The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 12, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Bcccham's pills are for
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation ; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Book free; pills 25c. At
drugstores,or write B.F. Allen
Co.,365 Canal St., New York.
Thcso aro the priors that ex
pand the purchasing power
oi tho American dollar.
Printed China Silks
Ono of tho most important
assortments shown this year
is now on our counters at BOo.
the yard, and is especially
conspicuous for its exceptional
value. Regular price, 75o.
At 25c, Par Yard
21 inch Plain China Bilks,
imported to sell for ;,7c. Such
values as these cannot le
found in any other store.
Black Nan's Veiling
Fav orites because so eool, so
lighl qualities much Improved
over lat year and prices
heavily decreased; 10 percent
better in quality and 28 per
eent. lower in price.
40-inch, 50 cents.
Last season's price, 6S&
36-incli, 45 cents.
Last season's price, "Sc.
Ladies' House Gowns
Prettily made of Indigo Blue
Chintzes, with lull front and
hack, ruffle and fashionable
siccus. 1'ricc T'.tc. each.
It is to your interest to
Buy Now. The goods we
have are beautiful and the
Prices are Away Down -Lower
than Down. Come
and see us.
WVn T.t'.tr was iH, wo rnT hf rv'orta,
Wlii-ri .-'.le w is a uiM, sh crif.l f.,r (' . : .a.
Wli"n she t-cm Mlm, ihe chins " 'at..ria,
Wlitn the hal Chlldrun, ana gare tlu-m CagtOfSh
JOHN A. MEARS, President.
BENJAMIN HUGHES, Vice President.
JOHN T. RICHARDS, Treasurer.
Office: Price Building
Important Evonta In Wuyne'.i Beautiful
Carital Correctly Cimpllad
PpotUU to the. Ecrniiioii Tribune.
HORBSDALS, Pa., May 11, Miss Mil
ler. Mre. Edwin F. Torry and Mre. Ed
gar and daughter, Louiso, return from
their trip to North Carolina today. '
Fred GielmT has jnst placed a fino
new flacking in front of his tailoring
establishment. This Is a groat improve
ment to Main street, and conld be well
patterned after by the niijorily of
property holders on our principle
etroet. Ihe poorest fligtini; in Honui
dalo can be seen on Main street.
In the trial of Fred Riohuiond and
Fred Smith, accused of takitif? money
from the Alien house safe, the jury
brought in a verdict of guilty. Motion
was made for a new trial.
The Ilonesdalo Linderkranz will i;ivo
n concert at their ball next Monday
evening. Admission, gentleman and
lady, SO cents. One of the principal
attractions will be the double quartette
of tho ScrAiiton Sangerrundo. The
members of this quartette lire excep
tionally good Hingurs.
Entries for tho Memorial Dav races
nt the fair grounds close May 80tb at
noon. The races held Inst year was a
marked huccss, Even better is ex
pected this season.
Tho Port .lervis Gststts states that
three mn sunpreted of the murder of
(trnceryman Henderson, of Newbnrgh.
were seen on the street of Honetdalt
a few days ago. They were leisurely
walking along unsuspected of the
crime charged against them. Mr. At
wood, the gontleman who rteognlstd
the men, did not then know of the ler
lODI chnrge against t!iem.
To persona who have nover aoen a
kiruirrt, we cnu Ray the dances are
beautiful and bewitching. The arm
ory is being handsomely decorated and
everything is being made ready for the
grand fair next week.
Mrs. Eliztbeth Smith died at her
home VesUrday in rnin;c. aged 7'-)
years 0 months. Funeral from the
huuso Saturday at 0 p. in.
The News of a Bright Day Narratid In
Hrlf Paragraph!.
Freda! to the Smmfon TWmis.
Forust CtTT, Fs., Mav 11 M I.
KvatiiV'f this plaoe,Blohard Llewalljrn,
li'irrv and .Jim'pri I viTirlr, of
VandUns, will attnd nsodd'i Onto'
do in Wilkes-IUrre this ev-tiing.
John E Free, an employee of the
(ieneral EttOtriO OompUJT, which hsvo
been putting in electrical machinery
at BimptOO & Watkius' Miliary at Wy
omtng, is visiting friends in this bor
ough. Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin Maxy are
fttltiny relatives in tibon today
The Hillside collieries in th;s plac
will be paid Monday.
