THE SCR AN TON T1JI DUNE S ATI! ITDA V MOHMNU. MAY 12, 1894. FOR ONE WEEK We will sell ovir entire stock of New and Stylish TRIMMED HATS at C1KEA.TLY REDUCED PRICES. Come ami see them at NEWMAN'S 303 SPRUCE STREET. WE have special facilities for A NO. 1 WORK, LACKAWANNA THE LAUNDRY 308 Penn Ave. A. B. WARMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue We are showing new designs in printed IRISH LAWNS, JACONET, DIMITY and PONGEE. 415 Lacka. Avenue. ? . CARPETS BARGAIN NO 3, We Will Offer for a Few Day Fine Moqu-lt Rugs at $2 os. Theae Rugs Hive Never Been Sold for less Than $3.00 '27 Wyoming Ava CITY .NOTES. The taaehsji1 sad ba tiding oommttte of the boanl of control mule a t' ur pt Ilia city .ctiools ynatafsay, A marriage lirense wai Kranteil MSttr day by Clark f the OonruJobo II Tanss- a. toHavpbOS BenpM ami NastS l'lriink, b-ith ot Oiyphant. UeV. I. N, K.rle will continue Ml MM ture eerien by 'hi- delivery of "A Hiiil'. fa View i f ihe Bible'' at Grace Bafornied church thin evening. The lecture at 1 H l'rk church has lieen postponed uutil Monday night Tbe ne W atliletle field of the Wyoming seminary, a. Kingston, will bnopenid tin-" sruruoon nt 'i 1 1 o'clock. Praatosat War l'.r'.d, of Latayetti ooUam, will mass Ibe minimal ad iraas, and trill Ik follow! by President teniae, of the seminary. A number of Bcrautoniass will attend Um open lug. Tbe Oirl'i friendly eoctaty mil bold a "Mite Nicinl ' on Thursday evening of next week nt the r miIkiiiv of Mrs. I'. S. I 'age, Vtl Washington avann. Mimjean Hee, Miss Julln c. Allen ud .1. Wlllli Conant Imvo kindly offered thair M-rviceM, musically, for Um occasion. It ia Imp I that tb members of St. I.uke'. church and all frii nds of the .cietv will be pres ent In large numbers at thin social. Yesterday's Pitta burg Times says. "Thomas Tliorliurn hoe remg 1 tin' ec- retarynhip of tb Young .Mun's Christian association nt Bbnrpbtuy. Wllb 11. t, Armstrong, of iiloomsburg. ho will main a three months' tour of the nntliracitn coal region for the purpose of doing n pel WHgon work. fir. Tnorbarn will bo succeeded by W. J. Holmes, of I'lttbnrg." Moth Mr. Thorbnrn and Mr. Armstrong wero formerly located in 1'ittstou. - Anheuser Iiuscb. Beer. Lonls Lohman a, iU Bnruca ttfc PERSONAL Otto Timmo, of Patterson, N. J. is In the city. II. K. Stewart, of Bingham ton, was hero yesterday. T. J. McTighe, a ;arbondalo Elk,' was in thin city ycMterday. Building Inspector Nelson is coufluod to bis homo with illness. Samuel Wurner, of Jeruiyn, called 00 Scrnnton friends yesterday. Kev. John Finnen, V. O., of I'ittston visited the Episcopal residence yenl. .dny' Attorney L. 1'. WsdamUL of Purest City, was engaged in business hero yester day. Mrs. Powell and Cnrtis i'owell, of Clin ton Dace, visited Wilkes-Harro last even ing. MIssM. Morrow, principal of No. 80 school, will spend ttio Sabbath in Ply month. T. L. Painter, of Wllliamsport, in spected tlio new Elk's lodge and club rooms yesterday. Miss Lavinia A. Dimmick gave an even ing party at WOO Sanderson avenue Inst evening, which was attended by about forty persons. Hahhih sells carpots in exminlater, will ton, moyuotte and velvet, 304 Pen 11 ave nue, next to Windsor hotel. ' If you want to raeot your friends, go to 6-Bros. shoe store for vonr shoes andyon lire sure to find 'em there. No. 11 of America. No. 11 of the charming art series, "America" hns nrrived and eopies may be procured at The Tkihunb business office. The latest number of these dellautful Indies will prove one of the most interest ing of the collection. e Thar Have Gone Down That is prices at Guernsey Brothers, I Williams k McAnulty HOW FOR THE Scranton Women Will Aid - Charities. the Associated FOR CHARITIES1 STRONG BOX Colonel E. H. Ripple and Rev. Rogers Israel Address the Ladies' Meeting In Behalf of Associated Charities City Is Districted and Ladies Selling Membership Tickets Poverty Is More Prevalent