The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 15, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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(IN 8
Ivs.' r .s, vJ . " 1
This is a very difficult feat,
They appear very neat.
To keep up such a position long
One must be "built up" and strong
Of the of Johann Hofra Mult Extract
It vxtMn the t nargias, HriialMM ths nutritive powtn, improves the. nppo
tlte nncl nidi digestion. It cun bo used for man, woman or child.
Matchless hi a tonic in OOtmlMMDCf.
Pnrchasm are wnrnoil ajraiuit Imposition and diauppointtnont. Insist upon
lb QllUlNB, which tnust have Hi.) signature of "Johann Holt" on the Qtoh
tubal of f vcrv bottle.
EISXKK MK.NDKLSON" CO.. Agonta, IV' and Franklin Sr.. New York
At Allentown -
Allentown.... 1 0 0 10X18 0- t
tcrantn I 0 a o 0 1 0 0 0-
Hits--Allentown. 8: Serantou, 10. Er-
rort Allentown, 4; Bcrantcn, 'j. Hat
terles Kilroy und Milligaa; Donn and
At ilasleton
Hasleton o o 3 0 3 o 2 o .
Esstou o o o o l o o l o a
Hits-Hasleton, 9t Baston, 1 Errors
Bnslaton, '- Esstou. 9, mtUrlM Fn
and Moore; i illicit and Went.
At Altoona
Altoona B 7 1 9 0 0 1 0 B 19
pottovnle 0 u o o o a o u "
Hit A'toniw. ii Pottsvitla, 4. r.r
rors Altoona, 1; 1'ottNV.Ile, M. Butteries
b'chlble, UcCaugbey, UFast tad Cotai
Armstrong, Devlin, Alexander and idg
gins. Umpire Ketrirk.
At Barrisburg
Harrisbarg....1 0 n T o n I 0-
Beading 1 I 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 a
Hits Uarrisburg, Bj Beading, 7. Kr-rois-Harriaburg,
B; Beading, 4. liatter
le- Bprogel and Sroink; Kboadss and
UoodLart. I'mpircs Sturgeon and Hend
At Philadelphia
Philadelphla..O a i o n 0 i o 1 8
KeW York ...0 1 3 0 0 0 0 I II 4
1 1 it -1 'I iiudelphin. IS; New York I r.r
wrs Philadelphia. 9j New York. 'J. Hat
teriee (Jersey and elements, Boslt nnd
Farrtll, Umpire- stage
At Boston
Boston : 10 0 9 9 0 0 o r
Haittnmro 7 0 119 119 x-l
Hits Boston, 4: Baltimore, lfl. Krrors
- B ItOP. 7; Baltimore, 3. Bator
Nicbols,, and Ryan, Mc.Mah'in and
B'ibinwio. Umpire ollourko.
At Brooklyn
Brooklyn 1 3 2 0 o o fl 5 x-14
Washington...! I 1 t 0 1 0 0 o 7
Bits Brooklyn, IT: Washington, lo. Er
rorsBrooklyn, Is Washington. 7. lint
t. r Qastrlgbt anil Ktnslowj Mercer and
Dugdela Umpire Horst
At Pittsburg
Plttnlrorg 0 4 I 0 0 0 0 I x fl
Chicago I 090000009
Hits Pittsburg, 111 Chisago, 9, Erron
Pittsburg. 'J. Chicago, " Httti rl Hum
bert and Mack; Abbey and Henri ver, urn-1
J Ire BswSie,
At Cincinnati
Cincinnati ... 0 3 4 1 2 8 0 0 X-19
Louisville 0 1 1 o 4 1 0 0 o- 7
Bit Cincinnati, 13. Lnuiavi.le, 9. Br
rors i IncinnaM, ti Louisville, 8 I attet
lee Parrot t and Vongbtt, Witrock and
Karl-. Umpire, tarlo.
At Cleveland
Cleveland 0 009 4 9000 1
Bt Lotus l o l o o o o o 1 :i
Bite Cleveland 10) St. Louis, I B
rors Cleveland, 3: St. Ixmis, 'I. Hitter i.s
Young end O'Connor. BrsiMnstoln,
Ha wiry and Buckley. I'mpire, Swart
At Troy
Trov... ' 1 onotoioo-fl
0$Hng9eid....O 4 8 0 0 7 n a x-ia
Hits Troy, 9; sprinc-ticd. la. Linos
Troy, 9j Bpringfleld, 8, Batteries
Fricken, Meatus and Cabill; Km-fe ami
Leaby, Umpire Qaffnajr,
At Byiatiuae
f-yrncnao a 1 O 0 (I 4 0 0 2 a
Proviclenco...!) ! 4 0 II 0 0 0 17
iiii' syrscue, ' Prortdesjcej 10, Brron
- racime, 4; I'rovideiien, I. BattSTtes-
Oallabao, lUniwoin and Wilson; Sullivan
anil Met auloy. 1 tupire Hunt.
At F.rie
Erie 0 0 0 0 1 a 0 0 fl
WBkee-Barre, 40412001 x 13
Hits Brie, 7; Will:e.-I;nrre, I .1 Urrors
Krie, 2; Willies-lliirre, 5. Hatteries
Ileruilon ami On D son: l ampflell and Mc-
Muiion. Umpin Holland,
BnVALo, N. May !. Bingbamtoo
game tolay postponed on account of rain.
Kslly is trying a new pitcher named
When Kelly wants a mini to a bane
h rulls out : "Pull for the shore.''
Kelly will probably give a young pitcher
Damon noyie. irom Aiieniown, who is s. ml
to be a ooming "plieuuiu," n trial.
The familiar fare of Prank Kinn, onn of
lest year's umpires, is again belund !) Imt.
