The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 12, 1894, Image 1
The Third 77OS0 ze,0 ze.'s. kw swivflf order immediately. nf Miiltir.hrnmpx I now readv, 0 afli EIGIIT PAGES 5 G COLE MNS. SCRANTON, PA.. SATURDAY MOKNINQ. MAY 12, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. IE1 TBI 111 OTHER G PffEfS THE TIB IE REACHES 1 OHM COKE! IS TO STRIKE TEITS His Commonweal Army Prepared to Leave Washington Tomorrow, CAMP TYRANNY WILL BE DESERTED The Hero of the Grass Episode Will Lead His Warriors to Sunny Mary land and Pitch Camp Near the His toric Duelling Ground at Bladens burgh The Terrors of the Work house Induced to Move. Washinotpv, May 11. ACOD OOXEY'S commonwealers will quit the District of Coluin- n) bia early tomorrow mnminjt. v-' The new camp will be at the fa- tnotM Spa Spring rnvir tbe historic dni'lliiiK ground at Wndcnsbnrit, juat over th Marylaml line. Toll decision was reached by th general of the army today, when lie found that his follow ers could not bfconiH depandunt upon the locnl city government, but miaht be punished by terms in the workoous. The terrors of the workluuise were more t huii the common wealern had cat. ciliated npon. Tney wore willing to tie fed in jail if it cmne to that, bat work ing ditoonoerted the whole army, ofll cer as Will us privates. Ri'porta to the contrary notwlt'i ttanding rtiere had heu no BOdi&Oa tion in the health officer's order for Coxey to break np 'Camp Tyranny" this afternoon at 4 o'clock, and th Dis trict officials were determined to en force to order to abate the numanee at that hour. Coxey, while making the effort yeaterduy 10 secure an extension of time, bad alio learned that the law of the District provided other penalties than simple imprisonment, and that vagrants Blignt, aud probably would be given plenty of work to do in ease they wer arm tod. The intimation wasonveyed tn him o directly tiiat be oecame eatWti-d that any further relations with the po lice would result la the utter demoli tion of the army ; and he determined to avoid tt.e contingency. Over a wek ago Attorney J. H. Rogers had cflrred Coxey the use for an indefinite term of a large tract of land at the Spa Spring, but Coxey did not consider it worth examining, as it wns outside of the district, and he had no idea of abandoning Ml frequently reiterated declaration thut hu wonld stay id Washington all summer, or nntil con gress aceeded to his demands. When the alternative of workhouse or evacua tion of Washington whs definitely pre sented, uowever, he concluded to ac cept Mr. Rogers' offer. Coxey drove six miles oat to the spring this morning- aud expreteed him self delighted with the location. It is on high ground with gravel foundation anil is well adapted to a health resort on aceonnt of the fine water and drain age and a wide stream, in which the comnionwealers anil the horses may be nude clean. Coxev burned hack to the district commissioners, and at noou appeared before them with the an nouncement tint ne had found the ideBl camping plact and would like permission s move to it When he mentioned the location the commissioners told him tney had noth ing to do with it, aa it was out of their jurisdiction. Their only interest was in his abating his present nuisance by 4 o'clock this afternoon. Coxey replied that be had determined to move, but asked that he be given nntil tomorrow morning, piouiieing to begin the march not later than 10 o'clock. After fully emphasizing tins promise, the commis sioners agreed to postpoue the execu tion of the order nntil the time, aud Coxey withdrew. WHAT nOWBl PAYS ABOl'T IT. At "Camp Tyranny," as lute as I o'clock this afternoon, Carl lirowne and the rest of the army we'e utterly ig norant of the turn affairs had taken, lirowne was sure that the camp would never be moved. He declared that ev ery man In the army might be arrosted and sent to jail, but the cainn won! I .emiiiti, and as soon as any of the jnen got ont of jsil they would re turn, bam Fremer, who had been em ployed by Coxey to take charge of the horses, could not be disturbed becanse he was no vagrant, being paid a good salary, and he would maintain the camp ni long as nessary, that it might be available for the other armies that were on the way aa well as the Coxey its already here. Drown said. "Our polioy is fnlly settled npon, It is one of passive resistance to the un warranted persecution of the district authorities. We are not at all captions. It is simply a case of being driven to the wall. We havo made this camp the most sanitary spot in this part of Washington, aud if we are put out in the street the city will have to take care of us where the sanitary arrange ments are not as good as our own. I suppose they'll arrest na one at a time. Coxey will go first and wo'll step into the breach. When I am arrested some one will take my place In command, and so on nntil the 500 men have suc cessively been arrested. We have pre pared for it. I have cautioned all the men to be careful and strike no blow. "No one will forcibly resist. By the time they have depopulated this camp the reinforcements from the west will be arriving and the game can coatinne indefinitely. There is no doubt about the other armies reaching here. I know all the leaders, Frye, Kelly, (jalviu, and all of them were in San Francisco with me, and I know that I can count on them. Wo have the whole west with ns in this movement. The farmers from Ohio and beyond will see that we are fed as long as we stay here. "We shall not want food. I got the shipping receipt today for the carload of provisions that is now on the way from Springfield, Mo. That car is hav ing a triumphal career to Washington. It is drcorated with Ugs and a bigsign showing its contents nnd destination, and all along the road people are tack ing cards to it. It will inspire tho for mation of new armies, and thousands of men will be following it in tho coarse of the month. You can say that this movement has suroly begun. No one can doubt thut its ultimate end will be successful. " IANDERS AND BROWN CASE. The matrimonial Speculators Held Upon a New Charge. PHILaDKLPHU, May 11. J. Ross Landers and W. 1 Brown, who were recently committed to jail to await tho action of the grand jury on tho charge of conspiracy to defraud Mr. Cathe rine M. Shaoklett, of Alexandria, Va., an elderly Udy, out of her fortune of $10,001) were arraigned before Judge Krogy today on a writ of Habeas cor pus. Landers murriod the woman while she was on a sick bed in the Ho tel Hanover, in this city, and then, it is said, induced her to make a will bo jinoatliing to him all of her possessions. Too will hiurbeen revoked. Jndge Bregy discharged the accused b oaQMol the non-nppesrance of the alleged victim and also b oame there was no application for a continuance in order that she might be produced. ever, was held to answer an indict ment charging him with the larcenv of Mrs. Shackletts' diamonds. Mia. Snacklett is in the hospital sufT ring from pneumonia THE BDSINESsliTUATiON. Wockly Report of R. G. Dun & Com pany An Encouraging Outlook. Nnv YOBH, May 14. R. f. Dun ft Company's weekly review of trade to morrow prill say ; The strikes begin to have a serious, though, it is assumed, only a tempor ary effect. The number of works d pending neon supplies of bituminous coal or coke for fuel is large, end quite a considerable proportion of them lias already been compelled to stop opera tions Some railroads at the w, at an etnbartSUsi and textile works of some I tn porta tte)l nimt close soon unless the strike ceases. Toe movement nf so-cslled armies of unemployed on Washington has cause 1 little excitement, aad it is leas import ant nr significant than the outward movement of specie, whieh show shrinking foreign demand for product and further withdrawal of foreign capital. Hut neither strikes nor foreign distrust, long retard th progruss ..f tbia country. Thr has b.-eu a de crease in production of iron since April 1 of nne-third. The fact that prices of some grades of Iron, especially of fnnndrv, show weiikuee, notwithstanding there nas been no increase in reported stocks unsold, seems to Indicate that about as iargn a proportion of the woras using pig iron M material ha also bee', pelled to stop, and It is Itatad tnat in l'lttebnrg region many are ci .e to the end of their supplies of fuel l'nees of fiuished products are fully maintained aud many kinds have advai,. I a little, but it is noticed that the demand is not aa large as was expected The speculation iu grain has again broken records with the lowest price ever made for wheat Exports' ar smaller by more than a quarter. The prevailing belief ii that tne yield will, as in other years, far exceed govern ment indications, which are again pointing to a short crop. Nothing has occurred to strengthen railroad itoekl f r the earnings of railroads continue about ae much behind last vear's na they were In April or May Rates are cut in a most destructive fashion. The average price of railroad kto dca Is nevertheleas only U cents lower for the week. Large exports of gold which are ao far ex;.-, ted to reach y!.iH)i) no i this week have checked hope fulness in stock market an 1 tli de cline of the treasury gold btfore $01. 000.000 suggests the possibility that continued exports of the precious metal may cause not a little trouble before the season is over. But at present the banks are only gratified as the accumulation of money from the interior has not Oiaild, while the demand for commercial loans does not yet enlarge. The ntimhor an 1 the gtntral average of liabilities of failures are still encouragingly shrinking. Tne failures for the past weok nave be-n MM in the United States against IS7 last year and 42 in Canada against 23 last year. BRIEF BITS Of HUME NEWS. Told weather did Illinois wheat good in-st'-ad of harm. Indiana msy quarantine against smallpox-ridden Chlrago. Tho end of the new Atlantic cable was United at (,'anso, N. S. Married on April Miles .Mnys and his young wife died at Vandalla, III., Monday, wilhln a few ImurB of each other Ohouls stole the body of John 1 lager from n cemetery in Logansport, Ind., and other gruvu robberies nro feared. As the result of playing the races, (lus Weiabrodt. city treasurer of Middlotown, O., is short tSn.ODO In his accouuts. With $10,000 of Uer husband's money, Mtb. Ah I'hong.of Sau Francisco, decamped for China with a Chinese Lothario. When discovered drawing twj pensions, slick Peter Qllleapta, of LeaVKiiHwortli, said be fought iu the war under two nam- s. Charging alienation of his wife's nffec tions, J. J. McDonoogb, of Bab. Claire, Wis., sues H. Q I'ntruan, a rich lninbor man, for (25,000 damages. s HEARD OVER THE CABLE. Left in n hot bath at a Paris hospital, a Swiss lunatic named Tabotlier was liter ally boiled to death. English temperance womon said farewell to Miss Frances K. V illard, who is about to return toAmorica. For (0,500,000 annually, an English syn dicate has bought the alcoholic monopoly from tho Italian government. Bishop Newman presided at the opening ceremonies of the new American Institute for Womeu at Rome yesterday. Methodists of the Hasting) (Eug.) dis trict havo chosen Miss Dawson delegate to tho Wesleyan conference. She is tho first woman over chosen to such a body, aud is not likely to gain admittance. o IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. 1'horn are in the vicinity of the Palo Alto car i hops about six miles of Philadel phia and Reading cars awaiting repairs. School Director Frezeman, of Reading, who was asked to resigu becauso ho is un naturalized, has compiled with the demand. THE BQRACEC ACID CLAUSE It Precipitates a Silver Debate on the Wilson. Tariff Bill. THE COXEYITES ARE SQUELCHED Populist Wind-Bags Not Allowed an Opportunity To Air Their Opinions Amos Cummings Makes Faces at Ex-Speaker Reed General Politics Infuse Lifo and Interest in Many of the Debates. Wa-iiishton, D. C, May 11. N the senate today, after a good ileal of nlmportant morning bnsinesa, Mr. tuay introduced a bill to ea-tnbli-n a municiniil oode for the District and ctlled for the first reading of the bill at length. The clerk began tha rending of the bill which contains 1120 printed pages, but had only read n couple of sentences when he was intjrrupted by Mr Har ris (Tenn.l who asked whether he un derstood tim senator from Pennavivs nia to ask that the toll lie read at length on its first reading "Thai was thnreqn-st of the senator from Pennsylvania," Mr. Ouay re plled, Mr. Harris objected to the introduc tion of the bi'l and the vice-president ruled, that objection being made, the fill went over under the rule. A resolution was offered by Mr Pef far, Sanaa, for a joint e.-lect-cimmit-tee to invetigate all the facts and cir cumstances connected with the alleged maon'acttire and delivery of defeOttVt and inferior armor plates, nn 1 r con tract, bv Andrw Carnegie and others, and it went over until tomorrow. AI.LKN's Kl sou-Tins OIUFcrt H To. Mr. Allen, Nebraka, asked nnani mouaconaeiit for ttie eonaiderstlon of his Coxey reaolntiou but objection was made. Tne resolution heretofore oli'ered by Mr. Peffer for a select coinmi ttee on the present condition of the country with aecial reference to the prevailing baaiaaes depressing n,i td Hr DHU1. DM of Dnampiopad people and as to the bgislaiion MoatMry to afford relief was laid before the th senate, and. af ter brief remark by Mr. PrfT.'r.was re ierreil to th committee on rule. lhe tariff iju -stlon wee taken np -the pending tineetion being on the amendments OBtnt yesterday to the item of boraotc sold In the chemical Jh.dnie, on the first page of t'i bill. There was no allusion to the ou tion of lorrlo acid In the speecn which Mr. Stewart proceeded to nuk, or in Mr Dolph's reply to it both speeches being on the demonetisation of stiver, to which Mr S-.ewarl acriU-il the bn-ine.i depr.-sai oi, wiaie Mr Dolph took tiie contrary view The controversy between the senators w a closed with the empnatic declara tion by Mr. Stewart that the country wonld never have prosperity until it burst the chains of contraction that were binding the limb of enterprise. AMOS ASH TBI NAVV Wilis, A vigorous arraignment of RopabH 'an administration of the navv verds by Mr Cummings, iDem, N Y l. in cluding a reference to employment of an extra force nt the Portsmouth yard for the benefit of ex -Speaker iteed. and tne sarcastic rej .in.-r of Mr Keed, was the principal featutes of the debate 00 tb naval appropriation bill, which oc enpied all of today's era. ion of the house. Mr. Boot Hi (Hep , Me ) closed tin general dabato for the Republicans and wis followed by Mr Maker (Pop .Kan. i who spoke of the niHQTial aaonmnlatloii of wealth iu the decade from M I to 1-01 by the manufacturing and agri cultural states, this afternoon Mr Crain I Tex who ep ike In support of the bill to change the day of the a ambling Of congress from the fir.t Monday in December to the -tin of March, and by Messrs Meyer. (Detn.. La.), Qeisseubainer, (Hem . N. J.), Talbort, (Dm., lid.) Md by Mr. Cum mings. General politics and the tariff more or less crept Into nearly all the apeeeb s and the debate was enlivening and interesting. Two pages of the bill were read for amendments. The houao then took a recees until 8 o'clock, the evening soeaion being for tbo consider ation of private pension bill ALL HONOR TO THI WOMEN. Kentucky Matron. Tak I Hand Id the Breckinridge Cruaade. LEXlsiTON,Ky.,May 11. The women of thia city intend to demonstrate their protest against the reiiominatlon of Colonel Breckinridge by arranging for a big reception in honor of William C. Owens, the principal opponent of the colonel, when he comes here to address the electors some day next week Eight boxes in the opera house will be filled with representative women of the Hluegrass region, who seldom take any pnrt in politics. A large delega tion of the same eex will ocenpy the main part of !no house. A petition is being numerously signed by the women of this city, who pledge themselves to attend the meeting. Already the feminine opponents of Colonel Breckiuridgo are boycotting the merchants who Htipport his candi dacy and others are dismissing their family physicians for the snme reason. e FOUND MIKE HANGWER'S DEN. Captain Slropicn'a Nnrrow Eeoape from Aaoaaalnation. Hazi.eton, Pa., May 11. While looking for an escaped convict in the wood near Jeanesvillo today, Captain Simpson, of tho coal nnd iron polics, ran tiuoxpectiidly into the den of Ulke llangwer.who murdered Paul Granger at Honey Brook two weeks ago. Simpson, while picking hli way through the foroot, suddenly found himself in the door of what appeared to he a cave. He was about to part the shrubbery which partly hid the open ing when a revolver was thurst against his face and a mau jumped iuto the oponing. It wna Hnngwer. Not a word had been Fpokeh when the re volver went off ho close to Simpson's head that it singed his hair. His would be asEiiHsin then ran for the swamp, Simpson fired repeatedly at the fleeing man. Cue bullet broke the fellow's arm and his revolver foil from lus grasp. The second shot canned him to yell with pain but did not utop him. The firing aroused the villagers who joined tho chas-, but the fugitive reached the swamp safely. JENNIE ROSS INDICTED. Sixty-Four Counts Are Promptly Returned Apninst Her by the United States Grand Jury. .c; rial row a Slnff Cinrnitmilrnt. PlTTSDUKO, .May 11. Jennie Hue ar rived iu this city this morning to ap pear for trial before the United States district court. Tnis afternoon she was indicted by the graud jury on sixty four founts for sendiun obscene letttrs i Mias Jennie Ifottj Detective An thony Boanloo, J. W. flonld, United States DUtrlot Atbrney Harry A Hol land and United Steles Commissioner A. J. Colborn, jr. She will bt tried Monday and will be defended by Hon. W. W. Watson Michael Flaherty, nllas Webb, of Corry, Pa , was c .nvicted today on five accounts for pacing bogus silver dollars in th Providence section of Scranton on Jan '2' last. Kugene M. Govern, alias Brooka, is now on trial, charged with panting counterfeit $2 notes at Scrantoii last Friday. About tit teen BorantOOianl acted as witnesaea iu these cases 'lie section nf the bOOkaWMnt con tingent started for home tonight, after a pleasant soj' urn iu the city of sternal smoke. J. r. M A STRUGGLE FOR LIFE. Or. J. Lym.-.n fJulklcy'a Encounter With a Lunatic Who Was Armed to the Teeth. WATUTOWR, N. Y . Mar 11. -While alone in his pltawl home a: Band ( reek abonl BO lt aronlng. Dr J. I.vman Bulkley. ex-sheriff of OtWtgO Comity, aud one of the mo.t prominent citixen of the plnr was vi.itel by a iuu itic named Gaylor l Williams, who was laboring under the ball urination that the pkyatalan nal maltreated him. and almost without a moment's uotii-e. the rrary man ha I j tilled a revolver ai d ftr.d two abota to kill th doctor. One t k effect In the arm. the oli.-r law wld of Its mark and found lodge infnt In the well. Williams then put awayau itrrolfaf aad proceeded to a in a inur torow assault on Dr. I'm -ley with a knife. The doctor had realized hia predba meat aad knew tuat he was at t..e mercy of a mad man. He Mgagad in n struggle with Williams for all llfO, an I th two BMB final I v reached the lawn in frout of the phy.icisn's home During the deerale struggle Williams plunged the blade of a large knife into the phyaieian'a groin an 1 stabbed him la tan back and ont agl g- la hia head In attempting t wr at t he knife frota tba mad man's graap Dr Balh ley cut his hand badly and was almost exhausted from tltttloa and lOM Of Ml 0 I when WlUlaiM ran away. Dr. BulKluv now li.a la a critical eoniiitlon. and Williams, the madintn, is a corps and suicide, having ended his existence by sr tidtng a i.ullet through bla brain His life lean body w .a .oim 1 in the !" I in the rear of Dr llnlkiey'. house Una morn ing. It is iid Williams (ral released from tba Ogdensbnrg insano asylum yesterday. EER ftlXARTNCY DEAD. The rjl.tlntulahtd Attorn. r Ixplree Rndi.nly nf Heart TJneaae WrXXBa-BaJUUt, Pa., May 11 Gen- oral William B aloOartnaf, president of tho city Coiineils and one of the mot pmminanl lawyers at tbe Luz'rtie county bar, died suddenly this evening of heart diaeaae at his country home at North mountain, ten miloa from here ID was born iu Hoeton, tlaas , on July 11 M4 He entered the nrmy ou April IB, 1861, and went with lieneral Butler's expedition from Now York to Annapolis. During hie three years' service he took part in no lets than twenty engagements. In lN'iO he slumped Massachusetts for Stephen A. Douglass. In 1 -17 he stumped New York lor John A. Grie well f .r governor, and in ls7 ho went on the slump for Horace Greeiy.and in H08 for the late General Grant for president During lifo he enjoved a lucrative practice iu all the courts and was a man honored by all who knew him He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Loyal Le gion end of tho New Kugland society of Phila delphia. CROKlR'b SUCCCSSOA. John KoWsde Appointed to Succe.d the Lute ( huirmaii of Fluance. RlW YORK, May 11 The action of the executive committeo of Tammany Hall in accepting the resignation of Hicherd Croker as leader, was ratified at the meeting of the general committee held this evening in Tammany hall. Hon. John Mctuade wns appointed by Chairman A. W. Peters to succeed Mr. Croker as chairman of the finance committee, but no appointment has yet been made to till the viicunt place of leader. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Tho bills to codify and arrange the lawB relating to portions have now been re ported favorably by committees from both houses of congress. Paul Du Chnillu. the noted African traveler, will loduy give bis recnllectious of African travel twenty-live years ago, before the National geographical soclty. The Military Affairs committee has agreed upon a bill to remove the military post knowu as Port Mcintosh from Its present site to a more desirable and largor one near the city of Laredo. Representative Price, of Louisiana is back after two weeks at. home, during which he accompanied Chnirman W ilson of the ways and meaiiB committee over the southern part of his state. LATE F DHE1GN INTELLIGENCE General News or Current Happenings Across the Waters. RESULT OF AN IRISH CONVENTION Serious Aspect of tho Austrian Miner' Riots The Strike Spreading and Troops Stationed at tbo Threat ened Pits Terrible Execution Done by Mannliclnjr Rifles The Samoan Problem. Yii sna, Mav 11. TIIF. strike nt Oatran, Moravia, has spread to th BttgM bit. The victims of the Troppan riot, on May P, nine in nuinb-r, were b'irieil today at daybreak without any disorder. Later dispatches received from -trail today say that there is ex citement in that district. A strong force of cavalry and infantry has been sent to the ecene of the di-turbances and the nddiers are guarding all tne pit. The country is stud lad with mil itary out; usts, and orders has been is sued to close ul! the taverns at sunset. The strike has spread to the Roth schilds' and Count L trriach'a pita . During the funeral ( the victims of the 1 Mpan riot this morning the cenie l-rr was iBITOQadtd by a cordon of soldiers, and the ten victims were barlod m a t mmoa rave. L HI s, May 11. -The correspondent of tne Ftnita at Vienna save -tnat the polict at i I'trau who fired upon the striking Balaam used Haaeliabet rifle. The terrible efiVcte produced by them, be say, may be judged by tbe fact that although only t e:.ty. three shots WON Brad at tt,e striker, lorty-thtoo per .on. were wound L AN mm i ONVK.STIOX. LlTIIPOOtsj My 11 To Irish Nat io ,e i;u of ( r a. llril dn ill h ! 1 a convention her- tomorrow. There win to dam aitratioa of the laagna n Sunday and a dinner ou Monlay. Justin McCarthy, M.P. nliobaal Davitt, John Dillon. HP., an I other leaders mil attend aud will endeavor to heal the breach existing between them aud the lleatyitea. is expected th.t T. P. O'Connor, M.P. who has been president of tne OTBb Netlonel L-agne uf ilreat Britain 1hS, but who lately ha Wen at lacked in tun Kealvtte otgan, the Irish Catholic, will tie re-elected, and tnat the pulley of tba majority will b re sfllriund or an overwhelming majority Tiir KM'v MOMM kt, Br.HI.lN, May II. -lh Vueaiaah ',ei tnng. couimei.uug non Secretary Omaaam'l statement to cot:Kra ou tne Baal MB situ itnm says that it points to the probability of a dual control of Samoa as a result of fulnre negotia tions. Boebai Itsne would le recret able Mr lireeham haa eald of America i equilly npplieabla to Qar many, wuicn can gam no honor nor advantag" in Snuo. Bi lATBBB, May 11. The gov eminent has eerved n nice upon all banks an) tinaticial coinpaniea .that it Intan la to exaiuiuo all their B0OKB, The companies strongiy protest agaiutt thl action. Telegram from CbiH svs that bnsi na lu that con .try la paralysed owing tothe heavy fall in xchange. Caixttta, May 11. The opinion is growing that the smeaitng of tre.a with mud in the Province of Behar bag i. o p -illcal siirtiiltrauoi'. but was .im ply done to attract pilgrims to the sa cra i lempla at Jaaakpor, iu way of protest against th Interference of the sanitary authorities with the town of Hurdwar. The gathering at Janakpnr may give trouble unle.a close watch is kept upon it by the au thorities. SHUT DOWN IS IXr'LftlNtO. Pall River Operatcu Olve th Cause for Euienaton. Fai l Rivku. Maaa., Mav It. -The following notice posted in tho Darnaby (iingliain nulla today, is tuesut ject of much c minent among the operators in lhe eaat'Tti section ol the city To i inr Bmploymi OwiiiK la the imbeciie rjosition taken by the tireaent adniiliialration at Washington aed the idiotic legislation now going ouiu rongreaa, lhe re-ult of which you are per fectly familiar itli, theao works will shut down ou May l'J, IBM. iMgneili S, H. Asm.xy. K B. Ashley, the treasurer of tbe rorporation, is a member of the Repub lican state central committee, aud a prominent factor in politic. The mills nave 16,000 iplndlaa. a capital of $iod, 000, operate BOO looms, employ 400 hands and has a weekly pay-roll of ft, 000. The eoncern has been a suc cesslul business vontnre. e SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO LADIES. They Will Pe Given Free Reserved Eeote for Minnie Lester Next Monday evening at the begin ning of Minnie Lester's engigement at the Academy of Music there will be special inducements i (To red to mako the occasion n ladies' night. To this end, every person presenting a lady's ticket at the box office aud purchasing one reserved seat will be entitled to a second reserved seat free of charge, the only condition being that the free seat be occupied by a lady. This sterling organization of twenty two people is supplemented by the ap pearance of Frank E. McNieli, the pro uder minstrel of this country, who will appear at every performance. The prices have been placed at 10, 20 and 30 cente, thns bringing un even ing of complete enjoyment within the reach of everybody. Seats sdiould be secured early ns the sale opened very lively yesterday morning. e . PULLMAN EMPLOYES STRIKE. Three Thousand Workmen Are Idle In the Vavloua Cepartmonte. PCLLM jn. III.. May 11. Botween 2,000 and 8 000 workmen In the various de partments of the Pullman works at Pullman went on strike at 1) o'clock this morning. Their action took Pull man and his active manager by sur prise, ns it was understood that the men were satisfied with tho result of tlio recent conference. The men belong to the American Railroad union but were not called out by the organization. They demand u restoration of wages to last year's scale and the redress of numerous grievances. No violoncii is epeotod.bnt as a precau tion a largo force of police has been ordered to the scono. SCHOOL GIRL 5UICI0ES. L'llian Turnar Tur'na on tho Gas and Is A.phy slated. PHILADELPHIA, May 11. Lillian M. Turner, aged 10 years, of Huberly, N. Y.. who was attending a female acad emy In this city, committed suicide last night at tho home of her grand father, Adam Wartman. After dis robing, the girl closed up all the craeks In thn doors and windows with ber clothing and then turned on the gas. The body was dlsroverod st S o'clock this morning, Too close application to her ttndltl is supposed to havo uffected tho girl's mind. DEATH OF Tn ELEPHANT. Exciting Scene at tho Central Park Menagerie Bungling Attempts at Poisoning Ktw York. If ay IL Tip. the bis elephant in tbo Central park menag erie, died this afternoon at 1 19 o'clock after many hours of agony. Such n botched piece of work bus never been anOOtnplUked by any set of men who have proftaaad to have the slightest akili in killing wild animals or to snve an animal from unnecessary cruelty aud laffertn; Prom 6 a, m until i p BL, the great king of the forest went sbnddaring from one convulsion into another, under th influence of the cyanide of potassium wnicu hae been given hun. T in tirat dose of the poison wns not sufficient to put a piiet and painless an I to his life Alter many consulta tion between Bnporintondant smith, of the menagerie, and Superintendent Hankinson, of tiie -.oji-ty for tbe pre vention of cruelty to animals, and Sec retary Burua, it wns resolved at 3 o'clock tu administer another dose of 1 The second doso finally prove I ell -cure. . a 'Nming incapacity of those mn to perform tuednty amigaed to them without unnecessary crn-lty appears to be. fully demonstrated by the tinv it took to kill tbe poor benst. At I cj'olorlc this afternoon, Dr. Al len, one of the experts, said he liellered ha" what little p OM Tip git into his system in the m Tiling wia taking ef fect Matters at ." 1 o'clock tnis afternoon seemed to be reaching a climax. At that hour fifteen OapaBtm of rynnido of pot issiuui were Ritaa to Tip in a dish, of bran, the greet beset w. nt into con- i i ia aad tnraaaad about at tre- in a lOOi rate In ids v. ild itragglm ha broke the chaiua which confined him, and napped hi martdngala The attend ants aeeiiwd to lie p imc stricken. Tip was loose in his j.en nnd their lives were in dnger. It wa fred that Tip would break out of his pen, but the huge benst'e atrti(glea iiuickly en.l ed. and aa tin poison began to work he fell to the ground dead. JEWISH WOMEN'S COUNCIL Alrenchcf the National Orean satlon to Be aT8mi d Here. Rabid IVuerllcht list erening an nounced t the Ltndaa street syna rotroatbatoa next rnaaday a branch of tbe National Ooenotl of Jewish Women would be form I Tb Tder is the outcome of the Jew ish Women's religio as .congress at the World's fair last September. The plan of ttie order Is to pines the Jewish women on a par with tho womeu of other denominations and in struct them in their own religion in a broader and deep, r nenae nud to pro mote lbm through ;their abUdraa to apply the most advanced thought and methods te plnlanturopio work and to c ' prejudices and prevent or in terfere iu cases of persecution when ever and bowtver these may oocur. 1 e SERVICES AT THE Y. W. C A. Your.g Woman of the City Ccidially Invited to Visit the Rooms. Young women can spend a pleasant afternoon tomorrow from .'! to B o'clock in the rooms of the Young Women's Christ inn Association, 80S Washington avenue. From d to l o'clock the read ing room will be open for any who wish to rest or read. From 4 to 5 o'clock a song and testimony service will be conducted by Miss Lena Minnich, to whieh every young woman should feel herself personally invited. On Tuesday afternoon the invitation committee will entertain the members aud their young women friends by a "Looking Backward'' entertainment. To this social gathering all who como will be Cordially welcome. There is uo admission fee. BASEBALL GAME TODAY. The Y. X. G. A. and Hustler Teams at Hog-an Park. The Young Men's Chriitian Associa tion team, who are touted to be the best amateur ball tossers iu this vicin ity, will cross bats with the Hustlers, the crack West Side organization, at Hogan park tiiis afternoon at I o'clock. A fifteen-cent admission will be oharged, Bittenbender and Hoffman, pitohers, and Allen and (tillerau, catchers, will bo tho donl.Io battery occupying the points for tho Young Men's Christian association. Both teams aspire to head the umatcur lis' at the close of the season and a baU royal will probably result In the effort to start the season with a clean record. WEATHER FORECAST. WaSHUUVOR Mar 1 Lfbraaosi I CLEAR Saturday: for SatUm Finn j tyminta, gmtally fair, iHgkt II 1 hi warmer, rait to 'south winds. For Wrsti rn i'ennsylvania, fair, KXmheT iou(i wiiuls. mm The Greit Popularity of Cur Ladles' Siirt Waists Proven limi they are rorreot in Style mid Qnality. They com prise Plain nnd Fhflcy Silks, Lin ens, Cheviots, Lawns, Percalat,eto. on: stock of CHILDREN'S WAISTS Are of tho beat, in Style and Workmanship, and Include "Tho Kiuc Waist," in Faontteroy, Plain White, Ginghams, Percale, etc. The "Mote's Friend" Y;i;t and our Special Ulcus :it at 50e., the greatest for the money. 510 aad 512 Lackawanna Ave. WE CUTU f'ERCHA fiUSStil IPC 111 FAMOUS Maltese Cress RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CILVV A KHOFJUDI A CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRI0 An J Oak tonnoil leather Belling, H. A. Kingsbury AO EXT 513 Spruce St., Scranton, Pi Lewis, Reiily & Davies A DRIVE LEWIS, REILLY "& DAVIES 114 Wyoming Avo. WHOLES ALI ANT) RKTA1U We Examine Ejes Free of eliargo. If a doctor is needed you arc promptly told so. Wo also guarantee a perfect fit. All SILVERWARE and Damaged Goods at Arcade Fire will be sold at 50 Per Cent. Below Cost. The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. iff I . IE