Than Ever. Many of the representative- women of the city met yesterday nftornoon at the Young Women's Christian associa tion building nml formulated and be gin work on a plan for replenishing tho depleted treasury of the Associated Charities. Rev. Rogers Israel Htid Colonel B II. Hippie were present as representatives of the Associated Charities and made brief addresses. Tin: Tnir.t ni: has called attention in its last few issues to the fact that des titution is more npp irent now than at any time Hince the incorporation of tbe Associated Charities. This statement was substantiated by tho remarks of Colonel Hippie and Mr. Israe l. Colonel nipple opened th meeting hy explaining the purpose of tlio Asso ciated Charities and n resume of the work it hns accomplished. He suid: "The purpose of Ibe association is to prevent tho impositions of the un worthy as well as to extend relivf to the needy, which, instead of making paupers, encourngs men to become self-supporting. Careless ud m deeofimlnete giving is very apt to work harmful results." He explained the system of Investi gation mid cited cases where church societies and charitable peopla ImJ been imposed upon. OOftDmOX OF TBI r "it At tho present time, lis stated, there nre 11s many, if not more, destitute lersoiis than during the winter. Many have besti shut out of work 0 wages mid time redaeed to such an extent that families of tive or six or more are supported by one person working bnt eight or ten days per month, No money has been distributed h the association, but orders for supplies have been issued B'ul fl. P"i has been paid to men for work at Connell pirk Colonel Hippie tli-n rend a suiiininry of the work performed, which In brief is us follows: 0"! cases investigated. B60 worthy. 295 given employment, averaging 0 in a family, ll'-' widows relieved, averaging I in a family "I have told you wliat we have done md what our purposes are. Wo sni: est that von ladles organize I r the sale of :t.(MS membership titkets, the ! 1 Is of which will be fot continu ous as well as present work It is my opinion that during n xt winter, perhaps sooner, there will b .reatsr suffering tban during the pint few months. 1'ossibly bnslness limy improve, but pnst lOfferlagl have crippled our poor beyond tti-ir power to immediately recover. "We base onr hopes for continuing II li great work up n wnat you indies Oan do for ns in seem ing inem!ers " !i"V Mr Isrni'l then stated that tbe Associated Chart tiel had buen ont of its element in doing worn it hnd n t heaii oegantied t.i perform. I.ika New York, Boston, Pbiladelphia ami oiher clllea, similar org4nir.ati'n,ue we: e "rg.m 1 7.ed as an Information oenter; a bod) rep reNntlng nil tho creeds and clsstes for the pnrposs) of inspecting, recording and general reception of appllcatl ns . He tiien told the use of lbs mayor's mid association fund as a necessity, an I that the continuance of the work was threatened with a luck of in 'ins. Tlis sab- of membership tirke's would en title bidders to tbe privitegeeof t'e associated ciiintis md make them feel they bad an 1 ijuvilent for the an nual or fV) life membership. Colonel Hippie and Mr. Israel then departed, fief suggesting tlmt tbe lilies organise nod devise ws and means of 'U-lricting tbe citv among siiti-conimittees and the gathering ol a revenue from tbeaale of tickets WQCI OF TBI LADIBI Following tbe departure o( the gen tlem 'ti. Mis I t Kverhnrt was el Ml I temporary chairman. sml tlu following Indies were ehctej permanent 1 Hi . rs of tho oommlttee wbioh organlced to assist the Associated rh.iritten. Mrs K. P.ainnrl. cinurmin, Mrs L A. Walree, treasurer; Mrs J K Cohen, secretary. The plan mentioned for districting tho city among aub-rnmmitteea wis adopted and many committees si in linl ed to c ninenc" work to lay. Before tbe iii idle of next week the movement will be afoot In evory portion of Scran ton. The sub-committees nt work are as follows: Mifflin, Penn and Wyoming n. anei Mrs. Roger Israel, Mrs. I. ). Kverbart, .Miss I inily Stevens. Wasinugton and Jefferson avenues Miss Tillle Bawley, to select assistants. Madison, Monroe and Oiincy avenuas Mrs. Charles K. liobiuson, Mrs. Ueorge Pino, Mr if. J, Croastey, t. lav, Webster and Taylor aveunns M . Obrrol Dickeon. Miss Luula Bberrer, Mrs. .1. 