THE FCKANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNTNG. MAY 15, 189. Bcecharr.'s pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste In the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free : pills - 25c. At drugatores,or write B.F. Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT The beautiful weather suggests your necessities; your necessities Suggest our speeial ollcriugs to day: Gloves, Laces and Embroideries Dress Trimmings, Hosiery and Underwear Wc also offer a lar;;o lot of Trimmed and Untrimmed For women and children, In all the lu'st and latest shapes. Sailor Hats and English Walk log Hat; From 50 cants to $5. A beautiful assortment of Fine French and Domestic Flowers. WOMEN'S Tailor-Made Costumes Handsome Tu'lor Made Ok tomes in Bine and Black Berge, Cover) Cloths, etc., etc , with full sleeves and per fectly hanging skirt, most Carefully made in every de tail. Among our iM'st style of suits m e the Derby, Amn ion and Fenwiok, A BTBONQ LINT. OF Ladies' N'csts $1.50 and $2 Each. DUCK SUITINGS Choice Styles Ladies' Duck Buttings in Light and Dark t allots, Price 12' - c. Per Yard. OLYPH AN T AfT) VlCIN 1 1 V Doings of Day Kirr. rrd In Bright LttttS Lreal. Fitrial to the IfenMfM Tribune Olypihnt. Pb., Hay Is, Dr. F, W. McixhII Titi tod liis iiareuti in Wilkis Bnrro on Saturday, TboOHl Jorilau and wife, of Scrsn ton, ealUd on their many friends liare yesterday. Arthur Atherton ind Frank Kuik'ht, of the North End, ware in town faa torday. Mrs. Frank Orchard, who has been Tiiiting her raothor, Mrs. Jennie Vogle for the pait three weeks, re turnod to Carbon, lale Nutiirdny Mr. William Kobertsmi did at her home on .Scott street SitnnUy. D ceuind waa 2', years of a,;-' nnd leaves many friends to mourn her losa Tbe funeral will tie tomorrow afternoon at 2 an o'clock, Internviit in Uiilou cem etery. Dr. Mnrphy and wife, of Dunmore, risited frienda on L .cluw.t:iua itrec-t Saturday, A. M. Atherton and M. A. Buiujrard rier went fiahinit last Saturday evening, The Ladies' Aid Society of th Free byterian clmreh will have a buBiums meeting next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. M. Grippal), All members are rumested to be p,-uiont. Patrick Hughi'9, of Carbonaall,Spsnl Saturday In towu. T. F. Foley, of Bora at on, spent the Sabbath witli friends nere. Jamea Jordon visitud Iriendi down th" valley last evening. Editor Schnbinoul, of the Gazetto, whs a caller in Daemon yesterday, The Biakely danciutr class sxptot to give a eocial at Keystone hnll May HO John Kearn, of Pittatoa, was a caller in town today. Rev. O. U. Sanford, of Prioeburg, preached two very interesting sermons tit the Presbyterian aburah yesterday. He is a student from Princeton univer sity and haa been enguied to preaoh at the Preebyteriau church during his r.umtner vacation. Gutb's baud, from Scranton, paraded through our streets this morning and discoursed aome very sweet muaio. OEATH OF E. S. TINKHAM. A Well Known R?sl(lut of Otafk'a Qroen Passes Away. n ' to the bcranton Mb I Clark's Green, Pa , May 14 E. S. Tlnkham died Moudny ut 18.80 n, in. The funeral will take plana on Wed nesday nt his late residence at 1 o'clock. Interment at Dalton. Mr. Tinkham bus been sick for the paat two months, being unable to at tend to hie duties as toll gate keeper. He will be burled by tho Masonio fra t. rnlty. Dr. Norwood's Norway Pine Syrup was used for years as a prescription by H snc cessfnl physician. It is in all respects tho best coguh medicine made today. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. HATS lis) T FROM FOREST CITV. The tfeWI of u Buy Bailed DiW:i to C. i. p Pi.'afrrijph. Sjipritii to IA Nvrnnton Tribune. Fouest City, Pa., Muv 14. "Jepth thu ami His Daug'ntor" at the Operu House Mav 30. Tho Hillside collieriea in this place are btciug p lid today. Messrs C S. Alexander, H. ii Like ly and Georgo J. Uentou, of C.-irbon-dnle, spent Suuday with friends in this place T. W. Palmer, nssistaut bookkeeper In the Jermyn Coal company's offloa at Priceburg, and John J. Altkon, fore man of Jarmyn's No. 3 culliery at tho samo place, enjoyed a spin on their "bikes" yesterday to this place and passed tho day pleasantly with friends. Mr. and Mrs, A. S. Lewsloy, of Car bonditle, were guests ut tho homo of Monroe Tyler yesterday. Professor L Klagslsy, of Paiatet Iluu, Tioga county, a member of the class of '98 at the uanafield state Nor mal school, apont last evanlug with Ins clasr-matr, Benjamin V. Maxay, in this place. Professor Kingsloy is making liis trip witli n bicycle, having ridden about 400 miles in the paat two week?. Hi started this morning on his return heme for Montrose. Mill Pearl Westgate stiont the Sib hath in this place with hor sistor, Mrs. G E, Emuay. The baccalaureate sermon at the Pleasant Mount Academy will be given iu tho Presbyterian church at that place, May 90, by Hev. E Campbell, of this pilot, at 10.150 u. in. 1 ho stone wall in trout of th Prjs bytcrian ohuroh has bsun pl icdl into position, and the ground about the church (trailed, making a very decidid improveuiuQi In the appearaoot of the property, II. K. Vaughn, the Truth representa tive ftt i'arboiidale, passed the Sibbatli at his homo in this borough. A few days ag. Alfred U.iyle, of llerrick, left his team standing in the road near Ararat with his littlj 1-yieir-old boy in Ihl Wagon. Suddenly the team started at 2 40 uirait for llerrick, with the little boy as the driver. The team started down the steep hill by tbe llerrick Otnttr House and were about hair-way down the hill when tbey rame in cont.ct with tbe hind end of a wagon loaded with appiee and belonging to a farm r by the name o' Divis. In u inoment wagon and the ooepsats of the i ima with tho apples were in an elevated p sltioo. The Hula boy aniojorod laa le i oo th-t aide of the road anil after a little cry. went end gathered some t the bruised apples and begin rating them with a relish. Mrs. i .r;. wlm was with h r husband di I not ttoape so luckily, receiving some savers cut and injuries. Daril' team soon parted eoinpany with tb,ir wagon and ran dow n the railroad track toward 1 ll -d il". passing four trains Doming n rtli They kti caught near tho milk sta tion at rjnioodele, This tram aec iped witbont any Injariaa winie oaa 1 1 Doyle's horses WU spoilrd Davis was also uninjured . Mrs. Grace Weiser DlTll, tiie ev m geiiit, held very lattreatiog aa I profl -utile nwettaajaln tiie MethodUt Bplaao pal obaroh yesterday. At theniorntn service a large Congregation wer." pres nl During tbe meeting she laog a choice mIMhOS in a ct.armitig in ami r At 90 meeting waa held f r men only t y Mra Davis. Tbe church was nearly tilled. In the evening thechurc i wi.s crowded TbS meetings will con tinue nntil next Thonday evening. I M timy. of limg lamtoo, N Y., was looking after ins buiiooei iotarMU in this plaos today SI. Lavene, of Carboudall, was ii business vislt r to tt.e hustling borough of Forest City today. Miss Martha L : tilling, of BojQM baaoa, is occupying the noeition of teacher in the graded tobool while her sister, Mi's Calia, it ill. VortSl hrs ere iestr ying ti'.e beau tiful milsido o' green a little ebon the east side of the roaring and Blgbty Lackaw'atiti i nv-r M;-s M.atie B S,ttigtie, wbo hui been apaaalagsomi tlmi lo tbti plaoe, left today (or Carhmdaie where lie will spend tue summer. 