I 6 THE SCBAKTON lEIlTJKE-MGKDAY MOBNENQ. MAY 14, 1894. A ' FL0WJIRY MIX.TINU AT TBBSPRuOBL. Society ' Carlsbad i up early ia tlio morniOK The Waters, as well u the Carlsusd Spradsl Suit, act b at when ttiken v.ry early in tho morning, be fore) breakfast They nro ol gieut ben i fit iu Habitual constipation, Chronic Catarrh of the stomach, Dyspepsia, Liver snd Kidney tronblet. Obtain the genuine, which must hnvo (be signa ture ol "KUnfr and Hendelton Co, Agent?, New York," on every bottle. INEXPENSIVE, BUT COMFORTABLE. How a clever Woman Planned ami rnr niched a mi. all Room, One woman who ia inure clever than wealthy has ;i real ,-lovo of u room," which contains all the essentials of com fort, vet U not more than U feet square. Its ono original recommendation was the bright light that entered its single Window, Ail the rest was evolved from the owner's own brain, aud as it is not only delightful, but economical as well, it serves as an excellent model of what can be done in a timpli way. It is thus described in the New York Herald: The walls are covered with terra cotta paper, showing an indistinct pattern in gold, which relieves its sameness with- k coairn nvAN. out being pronounced. Above the pilt picture rail hi n fries of differeni shade! of terrae.it ta, with here and there a high light in gcM. TL" ceiling ii tinted a warm cream and has no decoration at all. The woodwork is .".1! pained n iw dhim olive green, and on thofloerisa simple ingrain rug which oombinea tbe terracotta and olive In a conventional design that is g'j'd to look upon, but n i .ggn - live in the least Ti.e window is draped with loftmadrai curtains that are of a golden tone and no prononnced design, and against the glass are dainty friib-l curtains of pure white !i:;nr'ilswiss. There is a cuzy cur t:er as a mstti r of course, but i! :. ar- nil:..-- i SO that the head of the 01 HCb hi Is tin sp .ee between the window and tbj wall and gets perfect light Tbe couch itself i ; .'.rap d with terra c.,:ta velours, and tbe pillows are of every possfbli Combination of terra cotta ami gold. Then was no comer proper, and as tbs woman who planned toe room disdain, i t mere arrangement of furniture under tbe disguise of a tnisnamer she hung s curtain by means of a crane, which not only in ikv i a niche, but keeps all drafts from pluyiiiv about her feet The cram is bras.-, but the curtain is simple agrn linen decorated by herself. Opposite the clinch, against ti thei wall, Is an upright desk of cherry trim med with brai -. and before II stands tin ever ready chair. At one end of the room is a i Imple ease, which bol ls a few favorite volumes, and in one corner is a small tea table, with service only for the few. On tiie walls are some delightful etchings, simply framed, and 00 the broad win. low. ill art growing blooming plants. Modern Kelt I! i ;h. Tiio belt bag Is one ol the most con venient articles of modern invention, and it can be found in l i.. I to suit all purposes. The extra large bag is Used mostly In traveling or shopping, as it can be made tho receptacle for porta- monnsie Or change purse, han lki reiuef, gloves, keys, memoranda and the many other small necessities of Mich occasions, Tim medium siied bag is suitable for general use, while tho small one serves to hold the handkerchief or any feminine trifles and is loo lL-hl and inconspicuous to cause the wearer tie slighter! incon venience. IInrR-r'd linziir talis that the most expensive begismof seal, morocco, lizard s.!;iii or velvet mounted in gold or silver r.:id I',.: ' ned to the belt by a chain end long, fiat hook, tho latter concealed by an on. anient