1). Clark, linen kiilip Miss Aunu Sanderson, to Select llsMMlllltS. Providence Mrs. II. 11. Hollister, Jin.. w. B. naddler, liunmore Mrs. .1. 1). Illnckington, Mrs. P. I Ib.ran. '1 111: 'l'liiMUNr. will give reports of tho fill urn progress of the committee, meet ings and other matters pertaining to Ihe work. I' EPWORTH LEAGUE ANNIVERSARY Services of Unusual Intereet at Elm Park Church Tomorrow Tomorrow will bo a day of unusual interest to Kpworth loaguors at Blfl) Park. It will be tho occasion of Ihe fifth anniversary of the organisation of the Epwortli leagno in the United Statesan organization whose remark able growth and inllnenee are second only to the phenomenal progress of the first contnry of Methodism. The Klin Park league will nppropri ately observe this important amuv, r sary by giving an excellent programme prepared by Dr. K. A. Bobell, of Chi cago, the able ami elof j hhii t secrotary of tho league in 'his country. (i. F. VVhittemore, tho newly elected president, will preside, and the pro' grsmme will he in charge of II. H, lieidleinnn, of tho literary department, At tho close of the regular programme graduates from the Junior leaguo will be formally received into the league and will be presented with diplomas. All young peoplo are cordially in vited. Services begin nt 0 80 sharp. Bring your Bibles Hemember the de votional topic, "In Christ's Stead. " Head Isaih xliii, 10, Matthew xxvili, 10. Hauiiis sells largo mirrors and furniture in Hue grades, Penn nvonuc, next to Wind sor hotel. Put your trust in the S Normllo Bros, and their shoes and you will never regret it. HIONEY MR. DONY'S BIG OFFER 1 Diui'gisu tflfJoWg, B4wiar, Would Hot Saj Hs Sold Ofllj Drugs. BRE VIOLATIONS OF THE 1774 LAW John H. Phelps Does Not Desira a Hearing and Pays His Finn and Costs Assistant Secretary Wiley, of the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation, Testifies Against Mr. Low enberg Mr Dony'3 Testimony. The court room of Alderman Post was yesterday morning the scene of nnother trial for violating tho Sabbath by selling seductive carbonized watois. Hev. F. A. Dony had bad Joseph Lo wen berg, who conduoti a drag stor' at Spruce street and Washington live nne, arrested ft r not properlv observ ing tho now famous law of 17',l. When Mr, Dony announced that be whs ready to nroooed Wltb the case he called as bis tirt witness, Clmrl-g A Wiley, the assistant secretary of the Scranton Young Mens Christian ass -elation. Mr. Wiley said that lie was not one ol Mr. Dinr's assistants, and ex plained that his prtisnos in the nldsr man's offioe as a witness was owing to the fact i hat lie bad seen some peri mi drink ud pay for wht lie supposs I was sodo water in Mr. Lowenberg's drug store last Sunday, ind bad men tioned the fact ill the Young Mens Christian association rooms v .Mr. Dony happened to hear of it, and sub poeneil bun as a witness. '.''hero was a discussion between Druggist Lo won berg and Witness Wyiie as to whether it was soda water that the latter had seen drank and p ud for in the drug store, Ur. Wylto was positive it was s ida water, inasmuch u- once upon a Urns ho had tasted a glass of tins summer beverage and had recognize I it. Mr. Lowenherg wanted to know if Witness Wylie was not aware of the fact that druggists frequently draw plain si da mid ill tbe same with Mid litz powders, Mr. WylU evidently bad had aonie Htperisnos with t tie powders m the white and blue papers IS be replied that he is sure it was not a SeidlitS powder with the plain soda "elm- i" that le had seen porohass I M BUI Mil. DOHV saw Then Mr. Dony annonaeed that he would vary the monotony by giving s little evidenos himself, lie bad passed Mr. tawen berg's drag store and bad found it open for business the s un as on any Week day. Mr Loewenbnrg Interrupted tbe witness by inl rmlnghfm that he b id only sol l drug on Band ly. Then Mr, Dony made tbe following gene root offer "Mr. Lowenborf," said Mr. Dony, "if on your honor as a gentleman yon stst that you eold nothing but drug4. rieepting of eourse ti ids water WblcH yon claim Is a medicinal c on p oind. I will withdraw the ease against yott. On vonr honor, have you con- lined yourself in the sals of modi Mr Lowenberg wanly sttet ibat ho wanted t h-ir all the vldraoe that Mr I Viuy had atiinst him The eeeretsry of tbs Mabbatb union then Weal On lo say tnst b liad f passed Mr. I.'iwent erg's store 1 let Sun day ami had nolle -d t:i it loi.iii.. w n being transact I Ibe ISMS SS Usual Ai leriaar) Post ma ! Mr 1. iwenber? pay c.e nan d iin ol $ i an 1 a ists I'niggist John II. Pnelps di I nol c ir. to have a hearing an I sent the amount of th One and cos's SUCCE1SSFUL GYfllNASTIC EXHIBITION Given by Members of tho Young, Worocns Christian Association -Included a Maori! Exercise. A large and highly appreciative indUnce gathered at the n:i of the Young Men's Christian sss..ciatbn last nigiu to witness too anaa ii gymnastlo exhibition of tb- foang Women's Christian assooiatloa Tbs programmi inoindsd club swinging, fencing, hoop drill ami a llelsarte exerclst 1 :," latter ubibttloa of the mo tern at tainment of tks pnre grsos of to ancients wa given by a rl4 of aigbl yovtg ladies hw by Mis L is I, Board low, ptiy-u-sl instructor, an I displayed the most perfect attainment ol itieart pel given in (bis city. At the dose of the ei.tertsiiinwnt Miss Shsr llo w was presented With a d:a moi d ring by the following members of the teachers' c a- Mi.s Ami i llir- tholomaw, Miss Mrv Porober, Miss Flla Oslan l, Miss Bra Short. Mtss Loalla Pearoe, Miss Mane Monies, Hiss Delia Fv.uis and Miss Elisabeth si kmaii. J no exhibition of advance flub winging sboa-ud n remarkable degree of SS pertS ss in some of the In Otl illffl silt movement by Short, Bilk ma:;. I) r;lo I. iuw.i .in id. I', rcli -r an I Pes roe, Tbs Dslsarls sxerdss, Isd by Miss Bbsrdlow, ooocloded Ibe piogram , an i Issladed the tpllowtog eiassi M se es DsrsgaQ Oslaod, Kaon, Bartbolo mew, Bllkman and ,l irgan, Ottieis who participate 1 in be cx ii -bitlOO were Misses ilarber. Sylvester, Vernoy, Clark, Williams, Broome, Howe, Jones, Hooran, Annomsns, vVormser, frothing i am. Band, Bioht stslnsr, Blttenbon, Brum end the MISSSS Hippie Q 1 1'. mil in Conrad's orsbsatrs farnlsbsd lbs mn sic and sp elal ace imp iiiuiieuts w ie rendered by Miss Clara 1, mg an I MleS Bessie (Irillln. '1 h f Itros. baveall the popular shades BnsSettSi from u .V . sugir or chocolate color, asd mi width) thus enabling us to tit all kinds of feet, lie tiny Urge 01 Small. BONDS DEllVr Ht O TO D L I (": A CO. City R reives a Drsft l r $127,019 fir Utah fch"ul Bonds. Yesterday there WSS delivered to Blair 6V Compsny,ol New York,tbrooKh tiie Scranton Savings buik lbs 1890 high WhOOl bonds to th StttOUnt ijil IN, ()()(), Ij's. The New York bsnkstl secured the boiuls from the board of control by the competitive bid of $187,019.88, which Im lu let sprsrolnmol 7, 138 and accrued Interest. Tho rate paid li a triila over 8.04 tier cent. Iblrd LtfiletlV District. Conforming to BSOUOS I of Kule 4 of rules governing the Republican party of the Third Assembly dtltriet, the lghila tive staudiug couimittee will BuSiatfl o'clock p. in. Saturday, .May IB, in the ar bitration room, court house. ScrOUtOD. Memliersof comnilttee will lie governed ucco.'dingly. .1. K. Waikikh, Chairninu K. J, NoitTlHT, Secretary. Boraaton, Pa., May v, tiW. . i Dn. Q Q LaUsaOB. dentist, (ias and Water