The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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We will sell our cutiro slock of
tiW and Stylish TRIMMED
PBIOES. Come and see them at
WE have special facilities for
r.08 fern Avr A. B. WARNAN.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
We are showing
new deigns in printed
415 Lacka. Avenue.
Wc Will Offer for a Few 0 Ij I
Fine Moquette Rug at Si 03
These Rurs Have Never Been
Sold for less Than 53.00
There will txi r. meeting of tba bard of
mar,in,'ri of the Flureuro MisMun tomor
1 o-.v ui 10 a. m.
The Scranton Press club will BOM very
impurtaut BMetiOf hi it louin tomorrow
-.::, at T Si) o'clock.
The Scrantoti ('learinij Tlouso Saaoula
lion's ext-luuiK". f.,r wicl: 1 udiui;
Moy wore 180(301.40
The Minnie Lester corapaii7 will bepin 8
'v -ek' entcaemeiit nt p fuler pric s 'it
the Academy of Music thi.s evening.
S. it. K-rr will deliver hi lecture, "A
Tup to Ireland." for tbe benefit of the
Katb-r klatbew society of, at
Us hall next Friday eveum.;
K-v. Ianc Nev-toti Kurle will lortnre
WM evening at the Elm Park M"thodiet
ci.tirrh from his reitiarkah y lostructlve
chart, ootitlad "A BtrdeevrView i f tha
Bible." All who have net yet hcunl linn
should attend.
The ladies of Scranton who have eeiier
coaly volunteered to assist in replenishing
tbe Associ'ned ('liin'ies f Hi d by the sale.
if membership tickets are requested to
take th ! name and addrassol endi p-ir-cbaer
of a ticket, in ordai that a pabiio
recoid may be k rpt,
Tha committee appointed to take
of the arrangements for the Moody mei t
lntjs to be held in this city in HeptambeT,
will bold their Bret meeting on Wednesday
evening. The committee umbrace .1 A.
Lansing, Bresideati 0, Ifrad Wblttemore,
secretary; and L. M. HortOB, J. I,. Baagi,
Look attest titles Clark and w. v. La
tlirope. .
Anheuier Busc'i Beer.
I.o'-t LtLnians, V bpruceat
Be Waa Lsarni :g How to Use a Flubart
Oun and Waa Shot in the Foot.
Arthur Reese, 11 yeara old, a boh of
RicharJ Heeae, of Lafayette street,
wont to tho woods on Saliitdiy after
jiood, accompanied by Thomai Wiokl,
aooaipaniou of tne same age.
Thy had with thorn u Flnbert rlfli
and Wicks undertook to show live
bow to handle it properly.
Wicke loaded it and pointed it at the
ground, pulling the trigger. The
bullet bit Kiem in tiie foot uud lodgod
Dr. Roberta waa cnllod to attond him
and extracted it. Rsaso waa able to
walk around ngain yvsterday.
Th.y Will Petition School Doard for
More Puy.
At the meeting of principals of
grummar aoliools to be beld at 1 o'clock
Ihie afternoon in the board of control
rooinii, a petition to the school board
will be read asking for salaries to be
incroaaed to at leant $1,000 p;r yoar.
Jt is claimed they now receive only
$700 per annum while Blmilar iustruc
tor8 in oitiea not so" lnrgn as Soranton
aro paid from $1,200 to $i.000. The pn
tition include a atntuiiieui, that more
liberal pay will inoroasj the usefulness
of tha teachers.
No. 11 of Amu i 11.
No. 11 nf the charming art aeries,
"America" baa arrived and copies may be
procured at Tin; Thiiiunh business of .e.
The latest number of these delightful
atudies will ptovo one of the most interest
ing of the collection.
Dr. Gibbons,
of Now York city, will be in his Hcranton
office, 441 Wyoming avenue, every Mon
day from 8 in the morning until U in the
Williams k McAnuity
'27 Wyoming Ava
Sermon at First Presbyterian Church on
Suiday Qaestion.
There Is a Waste of Time Prosecuting
Druggists and Bakers While Saloon
Doors Are Orion Man Was Not
Made for the Sabbath, but Vice;
Versa- Thirst for Gold Robs tha
Poor Man of His Sunday.
A pood sizd audiaooa Tas grftbared
at the First I'rcsbyterian clinrch last
oigbl owLdb to the Attboaaoament tint
the pastor, Itev. J:imea MoLtOd, D. O ,
would preaob on the Sunday question.