of the metal used for mountings. These mage in price from i to $80. The other fancy leathers are also used, and the medium sized hag can be pur chased aslow as 4H cents, though that price does not guarantee long wear, ex cept when the article is of suede, which material is very durable, Tim smallest bags cm be found at 80 cents each, and Olio of the newest fashions shows a little receptacle in leather, almost semicircu lar in shape, with outside pocket for tho handkerchief and pendent from the belt by narrow leather bands. CrPiolainz a Young Lady. "Sho would bo a pretty girl for but ono throe." "What's that?" asked Charloy. George iter face is always cuverod with pnrpl'; and red blotches. Chnrley Oh, that's easily enough di pnsetl of. Used to b.) tho same way my self, but I eattgbt on to th trouble ou. i day, mid got rid of it in no time. Oeoigo What was itf Charley Simply Mood eruption-. Took a short coarse of P. P. P. I tell yon, it'i the boss bln.nl corrector. Tho governor hail rhi-uraatisui so bail thnt you COUld hear hira holler cluar across tho country every time ho moved. He tried it, and you know what an nthletio old cent ho li no W If somebody would givo Miss Daisy a pointer, she would tliauk them after ward. All trie drug stores sell it. V ; V;. at . i .3.1 EMBROIDERY STITCHES. faflbctt-ra, Simple and Aili-.pted to Many Va rieties ol" Needlework. The stitcb.es Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 can be adapted to almost any kind of embroid ery, according to The Household, which describes them as follows: The leaf stitch is especially desirable for long, slender leaves that need some thing more than a simplo outline stitch. It is worked in crisscross fashion. The needle is planed as shown for oi.u stitch, the next In tng taken be low at the short dashes marked a and b Tiio sailor knot stitch is Indicated at Fig. 8. it is made by holding tho silk Over the line to In- worked with the thumb of the left hand, while you take a small stitch from left to right over the line of silk, forming a succession of small knots along tho pattern, from which it takes tho name of sailor's knots. The fern pattern is a favorite one for trayoloths, toaoloths, bureau covers and tho like, and the stitch used for this, ill '-o ." IJ5AP, BAH "It KN'i'T AM" ITIiN. as in Fig. !! and Fig. 4, is simple and very effective. The stem Is workod from leaf to leaf, but the long center item i done iu stem stitch. It' embroidered in the d. Lioate shades of green seen in young ferns, it is v ry handsome. Filoselle Is better adapted to this stitch than t1'" embroidery silk, two and three amis being used forthe purpose. Thp Mninci' l.l- of (initio Kell. i.l. Qratlo Kelleis him self, s Maltese man, was born of parents srbo pOSBSBSSd the or dlaary tiumbsr of linger- mi l tin lie bad sis tinker, on such baadand m to on each font Ills wifs posssassd thsor diuary nunbsr of diit font children were Ix-ru to this couple. Salvator, il.e elilest boy, bad tbe six flowered oondltloo of his father represented InVnlL ti. -irge-and Aadrs revml lad tin- tnothi r, but tbs hands anil feet of the forniir were siightl) dsformsdi Marie, tiit- datujbtsr, bad also five do gen and live toesi ou each hand aad f. t, .but bar thumbs wars davsloped i what out of proportion As n-tptr.U the sswnd genrratioti-ail tbechihirsn baring marriad partners witb natural hands aad test 4 ttor'sfoui cblldrtn three showed the sis Bngsrsd condition. Oeortft bad two girts with its fingers and toes, mill a third girl with mx lingers on snob hmid and sis toss on tbs right foot, but ooly firs toes on tbs left, and Dually a boy with the