The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 15, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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We will sell our entire stock of
New and Stylish TRIMMED
PRICES. Come and see them at
WE have special facilities for
308 Penn Aw A. 8. WARM AN.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
We are showing
new designs in printed
415 Lacka. Avenue.
We Will Offer for a Few Day
Fine Moquette Rugr. at Si 03.
These Rug Have Never Been
Sold for Less Than S3 oo
Williams k McAnulty
' 2 7 Wyomlnp; Ava
Eight cases of mit-ifi and n caao of
diiithena wrt n-iui o-.l to t!i" b -a: J of
health yesterday.
Ptp- layiug baa ben rDtiinittici-tl i: tbi
Jut kaoti strwt dr.uii uti'lt-r tho nuoervmiou
of the city engineer.
The I, ndii-s Social nnion of th Penn
Aveuuo Bsptiat church will servo a miji
piT lifit Thursday eveniog fruiu 0 to I
The ordination of A. L. I'rtiau to th
deaooeate by the Right Kv. Bttbop Knii-
tOB will tnke placrt in St. Luke's church of
this city this moruiug at a o'clock.
Ork of th CoovtB John H. Ttiomas ;a
sio d iiiiirriai' iiceaaet yesterday to John
P. LofeDS, of An lu till, ui.d .Mary Krutt,
of Dnnniort-: Patrick ilulleu and l!ndot
I aiiavan. of Miuoolta.
A (pacta! mwtini; Of Um Kcraritoti I'ratis
c ub will m held at the club rooms at 7.30
o'clock this Hveninu wlo-u tickets for the
excursion to New York next Saturday
will b-t given ont. Otliu- business of au
injiortunt naturx 19111 l tHMMSSt d.
The remains of the late X. 0. DlilksT,
who died at Olio, New Mexico, are 'X
Jiected to arrive at tin I). V. H. Iliidifn
street depot this riiorntugnt IMi PnoSfal
services vvlU take place tomorrow morn
ing, r'nrther aunouncinout in tomorrow 'a
A meeting will ba held at 7.10 this even
ing at the vestry rooms of the Linden
1-treet temple for the p,.r posts of organiz
i:u: a branch of the National Cmie 11 of
.Iewih Women. All ladies of Annuo
( hesed congregation and their friends arc
111' st eartitatlv requested to attend.
The regular monthly meeting of tho
men's league of the JV1111 Avenue Hap
tttst church, will be held this evening .it
7.30 ahnrp. Tho subject will be, "K"
solvetl, tbnt too lart,'-. n percntage of the
BBOQCJF raised by rbnreh is 1 ipeuded
on music." NegfUivtt, William Mct'lave;
affirmative, Lir. L. SI. Qstet,
a -
Optn AH Night
at Lohmau'a Spruce street. ee
Daniel L Hart'n Naw Play . Daughter
of Dixie to I!o Oivsn.
Daniel L. Hart, the clever young
playwright of Wilkos-Barre, has pro
duced Heveral good plays, but none
liavo bean of tho high atatidarl of ex-c-llence
as "A Daughter of Dixie,"
Mr. Hnrt't latest play, whicli will be
prolncetl at the Frothingham theater
next Monday ami Tuesday evenings
under the auspices of tbs Scranton
Prett club.
Mr. Han't play will have the bonefit
of n production at the hands of well
known anil capable playera, as every
member of the cast, with one excep
tion, is frcm the companies or Charles
Frobman. Mr. Hart has had all the
scenery for the production specially
The Press clnb will auction nfT the
boxes for the performances at the
theatre Thursday afternoon at 4.30
Tha University Ninon to Play Here Next
Most interest is being manifested in
the game of base ball between the
nines of Lehigh and Cornell universi
ties at the Scranton base ball park next
Saturday afternoon.
There is no greater rivalry than ex
ist s between Lsbigh and Cornell, and
any contest between those universities
Is sura to bo marked by the very best
of playing.
The Teachers of the Grammar Gratis Kick for
Higher Salary.
