The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 16, 1894, Image 1

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    The Third
7te0 who
wish them should order
t'i i I . I I I ' .' t I I
now ready.
Dr. Rice Wins (lie $25,000 Stake and Honey
(or His Backers.
Forty Thousand Peoplo Witness the
Great Handicap Race at Gr vescnd.
The Winner Is Followed by Henry
of Navare, Second, and Sir Walter,
Third An Interesting Review of
the Day.
New Yokk. Mav 18.
THE Brordrlyn handicap, tli lirtt
big tnrf event of the season, wa
wou bv Dl Rico in the fast time
of 2 08j today Ovtr forty
tlU'Usntiil pertmia daw tha riot It was
an i leal day for the race. Tha track
was In perfect con litlon Md Ihtr waj
every prospect of the r.-cird of 07 ll it,
made by Dry Monopole, getting low
ered The taclosart was nnoomforta
b'.y crowded. Ail the trantporlatlon
faoilltiM wort overtaxed and tbo work
of getting to and frutn the track was
ninl nrdtious task.
'Ihe batting rinu Wat 10 crowded
that it w it in much in a person's life
wai worth to atttmpt to tnakt a w,;er.
I' natdwl tut aervioet of a rnhei- of a
toot iiiii taan to make a bat.
Tne l itf steal wai tbtfoorth race on
the c ir ! It was pc leduled to take
jiIt- a -1 o'clock, bnt tt was nearly
4 4( whan tue flan felt. Th nurses
were ut tha poal in-rly forty minutes
Break idler brtag OOO Or rod, Imt no otic
Wris ivm ei'ongli to warrant their
thing tbe word Copyright, Herald,
Aj X mol Conanofaa caiue out to the
fnrluOg post fully a half dos-n tiuieii
Copyright's fractious temper 1 wai
really the thitf cause of the ilelav
Bport,rontrary loftnttal expectations,
behaved biQBelf well tbroogboot th
eonilnit orJoal Comanche was restive
an I did ooosidarablt buck j tunning.
Ianwliodrr alto give u grand ttaud
Hhibitlon of tad temper. He nuoigtd
to McDerototi onoa and had bin
on btl neik -Tral time. A crow. I of
aeveral tbonaaad pet meaargad aronod
tbhebnta, This aide toe itortairea
live It tret Unall 'It aidtd to opin the
turn Which had b, en tvuiioranlv
closed and mike tha Itarl there Tins
wa doti. A it irt wa ttnaily effected.
It lo k-d to l-e a fair Ota for all but
Lowlandcr Martin; however, did not
think Ll WU start aud C.illurd w.
left itundiiig ntiil. Tbonpeoo alao be
gat fo pu.l up bport jtst at lhay got to
the flig. MoDtrCBOtt tnd BO effort
to juin the field with Lowlandor. 11 canter-1 back to the paddock,
Clifford and Sort weut after tha
oth-rs, bnt mvi up the ntriual etrutf
gli vary toon,
( i riMRI Titr. ratTMAKKR.
Copyright wan the pace inuker to the
titHt tan-. He t a clinking pice
It-rgaii undo uu effort to draw away
ffoabla Bald at they ne. ire I the far
turn, but failed sunnily to do to
Bvnry Of Navarre, who bail been his
t Barest attendant ail the way, tnov.l
np to bin Tha Instant at was col-
lored by NSTsrre, Copyright wnt
le.iteo. .Navarre pllOltd the btld into
tba he in atratth lr H:ce an I Sir
Wtittr who bad btm in aaay positiooj
and well np, with one accord, alotsd on
KnT.irre a- M jn ua thvy Were headed
fur home.
A 'ling ilnnk' fiiJili then brm Tnral
rode Dr Blot with tie strength tad
rntfgy that bats Bade hun fanoas,
BtaTftdblui to the utmost limit of
" The t;uie fellow reapoadad
lo whip an I spar to tin last wr, gad
finally wiui u snporb race byaaotat
length Hanry ol Navarre strul-d
gantly to the In.t .np Ba lasted long
m.oUlIi to beat Sir Walter half a
length for the place Sir W alter we.
really not up to a braising race. The
aaa sad oi.tance btgan to tall ou bin
lie faltered ut th'i critical jaaotnrs
The cry that thu favorite win. rent I ho
air when Doggett iua lo hi. i (Tort with
the lOaaigSOBi little feliow
I: was prsinatare mb Sir Walt r va
td oat aud really had aotblng laft with
which to aaitb, I;. !. . the im
pol led boft, made it croditnulii allow
ing. His Boisfa Wtl the atrotigest of
the lo:, ua nou . of the others hud any
tiling in rpare. Oonanobt took it into
his bead lo run wi.en it whk too lata,
Ajax wua naver onco dangerous or
prominent. This alio applies to Un
(j Bill tSO, Diablo sad Herald.
Fr 'il Foster, Hie owni-r of Dr. Uic.
backed tho bortt heavily on the winler His vrinuinge nggiegale J."iU,i)0(i
In ,uMi!j..n to the stake, which is worth
I2.i,000, tl B 000 of which note 1 1 Dr.
