The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 16, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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rcBi.ism n DAILY in ScnAn ton, PA... bv
The Tkiul.nb Puulis.'iino Compast.
Nr.w York Office: TiunnNB Bctldino.
Inlered at the rmtofke at fcranttm, Ta as
Kecvnd-aait Hail Matter.
At a UBBTISQ of tlio directors oi' The
TlUBUNB Publishing company held
Moiulny evening, E. P. Kingsbury,
president of t.;e company, ml nlao
Oh (well general manager, in the place
of F. E. Won i, resigned.
The Stale Convention.
One week from today Pennsylvania
Republicans will hold ;i convention
which, by all indications, promises
to be one of the cnluiinating inci
dents of the rising wave el' Republican
enthusiasm which made a new high
water nark and set up a new stand
ard lat February in the pau
nomonal majority recorded for
Unlnfltia A. Grow. Nothing has since
occurred to eccnaiou any subudenco
of that IWMplog tula of aroused pat
riotic seutiment. Upon tue contrary,
all signs show a further! purpose of
file people to cast from the high placet
arranti who have abused the trust
mistakenly ooufidad to them in the
Democratic triumphs of two years ago;
aud next Wednesday's convocation will
give, this desire one chance.
While that assemblage will in t!i
inaiu be restricted in significance and
scope to stuto Issues, the fact that it
will chooso two Cindidates for OODgftM-men-at-iarne,
one of whom already pa
WUtM a prestige covering the molt
gloriom periods in Republican history,
will impart to Its doliberatlpni an ele
ment of national importance. There is
fortunately at thll time little doubt of
the selections that will be made in this
directum. With Major McDowell al
ready willing to bow gracefully to the
inevitable, it II probable that tho battle
for representative in congress will be
decided by au unanimous tote in behalf
of i irow and Llnff.
With reference to the purely Itate
portion of the ticket, there has devel
oped no opposition to the gubernatorial
candidacy of General Hastings; and
what lif.le uncertainty there recently
i silted relative to bis running mate
appfari almost to have vanished before
the accumulating strength of Walter
Lyon. General Latta, of Philadelphia,
for secretary of Internal affairs, and
Senator Mylin for auditor general
msy also i,e cboeen with
rut amous, if any, :..-t;i
Party sentiment among tlie tnasat was
never in a healthier condition ; enthusi
asm is averwbere mounting liigli and
the lUtatantial accord that exists be
tween leaders aud tue rank-and-file
betokens a campaign of exceptional
fervor and effectiveness.
As against this, what do the Demo
erataesbibitl Cuaoa aud despair. This,
indeed, is a wholesome Repabliean
TBI fUCCKSSIXI, application in this
city yesterday of the newly discovered
antidote lor opium p lieooing, pirman
ganate of potassium, elsewhere re
ported In detail, is an occurrence of in
terest to the medical profession.,
we believe, marks not later than the
fourth nae of this remedy, a fact
of itself illustrative of the alert
ness of our local physicians in
seizing upon and utilizing valuable
discoveries in their profession. The
usefulness of this antidote appears now
to be thoroughly demonstrated, pre
aentiug as it doss a r cord of four cou
eCUtiVS successes, with no failures.
American medicine den. rve to be cor
dially congratulated upon its pre-euU
tion of this priceless boon to mankind,
marking as it doc only one of hand
reds of feats thai have mad our coun
trymen pre-eminent in this saving
It is slightly, impossible as yet to
deeide whether or no the natural gas
wells oT I'rooklyn will render coal
mining unnecessary in this section of
the state.
Ridinf, to a Fool's Doom,
If it has not yet penetrated thronirh
th pachydermatous bide of W. C P.
Breckinridge that ha is persona non
grata to the reputable citlzsnship of
this republic, the sooner ho opens Lis
Stuffed pores to this wholesome fact the
easier will bo his let-down ac the po'ls.
