The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 12, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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The French or Halted Latin Stitch Is Now
Considered the Correct Style.
Whilo it may in some cases be neces
sary to mark linen by stamping or writ
ing with an indelible ink, this in only to
bo tolerated for ordinary articles under
circumstances forbidding tho employ
ment of moro approved methods. An
embroidered letter or letters is the prop
er way of marking, and tho current fash
ion gives neat and plain though artistic
tattering in place of the highly orna
mental, involved and illegible letters and
monograms which were recently so much
in fashion.
For an r rdinary set of plain handker
chiefs, for instance, what could be a
more appropriate marking than a singlo
plain initial neatly wrought in a comer?
Plain, everyday sheets and pillowslips
Would receive like or even simpler treat
ment. Tho napkins in ordinary use
should have a slightly ornate lettering,
whilo tho richest of table tpreads and
tho "guest chamber linen" should have
the most i'luborato treatment, preserving
always such a degree of fitness for the
designs and figure! to which the mark
ing is to bo complementary as will make
it blend in pleasing harmony rather than
attract by startling effect.
According to authoritative statements,
tho French or raised satin stitch is now
considered tho right thing in marking
linen. In moat cases pure white is to le
wed, though in toweling a tinge of red
may bo employed, and where colored ar
ticles are to be marked such shades nre al
lowable as will blend harmoniously with
tho main -colon, Tho tendency now is
to quite large letters.
It is understood that the proper place
to put the mark on a handkerchief is in
ono corner. Tablecloths aro to be
marked at the middle of the end. If
with small letters, tk. - are placed near
tho hem; if larger, at a corresjwndiug
distanco from tho edge. In any case
there should be not less than tho height
of tho letters between their lower edge
end the hem of the cloth. Napkins are
marked diagonally across tho corner;
towels at the middle of ono end, just
above the hem; sheets on tho middle
fold, two inches from tho top hem,; long
pillowcases at the end, an inch ortw
from the hem. and sipiaro cases at tho
middle of tho top.
, Itandtofm BaadkaNhlela
A simple way of turning a 'lain hand
kerchief into a handsome ono is to sew
very QAROW lace around the eo.ualiy nar
row hem. The sole requisite is that the
cftiter should bo suitably fine and the
trimming i i" a good quality, Then ono
has a very dainty addition to on-'- ward
robe. Th- ro are most unobjectionable
imitations of lace now that might be
levied upon for the pur;
The Etiquette of Signature.
So far as I h etiquette . if the signature is
concerned tin re is one unvarying ruin
for women, married or single. It is nev
er right nor good form to dgn one's
name with the addition of Miss or Mrs.,
says Harp r's Basar, which says: You
are Mary Emily Jones, not Mrs. Patrick
Htsgerald Jones, to whomsoerer you
may be writing. If it bo necessary to
notify your correspondent of your mar
ried stylo and estate, yon may do so
iu one of I ral ways. Please observe
that cwT'sjondetit should not be left
iii'loiiht as to this, much embarrassment
being frequently caused by the omission
in lett' i s ) t , n strangers of exact in
formation as to whether the writer is
marri"d or single.
You may easily indicate all yon wish
to tell. You may place Mrs. P. F. be
fore the Mary Emily aforesaid In paren
thesis. Yon may write Mrs. Patrick
FtttgemU out fully and plainly in tho
left hand corner of your sheet below
your proper signature, or you may sim
ply incloso your engraved visiting card
in your letter, this K ing on the whole
th" most elegant and also th- most con
venient method of showing one'.i relation
to society. Tho exception must 1 re
marked lu re that th visiting card iinit
of place in an SZOlusin ly business letter,
one which lias uoteveu remotely u social
Bselps i 'r UAaabwrg Ttxntr.
Chop round steak fine and season with
salt; make int.j potties; brush with White
of an egg; fry in butter in spider. At
the in. :il n-.rk'-t you can ft en t the
steak already chop I L
Pratt tasks VovQMh
Bare an two unusually pretty gowns
for girls. The first can be made of any
of the new spring wool fabrics, the front
nnd sleeves being of crepon in a hgfatst
or brighter shade, with trimmings of
embroidery or fancy galon. Drown cloth,
with front mid sleeves of,
makes n pretty combination, and a mix
ture of petunia and heliotrope is becom
ing to very air haired girls. At the back
tho epaulet frills form a round collar,
and tho light portion defines u yoke.
Tho second frock is intended for a
child's party or danco. It is of pink pon
gee silk, with figured net laid on to form
borders. The bodice is lined only as far
as tho waist, nnd the lining is closo fit
ting and tho silk fulled on and drawn in
under a ribbon belt.
But Not Tlcforo Ho Hnil Collected Two
Dollars In Nickels and Dime.
He was a young fellow of slight build
and with ono arm gone. Just about noon
ho walked up North Walter" street a littlo
way, mounted an empty box that tho last
fakir who hod been there heforo him had
used as a platform from which to extol his
wares and bean sinking a comic flpng In
a manner not half bad. The streets wero
crowded with people unlng to luncheon,
and for a time no one paid any attention to
Finally ono curious man strolled up, and
thou tuej began to come by ones and twos.
and In ten minutes the one armed singer
was surrounded by about a hundred men
and beys. He linished bis souk, and then he
took iroin one of his pockets a bundle
wrapped with brown paper and tied
strongly with stout cord.
