1 The Third Series of Mullichrnnw now rec - Those who wish them should order immediately. ETGIIT PAGES-56 COLUMNS. SCUAATON. PA., TUESDAY MOltXING-. MAY 15, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. 1 III OTHER I 1 P Ini m I j . M":""ikCf. 4 . VHHIVIMIi VUVUUV THE Til E8 MORE rail WE CONVENTION lUll (HIKERS Cleveland's Great Concourse ot Miners and Operalors. THE W OPERATORS ARE AT ODDS A Meeting of Vast Import- Deter mined Attitude of The Members of the Union Attested Tens of Thousands of Worktrcn and Artis ans All Over the Country Will Be Affected by the Outcome. Ci.icvn.ANP, Mrv 1 1 rpVF.KY traiu arriving In thia city U dunni: the night nud early honr of the morning brought delegates - to attend the miner1 conven tion to lav, and the conference which Uk.-: plsco tomorrow at the 'linmber ot Commerce between the miners und operator Btoretarr P. J. McBryde v iesd th. sentiments of a good ni my delegate wlnu bo unaware t a suiKestioa as to a compromise. "S'n, Mr," he Mid, "Wodid not come lirrr fur a eouiprnin ie, end thus fur we hnve no turn word in nor VOOebnl ary Nothing short of what we sk will give the miners living wage, aud for tlist wi' contend, We can hold ont for thre months, tint we have node sire to do so. For that reasou w CUM to t hi-i conference." .nr. neoryae wonio no: tor a mo ment consider th Itthjeot of settle ment in different looalitiai without reference to what is doni elsewhere "The onlv condition under which WOtk Will be rtaniDod," he continued, "is a Battlement fur nil the stutes, as WW originally Miinounced." The declaration meuua that the minora and operators of the PlttabOTg disirict re iti far apart an pibie. Th laltei decided at their coufer ei c in Pittsburg on Friday that they would not psrticipate i.i the conven tion, and that titer would settle with their tatn v. iil.out consiiltinx the offi t.rs ot the TJaited Mine worker, The operators Of mine in the Ohio t: ' ' have all ntot.jt signified llieir VilllttgWOB lo nuke a BettfeiBOnt Willi their mi n through their nalinnai 01- ginlantioo and th ftttabarg linnet b n are not haokward in nasertiog that the Ohio ODBfetOM er bckinc the striken, hoping mat the miners w.ll force the Pittsburg-. ts lo py a rule of TV cent, which will give the Hocking Vail")- and Jaekeoo operator a dtffer entinl of ll cents a ton in their faVOf, 9 cents on inn mining rate an 1 . cuts on tiie freight rat. MILLIONS AUE INVOLVED. Millions of dollar are involved in the ontcnnie of the conference betwoen th strik- rs and the peratora, It is not a matter In which tii Dlnn and up r iors ere totelv interested. AnotBer month of i ll-nes at lb bituminous coal centers hffected will work Incal Bailable it-jory to no suiill part of th country. The lens of tbOOMndl of Work er wl 0 "re HOI lotrftd lireetly ,r lndln dly in the miners' tronblel wii! be Bade innoc nt victims of tne deter mination of the tradai organisation or the equally strong determination of the mine own. r Diapatcliee from Chicago and CD any of the leading towns in III nois eay that the stock- of bituimnojs cosl are almost MUBttBtOd and that a few day ui"! UieV witness the general abutting dowu of manufacturing es- tal ItabtncntS, of (;as and eh ctric plants, Of WNlerwi'iks. tb (tOppage of eleva tors in biy Oomtni rcinl and residence Imil linj: Evi rv urn" i Seated by the strike i rcp;esentjd In the conference by tuin tH and OpefatOtC The call is signed by J nn KeBrido, a president, and Psltick UcDrv .it. is secretary an l tra nrer of the Uuitcd Bin '.Vor.-er of America, and for th operators ty V. B Blcomh, pmidest or the White Bloc: f'or.l i on pauy of (Jhlrago; ,1 A. Bnlth Tally, of 'ierre Haute; J. s. Mar'in, of Colombu, J ; and F, L. lit Linnet;, of Pittsburg. Th mitiTs ure opposed to any com ptotni, Whlll th operators favor the InteMtnta rate, which runs from .VI to 85 rents In tlliooia and odlana to 7U certs in Piitsiiurg. Tills Is the lirht national trik mnong th- rapiers in twenty years, and if they succeed in having tho inter-stute agreement adopted it will bo thoir gre.uett vic tory. G'RMIN MINtKS' CONGRESS. Miner frcm All Parti of thi Earth Mn.t in Germany Tcday. Pkhli.n. May M The miners' inter national congri ss opened