6 THE SfcBAKTCWI 1LI1X2E-1UJ SDAY MOHNENQ. INI AY 13, 184. ' 1 V I. 'W I Friendly Advice. "Albert. I advise you to t;iko a doss of Carlsbad Bpmdel 8 tit before yon re tire, mid another one In the inorninir, if you want to have a clear neno ror the day. It will .lo you good, 1 iwsuro you. Hut no imitation. You would not drink imitation winter Buy the gonuiue every time. TOWN COUNCIL MEETING. Auditors Prnssnt Thslr R.port Ssvaral Important Kiit'.crs Ptimod Upon. Sasefai to the Scrtintfui Tribune. Pittston, May 11. A special meet ing of the borough council was held in the town hall tbu evening for the pur pose of completing unfinished business. The meeting wai called to order bv President J. J. Mangan promptly at 8 o'clock. There were present Messrs Kearney, Knowles, Kennedy, llunni gsn, Malcney, Donnelly, Lyuott nud Mangan. 'lliw meeting was opened by the read ing of communications for certain privileges. Tho I'lttston Steal Range company on petition wen exonerated from the payment of borough tux-s for a peiioil of ton years. Mr. Cogjlns, of Eroad street, asked connril to pive Daley street, n3 l e autt'erud ronsi.ler nU damage to his property by roceut fl lOdt, Laid on the table. J. V. Comptou, of S nitu M..in slroot, asked permission to Lu.ld an extension to his Building. On motion it was re ferred to thn lire committee. Mrs. Loftus, of La (iruugo street, made oomplelnt of damages sustained to her property by 'hi construction of n retaining wall. It was referred to the proner commit tea. Couucilmin llennigsn, of the Fifth ward, presented a petition praying for ti:e paving of Sj.irle street, lc was re ferred to the Street o.untuittue for in vaiMiation, A petition praying for tho erection of an arc light between CbOtoh and Foundry streets on William street, was presented, and the light and water coniniiitee were empowered to act on the pretnisea Attorney Oeorge S. Karris appeared before the council and asked tint ex 13;rougii Treasurer ii orge L Uauner be discharged from any liability wis ir:g from snrebargas of moneys and that his bond bo surrendered and his bondsmen released from any further Obtta ition. The report of th bonngh anli'.ors w sutiBitt-1 but was rejected, and that of ex-'l renuror llnuser enter tsdned, in s: i'" of tbe fact tint a die crepiu v of (800 in favor of lbs bur ongii existed between both parties. CoQneilman Donnelly submitted n ri'P Iri'.lou instructing the secretary to notify the borough attorney to insert in thn new ordinances a provision for tbe emotion of a pdd polios depart p irtmont to consist, not toexoeeo, sin trJctrs slid a chief; also for the coun cil to appropriate a o rtalu sum of money to o icii of tbe tir s companies annually. On motion tho oil order of 1'eter Nolan for f I i srsi or li r d des troyed. Councilman Donnellf on motion .isked the horongii Mimineers to ascer t tin Iba expense of laying pip from tne .vale; .nii-.' .it tt foot of Saanty Hili to the public water fountain in hout of the town hall On m ition an adjonrnmsnt was taken until Wednesday evening at wnich time n hearing will be glvu to asrats representing paTcaaot linns. CA;:E,0i