4 - HEARD AT HONCSOALE. Notre Cauorriuritf the K t m 0: her f'-hort I'-rmt. Fl trial tn tU Scr it ntti 7ieei BOXtapAUt, May II All day long c images an I wagons liav.. tie-'ii ruuili ling to and from Company Bl new ar mory, men and WODMO have been la boring to complete the decorati mi and let the booms in reedines . and lenigut the kirmes ll fairly on its way J bo armory prelenti a boanuful upp 'ar eiice. The first thing that meets your gaz ns yon enter is the lare stac -, nude to hold its 200 d incera It is a fine pi r lure. Tonight tbe dancers lunke thrir fir -t npp ar. lies before I no public, but they can alrealr foal highly POmplimintl 1 on the perfection to Whieb Hiey have attained iu daaclng. Gf tho various dances we shall aay more later. () i tbe right of the eight of the o trance ia th Spauish booth, wb ra Cigarettes, cigars, candy, etc., are full. Next, in tho corner, stands the G"'iu in bakery, whore tue hungry can obuin their rva bread, etc. Tne French booth, prrienting tbe uppe iraaos of a m 'dne val castle, is next ; here fancy aNloleS will be sold. The Venetian booth, from which Yeiiitiau articles and waie wiil be sold, is at the right hand of th stage and the gypsy booth, with Its queer fortune-telling people, at the left. The Jap in-ae rooth stands against iho left wall lu tbe left bund corner you can bay fine potted and bedding plants. The (lower booth, from whic:i roles and tarnations will be disposed of, is at the left of th" entrance. A great deal of confusion has arisen over tho use of reason tickets. TIihsj tbkotr, costing $2, ire good foreleven p- rformnnces. Eicii nolftt has tan coupons attaclieil, not over three of whi.'h can be niea at nny one iTenlog, Tho children's diirc;s, "Tliu Little Japs nml Flowers nnd Dies, " will not be given iu the evening except Satur day night. Thav dune at the tnati nes, -1 p. in Diagram for reserved seats at G. T. Chambera. Ray Greely, of Scranton, rode over to Honesdalu this afternoon on bis bicycle. Homsdale has upward of eeventy five eyaliitl. We noed a good club and track. - TAYLOR LOCAL ETT ES. Th .(Tulri of n Lively Borough Con scUrittously U ;. t !. tcial to the Scianton Tribune. Tayi.ok, Pa . May 14. Dr. Hauler left today for Media The McKtnloy eloh gave u fraa en tertainment to tliu Republic ins, Llewellyn Kelly, of Minersville, wiio has beon nttendlog the funeral of Georgo Wiuterburn, returned home this morning. MiiiOB Millie and Ella WerthruKr. of Scranton, nro visiting Aunio Wtibel, of Main itroit. Hanry Weibel and Barbara Kiglay, will bu married on Wednesday at tho Evangelical church. Weber's park will ba open "I on Weduesdny night. The Epworth league of the Stewart Memorial ebnmb oelebrata.1 tbe fifth t-mivrsnrv of tho league on Sunday : y a programme of special mnaic Hev. Cochrane also gave an able address. E. Y, Evaaa and Lillio Jonea were miirried on TnursJuy night by Bat, P. A. King. David Adam Williams spant today iu Ciirboudale and registered at tho Harrison Houso. The clerks ure getting on their met tle to defeat Qdorge Nnnstpjl's aggre gation of bull toners, the railroad