The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 16, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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We will sitU oiu- entire stock of
Hew ana Stylish TRIMMED
PRICES. Come ami see tlieui at
9 mm
WE have special facilities for
308 Fenn Av?. A. B. VVARMAM.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
We are showing
new designs in printed
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wc Will Offer for a Few Days
Fine Moquctte Rugs at $2 03.
These Rurs Have Never Been
Sold for less Than S3.03
HcTPiitPen pupils of Nj. 22 school tit
sick with men-liM.
A-idrnw J. llnhon, prOBlBMt Bllll
vuebuir;eM nuu, died yeittrJay titter
noon. Thn I.scIIps' Social union of tb6 PsDB
Avtnoi Baptist obarch will irv. iuppir
Thursdii)' evening from 0 to H o'clock.
A meeting of the Pni clnh will be beld
this sfterno ,u at 4 IU) to male- ftunl ar
rKnEen e- t- fur the excursion lo New York
fit) Soturilny.
Till Tail! nk Has Hail club accepts the
chlleiiR of ihe Truth club foragaOM
yext Suttmlay at 4 o'clock oti Johnson'
l.aki' j;r unds.
The exutntive commttteo of th Scran
ton Ilitrta School A hi mm a. ocialioii met
ntths Young Hen's Cbristtaa Association
building last evening.
The fuu. ral of th late M. C DrmkW
will take plaro from the draft, I l.-f rmsd
Episcopal church On niomiiirf at Ji.W.
Iitaraiot In Forwt liii: . 0 . irjr.
A most enjoyable smoker wan Inm
evening bv th rlub in it roomt
00 Wyoming aveiu..v A ingranitn con
sisting of singing, natr uin. ut nl :im-i nl
recitations w;m render fd.
.Members of D Company, Tliirtemt'n
regiment, who c m poscibly do so, will as
aeinblo at tho armory, in oniform. at lb
o'clock tti, moraine, to attend thi faniral
services of the late M. C. Drinker.
Officers JJnvis und Lowry arrtsta 1 ti.r -trumps
n Laekawanoa aveone vest rday
eveningat7 o'clock for strati bagging,
Tbar wera taken to polios biadqaartirs,
where they will get a bearing tan mora
ls The Sunday school orchestra of the As
bnry church will give nn .,-, .-nt m-isicnl
nod literary entertainment In thn lactttra
room of the church to-morrow evening.
The orchestra will bo ussia'.ed by soniu of
the best city talent.
Ou Thursd'iy afternoon will taka place
the auction sale of b'lic.i for "A Daogbtar
of Dixie," tho new Dlay by Dsn D. Bart,
which will m given as 11 benefit, for tba
Kcranton Press club at the Protliiiigliam
on Mouday and Tnusday BVaningl
Tho King's Daughters of Elm Dark
Church will serve an exceptionally line
supper on Thursday evening. The chil
dren of the iufant Sunday school Will gtTI
an sntsrtalomtnt on tha same aviotog
which will contain mrtny BBiqUI features.
In answer to inquiries wn arc desired to
state that all friends of the Oirls' Friendly
society, with wliutever churcb connected,
are cordially invited to attend tho ".Mite
social" aud musicale to be given by them
nt the residence of Airs. P, S. Page tomor
row oveuiug.
Marriage liconsns were granted yester
day to John liirsh and Liasie Horagi, of
Throop; joim s. Walbel, or Taylor, and
Barbara Nageli. of Hendhnrn; 1'atrick
Mcllale and Lizzie Kiddle, of ScrnMou;
John Phillips, of Taylor, and Katie Powell,
ofScraoton; Michael J. Collins and Lena
Wynn, of Scrantou.
Tho roport of Frederick J. Karn, Alns.
Doc, London, Eng., examinor in music to
Trinity university, Toronto, is now in
circulation. Throe candidates sent by
T. J. Davios, namely, Sirs. Robert Black
man and Lewys Watcyn of this city, and
Uwilyru Amos of Avoca, passed the llrst
examination for bachelor in music, Mr.
Watcyn passiug fiist iu Hist clnss.
Architects Brown A- Morris have com
pleted plnms for tnree h.indsouio house-'
which aro to be erected in Richmond park
for John II. and R, V. Jordan and II. M,
Hanuab. B. F. Dunn, of Urcen Kidjre,
broke ground for the buildings. When
finished they Will bu three of the most
beautiful residences in tho upper portion
of tb-cite, and it is said will ho worth
about $15,000.
