools. This is what the Fair View Laud Company offer. Call and see the map. Lots at Low Prices. Take the Tay lor or the Eynon street cars and view the city from this most delightful spot. Latest U. S. Gov't Rcnort i.'i erroneously stated that Michael Mun Uy of tha E ist Side has passed away. Mr. Mnnlay had boon (juite nick re cently, and this fact coupled with the announcement in church of the death of a person of the same name, gave rise to the general rumor that he was the person referred to, Happily this is not the case for ho still abides with us. No one regrela more than the writer the unfortunate error wi.ich prematurely removed Mr, kfitnley trom tho scenes of life and it is hop id that very many yean will roll by be fore it is ag un necessary to write his obituary. Tins afternoon the funeral of August Olindeck, of South Main Btreet, look place. Tii remains were interred iu the Protestant cemetery, The funeral was a very large ouo and there were many hero from out of town. Tomorrow evening the marriage of Mr. Albert Nlcbol and Mi-is LlSSie Phillips will take p!ac. at the home of Miss Phillips iii Car bo iii al". Mr NiOhol will be attended by Charles B Baton. C A. Battenburg au l Harry Dill will be ushers. On Miy in, IC'V. J. C Rudolph, th esteemed pastor of the Evangelical Lntberan church, will be five .on mg us. u is the Intention of his congregation tn fittingly commemorate the event which is one of a great deal of interest to them Daring his live years incumbency, Mr. Rudolph has dmie very gool work, which fact lit congregation bai not been slow u ap predate, Ul earnestly hoped that the in tare will bring to blm as groat a measure of succ ss a hsa attended him since be came brc - - A Qnsr!r Century Tet Por a quarter of a century ir. Kiwt's New Discovery has bean tatted, and the million who nave received beneBt irotn It use testify to its wonderful curative POWerS In all diseases of Throat,' best aud LnngS. A remedy that b is stood the t it so long and that lias given so universal satisfaction Is no experiment Bach bottle : ; -itively I area teed to give relief, or the In,, lie) mil lejeflinded It Is ft 1'nlttod to be tbe moat reliable for Oeoghs ai.d '..ill-. Trial bottlsaPreeai Uattbew Bra'a Drug Stre. Lirusius iie, aud I.i). . JtRMYN AND TMEHtABCUTo .Ml th Nssrs f h Bent Hlatd In Breear P area raphe. jriii t .r .sr,in' i-i fWeeeje Jkkmyn. I'a, May : -Contractor t' I, Bell is in Tenneeaee, wh-re be Is ab'iut to ol s a bargain for 8,0 "i acres of pine timber Ian I. Among tlne who attended "The rate of Pensanos" in Carbondala Ibli evening were air. and Mn .1 Q Bbap herd, Mrs. il A. William aud ItBgn tar and Mis Maui Koapp Peatmaatet Walkey is oooSned to bis bed by sori' us ladiapoeltton The Cltisons' band will give a public eonoeti from tbe balcony of o. s. Mam's hotel this evening. .1 ,ms P, Bampi Ms, win, has accepted ,n position of traveling agent for J. C Bright tV I'd, oallel on the home trade today Much damage wn loos iy tha frmt last night, Grope Villi', tomato plsstS. brans, etc , were cut to th ground tn I ftu.ts of nil kiud were lojnred severely. Bnrveyon ir boelly giving graies to lido wa.k- on Main street. I lhe case of Ihoiuas Rich vs the Ivlaware and lln l-.m t'nat compiny will tw oslle I Jnna I The clerks are agitating th early closing nutation. They bop i to bgin Jim- On hie waa from Seraneon to Delhi, N Y , where he Will spend a few d IJTI Dshtnc f H. Jermyn mad brief call hots i dJ Anton VraWe, of Klg rtm, while hc, win.' ins t-yaarmld omli adna unto cartridge, picket at It with his finger, it i pio ft I, and b is minus a Ibnmb and ting r OOcerB B llartman, of ('arlion dalv, was in town this aftern m look mg for a pari v who bal Uot paid a Besleton b lard 1 1 i Miss Flla Co k wtio his been the goeat of her brother, s v. Cook, foi some lime, reiorned to her homo In Hainlinioii yesterday. The game ,,( ball tietwen th It. ory Beae Ball c ub and tbs olerkj re suited iu a victory for the Blekorya Score '.'I to 15. Tbs G rtu iu dtlstns