4 THE BCB ANTON TRIBUNETUESDAY MOKJN1JNU. MAY 15, 1894. SCRANTON TRIBUNE FrtBI.lSltllt) DAILY IN SCRANTON, PA., ffnii 'l'Kiuuaii ri-iuiMiiNo CompAnt. Nfw York Office: Tribune Building, Frank s. Uhat. Manaoeil Anlerni at the Pottofllce at Feranlon, Pa, Second-Class Mail Matter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. SOB ANTON". MAY iff, IS!) I. ONI THING may b taken for granted The people who voted for two new bridges didn't mean that tbey Bhould tie hniit In tbe twentieth century. It is time to (ret down to the bed rock fact that the bridges are needed now. A Blistering Disgrace. The lucid and convincing: narration In the Philadelphia 1'ress yesterday of the anccecsive details of the colossal jobbery whereby the giernntio Sugar trnst. controlled by the llnvemoyera of New York, coral tad the president and senate of the United States in further ance of their scheme of monopolistic enrichment through fnvor.ible tarilT schedule inserted to order In tho hem stitched Wilson bill in exchange for cash f qnivtltnta forms a story of pol itical spoliation without precedent in the literature of great scandal. The spectacles of n (jreat party deliberately selling itself, in return for n $500,0(10 campaign contribution not to apeak of individual irrstriitie." ; of n highly moral chif OXeotltiVO en meshing himself step by step ia tli web of deceit Htid wrong-doing through selfish friendship forced on him by oily ag'Tits of tne trust; of the secre tary of the treasury ojunly admitting the deal befor a committee of Demo cratic politicians; and, finally, of a cabal of Democratic Mnatora working in secret behind barrel doors npon larilf schedules which war framed to the dictation of the trust's ehief man sgrs, forms in its shameful aggregate a record that can ex"it.' nf other feel ing tiian utter indignation. There have ben rumor that this ex poanr would come. Mints and frv,--mnts of this odious trail) in the c:i- Ddenca of the people have rarionsly cropt into pnblioity dsiit extraordi nary elTirts to hash, the matter up. I 1 even onrrent talk that retolntions looking toan Impeachment of the pr ident nnder whoee mtagnlded vision this ihnmefal eoaodel bad bn plotted and fashioned were at mie tim qnietly circulateil in inner congressional cir cles, with a view to ascertain! ng the drift of party sentiment Finally, in the open sen.ito of tho nation, reputable orctors of the minority bold! charged that a gigintic deal had lieen connmma'el which dmnnl I n thorough invesligation Itnt no: r.ntn tin tin has the real duwloiare been made public, or the re il efidtBM marshalled with a forte that cannot now be laughed down. The narration of the Tress is oredlble first bacan" it supplies its own proof; and MOOOdly because it is the only hypothesis tint throw any iclantifio light "n the other wise incomprehensible iocoherencv and chaos of th Democratic senate' IT rts at tariff nvision. Tae to iler judgment of the pople will not only readJv credit this rx posnre, but it will btootforth demand, with nn emphasis that cannot be ctille d, the lifting of tho whole yeil en l tho merciless chastisement of thoa wh'i have ttns sold oat the taxpayers of our country for pelf end personal profit. A pttbllo sentiment which can rsvoit at Tammanyiau) In ;otham will not fail to mete out scrupulous punish ment to the larger Tammanyitm thai htl coiled itsIf in the chief place of national lefialattou. Not the least interesting portion of this exposnre i th fat I that much of the Corruption fund contributed by Wall street lobbyists to tho osuiptign which elfOttd Mr Clevdand went to ward the cemeoting of Populist fusion in the west. Thus we hart the curious anomaly of Populitt r.mtr acting as unconscious est paws for the very monopolis that formed the incesant theme of their bitterest