Thatopio aaamad timely, following the
many linen imposed durini; th' past
week upon 111 my rttptotablo citizens
for conducting eecniar bniiuoM on the
In bis discount') Dr. UeLaod ttikos
axoopliona to tba Sunday nowspapat
and secular bnaioaaa gaDtrally, 1m'
says a mistake ia mado by prosecuting
cases against dTOAtilta and bakers,
wban attention ibonld Qrat ba directed
to the mor.' ovil saloon.
Alinouncitiif the texr, "The Bsbbath
was made for mun," Mark 2 27,
Dr. UeLaod ipokaai follows;
Tba Bonday qoaitlon is aqaaation that
la alwata turning up. it arai a gn at iities
tion in the time of Christ, and it is still a
great question. The I'liansnai and our
Lord . ere no' mncb fart bar apart in thair
views of Babbalb obaerrauca than are
men in Cbrlatiao landatoday, TbaPhart
sale Sabbath uavar waa made for man, It
imposed upon ti.o paopla burdaos wblch
were HiloleraPle. coiuuiii'iilmeiiH of
nan aieraanbatituted for the la ol Qod,
and bonce there was spiritual slavi-ry
wban then ought to have h.-x-u rallgtoni
Our Lord did tu t heaitate to violate the
PhaHaaic Sabbatb. Uemg uord of the
Sabbath, He braibed away the robblsh
with which tiio fbariaaaa had oorarad it
and Ho taught tho people ustrue Minii-
Canoe, ll" rebuked tUeir puuctiliousncs.
and marllbetlam. and he cc;Ksed their
nttOT hollo WU sea and their bald hypocrisy.
lie shewed them how far they had de
parted freui the troth Which lies at the
foundation of the Fourth commandment
The Pharl ue- acted as if man waa Bui la
for the Sabbatb, but our Lord declared the
Babbatb waa made for mm.
in dlacnaalog the Bonday qoeatton the
friends of the Babbatb ah iald keep this
troth clearly in miud.
The Babbatb waa made toi man, there
fore BOB has a right to tho Babbatb, It Is,
in s en-e. bia properly. It is liod's gift to
bim, ninl he has a right to Its OllJwjlloal
OOd It use. lie has a right to USO It tor
the high and hoh ends for which Uod gave
1: bbbo bim. win 11 t aaya, "The
SacliKth wi.-. made for mat:," II- -ays, in
affect, keep ii Babbatb by all nteaoaj and
keep it aaort dlyj I ut do no; keen it in such
a way a to override justice aad mercy
and a llliteous liberty. The example of
Christ, touching the law of the Babbatb,
touches Us that a law may be broken as in
Its letter, acd yot kept as to us
dpitit He shows at bow tba moral ami
religious elements in religion may be
baried oat of eight, onderaeeth the rub
biabofa formal lip aerrioe aad aa oaten
ta.: : c, ; lav lie w ill. I ! ave :.- ;.. nd
deratand that moral dunes are evermore
enti'l -d to tim piocedeocii uvea wle'retliey
seem to come Ui conflict with poeittva coin-
maad. Heme the Bark or Jnetifled Hi
disciples where they plucked ears of corn
on the Babbatb to satisfy their BOB 1:1 i
benoa, too, ha a rough t miracloo on the
Babbatb. It appears, then, that the spirit
of the fourth oonuaaadaMot is far more
important than its letter. Whoa tba
A p i.e laid: "1 WM la t' a Spirit on the
Lord's day." ho gave exprelon to the
heart ami soul of ail true Kabbath 0war
Pf.'.f'VY NKV. sp.U'.il-:
We sjienk within hi.uad.i wl. -n we sav
that taaa of tboaaaadi of our fellow citi-
Zens hold Very 1001 aottooa ab.nit the
I. vr 's day, and the looso BoUoas are
foatered and po polar! aad, largely, by tb"
secular pre. 1: . a la'in-i.t.ili.e fact tl at
the eaormbaa power of the e. uiar pres
ill Ibis land is, (or me r. aj pint, o 1 the of those v... - idea Ol the 1. rd s
day are so literal that tba? would not be
nuRilllng to seo ti e Holy day ahaaged
into a holiday. I do not pr 'pos , at tin
tiro, to illscu tbe iiioation of Sundav
newspapers. 1 msv say, h .WeVer, that
tbepobhah r- p. a that it reqaln 1 n n
Huirlay w rk to get up the for M . 1
daytlian itdoea tor lb) Issue on .-U'lday
is, doubtless, true. The proprietor an 1
advocates of Mind iv BOWapapora Pave
rang tbonbaagee oa Ibtapolot Dnt their
piooa plea ia a palpable evaatoB I de
n"t llieei tlieca-e. ll i-. i.nt Ibi idaj
labor Involved in the cii'iin; and type
setting ai.d printirg of Bonday par, to
which objection is che i. b. the
ftlaodaof the Lord' day. Ourch.ef objec-
lion 1- to ti." asaoflni "f -aL'ayUoor
wbicli is reiUird to 1 nvulale these fuo
day newspaper . Thousands tij on thons
nnds of our nUoW Oltlaeoa, young mid old.
