I THE SCRAN TON" TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 12, 1S94. 3- Lacisum All Things Musical STELLE&SEELEY 134 Wyoming Ave. HIGH GHAD15 PIANOS WEItEB, SHAW, EMKKSON, (1 111:;; MAKES ORGANS ALL PBXOI See the Shaw Piano from che World's Fair in our window. ft Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USX THE- SNOW WHITE FLOOR And always have Good Bread. XAXUTACTUBKD ANT FOB SALE TO THE TKADE BY The Weston Mill Co BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! THF GENUINE POPUL'.B Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G.. B. & Co , (irnrinf i on Ea"h Cl?;n'. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. IIIL'Kl lJOtsK iUlAKK. DR. H. B. WARE SPECIALIST, EYE, EAR, KOSE A-NL TUROATL Bfm HOURS : "lUnH!k 35 WYOMING AVE, 1 W. H. Hultlt Explains Why He Favors the Mulberry Street Site. THE SELFISH INTERESTS BALANCE There Are, He Says, as Many Inter esled Property Owners on One Street as on the Other, Hence the Subject Shonld Be Considered from tho Standpoint of the Greatest Good to the Groatest Number. Mnch interest still attar-has to the brides question. Tint TMBWB'l nnrien of Interview hare beu read vfitli ividity mid Imvs eliriUtl varied com ment. Ons of tb tnojt concise presen tations of the claims of Mnllerry street whb supplied yesterday by W. II. llttz lett. He said: "I would define the advantages of a new bfidgt at Mulberry ntroet, as contrasted with tha proposed Linden atreet site. In this way; It would mean BftViiiR of $ lO.DuO; there would be one third less distance to span and lighter damages to pay for riyht of way. It wonld reach Main avenue by a uniform grado of 3J per cent ; and open up noa(h nuimproved proportv on the West Side, for nso as building lots, within a few years to repav the cost of tho bridgo in the increased tax reve nues. It would give tho people of the North End easy and safe access to tho Central City. It would give to Hyde J ' rk n.'road over wbieh a heavy load of merchandise could bo hanlod with ease during the ontire year. It would mean no heavy grades and uo muddy streets. It would be a boon to hack driven and horses bound for Hyde Park cemetery. It would give pleasure seekers a direct and convnient route to Nay Aug park, and a fine drivo over tho boulevard to Elmhurst. It wonld open up direot communication between both the West Bide and North End and the Municipal building and Hcranton Public library. The route would not be blocked with can standing ou tho street. Finally it would mako tho longest and finest con tinuous stretch of roadway for driving purposes in tho city. "The argument Is made that we favor Mnl berry street became we own property on that stroot. Well, are there no property owners on Linden street? To claim that ours is a selfish interest is to admit a similar claim for those who favor the Lindon street sito. Iialanco these two considerations and I contend that tucro is yot a largo pre ponderance of unselfish arguments in favor of Mulberry street. If the rule of 'the greatest good to the greatest number' be applicable to this question, I claim it should be solved by the erec tion of the bridge on Mulberry Btreet." Stenographers Furnished. We are prepared to furnish bnsinoss mon with first-class stenographers by tho day or hour. Expert bookkeeping a specialty, ficranton Commercial Association, Lim ited, 425 Spruce Btreot. Muslo Boxes Euclusiv&ly. Best made. Play nny desired numBor of tunes. Qautscbi & Sons., manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only t5 and 110, Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re. paired and improved with new tunes. BRIDGE QUESTION NEWS OFJESI SI Events of Interest to Tribune Readers Across the Lackawanna. SERiOUS ACCIDENT TO A MINER John Lewis' Knao Crushed at tho Briggs Mine Son of Policeman Lowry Injured Subjects for Dis cussion at tho Welsh Philosophical Society Meeting