denunciations, it is oltimtd by the I'ress' correspon dent, who has exceptional facilities for getting uecunte information, that at loast Colorado and Illinois wjri directly carried for the Democracy by aid of money thus supplied; end what wiu true of these atntea may with reason on 1 logic be assumed to lie tnw of other states sim ilarly manipulated. We trust that our Western fellow citizsnn will perciiV" the peculiar irony t their present ait nation. It may have n tendoncy, if properly understood, to abate in the future their habitually mad ardor to right exaggerated wrong by blindly playing into the hands of their greatest enemies. For the rial, this revelation can only mphnsizo tho earnestnes of tho na tion' coining repudiation of the rotten thing today called Democracy ; and ad 1 rest to the tntnmary retribution which was already fully decided upou - It is no doubt purely nn oversight which caused the esteemed Washing ton Star, usually so careful in matters of this kind, to copy from 'I'm. TRIBUHI without the accustomed credit a recent editorial in whieh this journal defined a ball umpire's qualifications. With this minor correction, we bow acknowl edgment for tho compliment Mr. Stranahan's Setback. Ono cannot feign surprise at the very natnral information that the few remaining Demoerats of prominence in Pennsylvania nre not specially eager to come forward with subscriptions to thi year's campaign fund. Letting nlone the fact that the Democratic party, financially as well aa politically, Ij bankrupt and mortgaged for more than it is worth, partly dne, in a state sense, to J, Marsli Wright, who taft the central committee with a $1,500 de limit (taring it in the face, this ia clearly not a Democratic yoar. Even Populist Joe Sibley, who ia one of tho men that hold a mortgage on the Itonr b,n machine, recognizss this and is careful, exceedingly careful, not to got caught in the oxpenaive toils of n Democratic gubernatorial nomination. We repeat it is not precisely surpris ing, therefore, that the thrifty new Hold marshal, Jamea A Stranahan, with uch a condition of Impeounioilty con fronting him, should take him In hot haste to Washington, there to murmur into Grover's ear that unleBB there was a moro vigorous shake-down of minor federal plums iuto the aprous of the impatient faithful, it would bo literally impossible to make a pretense of sus taining tho Democratic organization built up, with much travail, by his friend Harrity. Indeed, the fact that the obdnrnte executive is currently rumored to have finally vouchsafed au affirmn tivo response is proof that the high opinion wo havo always entertained of Brother .Stranahan's oleaginous proper tie were not in the least misplaced. The plum tree will be shaken, with a good and lusty shake, if James Adelbert Stranahan line any fuir chance In the piny. What is more, the plums will fall, not at haphazard as heretofore; but with unerring precision whero they will do the moat good; that is to say, where they will sooueat yield needed revenue for parlisau lubrica tion. Notwithstanding all this, however, and much moro which could be said In tulogy of the unctuous Jamea, it is a cold and cheerl-ss fact that Democratic investments, through the medium of state campaign assessments, are not held at present in very high favor, l'.ven Miose congressmen of Democratic faith who misrepresent Pennsylvania at Washington ate currently reported to have uiveu Stranahan the snub His artfully worded calls for $" checks fell on ears that might as well have been chiseled out of stone. His eloquent I ei son. u appeal for contributions "for the good of the cause" met with silence, irowns or derision. These discourag ing Incidents, we Hre particular to make clear, are not an I must not be interpreted as refleotioni upon Stran ahan'a