here today in Concordia Festival nal),lo the Andrea atraia. Thomns Hurt, member of tho British parliament) was elected chair innn. and Hrr Singer welcomed the del. g tteg on bohalf of the Socialist member of the reiohstag. Bert Legien made nn address, in winch he dwelt upon the importance of tho miner' organization, eayingthnt It was the most powerful in the world. benjamin I iekard, also a member of the British parliament, on behalf of the foreign delegates, thanked the congress for the cordial welcome extended to the latter. Two ('elegates from tho United Stiiti s are ozp'cted. RAILROADS LACK FUEL. Ths Nw York Central Taking Train Off ar.rt Burning Wood. Aldany, My 14 Betweeu Saturdy nnM mid. uglit last oight twelve train were taken off this division of the Central ritilrond and more will be dropped today because of lack of soft coal. In the Esst Albany roundhouse nre now stored all the engine of the train ptillod off. Today all switch engine in the East and West Albany yards began burning wood for fuel. In East Albany, where all passenger enidca that rnn between Albany and New York take their supply, fifteen cats of coal nre on hand, which can last but a day or two at the most. In St. Johnivllle, where most of the ooal la stored aa it come from the mines, there is less on hand ut present than there ban been in forty years. On Saturday night live shifting en gine iu service at the West Albany shifting yards and three sarvio trains were taken off. Yesterday only five freight trains left Wsit Albauy bound west. Hsveral small fast, freight trains left for New York Too track men have repaired orders to collect all ties and other wood lying along the lines of the road for use for fuel. RESERVtS NOT NUMEROUS. Coxiyll Demonstratt in at Donvjr Is a Frothv Flzz'.e. DENVER. May. 1 1 The demonstra tion by the Coxeyite reserves yester day did not come up to ihe expecta tions so far a the parade was con cerned. The column, instead of con taining 10.000 people, as prydicted, was composed of barely 500 led by a single band. At the peaker' stand, how ever, fully 10,000 persons were assem bled. Addresae were made by General Baiter Workman Sovereign, of the Knitfhtsof Labor; Jay Cook, jr. ; "Gen eral" llet'ener. of th Di'nve Coxey tjserve; and Judge K.er, of Pueblo. CRANK AT THE CAPITOL. Burly Colored Man Creates Ex citement by Dire Prophecies in the House. WASiilsr.TON, BAT 15. Dnrlne the consideration of a district bill in th iiouse c nider able excitement Wat caused by a colored man in the public gallery. The m m ar. se and a Mr-ssed tho speaker. .iyinit that if die Coxev Mil we not tpeewd, the white bone. treasury and Capitol would be destroyed by tbnoder uo l lightning, Tne ipeakei directed the door keeper to remove the man, which was done with some diffi culty. The crank's name Matthew A Cherry. Ho is a big, burly DCf.ro mid ll a blacksmith, residing iu tine city. II- insists that he i not insane, bnt hix mind is manifestly unbalanced When iU-stioned hv the police he aid thut unless tho Oosey good roads bill was pasted lhre would be a gen eral destruction of government prop e:tv In Wnebiogtoo Congrj woo Id he given until Bay .'i to pss the bill, If it did not heroine a law by thst tun the puolic boUdiogi worn i be deetroyed I y t'onib He wa arr's:-! bv the Capitol p lice and taken to th-L--u. 1 ro.,m in the basem-nt of the Capitol iIj wa retained in the giwrd room ahout thirty munites when he wa taken to the Sixth pr-cinct station. Befflfe entnriuu the gallery Cherry enilaavured to see Speauei C.-isp. He oalied it th oorrid'.r Whloh rurs to the rer of the bona chamber and was topped bv kit doorkeeper a color I uiess-nifer g-iiri- the door of tl.e Speaker room When the rrn:ik de mended to e th apeaker, th door keeper akked hit tiuua-s. Toe crank repii-1 that he desired an audience With Speaker Cusp, but refused to tte. fur what rasou When the door kiier again Ht-rnly refuse I t i comply With his re(tisnt, the crank face I about and Went up in trie nailery, where l.e was arrestel within h ilf a moment after he t.egan his b irangn s. TO BURN AN T H R(C ITE. 8-ft Coal Lrc m nivs to H Prn:r.d for a Mnire PoTTCVlXXg, Pa. May 15 In cons. -Qnence of tn bitnalnons etrtke