News, Notes and Interesting Personals. The West Fide offlco of the ScnANTON iHIBUNI In located nt 1040 Jackson street, where subscriptions, advertisements ami communications will receive prompt at tention. A serious accident occurred yeater day morning in Iirigg's wines, John Lewis, who resides at 18115 Price street, was painfully injured while at tempting to plnce near on the carriage. Mr. Lewis is employed as a footman, whose duty it is to place tho cars for hoisting, and while moving one of the cars another backed on him and his leg whs caught between tbem, crushing it badly rbuvs au.l below tho knee. Tho unfortunate man was conveyed to his home, wlioro Dr. (leorge 11 Reynolds dressed the injury, Irjured Whils at Play. A young son of 1'olico Officer Lowry received a painful injury yesterday afternoon while playing in the streets. Young Lowry wss wrestling witn one of hi playuiate.s an 1 received Seep gush over bis eye. The little fellow was picked u end tnksn to his home on !-outh Sumner avenue, wnere lr. George B. Reynolds stitched tuo wound. Will Adjjurn fir ths Snramir. The subject for tho Welsh Philosoph ical society this evening will bo the question, "Is Titers Such a Thing as Latent Light, by David W. Morgan, William K. brans will speak ou the subject, "Wh.it KiTect lias Darkness on Vegetation:' Professor William W Kraut will conduct the singing On tlie last Saturday evening of this month tlio society will adjourn for lbs tiuuimr, and a special programme Will be prepared. News N.-.tss In Brief. A quartette consisting of youni mn on tins side rilled upon Miss Ida T. Brown by special rtiiutst lust eTsnlng. Solos and glees wsre rendered, after which refrfs.iracnts were served. Kev. William DaVIS, of Fishguard, Wale-1, will occupy the pulpit of ths Plymouth ( ioagfsjssionai cuurcb to rn rrow morning and ST Itting, Margaret Hoop, a yomm child, die 1 at tbo home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Hoop.of AYSOUS H, Keisrr Valley, Tho funeral will occur on Sunday after noon. Rsv. P. L BraUS, of South Main avenue, left today for Howling Hill Mill, near Wilket-llarrt , to officiate at the Congregational church tomorrow At the ipiarterly eonferonct of the Welsh M-thodlst entireties ot north, eastern Pennsylvania to bo held in the Welsh t'alviuistie Methodist chnrcli, Hellevue, many prominent speakers will be present. Common: . services will be hel 1 to morrow morning st 10 o'clock in the First Welh iisptist chnrcli Mrs. Simon lthod-s, of Like Ariel, was tho guest of her friends ou this side yesterday. The twenty-fifth number of the hand- some atlas, aooonpanying (the offleial records of the civil war, was received by S-cretary I). C. I'owsll for the Welsh Philosophical society yesterday. Tiok'-ta are out announcing the can tata, "Esther, the Beautiful (umii," which will beglvsn in Music nail on June It, by the Juvenile choir of the Sumnrfr Avenue Presbyterian chuich Mrs Martha Williams, of Kingston, has returned heme nf t-r a visit witii D. C. Powell and wife, of North Liu coin avenn. Kobort Morris Lolge, Order of Ivor ilea, will run an excursion to Lake Ariel OB Jnue 5, J. J. Davies, the drnggist on South Main avenue, attended the uraturia in Wiikes-liarre yesterday. The members of Lirkawanna coun cil, Royal Arcanum, anil their ladies, will att'-nd the entertainment of a sister lodgS on tha Suth Side on Tues day evening next. A special car will leave the eorner of Main avenue and Jackson atreet at 7 BO o'clock, making a through trip, returning at the close of the concert, COMPANY AND COUNCIL AT WAR. Injunction Served Restraining Car bondalo Traction Company Ex tending Lino at Archbald. Sheriff Faluy yesterday served an injunction on the workmen of the Car bondalo Traction company ut (Vrnhbald restraining thorn from continuing tho work in Archbald until May 15, when the injunction is returnable. The action is