THE Stfl? ANTON TRIBUNE MO N HAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1894. HOW THE QUEEN ACTS. ANTIQUE FORMALITIES IN THE ENG LISH PARLIAMENT. deception or thu "liluck nod" In tlio Ilnuno of CHinuioiis-How the House Visits the Lords Ceremony of Agrce Intr to Iillls Pasted by tlio Peers. It is question time in I he honso of com mons, and ministers nro laboriously rciul Inji tlioir answers totlielouK listof primed questions on the paper, Presently, with 110 apparent reason, tlie. outer doors of the chamber, usually wide, open, are shut and locked and t Ise doorkeeper stands guard liiKtlictu, peeping through n tiny wicket In the door as if he expected nu incon venient dun. Hut, no; the doors h.ive only been locked on the same principle that tlio little boys on the towing path of tho Cam shut the gates when they see an undergraduate approaching, in order to have the pleasure of opening than) again (or a considera tion. What the consideration of the door keeper of the house of commons may be In not known to the public, but the very Instant that the stranger approaching ho made three mode it taps on the doar, tllf. watchful attendant (lings it open and announces the visitor with a tentorial! shout of "Black Hod." Slowly does tlio elderly gentleman la braided uniform who bears this title mid tho short rod that confers it advance up the floor of the house, bowing scrupulously three times In bis passage. Arrived at the table, ho summons "this honorable house" in tho nam-' of tbecrown Immediately to attend at tho house of piiers to hinr the royal assent given by commission to various bills. Having given his message, l.e slowly retires backward, bowing again with the mystio three Iwws. srr.Al'u: AND BLACK KOI). Without a word all the members rise In their places, and the speaker leaves his ehair and joins Black Rod, who has bean waiting for him at the liar of the house. S-'ide by side in brotherly converse they walk off. f illowed l' t; sergeant at -arms and two or tbr a members as representa tives of the house, while strong lunged po licemen in the lobbj Ik-How i ft: ".Make way for Ulack Kodi" "Make way for tho speaker!" In ih house of lordsaqnalnt but not to Impressive spectacle awaits one. Through the stained glass windows of the beaOtilu chamlier the sunlight is streaming, light Ifg Dp the rii My carved Woodwork and tho decorated ceiling, and making the red benches below seem redder than ever. In deed, on the floor of the bouaa fed, a crim son ivd, i- tiie stogie Dots, K w upon row of criinsnn bom-hos, all empty, and on the woolsack three silent peon robed in red. At the table, scarcely bOtieed in the bUe of red, are three silent clerks In Wig and gown; that la all. Bnt by this time the speaker and bia SOnipaniona ttav reached the house of lords, and have placed themselves In a i t tie peu opposite the woolsack and the throne. Tie If ihey stand, patiently or 1m patiently, tbrougbont the ceremony. The (fret business is the reading of the commission appointing certain peers to act Da behalf of bar majesty, The document Is vary' long and vary legal The number of peers named to serve, on the OOmmiasiOD seems legion, III u HUOTT'l li.t Rt There ia the Prince of Wales nnd the Duke of Connaught. there is "the most reverend father in God ai d B well to loved and trusty councillor," the ar; h bishop of Canterbury; there is the arch bishop of York, ami many other Doubles l-'iuniiy eomea xird Halabury, "lord rliancellor of that part of my kingdom of Britain and Ireland called Qreal lirlt.iin." and at t in se vtorils of ghe read ing clerk the lord chancellor, hitherto mo tionless on the woolsack, raises his three cornered lint in rvspouso to a deep bow from the clerk. The next name la the Bar) of Limn ... and tho clerk bows again, nud another three cornered lint Is raised by another figure on the woolsack. Thu same double bow is repeated Bl the name of lxird Wind sor, the third of tile tBTM RgOTOe The document then red tea that these numerous commissioners, "or any three of them" sliull have power to net for the queen, and notifv her assent to the bills passed by parliament "(jiveti at Windsor by the quoeu herself, signed D it L bur own band." This ends the iii st stage of the proceed ings. Tho lord chancellor then mime ikttely, without moving, makes a little Slieech to the empty Is-nches, which head douses as ".Mj lord-," nud rails upon U0 ' i lurks at thu table to puss thu b.lU ill thu Usual maimer " The two other clerka now atep forward and stand one at each side of the table. One rends the titles of the bills, the other announces her majesty's assent, liut this Imld statement gives but a poor idea of the Beted Scene, for the bOWa have boeu alto gether omitted. i-u.sty or BOWtXQ, No ceremony is complete N ithout a bow, and the pissing of bills in the bouse of lords seems to mi ull The junior clerk, as he tuk s each bill from the table, turns to the woolsuci: and imises a profound txiw to the commissioners H lug, he rends the title of the bill and then bows again. As si. mas this DOW is over the eenior clerk on the other side of the table makes his liow to the WOohMM I;. Toil lw ever be turns around to the repreeentatlvea of the