The very fact that he depends upon
his deceptive elr.qnonce to wiu Ins finlit
condemns him th more hopelessly In
the judgment of pure-minded voters
Any common sinner would be n harm
less creature after huoIi an ezpoaore as
has come to Breckinridge. To permit
this wheedling and magnstlo rasoal to
got back into his old place unrepentant
and sardonic would bo to multiply
amazingly his opportunities for mis
chief. The American public is almost di
vinely charitable to tllOSS of Its former
favorites who err nnd candidly con
fess, lint it has no further use for
rognes wno whine, beg or bluster only
when found out. A man less puffed
np in his own conceit wonld not make
the great ruistak;; that Brcoklnridga is
making when he fancies that his per
verted abilities give him a lease on
tho sufferance of respectable electors
Elkltkicity, it la said, will soon be
generally naod for cooking purposes.
It is loss expensive than coal and gas,
aud when properly adjusted will pro
duce tho desired effect upon the hired
girl who, under tue present system,
lights the kitchen fire with kerosene.
What Has Been Done ?
In the interest of law and order it
might be well to ask for the result of
investigations in the case of Si Robin
son whose death occurred at it disre
pntable place on Center street sevend
months ago. At the time of Robin
aon'a death evidence was produced that
showed conclusively that his demise
had been hastened by a dose of poison
of a quantity apparently sufficient to
have killed an elephant. The coroner's
jury rendered a verdict in accordance
wilh the evidence and the proper offi
cer assumed charge of the case. Thus
faruo arrests have been made and
there ia nothing to show that the de
tective has ever made tho slightest in
quiry in the matter.
The fact that Si Robinson was not a
useful member of society is no reason
why possible murderers should go
unpunished. The evidence produced
at the coroner's inquest was decidedly
unfavorable to some of the associates
of Rotinsou, and it sisms as tliou;h
the interests of law and order coul I be
better served by an effort at convicting
his murderers than by flippant insinua
tions that Robinson was hotter deal
than alive,
THE oxi. y district convention elect
ing a delegate to the state convention
anil instructing him for lieutenant
governor was the ono held yesterday
i In the First Legislative district. While
the other Conventions instructed for
Grow and Hastings, the Republicans of
the First district came ont boldly for
the senator from Allegheny, Walter
Lyon. As the time for the convention
draws near those who claim to be on
the inside are very confi lent that Lyon
will have at least fifty votes to spare in
the contest. The friends of Robinson,
it is said, are desirous of ISOUrlog
recognition rather than the nomina
tion, nnd if possible to capture the
organis ition, This would appear from
the present situation to ba a rather
up hill task, nnd it may not bo at
tempted .
For the Nominee,
In view of the interest taken by many
persons in the Republican congres
sional situation in this county, and
more especially in the attitude of this
newspaper inward that situation, it
seems timely to rensat that THE Tittn
I'M: will, as usual, support the lair
choice of the nominating convention,
Until that oboice is reached it will, at
usual, keep bauds olf
As a newspaper it will strive, as bo
fore, to print the news, without to ;r
or favor; but as a representative of
progressive aud aggrsive Republi
canism it will not vt hue confidence
in the good sense of the masses of the
party to choose as tlieir candidates for
office m 'ii fit to represent them: nor
will it, wltbonl good came, as well as
reluctance, depart fro:u its rnle of
al solute neutrality between fairly not
ing candidates for the nomination.
We proffer this explanation for the
welcome benefit of all whom it may
Tin: Mi si.iM fnY.-r appears 1 1 have
fastened its grip Upon FolttfD, I I. Tue
members of a committee of arrange"
menta from that town have ft' to 1
Colonel Breckinridge $",i)j to deliver
th" oration at their coming Fourth of
! Julv celebration.
- -
A '. K A s : F I : s Coxey pissesslng suf-
I Sclent magnetism to turn th faces of
the Hobos in the direction of tb St
I ting sun or tho north pole, would inn-
teria'lv assist COOgreoa m solving a
knotty outgrowth of Democratic gojd
Mr. Farr Rt-nomlnatad.