club. The largest funeral procession ever seen in Taylor was the one that gath ered together ou Sunday afternoon to pay its lust respects to the late Guorgo E. Wintsrburn. Tomorrow (Tuesday) night the can tata, "Geuovievo," will be produced at Calvary church. Tho parts will be taken as follows: G-navieve, Mrs. 11. G. Jonl; Isadora, Mrs. H. H. Harris; First Maid, Edith Wutkins; Second Maid, May Morris; Roxauo, Mrs. J. W. Kdosb; Grace, Mrs, W. J. Hoskius; As sistants, Aim J. Phillips. Mrs. John Steete, Mr, llavard, Annie Wutkini An orchestra eonsiatlug of Profaaaor T. J. Davies aie! others will take part. Tbe procehsiou on Sunday was com posed of the II N. Dunoell dirliion; William Bromley Williams division, and Borantoni diTllion of Scranton, and W. A. Connell division, of Taylor; CTaiform Hanks of Knights of Pythias. J'he lust named division the deceased wai u member of, Tha Taylorvllle lodge, No. 402, Knights of Pythias; delegation iivm t i mi. Glister, LHon wood, Comet, Carbondale, Patagonia, Bailroad, Hyde i'ark and Scranton lodges; Lily lodi?, No 980, aud Tay- lorvill lodg, N ). liBH, Independent Gider (Md FlllOWSj the Pyne K g t mill, and the Sunday school of toe Walsh llaptist church Service were in the Congregational obnrcb, Bita 11 il. Barn, William Thomas aud tor Thomas officiating. The remains were removed to the Forest Home oemetery where rsareista were con ducted by tho lo t OS, AHCHBAl L Oil f.fJIHGS. Niw rf ill- Upim Vail v PeaetUtd by Live Beporter, Fjwctni to the Sense f on ASOiUALB, Mae 11 In tins issue of Tin: TbISOMB spp ars an --r linanoi de signed (or tne preservation of lbs pab ll.: beslth and th" prevaBtl n ot th spread of oommnoioable dlssaaaa, It wai passe I at a meeting of tle'b ir ougb eon;icil hell last Tuesday aa D ing. It u framed on the pita of a model ordlll t.i' d -igrn',1 ! y lie. S' board id health witn such eh mgos SI Wr-ir deel.i-' I Il"e"n iry bv t'ie i, t i i of the bm-ougli board. Hot eidii: .ne shonil lie ri a I car fully and Its i ro Visions should be strictly c m lied with, for severe p-nalti IS ar1 lo lor their violation VrrangeinenW tiave been BSads by wlilcu the Ofdia anea will re circulate! in all parts of tba borough The forty hours ilevotl IB began in St.Thomaa' obnrcb y iy m iraiag At 10 10 o'clock a sdeion hlh man waa sang, Hv Dr Laces having bean celebrant, Kev J. M Bm olfa r. Olj phaat, dsaooo, Kv. T. J. Corner ford, nub-leaeoa, In the evrelog Father Bmooltar preaoh 1 highly la traotlve and very ImpraMivi airta n taking -is bis test, tba cry of ti" blind man Oy the fosdstdl "Jeut, Boa ol David, have mirry om mi." Tbeaer vicei ciote t with Pea 1 OttOO. TbS "solitary reip r" hit lti sta ltly : ivorh "r iftthin t IS pn: two days, no Isss than font bavtag f - 1 1 en bsfcrs ft il tickle. Two of thess wars 4d and rsspooted residaots al tuts borough, winie tii i others war children of tsadar fears Y-t rii, morning lalob ia! Ma i"T. ot tba Bui Bide, psaaad away after a brief Illness wns known as a qait and lodttS trious gutio:ntn. endowed with m my sdmiratd traits II cam to tula boroagb about twenty Bvs years go il- was tha father ol sConocllniaa K F. Mnnley, i' J. Mui.l v, M. It. Manley, Thomas F Ma lav, hi . Miehaal Laae, Mrs John U'Uoro an I Mrs Thomas rarrell, nil living In tins plaos Aagttsl i mi leek, of Boolb Ainu street, also die-l ystr ! iy morotog, He haa been sick only a short time, Mr i:indeek wis n-no ig th - old-si of the German resldsate of this boroagb, bsviug lived her Mao he cam I to America, forty rears ago Ha is sur vivd 'iy a i irgi family, am tig Wt l a rj Mrs H mry Hsckiu.ii, Mis. Jotia otio an l Mis-, Ann;.