THE SCT? ANTON TRTBTJNE-SATTtrdAT MOHNING. MAT 112, 1894.' THE SECRET (IN 8 1st ACT. The Samson liros. now appear To show their strength and lack of fear. Men of muscle- Strong and sound, Just the same the whole year round By the use of Johann Huffs Mall Extract. One dozen bottles erive 88 much strength tad nourishment ns a cask of ale, irlthont being intoxicating. Insist noon the Qbncins, with signature of "Johsun Hoft" on neclc label. Nono other in "in good." Writ" for pamphlet BI8NBB MENDELSON en., Agent, IBS una IM franklin St., Now York. BASE BALL GAMES YESTERDAY. STATE UUOUg At Enston Knstou l 0 8 9 0 S 1 1 118 Beranton o 0 0 9 4 0 0 0 o d Hits Huston, 15; Krriititon, 10. Errors Benton, 'j; Beranton, 5. Botterlee -Hoghos, Holmes nud Went; Nolan, l ilanngan ami Pntebon. At linrrisburt,'- Hnrrieborg 1 9009018 19 Pottorille o o o n i a 2 I 0 Bits Harrlatrarg, 9 I'ottsviiie, 9, Br i arrisbuii:, .": i'ottsvilh', V Hatter leu Brahan ami smmk; Armstrong ami Bhilsky, Umpire -Bendersou, At AUentown AUentown....! 9 n l B o l o it Haaletoo i) :i i ii 0 i) ii l 51' nits AUentown, 10; Haaleton, ' Iron AUentown. 10: Hnsloton. 4. Kr Mar tntlee Kllroy, Milli;;sa and Costi'llo; Jor dm: ami Moure, At Altunnu Altoorm 0 i' 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 4 Bending 0 u o 0 0 o 0 o u- 0 Hite Bending, 6: Altcona, i. Br rors Reading, si Aitoonn, 8. Batteries- . Jones end (Jo nhart; Bonelols ami Cote Umpire- Ketrick. national i.Kauci:. At Now York New York l) 0 0 0 0 :i 2 0 x .". Washington. ..0 0 1 I) 1 U 3 0 O . Hits New York, 9; Washington, t Errors - Now York, 0; WaahlagtOB. 2 Better! Weetoreolt ami WUbod; Petti ami Dngdnle. I'nii.tre tiurst. .i Bnltinton Baltimore i i o 2 o 2010-7 Philadelphia.. 9 0 0 0 ;i :; 1 ;i x 19 Hlte Beltimore, 18; Philadelphia. 11 Br. rore lial,timorc, 8; Philadelphia, 8. Bat terieo Horner end Uobmsou; c ari-ey ami clement. Umpire Lynch. At Chicago Chicago 0 400 0 00 0 04 Louisville, 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Hit" -Chicago, 8; Louisville, i. Errors I'hicagv, 3; l.uisvili, I. Batterie-i-iiiflltn mid Kmridge; Btrntton am. Srint Umpire Boaile, At i'ltlsburs Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 2 X 7 PtoTelnna 0 4 0 1 0 11 1 0 01 Bite Pittebnrg, M; Qereland, h. Kr rors Pittsburg, 8; Oleeelend, 8 Bt terien Enrvt ana Slack; coppy anc O'Connor. Umpire Mi Qo iJe. KASTKHN UAQOg At Syracuse Pyractit- t 11 0 0 4 0 I 3-11 Providence ...0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 Jin Bymenee, 10: Providence, 1. Brton syracuce, .1; 1'rrvulence, .". lialterir llioisw. m alii WUimn; McCauloy am: Bafdehnm. Umpire Bant At Troy Troy 9 0000020 9H bpnngSeld....9 0 0 2 1 0 I 0 a u Hits-Trov. 10; Springfield, II. Errori -Troy, I; Bpringfleld, & Hfttri Mur phy end Meakia; Lenny nndKeefe. Urn Uaffney. At Buffalo Buffalo 3 1009910 g 9 lilugbamtou .0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 14 Hits Buffalo, 12, llinghamtoo, H). I'i-rora- Buffalo, 8; Binghamon, 1. Batteries Urqnkert ami ll.ifen; Ioblbt'Ck ami llolaii, I nipire Snyder. At Eric Erie 0 0 1 :i 1 0 1 0 09 Wllkea-Barro. 