Pay Roll Approved -Bids for Lots In
the Nineteenth Ward Contract Let
for Heating No. 27 SchoolThe
Money Derived from the Sale of
Bonds to Be Put in Bank Total
Levy of Nine Mills Recommended.
Lnt night's meeting of tliejboard of
control involved a discussion of many
important committee reports, a brief
consideration of increased salaries for
grammar school principals ami the
heating ami Ventilating of No. 27
school. President Von Storcli occupied
the chair and tha absentees were Mem
ben .Mitchell, Watroni and H. O'Mal
The last month's pay roll of $U
(181 70 waR approved.
lliila for lots in the Nineteenth ward
on which to erect a new school build
ing were opened and referred to the
building committee in conjunction
with Mr. Notz.of the Nineteenth ward,
bs follows. Charles DnPont Brack,
lots at Blnoher avenue, Maple and Bin
streets, liraviiy lann and BitO and l.o
cntt streets, fOOO cadi; Bluobtr
incline Locust street, f.VV); Blticher
avenue and Kim street, $870;
Joseph Foley, Beech and Moltk.i
Street, three lota, 150 by 100. $! 'd, Jum
M Murray, choice o! elgttt lots, SO by 190,
Bloobar avenue, Kin and Locust
streets, $2u0 e.ich; Christina Drown,
threa lota, Etoltks street, near Bin,
1750; Mrs, Hnttie M. Hums, Beech
sireot aud Bloobar svsnne, 260 bv ho.
$1,000; Mr. M J. Fallon. Brook
tract ami Meadow avenue, 180 by 160,
A petition of the grammar school
principals wss read by Secretary Fl
lows. It had atttoned varioui paper,
loolodlng I table of s,ilaris paitl by
many PenOiylTantl cities, which, com
pared with the Scranton Mela, show I
t Sis city's teachers to be paid smallr
It wis known that at last night's
meeting the finance committee would
present its report, which loolnded pro
visions for sslaries for the next fucsl
e.-ir. eonwqoantly lotlotu on tha psti
tloni was attandad with ootuiderable
Finally tha p"1ition was referred to
the teacher'i oonnittea until the next
The teacher's committee renort was
adopted as follows: That Mis E!iz.
beth William ba tenpnrarly ippoloted
lo prlnary Cnt No, S-", ana Mi s Mar
iiret Janteion to tb" annex to No. I t
on South Hyda Park avenue, that the
nretldont and secretary tw autlionz.d
to sign the aprllc itions for stat-t nor
mal ichool diplomaaol Sarn L De
vine, r.mily Lvaus and Htitlgtit A
Th" meeting adopted MCttOM of the
building committee's report as follows
That Edward H Prica baenployad ai
janitor at tha annex to No 11 in the
Coogragationai onorcn on Hyoerari
venue at a aalary of I0 per month,
that 8arah LeerU, jattitrii at No, V;
ha naid iwr tnontn, au lAOfaaao Ol
fit, to dale from the time of toe opo-.i-
mg of nu additional room in said uni.d-
I h reroiiiineiidalton of tha cnmiiii;.
tee to award th contract for heatrig
and ventilating No. '.'7ch oi was not
accept! d, bat was referro l baci; to tb
Coin nil tie.
The contract resolution of the com
mittee was, that the heating an I vuuti
lation t.f No Jj be awarded to Sm-a I
Wilis oi Co. for tho sum of 3,4M I I
the tyatam to be ooiupl'ited res'ly for
uie for the saiJ sum That the propo
sal la- tn le a part of the contract, the
terms oi payment to be as follows
Um -third ol the contract price when
tha material is n ttw gronod, one
third when placed In position and tha
remaining one-third when the system
isaccepteJ by the buiidiug committee,
no itiWrest to be pail on the unpaid
It was contended that errors had
been mal) by the architect iu the coil
of installing tho lyitem and that
f ortber oontTderatlon should ba given
toe merit! of steam ami hot air.
The report of tho finance committee
in relation to tbe sale of the high
school bomls to Ulalr A: Co.. of New
York, was adopted. Tun committee
recommended that the moner rahrd
from the sale of the bunJi be deponted
on interest in the several btnksofth"
city Where tbe fun Is of the dutrict are
now deposited in the name of the high
ichool building account.