JLE CHAT. News of O 18 Dv la ih Ploinsr Ci-.y Ceirpil d with Care fierini it the wntofen rr-;,ua. CnB'M.ti.::. Pa . M.y 14 I! M. Mix y, or Foreet Ulty, was a caller in thi. city ti S itnrd y, Hire Haggle Davie, of Hyde Park, Is siiiiJiug a few days with relet irs in this city Miss Ions Tyler, of Foroat City, made a brief call on friends here 00 Satnr dny ailernoon. Mr, and Mrs Milo Gardner, of Cem etery street, rilited Afton, N. Y., friends Inst we' k. Mr. and lira Louis Brnnar are vUit Ing frie .ids in limes dale The remains of Mrs. Lanr i Wagner, who 0i(. d on Saturday nt the home of ber daughter. Mrs. L. E. Beach, were taken to Booth Cinann yesterday, where interment was ma le today Mrs. W. Sniffer, of West Pittston, is the guest of hor unnt, Mr. J. R. Vau derford, of Canaan street. Tho long looked for and mnaii talked about notnn talent opera, "Pirates of Penzai.ce," will be Sean at too (iraud open house Tuesday and Woduesduy evenings of this week. Ths othor dnv an I ' oil boardod tho Delnware and IIu lson pussengsr train which leaves this city at 8. OS p. ra., running north. When the o mductor came through the car ho asked the Itnlian whoro he wanted to gut off His roply was, "Mo don't know the name, mo knows the place when mo seoi It." Finally, when Forest City Was reached, he said, "This tho placo. It is evident that Forest City once soon will never bo forgotten. Miss Lizzie Scurry is ontcrtaing Mi is Bsdio Oarr, of Jersey City. Emmn L. Peck returned today to Elk Grove, Sullivan connty, Pa., after on joying a several days' visit iu this city . Mrs. Roadknlght, of Houesdalo, wni the guest of her dnughter, Mrs. E. W. Reynolds, over Sunday. Mail Carrier Georgo Davis spent Sunday in Forest City. Rev. and Mrs. P. E Jepson left to day for Saratoga Springs, where they will attend the sessions os tho National Baptist association. Miss Eva M. Williams, of Olyphant, spent tho Sabbath as the guest of Mr. and Sirs. Charles Hewsley. The spirited team of horses owned by Dr. T. C. Filzsimmong and driven by Clarence Stephens ran away this morning on Sixth avenue. Tho driver whs thrown out but escaped nnlnjnred, II. P. JohnH, of Forest City, spent evening iu thiB city. Mrs. MurgaretU Smith, ..f Nineveh, N. Y., Is the guest of Mrs. C. R. Mnnn, on Terrace street. W. J. McLaughlin, tho new proprie tor of the Arlington house on Duuduff street, has issued inviti.tions to the rmnl opening of tint liosVlry rinflar rs new management o;i Weduoid ay evening of tbia weak, KALLSTEf.0 ITEMS. Newj of Interest fr.m Sulqu hanno County T.nwly Told. Sj . . ..it to (AS Scranton 1'ribane. IIallstead, Pa., May 14. Arthur Wiley, of Binghamtou, spsnt Sunday with friends iu town. Tho Presbyterian church will ob serve Children's Day on Sundav, June 10. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet at the home of lira E D. Burton on Thursday evening, Tho cottage meeting on Fridry eve ning at 7 -IS will be hold at the home of Matt bummerton on Main street. The Uullstead Cornet baud will hold u dance and festival iu Fireman'.; hall on Tuesday, May 15. Proceeds to go towards buying now instruments. The manager of the Textile company, of this place, has awarded the contract for laying tho concrete floor of the dye house to W. Ghrtbany, of Mountain Vlly. Tho Ladies' Aid Society of the Bsp tist church will hold a market day on Saturday, May ID Tho teachers' meeting will be hold on Friday evening at" the homo of Mrs. Arthur Mad. The work of putting iu the water pips in (treat Bend has been com menced. James Howe lias the con tract. Gospel meeting on Sunday afternoon at 7 110 o'clock will be addressed by Rev. Mr, Crompton, of dr oit Bend. C. b. Gardner, of New York city, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Jerome Jones, of Cbaaa avenue, Fannie Hiurell is visiting friends in New York city. Miss Jennie Allan, of Biogbamton, spsnt Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Allen, of tins dace, Mrs. Jorora-Jonos Ls visiting friends in Btngbamton. Miss Flora Johnson will o)u a kin dergarten nt the school hotUS tnis week. Mary Brown an 1 Mary Hon in arc veiling Mr. and Mrs. Morris Stack Mrs Snores ami children visited Btnghtnton today. Professor Charles E Uoxley and wife era rial ting frienda in New Mii- ford. H, I). Payne, of North Jackson, was In town today. Colonel BoOVer is visiting friends in Altoona Mrs. (ieorgo Lamb was in Bingham tou today Myrtle Bwarli is visiting friends and relativi b In Uadiaonvilla. Nellie Nichols, who tiai boon attend1 Ing sctiool at BiugbamtOO, is home on bar vacation. V L MoCnllotb, ono of the te:ich er in Wool's Business eoUejre, or Bcranton, has opened a class In pan inane blp at the school hows It's a Oo-d thing to Shales. A'ru- Yortt Qwasssrefaf Advwti i . Death, Taiuiuany and the criminal c. urts are rapilily reducing t!.e tanks of active Democracy, It is a party to which nobody can bo proud of belonging. . . At i;-r I. m .. for K pitf Utah Out. Caieaoa Tim, t '. H now l i"kH. If Colonel lirek .' i ' future 11MI ninths a - n -tntf"!r..in i - itirel) eontingent upon the admission ot Utah t the L'lilOU . What Be Detests Little dr p-. of water, Li tie grains of b sip Make the active Anarchist del right uti mil slope, littitiit i'rre fYato WSAK RiElV 0UH A1TINTI0N I- (Ml 10 llr.- it ; iigli .li I., lar ly. Gray's Spselfc Me Jicioe IF YoU SUFFER Ir . una i.i 1 1 .1 IV y ftfni Muni, KpttrtaeV i ti, mm lmpotiHy. miu all "l 'ii.si-h iU.. riKe fritn vir ladBatoMMM m1 Mlf ttmh . m I. - I Minior ftii l Pow tr. iMnii.tmn -,f Via Ion. I'ri'iiitur Oil Ac LUM mutr oUMfdW NMrl til 'it Irtvt t UMIllt r t I t.Mmitlo and an fai iyjrrav.'. viitofor a pAmpblt t AddmtQRAV M I lli INK lltUTfUa N. Y. Tho HpfMlOc Hdk)UMI ion by all di uniHtH i.t $ (nt pftCksllt r hlx inrkairm lot S'i,"r out I')' tn sail n if ' int mouv,and tu tvfM mm I r w- RUARANTEF y . mmm mm 1 1 "On MOOHDl (A COM vrl l . v. hava looptedibi Ttliow WnapMT. the only cvm- Inc. toM iu Scruntnii uv ilatlbi-w Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CON HELL CO. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS I AST FEAE be had saved $300 He boaghl b bottae worth yi )50 pitiil .'500 down, gavo a DtOCt giigv for 81.55'). Today ho csti luiitcs as followgj Kent tared $':io ji ursereet on niartgage tsi i1 Tuxos said rupiirs .0 M ll'.l VI Mot saving on runt $110 V) Band on salary Ion ik) Tospply on DtOTtgage ?'