The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 14, 1894, Image 1

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    The Third
Series of Multichromes
now ready.
Those who
wish them should order
HE Til
His Beautiful New Taber
nacle in Ashes.
Great Excitement Among tbe Guests In the
House of Entertainment.
The Beautiful Edifice at Corner of
Clinton and Greene Avenues Dis
covered to Uo on Fire at Noon Yes
terday Before tlie Firemen Arrive
thj Flamet Beyond Control Inside
of Thirty Minutes from the Discov
ery of Fire, the Roof Falls ln--Hotel
Recent Also Burned and Several
Guests Who Are III Are Carried Out
New York. May IS.
p1 IKE seems to be the Nemesis of
L Rt v. T. Do Witt Taltnaga nod the
P members of his congregation.
J Tli"ir beaotifol new tabernacle nt
luu corner of Cllntoo and Greene
mvhiu' , Brooklyn, wat dettrojrd by
t'.r- tbil afternoon Flnni.s broke out
in the church edifice just after those
who bd att'Ti led the morning eervic--had
left the building Not only wu
the church destroyed, but a nearby
hotel and a number of buildings were
aleo greatly damaged. Had the fire
broken outone hour e.trlur while the
bnildiog was filled with wonbippen,
it is ,-ilnioat eertain that a dreadful
panic end loss of lifewouli hire re
tailed. This is t ho third time that the Tal
muge taternaeto h is been daetrotd uy
fire l!y a singular coincidence each
tire occurred on u Sunday. Every
tlingin lb tabernacl- today was de
stroyed with the fuil ling Perhaps the
loss wbich will grieve Dr. In linage't
la that of tbe memorial ttonea which
be bibogbt from the east ,md wliich
were set in tbe will at the fight of tbe
organ, encased in stereo-relief work
Xbaf wn- f 'iir in number. Toe Ui
Mock whs from i.-ilrary and bore the
Word "Sacrifice." Tbe atone below
from Mount Sinai, bearing on it '"The
Liw." The bot:oi:i it 004 is from Mars
Jtlill an I bears the inscription, "Gflt
pl." Tne front stone was mi mark -el.
'"A more nniqM Collection never was
gather-d from one place," Dr. Tiltnag
ays of than.
Tr.- fire was discovered shortly after
12 o'clock, just after the congregation
bad been disrniseeil from tbe morning
service. Dr. Taltnajfe was in the church
shaking hands witb Borne of tbe c u
gTegatiot when a small bo rushed in
thechnreli through one of tbe opau
doors and informed the sexton, James
Day, that he hd a -en smoke romiuir
ont of tbe windows of the Wav-rly
avenue si.J . of the rhnreb. Mr Day
without speaking to Dr Talmage,
rnshid down stairs to the motor room
and U'gan making a thorough examin
ation Altai searching around all the
corners of tne room and not being able
to bml nny indications of fire, he ran
uu .'tnir. As ha entered the church
he taet Dr. Talmage with Dr. Moody.
They I. ad also smell-d smoke.
The boy who first entered the church
and informed Mr. Day of tbe fire, then
Tolniiteered to go op in tha bad: of the
organ to see if it was vhere. lie did
r, and a second later he appeared be
fore the geOtlfBeO who were wailing
for him. with his face blacken! and
nlinost snffooated from smoke. All lie
conld say was that be discovered tbe
tire in the lark of the organ. Dr. Tal
lage, Mr Day and Mr. Mooly then
started lor tbe organ, but before they
could get near it, a gust of 11 .me broke
frcm the top The gentlemen then
niade a hurried exit.
In the meaiiliine.ex-Supervisor Bawd,
who was in the Snminertiild Methodist
Episcopal church, directly opposite
from tne tabernacle, had also seen the
smoke coming from the tabernacle win
dow and had sent in an alarm of Bit,
Ur the time the firemen arrived the
il'imis were bursting front all the
church Windows. Two extra alarms,
and finally a sii'( ial call were sent in,
bringing all of the engines In Brooklyn
end Williamsburg to the' fire. The
flames spread with lightning rapidity
and the sparks flew iu all directions.
The Interior of the chnrch was it
seething, muring mass of 11 iiiws inside
of thirty minutes after the fire was dis
covered, and by 1 o'clock tbe roof and
the handsome stoeple had fallen in.
