THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE SA TTTTtD A Y MORNING. MAY 12, 1894. SOCIETY AT CARLSBAD IIH ATTRACTIONS OF THE FAMOUS BOHEMIAN WATERING PLACE. A Town Buiit on the Lid of a Boiling Kettle Where Nobility, Wealth and Beauty Meet Every Year. Fancy a town built ou the lid nf a 'roilinc kettle that is Carlsbad. Who first raid this 1 am not nbla to tell, but all who know Carlsbad will appreciate the happy wit. Ami though it is but the lid of a kettle, it is a very lieauti fnlona. Itlics in tlio romantic valley of the Tepel, and the Tepel is in llo bemia just where its mountains rise darkly along tho frontier. There i.s beanty everywhere; the mountain! look down upou tho narrow little city. Crown PMNCUS BTKPBANIE Ifhose bnnses lis like beads along the rapid, winding river; thoy bold both banks of the stream against tiie hills, five stories bigb, perhaps, though bill two or three in the r-r Perhaps there are IS, 000 inhabitants in Carlsbad; boarding houses km ev erywhere, as one will readily balisYS when told that 70,lnK gnests viMte.l the town last year. U is a thriving manufacturing place, but the real source of its prosperity is naturally its miueral springs, Tney lit in nsarlf straight line-pretumnblv a crack la the lid, some one IflggWta and whlls deep boring through the calcareous crnut upon which the town is built has often penetrated the r ut underlying reservoir, no attempt has aval - ic ceeded iu sounding this deep CSS from which tho minora) waters tit;.l their outlet under high pressure and sometimes with force. The Sprndel, the most famous, most abundant and hottest of the Cat springs, after keeping for con tin i- it methodical way through tho covered men had set for it, took upon itaelf in recent years the liberty of varying the monotony of its existence, and one But morning disappeared from its accus tomed plac an 1 made for itself a new opening under the Tepel river, which grew warm and fell to steaming. It tnrnel hack, but it was the work "f many rnoutha Tho bed of the rivr was leveled, and for ninny rods w is paved with gr.inite blocks, clamp- d and cemented, The banks of th nv.r were also celled with cement. Bo it is Tic xilfptpm i I x ia ..--1 1 !-J ... " A "tfLOWBRY" MKET1NH AT THK SPRI'DII, again a healing spring today, as it w is in the fifteenth century, when Charles IV., Ktnperor of Anstria and King of liohsuiin, coming home from the Wait, stumbled npoa ,tl.- springs, and was bealed of a wound he bad got at Crecy twelve yesrs before, lint thnt was 00 1 its first good turn to man, ns the good people of Carlsbad are inclined to have ns beliove. In their natural desire to conuect the Carlsbad discovery with Die great king who gave the springs his august name; for it was called the "warm bath" long before Charles' time, and the Tepel -toe "tepid" was till an older name. Hut Charles uisile it famous, if he whs not its discoverer, and when once ho had built his palace iu the town tbat grew up about the healing fountains, he set the flibiOD for royalty that royaltv has never de parted from. For hither eUM (ieorge III. in bis happy time, and re Ur the Oreat and Maria Theresa, and a lung line of kings and kingly men. It has become the most famous of all mineral springs and the moat an -to cralic watering place iu Europe. Vet the town i always delightful in the thronged season, whicu lusts from the middle of Juno until the middle of Au gust, though what is called the regular season begins oarlicraml lasts until the 1st of October. At tho height of the season the throngs in tho town are pic turesque, as Carlsbad is far enougn to the East to gain Asiatic guests, who bring Oriental gorgeousness to