oompany building, Wyoming a . nue. Latest bBprovsmentSi ngbtysSIS iii bcrauton. STATUS IF IHE JEW h It a Misfortune To Be a Heb.ew Dis cuss3d by Rabbi Fenarllcht HIGHLY INTERESTING LECTURE The Rovcrcnd Speaker of the Opinion That the dew Should Not Be Ashamed To Belong To the Nation Descending from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -Day Must Come When All Nations Will Be Gathered. At the Linden Str wt synagogue last evoning, Bshbi Peuerllobl delivered nu excellent address on "Is It a Mis fortune to Bs a Jswf .Mr. Fenerolibt said: An American has a right to bo priiid of bis nationality. To beioug to that nation which bus produced Washington, Lincoln, Webster and Longfellow 1 not that something to be prond oil To belong to that nation descending from Abraham, Isaacand Jacob; a nation which lias pro duced a law-giver Whole laws served a a foundation to nearly all the laws of tlio world: a nation which has produced a monarch who,,, reign ceased ;-.,ihki years ago, but whose wisdom "still a proverb in nil the nations of : ha earth -is it a mis fortune, or something to bo ashltlUSd of, to belong to such a tint I ml I think oot, Cmt a glance at all modern achievement t lo tbe Raid of ethics, ami of moral philosophy. Mas a single idea been expressed for ih benetjt of mankind which cannot be found to the realm of Judaism'' Have all I lie atheists c bun d been able to undermine one tingled wtrine of oar faith! Have all the modem apostles called the Ktblcal Caltarist b i able to produce ono solitary idea, be it in arnica Inhumanity, morality, philosophy, love, mercy in compuresou, or In honesty and truth, winch could not '. found In tho endless storehouse ol our religion? ALL DATS OHS I there a theology more beautiful and more simple, more attf active, and more in harm en with gOOl com u in sense, than that id oir propbetaf Have we not all one Father, etc! Where then I tbe iii-fortuiie in being a Jew? If we cannot Had tout misfortune in the realm of tbe ideal, we must look for it m th ma terial worbl, ami here it must l ud mitted thai eresre at a seeming iio.ii vantage. We ever bare been, and ars to a certain extent even 1 1 lay, tuo scapegoat of the nations. The anti-Semitic crai i predominant today ns in the times of tbe middle -ge., and not otrv in hironrn' bus. la to ilarkest Koumsnia, hut also m enlightened Iter miOJ and civilized Aii'ti la The f last week contains tbi sorrowlnl report of tbn awful ami Hemitk spirit that pre vails at pre-, nt m tbe I i I'.ol of Austria. A prominent CbrUtiau minkitar Initt- gateil bis larg" SOOg ngun-t the Jews, nc- enslng them from th palptl of being Ni bio. ts n:, a Aaarcblete, ami the moot ne dangeroui enemb i of e nsi order. ine same paper also report a lively dhmsseion Is la Aaetnaa rsicbsrath to dnuUaluy the Jews f OT any p'in'ic onTce, nule they are privately converted. And urOiing a- ir may aei m, It is a fact that alth ngb tbe Jews in Vienna form 10 per ient ot the popolsl i in, there Is not a iin gle Jewish employe m tbe mUStet a I r- ice. X r ; it am ltter in i niiglil. i -it Ifermsny. Tner tn Jews are nbwes clud. d from all social advantages. A ignal proof of tbis le tlmt while many thousands of Jews eerre in ne Uoraum army, tbere i Ml a single Jaw holding tbe rank of an officer. And even In this 'ur bleeaej eoantry of freedom and tonality, tbs J as do not SOi Ibst eympnihy and rncogut tl oi wliub Iber Justly MSerVS. SBUBVSS a Mi-ii iiTi m. for tint reason many of our pretended Iris I of oar other orwedi believe that ii is misfortune to bs a Jew. And when or hambly ask. "n hal do von ad viae us t.. ilo loovereoM that miafrtune of being i Jew'' we are I old, "lilfe up yteir exrlu- rerj peg of yoor arbrtory ami bum it to i.i... .1 1.' . ul ever reiiilnm enre i f yoi.r glori i. past with tha epoege of a IdUiebs the m ipei remedr'l Hy no mien. I tirmiy believe in a tun. of universal brotberkood, TbS day will and must 00 BM when all tbe nations of ne wiald alii be gsibored sround a spiritual HiaSlj w lu ll Qed will peak to all SUM -b i . dlen. ' I am Hit (t al ' Hut at ih same time it Is my llrm 000 V it toe that We Will hasten thai grind ami glorioii. period lo teaching and I leariiu.g a n. I. in whose Ii tunte l eart is t' on (or all bt creetarest ws tmpe ami pray f t IfelS Mewtab. but we are unwill ing to bail his Sdveal by bslylag one WnoM pat by e-rrltS ing MS what future at the sbriiie if a doubtful pblhMOpby, I admit It lakes a linn mild and a pn I id soul to withstand Ihe attack, II sinugbt llisde up,, ll the seUfltlM' Je.vili heart. I I ii 1 1 v iindeisMml tbn tislu met B II v Ol l ne . 1 1 n r i reinii who are t ot spials tw f re tks lUtbsWttlSI 't Mvillsstioo to still d arm Wei I til is tliut a sufttcieut reas m end den) the li.nne birth C' ' ' I 1 ' 1 4 a narrow i bumanli) 1 1 aaerill i light lor the sak Ob, Ml l or tlio mateilal advantage' is of tears lbs world is arraigned i.gsu si us; ml ti e srsapons within the reach ot man have bees tried to eliminate i ur bhalinscy, and WS have is yet SOI b en camiuered. ihi not ravos w it, TbelWlh idea does not wage war for material poweri it struggles for Ills, Itgbl and universal love, we daily tmteh forth the band of fellowship to ah the world; and WO Oak SdmlttaOQi DUcqnill terms among the family of aatioae. We are willing lo Join them, we are ready to stand by theui m ii irosbtes and vi.u sttons We Is In vein the fttbsrbood f our Qodt nothing wiil induce u to forsake tiiiii bm we must ie rssstvsd with our in ue nnd fault, and ns long We are te J' Cled. iis I ug ii, one tear fall from the ee of a Sinsle JeW on aOCOUDl . t his fnitli, so long will we bear lo suffer, ns our fathers out ia the long ran i f history I it on this account n mtsfor. tune t.i be a Jo? Is it n misfortune to niTer fiir a ri.iciple? unlisnl not I Uraeily and oppreeatou do one f two Iblnga, They either crush nut or they develop, This j lb great law of evolu tion, roe strongest, tbs most titled to survive will lUrvlV in the long run, 10 tnittirwbat the hardship may he, The hardabtp only tends to develop asd make strong the Inherent quality, Had tbs Jew neon of feebler nature, carina mure for esse and lomfort, than fnr sintimsnts I nun :m-u, iiK v iv. um nave giv u nwnt longiigolo the piessuie, and would have beeu tepidly merged m ttie population sriiiiiiil l hem, s a was, Bersscutlon only knii Ibsm together, ns the hammering Md Welding to the articles of true steel. Discipline, patience ami sodurancsi Ihsss are tbe three things which Israel warned from bi r long period Of ierSSQUtloU. The e are the three qualities which Israel bs evolved ill the past nineteen centuries. The suffering for the principle, for an Ideal, steeled nnd purified the character of ti.e Jew., in the past, aod II w ill duo also in t he future. 1; w ill elevate our soul to a Divine dignity; it w ill prepare us to fulfill Hint sublime mission Intrusted to our sues thousands Ol years ago; then Israel will again be a favored people; then the w bole world will MknOWlegO nnd say: It jg i I a mbifortune, but rather a pride to be a Je a. No. lief Amsrlca Has just been received at Tni: Tiumlxk business oAcs, Parties who hnve ex Smlnsd this number praSjOUOOS it the best, of the series yot published Art lovers should not fail to mid tbis must meritorious Dumber tu their collection. Tho r Dros. "spot rush" shoe store Is n good reliable place to do your trading. I , till..:' ...l lrt I, ... Commonwealth Shoo store, Washington avenue. e THEY IE NUISANCES Five Scranton Scliwls Were Condemned by the Board ol Health Yesterday. SWAMPS HEALTHY IN COMPARISON In No. 23 Building a Stove Must be Kept Burning, to Prevent Chills. Dr. Allen Presents an Interesting Report Sanitary Officer Burke Kept Busy An Intolerable Nuisance on tho West Side. The hoard of health convened in regular session yesterday afternoon iu the citv building uud held an interest ing meeting. Secretary Walter Driggs read his re port, which showed that during; the month of April there were PJ7 births, 125 deaths, 81 marriages, 180 cases of measles, 18 of diphtheria, ecarlet fever 5, ami typhoid 2. 'Hie board tool: notion on the number of persons engaged iu scavenging without a license permit, nnd directed Sanitary OfBosr Burks to nrrest all who do so. An application for B icavangar's li cense by Qotdsn V Lilly was refuse!, Tbs people living near Lilly's stables serosa tho river complained bitterly against permitting ( iold0 A Lilly to do business oceans ' of the unsanitary state oT their premises nnd scavenger appar atus. Disinfectants are used, but the cure is less agreeable than the disease. However, if they agree to transport their wagon and stables to sumo sec tiOO of Hie city where there are but tew bouses, the board will be inclined In grant a license. It wa also ordered by the board in relation to this cato that S-crotary Brtggs tie Instructed to notify Mr John Lilly to cenau doing t usuivss nt tho obi stand and put her premises In bsalthy sanitary stylo inside of ten days, or at lbs end of that timo Sani tary Oflieer liurko will cause her ar rest Hsaltb Ufflosr Allan's report tated that the nuisance h for the past month were of tbe usual order. Connors' COttrt in BelleVOe, I In SWfnl condi tion; the street Is above the hotiees in many plaOSS near the Lackawanna riv er, and the surface water runs into tbe cellars of prOBSrtlSS causing general disorders ami nnbesttblness, Bsau mmit avenue and Warren street in the North End are also sadly neglected and incubate diSSSSS, The board directed that the sanitary committee of MUn- sits be communicated with toward an abatement nl ilKS nuisance. pixomdutu somagemv The following Mbool buildings were nominated nuisances by the board at the saggestlM of ir. Allen: Byaon street eel ', rfOOrtMnth wsr'l school, wtlsli I street Mbool, No 88 at the Notch ami No. 87 on ilreng-r aireet. Ai N.i 88 h. ..I, f which Prof J J. Costal lo is principal, tbs primary department under the anpervieion of Mis Jones, f no damp that a atove must be kept heated even on warm dayi in . rdst lo i ii'sei th humidity. I he other buildings are not properly ventilated or lighted, catmtig s. re eyis among Ibe teacers m. 1 pupils 'the board of control will te sked to sb dish these rooms and provide bet trr aaoommodall t:s in each cae Dr Alias basams very faostlons in a part of bis rejiort which refrral to the ibitlniit of Hi !.en-coips ! s i l th.,t in pissing a hennery which wa r: i d removeu by the board some ' DM go, be heard "a cock crow more than thriM " Another matter w is t rcnahtupon which the West Side board of trade snt a communication to Secretary BrigM It r. r. rs to the intolerable StS i P t nut grei-ts psssers-bv. arising from Mme part of thai section of the West side hounded by Wet Lack i wanna avenue. Ninth and BobinsOD streels, andtnn Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad,trarks. The health oflieer and Sinltsry i fti oar Barbs win Inveetlgsts the matter too I Inspeotor I'homss rea l hi re port, wbiob stated that be mi l., t ofidal visits and found the msrksts the city complying very aitlifactorll) With the hMlth Ordinances, I hequal itv of milk furnished at the dalrie ia very fair considering the toaton of tbe t.. ir Superintendent H W LeSflDS of the gatlMge i remstory msd tho following rep rt Amount of rbnge consumed. 