Tho important portion of the report
announcing the estimate of revenue
aud expenditures for the coming year
and the ooMtqnent tax levy could not
to finally received until tho teachers'
salary question is settled. Hence the
report was referred back to the commit
lex with tbi decision of the mooting
that tho touchers' committee ahould
lot in conjunction.
It was evident that moit of the
members advocate the increase of pay,
although the matter is not allowed for
by the rtport. Th'-re Is a surplui of
several thotuand dollars which might
ba applied to the purpose Mr. Notz's
suggestion that proficient teachers
nho'.il 1 bo graded iu pay from this sur
plus ncc irdintr to their merits to the
Xtent of $8,000 total, may be consid
ered by the committee.
Tho estimate based upon the figures
of the pait two years is as follows:
Total forganarnl school pn repeat, 41 7 1,-
fai), including iji',,(kiii fur teachers', olll
eel s' and jauitors' salariea.
The lo-ses-ed Valuation of property and
occupations for the current year is 19,.
.112,714. To cover estimated amount neces
sary for general school ami bnilding par
p .ses, and to DrOVlde for the interest aud
binkiug fumi account, as required by law,
are recommend levy of
Pita and one-half mill, for general
school purposes.
Three ami one-half mills for building
purposes, and
1 mill for the in tercet and sinking fund
account, making a total levy of 10 mills on
the assess-d valuation Whiih will produce
the following estimate 1 revenue :
A U4 mill levy on 119,818,711, 9118,819,99;
allowing 8 per cent, for exonerations,'
commissions, Aic, 69I0l99 would leave
a not rovenne from taxation for school
purposes of 1100,008.98; adding stato ap
propriation of 0(874,988.8? would give a
total estimated amount for geuoral school
purposes of $178,897.80,
BCTLDIM account.
Three and one-half mills on $19,312,714,
187,891.801 less 5 per cut. for exonera
tions and commissions, t'l,i)79.72; balance
t4,s!l4.7S. Juno HO, 1804, them will bo ap
proximately a balance in the building ac
count of 9S9,9t8.07i which will make an es
timated amount of 04, 127.85 available (or
building purposes for the ensuing year.
A levy of 1 mill for sinking fund pur
pose.', after allowing for exonerations Bnd
commissions will produce tlS,47.0S, for
tbe payment of interest and the Accumu
lation of a fund foj tho redemption of tho
bonds at maturity; ninking a total esti
mated revenue for nil purposes or $;.riS,
189.60. It was d citle I to attend in a body
the exercises at No. 110 school Friday
afternoon, when Lieutenant Ezra Grif
fin post, Grand Army of tbe ltepuhlic,
will present the school with a Hag.
Au adjournment was made uutil next
Monday night.
Mm First Engaffoment of the Week a
Decided Succeaa.
Minnio Lester and her company
opened a week's ongagouiont at Hie
Academy of Music last evening. Tbe
large audience showed its appreciation
of the entertainment by generously nu -planting
the numerous excellent bits of
work. Tho play piuaeiited, "A Little
Busybody." gave Miss Lester aud her
a ..11 late a good opportunity for the
display of their abilities. Miss Lester
delighted her andlenoe with her danc
ing, which was remarkably good.
Prank K MoNisb, who first won re
nown as a minstrel performer, ap
peared with the company 111 his well
known specialty, "Silouco ami Fun,"
aud mado an excellent Imprasilon,
Tho orchestra is one of tho features ol
tho Letter company. The work of the
musicians last night Wii very pleasing.
Tonight Miss Lietir will bo aaeo m
"The Hand of Fate." Kveryoue who
c ires to see 11 good eiow Well played
should see Miss Lester's performance
at the Academy of .Music during the
week. Popnlar prices, 10, 20 and 80
cents, will prevail, ami special ladies'
matinees will be given TliursUy, Fri
tlav and Saturday, when the price will
he 10 coutrt to every T ir t of tbi theater.
Mayor Connell Declares Many Fra
chises Annulled by Expira
tion of Time.
A letter l:ns been nddreaiel to Gen
oral Manager H 11. Archer, of the
Scranton Traction company, by Mayor
Connell, annulling certain francbiMa
granted the Corporation last tall. The
action of tbe mayor involves about
thtoe milas of streets, the uie of which
has been u-ranted the company by tbi
city. No operation, can now be pro
moted on the stroitti nantd uuleaa by
action of tbe councils.
Mayor Council's letter IgftflfolloWl
S RAjrrOlt, i'a., May 14ll 1891
To 11. 11. Archer. Qeneral Manager Hcroi
ton iTaetton Company, City
Diab Bin; tdeeirato oall your ttttn.
tlon t nioof common count il, N . 14, ap
proved Ooi It, 189 granting to the Peo
ple , sti.sst Hallway company of Luzerno
county antborlty to eiiaau it llnoabya
single track on Lackawanna avanoe from
Nu. lh street to Main avenue, with proper
corvee on Main avenue, Htotlon i of seal
ordinance pro Vl del that th s road shall hi
oontnenoed within two racntha from tbi
'.atti of tba paaaage at Ibia ordlnanoi and
stall bi) coinpl"tod within turee moritbs of
OCh date or tins fraoohlti shall be for-
fe ted to the t nv u.t company nit bav
ins oomplled with tbe provlaloai of .aid
ordinance, I tberifort declare aald ordin
al ( 1 all and void.
I also desire calling Voir attention to
die. if select council No. approvotl pt.
;n. IW8 srmitting the Scranton Paaaao
ger Railway company 10 iStCBd its tracks
il eertain streets, q 1 , lams avenuo ffon
Iti lotiraectton with Lackawanna arcane,
etc., as providisl In ai I ortlinauce. Sec
tloii 7 t.f said . 1d1i1a .ee pr .vides lust this
road i-hall he ruiiiiouce. within three
III nths from the date t.f the passage ..f
this ordinance and ebaJI Is- 0001 titled
within two years from each date Your
company having failed to comply nuh tbe
came i-l.atiuite 1 inm-ncem.- t ..'
this work, I hereby declare said ordinance
null anJ v. nl
1 alao tleeire to call attention to H 1
of COCMMM council No IS, ivrmitling the
IV.ipiii'i Street Hallway coiupauv of Lu
zerne cunty loagtand Ita trucks on oer
lain t recti wltblo UMdtyoif kcranton,
from Pum attaat at u mtanawoMoej with
1 J may avenue, as providetl by sect I 11 1 of
toil I r lniance S-ctl -n 7 of aald ordinance
provides that tbit shall be commenced
with three months from th" data of the
paaaage of line ordiuaiire. aud .ball 1st
complete within one year from suthdate.
Your company having failed to cummeni a
the wi.ra as provided by aaid eiCilon I
hereby declare thai t hi- title loiochatroeti
ae provided by sat 1 ordinance to be null
aud Void. I am, Vorr Italy ft ur.
File of common council No U r
fetre.l to luelu lea a atusll strip of
West Lackawanna yenne, betweeu
Ninth itreet and Main aronue
tJver a mil 1 of etrevt prtTilagi it con
latiio l 1:1 common council Alt No. 1.1, provided tor alio-to Peleriburg
from Pine atree: and 1 llnOf av-uu .
along 1'iue, to Webster, to G.non, to
Taylor, to Ash and thence along Grove
The largett number of atreeta afTecttd
are on the Booth Side. The franchise
is annulled which includes a line from
Cod at avenue along Hickory, to Proa
iCt, to Hemlock, tO Stone, to Beech. tO
c rown, to Maple, to Meadow avenue
The hnlf-miie atretch of proposed
track along PltkitOO avenue from th
proMBt termitina lo the city lino ii
aiTtctod by select council tile No .'1
1 he annulling of tins IMBO ordinance
includes the block of Adaiua avenue
between Ltckawanna avenue and
tJprtlOl street
General Manager Archer would make
no etatemont when interviewed by a
Tiiim .NK reporter. He aaid he had no
dieial Information of the mayoi's to
ll 00, and was consequently not in n
position to dltOOJt th mutter.
Michaal Rally Arraitad Yeatarday on a
Charge of Larcany.
Michael Rally, a young man who
testified yesterday in the cute of the
loiumonweallh againit Thomas Gib
bons and Patrick Mnnley who were
charged witn having stolen goods from
tho Delaware uud lludtou depot ut
Archbald, was arrostotl immediately
after the acquittal of the defendants'
referred to.
Etalll Wat arrested at the initano of
Special Gfllcer Crippen of the 1 Ida
ware and iludton company. It was ex
pected that Kally'a testimony at the
trial of tbe case against Munley and
Gibbons would have the effect of con
victing them. Far from 11. Ilia evi
dence was so decidedly favorable to the
young men that they wete acquitted
A warrant for his arrest on 11 charge
of larceny was then sworn out and Knllv
was taken into custody in the conrt
house. Hib father ami Michael Mnn
ley of Arcbbald, entered bnil in $500
fur his appearance at court.
One Dollar Par barrel Saved
My using the noted Hoyal blend Flour,
the highest grade nml best fanuiy Ihur
manufactured. I'sed by thousands. Aak
your grocer for it.
II. MoNTtioMKliY Co., Agents,
726 Wi Lackawanna avenue,
Stenographers Furnished.
We nro prepared to furnish business men
with lirst-clnss stenographers by tho tiny
or hour. Kxpert bookkeeping n specinlty.
scranton Commercial Association, Lim
ited, 42C Sprnce street.
CulU for Croup. Use Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil according to directions. It is
the best remedy for all sudden attacks of
colds, pain and iuilnmmation.tnd injuries.
Cases That Occupied tho Attention of the
Court Yesterday.
The Young Men Who Entered the
Delaware and Hudson Station at
Archbald Last December Acquitted.
The Same Defendants Tried on
tho Charge of Larceny and Re-ceiving--Soulh
Siders at War.
Tho first caie called 111 court yester
day before Judge Sittser was that
against Thomas Gibbons and Patrick
Munley of Archbald, who are charged
with having entered the Delaware and
Hudson depot at that place in December
last Tiie defendant! wore represented
by Attorneys Gilcford, Boragg and
Newoomband Dittriol Attorney Kelly
was ii" 'sled by Mr O'Hrien iu the
It was alleged that the HOSUled en
tered the depot 011 tho night ol Decem
ber 88, by prvirig open the win Iowa of
the ticket oltic Tbe ticket box was
found ab uil 600 feet from the depot
with its contents missing an 1 a ton
gallon cask of wbiakey contigned to
Christopher Liritl" was stolen. This
was the tettimonyof tbe station agent,
Herman ( lerbig,
Michael Reilly, n young man on
WbOte testimony tho eomuiotiweallh
placed much reliance, made a ttroog
witnest for the defeute. He was not
pot i live as to who the persona worn ho
saw ut the depot on tin night in ques
tion, and wa not sure th it tho-y tiraiik
wbliky. His evidence differed from
that given at a former henriug,and waa
not convincing enough to convict tbe
delendatita. They were therefore re
turned not guilty
Till ll KoK I.AM'E.SY AMi Itl't'iEIVINU.
The same defondanta Were again
called for trial on a obarge of larceny
and rroeifing Tbe tame oonnteldt
fended then nml Dieiriot Attorney
ivslly was nlone In prot cntlug tbtm
Tbe mlt waa brought t the instance
of Liverymen Puree, of Carbondalt,
It wat alleged that OO Sunday after-
11000, Dee 19, two yonng men of Car
bondale hired a team to orlTa to Arch
bald. They etopped at Hail's hotel,
and while inside Ulbh mi and ktonley
an l a young man itemed Prank Nor
row came along and Irora away with
the team. They CSUM to Scranton an I
put tiio team up t Cotlok't livery
l tnbtrqointly arreeted here
and bad a hearing before AUl ri. o
Wright Since IbOfl Morrow went
awav and hai not come back
Tbe defendenit admitted that they
took the loam, but lo t with the Inton
(ioo of seillog it or Injuring It in any
Way They were UUdOt the InfloeoOi
of liquor and were 1. t re.p oisitde I t
wiial they were 81 mg ut the tune. The
commonwealth made a rather ttrong
ease against them and sought to prove
felooloci intent. Mr. Scragg made a
(erv.-ut plea tor the defense ami Mr
K-llv followed for the ct mraun wealln
Judne Mtts. r bri- By charge the jorv.
dwelling ptrtlcnltrly on me meaning
of the law With reference to felonious
Intent. At 4 lo the jury retired, bui
had not returned a verdict up to the
lime of a lt iiirumeut
( lemsntS Martin 0 was arraigns 1 he
' 1 .In ! .-, 1. : on a charg of forni
cation and bastardv preferred by Mad
eline GeaaTTOi Both parties resile it,
the Twentieth wsrd of this city It is
alleged sgsloal Martluo thst he la the
father of a child which was burn 10 the
prosecutrix early in Jtnutry Ex
tttdgS BtaOtOfl looked after the mter-
ti of t o d' fei.d mt an I Mr. Scrsgg
teitted Dittriol Attorney K -1 1 - 111 tbe
proeecstiou, Tbe proeecutriz wee uu
able to apeak Hngllsh lOtOlllg tltlv slid
Arigotu I . 1 Imaiii.i was ugnt-d up 1.
a interpreter
Only the proseoutris hal teitiii-ti up
to the time of adj .iiriitneiit It net,
lent that the cam will be of a racy and
teotatlooal order if the few questions
alrendy aaked by the dofeadaui't coun-
ta) be taken ua an Indication of thu line
of defense it is intend. .1 lo pursue
The pr aenitrii, who la an . tiling ha t
lieautlfnl. la apparently nbOUl 88 yetra
old She aays sh" cam here from Italy
ahoiit three yetra ago and lived for a
tint with her brother in BoVtb Scran
ton. It la here, all nlleg a, the aurita
of acta werecoiiiinitt. il for which Mar
lino ) arraigned BtM tacusea him
of having taken impropr liberties
with her on three OOOSaioOt and as a
result t child was born to tier
The cross examination by Judge
Stanton drew the admiaiion from her
that, although unmarried, a child had
been lorn to her la Italy about four
yean ago
The wltntti denied having known
Santo Cropplo, Benedetto Mttteo ami
John Boo iti three of her ItalWirl
countrymen, who looked her squarely
In the vye when Mr. Stanton called
then before the bar. She did not ap
pear to lie at all affected when Mr
Stanton asked her if she had not in
vited them, on different occasions, to
stay with her over night. He alio
asked the witness if the tied not told
Clementina BitStioa that she would
select Martiuo as the fatuer of In r
child, tiecatiao he waa tall nml good
lookiug, and then Mrs Sabatina came
forward, evidently prepared to lay the
did. Tht witness denied this, as well
as everything else charged against her
When she had finished ber testimony
court adjourned.
Peter Andre wi, of South Scranton, it
on trial before Judge Savage, charged
with assault aud battery. The prose
cutrix is Annie Kohl, a contlu of the
defendant. There has boon ill feeling
between thO partita to the suit for a
long time ami last November thu of
fense was Committed for Wbioh tbe de
fendant it about to be tried It It al
leged that be struck Miss Kohl on tho
arm with a large stone ami also madu
threats ngalntt her. Mr, O'Neill oon-
dncti the pros -cntion ami Attorneys
Newcomb ami Z.immermar: represent
the defento. The case was 011 nt ml
The Cotnmlieianir Who Will Take Taa
tlmony In the Twelfth Ward Contaata.
The uttnrueya for Henry Coylo uud
John F. Kearney, tbo defeated coun
ciluiauio candidates of the Twelfth
ward, expect that court will appoint
the commissioner today to take testi
mony In tho contested oluction catt s
against Morgan Sweeney and James
When these cases are opened, the
testimony promises to bo livtly and
Mualo Boxsa Exoluaivaly.
Ilest made. Piny any desired number of
tunes. Gautschi & (ions., manufacturers,
.1 : 0 1 he-.unit s 1, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestrial organs, only $S and fin.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired and ituprovod with now tuuos.
C P. Jidffia'i Novel Piau for Solving the
Problem of Its Location.
The Bridge as Proposed by Mr.
Jadwin Would Be Shorter, Less
Expensive, and in Every Way More
Desirable Than if Placed at Either
Linden or Mulberry A Novel and
Orie;inal Plan Set Forth.
C. P. Jadwin, the well known real
estate agent, makes a suggestion re
garding the location of th- proposed
bridge across the Lackawanna in the
vicinity of Linden street, which poi
8 'sses tho merit of originality and is at
the IStne time apparently practicable
and economical. Mr. Jndwin has been
an ihtorest'd listener to the many
arguments in favor of nml against
the location of tho bridge and he
it convinced that the difiicnliy
which seems to coufront the people
may be easily and sntisfnetorily
1 verted While be is inclined to be
lieve that continued agitation of the
mutter may result in the postponement,
or tossibly the lost of tho bridge, be
still thinks the discussion may have
tiie offset of awaking a spirit of it -vt
ntion tir Ingenuity which will tettle
tin- matter to the satisfaction of ell
oonotmod, Mr Jadwtu'e opinions are
best given in his own words:
"I think, "said he, "that this bridge
matter is, us General Hancock
said nbout the taritT. merely
"a locil issue." I belj.-ve that a
bridge placed St Linden street
will satisfy the majority of the people,
at I -list to a far greater 1 Xttnt than one
at Mulberry itreet- Hut why not have
one bridge do for botu street!? It II
certainly possible to to place it ttiat it
may truthfully be calld Linden street
bridge and at the same tim b- very
co:.venlont to Mulberry ttreet. Tht
p pie voted to have it placed at Lin
dan street, mid if WO fool with the mat
ter we may run tha rtult of losing the
bridge entirely.
My idoa is this: M ke the approach
on the SOS tem end shout 2'HJ feel above
Linden itreet on M 111 n avenue or ml 1
way between Linden and Mulberry
ttreotl If that location should lie moat
dl -treble. By doing this you give to
both ttrtela the advantage of the
bridge; you bare a nice plaOt for au
I ; 1 lb, sn 1 y u n iy hav a bri lye
from 80 lo 10 1 ; .t shorter than at Liu
den or Mulberry street it will I
more direct and consequently ten ex-
puiiSIVo to bttlld. It Will avoid the need
of tangents end will he m on directly
in lino with wetland itreet u the
Wett Side Iiy it at either of
the locations I apeak of it may also be
ponible to avoid the itf,-,i qontlon
whieh will undoubtedly arin tboold
the bridge be placed at Mull e:ry itreet.
"Fron another p nut of view, a loca
tion nt an equal .1. .tenet from both
ftp-eta will have a betiefinal elf-ct on
;r ; r v v tinea ov.-r a more extensive
territory than if thu bridge Were to be
placed at either street Bf placing tue
bridge nl Mulberry street it will cer
tainly have a tendency tO increase Ibo
value of property in that neighbor
hood, '1 he e.iue may Le s od . I. q.
den street Wonld it not be b-'tter
alter all to hare the bridge so located
that the gr-Mteit number nlgbt b.-
d menu i"
I IW f, tt I r It TH! sH. 7I !S
It may tsi seen i.y referring lo a
man that Mifltu svennt at tbopjiotol
wbioh speak is very wide, and that
the dlstalice b. (ween the avctiu 1 and
BWttlaod street it not s 1 great as It is
between Linden or Mulberry and the
opt ill" ba tt.,- pt er 1 tie tvi nm
is certainly wi le enough to sfT .rd a
fine sweep for teams turning . IT tbe
bridge and would, to a great digTi
do away with the sharp turn ttiat is
oft-n neoesaarjf In rounding a ooroer '
' le t the bri !g- le built aud If it is
poenide tonleotsnon desirnbte lo
caliou thaa tli it I speak of, why then
lot it be pinned there,"
' --
nit : 1 e 1 1 o ' 1-. i bock ;gent.
Charlie ( 1.1! n OretO Sub cr.bere by a
K -lis-1111 1 das
A young man giving hia name at
Chsrln Wi Clifton, boarding at 841
aVdnni avenue. w.,a y.-s'erliy callel
to police benlquarten to explain why
h" hat lieen tolioitlog b-ok anbecrip
tiont und ir th fain plea that be
wanted to raise fundi to carrv him
throtieh n theological course at Prince
ton university,
The young man it endowed with a
pleasing address ami lias giveu the
name of K v J din P. i'liupbell, a
pronlnsul Beltlmore divine, as his
pastor, A Uttr reoolvsd frcm Ur
Campbell stated that Clifton waa un
known to him
When qontlon sd by Mayor Oonnell
and Captain Edwards, Clifton ad
mitted his Btatem-nt to be false, but
aaid ho bad collected no money. How
ever, he bad contracts calling for tho
delivery of tho book and laid ha pro
p m 1 to mak his deliveries: and then
colltct the subscription price.
Tim eathorlttn had no ground to
detain bin and to he was roleae-d
Aie the works of a wheel bu
row. Il sliuiiltl be oiled onoe
It is a much liner piece of
mechanism and should be
cleaned and oiled every year,
to keep it in jrood order.
Have it done by
W. W. Berry
The Jeweler
Wbo has had twenty-five
years' experience. You will
Bnd him at
417" Lacka
Avenue. Best Sets of Teeth, $3 00
Including tha palnleaa extractlnj
cl tet-'tli by un entirely uuw lrih
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
Thlrty-two Oat Poaitlons.
Wo offer special advantages during this
summer in Business, Shorthand and Eng
lish departments. The fact that thirty
two secured good positions during April
is the DCtt evidence of the practical nature
of our work. Wood's College of Business
and Shorthand.
J." I" Illlllllllllllltlllllllllllll
mm Takes a new lease of lifti th lnlnuto 5
S you bring it into our store. To con- S
; vrooeyonof the truth of our ttattment I
we name a few prloes.
5 Tea of Coffee Pots orcl,,;!: 55c,up
i "'Marion Hurland' ' Cofee Fots 85c .up
Mi am
S A touc'i and tiioro's the full S
blue: another touch, gone: Clean, 2
9 limpl Ufa 7S..-. up. Jtuny M
-. si.tis .and kinds.
8 np Don't huiiii a large
coal fire tins a arm aeatbtr; it
makes the whole bouae uncom
S fortable a
g We have aomethina entirely naw 3
mm BPBARI Oooking Kange-tbe 3
a very latest wond-i- tilad to show you S
2 the point ( t.iuo in sud see, It Is not S
3 t" buy ul ways.
128 Wyoming Ave.
v are now dlsplsyirig
8 line iiiifi of
The month of May always brings
these to the lore. It is the month in
which the GRAND ARMY in all
parts ol the Union sees to its uniform
and fits itself, to properly decorate
the graves of fallen comrades.
Full Grand Army Suit
from $Q.50 UP- single and double
breasted, each coat and vest being
made with eyelets and furnished with
two sets of buttons.
Every purchaser of
the Beautifa PARLOR
137 AND 139 PENN AVfcNUE,
Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA.
S. L. r ALLEN.
We Don't Want
The Drum
Your Ear
Straw : Hats
None Cheaper
Styles Correct
This Week
A $150 Leghorn Hat for
79 cents.
Flowers, worth 50c. a Spray,
For 15 cents.
Our Trimmed Hats marked down
to half price.
Cloak Dept.
A find Clay Worsted Coat,
lined with Moire Silk, worth
$14. for $6.
A Black Moire Silk Cape for
$9, worth $20.
Your choice of 100 Capes
and Coats, in all shades,
for $2.98, worth from $7
to $15.
Also, a Tailor-made Suit for
$4.98, worth $7.
138 Wyoming Ave.
1 worth or over receives a chance 011
But wc want to impress
upon yon the fact that we
are offering better values in
footwear than any other
Shoe House in Scranton.
Call and we will prove it to
you. The benefit will not be
one-sidcil. We'll get a new
customer, that's true, but
you'll save money by trailing
with us.
- 0'' L&clc&wannanil JKjoming !
None Better
Prices Right