tic- long lines of promenaders going Steadily along tho colonadua of the"cnre bonis This is one of the sigbta worth visiting Europe for the long line of slowly pacing men and women from all parts of the world, each one keeping his or her place iu the line as strictly and as aolemnly as one clings to his position before a railroad ticket offlot In OHM great out of town rush, ltbasits lu dicrous side, too, for each one of all the promenading thousands carries uu earthenware mug bunging by u strap passed arouud tho .neck; glass will not do, as the Carlsbad springs are too hot for that. Somewhere an amusing story is told of a nativo of l'ragne who bore evidence in his person and habiliments of the oft-repeated assertion that Prague is the dirtiost city in Europe. Finding one day that he had left nil .nug at his boarding house, be turned to the gentleman behind him who chanced to be at Italian dnke.and laid: "A drink from your mug, Mein HerrV" "It is yours," the uobleinan ruplied, with elaborate courtesy, and present ing It silently slipped from the line. The borrower drank and turned to giro back the mug. but found tho owner gone. "What wastefulness I" he mur mured pathetically. But men of all sorts touch elbow here, and with frankness and courtesy iu the main. One's mind returns and returns lo them and women who have come hither for health and pleasure. Goethe came often, and always with advantage to himself. His first visit wbh in lN7!i, when ho passed a pleas ant month in the company of Herder, Frau von Stein and the Duchess Louise. It was Herder who had lod him away Ironi tho false methods of tho French school and brought to his notice Os sian, tho Hebrew posts, "The Vicar of Wakefield," and Shakespeare. Indeed, Carlsbad and its society seem to have bad a weighty inflnonoo upon his life, for it was while at tho springs in the springs in tho following year that he conceived his well known scheme of stealing away and going to Italy and Oreeco for (juiet study .i journey that bore great results for literature. "Mr., v DRIVING DP TOT Mountain. (ioetho returned for fourteen sea sons; Schiller sp-nt his honeymoon there, and Beethoven pleased the guests by playing a fantasia nt a char ity concert. It was only about a centurv ai;o that .si rung protest began to be made against excessive drinking at all watering places. It was an additional horror thnt the water could not be drunk in the open ltnow is, but was taken in a warm room, where the effect mu-ct have been decidedly like taking water a Turkish bath. Biamarok and Holtks sought health thero when overworked, Caprivi rests there annually. At first the drinking was alternated with bathing; seven days of one, then seven of the other; but the present system gr uirtallr c-mi" into u-.e. That any sucn Important medical aid as is now found in the valuable Sprndel suit could OOBie from the springs the lirst believers in Carlsbid were profoundly ignorant, The townspeople were strongly opposed to the preparation and sale of this s ilt, which was first prepared in 1778. as they feared it Would do away With the necessity for Visitors c lining to Carlsbad and the ab surd objeotloo becime so strong that t. r I vcr :l years the manufacture ceased altogether Finally an act was patsed by the government narmitlina the exportation of th salt an I the pm -pie gradually gave) up their pre judice, finding that visitors were really at treated by the greater knowledge ob tained ol the spring ttiroiighthe wid i-ning sales of the salt. N great was th demaad for lbs Sprndel salt that lo I96tj new suit works were erect I. T.i Works were again enlarged in lT(j 1 are now undergoing further enlarge ments. The natural