The First Legislative district Bepub
lican convention held in M. D.tVl l's
ball yestord tv for the nomination of a
candidate for the legislators, la re.
nominating Representative J o n it
F.irr, selected a young man who is ag
gressive, intelligent and well known
During h:s two previous terms h hs
acquired a creditable p iiti n among
tho resourceful men upon the floor of
tile house at Barrisborgj ami his name
ia perhaps more famlll ir throughout
the state than that of any other Re
publican in his district, owing, of
course, to his free text book bill and to
his earnest - flirts in behalf of compul
sory ednoatl n
omitting from present consideration
any dissatlfactlon which may exist
amaig residents of the Providencs p ;
tion of the First district, at the site of
this repeated honor--a dissatisfaction,
by th w y, which it is to be eiptOted
tti Democrats will at one. pro l to
magnify Mr. Parr's thirl nomination
will doubtless generally he admitted to
hava come in the natnro of a reward
for gool public service. Whatever
may have been the BMtitl Of the geog
raphlcal contention between Hyde
Park and the KortB Bad, we liav not
heard it anywhere denied that Mr.
Farr, personally, is a 1'gisUtor of skill,
experience and energy. Even his re
cent competitors for the nomination,
like goo l fighters who a Imiro a clever
foe. concede that his record has been
one of merit.
The selection of Mr. Parr doubtless
means a revival of bis celebral '1 bsttls
in behalf of eoinnnlsory education. It
has-been Mr. Parr's ambition loses t Ii
measure ensoted into law, Tbs voter
of hia district will, in puling on bis
election, doubttees also p iss noon this
legislative proposition, The result will
naturally attract attention not only
locsily but throughout the state.
Ii tim: railroads of the Unite I states
were to relive their pass mger rates to
the level of rates in India, wi could
travel from New York to Philsdelphls
for 87 centsi from New York to Bos
ton for D'J cents; from Now Yolk to
Chicago for $3 75i an I from NeW York
to Ban Francisco for $14 The rate per
iniln on the lladras railroad is 0 II I
emit; which WOOld make th" faro from
Borantoh to Wilkes-Barre and return
eboiit 10 cents. The Indian style, ol
travol would be uncomfortable, how
ever. Whereas one passenger on an
American pan-eng"r train has, on an
average, one-forty second of tlio whole
trnin to himself, he would, on an In
dian train, haye to b? content with less
than one fifth so much space and less
than one-tenth so much elegance in
the equipment of road bed and coaches.
The FEDERAL authorities of Pitts
burg have incidentally performed a
aalutary service in behalf of morals by
notifying every keeper of a question
able resort that unless he shall take out
a federal revenue license ho will be at
once arraigned befora the United
States diatrict court. Dno'le Sam has a
way of enforcing his demands which
leaves little likelihosi that then l no
tices will be ignored. It is notorious
that in many places of vic which
conld not get licenses in the quarter
sessions court intoxicants are sold wi th
impunity and at prices that would
stagcer the license 1 dealer. If the
strong arm of the federal government
be extended to bring tUeati outlaws to
book it will be a ls.saon not without ex
emplary value ia those times, of re
formative ferment.
The Democratic party, like nbraEsn
thing devoid of shame, seems actually
to take a certain mean pleasure in ex
hibiting its utter unfitness, to govern
the republic.
BELGIUM'S KINO i the latest crowned
bond to fall before tho stunning genius
of James J. Oorbett And yet soma
nay that America's pride, is misplaced,
It is UNFOBTURATI whenever a good
movement becomes indiscreetly man
aged. Self-destruction Is tlio cruellest
fate of afl.
- -
Wb have hop"s that Richard Croker
car, vet be Induosd to have mercy on
tue inner lean
Colfee Cools.