His doclslnns are excellent and bis work Is
always satisfactory.
Keoretary liiddh lioclt says: "The llarri
burg club is a moinber of the Pennsylvania
titate League, under the protection of the
National agreement, and it cannot join the
Kastein League without the unanimous
coiiHntof allthe other clubs 111 the titate
There is not a single man who knows
anything about base hall who ,ee any
gooil in Uarkin. He can neither cstcli,
run or bat, and In right held he is abso
lutely u. g. If K"lly keens him much
longer to help loae games the baso hall
public will have something to say. Allen
town Chronicle,
Unlesa better order is maintained the
owners of the Ksston base hall grounds
will prohibit any games from being played
there. Next season the grounds will not
bo ranted to the Raston riuh, provided
they play on Sunday, whether iu Blltoa
or elsewhere. The present grounds are
about the only available in the city.
Two teams from Wood's college playod
a practica game of bnse ball yesterday af
ternoon, (llynn captaining one team and
Wetter the other. The score by innings
Was as follows:
(l!ynn's tam....0 1 0 0 fl 0 0 1 8
Welter's team... 2 1 fl 4 0 1 a x 99
Pint baso on balls Off Puller, 4: (lihbs,
0. Krrors Glynn's team, 7; Wetter'steam,
4. Ilatterles (ilynn and Poller) Lewis
aadOlbbe, Time of game. 1;35.
. 1 1
Editor Schwartz Ak a Toser.
Altotmu Trihunr.
Is protertiou as unconstitutional in IB'.H
ns it was in IBBar It not, why noty
' ' -
d from Canada "Presbyterian,"
nature of 0, Hlackett Robinson,
by Burdock Blood Blttors.
A dis-pntch from HailotOD says; After
tWO years' experimenting and testing.
Bob, Beklay B. Coxe, who was appointed
one or a OOtnmtosioU by the state legis.
ture to Inveetigate the waste in coal miu
Irg mid its ntiiiaation, bat solved the
problem ami made soma remarkable dis-
eoVeriet in this direction. With the aid of
a inaoially eonttrnoted stoker and (an
blast not only can the dirt heretofore
thrown away be utilized, hut In steam
production better lesulti bare been ob
tained from it and al Bfty per cent, lesi in
cost, A number of , xperts w ho examined
the teet plants aay thai It will rarotntioa-
UM the product. ou of steam power.
Th" Pennsylvania Steel comtunv is
pressed With orders, hut on account of its
failure to secure fuel and Iron th entire
plant ai Bteeiton, employing 8,800 men,
will i-u-l'end operatluus imletl .itelv lb s
eek. xbe Beeesmer rati am bloom;:.;
mills, which were forced to close down
MVeral d ays iat Week on account of the
lei 1 ' f fuel, will resume operations to mi
orders thai demand Immediate etteotloo.
These mills wUI he run as long as they
caabeenppHed with fneL Only one for-
use is n opetation, and unless an adili-
tionai soi ply i f nose can be aeeared be-
f re tl cl se of the wt- k it n ill have to
be banked.
The ;h VnKey's five collieries Lear
Shenandoah resumed yesterday on full
t .' a The pent year they were only work
ing three days week . The strike in the
sort coal region is causing the druiand for
John Ta lor, geiiei.d superintendent of
the Lehigh Valley radrosd, has gi BO 10
Europe on a well earned vaeatvn.
l"ortbeni i . el pinion we acknowl
edge Indent) Inves to th Pblladelpbla
Stockholder: "While DOgOtiatlone f ir the
absorption of the Carbnila!e Traction by
the Bcraatoa Traotlon e impaay i.sve t...H'i
uepended, then is : ktlboodM ih"-r hemg
reopened at an eariy dstr. It Is isslieyed
th ti there win be either otmsolidati nl
the two compai lee, r the Boranton b m
panywUI head off us rival by extending
its lines Into valuable territory. ljist
week the Oarbondale company lost in
right of amy I,, bund mto the thrivlac
town of Arrbbatd, and the rVrnnlon pen
lie have bad for n bing t ine an tyo on this
route, 11 can obtala 11 bi generally
I etieved, and should this Is- done a severe
blow will have b en giVM the 1 .irlajudale
company a blow which may ca :e .. al
1 nee fk to ra p-u eegotialioni with the
serantou con.,., in.
S,xte..n rep.irting Collieries 111 the Lu
.erne district, including leu beiunglng to
the l hlgh and likes list r 1 sol 1 r
pany, last week produced :.i. ..;.; tons,
aluiot tneir normal output.
Th Truth Clearly atatad.
fnUeeli ;'oa Ci.n
We ureal agreed that the majority
ought to eontroi, and 111 every district
where the Renublloane have nominated a
lit c ind'dat,. liv p;o;er methods, whether
he is for Mr Oemorou or against him, ho
should receive the) United support of the
party, hut In making the aomi nation the
people bava a rignt to know whether they
are nominating it Camron 111:111 or an ami
1 ame ron man.
Elsctr.e Bitters.
This remedy is mi well known
and so popular as to need no special men
lion. All who have used Uhctric Bitters
sing the same son of pinise. A purer
medicine doOO notexiet end It is guarsn
teed to do all thai Is claimetl. Klectric
Bitters will cure all diocasoa of the Uver
and Kidneys, will leiuove Pimples. II. lis,
Suit Hheuin aud other affhotioae caused by
lm urn blood. Will drive Malaria from
t! system nnd prevent as well a- cure al!
Maisriai fercrs. Tor cure nl Bradacha
Contlepatiou and Indigestion try Electric
Bittern Entire satislarlmn guarantee I,
or money refunded. Price flu i ts. and II
pel bottle at Matthews Bros., lrtig storj
- ...