commons panned up under the dock, and In a clear roloo pro bouoeea the crucial words, "La reioc ie veittt;" then turns round again and makes another deep lam to thu red robed peers on the woolsack. All tbta oarantMia is gono through with every bill, and M the titles of the Ull are rend il. Il not easy to avoid a smile, at tin lueongrult beCtveec Utanatute of ttiu bin and the antique formality by which il is passed into law. At length the high pile of bills Is disposed of, and the but of the bows has been made. Tlio three flgurea in red then simultaneously raise their trian gular hats to thu faithful commons in the 'xii, and Ihe-e promptly retire. At the i 'uuc moment the lords oomtnissionera leave the woolsack aud vanish through aiother door. The scene Is over, but a last touch of comedy ie given to thu ceremony by the speaker on Ms return to the hoUM of com mons. Immediately be bus taken bis scat lie rises SAll says, "1 have to inform the bouse that this house has been to tlio house of peers there," etc. Tho hoUM, unmoved at tho information, proceeds to the uext business. London Queen. THE MONKEY A3 A PICKPOCKET. Trained to Dishonest Praetleee by an Italian, Who OaSSS to Oriel. The unusual sight of a monkey appear ing us a witness in court occurred in San I-'rnncisco recently. "John Iloo" was Charged with being an ncrowwiry to the crime of pOOkot picking. Tlio monkey was the one dial was really guilty of the more serious charge, bnt doubtless the little ( low v.-as Innocent of any evil intention. J lady was horrified while paoeing Poat atreetto find a monkey porchwl on her Bli'mMer, and before sho could recover (loa her paralysed condition her gold watch and chain were in the monkey's grasp, and the little thief disappeared. A number of people saw tbe theft commit ted, but nil eoemcd to pay moro attention to tho shrieking lady than to tho tblef. When sho htuL lx-nn brought out of her hysterical Btiile a thorough search was made for tlio robber, but not tbe lcaat trace could bo fouud. About two weeks aftw tho occurrence another lady, while, passing along Sutter street, was treated in n similar mahner. Only this tituo tho monkey Secured a valu able diamond, which was torn from ouo of her cars. Two or three bystanders saw the act and entered in a hot pursuit of the four footed rascal, who ran up to the ad joining corner and turned down Stockton street like a Hash. By this .time a police man had joined in the chase, and when tho corner WSJ readied the monkey had as completely disappeared as though the earth bad swallowed htm. Kothlng was teen in the immediate vi cinity but a kill, well dressed man leisurely proceeding down the street. Doubtless be would have continued his stroll bad not tho otlicer noticed a suspicious bulging under the right side of ids loosely lit ting Prince Alba?) coat, and be was overhauled. Clinging as closely us possible under the coat was found the monkey. Of course the stranger was indignant at being so grossly insulted, hut nevertheless was compelled to accompany the otlicer to the central station, where, upon being Searched, several gold Watches and articles of valuable jewelry were found upon his person, not considering the handsome dia monds worn by lnm, and also the identical diamond takeu from the owner's ear. Next morning when the case of John Due was called in court none of the frequenters showed any particular interest even when n tall, swarthy man arose in the dock, passed through the little gut,, in the rail ing! approaohed the witness stand and agreed to it 11 tho trnt'i and nothing but the truth. Also mils tho witness had linislied his testimony counsel for the deb nee arose and bogan an argument to tbe effect that tl ' prosecuti'iii hud not proved tb-ir case and that bis client ought to be discharged. The prosecuting attorney hud one more wit m;.;, however, which had not been counted Upon, and when the opposing counsel finished be arose and said: "Your honor, 1 have out one witness to introduce when 1 am willing to close the case. Call Mi s .Mono." Miss Mono was at once brought into court in the an is of i stalwart police Officer, Mi s Mono Wat not a young lady, but ii South American monkey-of dimin utive she. Her language could not be In terpreted either for or against the witneae, as tbe monkey alphabet has not yet been perfectly translated in English, but her actl ns could. With at wriggle and a jump the little animal landed plump into the arms of the prisoner, chattering and lml brng aismt with every demonstration of joy. John Doe didn't seem to rcli-h such evi dence of n i ndtion, and impatiently push ed the glei i ll little beast away, "If the court pleaaaa," . sntinued the at torney, "I wish to prove by tide monkei that the defendant Is guilty aa charged." lie then waved his ban 1 at lb crmtliitlg animal, which regarded him attentively, Another motion ma le In the direction of tin- judge caused the ohatterlng little thiel to comprehend, and bed court knew what was up bia watch and ( linn were la the hauls ft lie nnrii',1'1, it:,'nii.