- lUndeek, Hichard, n bright six yar-nld cnil.l of JanVa C ugl lin, ( Ui.lro.i I tre t, died on Batnrdsy and was barted yes torday afternoon An Infant t Mr and Mrs Frank Betfoing, ot Balim street, also di-d mi Saturday. Uin children were tiie j iy of their ..r ! t. and they are ds ply utfei tot over their loss. St. 1 bonis' church was lighted Iy electricity f r th li-st time last sight It never looked t-.igiiter. Tbera are ab mt ilxty lights in the mala edldoe, Tue li-w light Is a vast Improvemaat ov. r the g IS, A Q'jsilrr Cen'ury Te it For a quarter of a oantnry ir Bug's N.-w DuMOVorf bm ieeu tasted, and tne millions who have Kiceived be:., .ll Iroin its ue testiftr to us wonderful curative powers in all nf 'lliiont.i Itest 'id Lungs. A remedy thai li.vs stoo l t!i t.-.t so long smt that lias glVOU so ntiiversal satisfaction Is no experiment. Bach t 1 1 Is positively goaraataed to give relief, or the money Mil eertf ended It is a lmilted to be the most reliable (er Ooughs and Cold' Trial huttb sl'ree at Mntth 'W llm's. drugstore. Large ill Mo, aadtLOO, DOINGS CI DU3YEA. Th Ilupio-ii . I th Div Tt-p r it tberi L ca' . .s).efirtt fe tlu gjwaalea IWevua, Di hvi A. Pa . May U - l b A.dgi id i Lltsrary and Boelal society will hold a special meeting thil evening. All meuitiers are requested (0 e piesent. Mrs. J. J. Bempson, v.ln has been visit bsf parents at Arch-bald the past few days, has rsturnsd home, F. P. Dills has lately mads Improve meuts to u.s ulrtady well tqtrlpped liv ery. Mrs A, H. Bvsland Is boil ling an addition to her raeiJenos, Mrs. Poyer end little daughter, ol 11 ingor, wre the guet-ts of tbe family or F 1J. DUIl las; week. Miss Dorsey and Miss Walsh, of BcrSSton, spent Band y with friends bore. Miss Olive Pearl, of Mooslc, nailed on friinde here Saturday afternoon, Tba Hotel Anthracite is rec iving a new coat of paint. The management of the Adgonda Literary and S otal society are pre paring m excellent programme for ii grand entertaiomrnt and eocial to be held May 'J5. which will be autiouuc id later iu these items. Wnep. r.i'.iy to rick, we pare her Pastor! When riM was u t hild, the cried for Cotorta. When sli" beoSUM Miss, SBS otu&g to Castoria, Vhi.u the huu C'hUur.'a,siiu gatutheiu Caulorla, PcCKVILLc PIC-U?5 irjunal PMnti O inornln BattdentS of a Lively Town. fjMciai to Vu Scranton rVttuaa PSCXVllLK, P.i.. May 11 Mis. Z P. Traviss is visiting at Carbondale, the uests of her daughter, Mrs. William Dougherty. Mrs. P Snedicor spent Sunday with friends at Greou HiJge. Henry Llovd, of Kingston, called on his aunt, Mis. William Warner, ladt Sunday. Siguier communication of Oriental Star Lodge Froe und Accepted Masons, will bo held this evening, Miss Etta Calletidur was a visitor iu Scranton yesterday. H v. and Mrs J. B. Sweet and daughter Marguerite, of Ashley, was calling on friends here last Batnrdsy. Contractor barber is getting ready to erect anotiior new house on the Unmdage estate on Hickory streut. s . PiNNED AT PRIClBUXG. All thj Meweof Oir Northern Suburb Written U.i tyrrint to the Sci-antan ZWbeaU PmOIBUBQ, P.s May It -Albert Mourn for.), who for the past year ra Hided in New York, has returned to his home iu 'bis place During his absuueo Mr. Monntford has been smployed by some of the leading barbers of York state, und returns to ns atonsorisl art. ut of