Great jots of tlania shot nerns-i the
open space, between the tabernacle and
the Hotel Regent, which is next to the
cburcb on Clinton avenue, and in a
short space of time that portion of the
hotel nearest the church was burning
The Regent is a family hotel. Tho
guests Hod in dismay. Home of them
stopped to throw their valuables and
clothing from the windows, while
others hurried to places of safety just
as they hsppsued to be apparelled
when the panic struck them, At the
time of the fire there wero eighty-five
guests and ninety servants In the hotel,
and many of these bad narrow escapee.
The fire extended to the hotel between
the first and second floors. Before the
employes gave the alarm they at
tempted to get it under control. The
fire anon spread up to the third and
fourth floors, however, and the gnosis
end servants rushed pell tnell into the
aire. ts.
There- were two ladl-a dn the hotel
who hrd to Lo carried out On the
filth floor, Mrs. Loomis, of Savannah,
Ga., was lying ill with her young baby
'few days old, She wiicarriod safely
from the burning hotel, and with her
child was removed in an ambulance
to the hospital. Miss Kean, tbe assist
ant housekeeper of the hotel was also
carried from the building. She had
just passed tnrough a severe illnesB, but
was convalescent,
The flames spread rapidly through
the hotel, and it ton was soon afire
from cellar to roof. The firemen then
devoted their efforts to save snrround
ing property. A number of dwellings
in the vicinity can-.rlit fire again and
again, but the firemen each time
flooded them with water an 1 extin
guished the flumes. The Snmmervillo
Methodist Episcopal church at Greene
and Washington nvennes, alio caught
tire from flying sparks, but the lliuies
were soon extinguished. Tho n timer
oils small fires coiitbuou until 4
The tabernacle and Hotel Regout
were completely gutted. The total loss
la itdmatedata little over $1,000,000.
The loss on the Hotel Regent, inelud
log tbe building, paintings ntid the
guest's household goo Is will amount to
about $000, (KM) The loss on the tab
eriiaolo is about nMOO 000, and the ad
joining buildings are reported to be
damaged to tho i xtont of $50,000. It
I" sai I that the hotel was insure 1 for
Pour firemen were overcome by heat
during the progress of tbe tUm-s and
had to be removed from the scene. All
subsequently recov r.'i. It ia sup
posed the tire was caused by it ipsrk
from one of the electric light wires bj
bind the organ in tbe tabernacle.
Dewit; Talmage added tiist he was
unable to tell whsther the lire would
interfere with his future plana. He
had intended to leave Hroikhn tomor
row evening on his tuiiim-r trip to
Europe. He did not know this after
noon if the disaster would d"lav him
The siiiij'K't of Dr Talmage's ser
mon this morning was "'A Cbearfol
Church." Tne t"xt was BoiOBOOt
song, chapter 5'tb, Btatverae: -Tle-hoi
L rboa Art I'.tir, My Ljvo. "
It was only on Thuisday and Friday
last that H-v. Dr. Talmage cel-br ited
in the tatx-rn cle tne coinnleiian of
toa twen'y-tifth year of his pastorate
The tabernacl occnple 1 a plot of
groaod SOO by 118 feet in dimensions
Tbe style of the trcblteetnra wm ttn
naoetqoe, the material aoraebill itooe
and raiDWaabed brick In red mortar
The roof was covered with Spanish
tiles The main tower at I ireene ami
Clin tOO avenues stood 160 feet in
hi-igbt. The iu mi eBtraoce was nt
Clinton and Greene avenue-, a secon I
entrance was an Clinton aVtOOOatlda
third on Wiv-rlv avenoe.
'lh vt Interior heid setts for -I Vi i,
Tim general slope was aiuptii-'.h.-itn-cal
The loflv ceiling ws dOOMd and
divided into p u, els. the inatert 1 used
baiog of a patent Or'- proof woo J, which
lnci lent .!.) was detr ..vod with th reat
ot tho ban ling.
Tbe magmflo-nt organ, in the loft
over which the fire appears to have ori
ginated, wss back of tbe rostrum, the
woodwork encasing it leingof uu ash
aiealy paneled and ornsm nted wm,
cnrvid columns. The glass used
thtoughont tba building was a combi
nation of frosted crystal and various
snadea of yellow, giving a wry ineiiow
There wer- two galleries finished
with ster.'C-rlif worit. There was iu
the tabfrnacie a library and a kitcln-u
and supper room to be used in conm u
tlOO witb fairs
The taberm.cle had a debt of 1100.000
and recontly Dr. Talmage IbltralVBtd
to leave the psstorate, but financial aid
was promid and Dr. Talmage decided
to stay.