are thus 1 mti'.oved. ami for tbsjBO thou
sods, Instead of Snndav bring. Bg cut"
them rest, it brlnga work -m ire '.-k and
border work than any other day of tba
wee I;, ..i iriove:-, tl. : ind.iv new . i, r
is tivwio liii'io a d' . :i in it
not help any siuner ikep !
day. Its hiflatnos i pr
the L' Id's
f in the oppo-
nzo ami i.e
ure the points
site direction, for ll secnin
gi i !" tbo sacred day. TbeM
In i'i settled bi tweea the
publishers of
Snt.ilav newspniers and Ilia H id of the
Babbatb. ami the time is coming wbel tba
puUi-her atid tie .r pn'.rons raauot evade
th" insue.
I ,. Babbatb is not of human origin. It
was loade for man, bnt not by man. a to I
did not mnko it for Christians only, or .'or
Jews only, or for some men lived in the
long f ast, lie made it for man, tha; Is,
for mankind, f ir the v. hole luimati race
and f&r all time. True, tbe Lord of the
Babbatb saw tit to change tbo Babbalb
from tbo seventh to the first day of the
week. He did so f.-r a very good ri ns., ,.
in the flrat day of the week our Lord rose
fi ei. the deaJ, and 111 honor of that great
event in the history of ridetuptlrwi, th"
day WM changed
liod designed the Sit tit i.i t ll to benellt
man in every re-peel, in body, soul and
spirit. He designed it iw n day of for
both body and mlBOt, a day for meditation
and prayer and devotion and wcr-lilp and
for religious instruction; a, day for doing
deeds of kinduess and mercy; n day on
which to cultivate family ailed ion and
thus make life purer and sweeter and hap
pier; a day for Christian fellowship and
lor heavenly communion; a day on which
to anticipate and prepare for that rest
which remains for the people of ( Sod.
If this l th? design of the Lord's Uay,
then our obligation to use It for that pur
pose ami thus lokeep it holy is self-evident.
The Babbatb was msde fur man,
not that hu might abuse it, hut that he
might keep it as Cod desi ; n d it to be
kept. It is true that Christians differ,
among themselves, as they iiaui always
differed, toncblng weTfersoJto way in which
the Lord's Uay BnOUlo be kept, as well as
touching the ground of its obligation.
Hut uo Christian teacher has ever ques
tioned the nacredtioss of the Sabbath or
urged its desecration. Indeed, one of the
ablest advocates of "tho religious
non-obaerranot of tho Babbatb"
declared that any man who BBS
disposo with the Snhbath must bo
umnzingly "holy and spiritual," while the
man who "still unholy mid unspiritnnl
who would dispells:) with it, is a man who
would fain be wiser than his Maker." lie
further says tbiifno man who knows him
self but will gladly and joyfully use the
institution. No man who knows tbe need
of hi6 brethren will wantonly desecrate It,
or recklessly hurt, oven their scruples re
specting its observance." Thcso are
weighty words, and they are all the more
weighty coming from such a source.
lint still tho Sunday question is beset
with t Modern society is ao
constituted that some men must work on
Sunday. True, they car. stop work on
Bttnday if they ehooae, but mey must
work if they would keep their situation
and support their families. While lail
roitds aro run on Sunday, and whilo fur
naces bio kept burning on Sunday, and
whilo newspapers are printed and sold on
Sunday, aud whilo saloons are kept o;ien
un Sunday a great many men must work
ou Sundav. but if it cau be proved
that it la necessary to run any
one of these institutions on Bonday, then
lam ready to maintain that every one of
the sons of toil who were forced to work
on Sunday is entitled to ono day every
week as a day of tOlt, If ho cannot have
Suud.iy then let bim have Monday or Sat
urday or Bomo other day. My point i
that Qod has given every man a babbatb,
and that every man is entitled to the Bab
bath that (i aj has given him; and, more
over, tho Lord's day is jost us long as any
other day of tho week. It is a day of
twenty -lour hours. Kvery man in entitled
to this seventh portion of tunc. Both his
physical and Ins religious nature needs it,
and it aay employer, be that employer an
Individual or a corporation, deny to tho
laborer a day of rest, or if any workman
wufuiiy deprives himself of the blessings
oi the day of KBt, he thereby - ins against
itod, agafnat himself, and for the am he
will bine to ren ler an account to the Lord
of i he Babbatb.
Hod never intended Ilia day to ben day
of gloom and sadness. (Ju the contrary, it
ought t" ho a day of religious jjv and glad
iioss. "This is th" day the Lord hath
made, we w ill rejoice and lie glad ill it,"
ought to do tho language mi l tbe experi
ence of every UkrLtiau. As U the exact
method of speodiug tbe sacrod bonra, the
words of tho Apostles me appropriate:
"Lai every man bo tolly peranaoed In i i
own mind." "uly i.'t every man be sura
that be if trying to uo good iu a rellgloaa
APPLY rag QOLDgg 111 I.l'.
Bonday i the poor man's day. lint the
accursed thirst lor gold has, m to i many
instances.robbed the poi r man of bit day,
It may bo confidently affirmed, that tha
vexedqoostion ss t; the relations be) we -,i
Capital and lab'., masters un 1 servants,
employers and employed, will never be
righteously Bettlod by any law MVB that,
ui mo ii. 'idea Uai.. tfither employers nor
. bj loyea have aaj rl hi to use for one pur
puee what Hod baa given then tor a- other.
purpose, A guardian or tTCatOe ha. no
right to tarn; with, or to misapply trust
lunds. The ills which afflict oar land,
tonching Bonday work, will not be rem
edatd by trampling under foot tnu laws of
l iod. "11 ismist is buii i"!. ' says th i!
buih breaker, (if course it i. Bnt h oh
th law of Qod aad ti e law of tho land
say that on one day ol tlm Week, Worldly
business must Ih stopped, "The Kiowa
bnalneaa" mat be dotta and it onsbttoba
done, on the Lord'eday; but worldly bus
iness tranaaeted for worldly tamo 11
strictly prohibited by the law of Uod, and
It might to be prohibited by human law oa
Ui oera) Qrant said that if any law Is op-pier-iteaii
! wrong, the quickest and beat
way to bring about its rvpsaliatoa .' rce
it. but surely tl..- Sunday laws : this
land are not oppressive, CertBIBly tba
Bonday iuw of ula state is stoat bnmaaa
No Inend of law and order has any n.:ht
to oom plain of its provisions. It ra iniri
meats ., re n .: grevtou, and its i ciialties
are not severe. To be flnsd I n.y toor
lo llsr fur d ung worldly boawoal on the
L- rd's day Is surely mild poaUbmoal
Tbe saloon keeper is a little worse off as
he ought to to, Boaaidertag hi bosiaaea
for in nis case tbe penalty Usfllctod Is fifty
Among those who worn fined last
week for violating our Sua lay law ure
BOB f our Post citizens. They are as
good friends of law and order, to sav the
least, m are some of their pfOSSI utors. They
mad) no attempt 0 evade tb law.
Some of them ottered Do defence, but
aimply paid the tine. If their arraigum. i.t
wi!i remit in teaching i.dooti keepers that
they mu-t give up their bad bSJStl
Sunday, I am sure tha; BOBSa I f :n . d
Citizens who were lined ll Hi bo devoutly
Tba grossest violation of tbe Lord's dsy
in this city i not the selling, or buying, or
drinking of BglaSBofsoda Water, or tbe
buyiog of b lunf of bread or a diu of lot
creaw It to high tltao that tbe frl ;
Minuay law shou'd Iwud their eaergies IB
another dlrootton Amocbmareg .
violatt .a of OWr Sunday rest aad our Sun
day worship, laths crtiug out along our
stieet. tin at tiie d e rs of on- , . ;. I.e.
of the ttaaday aewepapera Wbyhai
our BKeeltont mayor ami our polio officers
t pad this inn BBC
Don t nf 0OWTAM KS
It Is Idle to say that the liquor BSlOOBS ol
tbie city are aot ia the habit of d .-
I .. o i the laird's day; and It Is ju-t at
idle to say that the enstah! s, wli ..eiliity
it is to see that the sal I d not Violate
the law, hav done their dj't. s at
least, I am orodlbly informed. If ti e sa
loose wera not 10 poteat a factor la oor
politic, their owners w uld Im quickly d-tecp.-d
and qnwkly oantabed ii;t too at
loons control Vole-, and ooiisublea aud
other eity ofii.-nrs are electel by voteai
hence t,tker and t!rtig;tsls nra siunc" i
up B, and liqsor dealers are allowed to
carrv on their DefBll MM tragje. Of course
the ujdav law siiould lie pn I ire- I i. ti.