no mean al lllty. J. Ii Fell, ot Astoria, L L, was a visitor hers il inim the past Weak. Constable C V Lowrywas iu town on business yenterd iy. - Buoalan's Amici Satvs. The beet salve In the World forfaits liruises, Bone, Ulcers, Salt Itbeurn, Fever !. ns, 'letter , bapped Hands, chilblains, UOVUSaud nil Skiu Erupnun, and posi tively rures Piles, or no pay required. It ii guaranteed t.i niv.. perfect stisfrtion or nionev refunded, Price ceoti per hox fnr set., hv U" ll- Bicycle ...uaices AT THI Oriviiig Park Scranton, JULY rHh 2,tMio worth of Diamonds i l' Ifiven away us prises. Ail the iet known racing man in the country will oompato. Grand Parade of Wheelmen in the morning, Excursion rat as on all roads. Scientific Ej Testing Fm By Dr. Sh'.mberi?, Tl. .-nl ..-i t Y 11,-4. Litiei sn-1 N.-rv .'i'nM irlh'T-) Latent kihI linpr-.v.-J tyli of K)ra IUm sml sii..U-1'inl th LowmiPHoss. Seas AisaaeSkl t,ei bsMNsd fur j o iPRUCl ST.. op Cld Pot Office Hotel Yavcrl7 I I I l n I Flrt t'-nr HShM t. r Ii- O 1.1. . 1 l,:.U . ,T I Sf I L h 15(1 M FHaYt it mih V- l V "ia.l t ft r rrt..lintg) ut N K IVnri Ifhkt.ia U mtlaMM lf tr-iaifj t Bt! . ffafl BfOuVd SteTMl '' ' .nl'.J. i '. - f ll lad MuriM -trr.-t atAt.oi. Sm IttativfiaT V taut U Of scrfttitoiiUtu cOaJ pmm I.' -1. Ii.t' A'.th: Ht'ltaB .'tcjiul.. t. j v.ctory, F..0i RltTM THE Thatcher TH- BUT Qf prlrs ami trit th" lurniu'ii nml m ron vinril A (nil lin or 1IKAT Bfittj A; icIId ami iau. iKx.r Baafaa CONLAN'SHARDWARE PlTfMTOH PA. Eureka Laundry Co. tor. I inden St. end Adnms Avj. en ii. lien isa savaaa All kituls of Laundry work til !'(. $10 SEE $10 Ten Dollars buys a Hand soint:, Host Triple-plate, five piece Tea' Service at Free man's Did you ever hear of a vaUic to equal this before? This merely serves as an il lustration of the immense saving which may be effected by buying for spot cash from a firm that sells for cash only. No other firm in the city can offer you anything like this in value. j i f J $ I OjOO FREEMAN Gmh Dsalar i Jowtlry,ic. Scranton, Pa. $10 tTames J.Wclah Crslfhton, Fa, After Typhoid and Malaria Noo'J's Sar3aparl!la Puri?lod and Built Up tho System, "C. I, Hood & Co., Lowell, Muss.: "(IsuUamen Two years sge I was tiken wltb n very severe illness, begbuuug with cry ilpelas, sad then bad typhoid and malaria lever After l ot up and outol bed l tbought i n oured, liut was mistaken. In a short time a humor tiniki. out on my fuec. at iir-it eausuii Um iKlq i" be rougb and Itchy mid gradually davit ping Into sores, which spread until My Head Vaa Covered . :ili t!iein. No ,,n ran Imagine liow I suffered ' ith the i:r -at licldiiK and hurnliiK. Preserl il ins bad no sfl tet A Mend advised me to tiki Mood's"; Cures .! knI'i BanapariUa, so i coneluded u try a bet tie, mid 1 soon oui.d a great change in my con dillon. Tile ,s..res In gun to ai.d I vvius MMin eaUrell cured. My Keiicrul health lias tn irim .1 .ii.t 1 S I like new man alt vether. I sleep wi !' al night aud havo no trace ol that itch Ins and burning iintton." Ja.mi.s J. wi lsu, i relghtou, l'. unsylvanla. Mood's Pills euro all l.iv.-r UN. tUUouiue i Jauudtce, lielig. le u, ,sca 11, u.Uche. c. A We l-Known Physlcian,Who, Among Other Things, Is Noted for His Frankness, No oaa ever beard Dr. e. Qreweru the .iirs-. "1 (blab ' lu M practice, Th doctor U one ol those freak, fMrieeVaoa eat, potltive ssen b never hesitate to my e orno, ss the case may require, "i oaa rare you r " eaauol cure you," is hi Invatluld efter exainlns- UOU, uil to this fuel fict Is nttrilmtsbie 1 1- r insrksbi.' record without faltursa, I But it would te. streugs ludei d if ttio doo- i.i v..-f ii i: i ,ei i.-uully success- I ful practitioner. Ut basbeso sorgeoa-ta-i ablet ia more tbaa W t ibe larcet h..s- itlef lllH C ,11 ItV, W.1 IfHlv I tfllli-ll strator of Pbraloi ij an ! Bargnyst tho Maioo-s.ttinirgteai I ...leg,. g Pbiladeb phia, h- btsia elected aa bom rry nsem berof the Mdico-('birnrglcal Aswx-utiou. lee graduate of the fJomrsHjr of Pauu rlvauta, etc., and u iilll a ebe itodeut A in.m vM.usncba record not fail to be a surceeiful physii inn i.nder any rireitmstaM s but when baofcad by cnull .in. c. nxrv.iti. in in ,-v;. . i . r. 10 Use more j i plir. th "be sure-yoo'ra-rtgbl then-go-ahead" trfui. It would N- n.ore then strange If failure overtook him. You Ma r ii sail lr ,ieivr any day at lb ems .', and 0, Temple Court Building ni i SPRVI K 1 from o k m till 0 p n Coaeultatlou tree. T..,. luffering tii in Nervoin l' - t i ii : ,- i i. rtir.. I' i .; I, hr Is the cheering word 'Ye," tallara is un- knowu 111 th il. I'.r's !letluIll. Third Rational Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 17: , - $200,000 SURPLUS, - $200,000 Tfcll Lank .iffri, in SafMltMl rrrry I, nit) rarrit4 In 1 1 . . ir Mtaaasa bait. ... ...l ISNM)MlbltlS'. N.. . I..I mi.-hll.m vitrrn (. Iiiislnro o Colllit I. .1.11. 1 ..,.,,,, Um,. Ui'lMxIU. U II I I AMI ON I I I Ii, ,,. ; (.1 0 II I I I I V V l...-1'i . .l.ll.iit. 11 1 1 111 11 i t k. asStos mill 1 rutia Wllllitn I .iiiii.-II, l,.rc II. r.illln. At(t..l IIhii.I .1 ... A , . I, I, ut, I. Ilanr I II. 1. Jr. Win,, 11, T s 1, 1 ,,n,.. Kill. 1 DUPONT'S UMIXOh BvLaSTDCQ AND si-oimxo POWDER Muiuifuctiiipii nt itio Wapwapapsa Utlla La sun comity Pjk, sadatWll uiintitou, 11, Ilawara HENRY BELIN, Jr. R.-nornl Atcnt for tliu Wynmlnn District. 118 Wyoming Ave. Scranton Pa llilnl Natlcimt IHnk lluildiu aoairaias. inns. FOHli. fittst-Mi. fa JOHN 11 SMITH 4 SliNil'lyitiouth. Pa. E. W. Ml'I.I.KIAN, Wllk.'H-liarro, Ta. ARiiitn for tho itcpaiino Clioiulcal Com 1 in. , 1 lllvh ! ; . -ivoa. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. "'"'filHiMHCjlliJiU.lSaillHIIIlKiSIilinriSMilir.JEiJtJJ.JUiiill.' EverythingFOR Everybody AT The Fair 400402 Lacka. Ave. Sole Agents in Scranton for the Every Pair Warranted cJtTRA Our New Millinery Dej)t. Now Open. rjimiimiHiiHiiiiiimiimiin Wholesalers and Largest Retailers oi Straw Mattings from China and Japan. KERR 6c Fine Carpetings. Lowest Prices. One entire room devoted to Oriental and Domestic Hugs and Art Squares, Rome Was Not Built in aDay . But little by littlo the jjratul ast empire ot the old World ua reared. DON' T tlo without because ou bavenM the ready monej to bay the Farttitire,Oarpats. Draperies, Stoves, eto., your needs und inoliaations tie maud, a hen out Equitable Credit System stands ready to assume the Indebtedness and accept your small Weekly and monthly payments in liquidation. PRICES 50 Cents 75 Cents $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 LONG WAJ5T iirniiiiEut.ii - giiiisiiiii iiisuigiiigigiiitrs Leading House for Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Lace Curtains and Upholstery Goods. 40O and 408 Lacka. Avenue. We mike a specialty of Window Shades, Awnings and Draperies If you have not seen ! You heard of our stock of Baby Carriages, Refrigerators, Mattings, Porch Chairs, Lawn Settees and Couches. Illlltillllllll Lconomy Leads in Summer Cioods as in Kvcrything.