0 0 0 0 01031 t Hits Kne, II; Wilkee-Berte, 8, Errori Erie, ' : WUkce-Bnrre, 8, Bntteriea Berdon end Onneon; Keennn and Warner. V tu ire Holland. mmt CAUGHT ALONG THE BASE LINT.. W. It. I'arks has ben induced to at'nin take chargn of the Kaaton club as man eer. The "midoymeiit af Kinc Kelly in jirov Ior 11 great edvettletBg echeine for Allen town. Phil Knell has been rolenotd by Pitts burg, which city will probably roloMI on mor' pitchor. The reason for the poor plnying donn by Boston iasslil tube dissatisraclinn with the salam i paid. Tne Reeton aenegetnenl bm arrepied thu t-rms of 1 leorge I lark. an outlaid from Cem bridge, .Mass. Thoso wbo know claim that Moore of th Hnitnton team, has no tqnnl as a entcber in the stat" iengno, John Kley, of BalletOO, is probably tho yonnmet professional pitcher in the league, next August ha will rearh Oil twi ntieth birthday. Tho binebsll club of Tiik Tiiiin xK ( 'oin- noelng room ehnlletigei tbe elobof the ito- publican Composing room to a gamo on any ilato next week. i'. I). (-'Aim. Manager. Tho fang Men's Christian Association, Ors., llaeo hall club challenge tho Thirty three Stars to a l'iiiiio mi Saturday, May 111, on the Kye Field ground. Hahhy bTCRACKBX, Captain. Tho Bmton management It determined to preserve order 111 future. The out break among the tough clomeut on Tonc ilny will be uiado to servo n good purpnae. One Hilit for iiKsiiult has been brought and tho management Is considering the advlsu bility of irrsecnting those vho atartod tho rioting among the crowd and broke op the gramo. Apropos of Harrlsbnrg'a alloged jump to tho KiiBtern leagun it is well to remember that, tho Harrisburg club is a member of the Pennsylvania State league, under the protection of tho national agreement, ami It cannot Join theEaetern league without the unanimous consent of all the other clubs 111 tho State league. ' in,, n CaaiR. 8. H. Clifford, Now Caasel. Wis., woe troubled With neuralgia and rheumatism, bis stomach was disordered, his liver was effected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, nnd ho was terribly reduced in Sank and strength. Throe bottles of Elec tric Hitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Hnrrisburg, 111., had a running sore 011 Iris leg of e.gtit years' Btiimliiig. Used three bottles of Electric Litters nnd seven boxes of Buck leu's Arnica Salvo nnd his leg is aound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had hvo largo fever sores on his leg, doctors ru'il ho was Incurable, One bottle Electric U tters ami 0110 box llucklen's Arnica fralvo cured him entirely. Sold by Mat I thews Hros. I OF STRENGTH. ACTS.) Bdelljf Saeed, A well known ami estimable lady of the south aide, accompanied by a yelling lady friend, were on their wny to 1si1 friends in thu Fifth ward one evening. While they wert creaming tbe Kail Brook railroad bridge an approaching train frightened the ladies and they beonttM OOUfUOod. Just then a young man w ho area eroeoingtlu bridge from the Fifth ward side canu along, and as he reached the frightened ladies the younger one threw her arn a mound his neck and frantically oriedi "(Ih, save me I Save mo!" The young man, taken by lurpriae, wai knocked entire!) off Ins balance, and las fore he recovered linu-clf the train h oi passed Without doing ,uij one any injury . as 110 one Was in Us way. Then the young mnn came to bimaulfand, although doubt less with much rcluoiai , gently at tempted to remove hlmaclt from theng Itated young lady's embrace, Hut she erei still Impreaeed with the Idea that she are in danger and that the young man alone could save her, fur she held him all the tight r ami exclaimed: "(III, do not h ave me! Save me!" It took home lime for her companion and the young man to qniel her ami bring her to a realiaatlon of the titnation, and then her feelings may Is' imagined. The young man arenl on his way, no dooM re- ioldng at the good fortune the Incideni bed brought him. The young Ind) la Mill lering w hat sin-could bare been think lug of. Corning Chrollk Id Here is K-mi. thing for pisiple who keep tbeir carriagee. a mirror la nttnrlrfi to thegiidleyol