THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MOKNINft. MAY 14, 189f. SCRANTON TRIBUNE rrm.iiinr.n nAn.v in BfilUa ton, Pl BT , lut li.iiiL'.NK PususBiirg coui'Axr. Nnw Tom Oitfioe: TittnuNS Builmno, I HANK S. UltAY. MANAoXH. tnterecl at the Fostntfce at SgrMfaUt P- 01 Second-Cick .1 ii ' .).:: c 1 HE SCRAN10N TRIBUNE. r-CRANTON. MAY 14. 1801 SKNATOB Qu ay's effort to avert til9 oaUmitlei ot WiUoniim muted into law is, In tho opinion of Colonel Mc Clare, part of "thu deliberate con spiracy enton d into at the beginning of tbi session to ssorlfica the prosperity r th country for partisan adranttg. " Yes; it's the npi sition part. Charity's Ccst Appeal. The appeal which hurt been, variomiy nude in behalf of the AsAociated Clur itiee, and vhie)i will this week be practically smplMtsllsd in a personal MDVutS under the auspices of uianv generous women of our city, should re ceive liberal consideration. We be lieve, too, that it will. The warm itu- pnlses or our ohaxiteble citizens have nevei tailed yet. They will net begin to Inn or (altar now. Became tb win ter hae giren plaoe to apringi beeanM the kindly inaiiaet'i uu i freely j,''" Ing fortb warmth that bad a few weeks ago to be secured by costly artificial meant, became it it a neiwon of tra ditional relaxation are, when properly Interpreted, (be most convincing of reasons why li.o fjootl worn of jiracti eally directed charity otuut now to bo everywhere reinforced Those wboreoeired aaaitbanoe in the ritfurons winter time had no reserve in i ins. Ibey have not yet acquired any. Tiny have yet to bo can-it for until tao Indmtrial cloal is lifted, rboae who, having iu:ill savings stored awaj , last winter made no call npou the public for aid, expended their, little resource in "weathering tho winter" in the bop' that with ipring'l iawoing wonld cum renewed work aii'l Wagea 1 I tills hope, alas, many have been di.uppointed. While busi ness has tOfflOwhat iulir-.v. J in certnin dlreotiom, there has not bet-a iitcu a qoickealng of activities in our staple industries as conl.l yet aufTio to mak the bulk of cnr needy people letftap' porting, Here Ibey are, anuug at, with tiifi: small savings tpenl in breasting iue idle winter, with ere til at the aturec deuled litem in iheer uer pantile self-deXeuoa, and with amiimg ua'ure throwing into their earewora faces an nocomoioui netaage almoat el tsreastn. It is to provide, as beet may be, for iLete L.Jiuat, yet helpless re jruns, as well a to snitain, until belter tim's dsnn, me regular men bers of ttie local army of the Mem ployed, that this new apin'-il is made at this time to the well-to-do citizenship of Wealth J Scrantou. Ani'Hiir our exp irieuood an i far-eee inn bmlneal Mi-ii mere ire increasing predictions of brighter Jays an to come. We are Uttdoabtedly in what may tie called tho home strtcl of our affliction. Alter one whole year of impended production, the neoeeeitiei of the nation bare eaten up the Sttr phis stociis of preceding year of plenty and mnit eoon call once uior Upon the mills and (aetotiea and focr-a tu ru suuie their interriiptod whir, ltdfore us agiia stretches the proms of but t r times. To reach that border Ian !, to cet lafely to tbat ineplrittg path il the problem which now confront each and til of ua The call of (be Assocl ateu Charities is a call of exceptional mercy, for it is a call that hopea to ini tain many hundred of worthy but in- dividnally helpless fellow cttltent, to that, when tut) revival does c .me tni'j crii get a fair start an I pull forward with tho rest of ua in the happy har ness of rem wed Indmtrial endeavor. I'.Md.K Tin-: terms of a law which has jut rrceived gubernatori il ap proval an