a result of a recent meeting of the Archbald borough coun cil, when throe voted to apply fur the injunction and thrno vol-, against it. Biirgtss P. J. Burke broke the dead lock and applied for the injunction with Cmncilraeti W. J. Swift, Thomas Padden and Edward Lane. The nstltinn alleges that the fran chise for exteudiug the line expired April 29. An official of the Carbondalo Trac tion company stated yesterday that they had been unable to continue the work through Archbald until now, nnd that the company is utitl"d to an ex tention of lime. The official stated further that there would be no trouble in having the injunction Bot nside. Attornoy John H. Jones represents the petitioners, who, with Owen Cusick and D. W. Vuughan as additional se curities, filed an indemnifying bond in tho sum of $500. ALL member of Company II, Thirteenth regiment, National Uua-ds of Pennsylva nia, are requested to report at the Scrati ton City Guard Armory on Sunday nt 1 o'clock p. tn., to attend the funeral of our late comrade, Michael Salerno. Hy order of Captain William Klli.ow. W. E. Kaftkii, First Sergeant. Tim 5-Bros. are constant students of tho shoo buBiness. Wo do not know it all, "novor did" or "never will," but feel ns tlionab w learn something every day. rtAVE JTOU seen the Instant Freezer now on exhibition at 4i!7 Lackawanna avenue. It nvtlree cream iu ono second. Dimx BOTJLBY-Mr. Mary Bonlby, at her home, 818 Franklin avenue. Funeral D o'clock, Saturday morning, DRINKER In Ohio. New Mexico, Mary land Cathbert Drinker, eldest, son of tho late Alfred C. and Fnnnio S. Drinker, aged 20 years. Notice of funeral later. I HOSE ffil They Bring an Action in Court Against A. E. Newhart. PAIR OF WOMEN AfiD A BED SPREAD Amus'ng Cases Heard at Court Yes terdayAn Episode of the Bad Boy and a Gun Bert Hartman Found Guilty of an Aggravated Assault The Gun was Loaded But He Did Not Know It Would Shoot. A. E. Newhart, of Hyde Park, was today tried before Judge Albright on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses from K E Ackerly, a merchant of Olyphant. Ho was do lended by Ueorgo L.Taylor.and the Dis trict Attorney appeared for tbo proso cution. The bad feeling all arises out nf somo had eggR that it is said Mr. Newhart sold to Mr. Ackerly. The lntter is a store keeper at Olynhnnt ami one day Newhart In the guise of s countryman palmed off four crates ot ancient eggs upon Ackerly at a price of 1H cents per dozen. Newhart said that tho eggs were strickly fresh nnd Ackorly gave up f8 01 in order to get possession of them. Upon the departure of N'ewlnrt, Mr. Ackerly'a clerk examined the eggs and found that they bore traces of having been tho remnants of tue vintage of 1895, In every sense of th word they were eggs of experience and bad seen tho world. The dsfsndant held that hn pur chased the eggs from n uerson who guaranteed them and not knowing th ir real state sold them with tbo guaran tee whic'i he got nud without any in tention to deceive. Tlie jury found Newhart guilty of fnlst pretences iu selling tbo cxscrablo egs. TWO WOKSX AM) a BMIaA The next esse called was tlist of Julia Oobalia, who charged Henry and Sarah Newman with beating ner. The NeWinana were represented l)V 11. L Taylor, e-q , and tlr Kelley represent ed the oonntonwealtb. Tho prosecutrix elaim that one ilay sho went to the pr-iulses ot tlie df"il 1 ants in South Scranton, an 1 seeing a tied r.; r iii of h rs on n clotuesliue, she went to take it, and while doing so was BSMUltsd bj Mr. Newman, who in the undertaking was assisted by tier hus band 1 : e defen lant claims that thn pros.) cutr:x is agypsjr, and that OOS day she went to steel a bedspread from Mr. Newman's line. Mr. and Mrs. New man prevented her. Judge MoClure presided nt the trial of the case against Toung Bert Bart man charg"! wit'i feloniously wound ing little Martha Etwards, of Hvrt" Perk Attorneys