-'7'l ) RnrXEOTIOlt "In un it yaar tltat house will lo froo from debt and i shall lluvo homo of my i ii." III ION BIDOB Is tli.t ini'alls for hensaa Finn x Rons have riM-t' illy tin Ished ii beantlfal villa, srhleh they ottsa on oRHy paymaats, t tniK.iu. Call at I l.olr fillloo, betwean Wnslilngton iii.ii Adautton Olive etraet. EZRA FINN & SONS. ur.J vipor qulrbly i oHtoroU.Varli'i:t!le, it 1 1 v I'm Ii 1.1 1 ;ti i. uti ..nil) , etc., Hitri'lv cm-d liy IMsAkO. (ho rri-ut Hindoo Reiin dy. With wiIMpdi utratreiorD. 8jU by UA11UKW3 UtOla, LruBifiBU, bciautun.g'A. ; Butv. i I..,. . Scrantoa, Thursday, May 24 THE VCRLD'S Lf.RGEST, GJ?AHDEST. DM KB CAPITAL INVK9TED, 98,800,000 DAILY KXPI0NSB9, $7,;t'lO OXI.V snow BMOOBSBO BY TUK OLBKOY. NO FALSE PBETBMUB. NO SXAGGEBATIOM, EI very thing Just as Advertised HOW PorfornHHflOI. Now Pooplf, Now Attraction AND HIS BRIDE, ONLY PAIR OF HALE AND FEMALE OOltll.l.AS ever scon together since tfco creation, and positively the only Of ANT -NH :i ANTBS8 UPECIMEN8 -i-w 1 1 ever In captivity In the liisti.ry nt tbe World. Most' HI MAN-I.lKi. aMMAI.S KNOWN, attrm-tioB ai.iwi people daily to Contra) Park, N. Y., whoa loaned n ;ii"i .n to that z olosical garaaa, I'ha wonder ot tii Navrsptpar aod bd.'Utiflo Worlds. Grand Ethnological Coograss of Strings and Savage People Oorlotts Hainan Balsas with queer rell dons and oerensoalss. Pajana Molator Hsathea, Mohamtnodans, Mnnlbale, Visiiim RudiliiistM, Cunfin-i.-njH. IIhhI'hm. ctiristlaas and Amatoaa, whole faniUles of savage people, with tuwr hut-, etfapoasi loip!eaieuu,iaaeleai lnstrnineahvrltes,aarenMalee,daacee and ganaa 0. I i ; - t, - . 7 S ll . , Great EQUESTRIAN Tournament i- iji.iii:. Tiin ' .In ; mi l A-f" at.r Ihtplaja U Of the Wor'd's Greatest Circus Cliampions 12 1'i.riv.iird Kiqaaitrlai Faits by sdaasa i.ial ni i. uisu. ri n-r Jill. MUM b'AMOl'N IERIAL1STS in FHK WORLD, All th Great AtiiitM Oyasaaats nd Aerobe ta, Sensational Animal Exhibition Usas, Ttgars flheep. Dogs i'a'ithr. KHnhauttaad it . asrtormlQj as oae ttaui In aara si r, s I "L 181 tL STKKL BARREL! AjtHaV 3 Circus Ccmp- tiie in J Pinjs. 2 Elrv.-itd lgr, IU:lnB Trs k aa I Animtil reus. IIGHVi SKVEtt NP.KN HRKOttl rtlis srabon and eat) ta be srRaaaeed la thaas shows, 3 II r-i of Rl ';iii i ' ' .' Droves of Camels, Olaal aad rites i ABUalj, I Msaagsf Ifsnf I'raim-d and Wild II .jjU, 9) old- tun-. Madaraaal I'.tutomlmn- t'lou Two Pnlormncs Or.il at 2 and 8 P. M Ujort open an hour llriill Admission to evsrything 50c. Childron half price. K.aaT'"i '' t r ..-I. ,r r.u t nil. i: ..(.in ' . . ti it :i. i sieaaeaa t Ihimptonl Pr.il! s D'eh Store, 3 2 LattitWMM Avrnut. Mighty New Froe Street Par,;de inOitarT UBlreeiae east Biaaic of r!1 t,atijf t'. v. on say of eaosa LOWEST EXClIUJIOS ItATKH OM ILL RAILIIOAM WaiBxhibitta WILKES-BAR aE MAY 23. HOW TO MAKE BONEY There art hnodradi of yonng nten and young women in thn couiiiry li have splendid ability, bat the have atvei bees wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Bai been an inspiration t hundreds of young people, It job are tired of Inactivity and wanl to do Mmethituj htnglMi cone i" tbe OoUoga, COMMON I NOLMN "I RSB III IM ss COVIIHK, hhuhthanu coi tun F WOOD, Proprietor. "Ho stir wa3 evor lost we once have seen, We always may be what wo might have bean," A HArPV PATRON OF 1 E RICHARDS LUMBER CO Scranton, 1 a. 22 ar.d 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. 