natural num ber of digits. Andre had many chit drea,but ail had uornuU bands aad fsstt and ot Maria's family a boy bad tots, while her other three children ihowed no departure from n ttural typa. Dr. An drea Wiis. n in llarpcr'a. lleaaariog strain, o. Bridge.. A Kn-uch engineer h is devised a msthod of accurately monsiiring the slralnaonirou and stii'l hriuVes, using for tho puross t wo "' ssta, a bleb sis a' taohsd soma -lis- tancn apart to the Ik-aiu to he tested. Oil one bracket Is a water i haudii-r, closed l.y a Baxibla dlapbragni ami soanactsd with an open tula-, which series to register, by the height of the tills;, any pressure made on tbla diaphragm. 0ns sad ol a pointed rod is oonnaotad with this metal oovsriag to tbs water ehatnbrr, wbfli t that Is sol tab) j -in. d to 1 1 bat rs ksv It Is thus seen that gay elongation ol the bridge insinbey ennsss s tootloc of the diaphragm ami a fail of the water la the flue tube. New V. rl. 'I'eii ;ram An i.i. ! DeearL It might lie said that th.- Jornada del MlK rto is the Ideal .', sert of lie- a -rid. In no other ol tbe earth's most faerfu wastes call Ik- found such natural cmli! , . ol ideal borrOf I-'.ven tiio Bllrage, tempter of the tlyfng traveler's despair, n sauce a mom extraordinary devetopmant i bi rs I ban any where else. Oa any due day sand in that region all days are One. because then- is no rain one can behold In the Colorado deeert, where all hi bopolsss mliery around, beautiful laasa, bsmptnc verdure and even t.iwns With bOUSM ami cieir. a s Wltbld distil ncor apparently smnlL Beyond all other cbaracteristiea thbi desert ;ho-i-sm-s that of liie plcturviue I-'or t .1 . lie who can live on pictures it should be an ideal nboila lie would never be fatigued, because mo - range phantasmagoria fat Sndleasly ehiin-.iig V.ibinRton Piar Tim Convalescent AM) Overworked Need Proptr Nourishment. In these cases Bovininc is indispensable; being so perfect a nutrient, it is easily digested; acceptable to the most delicate stomach, it quickly restores strength, flesh, and color. BOVMNE Tho Original Raw Food largely increases the number of red blood corpuscles over eight per cent. a week expands the muscular activity, nour ishes all the vital organs, and is recognized by the medical profession as the greatest flesh producer known. Contains no tni-dir.illon. Euilursoil by 25,0011 physitiins. Sold by all druggists. TIE B0VIN1NE CO., NEW YORK. Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Cliildran. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic sub.staiico. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Sootuitig Syrup, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its jruuranteo is thirty years' use by Ilillioiis of 3Iotliers. Castoria destroys Worm and allays fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea anil Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and ilatuleucy. Castoria assimilates tho (bod, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Cnstoria. "Castoria Is an eaOSlhBt ItHHttt for chil dren. Uothors have npsatodlytoMmocf its goeJ effect upon their children." lu. U. P. O-nonn, Lowell, Mil.. " casnsls is the best tsmsdy rorcattdrea of watch 1 urn acquainted, l bops Ihe day is sol fir distant lien mi itliers wtilOonsMof the real Interest of thi-lrchlldn-n, anil BSSCsstorlS la st end of tiioviirinuaqiiaek uosu-uni'vlu.