K:ce. A ntimh-r of persons backed tbo
lorae on Sumleker's hook. Wheu they
trtattotaab ia they found an empty
box Snodeker had deenmpod. Ttie
saddest individual of the lot wis man
who held a ticket which read "ll BOO to
fflOO, Dr. Kice." Snedeker nude a fu
ture hook on the race and owos several
thousand dollars.
Tha disgruntled pool room men are
determined to enforce the lottery law
as luterprelod by Judge Prior, c.insed
the arrest of President P. J Dwyer
and the judges during the nfternooa.
The nrreat, ho far us Mr. Dwyer whs
concerned wpb u farce. A man from
Polio Justice Wulsh's court told him
that he was under arrest and aked him
to go before Justice Walsh to morrow.
He promised to do eo.
All went well until tba third rare.
Just us th" horses were going to the
POST Sheiift Hulling, of Brooklyn, and
several deputies quietly took tip a
stand in the ju Iges' Inclosnre. They
told the judges that they were under
arrest. As sonu as the race was run,
Judges Simmons, McDowell and
Smith were taken beforo Judge Watson
who wss holding court in the Qraves
end town bull. They were admitted
to bail in $1,000 each.
It is said that over aixty warrants
have been i-siied and whok-siile Hrreets
will follow. It is the ultimate inter:
tlon of I Lacey and his cohorts to
Selte the race horses as gambling para
phernalia. The race track people make
light of the affair and say It will all
end in smok. They insist that so long
as the Ivea pool bill conditions are
complied with no law is violated. The
pool room men ami their lawyers iu
slst thnt Judge Prior's decision in the
Irving Brotton case, in which he de
clared the Ives bill unconstitutional,
has rendered the bill unit and void
and that the officers of the Brooklyn
Jockey club aro violating the lottery
law und aro liable to a p-mnlly of two
years' imprisonment or a tiae of $1,000
for each ollencc.
Hjwu & llumtnl, the counsellors for
the pool room men, say they will see
that tbo laws are enforced, Btonenell'i
victory over Dr. Hasbrouck la the in
augural event, wus a severe blow to
the talent. It was also a faoer lor the
bookmakers. M. F. Dwyer began the
season with one of his fanoBf plunges
Ua got the substantial odds of S to 1
against him. A neat sum was nutted
for the Dwyer faction of each of the
110 books that did business on th
track. He also won heavily on "Boss1
Croker's eo!t Utica, lu the third raoa.
The ex-Tammany chieftain hud a
liberal commission on his colt. Tha
Dwyer' left Bauqu'-t itverely alone in
tue Brooklyn handicap. The .stewards
appointed by the jockey club for tba
Urooklyn Jookev club -spring netting
are P. j. Dwyer, John Hunter und J.
(I K. Lawrence. Had tbajadgstaol
secured bail these gentlemen would
iiuva judged tba races They, as it
bappsBtd, had nothing loda
TI1K t.vnmsT Tt UK BKVIH0E
Tbt jookey olnb bat taken upon it
self to issue all complimentary and fr
nndgwe. This nada tba rev nu on
Brooklyn btadlosp day mm of the larg
est in the history of th Am-ri.- m tnr".
The bookmakers an not plesse.l with
tne arrangements They predict ditai
ter ou i IT r wet day", und Ht strongly
opposed 1 1 the Innovation or, in fac,
anything suggested by thtj okeyolnb
for the benefit or purification of the
Imposing Spectacle at AltOont on
the Occasion of the Grand
Lodge Mealing.
Al.T'ONA. Pa. M..y 18 Tbt Old
PelloWt' parade this tfternoot w,,s of
SOtrtt the great public fsators in c m
nrction wilb tho meeting of the gr md
lo ige and grand tnetnpnent, At i lo
tbe chief ni irstial gave tnr signal nud
tbt par ole utarte I, bttded I y the lnm
bvrs of the rsceptmn emmittee. Next
It them came Cbl f Martbtl A .
Lvtlc. thecnluf of staff, A K. UoiltD,
a d tid.
Th Aitaona 01 tf htad rim. next,
followed by th Dt r'm'nt Coaaoil "f
Pi'n.y Ivanta, Patritroh's Militant.
I'.ii formed Ilink. U" ler the cm matu:
l( tienerel Llwird 0 DttB, of ran
ton (.'lose tiehlnd tliem ce'ne the nn
brs of A'toon i Caatoo, No 21 I'ni
forntd Rar.k, Knight of Pythlat
The Altooua enoim; w .s next in
Tne second dlfltloa WBS bstdtd bj
Marshal A C. Banmtker. Tba Ky
stone band of Ulllvtlle BJ IM I I
directly larbiud the mars'isl. bring fol
lowed in turn bv th tn'iniers o! tbt
M-liwood Lodge. NV 1009 and hy the
Verandah lo.lj,-. (fai 589, of Al toons.
Loth org iBllttl in turning out strong) i.
The Hollldtysnnrg 8ooial bni bttd
sd a large dtlaCBMeat from th Holli'
dtvtbBM Wg, N". lit) tue Bellvlew
lolge, No. I'J7 if a. beiog 1 1 x r
in the rank of the parade Center
lodge, No IM of iteiifo.itn. wbioh
citne BSXI wa stro-igly ref resented.