Carlsbad Sprndel salt, which is obtained troU) the water of the sprndel, by evaporation, is an anti acid, slightly laxative, and dureotic rams ly . SBd, if taken it dOSeS 0( a tea spooni nl. is a gentle but effective p&rg StiVS It is taken in Ordinary water, or iis an addition to the Carisbsd min eral waters, for tl la pur;' SM "l luora is ing their sffeof. In oases ( persons suffering from poorness of blood (anaemia cooditioo) with oonatipatioo, very gratifying results are ohi dned by Iheuiwof the sail, given In doses ol on ball teaspoonful or one laaspo n 1 ii 1 iu f(ur 01 six OUnOM of hot water BU hour before each no-al K-.r chronii catarrh of the Btomaob,liver complaint, bile and simple iaondioe.OOO leas ful of th su dlsanlved la warm Carle had sprndel water ordinary hot wstar before breakfast will l found InVelU aide. Its action increases the ll w of sa' iva, and In the stomach it oh'ys. with out doubt chemical law- and neutral laeeany free acid contained in that or gan. OiVan on an empty atotuiiclt it u Known to promote the acidity of the gastric juios by favoring the outward osmosis of those constituent of tin blood from which the acid of the stomach ts elaborated, and to this I attributed the blood purifying actio, of this silt an t the oloaring of the c mpi':;i"n after the nsa of it. The 'arista! Bprudsl rail la very dillusable il - ct BBOiaMog ami K0f.m and psss-s into the bio l the bo v with facility. The fact that the Oarls bad salts I powder form) cause ti e elimination of the pr ducts of th In cres?d metamorphosis of tissue indi dicates that it has, medicinally, a verv wi le range. It Is nsed with great ad vantage in many StOftnaoh disorders, as an excess of acid is undoubtedly re lieved by it. The indigestion of obese or fatty persons is usually cured by srlsbad salt. - Whore is oxldatloa is deficient us in th well known bilious state, relief is OUiofcly alfonleil, snd in oases of chronic rheumatism and rheo ti.atic gout good results ar obtained, The Carlsbad Bprttdsl salt, obtained by svayoraflon from the bo: Bnrudel siirmg. Is b-st tak-n during the Spring and Bnmmss months ISuyers are can tioned that none nr- genuine without tho sigoatnre of "Kism r& Aletnlelsoii C . , New York, hole Agents for the l.'nited States," on every bottle and OB the outside cartoon. . Issall Use nt Uresil ..tee. It Is a remarkable fact, although rather paradoxical, it must lsi admitted, that many of the world's greatest men have bean small nf Stature, Sheridan was known as Little Bhil the world over. George H. MoClellan waa of but little larger build. Napoleon's nickname, the Little Corporal, is a household word in every civilized country. The Iron Duke (the Duke of Wellington was ofteutwitted on account of his small stature ami big nose. Qenensl Lord Wolseley is said to bi ridioulonsly smal and to be compelled to shorten his stirrups until they would bald ly serve a ten year-old boy When he rides horseback. One's mind's eye Is likely to picture Uladatona as a giant, both phyal caiiy and Intellectually, but it reheina a fact thai the Orand Old Man Is but r feet 1 Inches high. St. Eouis Republic. Over 1(10 Kinds of Stashrooms lo One Stale. The old (ireek and Uoinati writers speak of the truffle, the boletus and the puff ball In Roma all mushrooms must be sent to a central depot to rcceivo the government inspection, t he yearly r ip amounting to 6U,00Q pounds. Germany, Hungary and ltUHSia consume large q nan titles, and in Term did Kuego It is the staple article of food. England uses the common meadow mushrooms, but. the consumption issued! America is especially rich in thequan lily and variety of this healthful Vege table, and scientists