Vary Bagtly Put.
Mmnennetni eumeja
The man who attends so strictly to Ids
own buslnnas that be doesn't have time to
do any reforming for the nation, is the
fellow Who plants the stepping atOBM to
better times
Easy to Osi; Hard to Oat Ri.l Of.
ir,Miin'ifia Wf.
The nat. 1 man who is looking for trouble
la never forced to resort to anarch war
rant. e
There is nothing like lir. Thomas BolOO
trtC Oil to DjttlCatl cure or relieve hoarse
ness. Written by Mrs. .M. J. Fellows, Burr
I ink, St. Joseph Co., Mich.
By Ono Who Knows.
Nice trout to sell, the natives yell.
As they haunt the stream fiom morn
till nlghtt
And the city duck, who lias had poor luck,
Fills up his oreet and thinks it right.
To town he hies and proudly cries
That his catch is the tlnest ever seen,
But the sportsman broil, laughs till he's
For he knows they were caught with the
good long green.
.Slim H'. jlatjit.
E'tncks nnd Honda
Nkw Y'iiiih, May 14. Tho holiday at
London, Whit Monday, and the annual
election at the local Stock exchange cur
tailed trading In stock circles today. Only
b'0,325 shares were trad-il in. S'p-culation
was tame and BOtive dealings oooflned to a
iimall number of stocks. Sugar declined
from I08H to 104Ji, rallied to m nnd
closed at I08M, hiciigo (las was strong
in tho early trading on purchases for
western nnd local shorts who fear
II transfer of the Molony litigation
to tho United States courts. The price
roaatpOfJt' and when the demand from
the nhorl abated, recoiled to nio,;. (len
1 rid Bleotrio mot with better support and
ruled llrm at HMOjk, Tho raihvuy groiui
waa featurelesi.. Tho Urnngurs, Trunk
lines ami Anthracite coalers varied loss
than a point nnd closed aDont t; to K per
cent, lower on tho day. Just near the dose
Nnr.ioiinl Cordage suddenly ran off l.ty to
S.IJf on an nbsnrd rumor that, the binder
twino hypothecated wilb certain local
banks win we thrown on the market, spec
ulation left off quiet.
The following complete tante anowing the
dav's fluotnationB 111 Hctivo itooka Is supidind
n..d revised daily by Lnllar 4k Poller, stock
broken, 121 Wyoming avenue:
Opon- HUh- Low Clos-in-.
est. est lag,
.'.m.Cot. OU
Am. Kuear. Km lints 10444 10flti
A. T. & E K MM. Oft Uii 12
Can. So
Con. N. J
chic. & n. w loBja I08M laBM iusi
6., li. A g 711 79 7!i 711
Chic, lias 1)7 Ucl Bo?4 7
C. C. C. ,s St. L
Col., llock.Vid. AT
I). A U MVM Rita I89M WUKi
5L. w hum InlU lulM niU
n. & c. f &ft aft rM iiiTn
fi. B. Co so
Lake Shore
L. A M 4"!(i ITM tTSS 4;i);
Manhattan I2M IMS I98U IMS
Miss. Pan t-'.'H IfW :.'':,s -'.H
Nat. Lead BMa BWi BMi
B. Y. AN. I ol mi M
JJ. Y. Central
N. Y O. A W lflW UflM 15 KH
N. Y..S. A W
II. s. Q. Co 2S MM BM MM
KorthPac 414 4t.j 4 4M
North Pan, pf 18 U 1T44 17i
1'ae. Mail III. UUj Ills MS
Reading 175 1TM r, 17m
Kwk Island tit ivj t, i
U.T Sl, SS Sl Mti
St Paul UM til'l dl'lj tlft
T..C.A I
Texas A- Pac KM M, M( Mi
UnlonPaeitlc I74 :i lift 17
Wabash n'
Western Union m's n't Mtj h?h
W. AU1
V. & L f.. pf M 4S 4s 4
Chlcaro r7r.iin s i Provision!.
BcRAXToa, May ll.-Tlie followliiK quots
t ions are supplied and noSTCted diiilv by Lit
Bar A Foliar, stock brokeraUl Wyo nin ave
nue. WIIKAT. ll-iv JnlT. Sepf.
Opening : f,:ij Mi
Highest Ms! &s ml
Lowest 57' ) 's's
Clrsina :iN 57ft fli11
Opening :cu Hsis gg
Highest rtH MM
l.o.icst s:U( !.s ;i-r
1 k - 1 Kit i "1
1 (Al s.
Opening r-t, a- J..s
Rlgbesi i:n mi 2SU
I il BM PJM v
I losing tsiti ;ti '.".'.i
Oponmg L'l5 MD IMS
iiiKhest ii fori m
U west 1215 I5.W UM
cioeing ban imi al
Opening MO 7fi 7fifl
Blgbsst 7U ;.'7 7.7
Unrest 710 MM M
Hcranton U heisaals Msrkst."S, May 14 I'm tr imi Pud
I I i Dried applee per poond,ns7e. ; evsp
..rated apples, Malta, prrpound; Tnrkhh
prunea, BaStfn Lngiish cm rants, Ja'JVc;
layer raisins ll.T&ei bj- mnecntels, i in
1 i 1 r box; aew Valenciaa, TafMc. per
Bbskb Marrow-tata, ?J.7fl js-r bushri,
mi llnma, tl TSat.90
Pass Oreen, 11 iftal.tO per bushel rspUl,
99.nt)a9.y4);lentaUS 0 Bci t.ertoand,
POSATOBB 70 to (tin, ptr bubl.
cm na Bermudas, irate., 9B.laa9.99i
lli run 15& in .- . a..r lb
1 miss lOal . . pr it.
r.i.oa-Frh. ; .'V., 1
lie UTB1 CI Ickens dressed, 12 to 8c
tin .. . ittol is,
Mists Heme, ;ic.; maii ham II H.;
'si ne 1 I .-. .. I ,c . t 1, if. 1 u s ham-
- 4.-. booldsra,lWe.;baUMe, r . tawked
brr isf ta'. n. II
saoxxn Buy 1 utidee. HH-i ecu.