War ! and II iran represented tho prosecution and G Ootnegys, esq ths dsfense, B th prosecutrix and defen lant are about 1 1 years of se. They were play ing been of Hyde i'rk last 'hritmas day and were throwing sticks at each other. Young llartiinn ha 1 a shot gun and tol l the little girl h wool I shoot her if she would not atop. She did not stop, and he carried out bis threat H" raised the gnu an I lire 1 The shot lodged in her fase, and today bandages an vet necetsaiv. The d fence is that the dental Not that was loaded, but wonld shoot, and shooting wss ner. be didn't know it he didn't he illdu't think it pull t'U' trigger. The jury found young Hartman guilty of aggravated assault and bat lery and acquitted blttl of the felony. TOMORROW'S CHURCH SERVICES. Saint I.ck lsriu-1 rector, inouion, H s i in SCS iter, lingers Whitsunday Huly Com l in. Huly Communion sermon. gtgO a. m. , service ami Sunday school m.d Bible class. in.; evening prayer and serin . p. m. Nursery open at bio. tn. at. Washington avenue, where children will lie kindly cared for while, parents atteud service. saivt i. fur's DtnraoM Kienoa -Ber, A. L. Crtmu in sharga Honday sonool s p. m.; evening i rayer n . 1 serin .n, 4 p. m. S::ruM PR4SnTTnniA Ciukcii Rev. Charles E. Robinson. I. P. pastor, vr viosS 1" M a. in. end T.80 p. ill, Tbo pSSSOT will preach In the evening en the Iktrd lecture mi tho "Women of MS IfOWTsstss meat." Subject- "Mary .Ma.'dalene " All teats free iu tbo uveniug. All welcome at all services. Pmmm ATntrs Bamti Cncaon liter. Warren H I'.ar' rnlgi-. paitor S.-I vi. i s nt 10 3) a. m. and 7 do p. in Subject in tbe morning. Tie BaaiBpie Of dtrisft.'' InthJ evening, "Ilesvi u as Stat", ' the second In the series ou 'He. iVc ii. A 1 are wi-1 come. Fiii-t PUnUrTUXaJ Curii'ii Rev. .lames MclaKKl, li 1)., pastor. Dlv no" ser vice, 10.110 a. m.. and T.N p. m. The pas tor will preach in the m iming nnd even ing. Iu view of th" pr"snt agitation In our city on ths Sunday question, !'r. ile Leod will preach in WOOTOatng on this topic, and thus pus'p ne Ins discourse un 'John Knox.'' Minlav sehmd at noon. Young People's Christian BttdoaVOT at fi.UO p, m. Church prayer meeting, Wednes day, 7.4.' p. m. a-nuM Riimik Uaitist OsunOB. Bar. w. J. Ford, istnr. Bervioes nt 10,80a, m. mid 7.;fi p. in. Subj-ct In the morning, "Baptists in ti.-rmany and England." In tli" ev oiling, "I I..- Sympathy of Jesus." Church or Ciiiust, Scientist -Spencer bmlning. .Mil Adams avenue. Bible lesson at 10:.t0 a. m. and church m'rvice at 7:110 p. m. D. N. McKon, speaker. All are wel come. S'ats free. llllKFN RllMiK F.VAMirl.lCAt, ClICRCH Caponso avenue, i v. (I. L. Mnico, psatOT, Sunday school at 11.31 a. in., K. L C. li. nt 8,80 p, ni. : preaching nt 10 'M) a. in , sub ject, "The Christian Babbath," and In tha evening at 7.4.V F.verybody welcome F.l.M I'AKK MKTHiiDIST El'lHlcll'Al. Cm licit R"V. W. B. 1'earce. pastor. Preaching at 10.80 a m. and 7.4.1 p, in. Morning aubject, "A Willing jietanor in the Desert.1' F.venlni: subject, "Out of Work Only," a sermon for the unemployed. Cai.vaky Keformkii Clli itcii -Corner of Monroe avenue, and Oib.on stroet , Kov. W. II. Stubblebine, pastor, ltoss F. Wicks, tho "Boy Lecturer," will preach both morning and evening, oven lug sub ject, "tiod's Ureat Love." Strangers wel come. Simpson Methodist BmoopaL Clinton rteeonlng In tks morning by Rev. John H. Race, A. M. F.vening sermon by the pastor, Kov. L C. Floyd. All Boats are free. Straugers Welcome. All BOUM Chiiikui Pine stroet near Adams avenue Servieo at 10.:iil n. m. to morrow morning will be conducted by Mrs. Powell. Rev. Oeorgo W. Powell, pastor, will return to the city for tho even ing serylco st 7.80 nud will speak on "This Life and World a -Mirror of the Life to Come." Strangers welcome. Fiust Baitiht Church Pastor T. J. Collins will preach Sabbath at lo.HOa. m. and 7.80nm. Morning