or der havn been given here to fir -men on the Philadelphia end Brit nod the Bebarlklll Villy railroaU in m my IneteOCeC to prepare their lir.i tn . In anticipation of bttmlng suthraoite coal to raise steam for the locomotives iu tln tr charge The L-lni;h Valley U.ilroad com pauy wire to havu changed from bard to soft coal on the first day of May, but the Strike in the bltnminous re gion prevented them fiom making the change. IN OUR OWN COM MONvVEA.TH. In two rtays thirty-fir alleged flab Poachers have been lines ted in Alluirbouy comity. St Ueorce's LithsaniaS ebireh.et Shen andoah, oun of tho llnest in the county, was uuoicaieu runnay. For iiHlnga Oat fore m ck fox cliane, Alderman 11. K Wickol and three other men of Heading have (jiven hall for trial at court. Th Perry county Republican co .veti tiou instructed its delegates to role for Hastings Kob;nson, Myiin, Latta, (Irow and Huff. Canght by a tram midway mi a railroad brldt-s at Heading. Walker Mnyer leaped lirty feet Into the river below and escaped with a broken leg. While handling a charge of dynamite, at Locust (iap an explosion occureeil, killing John Prenk, of Pottaville, fatally Injuring John l'aul and sorlously injuring neni BrnoL The Avondale hotel owned by James Duffy, of Plymouth, was wrapped in (lames yesterday and in h ss thau one h iur wbh burned to tho ground. Loss (5,600, fully Insured. Origin not known. By an explosion of gas yesterday at the Hoar Hidgo colliery, Pottaville, John Hart enstein was Inatintly killed, Hubert Del ton aud Michael Kyan fatally burned, and William Meeney and James Hyau severely burned. WASHINGTON NOTES Secretary Carlisle limits the seal catch to 7,500. Alavroyeni Boy, Turkish minister, I slowly recovering from n sorlous illness. The government has beuu to take pre cautionary measures against the adtnissiou of yellow fevor into the country. Tho trial of Colonel Atnsworth and Con tractor Daut, indicted for manslanghter in tho Ford's theutro disaster, is oxpectod to occupy a part of the week. The house committee on agriculture lias reported favorubiy a bill transferring the geological survey aud fish commission to the department of agriculture. The National museum has sccnroil an ex tensive series of in. nut chipped stone im plements from India, which were collected in cavas aud rock shelter.among thenorth em and northwestern hills, and in grave mounds The offl 04 of foreign mnil has announced that sninploH of articles composed of glass or other fragile material, in unsealed pack ages, will he admitted in the mails be tweeu the Cnitod States and certain for eign countries. COXEY'S ARMY moves m The Restless Cenunonralers Emigrate to BlaiLnsburg. AT GEORGE WASHINGTON HOTEL The Gate Money Didn't M.-.terialize in the Desired Volumo at Hyatts ville, So the Army Shook the Dust of the Town from Their Feet Yest erday Morning for a More Profit able Location Now Quartered at a Points of Historical Interest. Washington. May 11 Ks"! LESS C. x viies mode another UJ move this morning, Spa water, rn sl.adv groves, ,nd unlimited np Ju portnolties for prooal oUaol- ;..-.s have not the same attraction for i hem as prospects of gate money an 1 abundant five ration l tides, the fjyattavill p opl in organizing vigil, anoo conituilt e and (Weerlog iu liMr ilT's posses, snd appealing to the stat authorities f..r aid to sj-.ipr.-ss a nuii anot manifested, to say the least of it, an inbotpitabl spirit. So as some of the barkeeper In the neighboring village of Blendonsborg esmed desirous of having the presence of the Coxey army la their neighbor. nood to draw OOltOttt, and as the ao of ttie yard lOrronndlng the fatuous old In st dry, tiie Get rgo Washington llouie, in H!au lenstiiirg, w is ten lei I them, llrown and Coxy last night de termined to move tlieir rugged PsUtstT Ian i.rtny ont of Hyattsvill" into Bl t dcusbttrg, They were luduoed to mak the change for several reason.. I amp Liberiy wasc iinp.ir.