Be held it up so that all n&lght see, and
then said: "Gcntlcim-n, I am here today
to show to you one of the greatest feats of
legerdemain ever performed by anybody,
not excepting the princes of the black art
of the olden days. This feat, gentlemen, Is
done fur two reasons for your entertain
ment and my tinancial benefit, 1 would
dearly like to show you the trick for noth
ing, and it is a trick tuchaa none of you
ever saw before or ever will again, but
when my heart prompts mo to do this my
stomach says me nay.
"Although I am B conjurer I must needs
ent, just like mortals of ordinary build. Jf
you will pardon me, therefore, I will ask
you to pass up whatever offerings you
would like to make, audit I receive cm null
to purchase a square meal l will show you
this marvelous triumph of the mind over
the limital ious of matter."
The crowd by this time was thoroughly
interested, and nickels and dimes were
dropped into the young man's hand until
he had accumulated at least a couple of
dollars. When the money oeaaed ooming
in he carefully stowed it away in his pocket,
and then said, "If you are sure, genl temen,
that there is nobody else who wishes to
contribute to this fund 1 will proceed."
He held the package up agath and con
tinued) "This, as yon can all see, is but an ordi
nary package, and it is wound about with
common wrapping twine. I have here
also a large knife. The trick that I am
about to show you is this: In full light of
everybody the string that surrounds this
package will be parted, but you will not
see me cut it. Here is the knife and here
is the string."
The people erowdisl closer around him,
and he held the package and knife up for
inspection again. Then he said, "Now,
watch, ijentleuien, for the performance is
about to iK-iiin." W irti then words bk
calmly dosed tho knife, ami putting the
package to his mouth, bit the siring in
two, and jumping down, pusled bi way
through the crowd and readied Main
si ft St,
Then he turned and saMl "I am much
obliged, gentlemen, for your close atten
tion and liberal contributions, You did
not see me OUt the string, simply btoaUM I
bit it. Good day, gentlemen, goo 1 day,
My best regards." And liefore anybody
could catch him he disappeared in the
erowd. Rochester Democrat,
BAtl as le Jtlnels.
Two Cleveland burglars who attempted
to saw their wayotttoi jail DSSd rats as
SOQtlntlS. At night when they were r uly
to begin operations they sprinkled bread
crumbs in front of their ceils and collected
drove of rats. Whenever a turnkey ap-
proaebed their section of the Jail the ro
dents scampered away, thus giving the
alarm. Pot several nights they rki I
that way and, though the turnkey luard
the sawing and went ebonl on tiptoe, be
never could locate tho noise. Philadel
phia Lsdgsr.
Trend nf mi Igly Nose.
A certain amiable gentleman ins a tms
the bridge of w ha li resembles mount. i. a
peak iu the middle Is an scuta point.
Kudo boy eye that feature wherever bo
goes sad make pointed allusions to Itfa
html hi-hark. He does not mind that at
alb He is ns proud of that v iy :
Bounced Roman wm as beeaaba "It's
a sign of a powerful mintVaaj i be. "You
never saw- u weakling with a BOSS like
mine." He maybe right, but an ssceed
ingly Dgl) noM is an odd thing to be p wd
Of. London Tit Hits.
iiu i-.t ipr. tati .n.
Fhc-I sen by that pnjx-r that "money Is
ea.-y." Does. Hint mean easy to get
Hr-N.i! stall it BMaaathat awnay i
easy to s;eiid. Pittsburg BnllUla.
IIai Diiainai.i. causes m-icli sickness,
and bed t lood and Impn per aetl a of the
liter sad hJdaeys is bad draiaage t the
bumaa iretem, winch Burdock Blood Hit
ters re;n ly.
Tarngrsrh of an Entsrtalnlrg Nature
from a Ltvs IUport.r.
PMCtnt Sj t hr rrnfo TVih-is.
PlOmi LB, Pit.. -May II -John S
Jenkins, of 1'ittston, rieited his eon
(ry last Tbnreday,
The banking social which was bald
bete Us: Wednesday evening w
snccest socially sad Guanei-iliy Me
Oetptfl wcrs tl'Jlt 10
ft ft ft Becker and F. L Tarlor at
tended the dedioating of the Masonic
nail at l 'lark Simnnt lust Tuesday
Chirlta PiB' of Mapl afreet, has
sreeted a new iron feuc in front of bis
Richard 3, Crtn and family havi re
turned hom from a visit at Lancaster.
.Mr. and Mrs. i-' l.o mis Ijav- tw
gun hi nstkeeping in on.' of A W,
I'run lago's bousei on North Hntn
The borongh pond at th council
room has been put In order nnd Mich
ard Went has ton deputized ns high
constable, will go on daty t
once looking after the animals that ma
ul Urge nights.