theme, "The All Bufftolont Remedy for Sin." In the even ing tho sermon will be another in the series of Pilgrim's Progress. Oiiack ciii'i'.cii (Reformed Eimscopal) Church services at 10.30 n. in. andT.w p. m. Subject of the morning sermon, "Tbo Four Pillars of the Church, First Doctrine," Acts 11, 42. In the evening the pastor will preach on "Tho Love of the Kiiirit," Romans xv, 80, Seats free. Strangers welcome. Sunday school at 1" o'clock, noon, Young People's Socioty of Christian Endeavor at 0.30 p. m. EGGS NOTES I SOUTH SIDE Ibe Croaker Using His Energy in Twentieth Ward Against Proposed Sewer. CHIEF FERBER IS ffiYSTIFIED Ho is Unable to Explain the Manner in Which the Alarm Was Sent in from Box 48 Last Night Five Surgeons Operate on Mrs. B, F. Moore. Another Case of Foot Crushed, Notes and Shorter Paragraphs. The Twentieth ward sower business rervea at least one good purpose, it Rives tho eitissns a rsasonabla excuse to assemble in groups on the street cor ners theso balmy (lays, and, while they disenss eveiy detail of tho subject, as sist the telegraph poles in maintaining a perpendicular position. It cannot lie said that tho majority of tbe people is educated to a proper understanding: of this question. Not that it is not a topio to which U of tbem nre famil iar; but the practical, concrete grasp of It does not seem to Inrsds their minds with a proper r'lli. i tion. Two thirds of the propertf holders have little else than Undefined, abstract conception. In this condition of mind ths OsmagOgOS finds a rich field to work upon. He can circulate among those who regard tna sewer as un expensive bug-bear, and tell thorn that tho construction of se'.vrs will impoverish them for the res', of their natural lives. Tho human mind is more ready to accept a pessimistic view Of nny case, and to undo tbo adverse sentiment osussd .'q aires an energy persistent and aggressive. No milter what tbo opponents may toll of tbe ex iravaguiit outlay reunited inbuilt a sower, whether backed up by plausible iiru'iinietits or not, the average oitiieo, who is prS-SUppOSSd to bo able to com prehend the question, should acquaint bins if with tbs facts furnished by the city engineer, who is cup able of supplying all necessary Information. Fr.lss Almm fiom Tex 40. The gongs sounded No IB nt 0 o'clock Inst timht ami when the fire oom ponies responded thev were at a loss to locate tbe lire. Station 48 is at the corner of Btons avenue and Bern look eir.et, but there was no Indication when the box was visited that it bad t i touobsd or tampered with, It was A false alarm and how ic was sent in is n piece of information that t Intel Ferbr is ni a los to acc tint for. and One that he would give a g od deal to learn something about Late las, night no Word was rsoslVSd by IhS oblol t'lat any ether bOI had sent in an alarm, w:,ic!i Hi's'..' 'ei recorded wro-.g ns was the rase not long ago OO Lie South Bide, win n box 17 was touch I L it all goes to show that there is a ornate soine Wbere In th lire niartn telegraph tbat cannot 1 :..' 't I. oCu rwi-- It 111 ,v be that tbe system shall get OepsriSO some tinM When a big fire breass I nt in a thickly settled district and reault disastronaly it may te doponded thnt Chief Ferber WlU not let th matter im-s his strict a'tetitloti to duty and carefulness in preserving the tir - p paratns in fist cla.s style will not per il I .iu to rsttt tili there la a return to working order that will pcoolndo ai.y I i ole accidents. Annthsr Kan Ot'.i His Fait froth! Frank (isvin, of the Twentieth ward, a hrakeman on rne of the small lo comotives at the South works, had his fool saoosiofl between th- bumpers ol two cats while at work yesterday morning He was ri.ling betwoen the cars an.l Ids legs were dangling earn less'.y wl tn tbe accident lisppened to bim. He wss taken BOUM and a phy sician sent for, wi:o examine. i the In jury