Opim All Night
at Lohman's Spruce street.
1 u
Williams k Mcftnully
'Z7 Avea.
FOR IE 1111 II
John R. Fair Noniinaied for the Lisliture
la First DistiicL
A Number of Providence Districts,
However, Were Not Represented
by Delegates In the Convention.
Mr. Farr's Remarks in Accepting
the Nomination --Walter Lyon En
dorsed for Lieutenant Governor.
Joltn H. Farr will again be the can
didate of the Republicans of the First
legislative district for a scut in the
state legislature. Ho was Dominated
yesterday afternoon at a convention
held In St David's hall on tho West
The eatue convention elected Alax
Aikiiiau delegate to the state conven
tion and Jo.'e;!i D, Lloyd alternate.
Resolutions iudor.-ing the oandidacy
of General 1 il hustings, Walter
Lyon and Qalnsha A. Grow ware
unanimously adopted.
it was expected that there would bt
a lively opposition to the nomination
of Mr. Parr by delegates from tin
North Bad. but nothing of the kind oc
enrred, The convention was most bar
monious No delegates, from the fol
lowing North Bud districts put in an
appearance! First ward, First district,
which is entitled to three delegates;
First ward, second district, one dele
gate; Second ward, Fir-t district, tw
delegates ; Second ward, Second dis
trict, two delegates; Second ward.
Fourth district, one d -legate; StCOnd
ward, Fifth district, one delegate Too
delegates from those districts took thai
method of protesting against the nom
ination ol anyone fr im the Hyde i'ai k
portion of tue district this year.
John 11. Reynolds, obairmao ol th?
district COmmitte ,Ullcd tho conven
tion to order at :l p, iu. and Secretary
Adam L Dunn read tba call Attor
ney George 1. Peok was oboseu as
?istant secretary When tba credsn
tialj had been banded in it WM shown
tlmt tho following delegates were in
I ns' ward-Third district, Jhn Orgil,
Tin tuns ,1. atkius.
Second ward Third Ui -tr i t, Bamnel
1 1.1 k ,-v
Third ward First district; Osorge Ma
son; second district, Richard Waleh,
liurth Ward First district, M,r;in
Thomas, Arthur l.--vshon: second district,
John Roberts and John Harris; tinr-l dis
trict, David Argust, William Deacon;
f. nrth district, Jot ipta L Bngbss, Daniel
Uobr, Issue I, Price,
Fifth ward First ditri-t, David J
Davis V. Hayden Brans; see ind distriot,
PiauK Mutz. Charles Hun. ;-. Ihir l dis
trict, Thomas FJ, williams, rhomas B ar
ris, Ham- Bradshawj Fourth district,
,1 .hi 1. William-, John James,
sixth ward First district, Adam L.
lioiiu; St-cond district, J,,lin liohn.
Fnnrteenth ward 1 irt dlitrtet, d-nrg
1 Peck-, Robert -i. Williams; Hecood dis
trict, B, h. Anthony, Barry v, smith.
Flftesntb ward First dUtriot, John ,1.
Lewis, John V;c ill, ilisih-s Maiker'
Hecond district, David D, Bvans, Thomas
W Davis,
Blghteeatl vranl First district, I -Un ' .
Ii n- s.
'1 went: -first ward I'mt ditr , t, Wil
liam U. Thornton, Charhs Sherman.
Tl er were no contests and all the
credentials w,-r accepted and Chair,
man Reynolds appointed a committee
ou resolutions consisting ol Barry
Hradshsw, simu - 1 1 ,,;ir, It b rt ..
Williams, Morgan Thomas an I Isaac
Price, jr. rii convention took a abort
recall and then the following reaolo
tlona wre presented and adoptel
The Repnb l ms -f the ilrst Leglslati vs
district in convent! -n a-sembled express
onr allegiance to the Republican party and
it policy of protection to American In
d ns tries, tv deplore the depressed con
dill in of business throughout in,- coaetry
as 11 result i f the agitation for the Wilson
b.,1, a mongrel ti,, .ture created slid sus-
tainedbi special interests disregnrJ
the good d -1 prosperity ol the wiuie
c, t.;,: c lUgratulate tba pa ipia ujs.u
tbe striking Indications pointing in nn
early return to poWSTOl lbs RepuhllCaa
party, feeling conlldent thit the present
stat I '. doubt and uniesi will U, c -llow,-1
bv a re it i , i.'i l-i. a.. 1
iinit we declare ourselves in favor of
lieneral D. II. Ilaitinu's ( -i governor
lion. Walter Lyon for lieutenant gov
ernor, and Hon. tialasha A Urowfot con-
grehsinai.-ui-large, u..d W-- rnpiesl
tbe delegatea to the state c inveati n
elected this dsy to u-,- all bonorsbls means
to secure tie- initiation of these houora-
b e gentlemc 1,
R Solved, That we pledge ourselves to
do ail in nor power t-. , , ct rh,- nominal "f
this oouvo'.itiuu for tie- legitiatnra,
At this point the committee went
into permanent orgam. itioii. John J.