The cross walk between the Mc'.ho
dist Episcopal chtuch nnd the parson
ags is in a deplorable condition. The
car track is from three to six inches be
low the walk. A few nights ago while
O. W. Miller was returning home from
town his toe cutigbt Bade! one of the
atones and ho was thrown to the
Round) which resulted iu a strained
Da, Wood's Norway Pine Syrnprnres
coughs and colds quicker tl nn any other
remedy, liecause it. combine the lung
boaUag quality of the pine tre with other
valuable medicines. Sold by all dealers ou
a guarantee of satisfaction.
Bucklnn'i Arnica Salvs.
The best snlv In the world for Cnte
Bruises, Kores, Ulcera, Salt RheUm. Fever
rioree, Tetter. Chapped Hands, t hilblains,
Corns and all hkiu Erupt loos, and poal
tivoly cures 1'ilos, or no pay reqnlrvd. It
is guaranteed to give pertect aatlslaetlon
or money refunded. Price cents per
box. i or wile by Matthew Urns.
Art for the masses.
One Dime and
One Coupon.
WEAK MEN Y0UR attention
Urent f.uglisU Remedy,
2f Gray's SpeciOc Medicine
blllty, Wcakie-n nf Bmly nml Mind, SiHiriiia-
MitniU'pa uiu iwa
ton'hea, mill linnotency, and nil QlSSaSSf that
arise from nvet'lndiilgeuce snd self -abuse, as
Ijoss of Memory and Power, DimneHt uf Vis
ion, Pretnstttrs DM Ae and many oilier dis
eases that load to Insanity or CeiiHiimption
and linearly grave, write for a pnmphlct.
Address ( I KAY Ml DICINK I (1, llulTalo,
N. Y. Tho Hiieciflo Medicine is sold by all
druggists at tf per package, or six packages
for Korssat by mall on receipt of mnney.and
with every K00 order WE GUARANTEE
n cure or iuonoy refuinle'l.
f$-On account of countorleits wu have
adopted the Yellow Wrapper, tho only genu
ine, bold in bcruuton by Mattuuws itrus.
Moving and Hoiise-Cleaning Days Are Upon
aid Cross, Tired Oat, Nervous
an Tromp, with a broom In his
tnnsthead, sailed up and down the
Thames in dlfianoe.
Drooma and dust ratrn nra now put
ting households everywhere In confu
sion. The traditional time for movinn and
honseoleaning is upon us. Innmerable
cases of weakened nerves, exhausted
strength and debility date from these
days of feverish sxertion, frot and cold
ro ims.
Every good hons9wife, however.feela
bound to riah healta and strength in
this annual struggle with dirt and
But as preparation for enat bodilv
and mentiil strain, lions" of careful
women build up their strength with
Paine's celery compound, the great
nerve and strengtheneir and restorer,
Fositive Curo for doughs, Colds, Hoarsoness, Bron
chitis, "Whooping Couh. and all Affections
of tho Bronchial Tabes.
The Purest, Safcsri gnd Besl Throat and Lung Remedy Bvei Pro
doeed. it will care every form r THROA.T nnd LUNG Disetuei
down to the v ry borderland of 0OST8UMPTION.
Your I irnnlal for a 1 r
Trll Bottk,
Pi Pi Pi
gr rviarvelous Cures
jE in Blood Poison
and Scrofula
efij Ash, Mil
t r
;i 1 1 :
M T ' '. ' "'' ' i : !' A-n,it
f A '-rk V,",''1 P""".",r..rr"'.,,,lJ 'pi on . i
. 4 . taTS' ''"' 1 '"'v V'" KarVooi t rklu ,.
V af.VTT " ' ' ' """--lr. It ii.iIviji v, n 1 ft PiilarwwssE
" ' ' .-I01 ins. Cnrra in 1 wo, . , 1. .. ... , ...,..,., ;
lt';lAV-rM,.r,'.t V "'''"":.'" .fr.'P.r.ra
t-firr,. . . t" !' :I "'-!1.:,.r.!.,,"i;h'':? . r r'o. aaor.-ry uutc l Plain r j All
1 1 ask In r-Muri. I
I frit ' 1 ... - r,
I t -f .
:i tlnr-t-. rtttt tlc
I ilt 1 pjafaj
Df'TTXB KIlCiK id.. I i.--. (ar'laUfMW.COO.
This l.iulles' solid Vi-inrh Dongola KM not
ton lluut dellvRrrtl frrtt snvwhrrs In Ihr I ., .1
risvii't t,i ,uth. M.'i" v Unit r.
C . - - ,M it I nn a) .Nuio fur $1.10.
' !' K 1 Ki.U . .. v ,. Is. '
... m "i j j
ruin ju 1111 n iuii 11 1 1 1
J..VI. V,i nsks Ihla tsit.t
tj I (iiinrivrr, tlu-ii-i ir-- w.' aitar-
atitrr lh Jit, ttifl" sif irirr,
s'ul If nny mr is tint itstl.nrsi
-II.' It as wi trui ratona un at)
rL V nr ni'inl stintli' r n .1 . llurm
- tST'i-n v 'i i I' ""1 I Ncnsr-,
' r f .' 1'. X ki:,
, Vrl't's 1 In " nml half
' -"jiir.i!ti. S' ."I i.'Hir ii: :
TKi" V .'- -!. I
wljJ '''sAa Vm'
-'a FREC
Bekter Shoe EiHsK'
Sfcl'tl trrma to ltmltr.