'V'"- 1 naaaaoctor ezonuss me, ana lie tow ma tlnil lliere WSJ n.i euro for mo. 1 Kt worso ami Trnrso. he:;lej Would fnnn otr tli" sores ind than dry out until tliey WO old cniek and xiji open, showing a watery matter. My skin was nil Has a dry wr.iiK.T. It foil SJ though it had drit I on me. The s-iiln were mi bad that they would eolleei, in thn he 1 ami have to he shaken out. It was BDOUt thi-l lime that I commeneeil udnjf R. B. S. 1 wna so had tln.t I w: s ti-lnuiied to take my hat off bofore i Doghbor. I had u.vl live bottles of another rnedldne without nouctng any aoeel ; but when ! ootnmenced to tako B. B. a. tiio nor s came out ttdokot than Isifore, find Ihoy burned like lire ; they wi re Imtni ise blotohl S of lire that would burns.) i -(.Uid not sleep. The wsy thoy burned and it. bed oaonotbe told, and 1 bops no ono el - may ever know from ezpai lonco, The only rdicl I could get win Irian washing tbu sorc3 With Boine B. B. B. I stuck to the medioioo and was on the fourth bottle before I could ncc that I was; really l etter, although I knew that it Will lietter to got BUOh rottenness out of my blood than to haw it stay there. I did say once that I wished I bad never commenced takimr B. D. li., hut my wife encouraged me, and to-day I thank her lor tho advice, lor I urn in roo 1 health now, and I don't believe 1 ever would have been With my blood iu suck n condition OS it wiw. Jly BCalp n. w ii Osoon and clear of al l scales anil tetter, and on my body there arc only small snots to show where tho sores were, ami these spots aro free from scales. I do not d.mbt but that the euro will bo perfect. I nr.i now on Ihe sixth bottle and will take morn until every spot Is pone. I firmly believe that Burdock GteoJBi'tars Will OUTS the worst disorders of the bloud, for 3ucu gertainly was mine. Cigucd, BEET AMUSEMENT itlSTITUTICM . v iv g.u DRY ITCKINC SCALES THAT CRACKED ANO POPPED OPEN. Ltndi.kv, STti iiKN Co., N. Y., April 11, 190. FOma, Mantra! ; Co., BulIsJo, N Y. QkhTU mkn: Wlu-n alKiu! bn or twalva years cM 1 . - 1 1 - .:: f 1 wall cm. Us h.'!i-.i tlm palm of my left band, and when they healed the ir.mblo bmkooi'ton n:y bead, and tvery winter It would f't'if u' iu i. !! uf t. is. r ainl nniki' pi iilrs all over i my lutil. 1 have in: lien frtr from it n single Mintrr iitiir, lii.i it n . wors.- last winter r.ftoi' I Imil tin. (,'riiiiu-. .'ur then it ean it in spots all otcr my Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, - a roMuto AVf. caajiioa Ml IVWS.V 1 Dl I a Kit BROTHBM urn aua.Ml M HACK WIVUXX n UAUUB PIANOS 4 hat sftrgv t k of rirt-cLa4 ORGANS ill sk i HEItCtl INOiaH allhic. bTU, I.lj. Rooms 1 i:i 1 Cemmanwealtb fill'i s H A N rOX, I'A. MINING and BLASTING POWDER .eJ a! ; . M' Kl'bll liAl.L WoltlC I..flliti Ilaii'l l'.ier l.r (' 's orange gun powder I e.trir Sattarlsa NSSS 'or eiplal- sag biai, saJstjr l'u a i I KcpauooChftnicai Co.'eHijh Explosives MALONBY OIL AND MANUFACTURING Cd Mm .'.. n r. mi rtselin i All Atll MiiUILo m Also Sbdftiag and tail Grwsi OFflCIl :.n Vt Utrkiwtnn At v ..K-s Mr l. UAH lf . Tin- l. KM INK Xi-w llavtii II ii i i ii m ii wainusnex nanos B8TABLI8U1S 18M New toik WarcrrnMiH No. SO Filth Avon no. E. C, KICK I'M & CO, Snl .Valcrs in this saction i l l II i: P.I AJaniH Avo., Telil.hoB B IMV MT. PLEASANT OCD jShallr AT RRTAIU V'.'"r tli-' N-.t nnaiity f..r ri-imesllo iv..nnil cf till Mis ti. .tt'llvui-dU la aar part ot tuu vity I lowoiit iiri.-i. Orders loft at my n(tl:. M. in. WIOSIINa avi:st", K. ,ir ro im, flrn! floor. Thir I National Hank, or aeat by aiau or tvlepbaae to the in.ae, will ivcelv,. j roinpt atteBSKA Hbadal outran WtU be mail" ('f the mala addaUvary ui Backwtiaat beat WM. T. SMITH. PUTI It Nlioi: Cii li s'p. raiiltal,3l.OO.O0O. BB81 tl. 00 BUOI IN Till. WORLD, A ilolldr saei ii Is .1 tloitttr tarnrtl." . This adlae' Baltrl Pr i. li.nirii Kl.lnnt- ton Bool U.-ltverrd Ir. I Mijsihere In tho lt.S..un 3 r.v n iiKh, Mi'ii. ). !'T, -V7 H'ij or K('" ,or V' i"f' I ,.vi,':ili .-M-ry way tin- ttoots V ' J 1 in nil n l ill stores for sto W ,,"ii' lwot SS I ii a uMrvlv-pa. thcwlxro we uur- jiii.-- the fit, tt!t ani irrnr, IM It nny uiio Is not ..untie.! o vl!l relntiil Iho moeey oi feiiani.'tii.Tt..ir. upsn ..iiiuioi. .-eine, Idllin C, l, K, Si SB, hwt i i" I sad ball hIzch. o ts d yosr nM. will nt !" llllirlruled 1 SV lOL'UO FRES Dexter Shoe gWk& Ladies Who Value Areflned complexion mustuso Potzoni's Tow-I der. It produces a roft and benutiful Hkin. M00S1C POWDER CO Is' ... H taw k . n ,is tt' ISie. 4 r-v'v.v 3 K " - SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above rratida 0f flour enn be had at any of the following merchants wno will aeoepl Tut: Tbibuni FLOUR coi po.n o: 10 on each one hundred pouuls or Hour or SO on each barrel of flour. eerMtni-f. P. Prlee. Waatdaitaa I." '1 M.slu r in svoau)! puiuiioro-K P. Put..; fl ,1,1 m.. tal Branl H n.$StjfzPFS 9 ",v" Weebbara t. G. W Uadal Brand; J saph a. alaarallala arenas Baperlativa Brand. Brei0J?w' ';riX L-Sl' """r Me.lulBrar.4 J. r.MoHsle, siiirlntivo mvtdeaee-FeDner A ChappstLM' Haln av nae, tlaperiatire hrandiu J Oltlesnie W Hartatetreei 'ioui Madil BranJ pijrebaai James Jordan. BuMrlaUra Brand 1' kvillo-aba0r a K Ist 8ap.iriatlv.i vrmru i . ii v n,t..r .Vt Co Si:ii.-ra'atlro iu.',. S:nn,ii - i .i . l . i ....... i in . .itirtaln B. S Clink, (lolil M'-.l.i: llru d y ' 1 7aI ' '' it t'u Uol . M, 1.. Slm.-.ka M II. I..V..U.- !IROM and STEEL KOItW IROM 151. ti K l) IAMOMD HIM Kit I I It A IPECIAX SANDERSON'S ENGLISH ii .sol's KNOLUtt l s i m i ii);;si. SHOES TOB CAi.k TIRE MACHINERY BPHINQ sol T STEEL A N I IS iii i.t.ow a HORSE V VII S Rl BSELL Ali WELLS BROS. w ILE1 il I TING Bittenbender&CoJcrantoii, hn.esale an.1 retail dtalors' in Wasomniikors' and lllacksmitus MI'PLIKS : I i Pi Pb PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM 2 Wakes Marvelous Cures t in Blood Poison SE Rheumatism rand Scrotula . K K forlnea in M.o. ball In an wruk a; ! ucMlitaUxl. jtitm . ,:lTii.f ilit ,atii nt haith nj .loifa aad umiuui.. or-t prei all. h'r;-rlrn rtplilfia, ! r Mo. ,i ttltvitini;. iuitcu- In all Hoh aat bkn. lla6s. hko tl tobv, pliaplsva. old i Tronic ol. r t. tti-f . Hi. htvno. bolls, erv"l;i'ln.t. NMM mT it, without Mr T Corttrstllotlon.thst r. P. V. tathntet bl - d MHMff In h wr: l,xiA MkM iKwltlTt, sp?da4j auJ pcrc:a.neiit curat In all c.taM. L4i11t wbtwe tjrtU'iAt ar polatinod ani whtr MiMi i-sij an laBpvrt ooadr1 Hon, uft to mi'iittninl lrr;u!trlt r i'. lalmrlj btfDffitjxJ by th ir 0 Tfui boata and Dtoou owtntlai Dfop Wttiai .' I' rri(i,l Ash, Pi ko Hout nJ Putaaalum. ftraui .iti.it. Mo., kug. Mth, f :. I c .n apcMk in t hU-tn-it lurni: of j WpwMlM f 4BBaJ wn piTsoi.al KiHinlo gK. 1 wayaCTci-tiMl with hrart dlitcist. tr. t . 1 r i: itln. t, r it'-yoar. vaa trtalaq bl th-Tt?r h phyololan an-i "p -ut hunlrvili'f tl lari, tfl"il i-vt-ry knowu rnii1y with- nut bsUffrwllwl i bat "uiy trnkaa nnt iM'ttlv of ),.ur p. P. P., an.t caa cht'prful!v May II bun tl :. v.w mora jtmmI tha:i anj tiiuiki I havo arartakao. 1 ran nnvtamitu'l VOOf MaM Ino to all uuCui ir of .ti- rtii.ivo (liKtsaaaa. Mii-i M M. t a li Y. 8pc ajMMi Oraatt Cowtfi Mo. Aoli. aM ai.u VaU. i:it For sale bf JOHN H. PHSLPS PhamaeiSsi cor. Wyoming Arc and fpiuceSt, Bcranton, Pa. RARHOOD jVav' A . -wnttiiiii-.iioiior In-.ai.ltT. jftWiWaN-'Sa ' jAPh ' li'oll iTopnul. Wit'i it av5oMir n..9Tv a m-uteu uurantr? to cure Tnrrff. w..T?S or rertimi ihr rrnm.-v. Clrruli rfree. gAldbv aHtlnuvtiU. Aak forlt. taka Oa.FflrtiAM0lUtflllSllVG.iiotiiiur. Addraii KUVfl IIEDOO., ICaaoiite Temple, Cuicaqo.IUs, For Bale in taraaton, Pu.,by H. C. SANDKIvSON, Drivist, cnr. "vVashlngtOD d!ld BoniOB streets. PENNYROYAL PILLS. AV fnv Tis.MOTT'SFESrVTROY.fVX. PII.I.3 and tako no ntlmr. '"Sond for circular. I'riie ?1.00 per box, 6 fcoies for $5.00. Uli. MOTTti CIIKM1CAL CO., - ClovolttuO, Ohio. btO St. HAItlllS, Druuglat, 11 Iran AvHiur. for Sals !EncDlll9niBIIIiniIIIIIIIilll!lllllli!IIClllil!ISI!IIII3l!IIIB!lligil11iimillll.llH( Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa., May 15, 1891 f Send this coupon, with lO cents in cash, and get four of the marvelous 1 Multichrome Art Gems by far the i greatest offer of all. Mail orders 2a extra. I nIE!illlIllllli!ll!ilHIIIIIiII8tIllillllllllll9BllIII!9eSllilllliSUIIIIIBIIIIIICBUtlSU'!l From the X V. Tribune, Xov. I , SM The Flour Awards "CbICAOO, Oct 81. Fhe first offloial snnonceement of World's Fair di plomas on Hour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judce to the flour manu factured by tbe Washburn, Crosby Co, in tho great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports the flour strong and puro, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent floor for family and bakers' nsa." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOLESALE AOEMTl Taylnr-.Tn.l?oCo, Gold Medal; Athortoa oc io., . . la- i . -. pnryea Lawrenee siom f!o., noid ModaL Moaele John UnOiadlu, (JuMM.