driver of a feahlonabie turn not lu St. Peters burg, This ttteMw the I nly who rides in the phnetCtl to I all the followfttgeouipagai without turning her head. 8IMIR91 NEWS Of INDUSTRIES. AnnonsoeflMnt is madoofa 10 per cent redaction m th wagss if the Valean worki employee, The company offlejant say that tins step Is r.eoesnrv m order to compete with other works in the enlley that eoene tinea k mr. ! a similar reduc Moll on account of the dud timet, Tbe new elope al No. 7. MQaeeTille, is completed and OOai 1 now being hoisted. (Ybenibe gaagerayi are all completed ie tln mine it is cT;i-cte,l thst over 10i miners will beamployed. Th vein opened 1- tbe Mantnoiith ami the coal raagaa from to to urn ftsst 111 thiekneee. 1 fhe statement of shipments of an'hra- cito ci al ispiir ended May d 1 h j reepondlng perb lo ... for tho ssii ared with the cor- latyenr, taaefoi- MM ss'iiuj'iklll. ToUl liai Ine 1 1 C : 1 ;;i Dav W H Total for year to data :n.703.7i, 1 .11AM VII Dt I Vice Preeident Qarrett, ol thai 1 t Valley, hns agreed on behalf ol his com poey, to withdraw and caecal all of the tickets Which it has but on tlm market ut reduced rates, and wnicli hav Im-cu a menace to the new pneeenger agreement The Allentown and CttteOeBOqUa Tiac Hon com pony has eeenred control of tbe carbon Bleotrin railway, winch runs from Munch Chunk to Ea.l Maueb Chunk and has the charter right to run as far as Ielnghloo. The coal output of th Hillside collieries at Potent ' it v lor the month of April, was as folliw: Forest City breaker, 11.901 tone of coal nnd 9,789 tons of culm. Time worked ten 'lays and olio-half days. 1 lif- ford breaker, 11,089 ton n9 ooal ami j.'.hi tons of culm. '1 line worked ten and thrre quarters daya Tbe total production was CL908 tone of ooal and 8,718 lotw of culm The ootpot for March wee ito tons of ooel end 4,009 of enlnt, nn Inornate) In April Of 4,109 tone of coal and 1,004 tons of i uIiu. Tlie 1'itr.gerahl r imniitlee. repre tfeegeDera mortgage bondholdere of the Itrading company, have prepared an agree ment and plan of 11 orgaoliatloo of the onBpnny, By the terms of the agreement tbe committee ie granted full powers. A new corporation or c irporati iis may be formed by the c immitiee nndei the laws Of any state to carry out the plan of re-or- gnniaallon. Beyethe PotUTilleDiepatcbi "ll. BOox. T. U Phllllpe and H. w. Rowley, Hcran ton end magnates, wore 111 I own e-,1 11 day. It. (i. itrooks, a Bcrantonian, who is about to enihaik in the COCl bttaineM hear town, regblterednt the Hail yeeterday." FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. etocks and Ilonds Nfw Yum:, May II. It. was almost in nfferably dull at tbe stork exebenge to day, only 00,121 shares having le'eti trade 1 in during tho entire session. At the open ing the market 1 was weak for the Indus, trials nnd Hrm for thu railways, but the changes were unimportant. The market ruled steady alter 1 o'clock, when Sugar recedod 1, Oouornl Elec tric 1 and Chicago (las W, These were tho greatest flnotuatloni out- tido of (Manhattan which dropped 9)4, on tbe etetement for tbe March quarter winch shows it ilerreaso 111 gross receipts of 2l.oou. At the moment the market ap pears to be in the hands of the room trad ers, the big operators have evidently re tired from the field until something d. Un ite is known regarding the fate of tho tariff bill. Net. changes for the day show doollneo Of 3fnl lur cent., except Manhat tan which lost ;; per cent., ltook Island nnd Delnwnn and Hudson i per cont. Tbe foil.. wing eompiete UtWe enowmg ttis day's fliictnat ions in active stocks is supplied and revised dally by Lal.ur ti Fuller, stock brokers, U'l Wyoming avenue: Open' lllirh- Low Clos ing, est. est. Ing, Am. Cot. Oil Lli ;ii -Jti Am. Hniiar. 