LIS1' . insideaand Knuckle 19ft
POBI Men al tl h .rl rut. 111'.
Lain--I eat m !: at w.; la tabs,
Bit'e.i In 10-pound pa;! yv: in Vponnd
pails, '. .1'.; k-snnil pails, Nft r
lirw-l holco sugar cure I, ra '.: I beat.
1 1 n il Mr I-, , p- barral.
1. si, 40) 1 Ma aid iie'.mns amber, al
9J0 lirshsm si 1110; iy hour, si
lii -gwiirar Fl.i't u -12 7 ipsr cwt.
1 BSD- SttXed, r cwt., St 000,
Oram Iitp, eefti can u 4 vs.: oats,
tfls.'-'C. jr bushel,
i. . 1 1. Pat ton I'BaU
Hav -!15totl7.
Nsw York I r-dnco MsrkaL
New ikk. Msy 14. Kuon Poll,
WlKTXi V. in -. - Low grades, i ,.la' Vi,
low extras, it BOaldOi do, fir to
fancy, 12 .'Via'.' afl; do. cltv mills, 3 .V.a
3 .'si. ib. patent. B9IOa&90; Mlnneeote
dear, Kl.il5aX.T5; rye mixture, c9.9Qng.90;
do. atramhu, 1 1 70
WlBAT- p t market, moderately active,
Brmer, '. tad, store and elvstor,
.' c. ; alloal, 1. . . f. ... h ,.VsVi,c.j Uli-
graded red, Mktflue.; Ko 1 northern,
(ft: options,! aril -lea IV at kj and
M over Batorday, dall) .... I red. May,
BBC ; .line, I ' ,, , Julv. i' . Angus':,
9IM&; Hepiembvr, Hefi.; December,
ts'i (ft
1. una I 'il l, easier; No. S. M al It
le.Ht.r, 4.. 1 44c stloat; diarner mlled
I , OptiOUS dull, closed steady; May,
UC , .lime, 4.1 .c , July, 41 ,
Oats- QBlet, steady; OtitlOBa dull and
steady; May. 88ft; Juin 87c : July, . '.. .
N11. 1 whlt. liny, tic smt prions. No '
99n9BIftt Mo. waita,41Hc . No 2 kieagx
B9Ma.; So, !. i'7',c . Mo. I white, 40)40. ;
Bused or esters, MMtOfti white du. an 1 white
stute, cta48Mft
lisu Dull, -teadv; family, !2al4, ex
tin mem. Mat 90
I 1 1 1 1 1 Mis iuiet, lis.
'1 11 in i n ln.n-Inactive; city extra In
dia mess. 919e9l.
Ccr Mbats- Btaady, qoiet; pickled bel
lies, 7c : pickled shoulders, Oft) pickleii
hams, lOjgft
MlOOW s-N. inlnal.
LaBIJ (jUiet, steady; western steam
17 7.',, tdty. i' 4c. May,97.80t July, 17.80;
refined, nnlat; continent, ts. south Amer
ica. :.-s Vi; 11 IllpoUtld, 5 ,llli',-.
POBB Doll, steady; mean, till lfl, II.
Bottbb-Hteady, fair ovmandi state
dairy, new, 12al7c; do. old, Ilia 12c; do.
creamery, new, i4i7c ; PeaDaylvania, do,,
llsl7c; wcslern dairy, new, aaI3c, do.
on line ry, new, I3al7c. ; d ... factoi y, new,
BMallc; elgina, 17s; imitation creamery
1 iiiisk (,1111,1. closed eay, state large
OKallKfti do, choice, IP.c; state auiall,
OMalOHfti part skims, BHalOKfti full
skims, 'jaiic
Ij.os Firm, fair demand j slalo and
Pennsylvania, l9Xa!9o.i western fresh,
Philadelphia 1 allow Market.
ParLAoatraiA, Mar m.-TsHow wnsduii
at the recent decline. I'rices were:
Prime city in hogsheads, 4 e. : prima
country, 111 barrels, 4 .c.' do. dark In bar
rels, 4,'tc ; cakea, flj. . prease, 4c.
s 1
TlOl BLOOD Is the source of health. Keep
II pure by taking H ind's sarsapxrilla,
w hich is peculiar to itself, and supi l i ir lu
strength, economy and medicinal merit,
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, care
fully prepared from tho best ingredients.
Twenty-live cents.
. -s
Scranton's Business lotersats
Tiik TbTSUBB will soon publish a care
fully compiled and nlaasfned list of the
lending wholesale, banking; manufaetur
Ingand profeeelooa) Ittterests of Mcranton
and Vicinity, The edition will be bound
in hook farm, beautifnlly lllnitratod with
photogravure views of our public build
ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together
witli portraits of leadiug citizens. No
similar work Iibh ever givn an equal rep
resentation of Scranton's many indtu
tiies. it will be an invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Sent to
persons outside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract,
new coiners and bo nil unequalled
iidvertiseineut of the city. The circu
lation Is on n plan that cannot fail of good
results to those conrernod as well as the city
at large. Representatives of Tan Triboks
will call upon TH0B9 whose namks
nre DRSnUU) in this edition and explaiu
its nature more fully.