-itlvely iTtccesMl '., Xcept to pereODI Who drove out there iu n.rriae or iMiiies. Those who bad not that mods of In. coinotton were compelled either lo wade a creek of running "spi' or walk or "coon" it over a log bri ige high above I the stream. Oo&M OtMOtlV llie Kate money received yesterd iy waa not CUOOgh to psy expense The uew c.impinggroan 1 r via l the U .i i n.' jr,' hotel are nclus.'d iy a high fence, and so the managed will i able to exact mi admlasisn fee fiom II visitors. Tha m )e was male this uioruiug at B o'clock. BfOWn nnnunm-el it iu thu followin; SSlOfeitollSUll oi l. r 'In the Ptrid, Camp Liberty near llvatt.viiie. Mo ,Mr i t IBM Comrades We have pen: a glorlOtU day In this op,depit the lowering dec le,whes e ttter I B DO the part of a tew 0M -eni i" men of Hvn'tsvllle. wl,.., as it a m light uignt l -.t evening, got frightenrtl at th.-ir . wn sl.ii l It-ji we i,.,ve t. en favoreil by a uuiutjei of the g(w J j ropln .( that place today, many ladies, who all ex- preseod tbemolve that the Insult to o Of tli-so-ra.led iie.i-iiation meeting was UDcalltst for. ATUKi SOB WASIIINiilnN BOtKta Tomorrow marntag bugi- rail it T e. at. i tirenkfast at I At B o'clock strike camp and move to the groutol in the nsef of the Qeorge Waahlngtoa hotel Uiadenburg, where wewin remaia Isdeloltely a. , base of op.-railom ttjr heaihj i.irln s wih be in the old Qeorge Woabll on hotel, once the hi idquartera of the mau in wtose honor it Wa nalnt-d VfhCSI he wa. lighting the Brlttsb, e the oomui inweel I imw tigl.ting the KuglMh giM nag Brothoi Ooxeyaoo wifeaad Utu L ga Tender will a wo take up quarter In the hotel, which has been kindly ptaOSd at Bf service ounng our stay la the neighbor hood. Slarsiial ' . T. MrKee will atteud to donnttoU as usual, tomorrow, and win tskea. Brothers Lori, Lortta, aud Alex Alcorn. For special reasons every member is ex pectett to remalala camp iocsorow solas granted a naea, with torfeiture of bulge tor disobi dieuce. Twelve more of .Mar shal Kelvin's nu n joined us toilsy, and 1 have organised i ..inmune A of the Cali fornia community. istguedi "Carl Browne" Desertion and acceasioas appear to run with nearly equal feet a nnmbei of stragglers from Galv.n's SlOWd in Pennsylv iiii.t dropped into camp yes terd.iy. Oa ttiat day and Saturday there were about forty new recruits, and about fifty thee who marched out from "l imp Tyranny" iu Wash ington latlod to answer roll call this morning - WILSON ELECT R0CU T E D The Murderer of De.eoUve Harvey Calmlv M o ts Hie Fate. A t'H i' EN, N. Y. , May 1-1 --"Dink" Wilson, the murder.:, was electrocuted at Auburn prlaou at IS, CI today. Ho passed a comforUhlo ulgttt and exm bited no fuar or auxieiv Wilson shot and killed Detective .lames ilarvey, of Syr-tone, 00 J ily ill leak Tha mordsrer an I his brother were being taken to the police station by the detective, charged with bur glarly, when Wiison shut. The men ran, but "Dink" ws c night. His brother Qoorgs wa arrested later, and now awaits trial e UNKNOWN'S ARMY OILBQNOS. The Blval ot Ccx-v Uaable to Hold tile Troops. Washington. May 14 -What wai laft of "Unknown or Bonntbank" Bmitb'a contingent of the oommonweal army has been formally disbanded by him. Home of the BSD went to join Coxey at Hladcnsburg, end the rest to lialli more, where they will join Smith, who leaves fur that place today. VICTIMS OF THE OIL FIRE. The Two Who Were Most Seriously In jured Will IlT-over. TifiADFOItD, Pa., May 14 Of tho thir ty persons injured und burned in yes terday' oil refinery fire, Firemen Cros by and Colomnn are the most seriously injured. 13otu are doing well and will, recover. -e STATE LEAGUE SCALPS. They Are Deair.d by Opponent of tha President and Secretary. Heading, Pa., May 14. Munager Wituiuu, of the Heading team, bus colled a meeting for Thursday next of tho owners of the Stat league teams. In signing the call for the meeting Manager Witman ligOSblmsjelf pr-.i-detlt pro. tem. of the league. 1 a quorum is had at the meeting the dis putes that have 1 een going on in the League will b; thoroughly dUoUISod and may be stopp-d. It is said that an effort will be made at tho meeting ' depose th" present president and secretary of the Lsaguo. CIRCUIT C0UR1 CONVENES. Twenty Five Cases on the Issue Lilt at Hitbuie-. P1TT8BDBQ Pa, Bay 14 Ths May term Of the United States circuit court opened today, Judge Aeheson on the bench. Of the tWenty-flve cases on the issne list, fifteen were continued, Among these was the fun Bl cases Ol James and Ann Jenkins against the South Pork Fishing and Bunttngclub, n relic of the Johnstown 11 ) id, and that of Ann BcFarlnnd agaluat the Drake, Bt rat ton company, limited, to recover damages for the dei.th of her husband liming the building of tho Sixth str.