I flay, iili'lf' cvmnhr. liarl by f ' r. jj.
PiMitirit itrtMil, .ml lon.patfn bt-oli . illuitnlrtl fmm I
I llfofroniitj'.iili-curitl.fmiliym.iil wlicr. Ilol Riln I
land Biiiaiiasli (lur Mnaio Remedy win I
I porlUsr ci.m. ( Ollk 111 al!V In. I'Mnim, 111.8
nril vlpnr qnlrVlf
ninyiliv rlo. Muvly curoil hi '. nr.'iit
IlllldtiiiHtMiK'dy. With itrlllratiitiiri In ear.. Hold by
UAllllKWa 111(08.. UruEgl.ta, Scruutun, fa,
Ladies Who Value
A refined complexion muetUBO Pozioni's Pow-I
dcr. It prodiicca a soft and beautiful skin.
it r
L 1
Physicians proscribe it for dyspapsia,
kidnsy trouble, sick headaches, and all
forms of nervons waaknesi, bacaue it
makes paople vM when other reme
dies can do no good.
Hen and women wiio have tin tirad,
lanqnid feelint; that indicate! depleted
bloo I and a feeble condition of tho
DervouB aystom, need Paine's celery
compound, tho remarkable discovery
of Trof. Edward E Phelps, M 1). LLD,
of Dsrtmonth medical school the one
great spring medicine pressribed by
physicians of every school.
Sleep is the necessary condition of
the system to restore its Ion powers
and retain its vigor. Paine's celery
compound ipiickly repairs the wasted,
wom- iut, nervons tissues, calms and
equities nervons action and brings ro
freshing s'.sen that makes reooverr
Pimples, Blotches
and Old Sores
Catarrh. Maiaria
and Kidney Troubles
n i ' , - t i i'" i r r.
Asrsntrs.n ;'t :i 1 1 .
! I' I' .t II ; rli t irk .St. I
i wmm aMfa --1 tb.u titp
h.' ifMsimsnt si i bp lliapnas.
m 'si wtov,
A! . IT s i, ..ulj , J.
i spl. J. II. JuhMltn.
1 hsr-
(eic-asdii)) j.'p. Jniissros.
rtlS:iUAtl, US.
Mktti I nnrrr t iirrd.
rri'fii-iBf 'rem ikt Hiptr 3fin.TtI.
Cruris, Ti.. JsnnsfT 1. 1-
tpr W v i:f"T.
n -. iv. : y.a
am, DBoaaitn sell it.
Llitpmnn'. lil.-k.Hit minsh, f.n
Atlantic Refining Co.
Mnimfsrtiirprs nml IlMlcriln
Illuminating and Lubricating
Llnasad Oil, Nniitlms anil (inso
lilies of all crailps. Axle Orrnspt,
Pinion (iroaso nml Colliery Coin
pound j also, n lurgo lino of Par
riiilino Wax OapdUa
Wo alio lianiiio iha Famoni CROWM
ACME OIL, tho only family aufoty
burning oil In tho market
Offlro: Tonl KxcIiiiiik'i', Wyouiiim Ati).
Wurks nt 1'iuo lirouk.
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor, Linden St. and Adams Ave.
Court House HguAiti.
All binds of Laundry work guaranteed
the beat.
Us Comfortless fflen
There is3ueh a thing as too closely
watching for signs of ill health, but, on
the other hand, there la a wise atten
tion to signs of weakness and breaking
down. Painful Beusations and sudden
weakness are nature's evident hints.
'l Constipation, with flatulency and nau-
nci,iu ii.iTTUttlir 1UUII11U1$, DUmunin iun-
oua trouble. The dull, wearing acho
ns side and back should make one pause
to think.
Iirigh't dlseaio and disorders of the
heart and liver may be positively and
psrniftnently cured by taking Paino's
eelerv compound a3 soon as nenralgia,
weakness, rheumatism, lack of appe
tite, and low spirits show the begin
nings of disease of soino of these im
portant organs.
Vc have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming ipring and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
City Music Store,
rK( KK.n nitoTHEBi
H i LI .v. UAI i . u
I . .rr rtork nt flr.:l
Ul Me, l ie, fciTGt
MaaafaatBNn smi DaalM
Burning rtll fk ;t
Ulncatlng UILO rjilnj3
ilso Shafting and Journal Greasi
OlHOk-n wvst Uakamaaa Ar,
si-liKS: Mnriillan rs.i
AST YEAB lie had savrd 1800,
lt II li(iu;lit u houso worth l? 1850
ail $800 down, gV8 si niort
Kiigo for i?l,r."i). Tothiy ho cati
mates aa follows:
Kcntsinvod ?C40 01
utereal oo ,--.. 00
Taxae and npaln '-'a'0 IWH
Tet earing oq ront IIS N
Barea oa talarr 100 01
To apply on mortcauo. .