The first tire which eff-cted Mr. Tal
mage occurred in D'cemtar 1871, a
10 110 o'clock in the morning. The
enurebjwas then situated at Baokotttnd
Schem-rhorn streets. Another chore i
was imilt ou the same site and on Oei
S. s-0. was lurried down at J ocli)ck
in lh.- morning. The oongragatioo
then moved up town to (ttOOBi and
Clinton avenues, where fire for the
third time overlook Mr. Talmage and
burned bia church down
The board of trustees of the taber
nacle tonight hell a meeting in the
house of Dr. Talmage, at which it was
decided to rebuild the tabernacle. The
trustees say th it Mr. Talmage is to
tart on his trip around the world as
fust Intended.
The statement givon ont by the
trustees ia Hint from the insurance,
receipts and m uey realized fan the
tale of land, they will pay all debts
Within a year the work of rebuilding
will begin. They will sell the pnsent
laud where the tire occtirrud and move
to another site and buy it at a cost of
not more than 170,090, The tabernacle
was insured for i 180, 000.
Colonel Ulcawbir Fliaerald'e Talk Was
Too Lurid f ir a P-sc L-ader.
Philadelphia, May 18 The Boaioo
delegation of tbe ( oxey contingent
under the leadership of "Colouel"
Mioawber D. Fitzgerald, which ai
nved hero on Eriday, nnve been roy
ally eutertained by the Socialistic
Labor party of this city. Fitlgerald
disclaims connection or sympathy
with Coxey, but from the trend of tbe
addresses of the majority of the speak
ers, his views and objects are literally
the same.
Tonight a meeting was held in a
hall at Third and Lombard atrnets,
and the police arrested Fitzgerald for
making an incendiary speech. Two
Russians wore taken along witb him,
Fow Buffalo women signed the woman
suffrage petition to the constiiutioual con
vention. Thirty days' fasting ended tho life of ox
County Baoordaf J- 1'. M. Uoodmnn, of
Anbland, (1.
Illinois Populists will test in crnrt tlm
constitutionality of tho Rlato senatorial
Starving laborers of Grand Rapids,
Mn 1 . demanded work of Ma or Fisher,
who promised relief.
Drury college, Missouri, in given 110,000
by li A. (Jooduow, of Worcester, Mass,, to
help build a dormitory.
The play policy, Treasurer A. W. Otlei,
of the Gloucester, (Mass,) Fish company,
stole (7,500, but was caught.
With Mttioai delib-ration, William C.
Bpellmaa, of New York, sought death in
baliug gas through u rubber tube.
Camp Liberty, Coxey 's New Quarters, Quiet
The Commonweal Soldiers Not Al
lowed to Indulge in Oratorical Fire
works in Prince George's County.
Browne Delivers a Blasphemous
Discourse on Revelation The Gen
eral Occupies Comfortable Parlors
in a Washington Hotel Movements
of Tramps Elsewhere.
Wasiiisuton. May 19
T was a dull Sunday iu the Cony
camp over tba Maryland line near
BUdtoabarg, '"Camp Liberty" s
Hrcwne has dabbed it in contra
distinction to "Camp Tyranny," in tins
city, from which the Coxey forces
wero ejected na public nuisances.
Coxey bimaalff Who rotains his own
comfort ibie p triors iu one of th
Washington botala and shares none of
the hardship of his followers, went
out with his wife and baby and paid
the men a brief visit Brow ne preaobed
a serin in a little more blasphemous
than uu "Revelation. "
The lest of the dav was occupied by
the Oozeyitoa la bathing in tba adjac
ent fatten branch of the PotOBaOi
playing oarde and listening lotbant-
gro ban jo players, their latest acqolal
tlon. Visitors lo the camp were com
paratively few in number and unr. -Booaratlva
Tbe grove is aooloaad
with canvas llkt a circus and some
small admission foe is attempts 1 to be
charged. Mi t of tbe men last nigh:
ah-pt on the bare ground with a canvas
covering over tbaflt,
Waroed by iboir azparionoa of last
niglit. Cosey an I Browne did not al
tanpl any lncnisiooa into tha neigh
boring village! to lay. lhey tried il
ou at Byattavllla I ist night with very
indifferent inootaa, Just a the citizens
w- re aaaaobjiag lo mass me-ting to lake
steps to praVl lit tho armv fr m staying
in tholf BOW camp, OoStf and BrOWOa,
with a f-w fi HoWrs and the panorsmt
wagou, cam into town with the intui.
tlon of m iking speecbea. Tb nw-.
struck llko O boll of llghtolng in the
meeting and th- 01 lltOBMOll ros high
A Committee was appointed to wait
on Coxey aod BrOWOO, who were in
front of the ball, to tnfoim them that
th- y coul I not ipt-ak In tbe town
When Ooaag wan t-dd that be c uii I
not apeak on the streets he apoearad
much surprised and at first HM that
be would speak at any peril At this
sunt tha excitement Has at fever beat
and it looked lor a time as tnongh
tl.ere Would be a t-neral light.
l!r 'Win- was t r.atened witn arrest by
Deputy Sheriff Daroall, of l'rinc
Goofgo'a county, and hi dfli-l l tie III
cer. Hiking if the couiiuiHsiunets of
Hyattavllla wota oppoaad totns c;-
maKing, and tne r -sp .use cam-' f in
three of them Who Wire present that
they were.
"That s. Hie it." aaid BfOWM "W
an- law abiding cit z-na, and will nut
do anything in vi-dation of your or
ders " Oozay BaMwbila oral seated
in bil two bona vehicle. Suddenly tbe
eriea of "move on" came from the large
"Mr. Coxey," said one of the com
missioners, "lr yon iio not move on In
five minutes, w- will order yonr ar
rest. "
Coxey tnov.-d and the citizsu sp
pointed h viglUio-e t-oinmitlee to gu ml
the town at nig nt mid sis., designated
a poaie to aasist the sherifT In nase of
need. If anything like a DOiatOOO A -voloi
from the praoaoea of the camp
on Maryland lul. Qoftroor Browos
intlinatei that Iih will sustain the
sherltf in enforcing the Vagrant laws
with the utmost vigor.
Tai oma. Wain , Mar .-Sympi-
Ibiaara with tba t oxey movoattaot an
lunch excited ov.-r tlu- news of the bat
tle in Batter it 'A'ashilgton C Egbert,
a well known Popolitt, is laid to have
stated that he has 1,000 men ready to
release tne OOBfllOOWtolatl wdio are
being brought from Y.tkiina under ar
reat. Tbe iym path loan gathered iu
group about town and talked in a
tbraattolog manner
Aim us, Cala , May 18 --Gtneral
Drnmmond and his industrials left
Yakima ou a freight train for Truckee,
At Clipper Gap, seven miles nut, Hie
railway refused to tarry lln-m further
The railroad offldalt have telegiapbe-l
for protection.
LoVKLiKK, Nev , May 18 -Fifty in
diiHtrials aro in pOOMtlOO of a freight
train lier. War was waged yosterdiy
between the rnllroid officials and tne
man. The sheriff is endeavoring to
force the men olf.
GitKENsm no, Pit , May 18 Colonel
Galvin's army arrived here from Jean
netie this afternoon, and nre encamped
tonight at Eleotric park The army
were met at a point about a mile west
or town by Mayor Snito and Chief of
Police Bomor. who escorted them to
the park.
Great Damage in Pennsylvania Lumbar
Cole Grove, May 13, Forest fires
are raging up Chritlan aod Daley Hol
lows, near till place. Lumber camps
owned by S. Ricker, Sherman Phillips,
Charles Reiuier and Frauu Phillips
have been destroyed.
C D. Comes loses several hundred
thonsand feet of logs that were on skid
wav ready for removal.
CharUs Ftatherer Seriouly Wounded In
;h Dlschara of Duty.
Woodbury, n. j., May 13 Fish
Wardens Charles Foal barer and John
Adams were shot near Bridgeport this
morning while trying to capture fisher
men who were violating tbe Snnday
fishing law and several shots were ex
obunged between tbe wardens aud tbe
fishermen, and Fentherer was shot in
the breast and Adams was slightly
wounded in the arm.
Alter the shooting the fishermen es
caped. Fo.itherer is in a critical con
dition and may die.
So Far as Concerns tba Pana Miners
the AfTsir Is Over.
Pana, 111., May id The sttik of
tho coal miners at this place has been
dfclond off and all tba minori who
could secure work returned to their du
tits yesterday morning.
There were over B6Q of the strikers
who wero told their services would not
again be wanted, The cause of the
calling off of the atrike is, the union
men claim, the report that McBride
has told them out.
Prssldint Dsbi May O der a General
Htrlk on th Li is.
6t, Paul, Miun., Hay 18. Amtrioan
Railway Union delegates to a general
Conference were in session at Labor
hall all this afternoon and evening and
at midnight tonight it it announced
that 11 general strike on the Great
Northera from St. Pool to Seattle is
likely to be ordered at 0 o'clock Mini
day night. President Debt is ou his
way here and will arrive tomorrow
A delegation will be sent to Presi
dent Hill tomorrow morning, Whieh
will demand the unconditional re-iu-tatamont
of all man at work on April
18, the day the strike was ordered. If
he refuses, the big stttko will ba on
again with all Its violencu.
A delegate to tho Great Northern
conference tonight gave out the mt r
esting piece of information that Presi
dent Doha will latOt an order tomorrow
to all aVuwtiooo Ballw Dnioo men
forbidding tneui to naodle Pnllman
cars until tbe trouble i.t Pullman. 111.,
is if! J listed.
Delegates to the First Annual Council
ot the Patriarch's Militant As
acmble at Altoona.
Al.TooNA. Pa , May 1 : Every train
nun- coming to thia nty brings large
delegations of Oil I Fellows who ar
r'presentlives to tha Grand lodge, the
Brat annual military OOOO Oil of tue
patriaroha Militant of PoooaylTaola,
or the annual assi-iub'.y of thelbiugb
lers of Itebek'th. For tbe three degrees
or brain h- s of the ord-r, there wiil lx
at least 1,500 representatives here dur
ing the week, and ou Tuesday, when
than la to be a notfr-rine I par.l . there
w ill be a large turnout of entirt lo.lg- s
and cantons fr m lata and atijscent
TbO grand 1. d.-e aud grand encamp
tuent i flicera have nrnvi-1 and have
ssi tblished hea ' u irters at the L g in
Hons- Tbe pr grmm a laid out
IndloatOi a busy wei-k for th-r-pr-sntativi
tin Moil lay morning ml 'J
o'clock the grtud anoampoMot will
meet, and at tilt iuie boU iu-sdav
the gran I bslge will eonveoa M -day
night the tlrat annual unlit . ry
OOQBOil of th" PatriOWb Militant will
be bell. Go lueidiy alternoon
a parade of d-'legatri and flatting
lodgao aod eastooa wiiitik pi are, on
Toaadaf nigbl the put grand materi
and paat gr.nd patrlarcha aesocialioa
wiii moat in annual toMioB, and begin
niiig Tooaday the fifth annual -muly
of lh- ltitignt- r of Rb. a th will b- in
Mal 10 each day Until business is ill
posed of.
At least '.' ' 1 lei -gat- will be here
- "
88TTVMUM injunction
U .it'd Plates District At'., r.iey Iuiibsni
lavaatlootM b Oaaa,
QlTTVaBUBO, P., M iv 18. t'nited
States biatrial Aiiorn-y lothaU, of
Philadelphia, is in G -ttvsburg insp'ct
Hrg the poitioii of tue b.till- h 1 I which
Il oocupled by the electric railway.
The I ill in eijmty file I by the gov
trnnteOt commission in the district
curt, praying for an injunction r"
atrainiug th- railway company from
operating on the battlefield. OOOIM up
f' r tnOmtOl this week and Mr Ing
h un's vhit la for the ptirp m of be
coming familiar with the locality pre
par itoty to the argum-nt.
Madeline PolPtrd Visit New Y.rk and
Dors not Talk.
NW Y'U.K. Mar 18 - Madeline I'ol
lard. aOOompanitd by Miss Burke, ar
riving in tins city from VFoabiagtoA at
" o'clock tins atiarnoon.
They atopped at the hottl Mar!
borougti for a few hours ami 1-ft with-
ootwylng whan thty wero going.
BoblnaOO dtlagatOI were selected at the
Somerset county primaries Saturday.
Congressman John H Itobinsou, of
Media, will be tha Memorial Day orator at
Dentists of the West Hranrli Valley
will bold a Con yen I ion next Wednesday at
Architect J. 1). I). Allen, of Phlladphia.
has drawn the plans font rlttlborg casino
thai will cost M0,Op0,
A verdict of not guilty was rendered iu
tho case of Harry E, Hiiruetie, of Bathla
hem, who was tried for bigamy.
A now company Will be organized at
Poitaviile by (.'. H. Tyson, Colonel Tbomaa
il. Itioktr, Joatpb c Bright aud otbar, to
furnish cheap gn
The sash aud pinning mill of John
Pat ker, Sixteenth and Fitswatir street,
Philadelphia, was burned yesterday morn
ing. Loss, W5,WK); insurance, ?Ui,nou.
Viowars awarded U,S0O damages to tho
Old Booth Penn railroad for the loadbed
in Franklin and Bedtord counties appro
priated by tho Conoariaod FaUty raii
roud. A suit for Jfi.liiKl damages was brought
by Mrs. J, II. Smith, of WuTiamsport,
against ox-Hotel Proprietor A. 1). llouy,
ou the ground that her husband died of ul
coblisin iu the hit tin's house.
At tha Tioga comity Republican fprlffl
ariea Saturday, delegates tavorab'le lo
Haitingt for gonnor. yvere elected and
Nilrs and Merrick will ba ronoiniuatod for
asseinlih yvltbout opposition.
James McGregor uud Jacob (.'rep wore
eloctod delegates to the state convention
from Indiana county nnd will vote for
Basiinga lor governor, Lyon fur lieuten
ant governor aud Hull and Grow for con
gr. ssn on at -large.
Forecast of the Proceedings in the House
and Senate.
Mr. Alclrich Will Speak Upon tho
Ratss of Duty on Articles Recog
nized as LuxuriesMr. Quay Will
Conclude His Speech Beun Some
Weeks Ago Little Variation in tho
House Programme.
Off that th- s- n ito ha got into
the midst of the discussion of
the tnriff till proper and is tak
ing paragraph after paragraph,
it in almost Impoaaible to forecast what
the programme for tha weok ii likely
to be, much less tell what r-aults will
hvo been accomplished when the w-ek
ends. Tomorrow begin! the s'lvontn
we-k nf th- debate and yet the w-ok
Joat closed saw the tariff bill, na tii-
Democrati toy tbey ezpeot to pass it,
first laid upon the desk of senator
Tba debate throughout the troth re
lated to the cbeuiical schedule and
that subject will be continued this
week, Democrats expecting to complete
tbe consideration of 78 paragraphs,
while the Republicans say the rest of
the IU nth at least will be Leeessary
for this work.
Toe debate throughout the week will
be upon this schedule, and but one
set spi-erh ia DOokod, Hist of Mr
Aldrioh, late ill th w-ek. when he
trill -peck up m tho rit- of duty
found in the bill ou articles mcogniled
as luxurie tod the redu tioOl
made on t'.ii line of import
Tim burden of the pen ling dlteottion
will prnhiblr fall upon the shoulder.,
of Messrs Allison, Aldrlab, Chandler
snd Hale, alih. Dgh Mr tlisy has ex
Bfl -s d a desire to ei m il: I his t patch
begun some w ens ago Tne Republi
can caucus of tomorrow night may buv.
bearing upon tba debit-, but jiut how
(ar remains still to ho BMO. M in la-is
of that patty deny that It has aOythlO
to do with the tariff bill, bnt tlat s
solely to Mb a Vaoenci- s ou Oommitttet
Boooal oed by i - dooth of Mr. Btooh
bridge, of ttlol hi.
mi: iiufhK ruckmAMMr.
Some littl- variation from th- pr.
gr i in in- that the houe has follOWtd so
Itriotly for the past month or two It
P -ssible lo the proren-iing Of the com
ing w eek. Pootlblyoolj the manage:
of tbe hone Hhe t-unrnlttee en rul-
and the ciiairm in of th- omnnttee on
appropriation! have sufficient ii tlnerce
sm-'Ug the tneml'-rship to secure ad
herence lo tin- pioraunne which thv
have outlined, appropriation hllll and
minor Dtatorto t n , i meel witn no oh
jclioii will COOOOOM mast of tht Wl -k
The posst Idllt)' of a Change li in
two propositions that are awaiting
consideration by th- bona-, the promo
ter of which dotirt to secure action as
peedilr a poesible due of tlote It
t!;e llrawley bill. IWBOOdiOg the oper
ation of one of tll- ten per cent, tat
njion clearing house certificate n 1
other forou of indtboadntai laaoed by
financial loOtitatI tis.during the mon-v
stringency laal lOOaer, WbiCO Mr
BptihgOl b given n I tin he will re
port from tOO 0 00 boaktot
and cariency We Ine-day next, an I atk
a conn Itratton at that time. Tbe
rep rl is in n ili g-I at. 1 c.-m 1 e in i I
as the Ohotrnan has gifOO noiic-he
will, but th- ipi ad in of co .ii deration
trill ba raised iii favor of a gtoeral ap
pnpriOtiOO bill tbe naval bill, if n
ha not then been ditPOQtd of, tbe lu
dlau bill if It shall bt first on the OtlOO
dar at that lime, Tbe other m atter is
the joint resolution reported Friday
from the coibiii .fee on lalor, provid
ing for an investigation into the indus
trial condition of Hit calls
aed what lotjiolatlOO I ueceaiary to
provide tmpVoymtDl for the idle labor
ing men.
utt UnST! mi U
A similar res dniiou, intr.vlii--d hr
Reprtoootattn Ikri, from the llttail
Ion, , district, Is now pending before
the committee on ruler That body
ha not vet ve,-n tit to report an or , r
for i'a dDeii-sioii by the house, and Mr.
McG inn, ObalrmaO on the cniimiitt e
ou labor, will probably b- mare suc
cessful In seenriog an order of that
kind thin has been Mr Ikirt, so thai
II- will haVetodrp lid i.p ill lluaiilunill
consent of the bouse to take up his
joint resoltit.on if he desire acting
upon it at the present time. This il is
baldly iieess.sary to say, he will have
tout difficulty in -curing.
Monday is dlltrlot day, nnder the
rules, and Mr. Beard, tne chairman of
the committee ou the all' tire of Hi
ll. strict of ColDDIDia, will ask the
house to spend the day in considera
tion of bills on tho c I l iar reported
from bia committee. Tbew aro large
ly measure providing charters for
new railroad corporations, or amend
ing those nf comp inles already in ex
istence, 'l h- naval appropriation bill
Is still undisposed of, ami will be the
first measure of a general nature to be
considered this wutk. Following it
will Oomt the Indian and agricultural
hills now ou the calendar and the
legislative, executive and judicial bills
which will On reported to the house
within the next few days,
A T.tls of Foreet Fire In ihs OU Ito-
Russrll City, May 13 Forest fires
are ragiug lu the big woods of tins
(Kilt) county for uoveval days. Today
Hie lira reached the oil louse of Mo
Dermott A Barudall ami dcstroyei
several oil rigs.
All the men in tbe iieighborhood
have been fighting tho tl no - for two
days and are most prostrated with fa
tigue. Help has beta Baked from Kane,
President Cluveland . i -mis tbe Day Eu
Route far Snipe Fvild.
NoitFol.K, Vau. May 13. President
Cleveland, Secretary Giuebam, Secre
tary Carlisle and Captain Evana arrived
ht-re ou the light house steamer Maple
at 11 o. clock this morning.
T he party wore transferred to the
Violet and at once proceeded ou their
way to Onrrltook Sound, where they
will spend three days shooting snipe
They will return lo Washington next
Thirty P.opls I.udly Iijar-d By the
Flam. Loss Abu' $5,000.
BBADFOBD, Pa., May 13 Several
hundred people had a narrow 100000
from u t-rriblo death hero today, In
tbe conrso of a fire in the barrel house
at the Emory tnniiufncturing company's
refinery, a tank of benziu- on lbs tiding
u-ar the barrel' house exploded. The
eap of the tank was blown 300 feet in
tho air an 1 n large volume of flame
went with it.
A strong westerly wind blowing kepi
the lire iu tbe air. A panic emined
among the ipootatotl WbOWOta w itch
ing the fire Bnd they 11 d lu nil direc
tions. Thirty people were burned
about the faco and hands and their hair
singed, John Cr. by, an employe of
refinery, is the only one severely burn
ed. Three loaded tank cars were also
destroyed. Total loss 8,000,
Union Printers of Philadelphia Hold
Impressive Services in the Chest
nut Street Opera House.
PRITf ADILPHIA, May 13 The nnion
printers of Philadelphia this after
noon held a memorial service in the
Obntoot Btreot Opera boon in mem
ory of Georg w. Childa, A nprt
tentative audience drawn from tvery
walk iu life crowded the building
and tetilfied by their
that th- memory of Mr. Chiids was
d-ar to ail Philadelphlaoa, After an
overton by the theater orcbettra the
opening addie-s nf the service was
Uiade by ( ioorL'e Chance, president of
Typographical union No 8, He paid a
feeling tribute in b -balf of tuo printers
to the worth of snob a man as Mr.
Player was offered by R-v Dr W,
N. IfoVlokar, rector of Holy Trinity
Protestant Episcopal Ohoroh, and he
followed witn a snort addn ss.sp iakio
of tbe ran eombinatioQ of loptriority
of intellect and sympathy of cliaraili-r
which m irked Mr. ubildt.
Tbe principal addrott of the service
wa made BV Col, A. K Met 'lore, adl
tor of th 'luu Colonel McCur- s
tddrem w.s a peoegyrio upon M
Cuilds' life, character and worth.
Jaeuti G.aier. of the Trpocrapbloal
I nion, and eve: d others aiao pok-.
A BOOlber of voltiat.H-r s ogers sang a
number of song
Trsvelet fr- m l'l: to Plc. Not R-
tun 1 Bfaraai thy (fail lllr.d
KaBBVA N.H.May 13.-Ths two
women wuo have breti attraeti gtnuch
attention tkroogbool this part of New
England a alleged burse thieve w.-re
eaptored beta tblt morning. With
t in-iii w-r the tw ' 1 v a.-vd U and 13
year In the poliee ooort thty gave
their ham s -.a snsio Allen, aged 88;
Myra Whiin -y, age 1 85, mothet an I
daughter, and tbe two boy a ehUdnn
of tbe yooogei woman
Tbey Mid that they wet" on the way
to aoa e nrk friend in Ftrmoot, and
were traveling bytaami odiog word,
tbey aaid. to the stable keeper to tome
to come to reach town and his team by
whlcothevhai jooroeyed. They or
iginally came from Arlington, Mass,
going to LawreaM, then to Balon and
to Nashns, obtaining teams in each
I lace rii -y f ailed lo get en i in Mat-ih-ter.
On Thnnday tn-y got on
hen from II. II Willonghby,
Mrs Whitney thai they were
travtllofl that way becanaa she had
e para ted fiom nrr bnsband and w-s
afisi l bt wanted to ileal her boys
Th- team captured with them belonged
to Fred 1'. BOB tOO, of Salem depot
The women trill be turned over to the
police of Arlington, where they got
the first tesm.
Wholenl Kvic lan Prn-nlied This
Week Bt Ul.tiiit 'SI.
I'm IjrtOWV, Pa,, May 18 The com
ing Weak promise to lie an exciting
on and may, in a measure, decide the
fato of the itrik in the coal region.
First th-ri- will be wholesale evictions
by tho Frick ami McClnre companiui
at many of tbtlr planta, which,
with the eontinued inreat of the
same companies to import workmen
into the region to ope: tie their plants,
may make sum i lively scene before
the Week is over
Tho attempt will be maiio in the
north end, w in r a fow plaOtt nre
ronning partly. Tne strikers are on
tho lookout for new men.
did Holte in tha on i Ip tag Xaatta
Ec. p ng Petreltnnv
Atiu.ns, Pm . May 13 -Unknown
ptttona today drilled bolt s in ibt tmnk
line of the United States Pipe line
about eight miles from tnia place and
set tho escaping mi on 8 re, Tho firo
blnz-.'ii Qereely all day. (ngs of men
have been laborin.; to put it out, but
tlm far without lOCOtet Tho lo.
trill bo qnlte I n ge.
The teltgnph wir-s wjro nlsn cut
and Bommonlcatloa with the pump
station nt Bradford, Pn., was nut off.
The Colleriea at I henaiidnab tut In
Opsraiion Us loft Coal otiike.
Siifnanpoaii, Ph.. May 13 The em
ployee of the On Lehigh Galley colli
erica here Wen U0tittd today that lh--mines
would resuiu- Oponitioul ou full
lime tomorrow.
For the past year th" miners have
only been working three days a wnk,
'lh- strike In tbe soft coal r.gions has
created a demand for anthracite,
WaBRIBOTON, May '.. fnrsrnsf
or Monday: Far Entfara fenn
sukania, gmwnlly Juir, vuii
uiile. wind. For Ifealara fliaa-
ijftraiiitt, atr, learnter m uurih-
traporffon, coal ad da
ghe moreKANKand
' i IMPORT than any
other CORBET made
In the World.
ltid'AK over tho
I or lasiiinv tbe
Said by tbe LEADING MODISTES to be
the ONLY COR8ET over which a Dree
Waist can be PERFECTLY and I'ROp.
ER than the S 1 Z i: of your Waist when
measured tightly n-.vr vrnr dr-s. If so
ordered, BO CORSET can mako
one to order that Will fit as well or with
as much ease and comfort, or give inch a
Magnlflcout Form
HE It MAJL.-TVS rnitsr.Tr.tid are C N
FTDENT that tbey will be DILIOBTID
with their EXQUISITE FORM, FIT and
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Maltese Cross
And Oak-banned Leather Del ting.
H. A Kingsbury
si 3 spnei st, icmm, h
Lewis, Reilly & DaYies
In Russet Shoes.
114 Wyoming Avo.
We Examine Eyes
Free of charRC If a doctor
ia needed you are promptly
tolti so. Vi'o also guarantee
:t perfect fit.
AM SILVERWARE and Damaged Gooda
at Arcade Fire will be aold at
50 Per Cent. Below Coat.
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
4. W
I. J. IB