v person in NOW Voik stale who "wilfuilv status, delivers or trans mits by any means wbateTir to any manaer, editor, pnbiishr, rnporter or other employe Of a publisher of any newspaper, magaiioe, nblteotion, periodical or serial any ta lament coo cernlnir any person or corporati n whirl), if published therein, would be a libel, ia Kiulty of a misdemeanor." The nka maker mmt k . - The Career of Richard Croker. It ia nnfortnnat'dv possible that Kichard (Jroker'a -retirement, wliethur real or deceit! nl, may, to far as rt Intra to iiia own personality, nvart the vn (,'eance which sooner or latr overtakes deliant perverters of tno proper fnne tioiifl of political leadership. BeCttreln the possnasioii of riches whose acquisi tion would not bear investigation, he may also find security In the Ameri can public' lenient ii.ilill -nirj in those who ro or aro thrown out of of lie . nuder oitonmttanoee of jjravo hus piclon. In strict equity, be should be Itrippvd of every ill-u'ottan penny and put back to tho level of a common felon, in the parti of which many of bis hPtieiimen now serve behind barred doort. Nothing abort of this would fnliill tho traditional requirements of atern moral jnmicu; aud even then a ureat part of his ptrnicions work would remain uncorrected notably the false idea to whioti hit example hns somed to jiivo an appearance of vority tbat the theory of an uoucHt democracy, ratiiiK fairly on its merita, is impossi ble of realization in practical form. The fact that he haa been able, through a decade of cunning control of the wornt forces in our political life, to rule with almost absoln'e sway the largest, wealthiest and foremost rltyon tho wfstern hemisphere, decr.ieing not only what lawn thai city should be governed by aud whatofflcial it should pay tribute to, but defluing with ansr ii:ig cupidity and precision the exact measure of the tribute and af terward regulating the method of ita distribution, ia a compli ment to hi anrewdnosa no less than n boning reproach to the quality of our civic courage. If he shall now in Mfety get away with his booty, it will be another incident at whicti his tory will eoino day blush. But it is not against Mr. Croker personally tbat anger should be most earnestly direct ed. Ciuilty as he ia and harmful as liaro beeu the inilueuuea of bis work and example, he nevertheless became a political possibility by the grace of the community at largo; and to those who slept while thieves were plotting, mid who advanced selfish excuses while great conspiracies of municipal plan Jer were being pefeoted through aid of their negligence must finally com" bome the odium of Croker's sway und the intense nhamo of tho eyitein of which ho ia merely a transient type and product. There are persons who berate CroUer bocauae of bis raco; othura, because of hia religion and party nntecodents. They aro wrong aud also nnjust. Whilo the men who form the mainstay of our hneineta and social progres fail to exert as citizens the same careful inter ctt In public allairi that they exhibit In mattert pertaining to tueir private welfare, CrokeM will arise in all par ties; aud will lie possibilities anion;; every class aud race and creed. U it th misfortune of the DtmoOratiO party that Op to this time it has exneriened almost a monopoly of the robber mu nicipal barom ot which C'rolcer is the most familiar contemporary exemplar; jiut us it has experienced almost a monopoly of Popnliit enthmiaitl and other crack-brained preachers of im possible economics. Ye! the cure of such condition! as that which Ins for many years laid the people of Man hattan island inbjeot to th unoh toked spoliation and blackmail of tbat mer cilott