-haro destroying their loted on. s, by forcing-! ;in. tnorpblae, soothing syrup and ether bttrtfUl agints down their threats, tli.rel.y lending the in to premature graees." Da. J. F. Kin. atto, Ooaway, Ark. Tho Crnfcvnr Company, VI HAE YOU LLCERS. PIMPLES. PLOTCHES. APSCCSSES. SALT RHEUM, itUNNING SORRS, OR SCROFULA IN THE SPRING If so, your Blood must bo Impure Cloanso tho Blood and Systom with Burdock lood Bitters Ban villi, Mich.. April Is, lfl). Mi. . r.s F-i'T' 11 Mti.ticr.N A t'". fjr Sn I write th-t you miy know the g-iod I baV8 rccelrcd frotn tbe BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, 1 am now on tbe ninth bottle of yourwoadarfa Killers and must enf m I hare ri-crlv.nl prompt cure of n I. ng tuuding dhs .me ftclMFULA. I bave used dollar after dolbus' worth of oiflMnes and received no relief, but the third bottle of H. H. H. 1 found r. st. I have also used three Iwtllts. of BVBDOCK I'n.l- . llicy are the l.-.-i imalu he ovi r t k. I cauuot praise them ts highly. 1 do one my whole life to th m and ran n fom BU D J Iham Ut rj living Soul that il afflicted Willi that .ircial! il il'aM-, si KoK ULA. I wss atlliiiid with lumps u huge as an egif In my right aide aud large lumps en my throat, and my limbs were con-red with a Imrnlm? and Itching rain, which vrry greatly guoygd me hen near thu warm store, i had spent n great deal of u. ir.'. v' tr it..: :'' P' l r. li.-f . and ciUslll'nl lie- i-sl II). heal tf.-ilee lit l'i the Su: -, but ail in -.1111 li.cv did m no g. od whatever, and I had about i-t . n up wle p I thouk-h: I woulil.try your mallctn-s. and. thank God, Ibej bars cured tue. I x.. s .: : .an u-uay. ToBr iw true friend sad .wli 'wisher, Mlis rii.vv BirrTON, B- rvillf. tit. QhdrOo,, Muhan. N Made a well V K d il of iv . INRAPO V 'y no ..r.i .1 HINDOO RfMEDY se nr m liruil 1I1 I C.BCrS BY THC Hh MfDi-nL Jbvfueoaase , -V' '.TrtrVALfSiflrtir, :t JCIililPi.r fiEIIRAIi'ilA r ivf Yf li krt isimi in wl l nir r..ii A I 1.. t,ei folds, Suit 1 hru.t. .oi. 1. III. 1 IK in peii'''. leads to s1" 1 n I onlltito-d rn Yrrn tt hitl.fellinrur.mnte .1 1 r mi AO rt. Trial frwi in pi . wct-iiis. t, acOniuiVSa I' 1 i oirnl nr.-. ni-yri-lunilll Frtrr, l:t- ll.otrr.t nin.l. . ttin Lvn, KkS, V S. I UrVTUfll soresl "-.-i -W remeSi tm mfc ' nut- 1,1 1 , . . llh-Mim. '. -1 s.irs. Iln-ii". i .e. Win- 1. rf . 1 n . , ! !. I'll 1 , , , ., n , . . fftsla .ir t.v mill ire.ni.i. AiMr is Snra OPSu lor ml i I iv Mattli. U'9 !r.. I res and DR. HCBHA'3 VitSLA CEEoi Ft. . r Frl . Pin pi i . 1 S L-rr Molta Dwc' S- .4 8u:iiurn ai.i Tm, and r . iUiros the aklu to In orbd. 1 x iwi nal fKshawa. pmducii.,:' . ' if c!.-:tr mid h.alt:. : -..Vt.- V'P.- pinion. Bnperlortdanfzoa --' i i i'.lurs iiiid ji-ii -'.ly hnnnlo'''. At ell Jti ts.orniallcO. lot BOen, Btad lur Clreuliut. VIOLA EXIN 80Ar' 1 1 Saatj t-wtt " ,ktn Mfttnal lp, iai'.l,'l Sr it1!- Sail .. r.l wlib-it rivl M lli aurrrr. At.ilutlT paro U1 I. .1. taj woli ,. i ai .n, .. .. Prli c 25 C e i. ... C. ilTTNEH ft CO., Tc r.tDO, O. For silo by Matthews Broa .Moiiaii IsTnesad Moi an & Ca y-Q fey Worn;.. S.'mriim: n caeda a r: .nl.lp niiinf h.u VAtnlnt 11, in a V Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS ITS prompt, Bafo nnil c.-rtnlu In NSSli Tho k-e: 'Dr. PewPio nrvr-r 'l'..upi.liii. S.-nt ai.yirli M. I'ealMi'-i r..,., i n,-,a o. Sold bV JOHM n. PEBLPa Pharmaetal coiner WroialnS nvtniie and Bprooa stroit Hernnton, I 'a. --ii-i Me;, 1 I..I M 10 1 SMTHOLIftHeR ml s -r- MULTICHR0ME 6. Art for tha masses. One Dime and One Coupon. Castoria. " Cnstoria in so well adapted tachOdlM that I reei .i simend It SS sup jrior toany prescription ki.uwnto u;i-." n. a. aaoaaa, kt D., Ill Po. Oxf. rd :-t., llrooklyn, N. Y. "Our pl.yslelans In tie- ehlldn-n's dopart l e nt have SpokSB ho;! ly 'Jf their Cljicrl sues iu their outside ptaoMcs wlthOsstorlSi and altheUh wo only hnvo anemg our medical supplies what is known