skill; but rather hs usufructs of miscellaneous Democratic demoralizs tion which has spread so far au l so firmly that even Democratic office hinders are ashamed to squander more money in the interests of their obaotic party. TAjatANYini in politic Will survive Croktr'l retirement; but it will not survive an intelligent and determined spirit of honeitv among the people, lii enro for po'.itic.tl tiiievery is in the public's own hands. Build tho Brides At Once. On feature of tbe Whs; Si I blidge He diecuttioti that ha not recetn I tbe attention it dtttrvti is the proc ibillty that to change from tbe loca tion agreed upon won! 1 postpone the dual work of bridge building it kratl me year, w onl I inffl ilenl adranttgee ie gained by the Change to Warrant each additional delay! It will be remembetel that cue d the most cromlntnl argamtnti nl Vaooed In favor of the bridges, prior to their final ratification at the pollt, wai t.iat if the itmetUret wer put in ,l,ice daring the present busine .tringeticy, t would g'.ve worl: to many Btn wbc art idle, and that it would also entble : Me city to luiy mat tmIs iuu-i In !,. their normal eott, The deprettloo is now Dtarlot its tod, and the strain upon organited oharity.ineldtnt to t ti at depression, i Increttlog In proportion If the actnsl work of btidgt building could ty any posailolity bo begun yet this summer, it wool I lie in the nature f a redemption of earnest promlect a i -.fell aa a material benefit to onr c ity s unemployed. The sngKton elsewhere advance. I by Mr Jed win that a compromise l ri lg"o i.l 1 be advantagoouslv located midway between Llldtfl an HslbWfy, n 1 1 h approaches making it qntlly ac cessible from both streets, u at least a novtl contribution to this dUMBteiOO ; and one that will attract much atten tion. The argument of Mr. Jadwin tbtt nth site would require no new appeal to the peoplu and could be oc cupied almost, if not quit, a soon a either of th other, i plenelhle and original. It I singular that this in uen.ous solution to tti problem w not previously advanced. The greet point i to jtet at the hard work of ac tual bridge building in time to ben flit the citizens of today In presenting, from day to dav, var ied opinions as to sites 1 hi; Turin si oaa oheved simply the duty of a news paper which recognizes popular intr st in ponding qnesti ns and s. ek- to appease it. Hither site would be fairly attepttblt to the reat mas of citicmia, nrovided the coming of the hri Ige be not delayed beyond reason P.at there is decided objection to having this nee oisary improvement (hoved ahead nnn-cessaril v The bridges should bo I built at once -the sooner the belter. That was coiumu Bouament whleb the aciire worktn la joaraalUn tbrOUfhOUt the United State-t, trctHil in honor of Kranic DtttoO WheD, each 111 hipecial tielil, iiiiull.tncniitly nii.l without prior lUKtfaitmn other thin 1 that great editor' truly lnmenteil I !cath. p-uinvd trihute of nirectiou which, a collecteil in lint Bpoday'l I Waahlnaton Poet, filled atxtoen col I umn of solid axate type. No un worthy career could win nucli a meed of kindly mention. Cameron for President. General Warner, the Wn..niri x- I cotigrmBi.ian, was at one time a MofQl land experienced leuilator; but the' ! free-coinage tliftne anem nlmont to 1 linye clouded hi tirnin. Aa jireeident of the t'i metallic league, evir ready to occupy apace and lime with extreme opinion detriuinntal to the country's 1 busineta intercte,ho i beginning to be ' I just a trill monotonous, not to say actually tiresome. General Warner th I other day availed himself of a Pittsburg I journal's kindness to detail at length ; I his wearisome views, and would have I deacended into ahsolute romiiMii place : hud ho not accidentally delivered him self of thi entertniuintf bit of prop'j ecy: There bus heen a mighty chniiRe In ' sentiment lately about silver. The Ite puhlicnii leaders realize that silver will tin the issue, not ti e tariff. Cameron Is amoiiK the first to fbt that protection and tlte ROlO standard do not insure high prices. The western Ptatos, from the Mississippi to the coaet, will stand by tbe party that is willing to give them a chance. I predict that neither McKtnlejr nr et Speaker iteed will be the Republican candidate for president. It would not surprise me if Senator Cameron is the man. The people will insist once mid for alien a settlement of tho financial ques tion. If Pennsylvania took ration stock in the cut yonr-noao olT-tn-spite-yonr-face theory of politic, we should be inclined to say that nnything which should give to the citizens of this common wealth another senator who would adequately represent their roonomlc beliefs would be acceptable, oven though it should translate Mr. Camer on from the senate to the white house. Hut that would b too cru4 to the United Statea, The ui03t that we can wish for, In this direction, is that in the atato senatorial districts where the Cameron i;isue can bo honestly raised, tbe people may indicate thoir desires so plainly that, when tho time com -s, the Pennsylvania legislature will do its duly. STATE POLITICS BOILED DOWN. After announcing that (!. 1,. Magen WOttld present Walter 1, yen's name before next week's convection, the Philadelphia Tunes, In the tame urticle, reported a rumor that Mr. Hagee hud made a deal whereby hta strength would be thrown to Robinson. Colonel MaGinrt'a young men are evidently again afflicted with political mullygrubt, a This is what Harry Hall telegraphed to the Ejittaburg Times last Saturday "P resi dent Cleveland is getting to have more re peet for I'einocratli' congressmen. He has Informed Bepreaentative w. h. nines, of Wilkes-Barre, that the nomination of H. M. McDonald, whom .Mr. Hisseii appointed potmater at Kingston, w ithout even con sulting Mr. Ellnee, will be withdrawn, and Henry Van Bcoy, Whom Mr, limes tins recommended, given the place.'' e The foregoing Information, following Democratic S'ate Chairman Jamei Adel bert Stranahan's visit to the national ' capital and interview with QrOTtT, is thus I aigniflcantly aupplenentedi "Tho ad miniatratton seem to be diapoeed to look I ahead to the congressional elections in I PennsylTaoia, The heads of the several ' Federal departments in the state have re ceived an intimation from Wi.logtoo that in making aabordlnate appolauwnt tbey mnet. as far as twsib, regard til-' wiabea and recomnwnuationi of the Dmo crane rongrosmeii. A sly dog is thai Stranahan. e Dlnce Captain w, Y Beynolde, of Tonk bannock, withdrew from the geld uiy i Lndus Uegers of M 'Keen stands bttwee i lien, .nil l.atta, of Pblladelpbla, and a 01 i llmoni nomination for the secretary ablp F internal affaire Mr Rogers, it la ; believed, cm l removed bv the proffer "f aaultable appoiafnent and another po Mill,- alement ol riralry be thus smoothed i away. e That veteran legislator and economist, ' Jerome B. Nils, of Tioga, won Ust Satur- day's prieaariee wltlioni oppoeluoa an 1 I will be trtarophently retnrned, alongside Walter T, Merrick, to ibtOeldof hieoun picn ois usefulness nt llatrieb'irg. I - Henator Horace ii Packer, -f Wtllaboro, ne t with strong factional OpBOtttlOO, but will probably represeal the sutesntu dis t net in the next congr -s e Accotdirg to a reie r: which emanates tiion I'euiecra'ic aeorces at Il.trrmtiurg s er "i ine sta-e n a oi reprwnta t . ward it EUbH is q i t ae vm, I that If Jack Robinson is beaten be (bit I will immediately teter the ario. as . ; i andidate for speaker againel Hurry Wal ton, . f PbUadetpfela Other apeaberebli I candl tee already ante aactd are K lakel lot Daaphin; Sayftrt, i t