The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 16, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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An Interesting Story Boealled by tlio Caa-
uai Heetlog of Two Men In Wastiiog-
ton Given u Cliuut-u to Tray thu VI
ti:u Make! a Statement That Saved nun.
A distinguished looking iiinu was sitting
n iitfal'ein this city tho otlipr evening.
The miter hail J tut brought Mm a sample
of Washington1! fsvorlte drink, a "rlokey."
Before he had taken sip of it another,
who luui just entered t ho cafe, walked over
to hiui, and extending his hand Soldi
"How do you do, major? I haven't seen
you for a lon time."
The man addressed as ma jor, who, by the
Way. il .Major Mc.Miehael, of the war de
partment, looked at t Re newconur doubt
fully end aald politely:
"I fear, sir, that you have the advantage
of me."
"Well, major, the Qrst time you ever saw
me 1 was ut one end of n rope and you at
the other. Now do yoi recall meP"
"By all that's holy." cried the maior. ex-
enemy seizing ttie other by the hand,
isn't lllanlc."
if it
"Tes.itisBlank, sure enough the man
Whose life you saved that ntght."
The two men shook hands heartily, and
after n few minutes' excited conversation
passed through the swinging doors into
rear room.
Later, .Major MoMiobael yielded to the
requests of some friends and told a curious
story. In fact he yielded up a first class
novel in less than a column.
"It occurred a year or so before I cam?
here," promised the major. "I was engaged
in cotton planting near Vlcksburg. Thi re
were a number of plantations about beside
mine, and in the neighborhood was the
usual store, which made a practice of ad-
Vanelng goods, provisions and money on row.whleh had unwittingly flown mat the
crops. Among those who were engaged in I pao dor:-, and subsequently made vain
planting in the neighborhood was .Mr. yet frantic efforts t tape through the
Blank, who just renewed his acquaintance j transparent yet unyielding plate glass, it
with me. He was a northern man who had ' w's In a fair way of beating Its brains out
married a girl of a good family in the when a humand employe of the store con
neighiioThood. The proprietor of the gen- oelved the plan of catching it in a dusting
eral store had made advances to Blank on 1 brash. A tier several unsuccessful attempts
his crop, but the crop had lailrd." ! he Anally secured it and released it outside
"One day Blank weutover and shot the ! the door. It flew away with a frightened
Storekeeper, killing hint. He was arrested I
no lougea in jsu. rne next any a party
Of Vtekstmrgan cattm over to my house
and naked me to join them in lynching
Blank. 1 demurred, saying that before
wont into an affair of that kind I wanted
to know just what the man Lad been
guilty of. They then told me the storv ..f
the killing, saying that lilank had killed
the storekeeper simply becsuse be bad re
fused to advnnce him on tins year's crop,
he having failed to settle for the last year's
advances, and that it was a cold blooded
murder, for which he should bang. 1 eon
Muted to accompany the party,
"That niglit we went to jail, where we
escnn d possession of our victim without
difficulty, We took him to a railroad
bridge. There we fastened one end of .1
rope about bis neck and the other to
bridge Ummi, intending t 1 ti row in -
and let blm strangle to destb. When all
the preliminaries were arranged one of our
own party suggested that the unfortunate
man lie given an opportunity to pray. He
then spoke for the time. Ho is t .. t
most remarkably cool man I ever m-.v.
Notwttb standi! his desperate situation
be eras as cool as though be were in a dr-
t).it .ng soc.i-t ins:, ;, (,f the tinii' inal in
an impending tragi y
" 'Qentlcrnen,' he said, an 1 there was not
a quaver 11, bis votes, gentlemen, before I
pray I would like tonmke n statement tell
ing you how I came to kill that man.'
"'You can make a statement if it is not
s long one.' replied our lea ler
"lt will not lie long,' 1 e rttswered us.
'Centienii n, I did kill I bat old Sbyh ck, ll
Is true t!:at I ws Iu his debt for last year's
advances it is true that I went to him
for ndvan 'es on tins year's i:n., beeao e 1
believed that I could make more than
enough to pay inu out both years. It Is
true that be refused me. I then went home
and told my wife tint wi-had better pack
np and go back' north, as we could do noth
ing hers without advances and the store
keeper bad refused to make any. Sle d s,
liked the Idea of moving away from her
Childhood homo and Suggested that she
would go to see tbe storekeeper herself;
that be iiad known her all his life and M,,.
would make a personal appeal 10 blm. I
consented to her going, Under the 1 IrcttUI
tancos, hopitu- she might xn're.-d where 1
had (ailed She went, she saw blm, and
made her pitiful plea.
" 'My God, gentlemen, w hat do you think
that wretched old Si.ylock did? He said
he would make the advani i - provided my
wife would lurrender her honor to him.
She spumed bis degrading proposition
snd returned home in tears I demanded
their cause She reluctantly tol I me.
My first Impulse was to take my gun and
go and kill tbe scoundrel. Bnt persuaded
by her entreaties I gave over tbe thought
snd slept upon tie- insult. The next day
brought a letter from the villain in which
he repeated his proposition, i hesitated
no longer, but took my gun and went over
to bis store and shot blm dead
IAVID ntOM Till: oauown.
" 'You don't hang this iiiuM,' I shouted,
throwing the rope from off his neck.
'"Have you Rot that letter? 'Inquired a
doz"n eager ro i
" 'It is at my bouse,' war, I lie calm reply.
" 'We will go to your house with you,1 I
onld, and If you can produce that letter,
and it is genuine, you don't bang at all.'
"Well, we went to his house w ith blm
Be produced the letter, It was exam iad
and pronounced probably genuine. It was
determined to compare it the next day
With a letter known to be genuine. In the
meantime Blank wai informed Hint it
would lie necessary to return him to jail
while we conducted the examination. Wo
assured him that as soon as we became ab
solutely convinced of the truth of his story
Wo would go in a body to the judge and
arrange to bail blm out. A comparison of
the letter with others known to lie written
by the dead man convinced ns of tho genu
Ineness of the one lilank bad.
"We then got him 001 on hail and btwas
never even indicted for the killing. It WSJ
perfectly Justifiable In Mississippi eyes,
Oh yes, Ulank made a good crop that year
and has since prospered, though I ban lost
sight of him and oven forgotten his lea
tures, Hut of nil the cool men 1 ever saw
he was the coolest, and I have SSC0 some
pretty cool fellows under liro in my time
And then the major relit his cigar and
Strolled thoughtfully homeward. Wash
ington Cor. Brooklyu Eagle.
Didn't VTant to Bide ATtrr That,
i Some of tbe women in tho car said tho
I conductor was a "mean thins, anyway,"
bnt they woru forrcd to admit that his
provocation was great, When bis rur
stopped at Fourteenth utreet two hand
somely dressed women bustled in and sat
down. They had evidently been on a hop
e.iedilion, and Its they talked viva
ciously about their purchiuses general con
conversation in the car ceased. Tbo other
rtaaseugers inspected them admiringly.
J'beu the conductor appeared and held out
bis hand for tbe fare.
ICach womun opened her pockethoolc
Slowly so that the other might have an op
portunity to bo generous. Tbo woman
Who was nearest tbo conductor fished a
cent out of her pork ei book and placed itiu
his band witli the request that ho would
"wait a minute." Two more cents fol
lowed the first one and then two very bat
tered lookiutf coppers. The conductor had
shifted uneasily from one foot, lo the other
during this proceeding and looked bored.
There was a twinkle of satisfaction in the
woman's eye. She had disposed of some
coins that were not worth the space they
occupied in her poekctbook. It plenatdtho
other passengers, too, because the con
ductor represented a big monopoly and was
therefore fair game.
The woman's friend had been 'watching
the little comedy with asmii,e, and when
the conductor held bnt hie other hand for
her fare she dropped a ten cent piece into
it. The conductor's opportunity to make
a "mean thing" of himself had come, and
bo dropped his live ill assorted Coins intt
the second woman's band and walked out
to tho rtar platform much pleased with
himself. The passengers smiled. Tho vic
tim of tho coins looked reproachfully at
her friend. Then both women concluded
that they didn't w ant to ride any further.
New York tuu.
Oanse Of Crowd on it Now Yurit Street.
A big crowd gathered on Park row
about 7 o'clock one evening to watch a
I nan flourishing a dusting brush in one of
j the plate glass windows on the street floor.
A policeman saw that something was go
ing on and elbowed his way through the
I hat is lie doing?" asked some one in
relation to the man in the window.
I Ob,he Is trying to kill a great big
, spider!" exclaimed ono of thoo persons
Whoare always ready to give information
without regard to its value.
No, it must be a snake," chimed in
I somebody on the outskirts of che crowd,
and therefore not in a position to see any
! thing but the men and women in front of
" Ho 'way, It's n trantura, got away from
de Italian's bananas," volunteered a small
boy with the tendenoy of an alarmist.
.Meanwhile the crowd SUI . d from side to
side, and men craned their nocks to get a
glimpse over other nu n's shoulders, The
cause of all this excitement was an inno
cent and badly frightened little la u epar
rhirp, and too crowd apidaudeil. New
York Ti
lf-. Eele Travel,
All the m Itery about the eat, as scienro
bas learned within the last few years, is
due to the f;ict that it lays its eggs, or
brings fottii Its young alive, in the sea,
where no one bos a cbanoe to observe the
process. Other fishes, like the shad, leave
the ocean to spawn 111 fn sh water streams,
but thiacurioaa and slippery customer docc
precisely the reverse. The young u ls,
newly horn or hatched, leave the salt water
and make their way in armies up tho
rivers Inland, Obstacles apparently Insnr
monntable they use tbe utmost Ingenuity
in passing, even traveling considerable dhv
t uces upon dry land in order togetaround
an obetrnetion.
In the spring and summer any visitor at
Niagara who descends beneath the gnat
sheet of water ill tin) fool of the falls W ill
rc- literally buudrodsof cart loads of mall
eehtwi ggleng over the rocks and squirm
ing in the whirlpools. Of course, tt is im
possible for tie in to gel over th talis, hu'1
thus it happens that, although ssu ban
always been plentiful In Lake Ontari
there wi n- none In Lake Erie until they
were planted in the latter iody of water
artificially. New York Baa.
Bales (or Seed Kyeetght,
The following simple rule for the pres
srvatloa of ti,,- eyesight are worth remem
l berlng: Keep a shade on your lamp or gal
burner. Avoid all sudden changes between
light and d.irkn -- Nev.-r Is g.n to rend,
wait or sew tor several minutes after com
ing from darknees Into light. Never road
by twilight, moonlight or any light so
si int that it requires an effort to discrlml
Never r. sd or sew directly in front of the
light, window or door, It is u t t,, i,;t ti,u
I light fait Iro-ii abaVS, olilnjut.'y over the
left shoulder. Nsver sleep so that on 0rst
1 awsksnlng the eyas shall open on the light
of a window. The moment you are in
stinctively prompted t, rub your eyes itnp u iing them. Exchange,
Don't A.k in it r. i Qaaatleas,
If more of us listened as frankly to the
Recusations of consoisnoa, ths number of
til bred questioners would speedily dimlo
Ish, it Is worthy ol nets Uisl someoftiie
most persistent Paul Prysof society resent
raost strongly tee efforts of others to lift
both in the wsy it acts, ami In ths way it's
Sol d, is ur. l'lerce's lioldi n Medical iJiscov
erv. A long pro-ssssi.-n of ihsi ns s f -irt f:- ton
torpid uver and Unpuro blood. 'iv...-jt, as
I you ought, when yog real tim flrsl ivmp-
toms I languor. e-s ol iippet ite, duliiiess, d -
preaslou). As an apis iimg,, ,
r tonic, t-i 1. 1- id .,- an I
Mflj, build up the Utah
lug to iiiii it. it rouses
. n organ into brshl ful
action, purifies sad i n-
1,1. . the lilrf, braees up
he whole system, sad ru
st, ire . naattii unl vsj r.
yy i sa r..: r. of
Hire. !l III ....'1, ittntln
writes: "I L n ,ju. n three
l-iitlm bl rout 'Gplden
h dn-ul DbS over e ' mel
ft t quite vi ll ai d strong
ROW, so tlmt 1 am nliie t i
i. j
Mrs. r.fienr.nT.
! my work without tlio
l-llst t.lto Ul ."
Pierce Gun.
What is Moro Attractito
Than a nretty faco vith a fresh, brleht
compicxiouf ror it. use Possoni'i i
,1 IsSa. Ml
the veil of their own lives. Is it that they
know to be untrue the excuse of "feeling a
friendly interest" which they allege lor
themselves? A friendly interest receives
confidences . Ith pleasure and guards them
With care. It neither 'Itmende nor reveals.
Timely AdViee.
.Mr. William P, fierce, an oM time Bos
ton merchant, used to b fond of uttering
Impressive maxima to his young friends.
One Sunday thirty years ago, at SwaRjp
SCOtt, he accosted two young aspirants as
they were journeying churchward, ami,
holding aloft bli cane as a signal for them
to stop, thus addressed them; "Yotlng
men, I have one thing to say to you hero
and now, Never forget itl It your fathers
on dying leave you a fortune spend it ju
diciously!'1 Histou Commercial Bulletin.
Turquoise in Large Quantities,
Turquoise Is found in large quantities iu
New Mexico, and also iu Arizona, Nevada
anil Colorado. It la quarried out of tbo
rocks, through which it runs iu blue vein-,
with now and then concretions called nug
gets, which sometimes afford stoni-a of
value. Mount ChaloblhUttl, twenty miles
from Anita IV. is largely undermined with
ancient Indian workings for this mineral.
Washington Star.
It Is a mistake to give a glass of lime
water and milk soon alter or before an in
valid takes a dose of calomel The action
of lime water changes the character of
Miss t. TTIK CAIlsov.of S.n
suae, Mich . writes: 1 have
been troubled with s terriMo
..e lie for III . ut two elllS
end eon 'el not n SOVtbiBS to
le 1 DM, hut St IsSl a I rl.-tnl
advised mo tii take jrour Urn
i"-i a. Hi 000 BlTTSfS which
I did, snd after y 11 .. two
i"'it!os, 1 bare not Hsu the
R. R.
tU in I BUN tl- AVDKXTI kn v I. i si
In using modielnes to stop p s. : ti we should
avoid seen I Isglet injury on the jr"tin.
opium. Morphine, Ohlorofonn Btber, Co
esitie i nlorsi top 'n by deeiroylag
thi of pereeptloQi th- petieat loplag
ti e p iwr f f "hug. This Is a meet dnttruc
tlve prsottee; l' uhhV Vu lynptoms, siiats
uji .Dl. n-t-el f rmoTl-iif troiile br--aks
4on tbsstomseb, n.ur snd losrels, sad. if
eoottaasd la for s luugth of tans, ail tii
nerves and produce, local or K''n i.d piralr
sis There 1- n ie c.-itv f r .si-1 " - ut,rr
tln sgsnts when a positive remedj uKaI)-vaY-s
RE uY Itn Ifsf sill itoptlMiaael
ssernelsUag paia qalnker ith ist u:.ims
ths Ltesl daegeTi it) ilthsst laf sio or si ill
It lastaetiy -'ops lee most ssersetatias
pslns. sllsrs inflsnimstlon sad evree ajngas
Hons, nle-t'o-i of th. Lungs. Stoaseh, Bow
etav. or others edsor msanus nembrsaes
I'oR NPKAlNH, BRClSgtt. BA" K i HE,
l'Al s IN " 111'. i iiK.-iT ""ll SlliKH, HSAD
PAIN f--w apt .liratKinaact hk-maie-.cit tie
lug las pain loiaataauy t ip
CoM3,CouKh3, Sore Throat,
Inflammation, Bronchitis,
Pneumonia, Asthma,
Difficult Breathing,
Hlieumn" Ism. Neuralgia, Sciatic . I.nm
hsge. Iwillleg of las j. i,,t. Pates
in iiai k, heal r i Imke,
Thesppllcstlon of thn KEAI'Y KKI.IEP to
he pert or parte where IhedlfoeultTor paia
u. t w, 1 if a- i .:.-r:
F.t.s- nl: : iMACU t It A r- Bl A--iS,
ar- roliaved lastaetls a(ol 'juieklv eurt by
".k eg i ttraaiis " Iiaif Inatesspo nful of
Ifctidy Rehef in half . iambi sr ; asktff,
Chills and Fever, Fvor
and Ague Conquered.
Tbsrslsaot a remellsl sgeal in tii worid
that wUIoare Pever nil Agu and all othr
Malarious. 1111 ais and ohr Ksrsrs. al l ' I lif
H : way's Puis, so quickly as Kadwaj s Itrady
Price 50c. per bottle. SJtl by Druggists.
Tor the rare of ell glsOVricVC f the Mlll-
aeh, leer. Bowels, Kidaeys, Ulsdder,Ner
v iii Diseases, Beadaehe, CoastlpnSlon,
Ceetlvshass, Inulieesloa, Dyspepsia, mi-
I. , li-lo s. li-ol i ll tin III In ll Hull of I lie ltt,w-
els, Plies tad all itcrangesseats os t he in
teswal Tlseersv PaSalj Vcji table, e"it
"iiliilng no uicirnrj, miucraU ur IM.LK
I I BIOCS Hill l.
Price tJe. per boi Bold by sH drnagista
or on reculpl of ( t i - still be sent by msu.
t IT"- lioxw" lor One Dollar.
HAUWAY & CXA, .a Wsrren Ht N. Y.
n pi 1 1 55
is overcome by giving the
Ijody proper and sullicient
nourishment. When waste
is activo and you are losing
flesh and strength, take
agajajai mmmm
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil.
It will overcome tho waste
by giving ample nourish
ment. Physicians, tho world
over, endorse It.
Dao't ba deceived b) Substilntes!
PrtpAltd by Scott U.'wno, S. Y. All lrujt(iita,
AST YEAB he had saved 300,
lie bought a houst' worth 1850
paid 300 down, gave a niort
gage for ?1, 560. Today ho eati
malt's as follows:
Kent saved S-to N
mtereat on mortgsgs fin 01
laxee snd ropsiri MM IMM
Ket saving on rot fr 51
Raved on salary UOOO
'-1 1' on nortgage MTO jo
lUtl 1 Bl 1 niN i 1 oca yean in .t
houss will be free from debt ami I ahull
have home of ntj on n."
OIll 1 N RIDOI li the paradlss fur
homes. 1 inn .v Hons hsvs reeestly tin-
Kheil 1, In 1,111 ifnl 1 1 1-4 hleli lln- etVer,
mi ana) paymeets, nt eiSM
ail at thslr nfflse, between v sshlngtoa
Hint Ail a 1 lis on 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 ,-,(.
Atlantic Refining Go.
Innufftcturerti .c)ur 1
UlQmiDaliDg anil Lubricating
Linseed Oil, Naptku and tiao
in ' . of all grades, sjiie Qressa,
Pinion i.reii'. snd Oollisrr Com
ponnd . slso, s Urge line w Par
rattna ax Lsi.jIim.
We also handle the r.-it'ion- CROWN
ACME OIL, tli only f ,m..v . .f. ;
l iiriniig mi in tin- nsarkat
W.i , AM MASJN, Mnnsn'-r.
"iffiea Ooal Bsehsase, Wywalag Ava
v oisi at rn.u BreeL
1 lerici 1
IS HI vi 1 11 1 1. ii 1 1 111 s RVBRt
-till ll II Ml IN SI sk I II I
I M I I II st I I , 1 1 , l 11
I It I M MMI Us OK 1 ill ( 111 ,
II It I I N I M s Mi QUI
l-l I lis I Oil AW HI Mill It
i t- funs, Li;.. 1 . 1
Tbe nl v 1 1 nds cf Qonr esn bs ba
ho wiil soeept Tin: Tun tra n ion 0 'i
1 1 lliiiir or ,vi i u ench l inrcl of Hour.
iersnton-P, r. I'rcn. a'aalilust-m arnml
OoUl Meds Hi .m 1
Deamors v v Priett Gold Ms4st Bread,
Duiinior. 1'. 1) Maiil.., hu.-i l.nnii'.
BrdoPark-Cersoaa Dsrls, Wsahbon si.
Cold Mi-ii, 1 Br sad; J atph a. ln-nrs, Mum
srsaae, Baperlatltrs Bread,
(tii-i-ii Iii I.,.- i..s,, i i-.o,,,l HramL
J. T. llrll.ilo, (sUv-rlatlT
Provides!.'." Feaa i aCasppsltN' Mala see-
aoe, Baperlatlr Uraad;0C J QllliuDla w.
Mark 'i itrMt, ioii Medal Brand.
Olyphanl Janes Jordan BaperwtlTS Brand,
1'. kvilio Mi-tT'T K r -Supoi Uttv -.
Jt-rtn vii l', I). Winters ,t Co S.iin-raiiitirn
Arotilialil Jo:ios. Bttnpsoa if l.'o . Oolil Mivlai.
Qsr ida'.o 11. .- t.'lark, (lolil Mi'ilat llraiul.
Boassdals I n. Poster vs Co Uoi 1 Meds
MiuookuM. II. hiirullo.
Itamptlonor . .canity.
. i H I'i'i'p'ii '. Mii
s iu.y
"Tun ik. M i.
7?riTr-'. VT!'fr'r rff-niil tlie-muittv. tmilnr in-i, S-U tiy nil .iriii'Vlstn. Ati for It.iaai--IrOREANDflr
lERUSIrlB.uooUior, Art tin u MSUVF. HKIIKO., Mummlo Temtrte, Cuicaoo. Iu.
ForSnlo in Scranton. Pa., by II. G. SANDKKSON, Druffist, cor. XVaehtnpton
BKl- oita AMD SPfSfe UBiNU,
For Hnla hyC. M. BABBBaj Irurglt,
Driving Park
JULY 4th
s2,(i(io wortli of Diamond to be
given away as prizes. 1
All the bnst known racing men
in the country will compete.
Grand Parade of Wheelmen in
tlio morning;
Kxc.ur.sion rales on all roads.
E, Robinson's Sons'
S!annfartnrara of tlio CvlebrateJ
KX),()OU Bbls. Per Annum,
Seeds and
Largo Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Ire WeX j. A'sf , MSI
The Flour
"CniCSOO, Oct 81. Fhe first offleis
riuuui.ceinrnJ of World's Fair di
plotBSS 011 tlour bss ben mads A
nsdul hu beea swsrdsd by the
World's Fair jiiilijei lo tli Hour mntni
1st lured by tlio WsskbarD, Crosby Co,
in tlif i:r""At Wssbbnrn Flottr MilN,
MlnnetpolN Th citnmitton rip-ris
ih DoQl ftronif snd pur", snd sntltlss
it to rsnii rs Brst-oises jistsiit tlour Jor
tstuily snd bsltSTS1 use."
n AAiitin 1
61 WMtll
I at suy of the follovrinu nerohsnts,
ton of 96 on ssob one bandrsd pounds
Tsylor Jortgs A Oo., QoU Itsdsti Atbsrtea
a Co., ttaporlatlsiSi
Par res lnreacc Mtore Oo., fleld Moill
Moo-i,--Joha M li-Yladla, Qold M.i.lal.
l utaton It W, O'Boyle, do 1 MedsL
Ularka Oraee -rrspe a- Parker, Baperlatlrn
Clark's Mnramli t M. Yonns, uoid Medal,
Uilton - s K, Plan a s,.ti. U..M kedsl Brsad
Nti boUm .1 k Bsrdlas
Warerly M. is, Biles Sou, Qold StsdaL
Pa ipryVflle sCharleeOsrdaer, Qold Medst
Hopboitom n. M naa Boa, Qold Mads',
Tolivlianna T iivlinnii i .V L-'Uiifa l.umbir
10 . Qold Medal Brand
(ionldab, ro s , .d.iui-. U..M M laUllran d
M iw tiaiit" ft ( li'i I '. 1: M Milal.
Lall Arlrl-Jatnra A. Hortroi", (Juld Modal.
roreatOlly 1.. storssa .v. u. Qold Meds
V nswflsw r.nti 01 1 It, r ire all nrnuin dli.
ctrs. hut'h itn W.'fik Men ory. LoM "f lira In PoWtrtHPUii:.i'lii Wk.'ru!rr".
I, u-1 MjiiiIio.mI, Mithtly K tUHntoiiH, Nerviimtii'Br.,iilllruliif-niKl Iomi or pownr
II. 1 k itWrattTtUIMfit 1 1 otttiMiaoiciii.'sOt ly nTcrnrrili hi, ru4h ful trror.
oti'i'flTtuirn? ot inliiit'i-n. tinluin ur Ktlmtilunti. wlilt'lt lend to Intlnnltv. fon-
(Vn ht corrhvlln vri pncVrt. -HI r'T lm, O f .1 :,
11 HCts nriliT wt rrlt c :t s llf rn iinrutif t to rurr
dr. Mom
for norvntm "ro,"tmtlnri nnil nllnnrTmindlspun-a of
...i-ui-inii i" origin!, oi piiiiur ci. Mini us mcmnm 1'roninillrn. t ail
Ml:.';r ,,'"';' nU"'u" "I. ImiMitcnr-y Nlclitlr Ktiilnsloim.VoiiUifiii Krror,
JMl'litlll Worry. lxr-lli- urn. ot Tolin,-,-,, np fl.,ln, .. I. t..i. I i , . . , ...
bum nl Inn and IiihriiIiv. With nvnrv sail ,,oi.,V , ...i.t..n,...
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tor St.".. 00. II U. M t 1 Th CtlH II A l.l ll" 6 l..-loiol. ii,i...
17 Penu Aronue.
Art Students' Series of
Contains four incomparable paintings.
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