not tear or favcr open all classes alike, but
It seems the bosine-s which doee toe moat
let la onr city ia the busiuoss wbn h
i- ! v to h ! in ' fav re I
Let in- angga 1 1 ar g I frieada thai
two, or three, or half-a d .r- i fonntaim
erected In s (liable plic es in our rtly,
Where working men aud others could get
ad. in'; f o.i- c I water, tmi .1 baa
toon fr M heav- n during the hot BOmraer,
and It would b" a lively cotns'titor, b tn
ou S- 'iiIa s and week days, wltu the bui
neae of the soda fountain and,
tor no city has porer water than Hcranton.
The Puritan Babbatb, was prha;", a
littlet io Jewish t h altng'ther Chris
tian, but better, a tbouaand times, the
Puritaa Sunday with all its Busterltles
than tin Continental Sunday with all lis
hilarities The Cbrissiari sabbib i one
of our great national bulwovks, aad it
must be preserved. The Bl .! I is interested
in this quest i n as weil ,s the Church.
The pie-s shuiil l lie i-it-r- .'ed in It a-i Weil
sa tba pulpit, Church and atate preea sad
pulpit should j tip bearta ami hands in snp-
r. oi onr nuuuay niws. rieiy as well as
lotlam. and DBtriotblm BO less than
rt v crlaa oat against, the profanation of
. i.e Lord s tiny.
ii day moat calm njoet bright
Hie trortd were ilnrk I Bl l"r thy light
Thy torch doth ihoe the way."
A Week's Fnmeiimtiit to TJ.gln at tha
AruJsmy nf Music
Minnie Lester with company nr
rived in tlie city yesterday at 5 a. IS.
from Boffslo. Tho SOparb silver hand
connected with this organisation will
parade tha prindpas streets at noon.
Tonight the company will app-ar at
the Academy of Music in th" SOStStM
eoBttdydrama, "A Littla Dusy Body."
i'hero is a vein of comedy running
Ihrough every Bceno and lbs special
ties that are introduced do not m any
way interfere with the logical develop
ment of tho interesting story so charm
ingly (old
Hlas LestM tonight will givo her
celebrated character dSBCOl aud Fr.tnk
McNish will introduuo belween tbt
nets his original urnalions, "Silence
and Fun" and the dance "Ail Fait. "
Tonight is tho only opportunity to ex
ObangS ladieu' tickets; they will bo
honored at tho box offlos tip to 7 p. D.
The prices for this engagement ure
placed at 10, 20 and 1)0 cenla.
Q I Ml
WANT i $10,000 DAMAGES.
M. B. Slmrsll Brinifi A. ion Against the
Traction Company.
On Ocl. 8, 1893. 11 II Simrell was
driving along North Main uvonuo with
a team nnd wagon.
Ho was occupying the street car
track and his ouifit waa atruok by a
car, killing ono of tlm horsas and
smashing the wagon.
Hebeliewsit was worth $10,000 to
get run iuto audhas brought suit against
the Scranton Traclion company for
that amount.
Couksen moved SBturdny uight.
m m mm
Day llie M&M Bad a Rusliiug
Soda Waler Seven Days in the Weak,
Says DriiKpisl Phelps - Pharmacists
Will Complain Against Themselves,
Save Halt the Fine and Stiil Make
n Profit The Only Requirement
for Liquor War. tho Price.
Yesterday was wet very wet speak
ing, of course, ol tin' sedaottvs sods
w.iter fountain, th- Intoxloatlag bsver
ngsa dealt out by tho expert disinter
ol niix-d drink.j, or plebinn beer served
by tne beetIebrowei apaak-esay of
Bolal, To the casual observer there sstmsd
to be no eetsatiou In the drug and
liquor tratBs, notwithstanding tba fact
that many o( the agents of the execu
tive oommlttee ol the Pan tors' anion
V"re quietly circulating about tne city
From early morniag until lots nt night
it was a lib rry toned ntnl t:o through
out Hi" control pirn of the cilv. In
tbo North Hud mil tba West and
.South. Sides, I'o.veVer. secular 1 tisintSS
oouducted upenly not particularly
apparent, though in the lattar station
a very distracting thirst could bo
'in 'nchi d with ul tsnob trouble.
.Many had suppoaed that tho niiiTier
ons tints imposed on druggists by Al
derman Post leal week would bava a
Balstory iITsc'. i . that hranoh of trade.