Beblad them cams the Fifth H'gimnt
Drum corps, follnwel ty the Logan
lodge, No 101?, tbe nenbert miking a
good showing. thir Mriw hat. being
quite a feature of t i piral .
The Hsrltlog lodai of Aleiand'ls,
Pa , aud Mo intain ('iiy lodge, Mo s 'T
Vtrt next on tha ilst, both OrgBUlM
liOBI having manv uimtnrs la Hut
Hie model lodg. No DM, of R xriiij
Spring, heile l by the drum corps of
the iran 1 Army of the RepabllO 'if
tint borough, ntrobsd itroagly and
wll, closelv followet by Altoonu
lodge, No 473 (,'.aytmrg lodge. No
718, ww tne last but OBtoe tha list, the
rearguard of the par,l" lei g th,.
popular H I Dtvis lodgs of this eity,
One item of t usiti.s Irtntttttd at
'.lie session of the DttgbttM of K
hekali this morning is worthy of sp
eul note II was the passage of a reso
lution to cst.iblish a home f,,r Odd Fel
lows' wives at Philadelphia with Mrs
K M. Erdtnati as prc-i lent. The home
will be instituted June 7.
Arguments on lbs IuJ inctlon Cass
a. n O.ttrsbuis lavadera
PHILADXLPBIa, Pt , May 15 .Argu
ment waa begun today before Jodgt
Dallas in the United States circuit
c iurt in the proceedings of the govern
ment to preserve tho btttlsflslds at
(ietlysburg. The motion is tor th nt,
poiutmeul of a jury to condemn abont
two miles of r.iiiway right of way of
the Gettysburg Elevated Railroad coin
puny ou the battlefields and for an in
juuetion to restrain tbe oonpany from
constructing the proposed trolley pe id
the proceedings.
The petitiou of the railroad companv
to th court to dismiss the motion of
tho govrumetit aud to ijatih the pro
ceedings was filed. Th toort took
the pupera and reserved its docisioti.
Rosobery's resigned minister, Mundella,
will appeal to his constituents for re
election. A Husslan annr'ohist was arrestcl in
Amsterdam tor placing a bomb iu front
of a church in Liege.
The governor of Alsace-LtirraiDe ha.
canceled tho order forbidding tho produc
tion uf tn opera in French.
Anarchist Simon Tournemuirn hus been
arrested in Paris for having caused the ex
plosion at Colonel Mussing 'a house.
Seven of the Argentine wheat steamer
Thy ra's crew perished iu acolhiion with
tho Italian steamer riemo, near llueuos
M. Eiffel's engagement to pay ? I,IK)0,000
toward tbe formation of n new l'anama
Canal company has been sanctioned by the
rreucn courts.
Emperor William threatens to Mpprjsi
Professor Ludwlg Quidde's pamphlet, "Ca
ligula," which so paraphrases t no story of
tho Roman eunoeror's madness as to uiaku
it apply to the kaiser.
A F!re at the Bjse Ball Grounds Spreads
OWf Aces.
Small Boys L;r;ht a Lot of Sh.ivin-s
Under tho Elenchine; Boards--8e
(ore the Conflagration Is Checked
It Has Extended Over Twelve Acres.
Excilinc; Scenes During the Blaze.
Boston, May 15. 7 . n.
THE fire winch broke out iu the
"bleacher" seats on the Doston
League Paso Hall grounds this
afternoon, consumed all the
buildings ob the bat f ball groaads,
Inolnding th grand tttn 1. ami some
100 liutldiag, mostly small woolen
I welliags east ol the grounds, between
Walpole, Bnrke, Iteriin and Treinool
str-ets Prom ten to twenty persons
were it j mil 1'ne llr . has crossed
Trrnoni street to the ast and is
spreading A' least 330 faniliea will
be ren lered bo nel h.
6 80 p m. Toe tire i ander a mtrol
Roughly slatd about twelve acr-s
bare been bumel over, from fifty ti
sixty baiidlagi deatroye 1 ta I soib i BOO
faniliea male bonelett, Tu tir
crossed TrenOOt ureet U) the east In
three pi aces, tint Was COtflatd miinlv
to the seetioB boaaded ty Sterling,
iiurlt" and Cihot streets,
Beveral tiremn wre i jural nn I
Chief Webber was badly hurt and
taken to the hospital Several piece
ol tir spparatat had to o abaml toed
Probably tbe nost Valaable nuiidingt
horned Wtrt tbt grand s'sn I .,11 the
hallcroood, which cost 78 000 and
the Franklin school n 1 rem mt .ir-et.
No attempt his been made a. ytl lo
tttlnate the lois
Btlp was siiiiiiuoned from all cti-s
and towns within ten miles of BoatOB
but prove 1 BOt to be ne led.