107 iul mii M A. T. ti H. W. ... iigj iz)4 !an. So. . , Cen. N. J ...m.i inn llltl nm Chic, g N. W.. ...lnsn lns? fJM lM v., 11. .v v 'S'S irs ,s"n o-.i, Ohio, (las Itttjj fitit, 11 , rr.Jj li ('., C.C. Ht. L.... 37 87N I III , nncK.vai. 1 I). A U I ".it l.iHj, 1110 I)., f & W D.A3C. t 21 21 ?:i llriM It! I4M ll!. (I. B, Co Uta UOie iittti l.akoShore latif 181 lMiM I. N le)J 47M tl'-i Maohattan 194(1 vm, IS8U Miss. Pee o w Nat. Lead KaM BOM BM 1 N . Y. A N . I (if., ie aM M, Y. Central N !'.. BBU N. Y J. 4J W I-Vll l&U IVl N'. Y S. W M i; 15 4'ti (J, S. C. Ci '.'.-it, 85U 2I North Pan VU Hi 4I North Pao. pf lei l!-4 1HU Omaha Saji BUM Hsy Pac. Mall laif I'i'a It Reading 17 17 17 Rook Island 89 iivij; II. T SH sr's .W Bt Paul MljJ BiU BOM 'IV, 0. Al 17 17 17 Texas A Pan ST., s7j a.. Union Pacific IK is 1794 Wabash p ItU in., lnu Western Union s7 s.i sini W. A; L. ! OH );.'ij Y. . L K. pr , Chicago Oram unci Provisions, m 144 m ISM 47h 189 98U :wwi les W IBM Ii mi 4-1, m :tsjj 15 IBM SH Hi's 17 STi I7JJ lew MM Si it m on, May IL Tbn foUowing tioiis are Hiuiiilied an i enrrotod daily ouota1 hy La Bar A Fuller, stock brokere,l9l wyomln ay." tllle. WTtRAT. Mae Jn'r. "fenlng BBM DM4 Mi -nest Wi Ii' Lowest nC-. '.sl(i Closing B4M 'si, CORN, On-'iiing 8M4 HVW Highest BMI 1 :'' i Lowest xvi sj Oloelng H'Ai IM4 I I. VI s. Opening MM Hlithesi 84N ' I..W.-M 8! 80 Closing ill 8U PORK, Opening 1(81 Highest 8M IMS Lnwetl U I'M :!' ( ii-. iiir r.'.si i'-. LARD. Opening 7Xi 710 Highest Tin 7l'i Lowoat 7ii :i)7 i losing 7lo 7I-! SHORT IlIUS. Opening mil iv.7 Btgbeat w-'i 845 Lowest i:iii C;oslag Ml itO 70i 7li liU 111;. 847 1411 crauton t In ilsaale Mark'L Sciiantiin, May II. -I'm it ami l'ltn h i iirn d applee pet poond,oa7c: evan cited apples, llal4o. per pound; Turkih prance, 9a5)4jo,i Bnglleh currants, 2.r;1c.; aver raisins. 1.761 so. muscatels, l.00a 1,40 per box; new Valencisa, 7e7Hc. per poond, IlKVis Mai row-fats. 98.78 per bushel; mediuma 8l.T9nl.8fll 1 ka- i.i.Hti, 11 itaLSO per buehelnipUt l8.50a8.flD; ientebtfi " Pa per pound. PoTATonn 7t ti c per bnebaL Orioni Hermudss, irat"., 19 I Sag 80 Li rrxn -18 to s pet lb loai c. perita ROW fresh. I2!a I .kv, 1'ie mm- Chickt-as, dreasisl, 12 to Ktc : turkeye, 12 to Die. Mi ITS -Hams, lie.; small hams, lltfc.; skinned bonis. 10 ,c ; California bams, i ,c ; shoulder-. 8 fa thelites, 8M. a; smoked breakfast bacon, 1 ic f MoKxiy r.rr.r-Ontslden, lt)4joi s-ts, 1 ; iBstdee and xaneklna, 180, 1 ona Bees at lii. short cat, 818 l.AUii I eaf 111 iMreee at Uc; In tube. . 4c.; m lii-Hijiid paii . .: lu .Vpound pails, 8 .c; V-ponmi palls. Par. per pound. I ttr Choice sugar cure 1. am ked beef, 14c, 1 1 it'll Minnesota patent, pe' barr.l. 14. 14.40; Ohio and Indiana amber, at t ,1 . Qraham al tlkoo; rys B nr. at ta.vV Bi'ckwiixat Kun-a-42 ;.'pr rwt. FXXn Mixed, percwL, at 1 litnia- Lie, iJie.;corn, t7 to48a onta 8s s-r tniahoL Ityi vtkaw - Pet ton t':ui5. Uai -SlfttollT, Nw York Pr"d'ic Markt. Niw Fork. May II. Fteog) Bull, S iiRAT- Quint, ',c lower, closing firm: No. 1 r."i. store and entor.BO jaMVjci :'.' it 00 iSfllC ; f. o. It , G0)4si , ; ungraded red,; No i eor Ultra, 1 , , opt uis w,-re fairly n.'tiy" aud weak a' a decline of ta! . ' ; May. ' . j iiv, 91a; September, 68a; December, , una Moderately active, , 1 wee, doting turn; .No. 2. t ;v i iterator, afloat; options wore dull ard 4a S loi-r, May, 41'sjC., June, 1.1', , July, MVc, Oato Dull, eaaler; optioes moderately active, ereaiori May 88 a; Jnue, .it .. Jul. .17 . . spot 1 lie., .n . 