- nv, r to the accused. The bitter's face assumed a deep pallor, for he then knew thai hi fnrmiT rrtneni at living want loot to him ami thnt BsnQuwflttn etarcd tdm in the fate. liidi.u a; i'.! - N a s. FUNNY JAPANESE TOYS. QMOf Heebaaleal Plaything Mads m A mom gaaag U rise Is is. There are no people so fond of toy as the Japanese. AUiut one dai out of three is a holiday in their country, ami run thtlr pilgrimage" to temples of worship are performed in gala costumes, eritb danc ing and sports by tue v !. I'l.nv is from their point oi view the ebjeet el ex- httenOSi work being the msona to the end, becuinc ;t : iec-..iry In earn plriatire in order to llnd .it t-ujoyabla Americans n( C iurn-ksoH hotter tliun tl.!-. having mtr taincd Hint Hie porpoae of life i lstmr and that tun in any shape is mate of tuna The Japanese have tbe meet ierf i I k;n dergartao aystetn in the world, In met they originated this method of Instructing by tulcrt-a; anient wisp-mi ,j by putn-li- ment tafficted, Their pbiy apparatua for such purposes Is sJaboratO, but ail Of II bl adapted to tl. - infant, Mlneh is is do- elgned at ones to amnae and to Inform, The in tii- ones of Unit n ition even u- come somen bnt lOtOCSOtcd in mat In mil e s by seeing and frtling a pretty thing cone.a Bpbers or a cyliadec at when enl oot of wood with a latba Tbay make out lines of solid llgures out of atmwa, With green iea dneii ! hold t he j .;i,t I - (' li ar, and for the instruction of the blind Hat blacks are provided, with the Japanese character-, r.i.vl in tin in Even the toys of Japan -Hve Itistrurtlon bo those who play with tb ni. One sort of playing eartia baa printed uiu them lui ecrapa of ciasstrsl poetry, by nrfalch the ruiline'iils of the art f t its. :ic i' . n .m- expected to he Inouleatodi Another set embodies a collection of nld Japaaeee parables, by which tho "vliuhsry of the language and moral aeasima at the MOM tm.e are to lie taught. Another t is . f natural history ear. 1st., k-:ve m-t : neli. n In the names mid forms of tnimahk and still another set, c-i ally Intended .for girls, niTorls examples of W0M0U Uohava lieen celebruted for their v ii tint in.. I noble qualities, All these things can lie seen In the mu seum of the bureau of education, of the existence of which few peophl in Washing ton an- aware. In the Collection there, which includes nil the educational StppuV enooc oi efvttiaed ountri, la u most lob r esting osseinbhige of Japanese toys. Many of thorn are typee of pl&ytblnge which the youth of weslurn civilisation has adopted Iroiii the east. Kor example, there are kltis, but no Yankee boy can II y stidi kites, i i theshnpa of birds and uiolisti-t'S, Bs cm Um urchin of Japan. There nro top also, but the American schoollioy has never got furthei iu tii in play art thiin "i-g In i hn-ring," v. hen a.s ids JapSntlM contemporary Is ac iUalnted in tin-science of spinning ninny tops together, of whistling lops, and soon. So far as not b tOpe and kites are Bono rin -I tiio young Caucasian is an ignoramus com pared with hie oriental rival. Among tin, haliies' toys from Japan lit the muaeuta biauKmaeejwt feedi from a bowl wbn a little bambOO spring is touched, lowering bis head and long tail in quite a lifelike manner. Another is a small cylinder, into which one bhuvs thMOgh two I null reed tubes, three balls of pith being kept bobbing in a bit of a cage over tho cylinder by the breath, while aciitinonuofttietuiiespruduees a shrill Whistle. Another is a littlo man that Is mndo to jump up a longstiek by a bambOO Spring, and still another is a wooden gontiamau who rides along between two wheels, being attached to the axlu u ith a heavy base. A toy jiurickshu Is one of the more expensive playthings, showing n lor. igner bung drawn In a hand buggy byumuivu between the shafts. Farther devices for toy purposes are ka leidoscopes, bOXat wdth glass tops lilled like cupboards with various household utensils in minimum and bags filled with shot for tossing. Washington Star. a Ooetty Cloak, There is a cloak in the national museum that cost, tl ,(XK),o;)(), if one estimates the labor expended on it nnd the value nf tho feathers of which it is made. It onco dec orated theshouhlersof King Kamehamehu, of the Sandwich islands. Tbe yellow feath M ill thO cloak are found a few on each bird, aud were valued nt five for one and one-lialf yards of cloth vnlued at ItJgft forming a currency quite ns yellow ami much moro valuable than gold. The kings spent years In collecting leathers before they could get enough for a cloak. Phlhv delphia Press. A Wonderful Bread of Bjrctng OhlekeOe, There is a map at the Palmer House who has invented a new kind of chicken. He calls it the Phantlne, and his friends call him Sam Arnold. He hails from New Castle, I ml. Arnold and Henry Jones', the fowl expert of Illinois, were, discilssingtho invention the other morning, "It has been the aim of my life," said Arnold to Jones, "to produce a fowl that would combine weight with youth." Jones nodded. "It is easy enough, ot course, to fatten an old fowl. Hut the product Is pretty apt to be tough. Spring chickens are always tender that is, genuine spring chickens, but they are too small to make much money out of." Jones nodded again. "Well, 1 experimented nnd experiment ed, and at last 1 have what I call an un qualified success. It is n cross between