....S'.'TU W
ItEU.i:crioN-"In FOUB yours that
honaa wilt be free from debt ii 1 shun
liv it home i my oh n."
OBCBM BIDOB Is llio pnradlsfl for
bomee, rinn sons hare recontly lln
isiiod a beantlfnl villa, whleb they offer,
on eusy paynaanta ut aisso.
( nil nt tliolr ofllco, between lA'ashlnBton
aud Adauis mi Ollvo street.
DK. O. EUtlAK DEAN hns removed to 010
fSliruco street, Heruuton, Pa, (.Just op
posito couri-liouso Square.)
DK. A. J. CONNELL, Office 2U1 Washington
avenue, corner bpruce street, over
rancko a drut' storo. Kesideuce, ?ii Vino at.
Offloeboarei lO.antoiaa, m. mid ! to and
li :iu tu T.UO p. m. biinday, 2 to II p. m.
1)1'.. W. K ALLEN. Offiso cor. Laokfr
J wanna r.ud Wushinctou avos. : over Loon.
rd shoe store ( ollico hours, 10 to 12 a. m. anil
4 p. in. ; cvouiutfs at rbuldenco, 11- if.
Washington svo.
li. e. L 1 Hl.v. 1'nictli-n linnl.-il to Uh
U casos of tho Eye, Ear, Noun aud Throat;
office, La Wyoiniiut uvo. KeBldonco, 52U Viue
DH. L.M. GATES. Uf Washington Avonuj.
Ollico hours, 8 to U a.m.. 1.00 to 0 and .'
to R p.m. BefMenee Madison avenun
Ioh.n l. WBNTZ, M. I)., Offioea SO and (
' ( nmmonwi'iilth bulliliint: rosidunco "11
Madiranavo; offloe hours, li) to 12, I to I, 7 to
8; Sundays '2.80 to 4. eveUan at residenco. A
Bpi cliilty mado of diseases of tho eye, oar, noso
aud throat and gynecology.
I.A tt Vl-.tta.
M. C. ItANCK S Law ami ('..lli-.-tlon t-
fii'n Nn Ml? U 1.. E. .
II L "in ulo si., tipjiiiniio imn
........D. . ,iiiin, ii,; criuuciioiis a apaoaiH
Ibronaboat IViiiisylvaula; ruliablo correspond
ents iu every county.
IKSSUI'S Jj IIA.ND, Atturii.tys sml fomiiiT
O lors at Law, toiuin niwealth l.ulldiui
Washington avu. yv. II. Jehki p,
Hoiuoa B, (and.
w. li Jaaaup, ,iiu
. ,, "nyaaniU'ounsolorsat Law, KepubUoaa
Imlldina. nashliiKtun ave.. Scranton. I'm
J.U U.lisuN A wil.i , Ali..rii.-v,
X ( .tuiisi llors at Law; olhces U and o Library
buildlUK, Ucrauton, l'v
Boawau n. PArmnsoe,
William a. Wilcox.
J tnrtwys and C.iuiiM-ll.irs, Coiiiinonwoaltb
Imildinif Konins 19. 20 nml 21.
W K. IHiVLK. Attorney at Law, N,,.l'.i and
Bnrr building, V,isliuiti, rmnm.
KNIiV M. SEKI.Y Law o.-.h In Price
biiililin-. 12n V AVi-tmn.
nRANKT OKKLL, Attorney at U Uoom
i. ( -sl Kii-hniiKH. .Si-rsi.ttin. Pa.
MILTON W. LOWlFv. i Att ys, iT Washing"
( Ml VON 8TOBCH. i t.ii.av . i li l
lAMfittW, oAKi'iltn. Attorney at Law
n'.ins f.t, tj snd '4 Uommonwealth b'l'g,
VJAML'LL W. BOUaR Attorney at Law.
u Office, 011 Bproceit . Scranton, I s,
I WATRKS, Attorney ut Law, 42J
li. I..irks-saiiiis am-.. Si-ranton. I 'a,
I) P .-MITll. (outisellor at Law i
. r.-.-ns II, ,1, 'si itiiiiiniiiiwiaitli bulliiini
' U I'l l I 111 I' A.,...
at Law, Coin-
. tllonwia;t.,l bliildinir Srr.tit.iri I'-.
( . i OMEOYS, Jl ..;,ru.y.,t
I I lIKi l.iii.I.E, Attorney
Iia'f.l on roal estate
I .1 II, tl It.t.L
i-urltr- fit Spnif...
1 hll.l.AM. Attorn. -v .1 l.-.ut n. Ll ,..
neatngaTeane, s. r int-.n.
"'-"I ackn..wl.-.lgsil by J W
ItUiiW.MNO. Att.irn.-y an Notary l'ublic, H
i .ii-t 1 1 1 1 HilMihl;
at mini s
ton. Pn , prepare Is.ys nnd girls forcollega 1
thoroughly trams young children,
(.stall siu at reguunt
Rr. Tnoy . M CAt
W alttk II Btmtx.