baud will give an open air conoTt tbU evening 00 t e balcony of the Bt boteL The following pr.igiiniUS' his b-eii ar ranged : March, "Adjotaat lavton" Missud Selection, "iieinsr bcoila" Konud Polka, "Prlmroea Tromboae kiolo," Bontbwalta Overture, "ll Dorado11 Bound Intrndnotioa and Wnitz, "Naoht u:.,i .u r aan", Kallet Darktea Dance, "R ep Bummln','1 Ban Ington Mai ch, "Aiiiorirnu Cadet" b. 11. Iluil - - HAlLbttAJ IIEM3. B i t Parsruph of 1 ereoaa! Intrtl lu a Llvs Town ft tt Ml tn 1 r ,'eruri pfl lri' I I HallstsUO, Pa., May 15 Dr. Charles Barnes, of Thompson, wa calling on frieu Is in town In lay, Oi Y It, uikrs visited Dingh imtou tod ')' li i Senile, of BasQaahanna, is in (own on business, S D. Chase is in K iston 00 bOsinMI. Mrs. John Crook is visilitij; fridiids in lhiigbatutou today Ira Webster, of Hinghaiutnn, wns iu town today. William Andrews, of Rochester, waa calling on friends In town to lay. Mrs. Q IS. Bennett, of Blnghamton, is visiting fi lends iu town. Mre. wlllfedder and daughter it i chel, are visiting frisndl in New Mil ford. Euclilon's Aiulci Salvs. Tho beet salve in the world for Cuts BtnlSSa, Borea, Ulcers, Salt Etbeom. Fevor Soros, Totter. Ubapped Hands, OhUblalni, turns ami all skin Eruption ), and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It guaranteed to give perfect satlsfactloa or monoy refunded. Price cuuta per box. (Tor sulo by .Matthew Bros. Alien Ealiy wns nlek. we gave lvr Cnstorle, When she was a Child, she cried for Cantoris, When she heeaine Mi , she ntung to CiiKtoris. When she had Children, sho gave thuui Custorle, - BIG FIRE AT FOREST CiTY. No 2 Shaft of tho Hillside Iron and Coal Company Destroyed. Loss $75,000. Fl cciut to th' i'cranfon TYibun Forest City, Pa . May 15. At 3:13 this ufteruoon, uft.-r tho mine opera tions had oeased for the day's work at No. 2 fchu't of the Hillside Coul uud Ir u company, a disastrous fire occurred at tbe top of tho ahuft which was snrronndad by a fun house, engine, room aud boiler room Tne fire was discovered at th fan home, where it is thought a spark from tu em ill loco ujo'ives set it on firo. Iu a short time tho rlsiues had spread to tho shaft tower anil then to the large engine room, In which were situated a pair of hoisting engines and two Thompson co Houston inciindeicont electric generators which supplied th currents for haulage purposes in No, 2 shaft nnd the Forest city slope. A handsome iWltcn-board was also in this room. Tha generators and switch bnird were destroyed and tho engines badly damaged The tlmies spread rapidly, as II very high wind was blowing, and en velop nl the boiler house which nearly adjtined the engine renin. Iu this boiler room were the largo hollers, all of which were destroyed The fan house which was destroyed supplied the mi rent of air for the slopu which will neoersitata the idle ness of that pi ice for a short time, while arrangements will bo perfected for the earning of air to the slope from the No. i shaft fun hnus which was about ten rods from tbs burning building and wbiob escaped the flame. The Hillside Coul and Iron Company Fire department and the K itTpiiss Ho company arrived promptly on the sen" after the tire alarm sounded but their efforts wer - un availing owing to a defection of tho Water supply What wns once one of the most magnl Boenl plants iu lbs anthracite coal re gions toon was lying in ashes. Tha glad BSWI wnicb was received today that this colliery would work tbret-qnartof tim made many happy, but tiiis happiness wns abruptly ended by th.s calamity, whioh will throw ab ui: ", in men and 1 vs out of employ-in-'.! !nr several w vk while tbe plant is being rebuilt Tbe pus in all probability will bj about 175,000 Di Norwood's Norway Plae Byrnp was used for yea: as a preerip'.io:i tiy a sue oesefnl physielao, It is la all tanpeste tbe best cogna ned I doe made today. Bold by nil dealers on u guarantee of n. C'.RBU N 0 ALE CMiPS. Ilurilsd O.lmptes of tbs PteMSf Citv through Rtpoitoi's k lak, CABS' KDALS, I'a , Mv IB The fol lowing delegates from Carbondala will ii" in attendance st the aannal w nvo- It. in of the CatlullO Total Abstiueuo union of the Se-raiiton dleosse, waich will be held on Thursday and Friday of this week Pioneer Fatboi Mathw, M F Burke, Jainea Pldgi St. It - . John Mulvaiisy. Patriok McDonnoli. Knights of Father Matiiew, Peter Planelly, Ed Ward Dougherty, Bdsmid K lKy. st. Patrtok'a Jonn OoatoUo and N. Murtaugh. 1 tn tr ov Yedns lay evening or curt tne marriage of I, Igle Phil iips, of this place, to Alhtrt Nlcbol, of Anmbald, eeremony will be olebratol at Bo'ejlook In trinity cbuich, R-r. I J Balslsy Btoiatlng Misses Orsos aul Kva Whitney, of s -,t,j j"h I'.na, are ttie utissts their ooualn, Mm Litxie A mm arm an, of Canaan street allssas I hi TylSf and Flora Allen, of Forest City, witnessed the production of the ''Ptratee of Peosaooe by hom. talent in Ibis city this evealng Charle Nil utter nailed ou BoUSS dal fri'i.ds to 1 iv. A larger and mire fashionable an 11 encr never attended the Opera Hon -a lhu the one prssnt last evening to wtlaeei the Brai evening perform toco A bi.e!it antertainmeat v,s held last evenlni at th h ibi ol Mr. mick, on Co(Kdand avsaoi The pros gram OOSalSled of vocal and Instru mental inutic. reeitati ins, etc Tho ei ' il g wat pleasantly sod proBtable spel.l Mr. B Mil r of i ii pi ant I t 11 Lt Major i f visiting her aoo Of Thorn nventle B v William Hi i the gu l of hi ler of Toakhanu ck ton. G. H. HilUr of of North chun h ttri et. Q.its a D.(Titnc. "Be mine"' he cri ,d, "I loV you to ' Pol yu. sweet love, I pine!" At, t StlO tep.le I ConcJooli "No: I'd lather yi u d lie BhaO. - 8 SVsjilti Journal. Slrar.d(d. Come back, coma tuck, be ci led m grief, 'l he teart gushed from hit eye; She'd left tin knife UI on lis plate, Ho COOM not eat bis pie. i thieOMM filler ( irean. V i W3 .IV. '.T' .;5- . ,. ... . , . Miit. Annto Schtssfnor1 AJientown. Pa. ycod's !s tho Grandes r;r.iLtd from a Weak one! Low Condition To Pcrfsct Health anri St;engt!; Afior Four Years Suffcrlna. "('. I. i'.ood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Qentlonen i think riood's SartaparlUa j '!io pandut discovery yet made, and It fulfill even more than you claim for It. My wife h:.s bean sick fur the past four ysars. Tor three years : lie sn li,vl that she was unalilo to do .'.iy of Uor bouNwork. We bad good phyttolant, '. if alio did not recover her health. She wan (oSarlng from Bright'! ddssasssod Lsmoness In the Back. :tcr tongUS was covered with blisters; had no ctlte, apd was very w eak and low wltli gen era! debility, I Insisted on her taking Hood s SarSBOarnlS, and 3ho lias been Improving over SlMSt Shs has tikenlivo bottles, and D so we!! Hood's" Cures that for three months sho has done her house work, nnd wo have soven children." Aug. BCBBBtNKa, Alleiitown, I'cunsylvaula. Hood's Pllla euro liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion. A L i "Disfigured For Life" Is the despairing cry of thousands afflicted with Unsightly skin diseases. Do you realize what this disfigura tion means to sensitive souls ? It means isolation, seclusion. It is a bar to social and business success. Do you wonder that despair seizes upon these sufferers when Doctors fail, Standard remedies fail, And nostrums prove worse than use less? Skin diseases are most obstinate to cure or even relieve. It is an easy matter to claim to cure them, but quite another thing to do so. CUTICURA REMEDIES Have earned the right to be called Skin Specifics, Because for years they have met with most remarkable success. There are cases that they cannot cure, but they are few indeed. It is no long-drawn-out, expensive experiment. 25c. invested in a cake of CUTICURA SOAP Will prove more convincing than a page of advertisement. In short Cliticira woiks wonders, And its cures are simply marvellous. P.ild thruiiKhnut the world. Price, CfTI't n, Me.; Boar, dr.; tUsoivmr, SI. PottanDaoS ahd ciom. i oar . He Prop.. Botiao, "All about ihe .skin, tH-aijj. uud ltlr " tualitd tree. YtS OR NO A We'l-Known Piiysician.Who, Among Other Things, Is Noted for His Frankness. No on ever beard Dr. F.. (Irewer use the phrase "I think ' Iu his practice, Tbe doctor la OOe CI tins.-frank. fenrles,hon est, positive ruin bo never hesitate to ay yet nr Bo, i.s the rate mar require. "I can euro yen'' i r 1 cannot cure you," Is ins invariable decision after examina tion, and to fact ftct It attributable baa reiiiaiksbin record Wllbl nt failure. But it culd be strange Indeed if the doc t r were not a mine tban usually success ful neti:inner. He has been urgeon-in-Cblef in more than one of the iarttest hos pitals . f i his country, waa late'. liemon stmtor of Phyel togyand Burgeryat the Medloo-Cbirorgicai College hi PhUadei' pbuy has te en sleeted an honorary mem bar of the liedlee Chirnrglcal Ataoclstn ll. is a gradaate of toe t'uivertity of Peon. sylvanla, etc , and Is still a close student A man w rh tu h a res or J fould lot fall to bsi a tBCeeasfUl physician under nn rlrcUBUtaOOee, but 'when backisl by cautn us, r. BaSrVnUam In rxpresalon, or, to use a more pepnlar phrase, Ue "be-sure-ynu re-i U'hi theu-go-ahead" tyttem, ll would be more thau ttrange if tailur overtook blm. You ean contalt Dr. Orevrer any day at It oms 5 and n. Temple Court Building :ti I BPROOB BT., from 9 a. as, Mil 9p.m. Oeoaa nations free Thoae toffering from IVerVOUS 1'iieaae ' k o mteed a curi For such there it the i beermg . r 1 "Ye." a failure it on kl own in th doctor's treatment. Third National Bank of Scranton ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, SURPLUS, $200,000 $250,000 iiii. bans offert tn Seewelteee every is. inn arm ranted by ihrir aioea, tmti- BOOS and rritiiklMl,. pedal ai. ntloa glean ta batlneee ac count latere , ., i . ,, n ,...,u v 11 1 1 i 1 onni 1 L Prealdral UI 11 11 mi is Vlee-frealdeal WILLIAM II I'M k. (athler. nun 1 roRg William ion,, 11, i.eiogr 11. 1, nun. Alfred Uand Jaoiea Ai, 1,1, ,1,1, HBr "I' ll". Jr. T. aiulili, Luthr hi Her THE5 TRADERS National Bank of Scranton U'.QAMZLD IStt CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. PAIHTI. IIlN'KS.iPresl lent. W.W. WATbON, Vice President, A. a WILLIAMS, v.. si.-. BiaacToaa, BAMTUt Riiras, JAMBS M EvBMAas liiviMi a. jj'ixrn, PiancsB,, JllBtlMI J. JLHUVtf. M S. KEMKUEli.. Cuas. i'. Maiiiikws. John T. fourxtt W. V. WATbON. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This hank Invites the patronag of buslnas men and Uruis uene rally. MULTICHR0ME8. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon ininiBiBniiifliiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiHiiiiiBisigiBiiiiiiiiiiBHaBiHaaiiiiiiiiaiiaEaP i 1 i u EverythingFOR Everybody AT The Fair 400402 Lacka. Ave. Sole Agents in Every Pair Warranted rXm LONG Our New Millinery Dept. Now Open. niiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMiiiiiirwiiuiiiMtiiitiR -3 Wholesalers and Largest Retailers of Straw Mattings from China and Japan. KERR & Tine Carpetings. Lowest Prices. One entire room devoted to Oriental and Domestic Rugs and Art Squares. IWsTOMSSl L"M. sNMa Rome Was Not Built in aDay But little by little the grand est empire of tho Old World was reared, DON'T do without because you haven't the rc:uh money to buy the Farniture,Garpeti, Draperies, stoves, etc., your ni'i'ils and inclinations de mand, when our Equitable Credit System stauds ready to assume the indebtedness and accept your small weekly and monthly payments in liquidation. Scranton for the PRICES 50 Cents 75 Cents $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 WAJ51 Leading House for Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Lace Certains and Upholstery Goods. 406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue. Lowest Prices. We mike a specialty of Window Shades, Awning) and Draperies J I sVH unsr sa w a w. 'm n If you have not seen ! Vou heard of our stock of I3aby Carriages, Refrigerators, Mattings, Iorch Chairs, Lawn Settees and Couches. IIIIIIIMIIIII Economy Leads in Summer Good s as in Everything.