thu Plymouth Hock rooster and the Dorking ben, and the chickens I have railed have in the short space of eight weeks acquired a weight of twelve pounds." Jones' eyes threatened to fall out on his cheeks. "I assure you upon my honor that this Is true," declared Arnold, "It is within the province of anybody to profit by my discovery, for there Is a market large enough for all. When the chicks shall have acquired their full growth I'll make another cross and get n chick which at tho age Of eight weeks Will he the size of" "An ostrich," suggested Jones. "Not exactly," said Arnold. "Hut still there ie no dtiputiritt the fact that fowls have DOt been developed to the limit of possibility, I have been very successful nnd I propose to continue my experiments Will you join tnc" Mr. Jons said that he would, and the resurrection of tbe extinct species known ns tho roc is to be Ogpei ted, Mr. Arnold is nn old resilient of New Castle. He a livelihood raising chickens, and his dis coveries have been frequent in thu fowl world. Rochester IW -Express. formation nf loath African Mines. When the mines ,,f South Africa want well opened It became easy to observe the uiithttsi strata of the subciirboiiiferous m SSUreS, Which were tilted all around the mines as if an upheaval had occurred from one central point. This was true of each It InO, and is exactly what has l iken place, forthn ugh the bard Uolerlte and tbe even measures above If, and from somo tin known SOUrOS, nature in Coma gigantic throe forced up theee four pipes as vebta of safety a strange material which eon . I the diamonds If any overflow of (Ms erupt! hi OCCUITC 1 no signs of It exist now, but the overflow may have Into unshed awny by storms Into the vnlb of the Vsal river snd thus accounted tor the pn acnoo oi d lemon Ie there. It Is nisi. pioUil ,c Unit similar mines r.Vt ese, In re, nld per' -i;,s in iir.'l and India they mar yet Is- found. The foreign material foi od up, m d I. was called "blue' by the miners on a count of its r!r, and is now known too a sist of a hydrous magnceian conglomerate with allien as a taste, and contains) nearly nil the chemical eleaaente known. Large do miciled bowlders of dolarite eieoooeoi in tho "blue" which doOOmpOBC rapidly in scalea whan c;mivs ta the atmoephere, cleurly evidencing the anion of fire of great intensity, and as if to strangely con tradict the volcanic origin oi the mines, ; sbiotof agate, etc, plainly watorworn are found side by sido nub pieoaa of charred wood and other organic p , s)e Wing plain e;ideuceof lie It. Euglnier ii g Maganine a Hi agalltaa I rait. A maker of mscenronl in NaplM was of fercl lmp.irtmit oriers from abroad w Oil h ttnilld Ii it.- lifi'ii.t i hiritenud rn. u . i.i IncrtviM- to his business, but he le i n l to accept them Mf suppooc," aaidao Kngl h Wand to hint, "that the aolvency ol yont customee was d.mbifui.'' "Kot in the least," was the r ply. "Or the .ri . t. low." "Ob, tut. it was higher than What I get now." "Perhaps the edditlOOgl I I pi tal resjuimi waa t lag-" "N i. there : 00 dllB Oily tt.eir," he Slistsiiisl "Then why mi e.irth did you i such an open. eg'" "I cm mnke both Mdl luis-t as it Is, .si. 'I rthj should I odd a i. I Won y to my llfof The answer w us conclusive and of the average Italian. Whether It Is-a j gtstd ur 1st I Ii i t. lv -h - re fi ,-, him seldom n . lie. that Inteoaliy whs i drivee on the Kugilshman to vreaf out hi life in a r.-sti, p:is:.,ii tn seei.uulile more and iter mote. Tbe old Koflutn en- I ir tt boa worn its-lf .. it. I . l-n-p,,i.-.-d n, that acyliieseeui e b), if not r ntenlmrnt ' with, a moderate portion. which Horace I preached In vain to Lis mt-u. N a I Uet w Hie V. . o aa "f B litis. As an-,.-ie.- j uaa a anon of Bolivia are spp-ri ir to t'o .r lords in iuidilgm. ami earn tin- lnr,-er that support Hem.; the cider of the two, ahe Ie naturally tbs i, ad of the bouae,aad is more likely in thrash bet dutiful pou than I,, is to misuse bar. In the in irk- ts where farm products are dn p I oi aha can drive than be; she i in t arry 01 'tidurii an much manual i n . -. y laUir, I .: . chew much oooo aud drink as much alcohol. The Indiana have Utile or no money, th. ir mediums of ex bangs befog whatever t hi mny raise i.,. Inh ir of their lian ls They will eat v!u n not hungry, drink wiien not. thirsty, i leep whi n not. sh-epy, ii-y win-re en I nuv tni w ! a ii i iTortiini'v CfforO, "against the I KM Of MOOY1 II th. y lay. The majority ; re in n state of semiin totieation from babyh)vl to t he grave, al cohol Is'lt.g used on every pretext, freely as their means will allow, on oreasions of births, d il I feast days, the latter oc enrring neuriy every day In the year. They are social creatures, ami not at all inclined to Live alone, Ie nee i heir h in M I BTB always In groups, nud n community of them, though numbering not more than half s dozen. Is enl!' d an e-t.nm In. In the Interior of Bolivia, M na Indiau de Iwe to change bis place of residence, ho Is not allowed to settle in another village until Hie authorities thereul have looked Into bis private history, when, if the record Is not satisfactory, be is ordered to move mi. Hut thai s' idoui happens, for they a re like cats in their attachment to places, and will cultivate the snino bit of poor land from generation to generation, though barely able to keep body and soul together. Hraudon Bnckaaw, 'Tmaves. CCRBg Bad Blood. COBRA Bad Blood. OURBMI Bad Blood. 