.'I an! S I1..0; Allan - s. P .p l
rrrelrsd at all tune Next term will open I
April V ' I
' ; i.aubach. ouxgsvu beaMet, No. m
" . W r. 111111.. nm
H M MKATIl.N ..ffic Csd Raeh.t.
I 11 t N s
'IMIK KKPl'; Sarins, and L.,, Ar
I i-iati wiu !on tho m nsy on easier terms
and pay y .11 better on Investment than any
eth.r ..,-Utim fall . S. N.t'AI.LLN
i'i ' 11 n Hat k 1 al I ne
all m,
(1 H ( Lark A iu. aaadtmea, n. n!te
s I ai d MeieM ylHiajl .1 .re Its Washingvm
srenne; gr.-en h..uae,kJiW North Main avenue.
t. re t.-leiil . .ns Ts-.'
I V l I
Jeaaa nr
t( llil si RBI -.
I"- K: I I'll.!, ir, Laca.wanns avenue.
Bl r . f Wi
'PMJ wEtMUNsTER. Si: 21.. Wyomng
1 sve. R.siirs-heated with steam: all m.sf
rrn improTet inu ( M Ul all. Proa
'I'lir ELK OAVI, ir. and 127 Franklin are
I nil... lCalr. r.-asviiable.
p EiaoLia. Propi laiur,
1 Ltt'l'atlAeTEH 1I1 1 1 KL
M W. O m HIINf K. llsnr tr-- one bit .-k t-ajt . f l.r -sowar
t I t 1. .it v.- v....
Amrrlran plai it. 'si per dav an.l orsrsr 1
pOYNE HOUHAV tin. .pea., plan. good
V rotina ('Pen day ami i.iiUu bar sup.
y 111 ,i Mini vii. w.i
P n. OOTKE Pronrister
1 ti'tllVtiilll Iliil-yL' . it t . '
...... .. .. ..... 11. i-, u .v pa
1 4 nger dep. 4'. 1 I n the Eumrwa::
plan. t iTon Kik-ii. lmprletor
'KAMi CENTRAL. lie. and iw:
' 1 tmutrne! lintel in Alleniowu. P.: r.t-.
2 and 2..i JDef day
TICTOI Ii BAnna, Proprietor.
A VtS A HOI PI', Architect. Ruouis ii.
!ft and 2rt ('iiimii'inwealth b Id'c. Befantoe
11 L WALTER, Arth.t-tt. l.H 1 ry uttJid
mg. W -m.iu- luiin. S.-rstil.tii,
l,i L. BROWN. Arch R A r. hi Pact, Price
I . biilldinc. I'JB W asliiiigton AvK.St-ranten.
iiim 1 1 LAKKOVI
l)Ai'KRs oTTciiESTiiA-- Jlfsic Foil
I) bills, p-cnlcs. parties, reception, wed-
ibngs snd ooncert work furTilHtusl. For terms
addraea R. J. Baner, conductor, 117 Wyoming
sr.. ,,ver Hiillso-t's riiuslc ster1..
nuKTcN D SWAU1S WlliiI.l-sLK
hrBbar I- and Dime Bank Linlili..
Scranton. Pa.
supplies, eaTelOBea pisir liaga. twine.
warebooen 1 jo WaabingMi ve, sraiittin.
vkjte s LIYEBT, MOO raaonee areaae,
r i - .uiiiij." i1 1. tuoi i:, Agt
Fnneral Director 111 d Enibalner.
ri RANK P. BROWN A co, whole
I sal.- dealers In W,ssware, Cordnga and
Oil OtOta, 711 W. Lackawanna avenue
Li .It A FINN 1 SM.NS. builders ami contrac
Vj tors. Yards- t urner ' dive st. aud Adams
ave ; corner Ash st. and Ponn sve . Scranton.
18 THE BFST. Oft prices nml
iee tbe furnaeo and be con
vinced. A full line of HEAT
ERS, Appello and Uauze Door
aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiuiEi.i.iiiiiiiiiiiiii is
Bend or bring two of tlieso
B "witli Ten Cents.aiul got ono of
Anthracite coal usoi cxclusivoly, insurlna
cleanliness nnd comforL b
time TAiiLE a xmcn -r.n. j, isoi.
Trains loavo Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes.
Harro, ote... at 8.10, 0.15, ll.M a. m., 12.00 2 0J
1.00, 2.00, i .10 p. III. '
Por Atlantic City, 8.10 a. m.
For Now York, Nowark and Elizaboth, 8 111
(express) n. m., 12.30 (express with Buffo
pm F C1"''), i'3U (t'xpr06s-' P' m- Sunday, 2.UJ
Fon MAiirn Cnt'NK, Ai.i.kntow.v. Betiilp..
MmS .r'.;hTr'"..u"a PBILASKLFBIA. 8.10 a.
V&SSJ&ST Puiladelphlaj p.
h.i.l m JJB P;",0CEAN Goote-
For Heading. Lebanon and narriaburg, rt
2 0)p mU' " m'' lZ'M' S'00, v,m- 8uuu"y.
For Pottsvllle, 8.10 a. m 12.30 p. m.
ItetiirniiiK leave Now Y'ork. foot of Liberty
LtOMVaaTr riTer at Oppress) n. m.,
J,' m ' "f (vxl'rm with Buffui parlor carl
p. m. Sunday, 4.:l n. tn
n m M'n!,''''1',1,'''1'1'1' "ottrll"K Terminal, 8.00
i iirt t't t "SSiJJS P m- SnnJer, 0j5 a. a.
nm! 1 rtick''ts V-' Bll,P"ii'9 at lowest rate
3h?r 2? "I'l'Hcatlon In advance to the
iii.kot iiijont at thj station.
J. n. OLHAl'SEN, UUn' 1'SS' A"0Dl1
wen, snnt
Coinniendni; May at. 1W2,
trains will run as follows:
Trains In.-ivi. I . j ...
Station. S. r.inton, for Pitts
t..n, Wilkes liarro, etc., 8 IJ0,
W, 0.07, 10.42a. in.. "l2.I0,'
LA 0.00, tU, r,.li, B.J1 a.ij
nml 11 as .. n.
Ki.r Now York andPhila-
vu .in 1 .. 0,i uo'i;Bla. ("a. in, 12.1U, ;.2.j,
2 38. 4.10 and 11.80 p. m.
For Honesdaloffrom Delaware, Lackawanna
and western depot;, 7 Oj, 8.3U, a.m l'l'o
111., 2. 17. .r..l0 .. m. 1
Fi.r Carbondale and Intermediate stationa.
f..4H, 7.01. s.;, 10.10 a. m.. hl,'2.17, 3.2", :, il
000 and 0 06 n m.; from Bridge street Dt-t.ot.
lim a. in.. l.tTand 11 : p. m.
net alui aaa to Albany, Saratoga, the Adt-
roadeok Mountains, Boaton ami Hew Eugland
polnta, 60 a. in., attiring at Albany 12.ti.
Saratoga 2.2n p. DL, and lea Ting Scranton at i
p in . arriving a: Albany at 8.511 p. m., Sara
tiiga. 12 .V.a. m , and B s'om. 7"i a. m.
Toe only direct route between tho coal fields
and Boston. "Tho Leading TourisU' Koute
of America'' to the Adirondack Mountain re
sorts, Lakes Uoorgo and Chainplain, Montreal,
Time tallies showing local and through train
aervico between stations on all divisions Dela
ware and Hudson system, may be obtained at
all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices.
Se.-utid Vice President Pen. Pass. Aft
Fun. 11, UM
Train leaves S. ranb.n f .r Philadelphia an
Hi 1 rk via. U A- H li K. at s n.m . 12.11.
and 11 a& p. in via D.L. A W. H. K, 000,
IU 11 20 a. 111. and L00 p. m.
Leave gCTanton f.r Pittston and Wttke
Berre Ma p., L a w. k. it., b oo, aos, 112a
a in 1 li ;t.'.i. 1.07, n.-is p. m. m
Leave Scranton (or Wbita Haven. Ilazleton,
rotnnWe and all on the B.aver and PotUrilll branches, via 1 I W.
. ","-ni T a " - II. R. R. st a a iiL. 12.11,
U0, I It p.m, yia D, L. A W. R. U., cu), o.uj,
II J'a 111.. i RI, .'lp.m.
I., iv- Bcraatoa f..r Bethlehem. F-aiton,
I!-'.. lu g. H.-irri-biirg and all intenn.-dlate
p. mt-i via D jc H. It. EL, - a m .12. In. 11.1
! 1 " I- A W. it. R.,t,.0u,s is, li.20 a. ta
I 11 pin.
Iave Scranton forTnnkhannork, Towan-li,
Elmira, Ithaca. Oeneva and all Intermedin
points VI.. lull r R 1 .17 m.,12l0and ll.M
p. la.vla D UW R R.. 108 a m..l..'l p m.
lswr s. rant ui f. Rts-h.tor, Hiiff-ilo. NI
agara Pane, Detroit, Chicago and all points
woet TlaD AH R. R. .'I7 n.ra.,12 10.H IV1I li
P in. via D L A W. R. R. ami Pitt-ton
Junction, s'w s m l. p. m.. via E. A W
It K.. .1.41 p. m,
Por Eitn ra an ! tin west via Salamvioi. via
. A II R H aol a.m- lilOAW p. m . v.a D,
L. A W. R.R.. .sos a m.. 1 n and li..7 p m.
Pullman parlor snd slc jiiiii: ..r L. V. chair
ears on all trains Is tw.-en U H Jun--: . r
likes lUrre and N-n V..r. PhLad lp .la.
Buff al. and Sosi-nion Bridge
Rlll.l.IN II Wll.Hi-Il. I,..:, s-ipt. ElM Dir.
' HAS S. l.KK it.-n Pas- v.-1. Phiia .Pa.
A W N. INKKM iCHBB.Aaet O.-n Pa jf
South Bethl. hem Pa.