Williams being elected permanent
chairman and Attorney George L
Peck und Bamsil u.ikley permanint
secretaries. Mr. Williami after IX-
presslng his gratita Ii to the dslsgst m
l,r tin, honor shown him called for
nominations for a candidate for tne
Attorney David J Davis arose mil ,11
a DMt and concise ipssch 111 which he
traced the valuable work Mr Farr accomplish-
1 during tue two terms he
has represented thn district, renomi
nated bun for the oliice. Tne nomin i
tlon WM s-condo 1 by Thomas J Vst
kloiin behalf of thi North End, ami
on motion of John llurri wus 111 C U by
Thomas J. Watkine, William 11
Thornton and John Orgil wro direct
imI to bring Mr. Farr, and they re
1 irnedin n few minutes .with him.
Mis appearand wus greeted by a
hearty outburst of applause. Aflnr
being presented to the ' ho
II r, batrman, and gentlemen of tho con
vention ami fellow citizens;
i thank you most cordially for this evi
dence of your good win ami eonndinoe,
and if your choice be ratilled at the p 'lis
next November, as I expect it. will lie, 1
promise you most earne-it and loyal ser
vice in behalf of the people. Kxpericnco
is worth a good deal iu HsrrisbQrg when
you consider that during each legislative
session a thousand lulls aro presented, and
it is a task iu itself to determine tbe good
from the bad. If l go back n,-xt. January,
I go bick with tho experience of two
terms. with many friends to aid
in tho battle for the people's in
terests. Kow I want to say frankly
to this convention, nnd I believe it is jus.
lico to myself and to my friends to
sny it now that when I cniuo from
Harrisburg I had 110 thought of run
ning the third limo for your suffrages;
and until ncry recently did I enter tho
Campaign, Hut when 1 returned from
liarrisburg verious guntlemen of inllu
encu, iu fact, dozens aud dozens of people,
uiany of them from tho North End, told
me frankly that two years before they had
opposed me, but that they Were anxious
and determined to do ail iu their power to
baye me returned again. I gave them no
assurances, but tho sentiment kept 011
growing. My friends came to mo repeat
edly, and finally I stated that if it was tho
wishes of the people of the First legisls
tlve district that i should again go to liar
risburg, I would do their bidding.
I stated hrf-ira that 'lure wire some
thing! to learn there that would be of in
terest to the people of this district, and lbs
only reason, Mr. Chairman and gentlemen
of tbe convention, tba 1 am bejoro you
today as your candidate, is that I may bo
of sufficient set vice to the people to war
rant their returning me to Rarrisburg,
Mr, FaM then explained tho contro
versy ho bad With Mr. Von Storoli dur
ing his lust campaign disposing th
allegations made that there was any
binding agreement on hiipirtorbti
friends at n conference bold at that
time, i.b Mr. Von Storcli publicly and
In print refuted to abide by the result
of the conference, resulting finally in
Mr. Farr running hit campaign with
stickers, Secretary Uarrity refusing to
certify his usum oti the official ballot
and closed by thanking the delegates
Cordially for their evidence of good
faith and confidence.
Nominations for a delegate to rep
resent tho db.tric: at tbe statu conven
t Ion to bo held in Hnrriiburg M iy '.'ii
were next c.tllu.l for. Thomas J. Val
kins laid that it would be it graceful
act on the part of tho convention lo
oonceds the delegate to the North 12 id
He closed his remarks by naming Alex
ander Alkman ns the candidate of that
end of the district for dolegate, I) D.
Bvom named .1 ipb D Lloyd, of tha
Fourteenth ward, A vot was taken,
Mr. Aikman receiving twenty-nine
votes Ind Mr Lloyd nine. Tno elec
tion of Mr. Aikman waa mads unanl
uioiu and Mr, Lloyd waiislsotid alioi
Date, - .
Nimlr. e of K-pubhcins cf the First
Legislative Liistiict.