Tiie ieoon ! of lbs jris ol g im s he
twen the Bostoo'i and Baltimore!
bad begun before sone8,M0peatstors
(Ttttltd hv th tboroach I teat of the
preriow day. the Chimpion were
playing ball f ir all they Welt wort:,,
and ranning bat t in a way that
tbrttteaed to otrry every tblag before
then, Hit two and a half Innings
had tweu played, and the lUltitnt,r's
wre to take their turn at ttie hat
In tlte Uat part of the third inning
the contest was laterrapted it
SttQet which BOB) I t sr.-n rising fr,,n;
tbt ng'lt li dd ' ' Itrt I WAS a few
ItaM alter i o clock w .en the boys
ii. p vfiilne.s. t tir- li th rbewiaga
A taonenl afterwards th blati ha i
spread to SOch an xtnt that th boys
Beoane frightened at the uaespeeted
results of t (f I illy aad ran sway.
The ootraptatt of tba bleaoh rt ftti
ing the warmth ur.d-r them Janoed
from th-ir sts m wild torn teal
ami tried to extinguish tbe flanet by
tearing th ru' tlsli nwy and n-attet
lag it as best Miey eon !. I ut tb liinf
reime I to ht extlagalths l a- d gathered
heaiwav with a p rdtern-i- w: im sur
prised tti tn, ,nd in fw lonmt .
-xcittt.g uort ialartst tiuu tbeaatloa-
al k' me.
Aftr five or ten lalaates of u-iivi .
mg w. rk sons one snggested oalllag
ih- lir depinoi it 1' ... ii ,t alarm Wat
rung i.i t I 17 p ni This wus f.. -lowed
by a Beeuad al III, a third at
I 'J.' iad a fourth at 4 U rbe depati
in tit was siow in trtti ig to work and
before any one evened loreallsi the
,1.,'ngr the !'. met th r i Ktyo id 8 ntro!,
in tn, t it' , OBSldered sj'k-.
ill less tn ill three hours s unn twelve
acre of territory wr baraed Tbt
tis ball grind It nl and I lit ch-rs. a
large school home, nn IBgiaa house
and 161 wooden lunldlngs Iniru d itid
1,000 familis r-nd re I bum-b-st T ie
loss i onnsarvatlvely tttiuattd at
rrnm .iiXVKtO to 30 i ooo alth nigh one
autboiity p its it at 11,000,090,
gimii DiPARTunri out.
Btfor 8 o' lock b lp had I ren sum
to IBS 1 from nil cdtl -t and towns within
ar.idiiis r.r ten niltt of BottoB Boor
afterward control of tho fire Watte
enred and the call Wat rescinded. A
few minutes past II o'clock a woman
was seen coining from a hou.noti Cabot
stteet with her Blotbiog iilire. Hne
made a frantic rush from the Street
toward tlin ropes wh"ti th patrolmen
osagbt bar Ib tbelr arne, rolled her in
the street and thereby saved her life,
as she escaped with only a f w slight
After the fir hud secarod htad way
and had BBVtloped two ttDentOl
houses on streets siding the tiaii
grounds, tiie cry was railed that flve
small children were in on of the build
ings, and In the steond story. A
woman on Hnrku strt. wringing her
hands shrltktdl "Where are in v
Near to hand were Charles W. Kiton
aud Mr. Ciisu-k, of Brooklloe, who bal
been BtttadiBg the hail game. They
instantly sprang to the resent of tbe
little ones in tiro burning building.
Mr Coiiek brought out lUreo and Mr.
Baton saved two, Tbey wsnt through
olotids of smoke in order to do this and
Willi peril to their Uvl'8
WttOH'l N Alt t iw KSOAP1
Michael Welch euttred Into his hOtts
to s.ivesotne personal eSeotS, bnt the
building had then ignite I and the
flames spread so rap, lly that his es
cape was completely cut off. lie rushed
to tho roof of his butldlag and w hen
enveloped iu flames, jump d to the
ground, about !I0 feet. He landed on
his feat, but was severely Injured In
ternally, nnd whs picked up In h semi
conscious condition and tak-m to the
City hospital. He will probably re
One man whose name could not be
learned was Itlted wi'h paroxysms of
fe.,r when the fire ignited his home,
aud the result of the attuck was com
plete prostration. His condition is
very precarious.
The following were taker: to the hos
pital Blightly injured: William 11.
Horn, John T. Kane, Timothy F.
Nense, Lieutenant Hawyer, of Engine
2i); Chief Weobjr, badly hurt.
i IS
A Wealthy E-owsr and His Al ir -d F,"
male Companion Aereeted.
Rbadino, Ph., May 15. Rebecca
Pottelger, alias "Lady R ed," was ar
reaitd by Constable Wagner snd De
teeiivo Jlartz on Alderman Brown
well's warrant, on tba ohargs n orinl
Bal OOndtlOt, on oath of -Mrs (l-orge F.
Loner, wife ot th well known brewer.
Qeorgt P. Ltiur was arretted on
Alderman Van Heed's WHtraUt, charged
with nriuina! intintey with Miss
Pottelger, on oath of Mrs. Liner's eon
(by her first marriage), William P.
Bengal. Bail was oatared 1b each case
iu ths sum of $,)ii) lor court
After tne arr. sis attorneys for Mrs
Latter begin suit for llnlttd divorce
wiili alimony against Mr. Lauer, and
claiming one-third of his net income.