Trains leave Si-raiit. n as full .ivs- Express
f. r New York snd all ifints East. 1 ' 24,
1 1 in and 9 U a. m ; 11 V and a..U p. m.
Exprem for KjL-tun. Tren'on. Pbilatlelphta
and the South, il 8.00 and K.ii a. m.: HAS
and 3. Jul p m.
Washington and war stations. Ul p m.
T"li hauna aoctiuim..iatiitn. a 10 p. m.
Expr as for Blngbatnton, dew-go, Elmira,
("tirning. Bath. Dausnlle, Mount Morris and
Buffs!... 12 In. 2 l.'i a. 111. and 1 -4 p. in., making
cli connections at Buffalo to all points iu thj
W.-t. Nirthwst and StttithwesL
Bi'h rc in 1st: 11, - a m.
Binghamtt.n and way atattou. 12.17 p. m. 1
Nn-Otilsoii ami way stall .na. Vl'i p. m.
NichosoQ so n.-i a, alt ;. m. and
tl D Ul
BtngbamtOB and Elmira Express. S05p,m.
Express fur Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego,
I'tlcaand Ricbtldd springs, LU a m. and 1.21
p m.
Itnaca. 1,10 and B.i.i "a m and l-'l p. m
For Nort!iiini!s'rlan!.Piitst..n. Wilk.-s liarro
I'll in-.nth. lib mi. burg an I Danville, making
ajaae eenneertona at Northumberland for
wllhamaporti Harnsliurg. Beltnm re, Wa.sU
Ington and the St.uth.
SorthumU rland .nd intcrmcllato statijnt,
6tm. .1 a Bt and IJO and 6.07 p. nv
Hantttmbe snd InlirTitflRirt stations, 8.(11
and 11 2 a Ptynravtb and intcrmodlat)
stations. LaOand ItiS n, m. parlor nnd slts plng coachea on all
express trains.
For drraihsl Information, iss-ktU tnu table,
etc , apply t M. L. smith, city ticket ..met,
.i l.s. kswauiiaavet.U'-, or '. ticket oltica.
N: it ton BtTKOtON.
la Fflrct Jantiart '2Mb. I si) t.
'nr4h nmiiiii.
on07 roa
si n; li lie 0 -.,1.
itfoo 21 1 ens
3 5 J ? 3 -
a -1 nuns Bally.
v. cept
i- Arrive Lc
7 i'. N Y. Franklin s; ..
: a
! 7 VI
(t ,1
' M
v oe
7 10 west ttad street ,
7 1 Wechawkt-ii 1 .
c 11 Arrive loaves
p 11'
S .'.
a 101 ..
7 &s .
Tl ..
T 01 .
7: ..
ra ..
n i
7 ir- r
1 Ift-Hanooe Junction ri ,s
ita .... ii
a is .... 2 24
Ota .... t si
1. U .... 2 41
114 .... W
ii m .... i oi
li 10 .... n o-l
u id
14 IT
it a
12 US
It I 'll
Preatos park
ri.- isant Mt.
i ireel city
Willie IlrldgO
w liiton
Park Place
I 2.-
IS .IK .... S isj
II 41
ids a 0 m
.'4 1 45 .14
27 li 41. 13 M
cm ti
4N'v.-; (iiioi
OJ a B .-' ....I
u n mm a is
84! .'. W I! W
; 11 a ,v. 3 45
1 M ID 1 1 1 II
7 43 10 1! :i !
' 40 10 10; 3 .H
7 10 IU 111 4 04
7 M 10 17 4 C7
1 U 10 SOl 410
80 I0M 4 14
1 03 in .10, I U
1 n v r a
6 li
Ml II is
ii 11s
fe ai
6 21
M Ii'
n 117,11 -2!
11 1
5 a
11 1
11 ii
Ul t v
11 pi
fa 1: fi mi
e ion .vui or.
11 1 mIa ml.favp
All tmliis run dally except Sunday.
t -1 1 uies that trains stop ou sUual Mr pat
Addltl"iiiil trains leave Ciirb.uidale lor scran,
ton bio and 0.1:. p. 111., arriving at sciuiitou 1.6S
and 7.0ft
Leave BOrantOn fOT Carbondale (Vivo and 8.00
arriving at carbondale at T.OO and 1,11 p, m.
Secure rai.a via Ontario a Western before
Surchaslni; 1 tckets and savo moncv . Day and.
ilhgt Kipresstothe tvoat.
J. C. Anderson, Qen. l'n?s. A(rt
T. vutoroit, div. pass, Agt. aeranton, p.
Train loavo Scranton for New Y'ork nnd in
teriiicdinte points on the railroad nt BOB
a. in. and 1124 p. in. AKo for Hnwley and
local points at 10570.45 and 324 p m.
Train leaving at D.t'i a. m. aud 3 21 nra.
are through trains to and from llonesilala.
Trains leave for Wllkes-Barro at 10 a. iu. and
ail p. m.
conpona, (lilTorcntly numbered, S
tho series of sixteen mafjiiiliceut 3
nnoiograpns. len numbers now ready. Mall ordors,2c. extra.