anil found it not very SSTloUS, H innv be idlo fur over a month, bow srer. Flvs D.ct-rs Perform an Op.rstlnn. Mrs. it F. Moore, nf'tSMI Sloeutn street, who lias been sorlonsly ill for sum time, underwent an operation Thursday in which live doctors wore sng pad Hr. A J. Koib is the family nbysll ian and be bat b en treating her, i.nt recogniring the seriousness of the ase called upo i Drs Burnett, Web tan, i muster and (iatea A consult itiOB was held an I it was daci led to perforin an operation. In medical science the teehulcil name of the case is loDOTOt oniv. Tha result proved satisfactory and the physicians incline to think t hat the uoiusii s health will now recuper ate. Missionary Msetlig Missionary meeting will bn held at the South Side Young Woman's I'hnstlnn sssociation tomorrow after noon at 3.45 o'clock. A number of the younir la lies will tako part, an I an ad ilress will by giv- n by Miss McCanl, of New York The special lnnslc will be in charge of Mrs S F. Stewart. All young ladies are invite. i. The .Musical uiven Mon lay evening by the rOOOPtion committee will bo free to all young wo men, and will be a very plenums! occa sion. 4hrr:r IVrasrnphi. The fnnfral of Charles Boehl of Alder Street, will he held at I o'clock o'clock tills afternoon and promises to be as lnrge as has been seen on this side. Interment will b" mad in Pitts ton avenue cemetery. Daniel P. BsttleundO. T. Bolanl re turned Inst night from Now York, wh-re they spent tho past week as delegate! to the national convention of thn Moatd of Eiin, Ancient Order of Hibernians The members nf Division 4, Ancient Or ler of Hibernians, Hoar I of Krin, of htlnooka, aro requested to be at their usual place of inseting tomorrow at 7 a.m. to go Ito holy communion in a body in St. Joseph's church. Harry Haak. tbo gentlemanly man ager of L D. Power's drag business, is an accomplished mandolin musician. He retires qniutly to the laboratory, where he enjoy hie exercises each evening after supper. All Free. Thoso who have used Dr. King's Now Discovery know its value, and thoso who bave not. have now tbe opportunity to trv it Free. Coll on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Mend your linuio and address to li. K. Backleii i Co., Chicago, and get a samplu box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. Free, as well ns a copy of (luido to Health nnd Household Instructor, Free. All of which is guaran teed to do you good and cost you nothing. Matthews Bros. Drugstore. Fink shoes, tho latest nil sprine; styles, at tbo Commonwealth Shoe store. MR, ALECK PHiLLIPS Bow haa hasehsras of tha KBYSTONE no 'J'BL, formerly oaped the Oross KeyjkoOVner Ilromloy ace. nnd swotlond. A full lino of l.iquorH, lloer, Ale una Fine Clears viil lie keiitln stock. Si r. Phillips will !o nloaaodt q peathls many trionds who win favor bun with a c .11. SCRANTON AMATEUR TRAMPS. Will Ecjey a Ten-Kilo Jaunt Today with E. S. Jackson. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion Pedestrian club will walk to Haz ard pond this afternoon, a distance of ten miles. All members aro cordially invited to join the party. The pedes trians will assemble at the Young Men's Christian Association building at 1.30 and start 'promptly at 2 o'clock. Mr. E. S. Jaokson of the First Na tional bank one of tho best known pe destrians in the city will load tbe trumping party. Beware of Frauds. Iln euro you get thi' genuine Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It cures Colds, Croup, Asthma, Doafness and Rheumatism. HaYG You Seen the Latest Neapolitan Ware? It is tlie Most Ariislic ever made. arreasjes If you want a good car riage you should see them. T . . . - - s, IS, mi OuvJl 1 Jllc j u . j Best Assortment WLICilEL & MILLAR 11G Wyoming Avenue. "One Coat Makes Them Look Like New" 'lirr. KRKKR t . Oarapbelfs Varn'sh Btalns, the csry bsat tafai is the eaarkat i r toaeh as SB anil llue!..n- KurnlCure, Oaldea orforcn i festra, Baby irni. ate,, ste, Wuh . it., i, !. ,ti ,11 -j ;i ni.l Vftrnsh sn-1 transform tbem iu!o bi-aatiful iniitstioiit uf Cherry, Kahogany, Oak, Rosewood, Walnut, Vermillion and Ebony Put up in Tint an.l Half Tint fans, fl son-to got Campbsat! an I you w.ll not le SJespiMtateda To Obtain Satisfactory Results with Ready-Mixed Pa;nts -I SE THE LUCAS TINTED GLOSS Th's r.it- has t "i n "' 'itn i ne f r r.T.