When Mrs. LtOer, who ha I sent
the evening with her son, returned to
tbt palatial rvsidonct o! her haabaad,
iri S nth Third st.lsst night, she was
Informed by tho butler that she Conld
not enter, and that Mr LiBtf had
sent word that it was not her hoiu say
Snuw fha-: 8-. 8rv Warnli a
U,,n 'tb-ra to Cuaea 'Vork.
Hi i.i.i roMTt, IV, Mav 18 Whea
the niiiwis wut oat iu the Snow Shoe
lisuict tho operators took off their
ooata aad went to work themselves,
Bliniug a.i l shipping two and thr-e
c is i dsy to sapply Ineal irad. Oa
Saturday tbt miners strved totlos on
al: such tint 11 Ibty valued their lives
tbty had U'tt-r stop
The operatort held a oontnltati m
aud cnucloded to heed th Warning
snd today the Snow Shoe niaeri wr,
entirely dettrted. Tho coil supply i.
very law ben 'l be water works' on
whloh tu entile town is dependent
have only eooagh a l to run abuut
one wttk in 1 1
Wat a giBuiir.
Th DrcjUUn Taberaaelt win ju
tbeeola-Uke f m It. A h.
Nlw Tottg, May 18 Tbt trustees
of tbt Brooklyn Ttberntelt dteJded to
rebuild at a In etlOU to 11 this mornin -
Mr Rataell lags, Who lias a mortgag
ofU1.000 on tbt old Imildlag, win
mik another loan to tht trtttvtt aad
the nn tin ler ol tbe t),000 uc...ry
to erect a nw cboreh trill be rtlttd by
. 1 1 slai tabtoriptloo,
tbt ntw baiidiag will ttaad oa tbe
i I site at QreeB.C in ton u Wavrly
tvtaata, and it... iraet propo t
use to u in lit toostruoiloa aoriloBi
of the wall of Ida ruiud baiijiti
VBiah are Mill Intact
T tf Matt fiurrtoiLd.d a
O.i i.r t Btvuaa at Steet R'.v.r.
(iU i Kn 1 1, Wyo . Msy IJ Oa
adv.c of President Clarke It waa da
cni i hen not to risk destruction nf
w I'uion PaelBo Railraad tonpaay'i
prop ny in an attempt to tbtoh tne
of tie ColyllSt Who OVel-
powtfts) th mir:.l of Idaho and
Stole a '.rain a. btoatptller yeslerlay.
I w ) bun Ir.d Iramj were on the
train whea it trriftd hre sad mt
shai itiukiu, with twaatf well trntd
dt ttii i wa iiug for it Tbt
r imps lull tbt crs mi I have gone
la to oanp rbe tranpawllibt btld
An Or. i.r Oraatsd in CaaatUe
villa Atltati r. frea laterferii .
Pitts ti no, May is I- th Dal ltd
St.itr. o or! lodny Jtilj-e Acheson
grsni-i, pernaneot order rrstrainmg
the striken la th Ooeaellsvill coke
r,ioti li in .ia.-iuii!itiir or ii.irferintf
wiiii th mii at work at th ulaat al
W J Rainey
Tbe application for the restraining
order Wat made on Siturduv laal. hut
tbe court deferred granting it so as to
allow the defendants lint to prsttBt
their rise This they did not do mid
tbt order watgrtnttd today.
yiTIOIRalO'8 .'.t:ur fo.
PortvAva r, a-yit Meeetve a Fq iar
Ms! nt WUmlagtiQ
WtUtlKOTOX, Del . May 18 -TYxor
all's srny, fortyBft all lold,onder
oonnand of Bernard Otaaea, reached
ber- a boot l o'olock this afttrnooa
They wro net bv i eonoittee of four
Bteubs-rs of th Qemaa Labor Lyoean
association, o.ia uille north of the eity,
I hy wr then -c i t 1 t the room,
of the association, wiiere they were
William K-in, a Lili ah Vn'lsy In
tlneer, T:are.l te a (iiesr Lunch.
In i iii. i hi m. Pa., May 18. A Lehigh
fnigbt train wus boarded hero this
m ruing by six masked men, who
tolled William Kl ru in the OtBOOtS
and made him eat eo ip und drink
whisky They threw bin 1 ft' t is train
tad ha sustained severe injuries. His
assuil .nts eso iped.
K rn took i position on the ro.ul dur
ing the lust strike
President Cleveland and family win
spend two non ths talttunoaroa tbt Ptt
body farm, at Danvers Center, Mass., as
gnsattof ex-Secretary of vr Badlcott.
Tbesptaktr yesttrdsy laid before ihe
house the resignation of Mr. Compton, ot
.Vlaryhiud, to tiik effect today, when he
will enter upon his duties as naval ulllcer
tt Baltimore.
Benator Wtltb propoeet to raikt tt a
crime, punMiulde hy Imprlsonnent, from
ouo jvar SO twenty VtBTt, to retard or 00
sLriict. the passage of any train carrying
the United .Status mail.