as NgulSI pm lutts, yet wo are frco to confess that the merit! f Castoria lias WOO us to look with favor Hi-Hi it." Damn JIosriTiL SSS Pui'MsiRT, ltoston. Muss txuui Q Bam, I'm., Murray S.t-oet, Nsw York City. i.f.: -m Spring Cinghams. We have place 1 on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming Spring and summer. Finer GooJs More Tasteful Coloring, ,md L wer Trices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. GLOBE WAREHOUSE, PITTSTON, PA. N. A. HULBERT'S City Music Store, IUMIXB A M ItA.N TO.' STRINW v som DECKER imoTiiiCRa aaa Rii.l.wi II A IIAlU M i 11. Ai BAUER AMOS i n Blew k a : hi Cs A IMS II MUSICAL MI Ki'M wnisii musk;. baTU, hSTO ,nuajfnlly riurssj I . 1 li ' i.Iij-b Nj J Maain Rsnv I OUf. ui-' Kl'ifftfiiy, r.irjM J nw,ias risii. I I rWthrr l ': mh niif lOO-rstr IvkiV . .IliitratKl from I IUIoffimi .plourtl.fr hy mail. bcnHct9rriria I siyJ MejreiiryfMi, Ooi Mr.atlc Ronudy wMl I I pcmif iiTcut!'. it.iih M;. in ui isimj-i, in. For Delicacy, For purity, nnil for improvement of the com plexlon, nuthlng cquula POSSOMI'S Powder. iood Men Good Clothes . so. GOOD BOOKS ONL of the strong points of Tm-; Trib une's equipment as a lirst-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to-date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania. Preserve Those Pic tores Don't Spoil Those hi tichromes Have Them Neatly Bound Tin: Tribune will promptly preserve any ol the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. I twill make special rates on the binding ol" any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated Series Moltichroine Series OrAny Other Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES i 'kJmm ' '' ' WWW1' . J SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The abovo brands of flour can be hud at any of the following merchants wno win accept Iiik Tribuni flour coupon of 20 on each one huu.lruJ poaudi of Hour or BO on each barrel of flour. Dunmoro-K P Prlo QoU Uedal Bran l Sold Medal Brand j Mph A. Mcun.M.ou aveaae, BnperlattTe Dread, ereea iM -- a Ujponcer.OoU IMalBrsad. J. I . Jl U.'iU-, sujn-rlntivo. rrorid. lu-u-Ki-nnor & Clmppoll. N- Main nviv Me, bopertatlr. brandiOJ ailleaala W. Mark'.! tnwt. (lol.l M.'.l il BranJ Ol) I'll, mt .laiai-4 JorJan, Supurlallvo IlranJ i'.-. k v ;:..,--h iit. r Ki hr SuporlatlT., 'erma-C u Winters a Co Baparatativa Ari tilialil-Jun-s. 8 nipin A Co . l..M '.!. ! .1 ('.rU.n I.,:,, li. s CUrlt i .1.1 M -dal Brand. HiniMilai.- I N Poator 4k Oa Oold stedaT Mimx-ka- M 11. I.ivullo. NORW V IKON HI; v ( K 1)1 iMOND MI.V III I i it SPECIAL s N DGM84 Vs ENOLI8B II HSOPV I M.l.lll i BTKBL UOR8G Mini s 1 1 IB ( ALK 1'lllB SI V HIM IIY M'ltlNt; SOKT BTBKL N II.S Bi I. Lows HOUSE N 1 1 s WILEY & RUSSELL .M WELLS BEOS il I I li; MAI HIM It. Bittenbender&Go.;Scranton, Wholesale and mail d-alrV in Wsgoomakers' and Blacksmith' bUPPLIBa "No 3tar was ever lost we once have seen, Wc always may be what we might have been," A MARRY PATRON OR THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. KCSAllTOM AM) THI aTM It I lilt TA. HAXtTPACTCRIBS Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Offlos, BCRANTOK. P,v HOW TO MAKE MONEY There ut hundreds "f young nu n and young women in thii country u ho have splendid ability, but they h;ivc never been w;ik tied up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Hai been to inspiration to hundred! of young people. If you are tired of Inactivity uud waut to do bouictliimj tangible, come to the College. COMMON i m.i. ism CO! r.-r. Ill IM ss ill RUB, shorthand oouiiBE pjj, WOOD, Proprietor. s. w dlieertr; i 1' A I A N . KF. lit I f ItiTnluntfrr KmlagioDf Blui.. u.a Aim L .il. ' 1 '"" 1 "' '"" F" ""' "l mini. i r"T.'