-et bridge. GENERAL NIC CARTNEV BUillED. The Dii-.lr.Rul.h. d Suldier a'. Rost with Stlllt try liounrs. WiLKi-LiAltiti: May 1 1. -The holy of the late Gen. William H. McCart ney lav in Itata tier" today an I was witnessed by OVef 1,000 person. The fum-ral took place this afternoon and ttie cortege was one of the largest tsea u- re lor years Ihe general was buried with military honors and tnsnv prominent Brand amy men iroui virious parts of Penn sylvania, NW York, and Massachu setts were press nr. DYNAMITE 1 A TUNNEL. Sinners Accused of an Attempt to Block Traffic on the Balti more ."Old Oiiio tjNIOIlTOWS, Pa., M iv II Great ex citemtnt wa. cane i tin. morning bv the snnouuceBenl mat an attempt bud boon t:i I yesterday by the stnkeis to blow up the Mori m tunnel, ou tho itato Ilea branch ol tho Ualttm roaod O'.uo railroad. The railtoid flicials ara very reticent over th- mat tr. Tn storv goea that Urge quantity of dynamite was found in the tniin-l, but Information of plot to destroy It wis received In time to prevent the plan fr. in being rarrie.t oat. Toe cause of tt.e xtt mpt lie in the fact that IBS BallimOC and Ohio company 1 dally brt .gitig mm Ire Is of ears of rewoeel into tiie r.giou from ttie West Virginia mines and to destroy the tunnel would atop luoh ahlpmente lor 111 Hit: At Peroy, this inirelng a few men attuupied to work, but Were prvet,tel from entering f.o nil by the alriki re, out there was tint little troiihle, a few o! those who attempted to go to work ie ng h ate u tint not (erioosty lodsy the striker l.-d 4is rre adjoi ilng Hill Farm and a large n. Ho lier wnl ramp there Indefinitely, h p to praVOnl O' fk at that plant which tod-y is i until ig fu I Tue boi.ee of a workman at Fair I Chance was stoned oy striaTs thll morning and the wi ido-vs lr kn out. John Wiikis, another workman, waa caught last Bight an I reported lO llVs boon seriously OOWhiieq Py a body of striker. A big raid had been planned by the strik-is of this end of tile region, to take place tomorrow, 'i hey propooa, if p wtlble, to I ring ont all ihe men at wuik at HUI Farm, Oliver, Kv.e ami the Martin C ka w irk Bt F. ir Chance All of the pi.ui i but Kyis have depu ties to guard the men itl work Troobla Is feared, Tue Dunbar tornsws wa bank 4 down this ;i: mi'ig mill a ti- ply of Coke c iu b BCttrH About iS 1 uiuu ale thrown out of tmploym '.it NO ESCAP. FOR NELSON. Convlc: Kvane Will Have to Eerv Out III, S.nteno. WaSBIVOTOK, D C., May 1 1 Kel son F, Fva- s, w.io waa convict.' .1 and sentenced lo live years' ImprlaOOmeal for misapproprlatloo of ttie f and of the S ring Gar ten National I. ink of PhUadel phla, Will have to serve out tho sentence. Tue judgment of tho district court of th-rotted States for the eastern district of Peiiusylvsnia was today nf flrmed by the luprems court of the United State. MUROIMd at rrlUBB. Daniel Hover, ' M: imefeta, Found Dead With e Hr. kMi Head. Bhamoxin, Bay 11 Daniel Dover, of Jordan township, wa found dead in hi carriage with his heal battered in near his home yesterday morning. The d -y previous he left horn l for trip to Dauphin county. It I thou lit bv souid that robbers held him up and killed him when he resisted. lie was a prominent man in the com inunlty and a farmer in moderate cir- cnmitanoee, e i hi GRIM wi ' BARVEST. Henry Kraft, it well-known railroad engineer on the ltendlu.t road for 21 years. Ei'SoBBtor Jcceph B, Banuey, ts years old, at Howe's Cave, N. V. Well known iu railroad circles. Captain Charles ('. Morrison, of the Uatted States OrdBanoe Oorpa attiover nor's Island. N'. V., of appendicitis. Dr. Ueorgo W. llrown, 3( years old, s.-c-retnry of the Hew Jersey Medu-ai Board, of Long branch, N. J., at TreUtOB N. J. Hev. Frank Chandler, 1). I)., il yenrs old, pastor of the First Presbyterian Churrh, of Ashury Park, N. J., froin apo plexy. Deceased had been iu the miuistry for ill years. FLASHED FROM THE WIRES. A 11,000,000 fortune falls to Bt Mabel Hanks, u Marinette (Wis.) typewriter, and four oilier relatives. Opening a closet door in n Cbiysville (Inn.) chureh revealed the body of William I. lllllis, who (liaappnarod after a qsarrol with his father. New Yorkers are protestlngafptinst con fectiouers selling brandy drop Dandy to children. About 100 drops will yioid teaspoouful of brandy. The body of a man supposed to be Pro fessor Anton Stniru, was found hanging from a tree yesterdnv by a policeman in Van Cortland park, New York, i, PLAIT IS lift LI Be -Calls Attention to the Surrender of Dim ccrats to the Sogu Trust. HEARD IN THS HULLS OF C8NGRESS Seventh Week of the Tariff Debate Opens in an Interesting Manner. A Ray of Light Cast Upon tiie tiu gar Speculators Rates of Duties Fixed Upon Perfumery, Alum, Amonia, Etc. District of Columbia Business and Other Proceedings in the House. Washington, D. C, May 14. crpill". s-iventb week of tii terifl hill I In too senate began today. There j was tiie usual quantity of disc-mil eion over the Various ltsms wide', were reached, but lis quality was BOt nearly Bp to lbs dally average of that of the peal two w. ks. Ttie Kepnblican teoator were not so i atlve In haras lag tne foe and the Democrat avoid -J lebate, though not so arelully a pre viously. Mr. Piatt, Connecticut, male i sotm wiiat seiisalion il speech iu tne di0U llOU of ti e tnr.it i. ill in which he siiJ that nosucii iu irv -1 had eve; bieti se- . a:i the surrender of all th- Democratic senators except Mr. Mill-, to the suai trust. In response to a itatemratof Mr II trris, l enncasee, that this i ill carried adntyoffOt a cent on reii 1 1 sti.'ar s sgatast the otio.iiaif oant in the Mc K tier hill, Mr Piatt eaid the present hill did no such tiling. There was not a man connected with the Hiiifar trust as stockholder or speculator iu Wall street, who di 1 no; understand it, aad there was not a senator who had demanded th laosoaM who did hot understand it. ITliM-i MRHOSKD OP. I'll" stiirar iiiiestion was further dis cussed by Senator Allison, V. at and CifT-ry There were sevsa Items in the hill c msidered and diap .sed of, The reealt wee Ihe flxiag of rate ofdulle a foil wat 0a alcoholic prfomry, p. r gallon mid .'si c nts atl valorem; oa alnminia, alum, nlnm cake, etc.. f artnths cents pr pound, en car braata of ammonia, 2n per cent, ad va lor, in. on muriate of amiu eal i, 10 per OtBl and on euiphate of amuio.-.ta SO pet seal Uu blacking of all kinds and ou beoieaar ui table for n,e m dlecoior iiiuicnir M pet cent a! v.i'ureui 1 la refined ramplnr 10 tir cent ml valor 'in. The aetata at ti p m ad journed ii ma PBocBSDtxos In th bi use to lay on motion of Mr. Dslz-il (Hep. Penn l. a bill was paasod authorizing tb- oonetruoUoo of a iidi over the BoUOUgBUela riv.r tr m a polat near Dixon atreet, Bom ste id to the ritv uf Pittsburg The rest of the day was devoted, to the eoocl leietto i of businsss pertain lac to the Distrlot of Cblnmbia, and t!. hotiso at 4 ' edj ,nrnd until to morrow MICTINQ of oop miows 0)rat OtthtrlnB . f latilarcha and Other Wembsrs of Ihe Or.lrr at Al-oona Aitikina. Pa., Bay 14 Tho t bras links of odd fellowship atl I the red and purple ribbons combined worn by Ihe in. meets of the grand encampment ol Odd fellows ol PoantylveBia, war conspicuous on our i-treets before U o'clock tblsmoralag Aft-r that hour they and iheir wearen wre coooen tratol at the l'.ist.'-i le theater w1 re the nnual iu-eiiiig of grau I encamp- menl was held tiiay. Toe moruwg reasl r was called to order by Grand Patriarch George Hawkaa, of Pbila delphl i. The report of the grand BBfibo, James B N ' lolaOB, D Xl read, showed that .; ; M I 00 had bron collected for the BSC of Ihe grand eiicsrni inent, and that tbore are at present 18,810 patriarch" in th - or ler, a net increase of 114, and contained the detailed report of the r,.. lief work, whioh gave the smoont pal I ont in the relief ol patriarchs an I t. eir WldoWl at.d children as (74,108.17, which, together with 888,488 IB tor the working expeaaai of the department, made a grand total oi 1107,84888 (Hand Tnasaier Johu & H iss was tin- nest officer beard an i govs the cheer log Information that there waa a bal ance of 11,008 72 In the treasury. At the atU-ruooii si ssiou a resolution wa passed to pirticip ite in tomor row's parade. Tue next business was the report of the election Committee, the election of grand encauipiu -nl of. BOON having been held on the first Bonday in March. The report was as follows: lirand pitriarcii, K. J. Kris man. of looampmaot Bo, 217. Lancas ter. 1,7 1 j votes; (.