Tho convention of the Woman's
clubs in Philadelphia which the other
dav took strong ground against woman
soffrage will evidently coincide with
the eloquent Senator Daniel, of Vir
ginis,wben be said of M try, the mother
of Washington : "She did not shine
ami 1 the throng: Which bow to the
Charms of wit, and beauty and bopil
all ty. but In any assembly of the bean-
fill, the brilliant, th-s powerful, "r the
brave of her aex, no form could kWaken
a holier sentiment of raverenus than
sh, and th it sentiment is all tho
leeper beoauss alio was the un
assuming wife nnd mother, whos
kingdom was her family, wh so
world was her home, In tho shadow
and in the silence from W(- to day and
year to year sbs followed the guiding
star of that truth which tells US that
"to do that which b tore us lies in
daily life is tho prim" wisdom." She
was the good angel of the bearthston ,
tiie speri tl pr.ivi leiico of tender heart i
aud helpl"ss bands, content t bear her
bur lens In the sequestered vale 0f life,
her thought uupervertod by false nm-
t Itions, an i all nnlooking for the groat
reward taat orownoi her love and
e e e
Wllkes-Barre, to have a Wash
ington monument l be v trions p ttrl
itlc orders of Lns;rns county have
formed a central committee, which
will arrange for the construction of a
t itule similar to toe oueucoitlv un
veiled in this city, twill cost (8,000
an I be lee it I on the public square
fm ing ons of the Incoming streets " i
the wi ir, it he.-iiiH to look as if there
were to be In this country a reviv il of
patriotic regard for the hero oi Mount
Vernon These waves of feeling ebb
an i ft iw, There w a p rl al noi long
sgu which might not Inaptly bavs ben
e.i'iei th-ebb-tide of our patrlotlem
Are we now borne onw rd by the re
turning tldl 7
A gool evidence that there Is an in
creeling demand tor ti illey car fender
i supplied by the mnlttpliolty of de
vices ' flat tin 1 their wav lot I the patent
ifflce it Washington. It la said more
man 900 models of fenders have been
submitted for elimination thns far
this year, esoh invrntor hnptn, donbt
less, to till tiie selling popular von) and
, . Ii a tally beoorac a milllonaita
Meanwhile oar oompaolesare holding
iff until tlio desired efliiiency is
n scbs I, when it is safe to icy that few
trolley oars will long remain nnequlp
ped witb fenders, The la tbat a
good fender, altbonghxostly, would be
a fi ret-ct is Ii vestment an 1 one a wreat
deal more economical than the ret b
tion of a large oorpe of lawyers under
salary to Qgbt claims for dam uros,
The remits of oil optratioai up at
Brooklyn, Botqoebanna dbnnty, are
await' , with Interest by residents of
the - .; - '. oil ta-lt. Tie b .ring IS
now In liisre of New York parties,
who ! ive enlist l the interest of far
mers ia that vicinity, who in return for
fuel and other ..uppiies Uke st -ck III the
prospective gusuers. Great cctpct is
erved lotnework mil tneunilers
Will give no information as to the depth
of timbers holes. It is estimate) that
the wells ar Imw ubOOt 1,(00 lest 111
lepth In easn oil i found many in
timate t'.lt that ttie Wells will be
plugged until small stockholders can
he in Inct i t i part wim their claima.
If the ill prospectors imagine that eny
scheme ol that nature can hu success
fiillyworkol upon tho boaest plough
man of Susquehanna connty, tney are
not thorongb students of human na
ture. If there is anything in the Brook
lyn oil Weils the gentle resdr and ail
others interested may be assured tbat
tl, r::iq i.'li tr.r.a granger will c on in
for a shars ol lubrication if he has to
Wait a quart, r of a century for a Settle
I'ther processions have inarched ou
vtasblagton, bat their march was on vi
-. Intel ll.a !' I. . - nilel. Ihe." Weill In
palace cars and AistnrMM no watohdogtn
passtng on ineii way w iim loooy of tiie
Capitol. Uepresentlng the boada, the
stocks mid the aith.of tu.. nation, they
wore Cordially received nnd servilely
obeyed by the Congress, whleb voted away
lands, gave mid took siirh
aeuon as mads poverty acquainted with
tbo isan is wlo hai bui beard ol H before.
Tim h i went in palac e ems went to ob
tain something from Congress ehloh
would benefit them without adding to the
prosperity of the people, The Coxey
ruovi m m has si iea-t the merit l being
nusrlftsb, eve. i if it is not so aristocratic
la Its tnake-np, had the anny of velvet
remained away rroiu IVnsbtngtoa tine
who are oow approacbiag it in hobnailed
shoes wonld not have an szease for goiug.
N-id V k-e ol OiB'tind..
- of, r Dsfniriss,
We me inclined to tbll I; that ii Vote of
tl. unks i due to Senator Peffer, He hahu't
made s speech In several iia.s.
I lofl te It Orrn t K cour.e.
A foooa T
Tho Democratic tarty ran make more
noise over a doblous victory than auy
other organisation on earth,
Dlot eh inti d
1 saw her almost every night,
This charming little creature!