Mrs. true WaUat DstU, tba abla
evangelist, still continue her good
work in this place. Next Sunday
morning, May in. Itn Darti wi.l
rlt her own ptraonal axptrltooat an
ptrtalBS to ber religions life from
childhood up to the preaent time Th
in, eting will begin at 10 M. At 3 30
Sunday afternoon IBS will ooadocl i
meeting for man only. BtTViOet at 7. 80
Sui:day evening
Mitt Flo Allen and K. M Bhsphstt.
and V. J Darin rode to ( ar'uoudale mi
ttif wheels this aftSTBOOO.
Tuere will tw no eorvirei at thi lit; -list
eliurch Su:id.iy. Sundny SShOOl at
tut usual Una,
LlttU Locals of Interact Up the Licke-wa-
oa VtlUi .
Frenai to tit Sfraalaa Trivia.
Jervyn, Pa., May 11 Presiding
Elder Iborpe will conduct th evening
iirvice in the MelhuUi't Bplseopw
churcti next Sun lay
Tuesday next n the Kait Hide
grout d the clerks and employes of the
Helaware an I Hu I m N 1 nh:ift
will play ball, ill" g uue will l called
at H p. m.
ill- mission serv. (vi next week in
St. Mary's Catholk) churou will oe
more par tltnlarlt f . r man.
Itivilatious have beta sent to aM so
cietns by William Hunter post to par
ticipate in the parade on Mi in rial
Day. A number havt already uc
The Ice cream ocial and cake walk
is GUSBOSS ball OS May 17 will bo a
IBaoaaa A uuuibr have aignitisd their
lotantlon of entering tbe "walk" and
competing for tie prune.
U S. t'ery & Co. gave two very
credible performances yesterday. Tiia
last win erected on the vacant lota in
the rear of inter A- t o store, Th
win attended were weil please. i with
this I he tirst circus to com to JwxjB
Mr. and Mrs. Fdwaid Mcrritt, of
TompkinsvilU; M. L. Miller, of M tit -dale
; and P, C. McCafferty, of Wash-
HoiTies in the city.
Fresh, Pure Water, Electric
Light, Street Car Service at
the door, Churches and Schools.
This is what the Fair View
Land Company offer.
Call and see the map. Lots
at Low Prices. Take the Tay
lor or the Eynon street cars
and view the city from this
most delightful spot.
inglon, N. J , ware Jermyo visitors
Mrs. Charles. Miller, ol Fourth street,
is seriously ill,
Sir. and Mrs. S. S Divis will no
company tho Knights Templar excur
sion to Pittuimrg, Washington and
Baltimore n-xt week.
The closing exercises in the Jermyn
Graded school will be conducted by
the pupils of the higher room.
Michael Marley died yesterday morn
ing after a long lesson of suil'eriug
with cancer. Tna funeral will take
place Sun lay.
Miss Klla Oook, of Hamilton, Pa., is
the guest of her brother. S. W. Cook,
The youngest child of Hiv. Mr. Sau
ford is very ill with pneumonia.
Miss Emma Cure, of Boranton, is
pending a few days with her sister,
Miss Anna Cure.
Latest Ntiws RrfrudinR tin Trnctlon
War Other Important News.
Fjiecuii to tht Sertmlon IWeaaa
Arciuiald, May 11. The Young
People's Society of Onrlltiau Endeavor
of tho Preabytarlsn obnroh conducted
a very enjoyable an I lOOOSSSfnl enter
tainment in the church last evening.
The programme Wat admirably inter
preted and Baan number was received
with well merited approval. Mr. C.A.
BatUnbarg presided. The entertain
ment opened with a instrumental trio
by Matara, Linda and Caffrej and Mie
Annie Poota Following wen? vocal
selection! bv Mrs. Dr. Vim Diren, Mr.
F r. Wnite, W. W. Walkins,
Miss Annie lirowu and tho Orpheus
quartette, nil of which ware very
sweetly sung and found ready favor
with the audience. Hiatal Lizzie
White and Mary Duffy recited with
their usual good taste. The instru
mental uiusio wn particularly BOta
worthy, the work of Mis 1'lmer 00 the
zither, Misi Foote on tho piano and
Messrs. Mors" and Vail on the mando
lin and guit'ir having been of a very
high order. The entertalnmant closed
on tba duet bv Mr. W. W Watkiui
and Misa Annio Urown. They sang
with a sweetness never . ipi ill. 'd here
and Wart very t-nrnestly applauded.
ihe tntartaioment was a ineoaM In
Vi ry way and the locietv i entitled to
much credit for having brought so
moeb tine talent BIBOBS Qt
Meisrs W. A and It. J. Uilmartin
were in Scran too this afternoon.