0- ' I lisve b -en suffering tn years with Riysipelas. Ilsvn I favKsa doctors nwowlnje and ; patent medielnea of most all I nill'ls, hut none seeinnil lode ! ms any good, i Baafiy mails I up my mind to try linrdoet nioo i liltti -i-fl. llnve iiKod toW lu.iii.. ..r it ii o ...... i Purifies The BLOOD. mw...,. ... ... mm mystjif entirely cored, Mil:-. N J, McCATI.V, Kervlee, lie.iver Co , Pr MULTICHR0ME3. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon. need have Consumption. It is not Inherited. Tho inher iled tendencies toward it are overcome by t ef luISlOf the Crenm of Cod-liver Oil, which makes children ro bust and healthy, and stim ulates the development of tho limps in old and younj; alike. Physicians, the world over, endorso it. Don' be derived iv; SMrtts! Preparo'1 bySootl A BowmvK V. ,A" ;r irnSsta. I ta R DADWAY'S 1 1 READY RELIEF. rUB INTERNAL AWO BX1 ISBM A.L I sir. In nsing in "iln' ii ' to stop pnin. no should evokleaebai lofltat huury oc the systsns Opium. Mwphtno, Ckuorororni lithsr. t o esliis ami i iilersl step Mia by daelroylni th" aeaee of parosption. ins patisnt losing the p over nf f mllng This Is a BCet deetrue tlve praetlos; i' msska tbo symptoms, shut up, and. lnston I t rin iviiig trolile. brisks dit-.-n taeatomaot'i liver sad toarelsj and, if e i-t tinned In tor a lens'ih of tune. Kit s th,. te-rTi s snd prlue,si local or (i-noral pnraly sis There n at salty -f"r using thns- uoeer tain .if.-Tit -i wi 'i n pittltlrersmtdy ik" It tn wavs RKADV REUKP will atonthenj "t exerueiatiag pete qetekse withoateatauiai tbs I.'. lUngi'i- in sithsr tafsat or adalt it lastaatly stops the must sxeraciatief pjins, nllv In:' oionttliin a el runts e nitt. lions, whotnernf tha l.units, Htomncti. How is, or other floiils or m i noes msmbraosa It HPKA1NH, RRl'IflKa, DAi'KACHB, PAIK lit TUB CUE8T oil BIUKS, HEAD A Kg TOO! HAl HK )( ANY OTHER PAIN, a few snplleatieee act hkemair,osus Ins- th" pam to lastaatly step ri i;;;. AM PRIVBNTB Gold 3, Ooughs, Sore Throat, Infiaramation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, A3thma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Bkeama lnt. NurlBl, Srlatlr. Lnss liagn, stt. Illni; of lltr Jnlnta, Pains in Dai a, i bcot ur Uaiee, The apphcaUoa of Um RIADf MLOH-te j in. prt or istrts vhere the dlnsraity or pala lists will aft ir.l i s' sn! eunifurl ALL IMTRRSAli "A1NH PAjVI IN 1MW. ri-i'l: UMACII CAAMPO h. asmb, Hiiflt .-ToMACII. ft A I t K A i I IMfX 1 II AHTttl'RM MgRVOt'sNgKa. HLEKPi 1 . IHNg - P R HEAUAdil ,1IARRhXA, ! I OUi .H.ATI'I.I.M Y.KAINlINll apf.l 1 -s . sna t)ifklr i-url l.y taking tntweail iusj f ol of R.Ur Rebel m keile umMrr uf eater, Malaria, Chilis and Fever, Fever and Ague Conquerod. Ther'hinid s rmrtlil a.-ent in ft world that will, ii- IVt-r .nl Au ait all other WSlari at Blliii and .l...r I ir. a-.lJ by ll..t a) 's ilil . i (Jalst ij an K.dsay Heady Price OOc. pf botil. Silii by Oruggitti. ADWAY'S PILL& p.., tb rm nf nil .1 ' .i.i loeeal Ibis HI ass 1 aete Ivor, Bsxrela BMaays, Mtedsjev,lst yias in. . Itsadaebe, Conoltpentoot Oaetlvoaasa laelgooslast iipi. nil l,.uMraa, gvvrr.litilamMalloa of lli llnv rl. I'll' Mt.l all ii.ioriil i f I no llf tsffaat Vises rs i i-r. i, e.j i ,t.t., gaa lattiltif nn aisraavy, itilnvraU or l'liLK 1 1 mot a inn oa, Pri o la "er hoe mi br ail dnatfieta on receipt f pries wltlbesnntby ni ul. or 1 IV ... U r OB 1'i llar. W if 41 CU. Si Wrr. n St N. Y. I m r -,-,, -n m u' i in n lm 1 ud 1 ooorfu 811 1 B ItAK KN. I'A. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Hade st tl a )U OSic .iUd hUoli UALi; WORKa 1 SUn A H nd Powder C.n't ORANCfE GUN P0WDBB Fiectrlo nattcrist, l-'usei for etplol Ing bisM, Bafety Fus... and Rcfitin.-Ch in-aiC..'.ii .;h Kxbjivea IlIlTTnit RHUS Cti.. I'ap. t anllr.1. 31 .OlW.ftPO. HUnI at.nt, Sll OB t.N TUP. WOKI.IN "A doll ir liieed It a golfer . IrW." . idles' gelid Fro neb Doagole Kid Bnl- ton Hoot dahvi K a free snywliro In tho U.S.. on - - m-el t 'I' anil, Mom v Order, U '" ''"ul 'olo lor l.."iil. V; .' J Ft.: its every v hi- the h..ln K. .'a I -U i all retail ft lea : r? f ! 1 We iu ike ties t-oot tt to' -j ' u.lvc, wo ffu ir r i:n'. Llin JIt, r!l' anil ircir, I i '' '. and II nuy one Is not saitsflrd I'l" i'Tit?' !'l i ' 1 'Ii i. in s- ' ' rf, ' or i era fy) , 'li . (. C Lnin.,-1 Senic, '' ' ft- .Vwlilll.sC, IVK, fc KM. H'"' V v1" ' 1 '" ""' h'1" rft! I ! jl1 r ' izcs, iS'iadtfearsfsr. Uftf 1 1 7-" V -'elV' ' 'J.,,.;;;' ' lll.isttated i' - Oata. , tone i . bf.i P i'i ill per ran i TTil S Una III! rtutnni, MCll l?Hi.'t 1.1,, IIOSTH.N, .-.'