I'-gniiinui of perfected crruii known s Tamuiauy is to bo tooght rather along lines of concerted action by honest citizens of all parties thau ..lou dues which divido cur repotal le clttsentbipi as well 111 our political gnerlllaa, into oppotlng camps. Tao appeal must be Ineettantly made to the o intclenot and (he character in our citlsenehip; these mmt be quickened until Crokeritn i"comui leas common; and public indifference under the ux actiom of botstsm'e tyranny and onpld Ity a f ct of the past That suc'.i a consummation is not un Iridescent dream Croker's own (light vividly empblsista As Charles Em ory Bmitb very aptly say.-., "if Mr. Croker's despotic r ia m irks the do cility of the people, bis abdication sng getts the possibilities of their venge ance. ' 4 tm The ukiai warfare between the '(r.into-i md Carbondale Traction companies whlcnwill tomorrow coma for final adjudication bforo Jodge Archbald i an interesting one. iiiv install) d to complete its Hue to the southern boundary of Archbald bor ough within the time limit ipei ill -.1 In ton ordinance granting It tha franc law, Its Carbondale company now seeks to prevent by Injunction lb enterprleing Bcranton compititr from uett.:. in, eithtr. The point of interest to the Bcranton public it that if the local company wins it Kill givtns direct cm munleatlon with an enterprising near ty oommooity and aid to Bcr an ton's trade; whereas, if tbi battls bedeold I the other way, Carbondale will pi II nat, ad. ::. r .n' c.i ins. of cnrie, like Carbondale; foi it is u thrifty city tnat :.. king maii.ificeut progrett. Out Bcranton! am are .mo jost a trifle sei- tish. Tby WOttld naturally prefer a victory to n, especlnlly if it could afterward b S&loably adjusted sritbool leaving laeting arena is. Dr. Talmage't III Luck. The ciuza of Bcranton, remember - Ing lh .r iwn baptism of fire as twn e exemplified In the snd'l,i detlmctio-i of the magnificent and fondly bnilt new Blm Park church, will know how tosympatttlst wit i the Brooklyn pas lor a'.d congregation whossj Utttt af fllotlon seems almoit llks a duplicate of their own. There is, bowevar, an ee perial heavineti in the Brooklyn mu -lortune that under the itin.-r.iry rnle Methodist cangr 'gstion tn ty not know Within the past w.k. Ilsr I)r. Til mag bad colebrat-d the silvr annl rerear) of bis pis' irate or-r this p i pie, and ws about to bring t'l i happv occasl a to a climax of mutual thank fnlntss wl ea the commem -ration wn radtly and almost Irrevereatly tutor-, rapt l by ilf.'t lying fl irnet Tberohai been no lack of criticism f( r Mr TalmagS, both at a pr.'iichnr an 1 as a mm. The trstiino-iy on many points of minor conduct is. to say the least, conflicting. Bttl these aro tri VialttlM 'cirolv worthy of evnn pis i:.- ; Mi nti ci oinpnt'-d with t!o yr.-at Intel -t wi'.ii-h his life-work has in - ; red, compared with the millions of V'tues to which he hat brought initrn--tion, -ntertalnmint nn.1 cheer, com psred with the grat impet'is flit hit v.vid r ownrs of crstorv have imparted to the practical evangelisation of our lay. The verdict of history upon such a career as bis will .leal charitably with faults or thortcomi'iga if the B IB and expend Its richest unlotrut upon the perlepB energy and effectiveness pf bis completed work. In proportion, therefore, bis proich ing has been spread afar will toere be sorrow felt at this, his present trial, and at the disappointment and loss of those who bare bnri th immediate partners of bis pastorate. It cannot be denied tbat of all the ministers now eminent in on: land Dr. Tilraage In his inany-.lded character and personalitv, represents a p"or!ess fore for good. Like a painting whose nnnjfn painter ni".y bo whatsoever be may, or a song whose tingor is to tho majority of ita auditors an entity unknown, the preach ing and teachings of Talmage are a great factor in nur modern life, wholly Independent of the defects of the teacher. It will be the general prayer, among those given to praying, that this good work may not be long inter rupted even by a third obstacle of Ore, - - mm The ISTIUIS'l'tXa iiss'rlion is nude that the Mary Washington memorial monument recently dsdlosted In Fred ericksburg was the lirst instance m history of women thus uniting to honor one of their sex, If this bo true it is a happy sign of present progress; but true or false, the deed itself is a gra cious one, which honors ail who had any share in it. More Fountains Arc Needed. A conscientious subscriber, moved thereto by the popular Intorest exhib ited in the local agitation for Sunday cloainc, favors The TUBURI with a communication which Bsks, in tub stance, why tho taxpayera of Soranton ihonld expend 40,000 to $80,000 ench your on a police force that poriults tho Brooks law to be violated without en tering a protest. This disposition to bluine the police for derelictions of which they nre not guilty doubtless arises from the habit of confusing city with county and cotumonwealtli of ficials. It i3 the duty of the city police of Bcranton to ta'.; oognisauoe of anch offences against life and property ai wonld first bo brought for trial bofo.-o a city magistrate. Inf raclioiia of tho liceuso law aro not tried by the mayo r. They belong within the jurisdiction of the quarter sessions court and mud, therefore, ho reported by the constables of that court; or by oltlstns Who may volunteer to giv information. Onr correspondent, therefore, u in error in c'.ir.rifing h'nud.iy violations of the liquor law to the inadequacy of the police. Iu another part of his letter, however, be makes a suggestion worthy of consideration, it is that if a few more public fountains woro dis tributed about tho city, wh-re thirs y persons could get kooJ. cold wet'T, there WOUld be I It need than at pre sent for drog stores to remain open for the pnrpo-9 of retailing soda water There i an unfortunate disposition jmt now to pursue the Sunday obssr vance movement to nnntoessary is trems It oan. In the eyes of a groat majority of persons, do little harm for a man to sell a glass of retreshin sod i water on Sunday; and it may dogood. Hut on any and all days, thero ought to be u abundance of convenient places where the public coul l get cold water for drinking purposes, without cost Wo oertalnly need more public fountains mm Tub pkath of General McCartney cm. almost without warning, liken flash of his own brilliant reparteo, or o:e of thoat elctricl touch' of I rln s with which tin gleaming or a u.rv w.n so wont to bo studded. It is llffleult at this dlstsnoe for Bcranton lana yet to realise tbat tho spesker who a id h in my tun s casrmd them wit !i ids emaglng versatility ond mental breadt., , the attorney whosj arts of thrust and parry Wi re not surpustud in this section and th'- man whoso maiiv t i led character nboun led In gifts that won unvarying admiration and in traitt that invite) friendships ol adamant has, in the very vigor of hit virile powers, been abruptly cslU l to I t. 1 i Ji... ., h. ;. of I : i .1 1 S s"!siilioli of tear and Shock, We pome and marvel nr.fw at the mystery which me.- c il! I ,' USIC aoa ivj usKi.ins. Among tha Soraotonlant who list (Bad list Friday nig t to Uaui.UI't oralurio, ".I id s Ktoeabatw as anng by tn Wiik- Btrrt Oratotio Society, tlir. are SCVStnl Who think that, notwit'-.stindini; me sonoront bam vt Mr Ml It, haard to h-s: sdvan- tage perhaps la "Be Comforted.' aul the smooth an I tlu'nt senor of n,a Davis, whose ringing ot "Sonu.i an inn'' w. s w .... ing ;.,u. lo bear, tno real honor u( the vniiig w,rr , dttpita ir moiietty and bocom- intr Mrvomneea, by ICw Kanr. uf v, likes Berre When It la r.ui imheired that I in was '!'.- I,:.', appttr.tnr as a soloist m a pvodaollon of msgnltndt sn I that ber msodlatSS were a-liats f Inter astloBel renosrn her r nre. il I tie and cxqulsiU aopian., v-oi be psrdoaea for sesss ttmMlty, Or MsBoii't tribute, however, will tin - pre msny peveom at r wing close in thelrut i BaidtW: 'lh-re it s" prano for ton that amb di s cos f the gtuat pottllilltits ot Auv ricau music i le of t!i illustration of th Ingrat ituinof mistical peonle Itglveu in t m saner of prettr l-H Pox tii oinic ..p.-r i '. ir I) ',!i i ai l, owe btrsnooeas almeel entirely to Mis Eiiiuia Btelner, tha wii known orcbestral oostdocl atlas Bteiuof di aovei l Delia and brought btr out, and in the cUys when th- former on Inct-d the performanoee f the Bennett .v V Hilton opera troupe an I l)-lla Fo played the leading role, Use twj wer--rett friends I i time tha talents of the young singer vr reeognlctd by metropolitan in .n..girs and fani- ad fortune smiled opou ber. Did the then take ber Old benefactor by the i and sad repay the favors of the pastl !in' ur.u'i .'.;.- :-iinr is. in . Iliilon i to btiait an eie-ll.-nt coadnclor, a 0 BV ! ; or of oonsldernbls in.nt. Mis. 8iner. It it aid. rompoiad eu opera which the desired to b IVC brought out by 1 Wolf Hopper. 8he atked 1-. i to Intercede tor htr, but the latter positively relnsol and WOttld 0 It allow H'ppar to even look at tne opera It isi;d that sine-' lh opra episode Delia P sbm turned tbo coldehonlder upon b.-r beai fSjotOf and will have nothing whatever to do with the woman who w it iuttr.iineuttl in plac i iyt her upon the bottom rungs of the ladder o! fern i a e Trofeisor Pr .theroe liavlne resigned as musical oooduol W at the Blm l'ark Methodist Kpi-c qui chorcb,th rhorut choir will I", dispensed With after June 1 and the ia will b-i r-ndr! bv a quartette under direction of Professor i arter. a Mr. Prsd Wbittimere hssschleved great success as a conductor of music iu I nndsy school j. Mr. Wbmiiuoro has charge of the music at Trinity Church Sunday SObool, which con venes nt U o'clock, and also lead the Mimical service in the Blm Park sn day school at I o'elo lb Mr. Radollffe, -f Bingham too, the director in charge of Him presentation of the "Pirates of Pensanm" at Oar- bondlUO. was tn th ) city yotterday and rendered colot at tho Second i'retby- terian ohurob. Ur, Hadcliffe has a magnificent voice and his efforts were greatly admit 1 1. a t Tt ii D.ivi', lie lenowned Welsh tenor, has accepted a dedication of Professor Proth-roe's latest composi tion, "Good Night. Beloved," and will render tho song on his return to Eng land. - e THE LAND Of MU4MS. Come, clem up ynnr .-yes, my little one, Ami on: to the land of dreams Where ever shines t tit: beautiful sun, And tm farics piny The whole long day, And never nra Weary With all their fun, In the woiuloi'lnl land of dreams. Before you may reach this land so fair You pats through the realms of nod, A gloomy land, for King Nigbtreigna tbere And all seems drear; liut have no fear, A lullaby nwift my sweet shall biar 'llireiiuli those mystical realms of nod. So close up your eves and start on your way To the beautiful land of dreams, And join With the fairies In their play, In that land bright Where comes uo night, But ever and aye dwells the ehintng day. In the plorlous land of dreams. John 11. Lwit, in lloiton Ulubt. THEbestinvestment in real estate is to keep build ings well painted. Paint protects the house and saves repairs. You sometimes want to sell many a good house has remained unsold Kir want of paint. The rule should h though, "the best paint or none." That means Strictly Pure White Lead You cannot afford to use cheap paints. To be sure of getting Strict ly Pure White Lead, look at the brand ; any of these are safe : "Atlantic." "fleymer-3auman." "Jewctt,'' "Davis-Chambers," 'Taanestock," "Armstrong & McKolvy." For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pin e White- Lead Tinting Colors. Th.- mlnr nrr sold in OBS-poesd Cflns, each can In-line suffictefll to Wat S5 pounds of strictly run What Lead tbt deslrtd tnadei tbtyart in no tense ready-mixed paints, but : cnniblQatlon of prrfectlv per, colon In the haadlttt leim to lim Strictly Cure WhHt I cad, Akki. ITUJUlylboiJ and dot lan Imve leen saved proper! y-ownen bj bavins out hook on Dantttec anil cel. .r-tard. Suid utapottal card und Mt boih II M, NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Carriages, Refrigerators Mill & Connell 131 and 133 N. Washington Ave. Large Stock !-::::m Prices li 1 1 , & Co 422 LACKA. AVE. e A ' . ' T TT - i?T! - . . mm sansj I i mjl i A I t r t r 1 M63.I MSFKBt Tka Finest in the lit Tl.o latctt ImprOTed fnr nlebintt ami spparttns for koejvin,; maat, t ultnr an l egua 'I'M Wiomltic Ave. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Qualified Veterinary Surgeon, Over T.iirty Years'tJCxiwrlanco Practical Shoeing Qrsdnate of tne American Veterinary OoUtsje. The tnatm ml of LAMIKKS I and I fUor lin 1-ttiliuientM ,n t' I.. ... in -lit i of li tmh every afternoon, tanin and Hick .oinn.iU examined and pre . r;l-il !or : i -o ol c!i.ii-.-.' o .-ry Monday from I lolP.lf, 13 ti i' tinid'iir and loUtrlni all Hoeeewsf AV With brill', nm of IIAKTMAN" M 'AT NT PAINT, wlilcli consists of Inir.cdi ntn well-know to all II mane applied to tin, Balvantsed t n, ..i iet Iron roofe, aieo to ir ck dn-clli'iiiK, whic'i ,11 pr-vciit ;itilutelv any criunblinir, rrai-kiai; bre.ikini: of t lie bnili. It will on 1 1 1,: irmlnir or any kind by y ycir-i.iitiil it' dnei not exeood oil ! Illtli lint, i ill. co, ,,f ll-inliu- l-t sold by tit.' o'. or i" ni I. Contr.ict.s t Hem In ANTUNIU ItAUTMANN, 617 Much St. WANT a AnsttMflnS Henry t. Mlll.r ICjtlN rlsss All extra BBS "('iiielti'rini; "Sijimro l'iiiqn A ftdod HaUiss BroShsrs BQniirs risnow.t A k" I Meyer HrutllnrH Mjiuiro l'iam a food l'irtii ,t Pond Bqssrs I'num A koihI l'lniihuniii rliiuir.i l'iam a very mm Boaton Pisao t o. wtlnnl CprlKlit A very K'"'1 WheelneU I'lirlnlit l'luii.i.. A vet ituo.1 wboalook upngnt Piano.. tm in ion 190 ISO ljU iaby Cedar Chests -A CLEMONS GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE 1 is in GOLDSMITH'S ALL ALONG The shower of encomiums constantly passed upon our goods don't fall upon any particular branch or kind alone. Everything we keep, from the homely Muslins, to the fascinating Wash Fabrics in Cottons, to the useful Flannels, to the natty Dress Goods in Woolens, share alike in the rain of compliments. In Notions and Furnishings S Those Scotch Dimitios now in our windows. Tho Lovely and Artistic Parasols and Umbrellas. Laundried, Unlaundried and Silk Waists. Covort Cloth and Serge Ladies' Suits. Carpets and Draperies Never so varied and so cheap as now. Thousands of Remnants of Worsted and Wash Dress Goods In our Basement, which are thirsting for buyers at eager prices. Extraordinary Sale of mmiiniiHii J EI"T"$El l,!!!',,,m",r $2.QS $3.98 $4.98 WEBB 6 00 In Tans, Browns, Navy and a Victors With the New Valve3 Out of Sigh (htr new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 31 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDR0NS, And a full line of Hoy:-,' and Girls' Wheel We an- mak in extremely low pticei on Second-hand Wheeli 11 uiii 1 314 Lacka. Ave. Fountain lVns Fountain Tens Fountain Tens SPKCI AL F )K' A PEW i AYS A Guaranteed Foun tain Pen, regular price $1. 50, f( r 98 Cents Reynolds Bros. Stalionsrs and Encrverv BIT LACKAWANNA A B Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists Ft tooth. 15.1(1 ; 1ot wt, ?: for cnM mpj sm toetii wit!i..ut iitat.-H, c-niiivt srawn SM lirldco work, cnll fur irice nd rcfororom. '1 'SAI.dtA. Inr .'Xtrii.-tin.; liutb witbout ftl Nuutlivr. ,No Ki OVKIl I'lIM NATIONAL HANK. J.DMLI1 iBilC Piano or Oran Clieap? LOOK AT THE LIST: I A very toou laonlaftf Dprlfht Piano, . OROANSi. A IfaiOn A Hiunllii, nearly iK.n-.liipth tup, I (loulilu reeil I An a. B. Ohaasi aaarly now, uiitopi I (Uml.lo reod A GhioafO Cottai,-e,neiirly DW, liin'i topi doabls raad A Woreestor, nearly now, lilgli toi, duniiio raad 8 Ml 224 i. and Crgana at Wholesnlo nud ltotall, on luntallmonta. 8 THE LME "Examples miRlit be heaped until they hide The rules, which they vrtre made to ranilor ET WEKEttj.-iO Black, of Covert Cloth, Kersey and Diagonals. Such aiauyiuei- never Known oeiore. I THE : COLUMBIA : BICYCLE : AGENc7 9 224 Spruce St, Cp. Tribune Office. IU1W O lL X7E offer the Bneit lino of Wl 1. uf all gr.'i atul uarantovrjr inachioe JE D Pttrcbawra laagbt la rtda fr f rlmr.,. cll for cailogui-. w JUST tfAHRIKDI Qolng to hotuekoeping, of course. Don't make :i miitaka nt the beginniog and fail to got au EASTER OR HOWARD RANGE OR ALASKA REFRIGERATOR Wo bavo then ami many other tiling you want. Foote & Sliear Co. 513 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. UIIIUII1!i:illHIIII9llllllll.ll!IIIIIIIIIHnCIUtlM!lllllll!lllillllllllllllllllllllIS 1 n M 1 1 w iiititiiiiiiiiin:tjiuiiii!i!ii.iiuiiMiiiitniiiiiu!rii:fsiiiiniii!i!iiiiiiiiiiirimiR Wed i iinu' Ringssm The ber.t is none too good. Ours are 18-k. All sizes and weights. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 Lackawanna Ave. The Great Marvel of Dental Science Ansesthene A recent discovery ami tho sole property of Henwood & Wardell, i i:tists, 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J.O. BE AMOKS SAYS ADOUT ANJBSTHENB, IIIIS. IIKNWOOli it WAUUKM.: Alter hStVlag clt-vcn ti-i lh ritinctcil lit om .Mm. i.y tin, palnitM msthod) 1 pro BOBQSS 'I -iitir(.Iy BSlSlsfMtorV l every inirlli uhir. J. O. IBAMONft M ; A KtniiiliirJ.nonrly naW,hifn MPiaOBMS raad u A Kliouingar, nearly new, liigli top, dnul.le reeil 85 I Ami alKint :1i other B.mtl nei-on.l hand or- Kans, r.i t.i ii". Thaabovaeoltsatlonof Baoona-hana intra - nieiita nre nil in koi"' order, fully irmran- B0taad.4fca raatast bsraaina ever offarMn this city. Call ami seo tliein. lniUIUMntS or dlHcotint f ir eai-h. WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON. BAZAAR plain." SUFFICE WERE 118.00 IS IT NOT A BEAUTY? I THE I "ELECTRS"! GAITER sm Globe Shoa Store I til L A Civ A. AVlv Z Evans & Powell S FIRST MORTGAGE 6 BONOS OF Tin: FORTY FORT COAL WD AM1 A limited number of tli aiiovo loiuls are for sale at par anil ac crnod interest by the following parties, from whom copies of tho mortgage and fall Information can be obtained) B.W. Mulligan, Cashier Second National Bank, Wilkes-Harre, Pa. W. I, Watson. Cashier First Xa Uonal Bank, Pittston, Fa, J. L. Polen, Cashier People's Savings Bank, Pittston, Pit. A. A. Bryden,President Minors' Savings Hank, Pittston, Pa. Anil by the Soranton Savings I lank and Trust Comp any, Trustee (tnder tho Mortgage. T. B, Atherton, Counsel, WILKES BARBS, PA. Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at the inta of ONE CENT A WORO. win