-rand nigh priest, K. L li Keefer, of No Bt, Philadelphia, L788 votes; grand reoior warden, O, W. Jiffrio. of No 2, tMlegheny, 1,740 votes; grand lOtibe, James Lt. Ntcliolsjti, of No. 87, Philadelphia. 1,740 votes. For uraud junior warden there were three candidates, allot Phil adelpbla, who received the following vote: 11. B. Hugh, No. 47, 750, W. B OoglWell, No 287. 800. aud (teore Bapanglar, No 57, 188, il Bleuruag!, of No 101, Allegheny, wa chosen grand represaatBtlvB to th sovereign vraud lode iiy a voee of 1,744 TALMAOt TALKS BUSINESS. Will Nut Preach Atfiiin OdlCM $233,000 Is In light, Nicw YORK, May 14 It is reported that ut a meeting ot ths trot tee of Dr. TalmagO'l taberu.-icle Sunday night, the paatnr uave the otUoers of the Church hi3 ultimatum, Lt was that h would not resume charge of the church until 8880,000 in csh hud been raised for a new building an I site. He declared that he would nov.ir un dertake to raise another chnrch debt or preach in a church that was not clear of all iucumbrancs. Dr. Taluinge said that he feared his day's of pastoral work was over, it i reported, and insisted that he had no i SkNSA plan beyond completing his lecture t..iir around the world and then making Brooklyn his horn. It was f nn d that the insurance money and the sals' of th Und where th eburoh stood would clear th" organ izition of d dit, tnit leave it without resourea with which to rot another itruoture. Dr, Talmsge dtolarcd he would take no part or int'-ret in any plan unless t ie sum of 380 009 was in bank before any work was done, -e JOHN Y. BP KANE'S flPPcAL. Dismissed Ey tho Ctsntral Term of the BUpreme Court POOOHKEKPBIB, N. Y , May 11 -In thu general term of th- supreme court to day John BcKtne' appeal from the leutsnas of Jumico Barnard oi $980fln and t'lirty day imprlsonmsnt for co i lempt ot court wm. dismissed. The argument In BeKaae'a appeal from the sentence to six years imprison moot in Sin,; Blng Will ue lie aid aa oou as a judue is selooted tu lit in place of Ju !ge Cullon B!G DEAL IN IRON ORE. Lackawane.a Iron and Stool Company Purchases Robert H. Coleman's Interests at Cornwall. Yesterday morning the fnsl del waa eSeetad by which all of Hobert II. Coleman' inter .ut in the Cornwall ore banks and the fnrnases nt Cornwall and Lebam n, Pa., were dd to the Laokawanna Iron and Btoel oompaor of Boranton, The sum total paid is mid to have been $8,000,000, of which l 000.000 wa raen, Tbi include I Shares in the Cornwall ore banks, tne two iinthr. o.t" furnaces at Corn wall, the two Coiebrook furnaces, bdJ the COntro li- interest i:t the Corwall ir . I. baaoa railroad; also a farm of 188 CI I in connection with ili- authr ' lite turnsoes. The aale wa nude by Mr. Coleman's -iigna the Pennsylvania company, for insnrauca on lives aud granting an nuitlea, Tne Ironaaotloo leave Mr. Coleman lii hoiuo at Cornwall, one farm at Bismarck end another below Cornwall, and the Coiebrook estate which i:ici id-s Bl i.-e;na. Il li Lalmed that the s.ie li secare ths payment of all Mr. Coleman' drb'.s Including the arrears to depositor of the Trnst ari l Sife D -posit Imnk. It ts declared that t;.e purchasers ,t mplata I -..lltog two uew fur ni - mi the vicinity of Cornwall in tne near fnture.aid that the deal was mule with that end ;ir -etiy in view on their ; rt LUIt'ib UMP FIRF a-rrk rt Baerf ai d O'.iil-r Ew p' Away. Wit 1 1 m i-oi.r, Ps.. My 14 --The lumber camp of Emery and GYBrieo, situated iti ti wo. Is bug of (,'iraml, tins nu.itv. was wiprd out by a f ret tire Teeter ; v toffothor srlth a sen mill ,,1 8,000.01 ' foot of lntnbr. The drought mil renders the woods ns dry oa tinder, and the f;,;i, , ipTN 1 with alarming rapidity, eating up v rythli in th ir path. it,.. Bi wa attended by several narr .w cpes from death aid many I'scltlug eoeoea Th occupants of th samp thought at Brst they oonld aavs th" ramp if they tried nud lo directed their attention to that lniteal of to -avin,' their olotl int, etc ll-for- thev erere aware of it almuet, the fire wss upon them and they reallaed their dan ger aad starttd foi Tttman'a railroad, about one mil from the camp. By wading in Trout Run and following its course, aftir many mishap they fin ally reached tne railroad, David t ley aad wit. teSethr with Harry O'Brien and J c. Chamberlain, were compelled to seek aplace of safety 'i ! rah de of r ck, a.i t threw water 00 each other to keep from c itching OU fir As it wa-, all weio more or less t Brood Mr DbBOSB BoCathria leparntod from the n st an i took mother course and when he reached the railroad, a line pir f iboS wluc.i bs had on w -re completely worn out Be laid down onr-i completely x't iiHte !, and never expected io be ab.e to rise, bnt after noting a a little while he mad enotner effort and finally reached the railroad in safety. A soon as the n I ws reached C imm -I, Tttman'a engine, manned bv .'engineer ItcQilvory an 1 a volunteer tin-man, with about twenty men and as many buckete, startvd for the acn( 0f disss ter. When they reached what is called O'Brien's iwlloh they left the engine and found that by close and oaroful watching they Coi. Id save about 1,000,- 000 feet of luniiH't piled near the IWlteh, The wools for miies have been swept by the !l itu.-a 1 e - 010 NCT FILL THE BILL Cclinel B: sektartdga Wat No Tucciss a nn Ion.irary TIaiub-r. Cnn .vmi, M iy II -The board of managers of the Union League club thi afternoon Voted to exp.l Col. Breckinridge from tho roll of honorary membership Of the -In., There were sight memheri prent attbemeetini and no member rotorl agaluat dropping the Kentucky politician from the hon orary roll. Coi. Breoklnrldgs will be at once notified of the action of tho 1 lull and if he wllhes to enter a de fense he Will be allowed thirty days in which to do so. The director! say he Will hve a fair and cnndbl bearing it he feel disposed to make a defense, Boms msmbersOf the conservative element took th ground that Dual action should not bs taken until the political fate of Colonel Breekiaridgc waa settled. - HtARD OVt mi Ci. OLE. The Holy Coat of Arnontlnil wan put ou exhibition in Paris at daybreak today, for nine days. Heavy imports of English cod Into (ler- many have cut dawn price to an extent ruinous to bom mtne owners. The phenomenal run ot "Charley's Aunt'' nt Herlin l likely to cause the production of many other English comedies there. WEATHER FORECAST. I 1 Washington, May '4.-tWemst I piAIN i f"r 'uaV' Pur Eattern Ann I I iu(eaaiai laototr, warattr, cart I 1 abfe inms. for wetra fhaavi 1 eonto, lAotom touiyii! or Tu timj Morniag, utarmer in aortaera por tion, tast tu -i in winds. FINLEY'S .5 I HER : MAJESTY'S Corset BE3T IN THE WORLD Guaranteed TO - WKAlt LONOER lad (five moreKASEanil I ' MI'i ilt'l than tnj- other DORSET mad lu the Wurld. AMI MIT TO CHANGE i'- SHAPH REGARDLESS of vi.Mi: WORN. HHi AK over tho HIPS. INMl'ltEthi-HEALTHy or IlKSTHnV tha I II'.. I.i.. Paid by the LEADING MODISTES to be the ONLY COB8ET over which a Dres Wallt can be PERFECTLY and PROP BELT FITTED. BEE MAJESTY'S CI IB8BT MUST NOP BE MORE THAN TWO IECHE8 SMALL bit than the SIZE of your Waist when measured tightly over v, ur dress. If so oi der. !, no CORBET MAKER can make one to order that will fit as well or with, as much ease ami comfort, or give inch m Mafainbant Form. U K ADVISE ALL LADIES to pnrchasa libit M A J E8TYT CORSET and are COM. FIDENT thai they trill be DSLIOHTED with their KXgrisiTi: Foi'.M. KIT and BPLEMDIO WEARING QUAUTIES, ttt ,n - . . A U 510 ani 512 Lackawanna A73, IHE .1111 PERCH 4 fiUBBES ITS CI. FAMOUS Maltese Cress RU3BER BELTING AUD HOSS. CRAB A. PC'HIEREX A- CO I PERFORATED ELECTRIO And Oak Uritie.1 lather Bel tin H. A. Kinq-sbury AO EXT S!3 Spruce St., Sainton, Pi Lewis, Reiily & Davies . drive: In Russet Slioes. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL We Examine Eyes Free of charge, If a doctor is needed yon aro promptly toltl so. We also guaranteo a perieot fit. All SILVERWARE and Damaged Gooda at Arcade Fire will be aold at SO Per Cent. Below Coat i j. mm The Jeweler, l u vj t II a II If I J ej II i il I I