On ii - contrary, nil were doing buil
n si, though a SpeuCe siraet and two
Lackawanna areas-' druggists con-
lined their sal. -sin ilin,;s an I r.iedi
Clntt only.
A sign in t e wind iwof Phalnt'drsg
store, oorner of Bprsooitrett and Wyo
ining nv. I'll, waa displayed in litters
large anosgb to be from the oppc
tltt ll It of ti.o str " t as follows:
i soda w.i 1 1. n hi itTga mvi
I IN Till w :i K
Another win low in the itaa si rt
contained a similar notloa, Tb win
low of a Penn avet;it pbarmscy
11 ntnted a like a;. rout. cm ink
it Is understood on good authority
tout many of the drnggista will early
today anticipate the Babbalb obaerv
asct peop.o ty complaining against
themselves, Tbsv will by ,tbli tsoana
rsesivt onehelfoi tbtflat fortbeln
formation a.l such In additi u :t fw
dollara int:." way of co.u. By this
means, ll is laid, tbey cm continue to
pay a small mi.ii for i ath Bnoday't li
cense and yet make a in-it pn lit
Certain it is ti. it all di I a thriving
business yesterday, Aside from Lbs
I ktronagt derit I from many who
drink Iwcausj tbty were thirsty, ms of pc, i le, u no o.ily ta '.ulga on
eiroBB day or rourtb of July, bought
the aitx ing lliid Merely out of curi
osity i'he smalb r fry of dealers who oc-
oopy the Borsot psony-stands wer
driven to cover, aoao ol them attempt
ed business
Noue o! the bnl. rsir eoBftOtlostrt
who have tern SOSUtLotasd to Ba day
tritfflc made any exce jition of yoster
day. Theif stores on Spruce and
Lackawanna, the two streets moat oo
espied by this class of trade, were
open with no attempt t CSfleealtssnt
Am ni I s 1 s there sme'l to
I no line drawn a' tho number of
drlnka s.d l r the mantirr "f selling
th in, except that in s it) , rases a
t. r w i comp'-iied t eat himself
at n t it 1 in an adjsceiit r. oiu. Tl his
tbe same old dodge employed for the
p. si few Baadayr, but geaorally there
w is i.u.y on cm .1 :t ion r. q ur.-d lor
obtaining tbs drink- the price.
Thry Carry tho Hyde Pirk Primirios.
Claims, of Cand datOS D. P. Thomas
and C. J. G l'cspie.
Contrary to expctii isi Baturday'i
uVlegel" elections m the first 1-gnlatlv
district istt'l off quietly aad with lest
Of conflict then bad I en anticl ,'aleil in
view of tba fart t.'itt'rt :ri-l it t-,1 lig it
i. al le-en waged for a. v-rsl weeks, la
.oily three districts In Mi le I' irk was
RaprteaBtatlve John it Psrr opposed.
Osa ol these wis in t t o Fifth ward,
and two w re iii tiie Fifteenth. In each
of these Mi Ferr WOO 1: in lily.
Tho oascssi s m t ditf r. .it polling
districts of th-. forth I, i. whlob too
plan on Batot ly, Basted cm .i larsbit
escltemont, as ibt partlaaas of hi seen
in!- ep e ' ;. I 1 1.. i.. .ere p i i-. nlai Ij
active and BSCOBS le 1 in I ringing out a
large vote. Mr. TbOtSSS ClaltSI that
eleven out of lbs alxleeo delegates
elected will nrgo bis n initiation at
Tuesday's COnVOSltoU Mr Ollletpia
clsims three ol the delegates un I Pan
two, Nnd one ladtfataweBt delegate.
There is every probability that Mr.
Ol , S It will j in hands with Mr
Thomas Bod ssnd a nolted delegation
to the convention in favor of 1) 1".
Mr, Thomas bad osly arrived hom
from Vermont a few hours before tl.o
election where he had been attending
tlieUrand Isal'ie of Ivorites. Owing
to that foot ho whs to a great extent
placet at a disadvantage hat his p pu
lavity prevailed even in his absence,
Mr. Thomas Ins not yet givn up lbs
flgut, but believes that the "better
jadgrasnt of those having the int. 'rest
of the party at heart will pr iVall nt to
morrow's convention" and that the
West Side dtltgaltt "will f ui lit the
pie ,.; a mads t wo yaart sgo by a largs
number of tbt leading oitiaent when
they prOtSiSad to nominate a North
Bnd man for the legislature "
The convention will ls hold nxt
Tu s lay afternoon nt !! o'clock in St.
David's ball.
Verv Poepsrous AKsrclatlnn Is the D.
L. & W. Mutual Aid.
Tho death claim ol fiG!) for (Limit
Cnnntngliats, ot Btroudsbarg. a mam
bcr of tho Delaware, LsokaWBODa
nnd Westsrn Mutual Aid assoilatlon,
baa boss promptly puid from thosur
jiIhh of th rood.
There haa not been any aurssmmit
called for any eiaitBI for over one year
and tu is is tbt second claim paid from
tbo surplus since Murch 1, 1HU1!
COORSn now at old stand.
No. 11 ef -America
Has justbwn received at Tm; Tmnt.NB
bnsinws oflico. Parties who havs ex
amined this number prononuco it tho best
of tho series yet published. Art lovers
should not (ail to add this most meritorious
uuuiber to their collection.
Thsv Uav. Gone Down
That is prices nt Oueroser Brothers,
How Thousands of Peoplo Spjnt tlie Sail
Week Day Toilers Take Advantage
of Balmy Weather and Fill the
Parks and Woodland Resorts.
Many Stylish Turnouts Seen Alone;
Favorite Drives - Were Orderly and
Enjoyed, Yet Observed the Day.
Thousands of week day toiler touk
ml van of tho balmy watnar of
yetterdsy.and the parits and woody ro
Hortti in and adjacent to the city were
thronged soon after tho early hours of
tha morning
1 ho weather was too warm for com
fortable walking, conseqoently the
trsollon company reaped it rich har-
v st. After ii o'clock every ostward
i ound osr on all tint lines was filiud to
its utmost capacity.
No particular spot could be said to be
tbo Mecoaol the pleasuro-sef 'K-ers, every
cool nod woodland spot acptssiblc re
ceived its quota of visitors. Tlie most
generously endowed with worldly
gOodt enjoyed tiio later and cooler
hours of tbs day in driving. Many
stylish turiutit' traversed the Provi
dence boiilavard. DuntBOrt road or tbt
coder and more shady drives down
i ho Lackawanna river via Moosic or
Hundreds of South Bideri testified to
thair appreciation of Cornell park by
thronging that new, pleasant nn 1
sightly breathing spjt. Tha stairs of
tbt serVatory wart ocoppied during
sli Lours of the day, and articulnrlv
diilltig ih iifloritooit, by ,.., i.f people
K . .r nnd Ntsrslng from the plat
Porm. Tbt atmosphere was unsullied
by smoke and unobstructed by vapor,
consequently tbt tltw was well worth
the . limb.
liydo Park people, generally, clime
Round Woods or West Mountain for
tne day's pleasure, lliou;h many cams
cn - to tho resorts of the opposite
side of the river.
Ny Ang turs-, its waterfall and tha
mountain above the tunnel, attracted
probably m ire pleasure s-ekors than
Boy other locality. Family parties
were sien Winding their way oastwarl
on afoot or aboard tbs Nay Aug Falls
Una early in the day. Many were
(quipped with isaebst During the
later and more sentimental hours young
men with thair sisters or other fellows'
sisters were seen
Laurel Bill park came In for its share
of attention, and Wat visited mostly
by Don more, Qrton Ridge and central
city pe pie
Stuns of bicyclists in couples or va
riously numb red groups pulled out in
the tool hours of the early morning
eu route mostly for points down the
valley. though many pissed northward,
through Ihroop and (i,yphaiit, appar
ently bonn I for Cart ondale The
Woe.-Itsi-n came tiling In during the
eveui",- hours, COVeVed with dust an 1
with tl ii. i an I moist faces, but ap
parently satis bed with their day's out
The driving park proved the obje".
tiv jsdnl of a large number of bortt
men, Bad dtrlng the day Ibt jltiges'
an 1 gt mdslaa I were occupied by m.tny
wii Itaown locii enthusiasts watching
the ararmingsnps Of a score or more ot
llyers lo w quartered at the track.
All t..e resorts' where the pleasure
se. k' r- g .th rt 1 were ms.rU 1 by qalot
and orderly conduct. Wbrtatet may
ls th" isiotSIOf the Sundav obetrvaBOB
liiovement. certainly no fault coul . be
found with tbe OaWMaSOf of the tbon- '
sands who yesterday observed an I yot
en; i)ed the Babbalb,
Daa L Harl's l'.ay to Be Oiven for the j
I'tees riub'e Benrtlt.
1h" Bcranloc Prees dnh ha secured
Dan L Hail's new play. "A Daughter
of ll xie." f r lis annual bene ill at the
Prothtngbtra rbeatre on Monday and
I nes lay evenings. May 11 Bud tt "A
Daughter of Dixie" is th most preten-
tttms 'f Mr Hart't dramatlo tfforti
ai 1 : i ! by I n who have heard
II rend to be tquaily aa good aa
"Alalia m."
Mr. llirt has Stcsred an admirable
company to prodnoe tba tdev ana the
. . i.' ry will be all secilly painted f..r
tbt piece, Tbt company will include
(irace BbtrWOOd, who waa seen here
last season in Hie title role in "Jane;
WU lam logr iin, John Hay ' -s r in ',
Mist La if i lyl -. or The ii.-i I Left
lisiiiud Me" company! Fred Bounty,
of tne "Siberia" company; .John Ryan,
of tho or giosl "AlabatnaM aompasy,
and Kn.-tii y. ore, of the "Burglar"
Sfs i
Oos Dollar Per Barrel Saved
fly using tho noted Royal liiend Flour,
the highest grade and best family ll Hst
msUUtMtsrtd. t'-cd by thoua:u!'. Ask
your grcr for It
H. MoXTtlOsUtnt Co.. Agents,
iMWi Lai kawaiiuo avenue,
On Dan yoni grootriti of Coutsen, IN
Lackawaana avenue. e
Won lerful the worka of a wheelbar
rnw. II slmulil be uilod onoc
II is :i nmdi liner piece of
mechanism nnd shonld in
cleaned and oiled every year,
in keep it in good order.
Have it done by
W. W. Berry
The Jeweler
Mini has had twenly-five
years' expeiienee. You will
find him at
A1"7 Lacka.
Best Setsof Teeth,$8.00
InelodinR the rainless extractlnj
cl teeth by uu entirely new pro
cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
Thirty-lwo Qst Positions.
We offer special advantages during this
Rummer in linsiuest, Shorthaud and Eng
lish departments. Tho fact tha; thirty
two secured good positions during April
is tho best evidence of the practical nature
of our work. Wood's College of Busiuess
and Shorthand.
COCRBxa nt -Hi". Lackawanna
S Tokeia nowlj.ise nf life lb; lr.innto !
yon bring it into ear store. To con-
S vinoeyouof the truth of oaratateaeat
j- W" run::., a few price, "
I Tea or Coffee Pots Sb SS&up i
-'Marion Harland' ' Cofe3 Pots B5c .up i
m A toneh and there's the full u
J blsie; another toucb.goue! Clean 3
simple, fe. 75 . Bp, Many 9
ni sixes and kinds. s
OO . pp. Don't build a largs S
1 Bre this warm weather; it S
in-"- is thu whole hou-io uncom- 3
ii forUhle, 3
ti a
o We bara somstblnc entirelr new- 3
3 BHEAHB ookfng gangs tha 3
IS v.-ry Utest wonder, (Had to ahow yon 3
S the p lata i "in.' in ut.d see, It la not 3
jj to buy always. ;
128 Wyoming Ave.
We aro now displaying
;i One line of
tn COTTON, sil.K nnd
SHOE DEPARTMENT and find anything your
fancy may wish or mind dictate. Our stock represents
the Choicest Spring Styles for Men, Women and Children
Do you want anything in
Patent Leather, Russian Calf,
Kangaroo, Tan Goat, Tan Vici Kid,
Calf or Cordovan, in Lac3, Button,
Eluchor, Blucherette, Congress
and Oxfords, from
$1.25 TO $5.00
Men's Fine Russian Calf Shoes at 8 1.90; forth $2,50
Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Shoes at 8 1 .35; worth $2.00
Every pnrchavter of goods amounting to 11 or over receives a
cnanoeou the Beautiful PABLOfi SUIT.
Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA.
S. L. ( rALLBN.
We Don't Want
The Drum
Your Ear
None Cheaper
Styles Correct
We will give all a chance.
This sale will continue
for the remainder of tho
Look at This
We will offer for bal
ance of week a 40c.
Trimmed Sailor For 19c.
Also a Black
Worsted Coat,
moire trimming,
For $6.00.
cut, worth $14,
You can have your
choice of 100 Capes and
Coats for $2.98,
Worth from $7 to $15.
Don't miss this chance. It
will last for the remainder of
this week only.
J. bolz:
138 Wyoming Ave.
k m en
But we want to impress
upon you the fact that wc
are offering better values in
footwear than any other
Shoe House in Scranton.
Call and wc will prove it to
you. The benefit will not be
one-sided. We'll get a new
customer, that's true, but
you'll save money by trading
with us.
l-ACatawanm i -1 'Jtffomlng km
None Better
Prices Right