Those desiring views of their residences
in this edition will please have notice 11 1
the office.
tiiukk letters
to rem. inber P. P. P.
They'll help to ivmind
you of Dr. Pierce's
Vh .i ant Pellets und
thes ' BTS the things to
hi ep In mind whenever
your liver, your stom
ach, or your bowehl m o
out of ol der.
If you're troubled
with is slivonoss, wind
and pain in tho stom
ach, giddiness or dis
turbed deep, you'll tind
theee little Pellets just
what you want tinv In size, sugar-coated,
pleasant to take nnd plcnsant ill the way
tliey act. They tone up and strengthen tho
lining membranes of the stomach and bow
els, anil do perntORSRl good.
To prevent, relieve, ami Cttra BilloUtDeSS,
Dizziness, CoiiBtiimtion. Sour Stomach, Sick
or Bilious Headaches, and Indigestion, take
Dr. Pierce's Pellets. If they're not satis
factory, in every way nnd m every cuso,
you have your nxmoy baok,
The "old reliiilde" Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Rem dy bat been sold for thirty years. Uus
curod thousands, Brill out y ju.
A Word.
FPaisle of nil ktndt eott thai stveA, car
(spi Situation WanltdfVhich an Inwrfed
Situation Wsnted.
1 by a yonng mm r i d matt, Nine yean
experience. Can speak Herman and Engllab.
Rersreuce If needed Address J, W. Arnold,
Moosic, La, kas'a'ina i ...m: i . I'a.
i young i-oior . 1 woman, work by the day
or gem ral boosewi rk; si d sbn a man wants
w ork asoosebman: colors 1. address or call at
sh' Lackawsnna ava., Brranton, Pa
hB. B i:k 1 p r . r ill - manager; ten
yi .us piini.c il , xp reniee; thorough,
' npet id an 1 rel tble; a klllng worker: 1 pen
for sngsaemeBt; rofersnce and ir.ii f
nenesaary. Address Business. Tribune offlce.
nurse, Qocd referescesi iwi Pituton
ClTUA 1 b IN
i1 would Ilk..
t-. eel 11. rk b the ds it
ig or cleaning, or mli uk wahhiiu
7Jt On bald street
ArcoIs iA'jntsd.
5 goods by cample to the wbolaeaie and re,
tall trade' sell on s gbl t I '. rv bnslUCBI lean
1 r iiriu. liberal aautry and tpenaes paid; po
r.i on paruumenl Fur terms address with
stamp CENTENNIAL M'FO Co Milwan
kee, WK
. ;!-. a- . 1 -o -i
ranna county; rood ladnasmeaM to
man. Address ilM It. U Pudding.
ro. tn foy li.. geutlecAen, aRk us. "f iwtth.
nOR Rl N 1 II' Ml. Wl I.I. I I TtSItllKD
I ro ...h:; Ik .. on ett Washing
ptng win. iim . f i am.
H i Funk iii, svem
'I- til l"K A TKKM Ol II Attn
I 1 Part or all of three t . r- 1 fe I " janl
l renin nlontf rsilr ua.i. A;Uv el US Kranklln
t i ...
'i'v Rrifi STORK Btal OB rCRXIBHED
1 hall oa iirwa hilgsiriL Very haaVa1
ok local ,.!...- . it rnu. km y
t r I S ,.'l ri.ETN m i S iM" iDKI i f.
I.'uk AI.K A
. A I li s.
n. , raatanTrtl aiMsgviiry,
I and ateaslla J tt HUKt'ElELU a .
- aros svs
1,'olt BALI ' R HANtig 1 OR W R t
I ma peopsety A bseriag oranse sri
B ts
tearlv in
idns, ' I.
lnmiih'VlUM. I. 'i li l;lsii;i-r th
able posoos -an I! rel II. t 'las l..atd B
U. -nil:, v
Specie Notices.
.' Um Nsy Aug Eslk sail Bmharst Boule
vard enioiiaiiy it waa rraolvad that a Blasting
erthestockhobien I.. ,-,:;.-i t. ,.,,,.. .,1
in,, geaeral eBes of n rapaay, roem M,
BtopnoNeas bulMlna, on the th io .f jum,
A D Is.' I. front A. 10 V. until I p, M.
t,, take ai lloa on the snnroval or
diMipi'ruval of the nropcaed UMreassof the
ranltaj utis k uf h;.1 e,iiii(.niy from JiVIOil t
I and Ibat the HeretBry is., sad be to
lielehl ilil,' t ' 1" k'le ll H"'' t':' l'.o' us r.-'
rrjttred by tow, T ll WATK KK,
. leers the Oerinaato Bsfldlns ami
Ln association of oulh hcrantoa will lake
dine Krdav ivpninir. Aim -7. I" 'I after
transsciing the ic.o'.ir busluasa'nilK
StlLLl u Heeretari
l tons, ,.te . I, mi I r rel, .unit at Tur
,iii. ink eBMS, Quirk work'lH
comet B rues street and Praakha am
mi" I weniy meal ticket, for fd..'i. iiuud
li.ble hovd.
O erived by the i conomy Light, lb-at nnd
C iv. r oMnpaay until Batardsy, May lith,
ISM, at a st tin-1 .file of l. li Burns, U
bran buiidhiir, Bcraatoo, Pa., for trenching
sad back Bllina about sis tieeisaml yards oc
irrncli In the city ,r Scranton, The ei mpany
rcSSryes tne light to reject nnv and nil l ids.
l'm l l: COMI'AXY.
I the oonnty of Lackawanna In the matter
of the dlieolutlon of the Booth Ll In Coal
company, No -' May term, ism.