are making especial effort to stimulate its cultivation and diffusa knowledge regarding it. The Rev, Dr. Curtis, state geologist, has font... Ill species in North Carolina. Iiidiananolis Journal HOW FASHION MAKES FRIGHTS. Vagaries nf Halrilresslng Often Seriously Handicap a Pretty Woman. A woman who does not drees her hair on the top of her head should never wear a OTOwnless bonnet. The only excuse for the existence of such a paradoxical sort, of head SOVerlng is the display through the open crown of a pretty arrangement of the hair, Oiling up the empty space. Even iu that ease they arc not suitable for anything ex- an Bvnmra oorrrom. copt rather festive wear. They an ipiite a clever invention, however, since the hair is a more beautiful adornment for tin' head than anything that can be manufactured, and hals mid bonnets serve Usually only to conceal it. Nothing external so much affects n wom an's appearance as the arrangement of her tresses. If -In- is wise enough not to he car ried away by mere novelty, she will Ondoul what style of OOilTUN best suits her face and then keep to it permanently without regard to the vagaries of fashion, it is ae tonleblng hat a fright a woman will some times make of herself for the sake of being iu the mode If heavy fringes arejn vogue, the woman with the low Greek forehead cms olf her front hair ou a h vel with her eyebrows, thereby ooneeallng her chief beauty. It pompadour faahiona rule, (ore heads that would put the portrait! of Shakesa.are to the blush are unblenching- ly exposed, without a curl to soften their boldness. In fashion, as in love and war, discrel Ion U I ho better part of val n . The favorite hair ornaments al presknl arc small swords with plain, jeweled or enameled hilt. Thai are 0 or T Inches long and are used also a hatpins b) parsons who do not object to tin- UavoC made by the blade, They may bo obtained in bnthail- v, r and gold. Hands ami bowaol Velvei and rililsiii are also worn, although prettily dressed hair really icqulrss no decoration other than Itaelf, An illustration Is given ofagraoeful oolffure Intended to accom pany a full drees toilet. The front hair la curled, while the back hair b waved and rolled over In a twist at the back of the load. It is then secured on the crown in two looss puifs surmounted by an sraM lip, and the einls are nIIhwmI toescanS ill ! liort curls. The rrnanients are nearia. which an' twisted In with the Djttfl nrrninre- u. mi, Juoic luol t.rr Ko bread or batter must grace tip board of an autifatter. N'n swis-ts, no Wine or lir; no pototooa, homiUT, oatmeal or. In fact, any farinaceous viands; no ham or bacon is allowed; no salads; no water anusl bo drnnk unless it is at blood boat. A in w embroidi ly, or ratli. r r which will undonbtadly i- very popular to made by darning Bowaii or ooovas tlonal designs on not. R- R. R. DADWAYS El READY RELIEF. Ct l.l.s AN ii I HI. V.". SI H Golds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Rheumatism, Rmralgl .'Viattoj, I. r: bago, Swelling of the .lomt-. Tains in list k, 'heel or I, mil.. Tbeapphentton of th- ItKAt'Y KKt.lF.K t" th- purt ..r parte where the .lifrW-nlty or pals esiele will ..IT r ! . . , cif'-rt. it woe ih iiict and is th or.i) pessveeasd that liMUtel leaps lbs at t eii-rnrtatinit pains, alUys IfgriWimatrTrns sad CURES OeasMtleat whether cl Um Lemtpa Msssasn, Jloui'ln i.r otle r s-l.ii.'N .r ..rjeti. ir. K,iv ft Co, Osalessea I have need rowBeed ReUX for mors thu tsreali riv. j - in nltli ii.ikI. m'is.'u. : ., nave ii'M it mrhaOrlrae, Paeeaionui Pawta tai all e. rtii nf wh. ami p ou mi l hv. I it un 'ldlnk- in. ty tine- He p. tfaUr. 