A general pension bill increasing the
ptnsloasoi tne survivors of the Mexican
ami Indian wars snd their widows from td
to fit B month, was agreed upon by the
house pensions committee ut their meeting
About 400 Hed Men hove gathered at
Bethlehem, where the Htulo council will
meet today.
Tho Lutheran church, costing 1513,000,
wus dedicated on buaday at New Tripoli,
Lehigh county.
Creamery men in eastern Pennsylvania
are paying about 20 per ceut less, for mills
than tbey did a year ago.
MAM il
i lukcik isrd'j v Mi:s u:s f i. ier am w cuiu s
fV.j rt.s. irn- ti .. . ...
BeTetll Persons.
Tho Lunatic in a Fit of Frenzy Runs
Wihlly About the Sircets with Thrc?
Knives in His Hands Slashing Ri,-ht
and Left Piumrcs a Knife Into His
Mother's H,.art antl Also Stnbs
Four o,- Five Other People Cap
tured Afl;r I Hard btruReJe.
AXOAMT B Y , May 16,
pTJQBNE BRADY n maniac, killed
U his nother,age I 85, this afternoon
Q in a tit of vi IsOOS und at tempted
-3 to kdl four other p-rsitis. With
i ret knives in hit heads, tie ran
wil lly abont tba streets, cutting right
sr.d left, tsiaoltlng i verv one he net,
llefore tbr police overp werd hi in ii
litd cut hla s:st r-in-law, Mn. Jants
Brady, Alfred J. V. tVarntr.Mn John
K lly and Patrick Rice. Mr. Relly't
wound. ar serlom, bat itis not thought
they will prove fatal The w muds of
the others are not serous. af., i nno i Kr.idy begin ip.iirr 1
ling with his niiii.r.r an I I iters . r B
apparent nasoB, and tbey n in deter
ill ued that lie was not In his right
nlnd, as Brady's father has been ln
saue and Was released from an ilylnu
but a short time ag I The daughter,
Jennie, Went to a Bearby lumbal yard
tad naked that one of the employes
be s:il lo the hon.a to quiet her
brother The proprietor aid l.7i em
ployts repaired t,, the Boast aad ( taad
Brady la the kitchen ytlliag at those
around hlui an I tbrttttaiag to kill
tbi ni Wnen the men SBters I the h me
Brtdy rati np st Ira SB 1 jumped from h
sen ii I story wind W,
riie in..; tan outtldt tad picked him
ap lie was aaeoattioai and it w.ks
Ibonght that be w .s stria uly injured,
bnt L s i to nvived and btot be c ul I
be elopptd. jumped np and grabbed a
cominop ci.e knife, a can o;.-ne," tn I a
est vui, ' knife ile than ran out of the
no its un l began a wild and terrible
ch ,s tnr , ugh th ti"igu;ortioo 1 toe
ptosis Beting fron bin nnd he madi
Several attenptt tu i it th who r.
uoi ijuick aaough to g.t an I of bis tray
li mother ai d itatef folloertd. Tat
mother cant Up TUaBlag BBd caught
lOlU of her tOO'l arm. The infuriate 1
man became calm an 1 dro; pad all but
tu carving kalfe
KMI'B UK c IO m i: HI IKT.
Ihu IWO then Walked back to lu and Whea tbey r-achel the
rar I threw his BTM ar, IB I is
uioluer's t.eck and kissd her Bt t ten
piii'igl the long kuife into her bn Ut,
.r king her to lbs heart, and Shtditd
in a lew niaates Bis slstr-lnltw
Was stan ling n ir and he slash 1 nt
h.r, ihe knife cs'.ctuiig her on the arm
Brady then started aa aaotbtr wild
tbaae far a tunber of Maekt Bt was
followed by ml I'li inn who wanted
to capture hi in but ho turtiel
upon th--ni I hty fl d
A J V Warner, who tried to stop
Mm. rtoelved a t, id aooo 1 ob the rm
tin ti inscVoort sir et Patrick llict Wa.
pn aiiig n house a. tm was beading
ovei Itr-1) oaueBpoo binaadplaoged
tbe kmle Into bis right hip Tbe
woaad Is not nrtoa
Tbs mtiidrer sootinntd on and his
next ViOttn was Mrs Jtiou K lly wh
raa mt h r honte as Itrady ap
praaebed, Tba Ittttr followtd an 1
plunged the koife Inl ber back us she
was ruaaing no the stairs. Her
Wounds ; n BOl tat il
As Bndy snsrged from the Kellty
rstidenoe Robert Schneider throw
cobble stone at him Which struck him
ou the Ill's, 1 an 1 stagger, d iiliu fur a
motu iit, but he sooii recover, d and
Coolluued on 111 pursuers wereclos
iiig iu ou him Whea tbe police patrol
wagon cam lloBg, Patrolman fjllnoh
Caiifc.-1. 1 hold of bin IS ha ItUAblsd and
ittnet bin with his h.t. After son
cinching, Brady dropped tbt kalfe
and '.vr.s thrown to the ground. II
era! taken to jail and locked up lie
is about 88 years old,
Prcc.adlur Of the Important Me;lnir.
U Id nt Tl.tlilrh.m
III TIII.tllKM. Pa., Max 15. Tile great
cour cii ot renntyivaait, improve I ur
der of Ued Mcu BOnTtBtdlB IBBOl
iii lure this morning. Thro hun
dred of the 841 Iri bee la tbt state wtn
represent, d ut the ODSOlBg si ssion
Blgbty-til past chiefs were tdnilttd,
During th vir the receipt
inn, in ted to 1881,088; upendtd for re
lief, $114 H'JT; fnaeral heusBts, 188,7811
snouni I eve ted, 1470,068 liuinik' tbe
year 8,886 new nentoir were admitted,
148 re-Instated an I 183 idnttted by
card, 8,648 wn impended and iu s
nelled, Net loss during lbeyeir904
Tbt present nenbtrthtp In the state is
81.884 The nnmber of pattssobsni
5, 680.
Th Allllhsay S'.itesinsn Ar Nomlu
ttSd by Arclamarlon.
PRT8BURO, Pa., May 15 The Rf
publican oouveutton of the Twenty
third congressional district was held in
Allegheny today and re-nominated
William A S'.oiie f. r COngnsi by uccla
maliou. At the R publletn convention of the
Twenty second ceiu fessiousl district
Hon. John Dtlitil was re-noninited
for congress ly icolnnttion,
1 i I, .
Interesting Betttoni at tho Forty-fourth
Msstliw in rblladrlphla.
PBILADBLPHU, May 15 Two bun
dled allopathic physicians from every
part of tho Ksystons state were pres
ent in the building of the Old Tenth
Presbyterian church this morning whon
the forty-fonrth annual session of the
Medical Society of Pennsylvania was
Oalled to order bv the presidont, Dr. 11.
fi. McCormick, of Williamsporl. Mayor
Stuart delivered the address of wel
come and Dr. E. E Montgomery, nt
Philadelphia, chairnan of the conoid
tee of arraagentatt, made the li
sp Wise.
Th- r p irt of tho secretary, Dr. Wi.
liam li Atkltrnm, of PhilndlphlA,
tated that tha society has 2 600 m-tr-bers
who are ,iivi id among fir' ,
eonnty s n-i -tie. Xh traiarr, D
O. B Dunmtre, of Philadelphia, re
ported receip's lor tbe t resent Vear to
loive been 84.183 and inandltnm i .
At 2 p. tu. the delegates, were enter
tained at loncheon In the Medico -Cblrnrgicttl
hospital Ti ls afternoon
ronrtetn different papers wro raid by
proninent pttotltionert nud tonight a
reception was tendered ihe mmbtrs oi
the society at i ne Hotel B.-lloVBe, by
the nodical dun of Paltu lalphU The
s saion will continue until Thnrsd iv
evening uinoers will be elected to
Congress Enlivened by Threats of
War -Progress Made Upon
the Tar.fT Bill.
WABBtXOTON, Hay 18. - Progrt's
nadt in tbt senate today on tha tariff
till was somewhat encouraging. With
no more diatnteiou than such a had
ImnedlatB r I ition to 'he iieius on the
Obeniotl tabs lute, according as they
wi re rtschsd, i ms from No 18 to No.
is wr dieooted of, leaving the rite
of duty us follow-'. C lloral liyJrate, 88
per cent ad valorem, chloroform, 88
cent ner poond;'ooil tir, colon or
ly,, 86 ter eta I ad valorem; oxide o'
coi'ii!:, 2.1 , ts pr pound
Coll i li nt t ' c ms per ponnd, rolle i
or In "heets, hut aot mid up in arti
h-s. .VI cents per rou-id, if in finish -J
ir p.rtly Bnisbtd artielet, V per c ut
al vulorrm. Coloring for brandy,
wine, b.'er or Other irtjuus I per cent,
a I v.loeom Drags, noh as tarks.
t)ati. bsrn s, etc., 10 per cen'. ed
raloran Qelatine, wine, etc . 88 per
c:.t a i v iloren ( rod glrctrine, not
pnrified, l cent pr poond, nflaed, :t
eentt, Ink and Ink powders, printer,'
ink, etc, 30 per Cent aJ valorem. El
tract of lianrioe, 8 etott prpou il
''astor oil 88 o nt. per gallon. Cod
li v, r i il 2 ' p. r cut. a l v,,lorm.
Dr. Allen, Nebraska,! (( r-! n resolu
t o;, on i h ask 1 Imm dute :ic-
tioa, railing on ti. storstary of th-
treust iy ) .; latornition on the follow.
Ing points Total number of persons
nt g I la it 'tact. I In l istri of the
U iltt 1 Mate Wbet WtgM 'ire or may
he claimed to btiSnltd bv tariff igi
latl in.
Objection w.4 mala to immediate
aeli u u.l th r.'..dution Went ov r
until torn rrjw T .e a ite at 0 p. m
Tbt boas nude a basinets record in
the proceedings of to lay's session Con
.i I . . L. , . ..
i ii. ,. cm us me n.vsi prnpriat ion was COnoladed and the tall past.!