John R F.irr, who was yeiterlny
nominated lor tho tinrd time by tbe
Republicans of lbs First district, has
made iu excellent reputation tor him
self during the two terms he has served
iu the etate legislature,
Wlitii serving his tltffl, a
stranger among itrangers, hi intro
duced, cbampionad and succ sded in
accomplishing what bad never before
bem dom in tne Pennsylvania legists
line, namely, the passing of a lull
tbrongb the bonis an-1 senate provid
ing that ail children between H aud I'.'
yens, physically an 1 miutelly capaole,
should attend sobool. For nearly
twenty years tln-ra ha been an
Hgitalloil among educators for
the psasagi of a lull that
Would prevent the sacrifice of the
educational lutrroits of tho thousands
of children that have been and SM
growing up in tbii slate without any
educational preparation for iba battli
of life. Many i ills were prennted wllb
this porpOM ill View, but WitbOOt
avail, N t one ever psssjd eith-r
brencb of the Isglslatnre until Mr
Faro, by Indomitable energy aud per
severance, pinned his measure through
loth branches. tiover.ior Pattison,
however, much to tbe dlsappoiotmsot
of thousands of all ibadei of politliil
opinion, Vetoed (his most benetl etit
bill. The Knights of Labor, Fedtra
lion of L it or and other oriamz lioiis
hesrtily sndorasd Mr, Fairs bill, an 1
Mr Powderly himself mads a strong
plea for the t ill, as did other landers
of labor in different parte ol tueaiut.
Mi eMi TEKM S W, I.K
In bil second term Mr Fair con
tinned bis food woik with the rwuiit
that 1,000.01 1 sobool children in today
enjoying ihe beneflti of nil iplendld
Work in I ringing at ut the enscliueut
of ms free school look bill. It Is doubt
ful if any other law passed in tbs his
lory of Pennsylvania had been of SO
general ami so practiosl a g ol t to
mass! as Ihs treo book lw. With
tt.isiaw Mr. F.irr sesared an appropria
tion from t ie st ,t- of 11,000.000 f r
(r- i- v, tuns nuking unnecessary
sny I acre asn in local taxation, ta
- 1 ist I that at least from f ! 1 mil 10
I'M. 000 a year nre save I an-1 k";,'. in
ekraaton loipend for oti., r purp .
tbe difference between what these
book wonld coet the pirn ts and what
they cost tbs school board Throng -out
tbeitate this saving will appr scb
tbl lirg sum o: T.' 1 0,000, N iw
every child Iu the pub ic esbools has
bis 01 hit bo- ke and school iup; li a.
Tbi poor mao's cbildnu are Ibinby In
school w-irk plsoed 00 an soaallty with
tba oblldren of th rich t-'r n 1 10 to
l.o'fi children in thu city alone now
it ten 1 e rhool 1111 1 r th- free b i,ik sy - -
(em Who OOUld uot Jo so were their
parent" rompslled to buy thorn booki.
(ant K .vi.cmii r. mvion
Not only in oonjonctloo with that
leu-': -,t iu,-s-.,ro Mr Farr been
of service to bis oonstUucnta, li sue
1 Ii I In gitting an appropriation ol
Mi Bed lor (he Beranton oral Bcbool
tor ihe Deaf; (93 1 for thi Lscka
wanna hosp.tal, m, I wis toe uutus of
Mcnting legislation that enables the
management of itm M oses Taylor hos
pital lo spend 100,000 yiai in our
mi 1st a auiii-,t ISO.OOO tin ier former
laws I' or s-tvei il y-ats it wiil b n
mimbered this Imtltutlon wai cloud,
not bseaoM its mimgimsnt did uot
have DOmy enough, but because the
law ami only so much a year of its 1 -corao
could b- used
(i -verrnir Pattiton vet-nd th - M -chanic's
Lien bill Introdnosd by Mr.
Farr. Tbtl bill would have ,r, tict d
ti.e ciirieuter, or other liuchanlc or
workman employe 1 In or abiut a build
ing, in his claims lor wages earned,
and would have placid him on Ibllami
footing before the .law for his Wlgei
that the contr ictor or the one who fm
tiisnea the material now snjoya I -day
there is a groii Inequality tad
bundridi of workmen bavi nhTired
buses iu wages that their families
OUld illy alforJ. Wbill GoVsrnOt Pat
tison, to lh surpri-e of people iu g-n
eral, preventnl the goo) purposes of
11, is bill from being oarrled out, Air
Farr's efforts bavi pave I the way for
wlia etmcttnerit of this j ut bill.
Not only in the inaotmmtof good
moaiurea, but also in his -IT .i ts to de
feat bad men-tires, has Mr Farr been
of semes to the people. In oue par
ticular one Mr. Farr saved the city of
Soranton serious losses in taxation by
his defeat of 4 vicious bill to tax at
half ratal agricultural lands of ten
acres or more lti cities of the third
class. There are nearly 5.000 acrea of
this Kind of land in tho city of Scran -ton.
It is nnsessed by the ncro and
thotl who own single lots in the vicin
ity of such lands have learned that
they pay us much tax, eometimss more,
for a lot as the owners of the acres pay
011 an aero. The bill above mentioned
to tux these ncres at half-rules phased
the Hlattf eenato at the last session. Mr.
Farr mude the tight against its passage
iu thu hous., and is accorded tho credit
of having defealei it, thus saving lo
Scrnutoii and other cities of the third
class thousands of dollars of just tux
that would have been lost by tho oti
uctmeiit of that bill,
A 8F.I.1- -MADE MAN.
Mr. Farr was born in Hyde, Park in
1H.17 and has continually resided thero
since. Ho 1ms grown up with our
city mid has been active in many
movements to ndvanco its interests,
Mr. Farr was newsboy on the Scran
ton Republican and learned the trade
of printer in tliat oflice. After com
pleting his apprenticeship and becom
ing a member of the Hcranton Typo
graphical union he devoted himself to
an extended oouise of study, following
this will) a V3iiv experience of city
i editor Of the Republican. He has
I been for some yean and is now editor
I aud proprietor of the Courier-Progress,
it paper devoted tu the interestn of Hyde
Trained in the school of experience,
always In oloid toucb with the masses,
eurni'Rt, honest end nijgressive, John
It F.irr is an ideal people's candidate.
He is Charged With Kacping the Dar
of I lis Hotel Open on
The executive committal of tho Pas
tors' union met yesterday and discussed
the preseot status of the Sunday clos
ing movement and decided on a plan
for a further, stricter continuance of
tbe work, particularly on iiloon clos
ing The muting decided not to forward
any prosecutions of druggists this w-oii
except in the oast of Drufght Ryan,
whose blaring woi contlnned from last
week Thursday until U o'clock this
Rev, F, A. Dony, chairman of tin
committee, yeiUrJ iy lodged Inform i
tlon with Alderman Poatagalna ,'
T. Jenkins, alleging that Mr Jeoklm
sold liquor and kept hii.Lnckawanna ,
avenue hotel open last Sunday The
leering wiil take plioi tomorrow.
It ii ondiritood that overturn have
been m i le by b th drngglits ami 0 nn
mittee ten ling I iwai I a settlement of
the Snndiy closing queiilon At nil
events, yesterday'i muling deoldiJ
not to continue prosecutioni of thi
I druggists tins week in the bopi that
arraugiminu can hi mada to bavi
I sal-s coiifl ic l to li ngi sxulnslvely
Tbe meeting decided, bowivir, to
continue the movement igainit the
j faloooa, A , ug- nil in of Colonel IJ ilea'
a si adopts 1 to tu en 1 that e icb tuln-ist-r
and pnest of tbi cit y b reqneiti d
to send a repreaen (alive buslneii man
to a milting the latter part of next
week. At this me ting a plan will lie
devised to rals- svrl thousand dol
lars i,.r continuing too work whieb
mav 11 !,,. l .te tan euipl irtiwut of
professional agents.
L-lters are to In sstit lo oitiz n in
eral'y, asiiiug them to refrain frotn
giving orders for meats, Ice, eta, tots
dill VIM 1 011 San lay
New Opium Antidote, Permanganiti
ot Potassium, Successfully
Used Here.
Mrs Frank Uuur, ol Olypbaut, but
ginerally h own b' her miidia nami
of Jet.tiiy Jones, a baMtuoof Center
tree( rssor s , r ijaeitioaabli cbarac
(r, attenij t I sin .: y, aterJsy after
noon by (aki f I iu lannm
(From a medical im,i of view, the
I ire is interestn I At 1 o'clock Officer
Thomas Lwrr was notified thai a
woman taken laudanum in the
hi use at the corner of Center street
end Franklin avenue The policeman
started wllb h-r f il t ie station bonis,
bu( bad only goni a tew bio 'ks when
she rollapiel a id 1 irr.s.-n pro-
oorsd for continuing (he (rip In (he
msaawbtli sh had told the) On ler thlt
ine had iwal awed 10 cents wortbol
laadanom about two ounces.
At t nt) station hottes Polioe Surgeon
Fnlton oommeuood a treatment with
th reo-'iitv di- .vr.-l anti loto for
opium poisoning, permanganate of
potassium, by giving a fifteen minim
byp dsrmlo injection Uoiil a very re-
c-nt d it the drug hal cnieflv beu
ns .1 by surgeons as an aBliseptic,
' nt tw , m , itbi ago u sv. 1 1 am in
life Ml i Ittabnrg ,n,l ab ,et three we ke
I gQ it was nee, lUOCmfully ns an SUtl
d .te tor the I time ou lecord at
Wllkee- Btrre,
A- 1 1 ': Mrs Ose. tir wea re-
oslve1 by Drs P II McAndrews and
.). F. R idasill at th - L ich 1 wanna bos
pttal. Hr respiration ws but thrs
Uaee per minute A bvpodirmlo in
jection ot 1 j lib of a grsin of inlpbais
of str .pi-.s es given
BetWi ,-ti -I sol ." o'clock four hypo
dermics of Ihe 4rm tngs'iate in oue
fourth iiru-i 1! Ml w.-re given, flfteea
minimi of dlgttahi wire given onos
durtt g II is p-i 1 '.
At o'clock the itocaach wai wsshid
with warm WltCT andsnonncss of the
permanganate containing one grata
to tbe online w..rn given Internally,
Digitalis was given a: lo'olook,a
fifteen minim d,sc.
ai to o'clock one-fortieth of a
grain of itryohnioa wa given hypo,
A 10-mlnfm dose of digitals was
gtvm at 8 . dock
Strycbcla, oni-fiftlethof a grate, wai
given at :i 1 o'clock.
The etonui h wts wsihod at '' .'el- ck.
when a qosrt and a halt of black cof
fee was u v- 11.
Up to V 0'1'ock Drs. MlAndriWl and
Rod -.II and Ii vj nures bad been I r
forming nruiiijial reoplritlooi and in
deavorlng lo rouse the patient fr'tu
the stupor br alapping and rubbing,
A few moments uiur th coffee bad
been given she awoki Tns docl n
and nurses hal taieo working InOM
santly lor six an 1 a half hours.
At 10 o'clock Ibe patient was ratiju l
inongn to mmtlon familiarly the
n un m of 1 well k:.nwu fadividaal to
business in this cllv.
.Shortly after the permangnate had
been given at the hoepitsl the patient's
respiration increased from thr.-rf to
seven per minute When ttin troil-.
meal was oommeaa '1 no pnleatton of
lbs heart could be OOtOOted,
Both Dr Radaeill and Dr Mc
Andrews gave it at their opinion that
the case would have bteu h ip dess but
lor ttie administration of the now an
tidote, which was last nignt used in
Soranton for tbe first time
t ,.
Inieras'ine Men's Lstgut tlsbi s
The Men s League of the Penn Avenue
Baptist obnreh bid a very Interesting de-bat-
UUt night in the lecture loom of the
church. The subject wne: "Desolved,
That the churches pay too much for sing
ing." The affirmative was upheld by K.
S. Williams and the negative bv William
McClave. The pasU-r, I!ov. Warien U.
Partridge, and M -ssrs. WbttteBOre,
Kel'er, Tripp, Amuierinan and Dr. Cap
well joined Iu the disrli-sion. A vote of
the members was taken, which resulted iu
awarding the decision to the negative.
Ik vor haven mortgage, a lot a house
or a business roperty to ndl 1 shall n,,
pleased to confer with yon.
F. K. WOOD, Wood's College
One Dollar Pst barrel Savd
Hy using the ueted Royal Ulend Flour,
tho highest giude nnd best fntuiiy tliur
maautactnrsd. Used by Ihobsaudi, Ask
your grocer for it.
II. MoirraoimiT Co., Agouts,
7-ti w. Lackawanna avenna,
Stenoeraphrrs Furnished.
We are prepared to furnish busiuoss men
with llrst-chiss stenographers by the day
or hour. Kxpert bookkeeping a specialty.
Scrantou Coiumurcial Association, Lim
ited, 4''5 Spruce street. e
CUM rOB Citnrr. Uso Dr. Thomas'
Ep.lert l in ( 111 neenrilinc f.n tliriiet lrt,a I, ,.
the best remedy for all sudden attacks of
corns, i am aim iuiinmmation,auu injuries.
liishop Rallson, CoadJutOf of Central Peun
sjivania, Officiated.
Many WolUKnown Episcopal Clergy
men ot This Diocese Participated in
ihe Impressive Ceremonies Detail
ed Particulars of the Consecration
A. L. Urban and E. J. McHenry Or
dained at St. Luke's.
T!io Protcst'itit Episcopal Church of
the (iood Shepherd, Green Ridge, R v.
F, S, Ballon (Ine, rector, was conse
orated veitirday by Rt. Riv. Uishop
N. 8 Rulison, bishop eon ijutor of cen
tral Pennsylvania. The services were
participated In by n large number of
the clergy of this diocese who came to
tiie city in a special car on the Delu
wuio and Hudson road from Wilksr
Dirre, where the meeting ot tho arch
deuconry la being held at St. Clement's
I ho full wing clergymen partici-I
piieu in the oenmonieei Biv. u, v.
CoXS, AldlO, srobdeiOOn of Scrantou;
Rev, Henry L Jonee, 8. T. D, Vilks
Usrre; li-r. F, A (Varrinir, Mont
rose; Rev, Georgl P. Hopkins, St
venivllle; Rev C L Sleight, Wilkei
Bum; Hev. W K Daw, Towanda;
Rev .1 i- W.,re, Plymouth; Rev. hi
J. Btliley, Carbondalii Rv Edgar
Campbell, Forest (Ttv; R v. K H
Eckel, Wilt Plttston; Rv J, 11
wernir, Snsqoehana; Rev B, J.Mc
Henry, Philadelphia; Rev F s
liadeiiline, rector; Rev Rog-rs sril'i
Sorauton, and R v A L L'rbau,
Do li m ore.
Blabop Ruliioti, accotnpanie l by the
; inrplieed onoir,elergy and a number of
the laity, formally knocked st the church
door for admittance at 10.40 o'clock
i F.utr-iiien was given tho pirty by
j S.-nior Warden J. Alliens Robertson.
I who afterward read thu Internment of
donation The sentence of consecra
tion read by the rector
Included In the si-rvic, morning
prayers were end by Rev. Rogr
Israel, Rev. E J. Ualsley and It v 0,
L Sleight.
BUbop Bullion was thooetebrant ol
tbs Holy Communion, and Rsv.
Georgl P, Hopkins an I R'V. Henry L
.louse . !li lat I as epWtuler aud goe-
pellsr, respectively
Follow, ng th , b shop's sermon a
large number of pariibonen receive 1
holy eommnnton,
'IheclergV, some of whom were sc
companled by tbclr wlvaa, an I a num
ber of Ihe I lily In:, s d in th parish
building after t n s rrvtoe,
h. HMOX Vt TIIK liisiii.p.
The ten ,,f qi sermoa ws psalms,
Mil, " 1 he strength and he ml y of the
sanctuary." Tne tboughtexpreai d bv
the Uebon was that tne strength am
beauty of the cbnrcb ixlil In tbe iplr
Itnal, whil - many consider it only iu
the architectural ine probl-tu which
tl IU ill lltengtb is how Ij chsnge man
so that locks, courts, police, jsiia aud
landing armies shall o decreaaed
Tue beauty of the ehArch loclndel
tbl teaebtngl of our relali me, duly and
c mmuelon with God It is ibi
science t .uiit bv the cborcn wbiob is
her sal va (loo, Lecksy says Cmt the
ebnrcbii ibesoureeof tbe morel de
velopment f Bnropa Its province is
not to enter bnslneea, but to awskea
men's jud.-m-nl aul,iti-ken Ii'.scjU
Ictenee. Her purp e is e location.
m nnrao t, wujucs aaMi
The clergy depart-I st 4 o'clock via
the Drlaerir t i i 1 ll il- fi r d for
WllkeeBsrre, where the nrchdsseonry
session wi.i i e mtloned,
AtSo'elc k ywterday morning st
Il Lnke'i church Blab ; Rnlnnnor
dilmlA L Urban and E.J IfcHiary
t , th-d-.i , it- an 1 afterward Cili
Irited tody otnninniou.
Mr. 1 . iti i ; --,! 1 bv Riv
Rogers Dranl an l Mr MoHinry wai
nreeented t R v. T II Hiror.
1 litany rea I by R v. F s
Ballentin .
Mr. I'rh.nis in chir of St. Luke's
h nun r : ,'.i m 1 Mr M :! -i v l
a stn ii-ul at ihs Philadelphia Divimly
Resolutions S.-n-J br the Xlfrr.
Mayor Cnr.ell yeeti-rday signed a Lum
ber of rasKiuimns of eomcila Among
Item were the fallowing Proridn.g for
lee npavtag ol North Mala avenue be
tweea Lackawanna aveaae aadSwetlaad
street, awarding the contract t.. (jeorge
U.-ui-i i.a ti laying ,.f sidewalks on
sixth sin ot between L icka wanna avenna
a-.d i art 01 Street) ins-r... .ing the u:y el
glaaer to prepare estimates and plans for
a Twehiieth wsrd SSWeT; granting per-
Issl ia lo 1 1 party owners to grade Pnn
avenue b-lw,en Delaware avenue and the
North Park line.
Notice to Bkl
Thii BMmbereof H e F.iks will usemhie
at tbeir hall ."this Wdneday, mora
Ing alio o.loi-k siisrp, to atleinl the fu
neralof our l..t- bn thor, M. C. Drinker.
Funeral services at Urace l-f ,r:n-d F.ins
COpal church ai 10 H Interment nt Fw-
ret Rill cemetery. Klk's osremoalss, f.i -c-trie
cnr to cem dery.
K J. FiTlsiMl vs. Kx sited ituier.
Attest: w. l. Fbtor, Secretary, ee
Ttiov BaVI Ujqs Down
That le st liuei usey Hi others.
Axe tlif works of a wheelbar
row. It slmuM be oiled onoc
1! is a much finer piocc of
meohauiiin and thoald be
cleaned and oiled every year,
to koep it in good order.
Save it done by
W. W. Berry
The Jeweler
Who haa had twenty-five
years' experience. You will
Und him nt
A1"7 Lacka
Avenue. Best Sets of Teeth, $3 00
Including the painless extracting
cf teeth by an eutireiy new pro-
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
Xhirt-iW3 Qt Positions.
We offer special advantages during this
summer m Business, Shorthaud and Eug
llsh departments. The fad that thirty
two secured good positions during April
IS tbe heetevidence of the practical nature
of our work. Wood's College of DuBinets
and Shorthand. .
S Take' a new lease of llfo the minute S
m von bring it Into onr store. To con- .
mm - ---, ,nn ri 01 our svaien.oui
we nsme a few prices
5 TeaofCofftePotsS'oreSciyp a
1 ''Marion Harland' Cofea Fots B5g ,up
""- . .... .. .aw
A tnucli nnd thoro's the full B
5 olsse; another touch, gono : cienu, jg
irimpla, Mfa. 75s.-. up. Many I
I llsa and kin-Is.
5 '' up Don't build a large 3
VJ ' i nre this warm weather; H s
i the whol house un. on
St lortable s
S . e
5 We bit e something entirely new- S
- BPEARI Cooking Bange the 5
r- lateet wonder Quid to show you S
S thep i ta Come In and see, it is not S
g to buy always. -
no penn avkni is,
128 Wyoming Ave.
V7e are now displaying
a fine line of
The month of May always bring
these to the lure. It is the month in
which the GRAND ARMY in all
parts ol the Union sees to its uniform
and fits itself, to properly decorate
the graves of fallen comrades.
Full Grand Army Suits
from $6.50 up, single and double
breasted, each coat and vest being
made with eyelets and furnished with
two sets of buttons.
Every pnrchaaer uf ?l worth or over receives a chance or
the Beautiful PARLd K sriT.
-a- --e a, jl j j ,
Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA.
We Don't Want
The Drum
Your Ear
Straw : Hats
None Cheaper
Styles Correct
This Week
A $1.50 Leghorn Hat for
79 cents.
Flowers, worth 50c. a Spray,
For 15 cents.
Our Trimmed Hats marked down
to half price.
Cloak Oept
A find Clay Worsted Coat,
lined with Moire Silk, worth
$14. for $6.
A Black Moire Silk Cape fot
$9, worth $20.
Your choice of 100 Capes
and Coats, in all shades,
for $2.98, worth from $7
to $15.
Also, a Tailor-made Suit for
$4.98, worth $7.
138 Wyoming Ave.
But we to impress
upon you the fact that we
are offering better values in
footwear than any other
Shoe Hons.; in Scrantou,
Call and we will prove it to
you. The benefit will not he
one-sided, We'll t,ret a new
customer, that's true, but
you'll save money by trading
with us.
None Better
Prices Right