Notice ih hereby uiveii th.iiCie South Lin
coin Coal Company Bled its petition In ths
court oi Common Ptoasof Lackawanna couu
tv on the "th day ot March, IBM, prayiag for
ad-- roe of dissolution, nnd that the court
baa Used April tM, 1MH, ato o'clock s, m. for
).' .nine su. h ai pllentioii for dissolution, when
ned w here all i,er-,ns interested cm ntteud if
they deem it expedient snd show cause
H-'iiiunt tho granting of the i rnyer of annl
petitioner. JAM::.- W. OAKPOBD,
Solicitor for rsHnonsrt
j j of th.. borough of ArchbnW,liSfihsirsnns
county, ia.
Letteraof ttdniin'strstion upon the nbovo
ii ini 'd est. lie having Ix-en irranted to the uti-
dcrshrned, all gersona having elalw or de
mands against said estate trill present them
for settlement, nd those Indebted thereto will
I lease nuke imniodi.'ite piivment to
.MILS ,. swil'i',' Aiiminlstrntor,
Arelibnld, Pa.
.Ioiin ILJiini s, Atlorie v f. r I'.state.
l 111 Al l II I L PIOTOBMIi KVKltV
UMITEO status AND MllliXtCO.
Connolly &, Wallace
Many new features this season in the way of Shapes,
Styles, Colors and Materials.
SHIRT WAISTS from 50c. to $3.75, in every conceivable design and material,
from the medium to tho finest grades of Lawn and India Linen, Percales,
Sateens, Dimities, etc.
The newiest and nobbiest thing is the LADIES' SHIRT. Made with starched
shirt, stand-up or lay-down collars, with cuffs attached. They come in Plain
White, Printed Percales, Sateens, Madras Cloth, Century Cloth and Pongees.
WC VCusu iVtiT tho large,t an(l ni09t C0,nPk'te iu the city- Prioei, aa
or mi:
Better Preservation of the
Public Health.
Spread ol Communicable Oisesses.
in virtue ,,f the powers i iferred by the Aot
of Aaeambl 1 1 April 1 IW1. Section 1. 1.
L. ttu of tbeitsi ol th srmmon
weaiih ot Pennsylvania,
H .t ordained by the Burgess sadCouncO
ot the Borvugh A Arch bald snd It is hereby
opiaite d by the nuil.orily of the same
duettos i- i imt wnatsver to daagerous to
human lif or bealtl r! ll "" renders the
sir of ford or water or Dther drink snwhols
oase, and whatever ImUdlng, ere tlon.or nart
or cvllsr thereof U uvercrowdea, or are not
t'f. v i 1. d w I'.h adi i iul. in .ins of .ugrens and
i.nim il-.
an ll al! .,r
in in
t tilt
I ol Iota
BIIS u. usl is. ri
owing sassed dk
ft : I r
'It'll'' l'1-' sp.'1'.n l-i l le ap- nur. ier,. pl
dsutlc dysentery, bydropbobtai anil glanders,
and -had bs understood to be Included mtae
following retfii ateuia uidemM ituiiof them
oi ly sr.. si- . ifl.'d
r-i, 7. Whenever any heoseh.'ldur knows
that any pcteoa wRhttj nis family or seaea
h, .1,1 ha-a c. n in nnu bie dlssase, dsasaroas
I., the pabtte health, to hall Imaudtotely re
sort the sine to the Board o. Health, nuitiit
th" ti-l and li mil Is r. or lo'.iti,,n of tho
In U"'
H i ' -. win niser am physician Beds that
an, ptmoii whom l u is called up at hi visit has
a ccsaaiunlesbts dlssase, daaai root totaa i sh
le- health, lei or -le- -h.i'l Itnine Lately rep. r:
lbs saate to the Bnsrd tl Health, atvlng tas
in-ei snd ssmber oi lo avtloe nl th i noasa sb
the receipt ol ahicb report the beard shall
IminwHs' iv soMfj the tea' inr or principal of
every lehontj acadsiBf. seminary or kinder
sullen in the boroash, reouestiair saM teeoto
era or principal to diaiasaau wltl ths of all pupil resiling iu
tin- fuiiilly iu whii ii mi, h deu'a,a ,
ista No .hyai. lau WBO may. la good faith. In
wbedtonoe to tlna iirdinaiu e, reis.n acise us
n i rmnmuutnabto .i,s.nse wb'cb Nbae-
gueotly urovee not to bn saoh,nha!l be iisi.iu
10 s nult for damage i nr such error io re
porting, it shidi betaednty ofsuuh pbyaiclan
and H "th"' ait. u.lants snoa peraoos uT acted
with snsh dhtessas to avoid ssnosurs I ths
pnolto ol any gara tool oiothJng about thctr
. tni pel sons tiial iun hnvo laieu snbjitrtail to
the risk of htfectlon
Sue '' No person shall within the limits ol
tins i orough, mil s. by permit of the iVurd ot
Health, i in i vrrvstovel om cme building to
another, any patient affected with aaj com'
muni cable disss, dangerous In the pa bile
health N'oralisll nv Mrvm, by nuv eipc
sursofaay Individual in effected. orof the
body of such Individual or nl any srtlcli ranw
bie of i uBVeylng ceotsgton or iBfaotlon, or by
anv eegllgeui sot soon d with the cars or
custody toareof. it by s nsidlesa exis,-re of
Inn. -elf or heiarlf, cniise i, i emit ilmtetothe
ipraeil of dieeeae froui anysnchindlvidnal or
dead body,
Bsc There shall not be n pal Ua funeral
ot any person who has died ol Utettochol
era, smallpox, typbtu fever, diphtheria, jrsl
low fevi i , scarlet t-.'ier or noastoe.and thsfam-
lly of the deci ips iI shall in all nich cases limit
U'-attendance to as lew as pusslblo.snd take
ail i ret Buttons pcssibls lo proven! the expos
ore of other persons ti irnnCaglon or Infscttoo;
snd the person suthortoing t in public n. kins
of death of inch puraiin -hull huve iho name of
the disenae which caiUHil tliu death SppeaT In
audi public notice.