-iaL Pittston ii. W. O'BoyU., UoH M.rfl. L'luik's Urv.'ii-Kr.u;.. A. Pnrkor. Mip..r!atlv, Clark's Hnramlt P. M. Sanaa, Oold MedeX U-iltoii-S. K. Finn & Son, Gold Jlwlai Branl Nl h Una J. E. BardtaiB. Waverly M. W. Bliss A Son, Oold ModaL Fact ,ry viliu Charles Gardner, Gold MedaL Hem bottom N. at Sun is Sou, Gold Mi-dat, To'oyliai:na-T .hyha.m.i & Iftti-.gh Umtr Co Oold Me fal Brand Gonldsbora S A. Adams. Oold M-lal Brand. Mo- Giiiu'i. iC'l'-n.nts, Gold Medal. I . ' Am I Jamvs A iiortrpp. Gold M.-dal. Purtbt City-J L. Morgan & Co., Gold Medal WAGON WHEKL3 A I IjKS SPRINGS III BS SPOKES RIMS STEEL SKEINS R. It. SPIKES SCREW MAI II1MKY Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria Eg and Kidney Troubles 2 An- sntn. lv i naaai aa r r.r.i -Prickly Aah. Poa Kit ana Totat alum, iba ftTralejsi blwl purtflvr oa aanb. Arr- i '-n. r. , :.v :i. - Ht LirFfcijtN BHir.. J a van nail. Ga : I'. ii:4ik- tHmiaht aIottUnf fDW p p. Hot ;rlDp.Ark.,and It taa doM tnu MOta P0J t.tr. throo DJunt iit trntrncut at th M : Hpria;. fkioJ tar-- Dottlaa . i. t. laapatfoJb joara. JAA. M. iTKWTOaf. AN rvlet'ii, lir.wn Coaci) , O. a. t. J. i. Jolcia:ua. fb fl.V peWai IV miy roW''n: I hr br taattftf t tbi' wonliffn! propertiaa ti P. r. P. (Of rruutlon- of intstkm. t cf?iri'i tor aararai aara wit h an un- Ifthtly mtl ilia trrrsMbK' arttMOQ on no Nr. I trir1 T-rv ktinwn firnf dy but in tain. until p. r. P, vis ua-.-J, aad am n w enurolr pan-1. (IM llTt J. L. JOHNPTON, tvvannab. Go. KKtn CMHf Curs.!. Testimony rom tht Maysr o .N "e RKgnx.TH., January H. Mraati. uppma Briw. , Havannah, On.: Utnticmtn I havt trlid your P. P. P. for a illap of thesltln, ujninilT kniwn as skin t anrer,of . ..irfy Tr-arni ptan nntT. Htiii (ouud irrtat rVlirf; tt lurnlta ;he Mr. 1 and rcn.ovt-aall Iff rttatl n lr m thn Ma: of tht dut'at'O and pr'"t'nt nny aurcadlnir ot tho n r, l Lavo taken i.oor MX h. ttlea .. .! f I. 1 r- lilnli'i.t tl;.tt ,.n t htr rour-rt win fTtcr, t-urt. It baa tv.w relluvitd m from i . iiiai- and stowacb tivubkA. ,onn trulr. CAPT. W. M. Fir ST. Attorney at Lux, Bock on Blood Diseases Mib Free. ALL DKUCKHSTS SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. Z raorasioiSi t.lppman HlurkAutnunah, (Is RESTORE LOST VIGOR I WW dhtntari W,l br.ee . N npln a wprtt S.vdvlth WRITTEN i Ai?i.i..toi'ur. S.neattl w , LaserSuaal near la .nbn.. , l..folur.l.rT r.mi.nnui BSSB any r II im. It nepleel.il. seek Ireiiblei l.n l I, uipli. u ut lu.m Hy, ll.i.i.ier l ei l mall..', h. M (or Si. Wnh r-). "I'lri , r.. a n-tfim .,... .n.... .n ........ r.tun.l I .. mnt... co.. el.tid, lltil, RESTORED! NLPVS SEEDS. TMawitiidrrftil rn.vsl( ffttftr asteeil tit cure sail nerioue itli ru (.. h n.t WtAk Meiii'i r. of Hinlii Pnwer, llr.suaeiie. Wakeful nota. Lot WnnliiMitl, Niuh.tly KiutsaluMf. NiTTiMiitness.iilitlrMnsiiinllossot power In (ioueratlToOtvniisof ritMr Ml cmio1 hy overexertion, .couth it errora iv?r.nd.1v.iiinn nrr.hait i ml 1 1 rti tW U fl ' ' . I u I ' . , . til 1 lfi mil t T. fon "b i .ti .irrltM in vest ixvktt. SI r.T box. H for PirafnbllTpltTiFCS Tho only safe, eure and ever offered, to Ladioa, espocially recommend- ed to marriud Ludija. I