... .. Spteiat term 'o Dtatw Imh Laundry Co. Cor. I inden St. end Adams Ava. CotnT iiouxu i- ix Ann All kinds of Laundry work gunranteetl tbe best. .'Mf " :T lutn uu DRAIN TILE FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON B RICK Beat in the market, OFFICE i Blnghatnton. N.Y. FACTORY i iJnirielt. Pa Seeds and Fertilizers Largo Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farm:, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONHELL CO. Atlantic Refining Co. 3tai.ulftcti.runi ami lrnicT ia lllumiaating and Lubricating OILS Linaeed Oil, Naptliai niiil Uao lltira of all grades. Alls Oreass. Ilnion l.rrnso mil Colliery t'om pnttadialao, a lur.'n lino o' i'ar . Bna Wm t'nriilles. We aha hsn it i fata bi crows ACME OIL. the only tuaUj eaiety bnxninn oil In the niarlrei WiL'.IAM MASON. M.intg t. fiffiee- roai Kirhaniv V)ojuu, AT V. orss al Pins ilruuk. MT. PLEASANT AT III All. IVste' th" boat qntllty f .r d. SjassMa ne.a:. l rf al! iu-. il in any part of lag att it vwet ivrim Ur .!..- foil at my . 91 . no. ns wTOastwa tvrvrr. Rar nmn. flrtl fl.xr. Thirl Natloost ftsnk, si by aeail risen .i. io lbs mua wul reeeivs i rmpt an eefan hiv I aootracts wUl be made for Ue asU Uvi.'. , t ) 11' .'twli.-at C.MkI WM. T. SMITH. MALOXBY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. MaaeflHtSrfS n:1 IWsra m:i All An) ttMntlu ItoltolttilHA Maul Greisj. OKHCKi-TSl Wet L. iswrnni Aw ii .iv-s- Hi diaa i The GBHt INK New I! a von "Mathushek" Pisnos K8TABLISUED ll v. York Warerooms No. so Fiilh Avenue. E. C. KICKER & CO., Sole ile-ilera in Ihis section, on l K ifl Adams Ave.. Telephone BTtf HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS r AST TEAS ho had tared $300, Ji Ho imiiL'lit ti hotue worth $1850 paid 100 down, ';ivo it niort gage for $1,560. Today ho eati matei as followii Kent R.aved S'1001 Int. ret on morli;ai0 las 0J Tazse and rspalra no to nnw Ket saving on rent NVN Baved ou naliii y ISO Ul) To .apply on tBOrtgafe iil"d ii IIKI III HON "In FOLK years Unit henee w ill be free from debt nnd I kluill have bonis of lily own." i i;i ii.s BIDOI la tbe panatlee homea Finn & Sonn have recently lln- lahed ii neantifni villa, whlob they offer, on enny piiynieiita, ut S183U. Call ni their oflloa, between vvasiiington and Aduiiiaon Ollvo atruuL EZRA FINN & SONS. Brandt Clay ProductCo BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL iivsn iani am auBoitoira, lB. Q. fcDGAR DEAN lies removed to 610 1J Sprucu street, Scrantou, i'a. (.Just, on iiooito couri-houso Square.) )h- A. J. i-6NNKLlXoiuc8"2Ul Washington svunuo. coi-noi- Kpnins utroot. oyor JranoUoaarai,' Btoru. Itonldonce, KB Vlneut. OjlOS nonrsi 10.8ltola. m. nnd ',' tol and HP to ,.au p. m. Kuudiiy, to 3 p. ni. DB, W, K. ALLEN, otlico tor. 'Tieto. wanna unci waanlngton STSS.1 over Louu nru shoe atorei oltico hourj, ill to ii; a. in. au J )to 4 p. Bkt evening at rsstaeuoa 6uin. asl niRton live Dli. (J. L FKEY, l'rautico liui'lted to L)i eases of tho Eys, Ear, None and Throat; tunas, lie! Wyoming sve. Beatdenea aa Vina ttreet, IUt. L.M. OATE55. 126 Washington Aveaun. ' Onico hours, s to D a.m.. LSI to il and .' tn 8 p.m. Bestdsae M Madison avt-uuc n;i.. U WKNX55, .vi ii, OttlOM re aud ..! I rommonw.'iilth hiiildinc: resldenee 'tl udieonaTei oSoeboars, U to in, tto i. 7 ti H; Hundayii i!.H-'l to 4. ivoiiliifrs st rosidonco. A ipenait m.nln .1 , !-,.. , f th; eye, car, liouj nud throat ai:d nyiiiH!olo(ty. I i i r.UN. I M. V. ItANCK'.S Uuw and Collection of l . Bee. No DI7 Hnrni-o m., oppoelte Porest noose, Berenton, Pa,; eolleetionee Kpeciaity tnrmutnoat ransylvenlai reliable cori-espoud- ci.'s 111 every county. I hf-Mji s iia.s u. Attorneys snd Connsst M 1ttw- Commonwealth uolldina W oehiiiiitoo sva W. H. Jersi p. lloHAI IB B li ANrt. W. H Jaeanp, .rit tXriLUaBD vVARBKN A KNAPP, Attor- nejrejaiaOeaaaeloreal Law, awpnbUeaa I uil'lili. Washiiiifton live.. Hcranton, Va. IIATIKIMON & WUa OX,' Atlorii-y, :iT 1 ( ..una. ilon at Liw; ollicesi and a Library lui.dnirf, bctiiutcu, I'a. RoawauE PArratHo Wilms v a. Win ol A LI'ItED HANI), WILLIAM J. HAND. At fl tornew snd Ciiuti'llors, Coinuionweiilth on Idln Rnoms It X sue M S' I H" Vi.K, Ai:or..ev at Law, Nos.l'J and ' i if l'uil'lin,-. Washiiiu'tiiii nv. mi.-. HI".NItV M SDKI.V Law ollles in Pries bnudinif, IH Washingtoe avenue, PBANKT uki ,,, Attorn. yt ljiw. liocmi I ... t . al Kzct ui.- v srrsnt , Pa. S'fe'iL l "v-1 am v. ac wsamar ' " VON m i it. ii. I ton ( H aqeare IAMBHW OAKKOKO, Atloriiuv at Law, rnonis Hit IM ami (4 ( .minoiiw. nlth 1,'l'a C AVUEL W. BDtlAit, Attorney at 1st .v. 0 i iffl ... ii: Hprnosst . Horsntoa, 1 a. 1 A WATBB8, Attorney at Law. til 1 1. Lw !. ini . sna,. H i si ton Ps j) ' HsilTH, L'oonssUor at Law, otBoa, I . 'I. V :. i .tntn'i.w...-i : i h: I In I Ii ITli HEn. Attorney nt Ijia. Com v . moi was th boilalne Berantoa Ha. U COMBOVg EtlHprneost nil BEPLoaLK, Attorney Leans noio- I ii. tod n real ei.tati iweurlty .an Hpmos 1 KILL AM. Atteraey-ansiri ISU ivj I iiimn.- iri-nue. H..ranton. IIAV.. toiH UKBpa AND MORTbAQBS H ,.r;'r.1.",n sr5n le,! 1,T J W. l'Ko, KINO, Attorney and Notary g ... f, . l:h It : in-.,. M HOlll a CCHUOLOI THB Lackawanna. Beraa 11 'en- P. l-reparns ! and ylrla torooUs(l or bualioM tLio iK.ily traiu vouna childroa LaWiotf . at faqaeel lirr Tnnim M rut WALTBS II III si u Mis- WOBCEhTIBH K1MDBBOABTBN an I t- l.,iol, HI Aiisu h v. iiu funili i I i at an Neat tsrm will opa April V in NtlsTs (' C. LAOT1ACH, aoraoea Leutnt. No. nS w v . .i: as eve II KTBATTTON Ki-hnire I II NS -rm. KJ PUBLIC r..iin. .,, llrOQ n mi in n..y oi. va.i.-r 1. nut ter on luvontmont than any l Call i.n s N CA1.LLN i I nlldlna- I'Lll. al Bun. B CLABI a (XX, nsoiamssi noruaa s: .1 n .nsrysasa rtore let Wasbiagtoo atrnns; cmt bnoastUCd North Slain aveuuai it. n t.-lephoni rsj I. KAMI I NlUN : F.A " JiHif-. Mr n "Nil i RBI vs. in- KUtrrru m LaaawjuuM arenaa ,' r . Si. . -, fWtrwH ravna Hill I I n M, l:l T ll IUM l-lil. ui.-ivi.smi .i;.;j vymu I are Mix. n bested with aaaeaat ail mJ in iiiiproiei-.inita c Jl Tsi'MA. Prop 'Till: Kl.K QAFI, I.', and IS Franklin ave l sue Rates rasa nalOe. r Biaoi ni. Proyitsaus ii bafisiAal ku iiui bl ' W. aaCBI Wat stmn?-r Mxteeiitb street, me block east 4 Broadway at I'muu huuaro, .Now TetR, Amrrl.-an plan. t-lNnr-r day and upward , 'oM. II..LM. Kor. i-een piau. good 1 - reeana l'ln day and niUt. bar ui 1 U.-d lui tbe U . P n CTJTyt, Pror-rl.tor I c1 bam UN nut srl near 1 . law i i leager depot i i . '.l onlb. Kuropoan plan. Virma Knoit. Proprtstor i ' ttASil I KNTIIAL ITSJ .argei and best "I eoiiinpi hotel ia Alleolowu. Pa. i.tei t- and Ii in r .lay. SiiToii h llAiiNrn. Proprietor. III I I I I I I N ItAVlS . ttULPT"Architeets Rooms J; I X I ll.ll'..nWf.!th 0 l,l-. rtrranlen I,'" L AL i BK An . : t Lllirarv huiid- ."in e ,i ' 1" 1' L BKOWN. Areh p. I e bol l.i 1 IM !.,r t, nciaTiiuii. Architect I'rieii Q Are., Her at 1 61 i ii m oi n 1) Al ! !! - ' !.' III. -TIC Ml -li: Villi 1 laiK .ci... i. larie-N receptions, wed Qlsgs and eoeoert work faraisaed, Kor term ilnte.e It J. Bauer, conductor, llf Wyomlnj i. - rn r liullie: t it uaic .it'iro. HUKI. N I.. i.V.AH'lS WIIOLESA17K RUBbsr. 6 sad Dune Hank bolldlua Krrantur. Pn VfKUARUCB RROTHKRa, PRIKTKR8' .I ..ippliea, env-!ope, pnpnr l.afcTi, tame. vrMeaanaa 1S V ssmngtoa sve, fck-raiiion. i,'Oi TIl'M L1VBRY. 1631 Cnpotinn avenue. First . !a. aarrl n i. ; 00TB, Am nwerai Dlreetor aad tab dnter. nEANK P, BROW.N en, who: " s'e desleri in W cod wars, Cnrdege sod Oii cti.tii, i.n w. Lseks wanna avenna 1 l.V.b.V PlNN ..- bUNH, builders and contra N-vriirr . 'live Rl. nnu Ail.'bllll . i earner Aaa at and Penn ave.. Rorantoe TH-; Thatcher II THE E'3T. Get am! eo Iho Fnrakee anil be con viBMd, A full line of HEAT ERS, Ai'iiollo Hiiil GhttUM lJoor lvingoa CONLAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON PA. 3BlRI3BMillEB3liBiaiKBtr1liIEII9B0IB 1 AMERICA I COUPON NO. 63. I Bend or bring) two of these coupons, - differently numbered, a rj with Ten Oento,aUtl fret one of tlio scries of sixteen inanilieiMit S s pbotographB. Ten nnmbera now ready. Mail orders,2o. extra. I niiiiii9i39i8E!iSiii.BHigiigiiiBiaiiigiiiiEiieiMc:EiBeaiiE:Ei!iniaciiibibiiiii:i!ii)7 CENTRAL RAILROAD OF ft J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal iiBod exclusively, insurinu cleanliness and eomfort. wii TAtiLn in amor fkb. i, lm. Trains leave Hcranton for Pittston, Wilkes. Baire, etc. at 8.111, U.lo, U.90 a. m., 12.U0, U.O0L Hs a Hs . w- Bnnfla u.uo a. at, l.oti, Ji.tin, ,.io p. in. For Atlantic City, 8.10 a. ni. For New York, Newark and Elizaboth, 8 10 (express! a. ni J:;.:ji (express with lluiint parlor car), 3.3a (exprutsj p. ui. Bundav. it) p. m. " Fob mai-i ii Chi nk, AnLEWTowa, Banna. HKM, Laktow and I'mi.AIiKi 1-iiiA, S.IiJ a ui li3H 3.;ki tM (exoupt Philadelphia; p. m. BundsTi - 00 p. nv Kor littAHfii, OckAn Ouovk, etc., at B.IOa. Bl, li.Mf). in. For Beading. Lebanon and Harrisburir, via Allentowu, b,10a. m, 12.3iJl 5.00. p.m. Bundav. '.'.iiO p. in. For Pottevflh. M a. m.. 2.!!0p m. Returning, lenvo Now York, foot of Liberty fir..-, t. North river, at !;10 (express) a. m., 1.1 1.30, 4.:, (express with Hnllet parlor car) p. m. Huntlny, 1.31 a. in. Leave Philadelphia, Beading Terminal, 0J)1 a in.. 2.01) iiinl t.SU p. in. Suiulay, 8.27 a in. rhrongh tickets to ail poiataat lowest rates may be had on aiipiicatlon in advance to the ticket UK-jut at tho stiilion. Ii. P. BALDWIN, J. n. OLBAU8IN VD ''S3 ' 'ii Bqpt 1,1 r .... ...... . v. mumm 4 LLZ . SON RAILROAD, commeneingaiay B, 16 trains will run ns follows: rralnfl leave Bridge Street Btntlon. Scrunton, for Pitts- WjTlQMIm' :' u,lk" I''"-'-'-, etc., 8.00, W O m 1,25. 2.38, Ud. 6.16, 0,16, CU bw r i i in. nt? For Mew York and I'hila- OI, , delphia, 6.00a. a 1S40, 141 tit, 416 and II JO p. m For llonosdiiletirom Dels ware. Lacks wsnna and western dspotA 1 00, i 30, lU.lUa.m.. Uui in.. 17. .'..10 p. nv, Pi r i arbo-nln!.. snd Intermediate stations. M0, T.0". 6.60, lti.lOa. in.. Ifctui in.,'.' 17, 3.2j,r, m t- K end tf.Ti i. in.; rrmn ilriilgo street Li-pot. till a. in.. L.i7and 11 ii6 . m. raal agjareea to Albsny. Sarutoca. tho Adi rondack Moiinl.-ilus, Boston nu 1 N'i-w iOngluiid DOlntl MO a arriving at Albany liti. Saratoga SJO p, m, snd leavlu Seranwn ate p in , arrlvinn at Albany stdTtOp, in., Ssra t n, II 56 a iu . snd li iston. 1JBS a. m Tneonly direct route la-tween the coal fleldj and Boston. "The Leadlnif T.iiirists' ltouta of America " to the Adirondack Mountain re nins, Lnk'nUvurguaiidChaiiipIniu, Montreal, etc. 'I bne tntili-s allowing 1"eal and through train service between itStioDS on all divwiuns Del, ware and lluilh-iii hj-ti-'n, may tin oliUilued at all Delaware and Hudson ticket orti-ea. a (I VOUNO, J. w BUBDIOK, ' I I're-l I' lit (ieu. I'i.n-w A't. I BHIO 3 VALLEV RAILROAD! Ld Pan, ii, um. Train leav. S.