To see her act was my delight,
Ublldllke in every feature.
Her petite form, so trim mid uent,
With roiy lips halt parted.
The childish rule did take no sweet,
No Wonder 1 was started.
"Fancbon'1 was the part she played,
1 could not but admire her;
So tho play once ended 1 delayed
To ask her if I'd tire hor
1 boldly walked behind tho scenes
My feelings WOO Id not smother;
A y i ung man shouted to my queen;
' Let's exit this way, mother.'1
A Soub of Fit h Time.
When the 1lh is in tho river au' tho lie is
in the man,
An' yon see tho worms wiggle in tbo an
cient oyster can ;
Just cork your little demijohn, an' then
fer pleasure plan,
When the list) is in the river an' the lie Is
in the man I
.iilioua touslitulion.
Why Croksr Bislgncd
Aeto York Commercial-jlili'tr' :r.
There is no concealment necessary or
possible of the motives that prompted Mr.
t'i oker's resignation. He has made ell the
money that it was safe for him to make,
or possible to make and keep without dsn
g ft of running foul of the law and confl.s
caslon, and he is shrewd enough not to at
tempt to secure more than be can carry
;r. Meantime be proposes, with tho as
sistaiio of the innate generosity of tho
American character, of which he has had
many proofs, to make Ids retirement from
further connection with a pestilent politi
cal institution a full equivalent of tho
enormous t urns of money thnt ho has acquired.
TN paint the best is the
cheapest. Don't be misled by
trying what ia said to be "just as
good," Lut when you paint insist
upon having a genuine brand of
Strictly Pure
White Lead
If costs no more per gallon than
cheap paints, and lasts many times
ttj long,
Look out for the brands of White
Lead offered you ; any of the lol
lowing are buiv :
s Atlantic"
'Tnhnoitock "
"Beynvr-Baunian "
" Ar:nstrons ic McKsIvy,"
For Colors. National Load Co.'"
I'ure White Lead Tinting Colors.
Tlrsemlors Ira i,.il Innnc-ponnd cirii. each
!'" "n'Clml loCbll M pounds ! --truly
i -i IVBIts Li .i i ibednbed shade; thq srs Si
i cn rttdy-Blxcd paints ' "i s inn
pi i iiu. i v pun i ilon in las handiest iumi io
iimsiti, ih Pare Whin 1 1 id,
agaod mShytbou snddi I bus have been saved
pi pnrv-i en, i. hybavlai our book oa painting
ail 1 i-pk r-UTd, boiil u.ajiU.I iaj aud 3
Loll. lid-.
N 1 riONAL LEAD CO., Nets York.
. . .
Mill &
131 and 133
N. Washington Ave.
Large Stock
Bottom Prices
lUliULI!! UL
8c Co.
Meat Market
The Finest in the City
Tlio latent iuiprovwl fnr
nlsl ir.i uml apparatai for
kaaping meat, bnttsr nml ega.
d 1 OF tinning and soldariBi sll iioii" awuy
Hli by the US Oi IIAIii'MANS I AT
I'.NT PAINT, ahtcb SOOslvta nt iiiin,Jl nts
woll-knaen tool It nan be applied to tin,
galvanised tin. sheet Iron r, i'. n,s to brick
aweUluee, which Wlllprerenl absolnteli any
crumUUns, oraoklng or hreaklng ot the
bn, k Itwlltoatlaii ilnnbiK ot any kind by
many ysrs.and It's cont iWs not okivoiI on,-
lirtli tlmtor hucoit of tloiiinit. N hoM by
tin' job or podod. Oontraots taken by
a.momo BAUTMANN, SSI I IrohBt.
Li7! J U
WANT a Piano or Organ Cheap?
An extra fins limry F, Miibr Ion are
hauo -. i"i
An extra ll:io "(.liieltiTing 'Siiiiaro I'inoo 1"
A (ood Haines Brothers Btiuare Piano.., Wn
A good Meyer limthors - quavo Plano w
A good firth & Pend BQQero Piano 75
a Rood Pinpbpala Bqaare Piano on
a very loocl Bcmon Piano t-o Wniuut
upright ino
A very rooiI Wht'vluck Upright Piano., ixu
A very itoml WhuvlouH Uiinubt Piano., 150
The shewer of encomiums constantly passed upon our p;oods don't
fall upon any particular branch or kind alone. Everything we keep,
from the homely Muslins, to the fascinating Wash Fabrics in Cottons,
to the useful Flannels, to the natty Dress Goods in Woolens, share
alike in the rain of compliments. In Notions and Furnishings
"Examples miirbt be hcapod until they hiile
Tho rules, which tliey were muiic to render plain."