The Citizen it about to Optn SB Of
hoe in tile Sweeney bull hug at the
upper iron bridge. It is also said thit
lot paper will be printed here shortly.
Mrs Uk.ii IWe, of 1'ittstou, called
on rrttndt here yesterday.
Miss Mary Motiaghan, who bat been
ill for somo lime, ii speedily improv
ing. Many .complaints nre Wing heard
coiieernins Hie conduct of tna boys
who congregate each tttoiog 00 B lOtb
Main street Thy maki a gn'il d'al
of noiae aod an mt at oarafnl io tht
eOOlt ' of UutfU ig as Mm IB 10 dsstssjf
ri.jinres nnf insult paueri-by and
do other tilings that SUBS it very tin
pltaaaot to da'vii Is that oi Igbb r no 1 1
Uolttt this is Itoppad at once tnere is
bound to ti tro.l'j e,
Bharifl Fahey wis here ftsttrdsy
and rtatralBtd ti e Csrboud.ile Trie
lion c mpmy from doing ai y work n
Its extension toWird Itlakely Tbit II
; ro'. il y 1 1 o!ig gun to what in .y
pr ive to 1 a vry interesting war. l'be
Berantoa Trsstios ooapas will outbt
a dtttrmlsad affi rt to get in dsn now
that tna Csrbondile people have be. n
Itmporartlr and perhaps permanently,
preteatad from c mpltllog their trtK
audit ii certain tiiat ih Uarboodsla
tompSBt will make stubborn rttitt
at ce. Too entrance of the t Soranlon
company here may hive tbe ef
fect of tiking a greit deal of tra ie
from the l arl on lale linn and alio
of leatBBing lit Taint from a float I tl
point of view. Tint Mo the en it
li only n itural tO eict Ibol tbe I ir-
bondtlt oompaor wiu makt a vig pr-
ouily reiialance. Tne rail! of the Caf
bouoale compiny have been laid as f ir
a the gr .v.ty trick but Ibt SfifSS BSfS
i ol vet twen strung.
lli.rvey S. Slep'.itni, representing
lliack i Inturauce ageucy ol Nlcholton,
Pa., was in town SNSf.
Arthur, oldest r bil l of Jaium Coogh
lin, is dangerously lick of lesrlst fev-r
and his recovery ii doubtful.
M. U Hi.AiR, alderman. 1 ifth ward.
Scranl m. I 't . Ittttd N IT, . '.l: lie had
used Ur. TSoBiat' Krlectrlr Oil for sprnine,
burn, rut and rheuuiati.tu.
Cureil every time.
Dedication f ths KaatBlt Temple.
Othr It'ms of Ir.terait.
.'; .. .ii t lit BlTfltltt Tribune.
ClaSK'I iui i n. Pa., May M -llirry
and ri award A,ektrly nave nsissMsd a
tW I icycle recently to facilitate their
The ladies' Ai l tociety of the M-tb-
odut Bplioopsl oboreh will hold a festi
val at the home of .1. W. Mottisls ou
Saturday OTSOiO of this v.
I to' H .pllsl p o e.n ..m Ih.s I en re
ceivmg some ne d" I ! ; drs
Bannsl Bolth'i new rtaidtBOl is pro
gressing rapi lly.
litJashl Ltb is rouvales-itig alter
Ills reeent lllUelS.
The Masonic i'eniple was SppfOBffl
ately dedicated ou Tin - lay evening
last, and a 1 ir:.' litSOdtBOt greet-d
them of lodge 1101 and awaits I the
t-autifnl repast wnich was sumptuous
in the extreme, winch was rtlltbtd by
nil participants, alter the ceremonies
a Ijournod at 'J a. in of Wednesdav.