9 . ie . Bo 1 white, l8a48Mi . Bo ; Chicago, (0a . No, a, 8He80 .'".. ' white, 4it.. mixed westero, tua40jfa; white dCs, and white Hair Dun, steady, Ttaacui Bi 1 r 8low. Cut mrak ijjiet. Dnehanged, I. Mm Firmer, quiet; western steam 17 90: City, 8 . opitona, no sal s. 1'iiiik steady, BottxsV Fancy, fir demaad, staadyj state dairy, new. Ilal7c; do DM, ! 8C do croamerv, new, 14'ilTr I" magi raafav do., I4al7a; western dairy, new '.a 13c : da creamery, new, 1 Hal 7c; d . far. totv, new, TVnllat elgina !7o; Imttettoa creamery, 1 tal4c, 1 11 -1 Firm, felr demand, unchanged. 1 ua Hood demand 1 fancy Orator; state and PeoeayleaniallXalSa; western fresh, ; inn ,.; - Bthera 9nfla - a -Philadlphls Tall IW Msik-t. I'l 1: M 1 . 1 v V.,) 11. I ill ,iv w as dull ami urn-hang"!. Pries were. Prune City, '11 bogskeMaa, 4 c. prime counlrv, in l u . I I ,c , do. dark. III bar rels, 4-c. . i nk. , .'I'iC. ; grease, t 'C. . s TninXaT mutual tnsurnnc- tsillcr a . hi ; alt ack of sn kr.e.s is to bo lound in ; ,k-ng ii. si's Maraaparllla If you me w.iak 11 will mean you strong II : . . ire tbe beet after dinner pills, a-. ut di;; :.;i in, ruio headache. Try a box, 950. s. - Bcrantot.'s B aliases latereets THB TginORK Will noon publish a care. fully nomplled and claasiDed lie! of ih lending wuoleenht, banking maaufactur lug and proteeaioanl Interesta of Hcraeton and vicinity. Tim nlilnm v., I: !. I., nial 111 book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure view's of our public build ings, buineea blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading cltleona Be similar won; has ever given aa aqU ll re;i reesntation of Bcrantou's many Indus. til." It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent, to persons outside the city, copies of mis handsome work will attraci new comers nnd be au Unequalled advertisement of tlm city. The circu lotion is i n n plan that QBUnOt fail of good raealts totboso enneerned as well ns the city al large. Bopt e.enlati Ves of T8H TaUBOMl will call upon rXOai WHOM nvmks are DXainXD lu this edition ami explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences In tuts edition will pleeee have notion at Uta oltlce. Ai 1 lerica HI 11 1 . A I I 1 1 I I, I II I I RES. EVERY MOT8UI PLACE IN ALASKA, Tin: INITIO STATK8 AMI M.XICO. l it I. NI Mill lis ON I III: l ilt N- 'ii.K. ti;n 1 1; nt s a no ONI 01 POM I 01; AN1 ni .11111 1: Tho (i KM INK New lluveu "Mathushek" Pianos ESTAULISHKD 1860 New York VVareroonhi No, 80 Fifth Avenue. E. C. BICKER & CO., Sole dealers lu this section. OFFICE-191 Adams Ave., Tolephouo BTd'g i LOSS OF POWEH and Mnnly Vigor, Nervous De bility, Paralysis, or Pair, Or Kanio Weakneai nnd wasting Drains upon tho system, resolv ing n dullness of mental Fncul tns, Impaired Memory, Low Spirit.s, Morosoor Irritable Tcm por, fear of impending calamity, onda thousand and one oerango ments of Imtb body and mind result from pejiucioua sw-rot prnctiens, often Indulged In by the young, thr. lugh ignornnco of their ruincsMcorisoqueucej, To reach, r.-claini nnd restore such unfortunates t bcolth nnd hni plnen, is tbe aim of nn nana ni ion of medical gentlemen who Imvemvoari-diilH'ok. written in plain bttt Chaste language, treating of tho nnture, symptoms nnd curability, by homo treatment, of such diseases, lho World's Dispensary Metlical Association, Proprietors of tbe Invalids' Hotel und Burgical institute, Buffalo, N. Y., will, on receipt of this notice, with hi cents (In stamps for isistngc) mail, scaled in copy of this useful ixsik. It should bt read by every young cian, parent nnd guardian In the land. Word. pmfao off kindi cost thtU rnneh, ew r;. SitMoUont 11 aatett, which ore Inserted Sntuatloni Wanted. 'V VVWVVVV VVA X- vt.WVXi X, V V"V S CITUATIUM WANTF.D A BUTCHER n by a young n an 1 man Mne years experience 1 au -p"k itoruuui and Bngllsh, Reference If needed Address J. W. Arnold, m Lackawanna county, Pa. SITUATION WANTF.D WANTRB Bl A i' yoong colored woman, work byths nay or general housework; aadslsoe UMB wants work ssc tureen: oiored; addn m or cull at sr.i Lin saeranna are, 8i rant in. Pa WiTL'ATiON WAN I KM BY A VoCNIl i nana, a team iter; williug to do most in,) thing, rolerru nlviih if leuulied Ad lire-. 1 , W. O., IIV !' nil av-i line. I t, Bookk N IJX r , r iffli I 111. line"-' ten Ut ysai practical experience; thorough, competent ami reliable; willing worker open for engagement; refereii 1 and security if 11.- arj Address Husineea, Tribune office, POSI I I IN IB DESIRRU Bl A VOUXa , 111.11., aced 57, who hsa hsd I rears' expo rieaee working in a bank Beetof referuaiss, and inn. 1. if desired Ad Iress Box lie. Tank. hennoel P l tt ' AN 11 Ii POM I ll IN I.V A Vildil R t sged won. 1,11 t.. da house els amg, 1. nil bf g ,.r Washl.ig. Ad lre.- .1 Hi, 118 1 1 ir nth It Ur ANTRO IMS! pj .N IH i I.KHK BY middle aged nian Cauppsak hussian. p. Ilsh, Slavic. sis 1 Rugliah .iil.irus,, I'K'I Kit MAS, S ' K, Boi -a ,P." Uile. Pa ti r anted a airtrATioR as wfi- ears I reft-n m as; I ID Pitt-ton L. ITI W A ., I , .1 1 W11MAS 1 v. aid III" t,. net n.rk I.V the d.. at vashtag 1 leauloe, of 'nil take ws-hia home Address llAH DoNNkLLY, ' I 1 as ti rd trf t. Agents Wanted. EN I it 1 AO! vi H was 1 Bl) BKI.l. Ine new srtlelea lu dealers sxrlailn s .1 HELL ni ll Ml i, Co, Miluiu Ml- w mar n 1 1 11 urs ami ruiH n experien aa itoc in uunty; guud n 1 1 arseaM to Ml .-a il-'-'- RstS l uildiug. Ijr rlc-lL HP. I. I I RNiailEU 1 1 11 M .i.h.iw I'o I.I.I KiK A ihliSI UP YKAHH I Psrt se all t ifirr baa In d feel ' isr.t : ia .r... 1 Apsdr al let Prsaklis . ... PURNialll D g.- strs-.t V. tj ... r , isoaeble h rm . tpe r ,a 1 s WOODKI 1 1 Ren fcr Sale V I I. M t sad W ... I'm With I ae DUBtl Pa- ILE-II No lorauuei Trihuiie aeency, I'M; I lot I.I.I. will Itl I" H KRN1 TWO I i NIXHXD RtrOMN h r llrhl bouw kix..iiig itii u . f lth. loK HALE i-' Ann: I'AUM. si'ia'K I 1,11,1 BteasllS J M Mll-.FI- IKl.ii. KM M'-lito" sie 1, in; MALR i ll 1 i Hanoi. FOB W H n J ton property a Isasriag eranxe groee in.-reai.tiig it. preaaettoB and rains ysany m tt roaeo section in rtneWa A.Mraa V. B HbtT I'l.groN. Lakslleiea, Fiorina. Business Opportunities. CM M M Kit BOTI I V iKTNEH M I I TED, I'-t.lll-'e 1 tell years. :o-t.l.i-, trade nn fast front. 5 stories; st'rartlveearruuad! hgv worth Inveattgattag; 8,0Qa g, a. HARTIli Lake I'an r. Pa Apaclai nonces. ATA MERTINti Of rili: DIRECTOkVoP ,' theNej Aug Full. and Rluiburel flonle vanl pompaa) it w res ilred thai a n i se of the stockholders is. called to eoareas at tie general ofO f the conaiiay. room lii, Rspnollnen butldlBg, on the ,r,tii dayofJuus A, D laVt, from A, 10 M until . p , to take si lion on tin approval or dlsapproral ol th. prupreed Increeeaof the rapilal stoek ol h,i company from n, MavOt and that I he secretary le, sad be Is, sersby dlrocted to giro Botbsi Hi i as re. quins! by lav, T. II. WATK Ns, Benetery ot ic ; tBr nominations fhii of Is ieers ol the iiermauis BUIMlmi sad Lean asea iatlun of south rorauton will loae plaos Friday eveninjr, Aim .T. Itiii, after transaetiag fl .'Ular hnstnoss, .lacoliF MM, I, I ii. Hei retsry. I.ILANK BOOKS, PAMPI1LRT& MAOA l sine-, , li. i.n l or in ,1111.1 ; Tin; TlltatlKB ortlce, Oiiick work. Hsssonsblii prleee. 81RAL III KITS CAN BR HAD AT III. Ill corii.'r Spruce sUroet and Franklin am" nn.'. Twenty msal UeXste lor jf;i..Vi. Hood table lam rd. Proposals. CBALRD PROPOSALS WILL BR RR cs csiysd by the i conomi Light. Heat aud Power company until Saturday, May lith, ism. at noon, at ii ttie of i. ii. Burns, u- brsry building, Beranton, Pa., for tieaonliia Bod hack tlll'ng abbot "ix thousand yards of trenoh In ll Ity ol Beranton. The company n '.ei rss the right to rsjeel OBJ and all Luis thb economy lii hit. 'ii eat and Power company. Business Personals CANTAO FOR MF.N ONLY IIRI-ATF.ST ir restorer and deralOBOr known, sttcught ens, Invicorates. Price fi Quarattleed -Send stainji for coiitld..ntlal circular, Dr. II. T. MILLRR, 81 Qnlncy street, Chicago. IADlKs, TONTH IS THR only SCC J ci'Hsfnl Hiist Developer known. Never fails. $82.00. Full confidential particulars sn aled) for 2c. stamn. .Mrs. Dr. B. T. Millor, 21 Olllney Kt... Chieag.i. A Handsome ComDloxion la one of the greatest charms a woman can !-,., I o"N a I I . M I'l. I I o N rOWDBU gives It. ! ! A, Set it. l I VM A onno LADIES' SHIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS Many new features this season in the way of Shapes, Styles, Colors and Materials. SHIRT WAISTS from 50c. to $3.75, in every conceivable design and material, from the medium to the finest grades of Lawn and India Linen, Percales, Sateens, Dimities, etc. The newiest and nobbiest thing is the LADIES' SHIRT. Made with starched shirt, stand-up or lay-down collars, with cuffs attached. They come in Plain White, Printed Percales, Sateens, Madras Cloth, Century Cloth and Pongees. We venture to state that oar line of above is the largest and most complete in the city Priees aa usual, THE LOWEST. ' CONNOLLY & AT 1 HE Driving Park Scranton, JULY ith - 1,000 worth nf Dismonds t" l" given awaj :is prices. All the la'st known racing men In the country will oompete, firaml Parade of Wheelmen in the morning, Excursion raliM on all ro.iiN. S18!;ee!S10 Ten llnllar; bllVI B llanil soinp, Best Triple-plate five. I'iecf Tea Service at I rec man's, 1 a 1 yon ever liear of a value to equal this before? This merely serves as an il lustration of the immense saving which may be effected by buying for spot cash from a tirm that sells for cash only. No other firm in the city can offer ynn anything like this in value. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, 'r' . S' i .' i! .ii .i 1 ',,. nla il ia u I gsreoasaass reUered. LnteeteaS hnnroeeS stvl" of i:,-, ,. ami Sh ts.Ti, at Hi., UeweetPriena iMut Artlllcial K.ysi in. rtoj lor i os SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Ofilcs. I1BPORT Of TI ft iiNI'ITI U I'll K FIRST NATIONAL BANK at svrant, a, in Hi" stat" ..f Pennsrlrsala, al ti lose of bnetaeea Msy i. I8H la.suCKcKs. Loans ami Meeonnte 81,7S3,QHII it Urerdrafts,srooreil and uusaoarsd, i..-t a) t'. n. t.ui losseure drculation... sn. .n in stock", wrnritiea t.- 2,su. ,!ii ;u iinnkin.: bonse, fni nltors and n einn KtOlO 91 Dm trots aational ban KB, mot is ssree sgmte) 88,181 8J Doe fremHtotelawuMMbankere.? Il.rfl 88 i ni froniepuroi ed resern iegente . 8T8in ht Checks and utlmr casli it,tns. 1I.TINI w SxRnaaeu f.r elsarlna Ironee T.'i iff Notes i other natioaal imiki 10, ItU 00 Praotional paper enrrenejr, ntekwe and reate 1,410 ir, I. iwfnl innni y i ,.',, 'tvi in lunik, VI7.: KdscIs 8-ir -,'IB I" I.oiiIT. mil l' Noll's.... I'.'l.ilr.' nl 99M11 in 3.m) til Un ou gad eruption fund with c a Treasurer (8 in i' oent of ebetK llltlolll Das from c. s Treaenri other than fisriont. ri'dniuiilloii fund Total l.lAIUl.lTlKS, ,.98,681881 m Capital sto i; paid In 9800,008 ii Bnrnlnsfnnd 180,000 nu I'lltliviilcil pl'iifltr,, rni i-xponsi'S and taxas paid 188,018 n Lank BOtSB OUtotandlllg... HilHI 10 Duo to other national banks isvosi sj Due to State lawn and bankera..,, u.r.v.i jo ptrldende nnnaid 10,100 00 luiliviiluiil ili'tiosits Hiilijmt to oheok 4,117,901 Til Demaud certlfieataeof deposit..., 101.71800 Oertifled checks 8,01s o Oashier's chsoks onhrtaadlag 81 :ti Niiti'sanil trills ro ilisruuutisl Noun Hills MTSbla Nimu I.iabilitii's otlior than tboso nbovu statud Noun Total State of l'l'nnsyTv.iula, 8t,80LM W Couiiiy of uaoka wiinnn, s-i : 1, ISAAC I '1 1ST, ashler of tln alsire-named bank, ilo solonmly sworn tlmt tlio above stnti'- niinit is tmo to the Is'nt of my knowledte anil belief. ISAAC TOST. Cashier. Bubeoribed and sworn to bnforotna this loth ilay of Miiv, IMM. DAVID J. DAVIS, Notary Public, Correct- Attest: .lAMI'.s IH.AIli, I W. W. SCRANTON, V Dlroctors. J. A. 1 .1 M.N. I Bicycle $10.00 $10 ; $io I Srranton, P.i. 1 ' Hy So Wallace OPENING OF WALLACE 209 ll DMITIIDC Repaired and B UliNll 1 UI1L BEST WORKMEN. LOW PRICES. MATTRESSES At Factory Prices The Scranton Bedding Co. Cor. Adams and Lacka. Aves. DID YOU KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat trrns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at iilercereau BOI LACKAWANNA tVKNCR WHY NOT Bee our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid ;ik Bedroom Bet! We m 11 ruriiiluro ns lif:ip as any honae in the oountry that in U'tals to ojve lniiK".t value I'or tho iinnify. Try us. Hull k Co. 205 AND 207 MCM.HG IVB, L s Sons' Lager Beer Brewery ttamifartnrtrs of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbhv Per Annum. DUPONT'S KJNQfQ, 1ILASTINU AND BPOltTINO POWDER Mnnufacturp.l at the WapwaUopm Mills, i.u- erne sonnty ru ami al wlr liilnutuii, l . I . . .. i '. HENRY BELIN, Jr. Oenoral Agent for the WgOBring District, 118 Wyoming Ave.. Scranton Pa. Ohlrd National Hank Duildinj. AnaNrirs. TIIOS. FOHD. I'lttstou, Ta. JOHN H SMITH & SON; I'lymnuth. Pa. K W. atULLIOAN, Wilkes-Harre, Pa. Agcuts for the Kepauuo Ciiuunoal Com pany's Ulnh Explealrsa Robinson WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Upholstered. & Connell TBUBSDAT, I'KIDAY AND SATCKDAT, LAST THREE DAYS Wonderland Dramatic Co, aVppearini In tho Qrent Piar. MICHAEL STEOGOPF HF.KKAFTKIl, AND CNTIL FL'KTIIEB NOTICB, Ten Cents Will l.i th.. )irl.-r of ailmlsM.m to sll parts of the lions,, O.N FTKK.NOnNS ON' I A. ADMISSION EVEN IN OS, lu. BOOB 30a Perturiuanees srsry sftsrnooo, rxcept Moo- dan an.l TTuirsilays, at i.'ti. and ivry eveif blgatAU, DiHirs oisinat I.Aland 7.00P.M. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ONI WEF.K, -tyi Conunenting Uouday, MayT Special F.ngnK'cmont for ONE SOLID WEEK MINNIE LESTER with Her Own Company, Band and Orchestra, m ; rap irtoire of saooeeefnl plays at popular prloos. OpcntiiK play: A Little Busy Body Matinees Thursday, Friday and Saturday Mr tti". I'm", hi,., to overvbody. Brenlae Priees io. 'jo, 30e. Frank McNIsliand hl-i Original Speclalt!a at svnry performanon Onaaga of bill uihtly. Hotel Wayerly European Tlan. First-eliiss Rar sttsehad. l' Pol for llunpier Kugol's TanuhmunB lleir. li Cor, 15tli and Filbert Sts., Phllail Meat dcalrabln ferrosldenta of N UPenaJ lylvsuia. All cor.venlonpes lor travolire to ami from Broad Street station and the Twelfth and Market Street ntatiou. D ilrablo for vim ing SorantonU " and lie lu the Anthracite Heglo- T. J. VICTORY. PROPRIETOR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers