I THE SCRANTON TBIHUNE-8 AT lilt DAY MOKAUNt. MAY IU, i4. SCRANTON TRIBUNE rcnMSHF.n DII,T TN SrnANTOW, PA., J1Y Tins Tauovi PObuibihq Company. New Ton. Omen: TittnrjNB Buii.dino, FlIANU S. GllAT. MANAQEIL kntered at the Pontofflce at Scran (on. Pa., at Becond-Clast Mail Matter. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. BOBANTOK. KAY IS, 1894, Coxky cannot be Ho is merely an ass. made a martyr. Scientific Brigandage. Tho battle, of envy and hate which those who fail in life invariably wago au iinst those who sncceed has enlisted the snpriort of another truckling poli tician who sees in it a new chance to become notorious and incidentally to "make hay" of his own. This partic ular law-maker lives in Nnw Jersey and is a member of the state assembly, lie hns introduced a bill which "makes it unlawful for nny person to transmit, by will or othorwise, property worth $1,000,000, All property above thnt VUltM is to escheat to th state, and the attorney eneral is requosted to see that the state gets its sliaro of all such estates. The moneys thus received by tho stato mm to be distributed by the treasurer among tho counties, accord ing to population, to bo ussd for pnblio school purposes, maintenance of roads nnd the support of the poor and insnne. The penalty for cone 'iiliuir the exist ence of such an estate is S,000 line, rive years' imprisonment, or both." 'Ibis bill, it will bo seen, puts into cold typetlia mlstellaneoui loniriniM of those less courageous rcformora who politely dabble in socialism tad bewail growing accumulations of wealth, but who draw back in sensitive iiorror when asked to fans the logic of their discontent as it is practically e.mpli fieil in bomb-ti'.rowing anarchists or cu'-!hroat burglars. The denial of the right of property at tho million dollar point in the ascending ncil- is as t:i:i-h a denial of all rights of property as if there should bo u deer 'o that no man should k"e: what ho earns or saves. Undoubtedly there was a time in tee history of civilization when $1 . iO0,i: represented a sum utterly beyond the brightest dream of individual avurica Yet evsn tlie.'i it . w .s never seriously propcs" 1 to prohibit by stttute tbe ef forts of ui-u to reach tiie highest alti tude of their financial hope. At ve and beyond any question of expedi ency, it was r -c igi, 1 that the rig:it of ownership to kineatly acipirml wealth rested fundamentally in moruis, and con Id not b negatived without en daggering the outire stmctur of civ Ullatl n I' is high 'im the minds of men got dliillntionixsd of th? deceitful fancy that thrift an 1 prosprity may at cer tain limits pass mto the realm of prop erly pnnlshabts crimes. The I'etno cratic party, in its advocacy of tho in conn tax. tins done much to anchor this vain belief in the favor of tae un thinking. The Jerssy proposition in validating the rigbt of inheritance be yond the million-dollar limit is a: ofT shoot of this pernicious deuiagogism, nnd will eventually pi-risj with it. Jiut there is danger while the fallacy lasts danger lest seme inn should be ile lu led into fancying ths.t moral law is ar bitrary in its bounds or that the schema which, under tho cover of law, would literally rob the rich man of inucli of his wealth, might not be, successful y turned, by the sams snvioM au I ulnft lc(s promoters, to the spoliation of the mm who is only ordinarily tvell-to-do. Iiicomo taxes and inheritance limits ore nothing more nor less than clever artifices of scientific brigafl lses - - It is Nor a pleasant spectacle to seo It respecting Republicans la 1U WSTS county f ired either to abstain from voting or else to support tho Democratic candidate for ju Ige. lint Clayton itm is luckily not a general Republican disease. 4 MM Again, Shall Women Vote? Thanks to the Hitting New York con vention for thu revision of the Kintiiro slate convention, which will, among other things, pass up n a proposition to extend tho suffrage to women, we lire having just now learned discn Mons of this problem in the forum and the press. As pastime it is interesting to nolo tho wide divergence of views (ipressed. One colnmn of quoted opinions, representing ton different authors, lies before us. The Nw Fork Evening I'ost, ultra rcfinad, thinks that "no more terriblo mistake cuuld be mado in politics than giving tho suffrage to people who do not want it" and classes most women under this head. The New York World, without saying much, is favorable to the exp iri ment; tho St. Lonis i'ost-Iiispatcli con tends that it is tho logical outcoms of attempted universal suffrage; tho Al bany Journal is cynical, the Philadel phia Ledger facetious: the Milwaukee Wisconsin antagonistic; the Brooklyn Kaglejbitterly liostilo;Chauncoy Uopew conciliatory, William lioan Jlowolla aflii-mativo aud tho 1'altimore Bun conservatively on the fenco. Another interostiug contribntion to tho literature of this subject is made by the csteomod Syracuse Journal, in its report of the deliberations of tho Salino City Political Equality club recently held ut the Woman's Union hall under the provocation ot tsn ob jections to woman snlfnige previously advanced by a Brooklyn society of "antis." Miss Carrie ,S. Huntington, who led the speech making, claimsd it was a violation of equity to tax women without representation; declared wo man's influence in politics would be salutary aud denied that such a parti cipation in public affairs would curtail her nsefnlneBs or lornablonesa In the homo circle. Miss (loodysar averrod that it was "simply disgraceful" that so many women should refrain from informing theuisolves as to vital ques tions of tho day; and claimed that woman herself needed the ballot for purposes of self-elevation. Mrs. Dris coll drew distinctions betwoon the legal condition of woman in preceding gov ernments and their condition nndar the present laws of Now York state, where by she can sue and be sned and should, in self defense, have the power to vote; nnd finally Mrs, Bagg, who went ovsr the ground very thoroughly, conoluded thnt: Whatever may bo tho hard earned priv ileges of women, they havo no political freedom here; they cannot clionse their law makers nor their assessors, consequently women who own property, as well as wo men who have no property, are equal sufferers. Women nro uon only taxed with out representation, but when u man dies tho valuation of tho real property left to tho widow nnd children is nt onco ruii-od. All lawyers know this to ho a fact, and tho widow has no ridreis; she has no personal ropret-ontation, as she would havo in case stio owned railway stock. Also, all else except the fact of sex being equal, in In dustrial nctivios her work is not. in tho or dinary occupations, paid for as well or in tho same rations man's work. In the gi eat num ber of church societies that woman makes possible, her voice is not hoard; in educa tional and nnd sanitary matters connected with public scheols, women are not con sulted as they should bo; in the state re formatories occupied by both sexes, wo men bnvo no recognized power to onforco needed chnngos, m.r to remedy abuses; in tho legislature, the many groat petitions of women to raise the "ago of consent" for young girls fall on deal ears; the plain riguts of women nnd children the homo in fact aro not granted when the question of tempsrance arises at Albany, and wo men accused of crime are often tried be fore juries of Ignorant men Instead of by their pcors, as would be just. Vet in si it of these crying evils undor which women suller. then- remains a few women of the small sheltered cla who are willing to ling their gilded chains and protest gainst nny extension of privileges ami duties aud progress. It is a deplorable sight to witness. The nmnzing thing about this whole discussion, though, is not tho fact that thero should bo a divergence of wishes among women themselves, ns to the use of tho ballot, but that there should any where be dissent to tho imposition of a fair educational test, whose provi sions should apply to either sex and to all classes alike, The course of the New York constitutional convention with rfcrenco to this most important of current political problomn will it is almost unnecessary to add, bo watched with n profound Interest, LORD BosiBBBY'fl government has emerged triumphant nun another cri sis that was confidently predicted would moan its dissolution. The truth probably is that common sense is stronger in England than most per sona give England credit for. Is A PDBUO letter Mr. Powlorlv oilers good advice to tho reformers of the COXty stamp Although, bo says. From a personal acquaintance with Mr t'oxey extending through sevente-n years that he believes him tub In earnest, he ad Is v 'ry sensibly that "the proper thing for tlios who are opposed to existing conditions to do Is n t to tnmp to Washington, but t , stay at home and vote these into office who will mitn qnire the material re- I minder now offered to Tiew bv tbe marching of the army of the com in m-w-al. The veterans wiio hav.i m ire i 1 with Coxey should return home ami determins t-iat home is the best dace for the great n. ij ority of those who ne onpy seats in congress, " Mr. Powder ly does not mention ptrtisan politics In this Utter, but it i.i easy to observe 1 that his words apply with rare aptness to the tsritl-tinkeriug lJamocratie i flustry-wrecJnn who nr In the ssddls ami riding roUghsbod to ruin. Open Air Concerts. It is a Subject for gnoral rocrst, tiiese pleasant spring evenings, that BersntOB lacks centrally located facili tu-s for fr-e out do .r hand concert. If ti.ere srsrs a pnblio square, this omis i would doubtless soni be supplied. At least twn local band organisations stanJ ready to Volunteer their services for a reasonable s -ries of summer even ing programmes whenevsr a suitable baud stand shall le erected near to a , vacant space where an audience 0 mid catber with comfort. Nothing but the I lack of sueii a ; lace presents an Suj n able addition to our Isrga list of popu lar antnmer entertalnuents. The only public location nt all suit able in the Central city would be in tbe court bonae yard. It is not ktiosrn bow this suggestion w uld plwa the county Commissioners ; but a proffer by them of the privileges of ttia lawn say OUaS each week, Would, it is believed, be much approcisted by the public. There sre also one or two p rivals estates with lawns snfli.'ieut to a - - m modste many hundreds of auditors to a public concert, and while it would be too much to ask the uis of these lawns for such s miscellaneous assem blage, a voluntary invitation, experi mentally, might not provo an ungrac ious deed. It is intersstiag. in thin connection, to not that on bext Monday evening ilkes Parreans are invited to dslight themselves in melody discoursed regu larly throughout tho summer by the Ninth Regiment band. These pleasur sble convocations BOaembhf OU the river front, which s prescient pioneer de craed should be preserved inviolate for just such occasions The pioneers of Scrauton were good an I true men, wbcHa shades wo' would not disquiet by invidious comparisons. It is Igf ficisnt to remark in conclusion that if the present generation bad the laying out of BorantOB to do over again, thore would not be experienced the present long-felt want for a central park. ' w Till? iT.oi'i.K of tho Lexington district in Kentucky my prcferc en sdulteren blasphemer and bypoorite to an boncsl man; but it remains to ba demon strated. citoKi.u'K tamuaaan would ba a bet ter penance for past misdeeds if accom panied by restitution of the spoils. - -Woman's Mission. At the dedication Thurday of the Mary Washington monument at Kred ricksburg, Vs., Senator Daniol deliv ered an oration that ahnuld be commit ted to memory by every American. Especially happy was this paragraph: I.ovo of country is only a figure of IpOSOh, Wo rnnnot lovo the insensate earth, which can nivo hack no responsive speech or llanos of sympathy, Love must go to and from tho living. Our country men lire our country. The nation is the aggregate, tho homes are tho units, roan i- tho bulldea woman is the inspiration. Discuss constitutions, administrations and policies as wo may, the outcome must de pend upon tho subsoil they spring from A'akn the home all rigbt and tho rest will, follow. Another portion of this oration strongly commends itself to the reader. We quota once more: You have reared this beautiful obelisk to one who was "the light of tbe dwell ing" in a plain, runil, colonial home. Her history hovers around It Hho whs wife, mother nnd widow. Sho nursed a bero nt her bronst. At her knee she trained to tho love and fear of Qod nnd to the kingly vir tues, honor, truth nud valor, the Hon of tho tribe that gave to Araorica liberty aud independence This is her title to renown. It is enough. Eternal dignity and heaven ly grace dwell upon tho brow of tho bless ed mother, nor burnished gold nor sculp tured stone nor rhythmic praise could add ono jot or tittle to her chaste glory. She was simply a private citizen. No sover eign's crown rested on hor brow. Sho did not lend an army, liko Joan of Arc, or slay a tyrant, like Charlotte Corday. Sho wns not versed in letters or in arts. She was not au angel of mercy.liko Floreqco Night ingale, nor tho consort of a hero, like tho mother of Napoleon. Yet thoro were 10, 000 Ituy Wellingtons amoug tho mothers of tho Kovolution, and in honoring her wo honor tho motherhood of hor heroic days. It is possible to derive from these two extracts a wholesomo answer to the question: "What is woman's mission?" STATt POLITICS IN BRIEF. It is snid thnt Walter Lyon counts upon getting tin-support of tho Dauphin dele gation, hut this does not coincide with tbe representations mads by tho Harris burg papers, which have contended nil along that Bepublican sentiment thera Is overwhelmingly for Etoblnsoni In order not prejudice the chances of Lyman D, Oil can's oandidaoy for a place in Governor Basting's cabinet, it is said no tight will ho made on either side: hut Kohinson. it is believed, will nevertheless poll the Dau phin votes. see Among yesterday's visitors to Scrauton Was Kditor McCarthy, of the Hssloton (Sentinel, who, maddiiion to editing agood daily paper, supervises a ready plate plant, runs a lithographing establishment, con ducts several information bureaus and acts, upon occasions, as a general iliponser id peace and good will. Mr. McCarthy is enthusiastic, just at present, over the pel it leal outlook in l.uzernu and in confident, emong other things, that w hen William II. Hints is retired to private life the name of his successor will bo stalwart John Leiseuriug. lieaver county H-publiratis have re nominated Jndge Wiekhem, which was manifestly the proper thing to do; and there is talk of tho Democrats indorsing htm, upon the ground of non-partisanship. V inferior jurist in the state ranks higher than bs In the estimation of his fellow jurists and of the discerning attorneys of the commonwealth. Tho citizens of Beaver county would confer honor upon themselves by re-electing him without opposition! e A clever thrust is scored by the I'hlla do, i. Ina Press when in iliscu-siug the Ke-p-itnicau i-ocgn ssional oiitlo k in l.uz -riie it letnarks Hint among those mentioned it" candidates for the nomination, notably John It. Leissnriusi Dauiel Coxe ami A! vm Markle, "there is not one who would talk one way on a taritf bill and vote another " The workmen whom Mr. Him suave duplicity has thrown out of empl lymeni erIU readily perceive tbe p out. e !,. coriositv has 'ix-n expressed among friends of .Senator Clarence W. h i -, ! IlaIeton, Hint tie slioulil liavi' ' ma ! i.o llort to achieve a congressional Domination sgslast Bines, Tins was in- ! created by the knowledge that at one i t.t .'i th" pielituiu.iry rat. ass it w.-u'..l t a'.e ' :: i c .ttqiaratively easy thing for ' Mr. Kline to have HCiuirot a formidable ; followtBSj nud that he was n psOSibiUty of whom tho pn jeut memlx-r fr- i.i IBS i weifih -t.ml In uui.sual fear. This bei laney now ssputined on the ground that N'nat 'r Kline toil oliliged to continue, in the slete nate, the effort to secare the 1 1 .it hi of the imw county of Bsxle, f'-r vht-ii urj-oHM, in re than a-iy otner, be was origiaally slsnisd Ijomdss, bis con gressi, unl buoro will kep The I'lulsdelphia Inquirer makes injn AiCtOUS OSS Of Its editorial nduiune when it Intimates that Judge Clayton i victory in DeieWefS wu a petfood tri.impb for Jack RohtSCOtt, As a friend of tdS latter it ought to perceive that such a coloring of the situation Is calculated to prejudice I Mr RobittSOO's candidacy for the beaten ' ant governorship. Mr, Itdunson's attt I ide dnriag the laytoa-Johaeoe fight' M as one -t strict neutrality, 'i he methr Is bT which the former won will tnak- tro i ide at the sii, and to meddle Ut them mid be the 1s t thing which tno shrewd Ms-lia congressman would think of doing ' at this time, s a e '. i v ; . nittr.e:it of iie.,ri- l.nbrerht to ' the Basletoo tmatership w a happy laolutloii to an einbariasung tangle. I Among the balf-duxen umre exixK-tanU It w as re iiied that otm woulil hare 10 bs- eh too 1 t else all would loo; bsuss tewy direw i lis, in effeol nnd luck favored l.ubrerbt. Itiasit.nch as be la an islltor and an h .lar. the oitconie ought to Is, BOCepted with SSt IsfSCtiOO, llitit-s bad nothing tO dC with It, but that ie brcauee Mil., '.as lost iesi" with the dls'lier vt postal pie. tae leather the biet comment on the Clay ton vtetory that WS have seen is mad" by the Novristown Herald, it sa "Wmi out pasaing any judgment upon the merits 6r demerits of Judge Clayton, it may not ls out ot place to nbeeive that it is to be reenttCd that a judge Should feel himself at i 01 r:y to MtM UltO a dtsereditnble COW. test of tins kind for a renomlOSttOC, Had his c M-.- Hi on thu U-nch tH-en what the public BaVea right to eloct, digmtled, hotiorablu and fair, ho should have h -en renominated -without any such uea- perato contest as the one just closed. 1'ailing to produce surh an Impression anon the public he ought to have retired nnd allowed SOttM one MSC I" lis e been sell i ted A olite-l of this Char lie ti r must necessarily have tbOSffOOtOl Impairing the respect that should be felt for a man in that saitloti. Cither ho should have been i In sen by conum n c. i -SSI t. n fusing to descend to the methods of ordinary politicians, or he should have abaodoaea the held, trusting to thu fu tun to vindicate I honor and to show that he had bcoa uujustly couileiniied." Not a Ysar for Bnreheads. PlWerfsfPsw fVrat. Considorablo attention is still given to the nomination ot a western candidate for ooogressmsn-st-largs, butOeorge l . Huh, of Westmoreland, can i- regarded as isfeiy out of the woo ls. The conduct of the can vas has been altogether creditable, and no one can oomplaln of snfatr treatment. Tho StOritS that iisrCSt county Uepubli cutis were to lead n not it Major McDowell were not re-iioiinnutcd do not turn out to havo nny substance In them. Tho fact is. the Mercti county Republicans gen erally are not excited over the matter ami havo nothing to complain of. They are n presented in the very important appoint ment of cashier of the elate treasury, and expect next year to have the nominee for treasurer, . Oot Away Refolv with th Swag. VlitliuUliihin I'rtu. Menard Croket It resigning between plunder and prosecution. Ho has the plunder. Ho seeks to avoid prosecution. a THAT BOY JIM. Ho wns tho "devil" that boy, Jim; Couldn't do anything good with him. Rough and ragged, for miscluof ripe. Running errand-, distributing type; I'elting the neighbors on their heads With brand-new "furniture," "slugs" and "leads," From early morning to evening dim; lie was the "devil " -that boy, Jinil Editor whaled him all no goodl Head as hard as a stick of wood: .lust burst out in a loud "Hooray I" And went right on in his don't care way. Bel once when the train was passing by, Aud the editoi's child on tho track Ou, my I .lim he rushed with tho samn don't caro Right in front ot tho eugitio there I , Child was saved, hut where was dim? With .'aiiiing lnutorns they looked for him, While the people tremblod and hold their breath "Under the engine, crushed to death P Thore, in the dust nnd grime, ho lay Jim! . . . be had given his life away ! Not much need for their tears for bimf "Ho was an nngel that boy Jim!" .'-i.it .. MeSKM in Atlanta Constitution. REMEMBER there are hundreds of brands of White Lead (so called) on the market that are not White Lead, composed largely of Darytes and other cheap materials. But the number of brands of genuine Strictly Pure White Lead is limited. The following brands are standard "Old Dutch" process, and just as good as tliey were when you or your father were boys : "Atlantic," "Bcymer-Btiuman." " Jewett." " Darls-Ohanibers," "Fahnestock," "Armstrong It McKelvy " For Colors, National Lead Co.'s run White Lead Tinting Colors, n one pound can to B 5,-prjiiiid keg of Lead and mix yniir own paints, Bares tune and snnojnncs in match lag shades, and Insures the best paint that it is kmMc ti. put on weod. Send us u postal card nnd ,-ct our bonk on paints and nler-t.ird, Bet ; it WiO piubaUy savu )uii a i:c.d many dollars, NATIONAL LLAU CO., New York. Baby Carriages, Refrigerators AND Cedar Chests Hill & Connell 131 and 153 ... , . , N. Washington Ave. m v O - Bottom Prices 8c Co 422 LACKA. AVE. AYLECVORT-I'C Meat Market The Ft nES t in the City Tint latest iinrirovril fur nlHliini(s sml Hpi'irstiH for lteitiK mat. bQttet Sttd sgtfH. i !:l W mining DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Qualified Veterinary Surgeon, Practical Shoeing Uratluuto r tlu Ani.'rii-un V.'l'-rliiary Tlio rotmi-nt "f UUUNCM sad ether im piMlitui-uts in ih.. umvi'iiiniiN uf horiCH pvvry riiTiiiHin. I.iiiiin ninl Ki. k anim:iU , un i in . I ami pre rril'.l for fr f t-li.-ii-;, .- .--y M.. inlay fmin I lolP.sL RUOF tinninir sml fiolil.-riiiL' nil ilnnn nwav with l.y tin-usn or 1IAUT.MANS AT BNT PAINT. wliii:h oonsNtu ot iDgTedi nt-i wi ll known to all It ran bo niiplltni to tin. Kalvaiii.i'il tin, shunt Iron roofs, Si SO to lirlck uwelllncs, srhli-li willprovnnl iiIhoIhU'Iv any oroinbllns, cracking or breekiag of the brink. It will outlast Mental ol sny klml b many fssrs,snd ItSi oosl dose not eseeed one 11 r t It tlnit of ili'M-ost of tlnniuir. U nohl by tim job or pound. Contrasts tknn by ANTONIO HAUTMANN, S3! lurch St. WANT a An extra fine llonrjr F. Miller Square I'iano An i-xtr.i line "i hii-ki'rini"rtiiiiaie l'iano A koihI HaineH lirotlier-t SiUir. l'iano... A I'ooil Mnyi-r Mrol linrn -iiiare I'ian A yood l-'li tli Pond BqaaTa l'iano a food Ptnnhonts Bqssre l'iano A very k'ooil Huston l'ianu Co. Walnut 1 ; 1 1 - 1 1 A very kooiI WliorliM-k I'prilil 1'latiu.. a vory irooil whssloos uprlsht Piano., nn in inn Ml N no in Inn I. VI mm Li GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE, 1'ianoH GOLDSMITH'S jj BAZAAR YOU WANT A NEW DRESS You've settled that question in your mind already. And after seeing the new dresses in church of late, you've about made up your mind that you can't get one too soon--before the prettiest things are all gone. It's only a question where you shall get it. You want, of course, new spring styles, new combinations new colorings and new textures; in fact, you want a large va, riety to select from, so that you will take no chances in having something old palmed off ou you. 12STe Are ttie People And everybody knows it, that always are the first to show the latest productions from foreign nud domestic looms. All-wool Silk and Wool Novelties, never shown before, just opened. New Brocaded and Striped Sewing Silk Grenadinas; are very scarce, but we have a large line of them. Japanese, Chinese and Lyon3 Silks, in all of the new and beautiful designs, at popular prices. French Wool Chillies, our latest and last importation for this season, jus, out. Wash Dress Consisting of Foo Chow Crepes, Creponettes, Bengalines, Ginghams, A stock unsurpassed in variety, newness AT MATIAM PA1IMTCD AI nUHUrl IjUU ill Jill Victors With the New Valves Out of Sight ( ur new Bicycles are now to he .on at our ;i I LackaV wanna avenue store. VICT0R8 SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDRONSi I And a full line of Hoys' and Girls' W heel -,. We are mak- in extremely low price; on Secondhand Wheels. J. D.WILLIAMS& BRO. 314 Lacka. Ave. Fountain Pons Fountain Pens Fountain Ins SPECIAL FOR A A Guaranteed Foun tain Pen, regular price Si. 50, for 98 Cents Reynolds Bros. Stationers and ESfrivtra B17 LACK A ANNA .Wf. Dr. Hill G Son Albany Dentists Pot tenth. IMO) lic-ft net, JH; for C"M capi ami trnth without plativs calle.1 rrown ami brides work, rail for iiricc: ami references T(NAf.(llA, for asmettag taeU without pain. No utln-r. No no. OVKB riBST NATIOMAT. HANK. Piano or Organ Cheap? LOOK AT THE LIST: A very ioml tlimiliiKor Upright Piano.. QROANS, A Mason Haiiilin.nearly new.hlgh tup, (lonhle re.il An A. ft OtlSSB, nearly new, blfh top, ilunltlu rMii A UbtoagO Cot I SS, nearly new, liigh top, ilnuliln roeil A WorreHter, nearly new, hftrli top, doable reod Ut t M t"i n Ol 224 sud Organ nt Wholesale and Hot ail. on Inttalhuouts. Goods. Oh! Such a Variety Pongees, Sateens, Swivel 5Pf.UL9.1? s'Po4 Car tllee Toilet 8:i, 9a. per box ot three calces, n 5Jpri c(Jir2,"'EwHh O- ,nd Ww Claeps; uiusl price, 50c. Special THE : COLUMBIA : BICYCLE : AGENGY 224 Spruce SL, Op. Tribune Office. : , H,;";.,;:t:, 4 ATi r ti.. Basel las at VTbeels of ell iredee end gasrsats everr aaoMes " l.i Pareeeeors t..-.-.k-M to rMs tree ol eharn call fr eatalocae. 1 t-r) ..y-'li lliir hl I t! II irnlli Hi mc tii.l I vil . v 1 1 . U JUST UARRIEDI Going to housekesplng, of oonrso. Don'l make a mistako at tbe beginning and fail to gel an EASTEB UK HOW AIM) RANGE OR ALASKA REFRIGERATOR We have tbem and man otber tbingi you want 513 LACKAWANNA AVENUE I :iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiHiiiiii nilllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIHIIilllllllllllilllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIR Wed ! i 1 1 Rings The best is none too pood. Ours are 18-k. All sizes and weights. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 Lackawanna Ave. The Great Marvel of Dental Science Anssthene recent disrovory nml tho 6olo jiropi-rty of HeiiYood k Wards!! DEM 1 ISIS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. W H AT J. ( I. SK A MO N S S A YS ABOU T ANSTHENE. DM BEWWOOD t WARDBXLl Altai haelnn eleven teeth estraeted nt sne slttlan bjr tbe patalese method) 1 pie aoaaee it eatliely satlefaetoir in eeety particular. J. l SBAMOMI A BtsndSrdi nearly new.liinh top.dnnliln reed 40 A raoainaer, nearly new, lilgh tup, donblereed 35 And about ) other good sssend band or gaiiK. S3 to M, The alwve i-ollui'tion of Second -harnl Innru- tnsntsarssll In sood ordsr, fully gnsran tesd,ths ireetssi baiiatns stsr offered In tliir. i-ity Call nml see thuin. luitalimuntii ur ili-n-uiint tor ossh, WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON' Silks, Dotted Swisses, Dimities, etc., etc. and cheapness. IS IT NOT A BEAUTY? THE "ElECTRA" ! GAITER i Globe Shoe Store OT LAI KA. AY B, S Evans & Powell FIRST MORTGAGE 6 RANDS OF THE FORTY FORT COAL COMPANY. A limited Dumber of the sbove bonds are for s;ilo at par nml ac craed intcrtvHt by the following parties, from whom copii'.s of lln mortgage ami full information oan lie obtained: B.W. Mulligaa, Cashier Second National Hank, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. W. L. WatBOU, Cashier First Na tional Hank, Pit tston, Pa, J. L Polen, Cashier lVople'a Saving! Bank, Pittaton, Pa. A. A. Bry den, President Uiners' Bavings Hank, Pittston, Pa. Ami by the Bcranton Bavings Bank ami Trust Comp any, Trustee under tlio Mortgage. T, H, Atlierton, Conosel, WILKES BARREL PA. Inscrtpil in THE TKIUUNE at th rate of ONE CENT A WORD. WANT A S.