leanoaater. am LOCI OI Arin-T t g : Me that John K i'.irr. if : enter the l,itilo ground. I ; 14 a,. pi- ;- raolected, in v. Hi a i'.ri'i.i; sum rt. Tbe WHhee Bafte Retard, while rfu all agthe nertte of the other etalneal Be I plblicaa whose names have twn RMtt I ttooed a possible aaadldetee agelart Rert- r. - i,' ii 1 lllei-., 1. M';rhlv i,.nl t,, 01 Hvoal r Vnran II Militant. Woo, ly lb" way. u puttma forth a spirited CM VI.M, it y of bun . "No aaoiltdale eoald I lnore popular Willi III" wor.l glMO, tur hi whole iif bss heen in the doeeet STtninll v Willi tlirln. If nonilnnted ho willie 1 sxperlaeenti to nnknowe Quan tity, Be li" been before the people le the past siei io heea en loreed b then w mi ororwhetaeini m.inir. 1 h la-meu Mi li :1ml wily Individual was tronger tnsn ha te tonay, nod If pitted agaiii.t liiiu thu tall will nnnihiUte him beyond pered rea tare." That la what m wnutiMi. if M. WIUIaflM i -me he caa do ibla.lt will lw a strong point in bia favor. Heanwhlin it 1 grnwylatte know Ihntatohn 1-tsenrlng la procoodlng on a vlniuar beet Tim. niii will n iid for a trouncing, wblnhtvw wma. at i n ad of Jndge Herry Whiles el Indi ana and tie y are tuny, all on r th tate mil be '!' nej t Irani tl.at at la.: Sat- nrday'a prisarita he wenl la against four strong opponent! and ra m out with rly lugcoli r. I.yoii driegittes wrre rhosou . a Repreooutatlv BatTey, of tbe Second Usaerne dletriet, will not, it i hellevod, have any oppoaiiion tot renomlneihin. . r The randlda of Oeorge & 1'erru it Weal Plltotou, for orpbaaa oowt Jndge of l.urrrne la mr : -ing Hie 1 M liinna M i Farrta' friends, are literally iwropiag u... Bold iii pro nt tee to iw aocnlnated nn delegntte to throw nwy. as Danphln'l f' lir delegates will not b la atrnoted at today county convcotl ni bnl will probably divide sTenly between Boh inanti and Lyon, Matrlot Attorney Dai weib r. Whoa nil In mI I'.lka know, will, if possible, pilot tb layman I), tlillwrt boom through tile hidden rocks of iippoaiug far tions and ainh.'i aja a According to tho latest scrounts bellig erent Bowntd Motchltr h asalnon thr warpath aninat the BairityfInoel com hinr; and thn atettl to Dghl It until olio or the other is a di ad feci r 111 the ring .Mr. Mutcbler should restrain hi gorydeelgttl until after the xv.pUt ban bad their say next Kovenber, Maybe it will 11. en not be neces-.ii v for bun lo hold an lOij iat i n that partlcnlar eleineol in tbe l'euusiva ma rJemoonny. s s s This fail s tate political battle, an well a tho county one, win be an Important one. Bcetdoea ravernor, llenlooentgor- nraor. anditotceneral and votary oi la tern a) affalra thirty coagresnmea two el lame), twentv-live senators, two hundred and four members of th h inse of rtpTf seutatires, IblrtassB indiea of common plenannd tlneo orphana' court jodfao are to be chosen, The tern ofofflceof tbe Utenu jadgeewbo ireta be luoceeded ni pxplre in January, ItlNk Oftheconi- Don pleas ittdffee whose OummbNiOU ter minate at that time, Bowsrd J, Reader, of Nortbampioui Robert N. Wilaou. l'niin adelpbla; Wllbor f, Sadler, Uomberland; A'iron L Banen, Lawrsaeej Thomas .1. lay ton, Delaware; John '. Wlckham, lieaver; Hurry White, Indiana; Robert W. Art hbald, taMkawanna, A. O. Pont Cen- troHuntiodott, are Bepublloani and Simile! S. Mehard. Mercer; '! heodore I'. Jenkiaa. Phtladelpblai Witltam htoOleau, Adama-Fulton, aaaJpht a. Mtwer, kwUi reB-Wyomlng Denonrnta, The judges of orpbanr oonrta wh aa iBooeeeora are to be cboaen tin year are Wllllan Braatley llatiiia, of I'liiladelphis, and VY. U. Haw kins, Allegheny, Bepublicana, and Daniel U Rhone, Luaernr, Democrat. Nw Copy beck Hliyms. 'jv and nt It every time, If you're down today, Oatbw np your lolu and Btnrt In to win the frny. ITi 11 may Bad your second wind Then the foe will fly, (iet up smiling everv time, Do, or uo'uly die WUku-Bam Times. Appllcsbls Also to tba Sotantons. Home day, dear heart, the sun will shine again) Some Jay the hitter weariness of taBN Will vanish like tho mist; the burdoned train Of grief, despair, and mi-ery, nnd tears Will' fade like stubbli ia the sweeping ihnne In Othef words, the lloosiers yet may win a game. Indianapolis Journal. OLD GLORY'S ORIGIN. Senator Laniel. Fnmilion, Rhe nations, may have their devices, and it may be worthy of nolo thst that of the Washington family furnished the pattern from which the Stars and Stripes of our national ling are tnken. The insignia of a noble name nandod down from generation to generation, and held lip as the luoentlve of integrity and valor, mny well be cherished. But all glories of ancestral aetntooeon are so overshadowed by the dee Is of Washington that they fnde into insignificance. Proud and just democracy, scornful of honors not self WOU, pays its tributes solely to the man, the woman, und the deed. ( leorgo Wash ington was great because he stood for the freedom of his people. Mary Washington was great because aba implanted m his youthful breast rightaoui indignation against wrong which must ever bo tbe in spiration of the lioro. iaby carnages, Refrigerators AND Cedar Chests Mill & Connell 131 and 133 li Washington Ave. Lnv- ' 3 r" es 1 a JT tic Uwww.. C3a 1 (saass. r3vi-ao WwywwUl AwwW COURSEN, CLEMONS & Co 422 LACKA. AVE. AVLZC'.VOF.TirC Meat Market The Finest inttie Citf The latest latPCOWd fnr nUlunni ami apparBttti for kaaplnf moat, battier ami rgs Wremlei Ita DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN (Juaiilled Veterinary Surgeon, "or Thlitr Yours' KxwrlnOB Practical Shoeing Oradaate of the aaserteaa Vatorhnvy foil , TkBtfeeteaeatof LAJtSlfRM siei 'ihcriiii (aliini.il 1.1 tli. 111.110111.nl ot li..ra arary aftetaoea. 1 amo Slid hi. k iiinmnK i xuiulni il ami i.n SCI rned for frea of chaw evt-ry Monday from I lOtP M. ACADEMY OF MUSIC TONIGHT. MINNIE LESTER With II. r 1 iwn i iiipanv, Hand and (irohoatra, In The Hand of Fat as Mr. I'r.uik MaNlah atorerf peefornaaoa afatlaesi ThBredajr, Kridiv aud Satardafi Hal Int Pro- Kir to nil v rt a of tin. Ii, iib. Ei 1 h ; Pi 10. !. Ma 0 J( !' tiniiiiitf snd sohh'Tini; all doMBWaf JjJ wjtn br lbs uaaol HA KT MAN'S 1 AT 1 N P PAINT, which runsi'its ol mu'idl nta wollknorn toall it pbb be aoidlea to tin, aalTanlseu tin. aneel iron ruofa.aiaotohriok awelllnns wbli li s ill prsrsnt sbsolatsl; ear nrnmbUnr, jsfaoking or breaklBi of the Briok. It eriit oBtlaal Itpntnn ot nay klad by BIBBJ yaatajBlxl It's rout ! not iiwl "in- tifih tbiatol ineeoel ol tinntaf, I sold ! too joiior pound. Oob tracts tsiso br AMVOMIO MAKTMANN, HI BIrcbSt. WANT a Piano or Organ Cheap? LOOK AT THE LIST: Au extra fine Henry Mill, r S.piaru Ptaao I7" An t'xtru llu "t'lncUcriiiK 'Square I'laoo 175 AaoodHslns Brotnert Bo.nars Piano... too a itood Meror Brotnsra v quare Piano.... uu a good rlrth t Pond Bqnare Piano 7" A ko.h1 Plnphonls Bqnare Piano OU a very mod Boston Piano t o. Vfalnnt Upright ll) A very n i wbsslook I plight l'lium. . In A very iruod Wuuidurk Upright Planu.. ISO GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE, I ...ii. GOLDSMITH'S ALL ALONG THE LINE The shower of encomiums constantly passed upon our o-0ods don't fall upon any particular branch or kind alone. Everything we keep, from the home y Muslins, to the fascinating Wash Fabrics in Cottons, to the useful Flannels, to the natty Dress Goods in Woolens share alike in the rain of compliments. In Notions and Furnishings "Examples might he heaped until thoy hhla The rules, which they were made to renilor plain." LET THESE SUFFICE Those Scotch Dimities now in our windows. The Lovely and Artistic Parasols and Umbrellas. Laundried, Unlaundried and Silk Waists. Covert Cloth and Serge Ladies' Suits. Carpets and Draperies Never so varied and so cheap as now. Thousands of Remnants of Worsted and Wash Dress Goods In our Basement, which are thirsting for buyers at eager prices. Extraordinary Gale of JCMEI"T"S miHmm w EBB fi 00 WERE 50 WEKK $18.00 In Tans, Browns, Navy and Black, of Covert Cloth, Kersey and Diagonals. Such a slaughter never known before. Victors With tho New Valve: Out of Sight Our new Bicyplos are now to be seen at our ;i Lacka wanna avenue store VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, 6ENDR0NS, And a full line of Boys' and Girl.' Wheels. We arc male ing extremely low pnees on Second hand Wheels, J.D.WILLIAMS&BRO. 314 Lacka. Avo. Fountain Pens Fountain Pens Fountain Pens SPECIAL 1" m A FEW 1 AVS A Guaranteed Toun tain Pen, resrular price $1.50, for 98 Cents Reynolds Bros. Str.tloners r.nd Enrrivor. BIT LAI K A WANNA A B Dr. Hill Son Albany PatteetBt SMA; best sst, M: for cold rnpa 1 nnd truth without platea eaUed crown ina hridvn work, call for ricna nd rsforeDOe. TONALpiAj tor satraotlna tcctu without liiu. NotitUcr. A 0,1 OTEB CI USX KATIOXAL DANK A very good Bhoni&gST L'prlght Piano.. Ku OWCANS, a Mason a Bandln.nearlrnew.b4gb top, douhle reed t X An A. I. til le, ncui ly nuw, high loji, double reoil A ("hlciigo Cottage, nearly new, high top, double reed A woresstar. nenrlv new. hiifli tou. T'i .lO nonbie reed ni 224 und Orgnns at Wholesale :ud Retail, on Installments. 6 fOCKOCKOOCO0OOOOOOOOO; THE : COLOMBIA : BICYCLE : AGENCY 224 Sprnw St., Op. Tribune Office. , WJSSS'ao W1: '"'r"' - ' v' !e-ela of sold Purchaser tiu-bt t.. rid JU81 MARRIEDI Qolog to housekeeping; of course. Hou't make n mistake at tbe beginning and fail to jjetau EASTER Oli HOW ARD RANGE OR ALASKA REFRIGERATOR We have them and man)- otlirr thing! yon want. 513 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. I j:iiuiiMiiiiiiNiiiir.iMiiiiMHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu a S Ml I niciMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiii,? Tedding The best is none too good. Ours are 18-k. All sizes and weights. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 Lackawanna Ave. The Greet tfarvel of Dental Boieooti Anassthene A recent diSOOTWy Slid the foIo property of Houv:c:i k Wardell, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Avo. WHAT J O. BBAMQN88AYS ABOUT AN.V.STHKNK. nn. ntNwooo a waudbixi After lulling alevaa tooth latraeted at oae tlttlna iy thapatalee method! 1 pro noano it oatlealy sattafaoioev in cvorr part tool ar .1. u. sdamons A IStniidsril, nearly new.high top.doublo reed A SthonfnMr. ncnrlv new. hum ton. 40 doubl reed .13 And abOBt 30 Other good second hiind Or- t' , , '. ... LCJI Tl" nli.no .-ollectloii of Second-hand Intern . lueiits arc .-ill in gOOd order, fully gii'iriui mantaaraaii IB good oraori ratij rasren- teed, tho greatest tnrgnlns ever Offered ill this city, ('nil iiml see Ilium, liistuliuients or discount f r cash. WYOMING- AVENUE, SCRANTON. BAZAAR grs.les nnd Barents everv machine free ol ehari, Call for catalouo. IS I I NOT i m A BEAUTY? I THE ELEGTRA GAITER Globe Shoe Store I 887 LACK A. AVK Evans & Powell FIRST MORTGAGE 1K THE FORTY FORT COAL COMPANY. A limited number of the above bonds are lor sale at pur anil ao crned interest liy the followini partieS bom whom oopies of tim mortgage and full Information can be obtained: B.W. Sfnlligan, Cashier Second N'ational Hank, Wilkes-Bane. Pa. W. L. Watson, Cashier First Na tional Hank, PittstOn, Pa, J, L, Polen, Oasbier People's Savings Bank, I'ittstou, Pa. A. A. Bryden,President Miuera' Savings Bank, Pittstou, Pa. And by the Boranton Savings Hank and Trust Company, Trustee onder, the Mortgage. T. H, Atherton, Counsel, W1LKB8BABBB) l'A. Inserted In THE TRIBUNE at the rate of ONE CENT A WORD. WANT ADS.