18781 irrels, ea:, v. digs, li, goats, 1. pigs, 1. chickens, 7. meat, .V pounde. Bsb, lOdOpOOUdsi amount of coil eon omed, 'ii tons; black oil, 7 gallons, beadlgiht oil, 8 gallons; cash received by sale of Bbhes. fyl 10, - -Thirty, w list Potlllone. Ws offer special advantages during this maimer is Baslnssa BbortaMd and Bng llah departmrnta The fict that thirty Iwoas i red good positions daring April It the best evidence of tbe practical nature it Mir Work Wood's College of lluslue ami Bhortband. e One DolUr T. r Harrel Saved Hy using the noted Soyal Bbjad Ptour, tbe highest grade and best family tl nir maantactured. l .e,i by thousands'. Ask your grocer for it. II. MOBTOOXMSI Ci.. AgenK iuu w. Laskawaass bvmus, Srrniiton. Wonderful An- tin. srorka of :t wheelbar row, it siiutiiii in oiled onoe year, HOW ABOUT YOUR WATCH V II is ;i much liner piero of mechanism and should be cleaned and oiled every year, in Loop ii in good order, Have it done i. W. W. Berry The Jeweler Who baa had twenty-five years' experience, You will Bnd him at A17" Lacka Avenue. Best Sets of Teeth, $Si00 Jnclmllnc the painless extnuitlnj tl tenth by uu entirely uow process. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. IBS WYUftliNU AVI. Dr. Gibbons, of New York city, will bo in his Scranton ofllce, -141 Wyoming avenue, every Mon day from B in the morning uutil U iu tho oveniug. Special 8ale of Ladies', Missoj and children's Bhoes, b actory fahoe Store, 411 Laok'a ave. illlllllllllllllllllllll I THAT DOLLAR I OF YOURS si T,'tt,a new lea of iif ihe minute S S you bring it into our (tore, To eon 3 ? v" yeuof tlnitriiiliorourntatemoiit 5 we name a few price, " Tea of Coffee PfltjMD55yD a I GAS STOVES j lonen ana tiiore's h full S blte; anotner touch, eon I Clean S Mm ni... sate 75 up. lJany - sizes anil knnls. S 1 OIL STOVES 6O0. op. Don't builil a large S 3 coat nr.- tbl warm weathor; It makes um whole bon g acorn B m fortable. s "'oik ennreiv new B ' BARSS COokfin Range the very lataat wonder, uiad tu show y..u S the p. lots. Comoln an. I ioe, u Is t 9 t" buy slway i 5 W.. I,... .1.1 . . I HENRY BATTIN & CO. ISO PI NN AVKNI K. I HOUSEHOLD SPFClALISTS, I ..... M OSLAND'S 138 Wyomin8; Avo 128 Wyoming Ave. NEXT D,ME BAfNJK- We are now displaying ;i One line of Y tiBHt&B KyyyajiagafrS hj(XnTON, HILKand faffm MB HIGH GRADE I7ISIT the PENN CLOTHING AND SHOE HOUSE V SHOE DEPARTMENT and find anything your fancy may wish or mind dictate. Our stuck represents the Choicest Spring Styles for Men. Women and Children I you want anything in Patent Leather, Russian Calf, Kangaroo, Tan Goat, Tan Vici K;d, Calf or Cordovan, in Lace, Button, Blucher, Blucherette, Congress and Oxfords, from $1.25 TO $5.00 Men's Fine Russian Calf Shoes at s l .c)o; worth $2.50 Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Shoes at 8 1 .5; worth $2.00 Every prurchaaer of goods amounting to $1 or over receives a obanoeon the Beautifn PABLOB 8UIT. pin mm im house 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA. S. L. G ALLEN. We Don't Want TO' UE The Drum OR Your Ear HY Tuo MUCH BLOWING), BANISTER'S, toy's Army Can't Buy These BARGAINS FOR TODAY ONLY Child's Straw Sailors, wo'th 25c. and 35c. On Mon day, 19c. Child's Lace Caps, regular price 25c. to 35c. Mon day, 19c. Child's Mull Hats, our reg ular price, 25c. Mon day, 19c. These Bargains for BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. We will give all a chance. This sale will continue for the remainder of the week. Look at This We will offer for bal ance of week a 40c Trimmed Sailor For 19c. Also a Black Clay Worsted Coat, with moire trimming, latest cut, worth $14, For $6.00 You can have your choice of 100 Capes and Coats for $2.98, Worth from $7 to $15. Don't miss this chance. It will last for the remainder of this week only. J. BOLZ 1 SHOES? But we want to impress upon you the fact that we are offering better values in footwear than any other Shoe House in Scranton. Call and we will prove it to you. The benefit will not be one-sided, We'll et a new customer, that's true, but you'll save money by trading with us. to M,!OBJS!lLom8 taes' Boys' Kilt Suits, regulai price $1.35. Monday, 99c. Men's and Boys' Straw Hat3, worth 35c. to 50c. Monday, 23a Special Bargains in Flow ers and Ribbons. ONE DAY ONLY. m