As rei.orlnd bv th c inrniltee i!.,. 1 1
cirr.-l total appro;, nation of 2',,
80,888 th:. was larrsattd T". i3u b
tu lotion of the committee of tt
wbolt Tba tgrionltaril inpropr latloo
till for th oontogytar was then taken
up In CJtumitteo of he whol. and six
of the twnty-six ages considered,
ni. ler tbt Bvt niaatt rule As reported
tl 'I' carries n total sj pro; n.tio i o.'
IS 180.848 ball less bp $149 853 ths-i
tbs approprlatioos la the bni for the
current year.
la th ooant ,,f ilsoattl in np .n an
luietulment ofTared by Mr UoSSS,
Dsn , .i.. ndaclag from 2 ,vd to
83,000 tun Old figart, tbt salary of tb
pathtlogitt of the dtpartneat, an acri
monious controversy occurred
between Cbilrman Hitob auJ Mr
Hopkins, (Rtp., II I Ihe latter cri'.i
elsed the failure or th chairman of
tbt committee either In the statement
rinlein ex;. Ian ill m of the bill or in
tho report tcaonpsnylng th ntisurs
to prettnl to the hmis the informa
tion brought out In Mr M s y amend
ment, and spoke of the effort ot the
gentleman fron Missouri to juggle
through a chance in the salary nanod.
Mr Hitch hotly reeeuUd what he
tamed th Inpotitloo aoatalaed la
Mr. lio kins' nnark, saying that he
would not permit him or any other
gentleman to chtrgt underhanded
ui' lhods upon him. and adding that if
th! word ' j iggle" wer used in th
sen- ordloarily attached to it and if it
should be rtpttted OBttldt tht chaui would be rammed doWB bis
Mr. H ,p',;ins, responding, sail that
bt dld'oot know, after Mr Batoh'l re
marks, whither or not btibonld need
a body "ttard from the Capitol to his
n silence this .-veiling, but ha would
say for tiie gentlelii ,u's tHsuelit that he
dl l not car' iu wast sens he t ok thu
Mr. Motet' intadntat was defeated.
In tile ll I : linor .avr,il
.. T . .7.. i'
nun iiiiporiaut tuns were passed
bill placed on the calendar to
labor 'lav national hi lidav.
and ii
Owing to the absence of Sxlcer
Crisp, due to the dentil of Mrs Crlsp't
mother, Repreiontitivs Dockery, of
Mlssonrt, acted as pro. tern , for th i
day. At 5 o'clock the hontt 1 1 joarted
Bl-PrttldOOl lliirrijiui left New York
for Indlanapolll yesterday aftornoea.
The demand for public school toachors
at Providence, K. l., ar odt tb supply,
(irocer P A. Sage haoged himself at San
Francisco jost alter telltag his store for a
go d price.
lilsili'l) Nii'llolsnll. Of l'hihlrli.lnhl.
tinned several candidates at liriglitou, hi
.,'d,'ii uio, on ru;uiHy.
Two Begroet ban b en arrested for
choking to d, nth with a pair of tongs
aged .Nirs. Lilly, near Atlanta, Ga.
Chitrtnau Thornton, or the tsoalty of
the Univerelty of Virginia, denies that its
doors have been opened to women.
The menbadea season oft" Near London
Conn., was opened by tbt steamer Aruona.
with a catch of 70,000 Osh iu a day,
Ten-year-old Daisy Vaughn's mother
wouldn't let her a-sist uiielgnb ir iu plum,
ing com, ut Anna, UL, so Daisy took nob
sou and diod.
WASitiNt.TON.May '.Forecast
ffT .., II .. . .
J,r .......... srennagfcaatO, for
Wtaiutday; rnsrtxwfao clWd
nS almhlUi ..... ...
.., ...... .y, -;i,er, SDSIM tO leiMrfi , , ,. n- ...
fvmnia, unnttitd watkmr, probably
thunder utoruit II nJ-.u-sdau eveninu, south
out UlllUS.
Bive im.raGAHEaad
OOMrORTthaa sn,
othri'i iltsi;r uisdo
lathe Vt'oild.
TIME worn.
FlK'AK over tht
or LiI'stboY Ui
Bald by the LSADIVQ MODISTES to be
the ONLY CORSET over which a Dreet
Waist can be PERFECTLY and PROP
" be siE of your Wai.t wh.n
measured tight',.- nvr vcur dress. If so
ordered, BO OOB8ET MAKER can make
one to order that will fit as well or with
much ease and comfort, or give such a
Magnificent Korm.
?lE?yT ALL LADIE9 to parch
HDh.N'T that tbv will ht I'ELIOHTED
w,lh their I8ITE i ( IBM HT ao4
510 and 612 Lackawanna Arc
Maltese Cross
And Oak-tanned Leather Belting,
H. A Kingsbury
513 Sprue St , Scrauton, Pi
Lewis, Reilly & Date
In Russet Shoes.
114 Wyoming Avo.
We Examine Ejes
Freo of charpo. If a doctor
is needed you are promptly
told so. We also guarantee
a perfect lit.
All SILVERWARE and Damaged Goodt
at Arcade Fire will be aold at
SO Per Cent. Below Coat
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
I. J, B