1 w BAYMOND, :ii tJres nt St., Hldeletowe, Uotan, Jtianry is, sw Asiikv ii.t.t. N i This Is toeertlfv thnt In r'etirtMry. IISSI, I hd s Trrttrlt of "Ijillrlpt a, Iel rnrH niyeelr In twnt) tour h,.,,... ,y ttie. in of Had way's steady BeiiW mm U-.iirsj- ill d h.t saosh) r attn. k ol thn Minn .Ireadlul dis"aaii In Starch, IMU,nd u-r1 in. uae rem- Wat. with the same resell I do not kn .er Railway A Da, the parttns who manufa-tur taeee jnedlntnee. aaJ 1 aave always iut rerv lUtle faith in Alumna'- CertltleaUw, " hut If these fow hries w ill only in lii. n sonien(T. tins Hue t ue the al,v. r.-m-ily 1 will -I atntily repioj l.,r writing what I hare e-js etfullv, K I . llnOWS. J. W. BilWUL aahtrtrn, PQcs On,, lto "Onn lottln of Keu ly Uellef and one tiox of Karlwsy's PflSj earsid live In mv rassih Of lint-. itei ribla rfSsplnlsti "La Qiippa," or kadaeaas. BADWATI KK.MiV UUitlr, siesd by BAOWAH h PILLS, is sheqnlekestsnd must ifleotoal sars for TI IK ,4 ;RIiV'' MesiNsi i-r bittin. gold by Drandsta DADWAY'8 II PIS s i PILLS, i nri'iy tiK,,i',i' iiiini anil v,iiiiutii . i . ih tPcrN'rt DlfjfHtlnn, . Mu hfnlt hfnl rc'Muliirity. r,.i th'M-urt..f all 1ih niilcrsof th' NtoitiMoli, Liver, -U,Klri-!ik'k, Itlmlilcr, NrrrntiM DltfSsS3M, LmI iI Apptlli 1I H'luohf, CoiMtl put I tin, (due 'tlvi'lM-HH, IihIIki'mIIiiii. II I III tl Hllll, I . r, ' liilliinimiit luii of tli Iftowttlt, l'lls .uu! all ilTiiii'iiii,iiH of tin lulfrtishl TUrt'tiL, Pftrfo1 iit:cvii(1ii will In NCAOiuplUlisd b tiilthie Kml ivuv'rt 1'IIU. ty ntniuuK DY8PBPSIA aiak Heakaehe, Von I Slomneh, itii i. , - win he avoMast, and ih- f I thai i eatei ntrihuie Itosionrishtag proper! les for the support ol the natural aste nf the boitj Olisorvi) thn followlnii symp.'nins fol- losfuis fruin fllsosso o thsdlnstivs orttsnsi CoiiRtlpntinii, imvaril I'll' a fuhe-ss nf tloi hloml hi th" lleaii, sddlt ol the toqUoh.naa laeii. heartburn, ulsirusl nf toiKl, fulmwn ur I weight in the stossaeh, soar sruotatioaa sink- I ltiu or flutterlnR of tho heiirt, shoklng or Bof" Ifeeatlhg ssnsatuoas when ia a lying poatare, uimiii sH of vision, dots nr webs before the 'stunt, fever sad dull imin iii ths hssd, defj lienor of i "rsplrutlon, rsuoWIMespf tli" skin and eyes, pain in the eld", client, limbs, ami eiiJden flnshi-R of heat, burning in the II .sh. ! h few doses of BADWAY'H TILLS will froe the system ol tbe abuse namsd dUord rs. rlee Me. a !" said by Draggists, fiend in lilt. HAUWAY & CO.. No. ;ri eu H.. Kow York, for Book of Advice. Ink-' i STARVING ID PLENTY Why Will So Many People Per sist in Doing So? WHEN IT IS NEEDLESS lllsonvery of ii Pood Which Is Com pletely Digested Before lielnu Katea, Thus Enabling ih Weakest Btoinaoh to Absorb it. If yon nre starving, it is nil thn snine whether yon Htnrvn beoaUSS you cstinot gat food to eat or because you oannot iliuost what von do eat Tho sffsotl urn the Hiiino. The results are thv ssma There is n certain difference ; in this way: The poor man il tin p.u enough fooil hn will ut fat ThS invalid, what ever food ho nay eat, oannot get fat. unh.'ss hn fecils on artificially digested food sinco Paikola, the pro digested food, has bean prepared, people have rapidly been growing fatUr. Before Paakola, there was nothing that could imdonn to cure djsrit'psia. It was tho bnue of doctors. Druga could do nothing, Cod Hvei oil inndo it worso Dyspeptics, snaenlca, consumptives and ail people who were thin and pale, who in fact was starving amidst plenty, were thought ineurr ible, Today it i different We havo i koln. We know that l'nskoln, being prs'dlgetted, will enre starving inva Il ls. It will iiinke thin people fat. It will niake pals people rosy. It will lunku weak people strong l'Hsknlrt does this became it is a food Becnilfe it is a fou l that will feed you whether yon can digest other food or not. The eUrclifs urn the fattening foods We know tlii because doctors fori, id starchy food lo people who are growing to fnt. The ahlaf merit In Paakola, is that it la a pre-digealad food, Another, that Itisaetarehy food Another, that it I oips you to digest what other foot you may eat the chief good that l'askola can do is to make all thin people glow fat. Another, to relieve the pangs of indi geatl n Another, to put fresh Ufa in v i ur veins, and make yon feel younger and ti otiger. If l'askola were a would do you no perinaOSntgOOd at all It is not a medicine; it is a food We need food every day of our nve w do not need tip diolUS .lust see what Paskola has iMM for others V M I WIAP". I fid , April 6, i-i. 'Um Pre-Digested Poo 1 1 .. H Reade St, Wsw York. 1 ' ; v i ' I n i . . . ui letti r of April d st baad Kegardiag tsy symptoms before I ue,l Paskola, I waa very week: I rould not dlgasi aaythlag; I tried everything to gain strength hot failed, Mv doctor sd vised m to ass Paskola, and i am satisfied it la only thing foi a ,k seamaeb, I have galtiml two pounds a week. My only trouble in i e. tiiiation.aiid I bars is so sip eti- - u tab eta eerj lay. If mi bowels a lid 'tk right I In "U. I Woe M la- happy. Mv liver I Very bad St time and I get blltoaa Thernta Bothieg tbat IssipsUMi notion like Paskola. I ears triea sbonl IWelyS doctors and have been sulferlng mora lhan lour jeara I -s t . m that I hive I tin we ik that I I old work eati about two days is n gof nearly three v,-ar I SOeOl all I had I r doatorhsg ai d had given utbop I nin Hire I'aekola will reolere BM Trnel lag to bear (rom roc early. uis truly, i . a Bask Baroai roa, n. .i . Apul II. 1' The Prs Digested Co 4 Co., :ru Hcide hi.. New York. Gsgnjtxag: Throngh the a.ivire , f frlaads 1 decided to try your Psakotafor my daughter who hr.s Ih-.-;i in very p ht hrallh for a. veral tin nth past fn in loss of appetitaaad general debility, . e I, ad ual. l w iv iii t',,..h. and at the tlassshebagaa iakh..' Paakola waighsd 111 POttBdS Slid after l.i work treat. to, t.i ratlin i atghl poo ads. Bbs is Baiauig n traith sad ssrei .::ii dally, with h creasing nppvtitc for the m ot hearty food that urns r-pugnatil to her before tnkini; Paakola. As a lieehfonning food, Ithlai it far superior to Ood fiver 'd or other similar prenarni loim, and am npre than gratirbsl a illi the riwulls. WttUAM T. Born I'akola may lie obtained of miy re putable druguist A pamphlet on food and digestion will U mulled free on ipplicstlon to The Pre higested Pood I'll., Ill' Heinle si , New York. NORTH END. Th military battalion of the Father Wbitty society met at Ihelr ro in Thursday evening and elected (Hirers for the ensuing year. The spacious hall was crowded wilh the MBb t of tho society, it ml great interest whs manifested In the matter Tho elec tion was by ballot aiel resulted as fo1 loWli Joseph II. Iliiggan was re elected unanimously to the position which ho hss bold SO long with credit lo himself and the society. To Maj T lMU'gan' indefatigable exertions the Society owi s much lie has worked hard ninl succeeded in making it one of tho boat drilled organisations In Lackawanna county, John P, IfeAo drew wss slsctad eapttln of Oompany A; William Harrington, first (tauten ant and Dennis Keane, second lien -tenant Praaldaul of the soolety, I'. T May, wss el-'ctcd ciptain of I'.im puny B, with John J tiradv for Oral ami Tbomsl itigiin for second llsnten nuts respectively. Oharlss Btewarl was elected CSptalri of ( uuipauy C with JobB .1 Nlorui as first lieutenant ami Lawrence Hiirni, second liotitsu ant. lirilling