ski'. 11. No person Miffering from, or having
von recently recovers i from, smallpox, aar
let fever, diphtli rin, yelloi.' fever.or meesiSS,
shall sxpess btmssif sior shall any ont tz
any one under his charge na Similar condl-
Uon, in any oonveysnoe, without hsving prs
viouslv i.oiifod tho owner or nsrson in charge
of i m il conveysacc of ths hot "i such aoDcD
nouns above stated, Itshsll be the duty o(
tin. Hoard of Healt ii to bsve this section prini
011 on it card and to furnish the owner ot each
public conveyance with a copy thereof) ami it
shall bs ths duty of ths owner of such con
veyance to display such card 111 such convoy-
vayancsi And Mm owner or person In charge
of luoh oonveysnoe must n t after the entry
of any person 10 infected into his Mnvcyauoc
aUowany nthsr netsos to enter It w ithout
having sufllcisntly disinfected it under the
direction of the Hoard ,,f II alth.
1'. no parson shall 1st or hire any
hon. r room ill n lions", in which s com
mnnicabla disen-e dnniteroue to the public;
health, has recently existed, until the 100 .1 or
house nnd .n nil-es therewith connected have
been dtojaisontd to the satisfaction Of the
ileal d of Health ; and for the purnosm of till
section the keeper of a hotel, inn or other
house fm tin, reception ,,r lougora shiil bs
deemed lo let or hire part o a house tO nnv
persoii admitted as a gueiit into 'inch hotel,
li.n or bous .
Ski". III. Members of any household in which
snmd -pox, diphtheria, sesrlet fov.-r I r ntnmslss
uxiate. shall RMtaiS Horn attending plaeua of
H DUITliDC RePa red and
At Factory Prices
The Scranton Bedding Co.
Cor. Adams and Lacka. Aves.
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight.ounce for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
hot I i K WANNA vi sc.
( .ik Bedroom Betf
Wb Betl Pttrnitare cheap rts
uy honaw in the eooatrj UuM in-
tendl to ;;ii lii.u,-t value for the
money. Try us,
Hull & Co.
205 AND 207 I10IIM AYF..
public amiisotnoiit, worahip or lu alioii. and
i as piblu, Irom visiting . iher private
Bsi ii Tha eletahw, bed elothtni sad bad
diiiic "f persons wli., have b"-u ... i mill any
.'Uimuni.-able dlatvaiw. d jng.-roiis to ths publi
seajth, and the rooms Wbion they isi uiiisl
iiirina su, h together with their
lurn tturu, shall la disuifis ted under tin dircc
u i of the Board ol Health.
BBj III No an.inal artected with a ci .nmuii
I 1 1 le drs see, naagsrons t. the public health.
shall lw brought or kept within thalimlUof
I'ns borough axe i-t ei pernibnton of the
It-.ard of Itimlth and lie bodi lot animals
dead of SUCh dl,aai or killed OB SOMUUt there
of shall not i. burled within in i hundred feet
of any n ttdenecnor illieil of ,hei w lsothan
i the said 1 o.rd or :ts Health officer ahull
din ct.
SBl IS No mast, ll-li birds, fowl, fruit,
vegetables, milk, and nothing for human fid.
not being Ho n healthy, treah. sound, whole
- iu til an l safe f .r such use. nor any animal
or 11-Ji that dual by diai'a-e. and no CarcaSS of
say calf, pig or lamb, witch at thsUmsot Its
ueath wss tm than three weeks old, snd no
Beat therefrom hall ns brought within tin
limits Of thla borough or off, red or held tor
a .le ns food anywhere m said borough,
M 17. itshsll be the dot of the occupant
pi every house within tho limits of Uds
borough. In the month or May, in each ami
even year, to clivinnu the cellars thereof of all
dirt, vegetable and other impure, tssttsi isT
ciliated to engender dlsSSSS, ami tO OSUas them
to is thoroughly whltowsshsd witu n -h
Ski- Is. No parent, insrdton or rnaater. In
whisie bouse or liino'.y there shall hnve been a
Dotnmuntoable dtoensa dsagaroos to thepun
h" health, shall permil any Child residing In
-aid Ions or family to sttsnd any public,
private or rundav achool, after the cessation
of said disease, witlnu a period of tun days
after the hous shall have been thoroughly
disinfected snd clesnstd Ami it shall is iim
duly of ths school bnsrd to have this station
printed on curds, mentioning tho names ,,'f
utoesses deotarsd eommunJoanle and danger
mis to the public health in this ordinance, and
poati'd ill every school room in this borough
And ittball be 111" duty o! the Hoard of Health
to, have this aectlon punted on card ami fin
nlatiu I t every s, luajl in this 1 oiough and to
retinoid the tiers m or porsmis in cliarge of
sinn instil utl. , us to post audi curds in con
spicuous pISOSSi
srr. Ik. Every nhyslclsu prnctlolng within
th.. I. mils ot this borough .hall report loths
Morstsry of the ll , ird of Health all cases of
dent'i coining under his siipoi vision, witli n
the limits of tin borongh, with name, oolor,
age., . nidi. ion (mari'l I or single., icsldetice,
pincoof Wrth, date of death, and cause ol
death, nnd the signutino ot the phV!.i, iau,with
his place of residence.
Bsc XV it sh.di bs the duty of ovsrynhysl
dsn or mid wits to make a return of a very
birth at which they shall nfflemto on the first
week id i In- tollowing month, giving name of
parents, aex. mid color of child, place of birth,
BlO, sX I'.M'i y undertaker or other pOTSOn
who may l ave charge of tho funeral of any
dend person, shall procure a properly lllled
out certllicnti. of tho death und Its probable
enii-o. in accordance with the form pre-c: imd
by the Stale Hoard of Health: and shall pro
s "III the same to the desiitnated Omcar OT
luembei of the Hoard of Health, mid obtain s
liUiiUI Or transit permit thereupon, lit least
twenty-four hours before the time Mipolntsd
for such funeral ; and he shall not remove uny
dead body until such burial or transit per
mil shall hav boon procured.
sec. zi. Every person viototlttg sections :i, 7,
f, li, 10. II. 19, 11, M, or in ot this ordinance,
shall be liable, for every such offence, upon
conviction before an burgess, to a line of not
less than JIO or more than tw si the disc, e
lion of the convicting burgess, besides cost",
whl -h the convicting buruuM may itihlct it hu
MM lit.
& Connel!
Sm B l'.'r i , r.on violating any other
section or pre, MOB of this ordinance, shall
be liable, for ev ery such offence, apoa oon
vtotlen befortuny burgee, to a tine of not
less t hah fll or DtafS thsS BSQ, at the discre
tion of the com ictllo bUIsCS. l-slde . , , sl-
o I, h tha convb ting burgess may lutlut if ho
i BSC. VI. All polio officers. contablia and
watchmen an snjolned, ami sll dtlssni are
leapeoirulty deelred, t. give nf. rmatlon to
the Board of Health of any viol.tion of Ihean
orduiaiices. so that I he aanltary laws provld-
I tog for the etaanllneea snd beelth of the isr-
OUgb may l fully executed, and all offeudvrs
pn mptly punished.
Passed by BotOUgb Council. May!-, IBM
President of Council.
THOMAB PADDEN, s,.. retary of Council.
Approvisl this ilth dav of Mav. Ism
P. J Bl'RKE Hurgeas
Vicwcra' Notice.
IN Till: cnl HT OF COMMON i'l.KAS,
I No. BB March term, I.H'I.
In the matter of the pstltklU of tho city of
Scranten for tho appointment of viewers to
SSCsrtsin tbocosts, dimagea and expenses,
aid assess the benefits tor niain sewer lu
Fourteenth district, city of Scranton,
Notice i . hereby .-iveu to nil psrtiesln Inter
est Unit tin unueisJgnfd riswers, duly nis
notnti .1 by the court in the foregotng mstter,
have pi . pared a si ii.-iuie. anown g in,, nam
ages, co-ts and e:. 'i,s,s ascertained and al
I lowed, snd the bemlltt SSHSSSd forth" fi re
' going Improvement. and that said viewers w.U
! Beet and exhibit the same at common onnoil
rooms en th twenty fifth dny of Slay. A ll.,
h"i a tio'clock a. in , and w ill then and tmr'
upon hear all exceptions thereto and evldcnco
thereon. C II. SOPKH.
I'll AN K MuKl.l .n:,
persons whose UBmsa are stateil below.
Supposed to ik own rs of real estate to bo af
fected by the constructiton of main sewer In
the Fourteenth sewer district of the City of
Scranton. whoso places ot resldonc are r ua
unknown, that wo the nndorsigned viewers,
appointed by ti e Court ot Common Pleas or
Lackawanna countv, to assess the dummies
Sadbeneflls arising from tin construction of
th" Fourteenth district main sewer, have
viewed iho prcmiiios and made a sohMUls of
damages ami bom tits; and that ws will meet
in the Common Council rooms, Boranton, Pa,,
on the '.:.itli day ot May, A. 1). put, at U o'cloo.
a. in , to hntr all eM-eptlons to aitld asseaa
Bents and evidence th reon.
c B Hill. . I. E. Cleveland. Mrs. F M. Ssu
born, iinck, Dimmock A; Reynolds Mia
Hippie, F.dwnrd ells, 1. It. I'i Its, ll olden
Wasih, p. M. Hoxwortb, John Koch, Mr.
Bh hi. Jamsa Jordan, Qaorns Fisher, J, M.
RotbiClsrsnos Wl son. Jsoob stehne, CharUs
I. ee. W. B. Porst, Ad.-m I'assold, T. B. Howe,
II. A. Mace, P. ,1. McCaffrey, ,lohn Carroll, A.
Hivtterworth. N. K. stone, cha' les Kviser, 11.
M. Haz.ler, P. F. Dougher, Johu Cunningham,
John Men y went'ier, A. B. Tov. nsend, B.
'I'ownasnd, Byron Jones, l. W Vidator.
David Oliver, I)r. Wilbur. H Coleman, C. T.
Hallamy, .luiiu s Qulnii, E.
Williams. Widiam
Morton, M. Walsh, W. 1!. Williams, Mrs.
Walker. Ada Mcl'onoiigli, Patrick McDotmell,
Thomas J Price. Blvira Lack, Csmstsrysa
jodatipn, Charlsa B, Bilvlna Rioh. QaUagber,
MrH. E. Sohlmuff, Mrs. Rooha, ArsstsT rimllli,
..onn jinvor, .Murv A liilliert. Mrs. Alnggie
r'.s'te.'johii kellly,
c. r. roweii. ,
c. H. SUPER.
P. W . S'J i IKES.
FiiANK Mueller,