-r flfii-vn V"3f-s an.l w- r.-.-.'tnmn'l it as b iti ileal, DonrsaWal sad lnrail au4 i. Kile tti ni th- bass atstlala The satlsfaetinn rxpr 'il br inr rnstena ers ai-"iul t fot eir in Teaseil trsile In tht"e fall nr senil for a sample eir.l abnvlnir enl nraaadaith fall Instru- tloiis t initunating poet of ticautifyicg your heme ami surrounil- najsi Matthews Bros, 320 Lackawanna Avo. Print Butter 25c. a lb. 427 Lackawanna Ave. 0. DITCHBURN. FRESH EGGS RECEIVED DAILY WHY DO YOU DO IT? Wbjrrns sUwrer tbs pttj looking fercot.! dcill.'iis with mi" hun Iri.l :m 1 ten centa' worth n Kulil In th -m Hut v ii will eeiue very i-lnsn to it It if y it will rail at Iho ri;hi pl.tee. I'.rliiir your dollars -irohl, silver aud creeu- baeks to A. W. JURI8CH IBS IPBCOI NTISF.DT, and iret full Talue for your money In BICYCLES, PIRH AltMS, I l SHIM; TACKLE, sv. CUTLRRY, DOO COLLXRS AMI GENERAL SPORTING GOODS. The YICTOB WHXBti tstaos, I'.ieyeii'S, lire arms, ele., repaired at short notiee. Key llttlu.' a specialty. Uivo mo a call, EED POTATOES ALt TSF.ST VAKIETIE3. ONION SETS Anil all kinds GARDEN SEEDS in bulk ami in pack ages. Pierce's Market fENN AVE. Baby CHINA v HALL THE Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle Now on sale for 25c. orgiven away with purchase of every suit. Handsome line of Spring Overcoats and the Nobby "Bell" Cutaway Snits iVIartin & IDelany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, Wyoming Avenue. SUISlIillllHIiiillHllliliMiMIIM At3()S Lackawanna Ave. ! WILL OFFER FIVE SPECIAL DRIVES I FOR I FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY. I I 500 Ladies' Lace Trimmed Hats in all tha k popular shades, regular price $5.00; for I 50 dor, Sprays of Flowers H ej s- a M r. ors, regular pneo ouc; ggj 5 45 doz Sprays of Flowers, assorted coloi'3, QQn I I regular price $1.00; for - - - 03j. z B 50 doz. Extra Long, Fall Regular Eerms- " S dorf Dye, Ladies' Hcse, regular price 39c.; Qg I em LOO Pair NotLingham Lace Curtains, our (TO S 5 regular $5.00 Curtain; for - - - IU .:.cts.Msiini;'t:i'fiii;.::!r3f4i!iiiiiiri;iiii;i!iiii!isiiiiii i;issi:xiiiii!it:Jiatl DUNLAP Straws Now Open AT Christian, the Hatter. Theelrens lseomlntr to town: Wllkns-Harre has been heret WS aaee boon heie; wa are hero; VPS will 1st h'-re. Aua'.n we say, hsik iu en us, and if we cannot show you tho fln.'Sf un i i i s An spoBi ma ouods, an : i rseerd ot saors bioyets sales thsn any OtOSt firm In tho city, us wnl take you to the show. PLOREY S HOLT Y. It, O A. 11U1LDING. Bicycle Riders, Take Notice CAPS Invented by a rider Something New CONRAD Has the Agency for them THE CELEBRATED Hill re it Present the Mot Popnnr ami Preferred by LeudiiiK ArtiHis. Wnrrrooms : Opposite Columbus Monument, 205 Washington Av. Scranton,Pa. Look In asniom $2.98 1 15c. i in assorted col- ior ... SPECIAL A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for Only $9.90 SOI Clothiers, HBtlsr&.fijmisficra Suits Capes Jackets For Women Sell, Sell, Sell, is the order of the day. FIFTEEN Imported (Hay Jackets, Cut, Style ami AYork tho best of the tailor's art. A reduction of 50 Por Cent. Soo this oiler ing of Ilijih -class Jackets. Your size is here. CAPES in cioth, Moric Silk, Covet Cloth and Lace. Many styles and prices that will please yon, SUITS Printed Duck and Serges, Striped and Spot Patterns. Yon ouht to havo one. Till prioe, $3.50 to $1.50. G. W. Owens & Co. Cloak nnd Snits Makers, Court House Square,