Will go on regularly once a week at St. Mary's hall. Tbsy nre fast perfecting arrangements to have suitable martial music for ths buio corps that is being organized. Mrs Charles Martin, of Providenos road, gave a birthday party at her resi dence TDssdsy night, the thlrty-flfth anniversary of her birth, The to) low ing IsdiSS and gentlemen responded to tho invitation, and wire delightfully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Mr. Hiid Mrs. Allen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Burke, Mr. nnd Mrs. Sitnuel liobcrts, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Misses Collins nnd Zimmerman, Frank, Edward and Joseph Collins. Mat Jones, Charles Cul l. Comedians -Murray, Dillon and Itiirko also attended and contributed toward the evening's entertainment, Hopkins Alexander nnd William Powell, of North Main avenue, loft for New Yoilt lust evening enrontn for Wales. Mr. Alexander has crossed tip, Atlantic upward of a doBtn times. He Intends to sojourn for some llms in the land of hi nativity before hn returns homo. - . Tendleaton ft Worm's and HsUnntlne'a Alen are the beat. Bk e. " auhu, agoul, SS Lackawanna avenue Good Men Deserve Good Clothes . SO . DO GOOD BOOKS ONE of the strop, o points of The Trib une's equipment as a lirst-elass printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to-date machinery nnd managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania, j Preserve Those Pic- lures Don't Spoil Those Mot tichromes Have Them Neatly Bound 1 nr. Tribune will promptly preserve any "I the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. 1 1 will make special rates on the binding of any or all 1 arts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated Series Bolticorome Series OrAny Other Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OK SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDER! FOR PRICES llrfl .1 ' i , ,r 1,-r i.irii IJ&ll v y SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL Die above trnnds of flour ran lie hnd at any of the following merchnnts, who will accept The TuiiiLNK fuiur coiu'un of iir, on each one huudrod pounds of Hour or SO on SSOfa barrel of Hour lersntotl-r, P. Prloa Wiu.lilnKton svunau I BoM Haaal Brand, Daamars F.F Prlos, OoU stsdal Brand Uaaniors-r.D stanlar, Hapwlatlva Brand Bydetek-CaMoa Da via Waskbara Ht. (l.,lil Minlal Braod; J' sspa A. ll, arn,Maiii avouun, Bapsrlstivs Bsaad. arsMBldn a L8psaear,aau KadalBraad, .1. 1..M, ll,l. SlljiiTllltiVll. navideaes Fennsr A; OhappalL N' Main a.- " Suf -rUtivo lirainl;C. .1 Hill.., 1,10, W. Harfcat straat, 9 old M,ilnl Brand. Oljrpbanl JnminJnriit.11. BaperlaUv Brand r.-elivillB-sii ilt-r A K li r Superlatlr Ji-rim-ii c. i Wmi, t. v v , suHralatlva -Jiiiim, rt mpH',11 A" I . 1 1 ,11 Me.Ul 1 nr' 11 : I; - curk. 1 1 ,1,1 Medal Brand. )..iiit.ll,. I N. K.mImi ii Co liol I Mulal JIiimcL . M 11. Lsvslla NOQWAT IRON id. i i DIAMOND I KTRA BP1 Ol lb - i s DERtH mn BNOLISH .il ssui's KNObMH IB 1 HTRKIi HOKSK si n s mi; CALK 1 1111. N l 1IIM.UY BPKina BO FT BTBBIi INVILB in. I. low s H0118E MAftjfl W1LBV A Ki MEIJi ami I'll IM. I Bittenbentler&CoJcranton, buletala and retail dealers' in Wafromnakeri' and Blaaksmitbs' BUPPLIB& "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A MARRY PATRON OF" THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. Scran ton, l)a. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. tCRaJITOM AM) TrtfiTBB milt PA. EAEVfACTOEEMOV Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Utnentl OHioa, BCBANTOK, T.V HOW TO MAKE MONEY There &re hnndNdi f young ntn eountry who bbtb ipleodid Bbilitj VtjkOMd up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand Has been bd nipirntion to nre tired of in:ieliity iiud come to tiie ( 'oiieo. COMMON BNOLISH 1 l BBS. BI mm si OOURMB, "":,,,XN,,,"M1 feTS G f&' RESTORE S f 2.AEgSL0SI VIGOR ''JS,SMBaX":iN,' "," " Will lr yon npla a wwk Sold ilh WSlTTrs A-lyrgXJ ,f.w .' I' a ran 1 i ur , ... I,. , I f Bosiial Powar in sltkoi 1 RBBBlaBBBBBSLttld 1 " 11, 1 ,.. m i al, i . mjSioaortBsarUf.SI SfMrl ibyi fw S6, With i sroel w. uirv n writi.-n naraatsf In rin.M :, uu,l ib,-m, u, y. A niX mm: ,.i OO,. CltHlaaSjOkla. For sals bj JOHN B, PHELPS, l'Uanuacist, cor. Wyoming A?a and Hpmrpst, Beranton, Pa, MANHOOD sitniuthm i-r IimnnUy. hi in. hi nranstld. With fa. ...(..... i it v. i Ef OKI UD AFTER otEsr. Sddii NtRTl ikBDOO.. .Mii- mo foiuplo, Fur Bale in Boranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDEHSON. Dncist, oor. WnsliinptoD and Bdfuqb streets, JjTjjira PENNYROYAL AHk for DIt. MOTT'H Pt3KinnSOTAti PILLtt aim t;iiio no other. rST Oanrl M Miv. 1 is . lsI.,. ill '11 l.s (ssSt. 41 IIOi'N l')B ','. Ihk. jX-V fL-ir HOIIU lUt utisi it UjfC Ms ii khis, DruficUt BiiiiiriiaiiiiBEiiasiBaiBiiGiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiKtiiiiiaaiiHiiiflsiRfiiQsaDSfiiifiiitB', I Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa., May 12, 1894. I Send this coupon, with lO ceilt in cash, and get four of the marvelous i MultHirome Art Gems by far the 1 greatest ofier of all. Mail orders 2c. extra. E s nmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiHuiiiiiiHiiiiiiHiiiHiiiiiiiiitaiiiiiiiiHiiiiiii trvm fieA". y. rwSnae, Xov.i,im The Flour Awards "CmcAno, Oct. 81. Fhe first ofllcisl announcement of World's Fair di plomas on Hour has boon made. A medal has been awarded by the World's Fnir judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co., in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The cominittoe reports the Hour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank ab first-class patent Hour for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOLESALE AfiK.NTS. Taylor JuiIro Co., Gold Modal; Athorton A: Co., Suporlative. Pnryaa Lawrenos Htors Co., Ooid ModaL Mooii Jnlin MeCrlmlle, liuld Medal. Pittaton M. W O'BoyU, Qold Medal Clark's lire.-ii nasa & I'rkr. BapsttatlvSh 'lark - I- M. Youiu-, (i, Id Mi-lal. Daltoii-S. E. Finn A Son, Hold Modal Braod. nleaolaoii-,1. V.. Ilannnf. Wawrly-M w. BUss A- Son, (t'.'d M-daL Fa toryvlllii ( liarl'n (lai dnor. ;,.d Medal. Hojiliottmii N. M I inn A: Son. (ild M.dal, Tobrbanna Tobrbanaa : L.otiih'U Lumiwr Co Hold Mwlal Brand. (Iiiulilsb,r. S A. Adam.. Hold M.lal Brand. M - ,-, 1 . .!.: ,'. ( loun nts 1 ...:! Mwlal. Laka Ariel Jainus A Bcrtfaa Hold MsdaL f r, st 1 I'y .1 I. M ,- ,t. A 1 ... ii- Id M-dal WAGON WHEELS DEE BPKINOB III Its SI'iilvKH KIMS BTEBL SEEINB It. K. sl'IhCS hi lls nitos. BCRBW l I1IM.I.Y. and voting women in thit , but thejf Lin o never been hnndn want ils of inin people. If yon to do boim-thing tangible. F. E. WOOD, Proprietor. REST8BEDI NERV1E SEEDS. ftulenl In tii rr nil iit-i n At pawn, mu li m Wehk Menu i v, I,iisrf Mmln IMor. ! li-u-ini-h'. Wiiki'lulnt'M, UMi Uiuibood.Nlgbtll RmlMJusiAt'!,BlliiriiiiisiHiit?tf ymr liidt'ui'ratlTiMlrv.'Uinof oltlifr ir'tcru,i,i ! nviirr ivt ii, yiiulht'u) firori. .........i. il, ii .ii in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i 1 1 r , ' 1 i . i. - i . 1 1 i l til ; ! : 0n hn carrhMltn tii porknt. 3 pnr hot, O ! r As n II Dtdar niM:1vt n ' Mien Ku.rnTito lo ruro Si", I ii i f pt'i i 11 lir ft 1 1 ilrusrul it '- A - t ' 'r 1 1. ' itka J "JL 9 Th1 cr,,y snfi anrn nnS PILLS. suiitiM a iiiuin x xxjXM over ofiorod to I-adics, OBpocially rocouimond ed to mnrricd Lmlios. l li i sivir I" v v LIT ivnu Atadu.