An Kpworth l.ea.'iie chapter Was
formed at the Summit chapel on Sun day
evening last, with the following
effective corps of oilicers: Mr. bUelp,
president; F. M. Yoiii.g, hr.-t tiot
prtatdtOti Mrs BIlsOoOO, leC lad Vice
president; Mrs. Frances D.lttSmtB,
tnirJ vice-president ; Miss Ami" 11 r
tree, fourth vice president; Houheti
Kimbni, traatnrirt J. J Browo, locre-
t iry; M. E. Clifford, choriiter. and
Miss (Irace King as org, mist. There
is a great work for this ch inter, mid
its efforts will be looked upon with
much interest.
MissOracoA. Davis visited friends
in Waverly recently.
Many of our townpeop!o attended
the commencement exercises of the
Waverly graded school on Wednesday
evening Inst.
Live News From ths Pioneer City
Torsely Told.
Fveeinl to the Scranton 7Vionae.
Caruondai.i:, l'n.. May 11. (Ins Fat
torson and family aro in Nairowsbuig
visiting Mrs. Patterson's pnrantE
Tho boys brSBOh of the Young Men's
Christian association held their festi
val this evening in the hall. They re
ceived n liberal p itronng.'.
W. Cunuon, ot Now York, represent
ing the Hamilton Telephone cimpii'iv
of New York city, was in town this
morning to confer with the ItltpbOBt
committee reo'iitly nppointed by tho
Carbondale board of trade.
Lewis Snyder recoived serious in
juries this morning by being kicked lu
tbe hesd by one of his hones.
The diagram for the home talent
opera, "Pirates of Penzance," which
occurs Id the (iinud opera house on
May 10 ..mi lfl. will bo opw i Satur
day moruing at Btynold't drug ttore.
The nile of tick, ts has nlready beau
grta t.
The Dtlowart and Hudson steam
road employes will be paid tomorrow
Miss Eva Brlggs, of Atnens, i'a., is
visiting bar brother, Thomas Brigys, of
Archbald street.
Tho Newi of One D.iv E duood to Eutor
tulnlnir Paragraphs.
Ffecml io the Sci jafoa rrilnias.
Bunmork, Pa, May 11. John Schott,
a miner in No. 5 shaft of the Pennsyl
vania Coal oomptoy, received ill juries
yesterday morning nnd died from
tne tfftota lattl in the day Schott
had just lire 1 two blasts which blew
OBt BOOM props, and it was while en
gaged in this work tint the catas
trophe occurred. Without ft mo
meut's warning a large t amount
of roof rock fell crushing the
deceased beneath its ponderous weight.
He was carried to his home at Sport
Hill where Doctor Winters atttadtd
him. '11m injured man tint not suffer
much pain, and was talking in a
friendly manner to his fellow workmen
who visited him at noon. A few hours
later he breathed his last. BobOtt was
a married man ami leaves a widow and
several nblldrtB to mourn his loss
Frank Winters returned from Jeffer
son col iege at Philadelphia yesterday,
where he has just graduate! an an
At. D.
Invitations for the young ladies' so
cial on next Thurstity evening were
issued yesterday. A largo number was
distributed and the social will in all
probabilities be tiie event of the soa
son Tho Memorial Day committee nr t
last Bight and conducted further ar
rangements for t ie coining celebration.
An adjourned mesttOSJ of the coun
cil will bt hebl t might
The Eria Sod Wyoming Valley rail
road will put on a train to run to Like
Ariel dnrlog the slimmer in a few days.
I lie l.pworth league will give ati en-
ttrtalamtat and tooislio the Mtthoditt
BpltOOpal chnrch parlors DfXI vfodntf
ty evening. Tht leacue is raising
funis for the pnrabata of n new piano
and the proceeds of tbe social Wi II be
donated o that porpotS. 'Ihe ndmis
ion will bo li cents.
Arthur Olost is ripldly recovering
from hie lata illness.
Nice fresh strawp-rrlns for sale al
Palsstr'a, Muk S otota par quark
Little L'i 1 of M r r Lia I up.-.rtanci
Over the'.y Lin.
Santal totht Santalea 7i'une.
Avi i v, Pa, May 11 An I month
old ion of Joseph Bommermotb ihed on
Wednesday of oooTslaioM FoBsral
this afternoon, Interuwnt in Liug.
cliffe cemetery.
AtdrtW llealy, who wai hurt in the
Old Kor mine on BslUtlsy Is rspidly
llngti facQoaao, of BosioahsaBS.
who wai in town tletfidiSS tne funersl
of bli broltor, r tut tie I h m- y ':
Itv P, S, (iolden and Bdward K-'.iv,
of .- tantoti, were visiting ftHtiil lu
town yesterday.
Sotbooy Mran. of North Avon,
hi I h.t lingers badly crusned at No. IS
shsit ou i bortday,
1' f Iivvrrs ii having bis birUr
hop remo leled by a ciat of pitnt.
Patriok Helton had his arm broken
in the mines on Tuesday ly l ing
caught U.tween cars. Ur hrow uing
is attending hnn.
.las. Orsksa called on Wyoming
friends I tat evening
Alts II title, .if Pittston. was visit-in.-
frtSSsIS in t wii l ist evtnlug.
Mr an 1 Mr J ihn i i orgs were vmt
trig lu Scranton yesterday.
Irvint Rot Dltt Fr m Wour. U In
ft cte t br Wars)' Hesls
Si-e,.ii in tht Straalea Ttfttaa
H it UST1 if Pa , Hoy I" Irving
K'iol Btel a pecnlur desth on Mindav
latt, WSish resulted Ii m lit bviug
kicked by a hone.
Hu had been lent to the fields to
catch a tmre with a colt and
took some oats In his hand. Ai the
animal came near ..m tht boy bo
Kin piling tie toll aud Ihe 111 ire
kicked lain, loll cling injuries that
c . I his dest'i
Acute Rheumatism
Montlis of Suffering-Hood's
Barsaparllli Cured
ah .1. ffOl'MI'
Wahlstna ii. 1'enu.
"C i. BoOdSTX, Lowell, Matt, i
"Gtatjttteni Four ftan latt Jamir.ry I wn
taken down a ltb IBbStOtt llWIIHllllll trUtb
loe.-iti-.l .it the hae the brain. It was eight
weeks less one ilay Dtttft 1 was aide to walk
out si tht botttl anil after months pi sulleilni
atnl run. h ptia I (eared
I Would Novor Bo Woll.
My physli advised BM to use Bood'l Sarsa
p.irilia. After Inking It 111 half doses for two
weeks I felt bttttr, so at ilifferent times iifler
w inls I tlttd It awhile tad during the hist year
I hive Igjtlfl bttfl restored to Invito;. iteil health
by It, i tttribnta toy ret tort ttoo to health to
tlio use of Bood'l Sin i ipari'la. My son ha had
tatarrh sim e qaitt vouiuj tad latt summer
While uttctliliiii! m land he used two liottlos of
Hood's S.-irsaparllla and said It did hitn more
cooii than bt rtallnd from $wo for pretorip
lions, etc." KOARj. BOBNSR, I'ostinaster and
Qentrtl Mtrtbaati Bttblitown, ttniiijrlvania.
H00tl'3 Pills ''lire liver Hit, constipation,
biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion.
(Vsl of the tiest mattty f ir domestic sanl1
of nil, delivered ill auy part of the city
tt lowest iirieo.
Oidors left at my offlcn,
Hear room, first floor, Thir l National Dank,
or sent by mall or telephone to tho inluo, will
receive prompt attuntlon.
oieelal contracts will bn mado for tho sale
and delivery of Buckwheat UoaL
WV; ' 1 .1
To know that a single applica
tion of the Cutkura Remedies will
afford instant relief, permit rest
and sleep, and point to a speedy
and economical cure of torturing,
disfiKurinjr, itching, burningand
scaly humors, and not to use
them without a moment's delay
Is to fail in your duty. Cures
made in childhood are speedy,
economical and permanent.
Bold Ihtotgteat the srtrhi. Tmrr.n larnNn
Ciikn. i.'oai'., soli proprietor!, llostun. 09 " AU
A bout the llluo.l,-!.iii,sialp.,riaiir,"niallr.lfret..
tS'KaHnl Itletiilsliea, fitHtgblll nml simpll
' i l-j Ciitleura hsiup.
if Uted, aahlagi atrveau mttSi
ers knew the eomfort, (
. 0. '' i i ( lit), urn I'l
I ff would never he wlthm
sr - c i rj ..) iho pnittt) i
strenirth, and
Satttrtj tie
out them. In
kuevtest and
bt-itof j da n.
A Well-Known Physician.Wlio,
Amona; Other Things, Is
Noted for His Frankness.
No (tie ever BtBfd Dt, K OftWtf Btt
the (dirsse "I think In bit pracUet, Tbe
dottoi la on,, if those frank, feeriess.hou-
eet, poalUVt uieii who never benitate to
ay yee or no, as the rise in iv require,
'dean cure yen" or 'I CaOBot enre you,"
l his Invariable dttitlOO after exau in i-
lios, tad to thit faet ttet is attribotabla
his raaurkabla record without failures.
I Hut It would be striu co inileid if the ib c-
let wer not n BOVt than BtBBlly sureees
111 ptaCtttioatf. He has Ir- ii surgeon-lu-Bbltt
m more than one of the largest bm
pttalt of tbiteooatry, irot lately ntmoo
untor off Pbvttoloay oad siirgerv it the
Medloo-Cblrurifical College in !'hilaUl-
pbla, has re-en elerlil an honorary mem
Is": of the Me)iri bimrtical Ataorlatlon,
ne tradBata ot tat Dalvtrtity of Ptoa.
syivaoia. eta, and Is still a eloso itmb-nt
a mao ariibtoebo racetd could not fail
to U n taomttsl physician under any
rlrrunistatios, bot when DBcfetd bv
cautions, conservatism in eipreeslou, or.
In use a tm re p nular plirser. the "Iss
sare you re-i ntht" lystein,
it Woul I bt BMtt than stiauge l( failure
overtook bn.i.
Yon can conitlt Dr. tin wer any day at
I: nil. I and A.
Temple Court Building
rti I BPRDO ST.,
fromS' tllllip.tii. Consoltatiom free.
T'huse sufTerinc fr. m WtCVPtJt liseaes
are guaranteed a cure For such Ibere is
tl..-1 l.e-.-;. r I V .s ' ai failure Ii an-
known in the doctor's treatment.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, - $200,000
SURPLUS, - $250,000
This t.nnl. nfTirs to depositor! every
InrllllT arranleit In lltrlr l.nUnr. s, l,us.
urss aiol reeaetalbluty,
SfjetlaJ attewtiaa aisett t tattttMet ao
eounla lulrrrsl on lime ilrposlU
I LIT A SI rilVMI I, rresl.lent.
(.Ill B.I Ml IV, M. e-li. .(.lent
M 1 1 . n 11 I'll K. nsliler
DUUM tors.
Trilllnm CtMtU, Baont H. (istlln.
aifrinl i! i.i .Inmee AkIiIoiIiI, Hoarf
Bella, Jr.. Minion T. (.mull, l.uther
National Bank of Scranton
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
BAVUXL aiNES.tPreetdeni
W. W. WATSON, Vire l'rraldent
A. Ii. Williams, Cubitr,
PA vrnr. TTint, jamks M' FvrtinAnT,
luviNii A. FIKOR, MM It. 1'iM.Ky.
JoaarH J. ,h hmyn. m. k. Kkmkhi.ii.,
ClIAb, 1'. ilAlTUDWS. John T. I'oiinu.
W. W. Watso.v.
Tills Imnk InvltoR tho patronage of buslnosa
men and UrniB uenorally.
EverythingFOR Everybody
The Fair
400402 Lacka. Ave.
Sole Agents in Scranton for the
Our New Millinery
Dept. Now Open.
r.iiiiiitiiiiiiMiMitiiniii isiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiimiiiiioiiuiiin
Wholesalers and
Largest Retailers of
Straw Mattings
from China anil Japan,
F ine
Carpe tings.
Lowest Prices
One entire room
devoted to
Oriental and Domestic
Rugs and Art Squares.
Was Not
Built in aDay
But littlo by littlo the grand
est empire of tho Old World
was reared.
DON'T do without because
you haven't the ready money
to buy the Furnlt ure,Carjels,
Draperies, Stoves, etc., your
needs and taollnftttoni de
mand, w hen our
stands ready to assume the
indebtedness and accept your
small weekly and monthly
payments in liquidation.
a ' " -
60 Cents
75 Cents
Leading House for
Oil Cloths, Linoleums,
Lace Certains
aod Upholstery Goods, ,
40O and 408
Lacka. Avenue.
Lowest Prices
We make a specialty of
Window Shades,
Awnings and
If you have not
seen !
You heard
of our stock of
Baby Carriages,
Porch Chairs,
Lawn Settees and
Leads in Summer
s as
in Everything.