-rant n for Philadelphia an I New York rbb D, A II i: R, at n a.ui. lilib 'i and II 66 p. m via D., L. W. U. K , b OR KO6,llJ0a.iB.,and 1.60 p. m. l..av,- N-ni,t..n I i Pittifm and Wtlgse, Unrro vis D.. L ft W. ii. It., tl.OJ, 8 0s, 11 il a. m . UR 66 . . 07. 1 p. in. Leave Scrunton r ,r White Haven. Hazleton, P.ittsvllto and all points on tbe Beaver Mend ,w ami p.itt villi, branches, via 1 A- w. V..'ils.m . v a D, a IL B It. at I a m.. ULUL i.K I 111 p.m.. vis 1) , L. W. K. it., 0.00, s.ijs, II 'Ji a in., 1.3U, a..iu..m. l.eae Scranton f-.r It "thl.-hem. Eaton. mailing. iiiirrihui' sn.i all iatenaedjate I .itit- -. . D .V. II it. It . - a in .1J I'J. 3 ll. ii i'-m .via D . L A- W. li K..-1 UU. o il.M a. m, I. tJ p in. LiaveScranton fnrTiiiikhannO'-k. Towanda, Flmira lthsi-a, Qeaeve and all intermediate poiuts via Ii. A li It It.. 'i (7 .. in. lJlUaud 11.3S 1 m.,viau L Rt W. B B.. AU p. m. Leave rbranton fur Rochester. Buffalo N'l SKara Kails, Detroit Chicago and all points tv:.ii ft li It. It. li C .nu.l.' lu.'.i la.ll.ti P m. via D. L. ft W. it. K. and Pltl ton Janetloa, AOS SOL. 1-AltO i. in . via L ft W. K K. Ml in m. For Kim ra and tbs et via Salamanoi. via D. all R K u.o; a.m., p. ro . via D., L A W & K.. .s UX a Bk, IJO and 0.07 p BL Pullman parlor and aleeptng or L V. chair can on all tra n letvwn L. ft II Junction or W ilke Bsrrs aud New Yo. k. l'liiiad Ip ds. Buffalo an 1 BaotisnsiOB Bndie KuI.LIN II WILBUR Qos fupt Esat Div rilAs s, l.i.i. i,.: p.,, v : t. Phils .Ps. AW NONNEMACUER tas'tOmPsss Ag't, I . . h 1.1 Av RK. LACKAWANNA AND w l STERN RAILROAD Trains leaio S-Tant ti aa follows: Express tor Mew York end ail ;-.ints Kat. 1 .66, 6,16, 8 00 sad (At s. m.; is &" ami .1 jo p, ul PlUrsei for llat..ii. Trenton. Philadelphia a .: Ifee awath, 6IA uu and v.i"i a m; Vlii and I Ul p m. Washmnt'in ard way it iti.un, I V, p m. T bihanna ac onn idetlen, 6 M p. m. Expr as for Bluchaniti.n, Uswevo. Elmirs, Corning, Bath. DaaevliM, Mi uut Morris and Uuffalo. II in. ; 16 a in. and 1 u p. m.. making . !... ,m.e.-ti. .: s at H.itT..... t ul! p .nils iu the Iferthweet and Southwest. Baih aocnini-xlatiiiu, 9 a m. Bit'K-hsiiit n and way stations. 1J 17 p. vx. Nicholaou sn l wsy atstlona, 6 P p in. Nioaosoa uccoiuiiiodatiou, st i p. ni. and (1 B in WagaemtOB .and Elmirs Express. Oift p. m. KXprea ter Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, 1'tics sod Kkhflild Bprlugs, ili a m. and lJt p m. ltMsra. ! 16 and Ili'li lam. and 1 M P For Nortbumlicrlend.nttai. m, Wilkes Barra, rirmoiith. Blooms berg snd Danville, making d.iae eenneetkma al N..rthuiuberiaud for Wllliamprt. llarrisbur, Baltuuora Waah li.kt u an I tl.- fi.cith. Northombi rland nnd lnteruieillate stations, Cm, ma) a m and 1 30 and 6.07 p m. nantleoke si.d Interni.sliate ktatl-ma s.oj and II 91 a in Plyin.nith snd luteruedlste tstloua 3.V and a:nji. in. Pullniao parlor and nooplng coaches on sll rxpt. sa tralna For detailed Inforiuatlon, pocket tun 'tables, etc . am to M. L Inata, city ticket otBoe, .l.-. i.a- kawaaaaavenaa or dett tioaet ortb R THN IMVIXION. in ritcci Jaaaart Nth, I Mat, nrtli lloiind. iiiiih Hound, f una v (OB -MI7 CW f(l6 -'ul 661 Stations L r ,P n 5 i X a (Trains Pally. Ex.- J - y. eept Suiiibiy j - g 5 I- a An lie l.eaie i A :N V Krsnklin s: I ... I ., :aj T ie West nd Btreetl ....I ., 7 SO f0 Waabawkea eoo r m r v Arrive Leave a m r tl I Usneook Jnnetloni ego ....t (61 8 Itt . , 1 OJ lliinci k il ....'Ull 7J ... i.'.v-1 btarlliht 6 1ft.... I!M Tail ... "-' ' ' Pros d park 6tfL..M 8t TCi .. 16 11 Cl 10 il W .... 141 7 :N . . ' P''l : lie f 4 .... S 60 f 6b .... us Belmont 646).... tea T"J .... 16 I ricasant ML 0 "51 .... II tfi ttii .. ti Dnlondale MtW .... son Tom- a ii '.' Poise! city ' ; I0U m 6 10 6( ::tli c.o'bondnip fMlttljSM ,1 I k sK 1 1 1 ill While Hrld,'i 7 .?' o 4 13 64 ft ; -.' ....I Mflylleld f. (tilt SltS 46 641 a l : ici njin 7 si 9 s 45 666 .".i l.- Archibald 7 10 10 1 S 81 KM S lllfltSl! 7 41 in 08 SM 6 t.ll 601 11 Sll Pc kvtlln 7 46 111 10 6 ( . ojrptumt rutiou so 6 V'l Oil : I 16 Plokvin 7 84 in 171 4 eT fB till 1 V II 16 Thfoop 7 .V) 10' 4 10 r II III Pr.nlilelice M i' 1,1 i!4 4 II ft 1814 61 1 ink I'laoo BOtllOil 4 IT o 160(1106 Boranton smitiso; w t 'ii mi s Leave Arrive a ka m r a aii train ran natty eaoept Rundajr. t aignillee that trains stop on signal tor pas lennn Ail lltl IDS truliiN leave Carl), hdale for --n .in. ton 1.10 iiinl 6.16 D. DA, arriving at ticrnnton i.ta and I 00 Leave scrnritan for Caibondale tt.M and 8.80 arrivlair s' Cl b '.idilc tt 7.8 and 9.18 p. ni. M'cure talis via Ontario a Western before purohssinf ticktt-and aave money. Day and Itlbgt Ripreas to tUe West. .i.e. Andereon, Qen, raw .gt. T. Kltorul'., Llv. l ivs, Ajft. Mrantou, Pa, 17IUB AND WYOMINU VALLKY RAIL Ci ROAD Train ' leave Scrnnt.'ii for New York an 1 in termediate points on the Krio railroad at A S K m. and d.111 p m. Also for Honesdale. rlawley sad lewd points at rt It',, fl.13 ii. in , nud .1 ii 111. All the above are through trains la ani! from Honeedahb An addttioaal train leaves Scianton for Lake Ariel at 6.96 p ni. nud arrival at Scran toi frmn the Lake at s 4n a m aad IJ6 i.m. Trains leave for WtUtea-Barre at 6. IU a in. nnd II II p. in.