Those Scotch Dimities now in our windows.
The Lovely and Artistic Parasols and Umbrellas.
Laundried, Unlaundried and Silk Waists.
Covert Cloth and Serge Ladies' Suits.
Carpets and Draperies
Never so varied and so cheap as now.
Thousands of Remnants of
Worsted and Wash Dress Goods
In our Basement, which are thirsting for buyers at eager prices.
Extraordinary Sale of
In Tan3, Browns, Navy and Black, of Covert Cloth, Kersey and Diagonals. Such
a slaughter never known before.
With tho New Valves
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 31 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Hoys' and
Cirh' Wlvels. We are mak
ing extremely low price, on
Second-hand Wheels,
314 Lacka. Ave.
Fountain Pens
Fountain Pens
Fountain Pens
A Guaranteetl Foun
tain Ten, regular
price 1.50, lor
98 Cents
Reynolds Bros.
Strtioners and Engmvera.
Dr. Hill Son
?rt twth. KJO', best set! SS; for cM pars
anil tnutb wltliout plnt.m, callml crown anil
brnlp work, mil lor iirlooa and rcforonom.
Tun ALU 1 . ior ttraoUog u'atli without
l ulu. No etbet, No tta-i. HKST NATIONAL rtANK.
A very tood iflioiilngrr I'prlKht Piano.,
a atason A BanUin.nearlyneWiblfbton,
iioubut reed
An A. B Chaasj nearly now, blfhtOPi
iloubio read
A I'tiieaco t'nltni;e,iiiMirlv new, liit'li lop,
donbbl rei'il
A WoreoHtnr, nearly now, high lop,
doubly reud
s w
and Organs at Wholesale aud Hetall, 00 Installments.
221 Sprite St, Cp. Tribune Office. , SJgSM
TXK "I'T tli,' flart lino uf V liwl.t of kil Krilee and iroaranto ftvrrr inahtn
wM rarc liin tasftat to r.'l i nil of ln.r iU fur cm;l'KUe.
JUST MABRIED1 Goiog to hoaukeping, of conrso. Don't make
a mistake at lli' beginning ami fail to get an
We have tin in and many othiT tiling? vou want.
Ril 'j;-- si
The best is none too
good. Ours are 18-k.
All size3 and weights.
423 Lackawanna Ave.
The (i .Marvel ol Dental Science
A rcecnt discovery nnd the sole
property of
Henwood k Wardell,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
After haelag eleven teeth estreated at
one Minn- by tb, im mI, -. inetboil, 1 pro
nounco It entirely utUrnotory In every
particular. J. i. iKAMONS
a Btandard,nearly new.high top,doubie
A rhoninger, nearly new, high top,
double reed W
And ubout Jl other good second hand or-
gntia, f-i to in
The above oolleotlon of second hand insra-
Tiiriita aruall in Itood ordor, fully tfiiirnn
teed, tho greateet bartfulnn ever offered hi
thin city, fall and bo thtm. UUTtabtteblS
or : ii hi f ir
WEKE $12 00
Globe Shoe Store!
3S7 L ( K .. AVK 5
tvann & Powell S
A limited comber of tho above
bonds are for Bale at par and ac
crued interest by the following
parties, from whom copied of the
mortgage and full information can
be obtained:
E.W. Slnllignn, Cashier Second
National Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
W. L.Watson, Cashier First Na
tional Hank, l'ittston, Pa.
J. I Polen, Cashier People's
Savings Bank, Pittstou, Pa.
A. A. Bryden,President Miners'
Savings Hank, Pittstou, Pa.
Ami by the Soranton Savings
Hank and Trust Company, Trustee
under the Mortgage.
T, a Atherton, Counsel,
Inserted in THE TKIliUNE at the
i ate of ONE CENT A WORD.