. mr v. t un i ri " ' ' il-1 Iiw "tm.'n ,..: 1,1 onto ,i i. luud Ike muuey. AlJi I'kAL Hi.Hi l.NL 0O.. CkTlLil,Oliia. For rnlii by JOHN B. PHBtJPS Phamadsii cor. Wyealaf Ave. anJ Spruce St, BeraBtea. Pa. HIS MANHOOD jViimpll-n-. or IriMiilll. K. '.y mull pri'l'nlil. With aKr , . I..I..I Ka mnii.1. bP0KalliraTTUUSMH.BOOUiar. Addnu KBBVa BEB0CO., MaeoBle Tomple. lukaqo.Iu. For Srtlo in Seranton. Pa., by H. C. B ANDERSON, Drups;ist, cor. Washington nd Siirueo streets. ULr UIIK ASU Al'lKK UM1NO. lorSuIn byC. M. IIAUUlN llliiKlil.t. 181 HaiM Aionur. UIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIillillllHIIIIIISIIIIIIBIIlIllllUllllllllIlllllllliniHIHIIIiiBeilliH Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa., May 14, 1894. Send this coupon, with lO cents in cash, and get fouf of the marvelous I Multichrome Art terns by far the s greatest offer of alL SlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllilllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIillllllllK ftom thtX Y. Tritouu, Xov.i,tS93. The Flour Awards "Cinc AoO, Oct. 31. Fhe first ofBoial anuonnccment of World's Fair di plomas on flour has been made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judges to tho flour manu factured by tha Washburn, Crosby Co., in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee reports tho 11. ur strong and pure, and entitles it to rnnk aa first-class patent flour for family aud bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CON NELL V HOLES LK ACI'.NT- Tuylor-.Tuilco Co, Gold llcilal; Athertoa &Co., Supurlatir.). Deryea Lawrence atere Co., Oold ModaL Koono John KeOrindle, Sold Medal Pittaton ti w. O'Boyle, (told Modal. Clark's Qreaa Fraee A; l'..rk"-r. Buparlatlra Cfark1! samtnlt-P. II. Vona?, Qold Medal. Lialton S. K. Finn & Boa, Oold .Modal Brand. Nich .l-.ii ,i E Bardiaa. Wnvirly-M. IlllM A: Son, Gold Mcd.iL Fact ryvllla -CliarlOH Oaolnor, Gold Medal. Hopliottom N. M. I inu St fjon, Gold Mda', ToDThanna Tobrhaaaa Lc-nitu Unssbef Co i inld Modal Brand Goaldsboro-8 A. Adassa Grold M.-la! Brand. M'wrow Galao Cl'-moiitH, GoM Medal. l.ako.n.l Jaatea A BortrM Gold Modal. Forest City L. Morgan & Co., Gold Modal WAGON III 1,1.1 AXLES SPRINGS III BS SPOKES RIMS STEEL SKEINS It. R. SPIKUS SCREW Will tirc on i-pin t wo. t oid with written ur.l Mff. u. n.'lnhl I nf M.n&l l'.ir in ilh. ttou aiir etui... If nrulfrl.-tl. .nob troul-li ! I' RESTORED! 'NERVE SEEDS 1 hi. M.uilfrli 1 r.mMl. fi MUM d lii fur. Rll B.r.im. ill.. piii- ..-ui-h n Wonk Mfiiii r) . I."fnnf llmln I'mrcr, li'uilachi-. wnki-tulin-jfc Umt.Viiiih.UHl. Nljlilljr Minimum. Nervouueu.SllaniBtaadleeiOl power In OeiiortlrcOrsnof i llliorKoic-AiiM- liijr iivi'i i-i.-rt'.nn.roothftjlcrrort. .. ..... ..i.... ..r.i..i., ....In-,, nr itlii.iilniit.. wlili-ll li-uil In lnHrnillT. ( i'n 'n In' i'.i: r'i-1 !i. vi-m pi CkO HI P-r hoi, f vr U n fS 'Iit m-I.- l-ICIon mini mil.- to cure I liriitnr tri't. SiM t-T III! ilniJSlMK. Ak 1 nr It, llll RESTORED MANHOOD" ThoirretitiYroi-ity for aervoai proetnlloa niut nllm-rvouflillM-iisi'5 of tho Koiii-ruiivunrirnnii of i-Uhi-r wx. mirh an Worvoui l-Toptnitlrn. Kall lin; or I . ' .Muiiliooil. tiiiooli-ni-T. M.-la v l'!iiilsniiii ..'oiulitul l'.rrora. 0 M i liil Worry. haci'hIvo iimnf TobaMOOr Oplniii. which lond to i -' puniptUiti nnil liinniitty. With i-w rv HZ orvlor w irKo i written iMinr. utre to iiro or lotiiml tho niuiier. Sol. I ut ISl.OO iH'rhox. tt boxes for Vu.uu- 1)U. UU'l T'H t li EM nL IU.. UctcIuuiI. Ohio. Mail orders 2c. extra,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers