The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 11, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Those are the prices that ex
pand the purchasing power
of the American dollar.
Printed China Silks
One of the moBt important
assortment? shown this year
is now on our counters at 50o.
the yard, and is especially
conspicuous for its exceptional
value. Regular price, 75o.
At 25c, Per Yard
21-inch Plain China Silks,
imported to sell for 37c. Such
values as these caunot bo
found in any other store.
Black Nun's Veiling
Favorltwl because so cool, so
light jqualltlos much improved
over last year and prices
heavily decreased; 10 percent
better In quality and 28 per
ceut. lower in price.
40-inch, 50 cents.
Last season's price, C3c.
36-inch, 45 cents.
Last season's price, 58c.
Ladies' House Gowns
Prettily made of Indigo Blue
Chiutzes, with lull front and
back, raffle and fashionable
Bleeves. Price 19c. each.
It is to your interest to
Euy How. Tho good3 we
have are beautiful and the
Prices are Away Down
Lower than Down. Come
and see us.
Mnrocrn ti I itiI I i:;huJ.
Morocco Ik the natural graiuirr of tlie
British Inland. When 1 inrtitioul this
tome three years t:o to a atatavman who
hua Ml in man) tianlntta ha w fraur
aurprlstal to Hud that tlie oliviou ilguill
caocoof the But bad be ?n k wholly over
looked. Yet it uei-d. no extra talent aa a
prophet to sufjiinat that llfty years hence
the Kuin or leas of tlio vat oxrtrultifral
market in the northwest corner of Africa
may be of onarallel.ti tOOMBJMMt Ui the
populatiou of thSSS bl.'iiuls.
Morocco on the weT?rti Jda la lu nearly
the ain longitude with Krrv. and is
within four day' steaming of l'lymouth.
Its climate la perfect, lU rich virgin soil
almost untouched. Agriculture, an we un
rieratmd it, la unknown. Beyoud a'littta
primitive cirarcbiDg with primitive tools,
whereby enough grain ! extracted for tho
purposes of actual aubalatouce, no one In
Morocco carea to gro.v corn which he U
not allowed to export, and which t tolera
bly certain to be xeized on by the knid for
tho Ixineflt of himself and hia miuiter, the
If once lireat Oritaki could obtain a roo-u--
Hi Implying security to the toilera,
flien cheap grain enoutih to fued the entire
population would be at our very doors,
requiring, In fact, aome two days' lew voy
age than that from America. This would
always be an advantage even lu times of
pence, and with all our usual market open
to ua. Nineteenth Century.
A Story of Stephen (ilrard.
A characteristic story of Ftephen Cirnrd
was that ho Induced a buy to work for him
till ha wo twenty-one yean old by promis
ing to give him a good Htart iu life after
ward. When the time camo the young
m,.n applied for the promised reward. The
eccentric oM merchant looked at him for a
moment and then said gruffly, "Go and
learn a trade." Considerably cast down,
for he had expected a very different sort,
the young man turned away; but after
some reflection, knowing something of the
other's peculiarities, he decided to do aa
he had been bidden, and learned the coop
er's trade.
When he had mastered It a year or bo
later, he presented hiumelf ugain, and the
old mau gave him an order for two barrel.
Ho made and delivered them, and Mr.
Oirard examined and praised them.
"Now," he said, "you have a capital that
yon cannot loae, for you can ulways fall
back on your trade If you meet with ad
versltr ' and then he advanced His protege
acoicldenible capital with which to start
In business. Harper's Weekly.
A Young ChevnUor.
A good looking young lad v, with a pnlr
of seashore shoos ou, was crossing City
Hull park the other day with tho strings of
one shoe flipping and flopping about with
every step she took. She knew ull about
It, and suo realized that every than she
met was looking right at that foot, but
she hadn't the nerve to stop and tie the
strings. The situation caught the eye of a
small bootblack who crossed her path, and
he did the right thing at tho right time
and In the neatest manner. Running up
to her he dropped on his knees mid placed
his box for her foot. She placed it there
and he gathered up the strings, deftly tied
them into a double bow knot and rose up
and dolled' his enp and bowed like a little
"You are the smartest boy In New York!"
she said as she reached for hor purse, and
the next instant he was galloping down
tho walk and shouting:
"Oh, Jim, look-a-here! Made a mash
and struck half a dollar all in a miuitl"
Now York World.
Dyspepsia and Indlg-eetion
In their worst forms nr cured by the
use of P. P. P. If you are dobilitated and
niB down, or If you need a tonie to regain
flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor,
take P. P. P., and you will be strong una
healthy, For shattered constitutions and
lost manhood P. P. P. (Priokly Ash, Poke
Root and Potassium) is the king of all
inedioiues, P. P. P. is the greatest blood
porifler in the world. For sale by all
Highest of all in Leavening Powei. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Interesting Resume of the Events of a
Day In iht Pioneer City.
Fpecial to the fcranfon Tribune.
Carbo.ndalk, Ph., May 10 Miss
Laura Dotterer Is the guest of her sis
ter, Mrs. C. Fowler, jr.
E. L. Peck, of Elk Grove, Pa., spent
today in tbis city as the gaest of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Peck, of
Washington street.
The Delaware and Hudson gravity
railroad employes and shop hands will
beapaid tomorrow (Friday).
John E. Hon will represant Lacka
wanna tribe, No. 208, Improved Order
of Red Men of this city at the sessions
of the great council, whiolt uijats at
Bethlehem on Tuesday.
The fnueral of the late Mrs. Frank
J. Kiefsr took plaea this afternoon at 2
o'clock, Services were conducted in
Trinity church, Her E J. Unlsloy ofli
eittiog. The remains were interred in
Maptowood cemetery. The following
jomig men wsre pall bearers: Jnliua
Spaeth, Frank Roennoelmeyer, John
Reuse, Charles Morris, William Hollou
buck, William Phillips, A. Corbln and
T. Finuerty.
Judge W. & Wells, of Wilkas-ltirro.
is yUitlng hia daughter, Mr. J. E.
Wstt, of Washington street
The sale of the stock of Dr. Q Fjw
ler, druggist, which was to have oc
urrd this morning, was b mutual
rraagvmont postponed uutil next
week Thursday morning at 10 o'clock.
J. F. Wooden, of tb firm of Wooden
& liankemy, paper box manufacturer,
'who plant at Honiitsle wa recently
deatroyud by tir. was iu this city this
morning conferring with oflicrs of the
board of trad with the view of re
building their plant in this oity.
C E. Spencer and Gh S. Kimball will
leave ou Saturday for Ypsilanti,
About twenty members of th f!r
msuia Singing society will goto Hon
dald on Monday evening uxtlopir
ticipat iu the fMlifltlM af tho Leid r
kranz of that pine.
Ototge Hnr.knn, of MtddUtown.
pant lt iTMlng with Carbondalc
'1 he clerks of Jermyn have chal
lenged the CarboiuUle clerks to a gatM
of bssa ball to bj pUyeJ ou Memorial
Misses May and Anna Onmmoe, of
ROOMdal, are guest at the home of
Mr. and Mr. Edward J listed of l)rt
Frank Herry, of Canaan street, spnt
to by with Mtfttio ir. ;i.
Mrs. E. Egelstou is vinlting her
daughter, Mrs. Ball, of Bawls.
t.nii f:f PtNCILINSS.
Kw J"M of Iitr.t by a
Pr ght ( o reap indent.
fyaat to A Seumtvn IVSjCaa
III vi'iuM ta Mav 10 Vra
Murphy, of i. w.n vin.i:.,- i i
daughter on tu vVeal Sid yterly.
Tl.oma Mubon. of the Electrit city,
w.i. Ifi t iWT.i'I.laV
Miea Minnie Msson, of Dlakal, baa
recovered from hrr recent lUaaHi
Willi llutar, of Wilkea Baft was
in town the fore part of the week
Mrs A. Herry, of Carbandnl. penl
the day with br ion, Mr. 1 l LUrry,
of Ulatcliley.
Mathew Hstamond, of Dunraor
strett, received a lalaglNsI yvaturdav
tating that a large fortune had been
left to bins by hi unci, who died soma
tune ago in California. It is exptcted
that he will go to th YVeat lu a few
A chill of Arthur WrijbUon, of '
:-c tl.. tr- t, oieu loaay.
Mi Li Mia McCoe i raao taring
from her recent illness.
ThaCir clreua fVii two narfnr-
lnsnces in M1U grov yeilcrday, one
at 'J and the other at H Th lant vr
crowded at bath performance, in th
evtnlug atioot l,0'J people turned oct
lo - ttie show, itut w ira uit tlie
circus comes to our town it 1 hopel
tby will tlx the sat a littl mora tab
stauttal to atcomodale the crowj
thre hainu' almost a Ijanla whan tl.i.
seals broko down during lust evening's
1 he town was In darkness toniubt
owing to an accident at the electric
light plant.
Mr. I rank Orchard, or Cerbondalc,
and her stater, (i Tirade Yoyle, of this
place, Visited friends in Jut tic today.
W. W. W atkma was a visitor iu town
i in - lay evening.
Tcplo of tb Dai InUlllffently Dia-
cnaafd in Abort Paraffrapha.
.'Imi! to 1h Scrant'm 7Vjuia.
Jkiimyn, Pt , May 10 Owing to
tome, disarrangement of th motive
power DO can ran ou tho electric road
ytsterday forenoon.
Mrs. Andrew Ctrttr, of Third ttruet,
it seriously ill
C. D. Winter Is repairing bis resi
dence ou Main streat. When done it
will b a great improvement.
J. L. Lawrence, the vtran sur
veyor of Providence, was In town
Burglar broke into the Ontario and
Western depot last night, examining
everything In the express, ticket and
freight house. At the latter pluc
they helped themaelvas to cheese,
cruckers, oranges, etc. Notions, dry
good and elothing were scattered over
the floor, but uothiug of great val no
was taken.
O. S. Maine & Co., will b here at
about 10 o'oiock a. in., today, and will
give two performances; one at 2 and
one at 7.30 p. m. He iu time to set the
morning parade and bring the children
so that they may the animals.
Tne Jermyn Water company aro
raising their dam and will bo in a posi
tion to supply water to all without fa 11
in the future.
J. D. Stocker is erecting a carriage
house in the rear of his Main street
Fred Heckman and 0. W. Peck, of
Scranton, and J. J. O'Hrlen, of New
York, were Jermyn visitori yesterday.
The Jermyn schools will close three
weeks from today.
All are cordially invited to attend
the mission services in St. Mary's Catho
lic chnrch. Seats are reserved for
Work on the foundation of the new
sohool building is progressing rapidly.
It is expected th building will be
retdy for occupancy Sept. 1.
U. M. Patterson, of Carbondnle, was
in town yesterday looking after hit real
estate interests on the tract of laud in
the rear of Avery's hotel.
Death of a RaaptoUd Citlzin Other
I ems of Intaraat.
fpeeiat to the Scranton r. , i
TAYLOR, Pa., May 10. Riohard
Richards was injured today in the
(Hendale mines by it fall of bony coal.
l)r (irifliths attended to his Injnrtet,
A spelling match wat held at the
Price Library nisoclation toutght. It;
was very interesting.
After six days' sickness with pneu
monia, Oeorge 13 Winterburti diod at
his home on drove street this morning
at 5.U0 o'clock. He was a man of
Christian qualities, loved and respect.'d
by all; a kind father and a true .u.
band His sudden death has cast
gloom and sorrow over the neighbor
hood. The deceased was a IU' inter of
the Welsh Haptist church, and was an
earnest pillar in the work of the
church He was tinanrial seeretary of
Lily lodge, No. 039, Independent
Oner Odd Follows, aud master of
finance of Taylorville lodge, No 411'J, of
Knights of Pythias. H la alto a in ii
ber of W. A Connell division Uuiforin
Itunk of Knights of l'ytiiiiu. Air.
Winterburti was about 46 years of a-o.
and has resided lu this town about
twenty years. The funeral will tak-'
place on Sunday afternoon at o'clock.
Interment will bo made in the Fortl'
Home oematerr, Services will b bald
tn til Wslsli Congregational church on
I'mon street.
Waifi from tha Locality of 0.-a Flaldi
ai d Limpid Watr
fx tt tal to the .Scriintea Trth ia.
BUUUBCT, Pa, May 10 -The pupil"
of th Graded sohool gave am enter
tainmeut on Tu-sliv yntug last.
Tn ex Tcltes wr very pleasing to n
Urge andlenoe Th proc it will be
uid in cnlnrlng th hool library.
Ttie retldetica of A. W Y'ager la
fast urmg completion. It will tie an
ornament to our plact aud a vary 0OQM
vnient, pleaeant home
'1 .. boulevard i prograasiag r.ipidlv.
a large fore baiug Mgag d ou the
W ' k.
. bt puli it of the llap'itt chnrch fot
tb peat few Sundays baa b-i banti
tied with tlaweting plants by thoyouug
ladles in charge
Landlord Bird had an exciting nd
venture last Sunday night About 1
o'clock be w i awakened by bearing
aotue one at w rk at one of the w in
dows of the bote), and rising dreeae-1
hue- If and Opened (he ontai-1- 1 r.
wh-n th parties Bred several sbeta at
him an i II I A hu l"t from a 88-falt-
br revolver wia foand in the BOtnlng
lltttened against tie) brieat wall
M I. III. in. ahUrman, Fifth ward.
hcranton. l a. ataie.1 Mot, l. Btl II. had
need Dr. Thomaa' Rdeesrle 'hi for rpraina,
ntirn-, cnia. iirjii ana ineun.aii ui
('uied e;y t
ITmlecraptirr an. I Hear.
Henry II lUgan la hi travela la alert to
all oppoftnnltlas to u b linking photo
graph for um In hia lectures. While lo
Yt'iioweioii Park he undertook the risky
b.iliirva of photogvaphlng a wild lar.
Re Warned from the h .tel clerk that the
bear had luMte it apieararir f r several
e.!.lna at 7 o'clock. It roamed freely,
for no hunting la a. lowed In Yellowstone
Park. Mr. U.uan, aeroniianlil by the
clerk, went with hia camera to the plare
fre ,ueiitcl r the, dropped a piece ef
nn at and adjuntil Ma ramer i w.: n ficua
on the meat alnit forty live feef away.
I pon the sudden dlsappearame of the
clerk. Mr Itigan for the ftrat time reflected
tlkkt though a earner la an ffis.the
weapon In ("'me reapiVa, IL la nut a flnt
clasc naan I ( self delftiw iff an e-iconnter
with a bear at tboti rang, iieaide ku
camera be h..d a jioeAetknlfe. However,
he overrarae feeling of growing diartiin
fort and waited lb clerk soon reap
peared with another man, and they were
stationed behind anmn buahea near by.
The bear was not long In making his en
trance. A be saw Mr Itagan he brake
fnun a walk Into a lpt toward him. Mr.
Pagan, Hue t'- f!,r ; ' win- of future an
dicaoea, stood flitu. When about Sixty feet
aw ay the liear rose nn bl hind lags to make
aatudy of Mr. ltngan and hia queer appa
riitu. The lecturer (ju ikly readjusted
the camera and caught llruin in this re
flective attitude. Tbe baar tbaa diaoo rated
i the meat, and Immediately l ame more
Intereateii In it, aa t trig taped by trotting in
that direction
The camera's foottfl maagnln changed,
aud the i ar was again pi' toi ally aaptauad
aa he roo nn hia bind lege, tlie meat
dangling from hia mouth, aud gave a de
flant look at the photographer. The tar
and the lecturer then parted, both well
autisfled. Indinuapolla New s.
Kemllnt Cats In letter.
It often happens that cue wishes to
send a dime or a quarter in a letter for
some small object, but tho coin slides
alxmt and is in danger of leing lost.
Country tatietua tells that it is easily
fixed by placing it near tho corner of a
small sheet, then turning two corners of
tho paper on the coin and tin n turning
these corners, coin and all, over on tho
sheet. Wheu thus held in tho letter, it
ennnot elido a particle If the paper
which holds the coin, which may ! sep
arate from the on on which tho letter is
written, is folded so as just to fit tho en
velope, it will lie very secure.
When Italiy was sl.-V, sre Rave lirr Pastor,
When stM was a Child, ahn eriiil for Coatoria.
When shi tni-onm Mlas, she chmi? to t'.asUiria,
When ale had Children, she gave them Caatorta,
Crlilctatng a Young Lad v.
"Bho would be a pretty girl for but one
"what's thatr asked Charley.
Oeorgo Her face ia always covered with
purple and red blotches.
Charley Ob, that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to be the same way toy
pelf, bnt I caught on to the trouble one
duy, and got rid of it in no time.
George What was itf
( har.oy Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. I tell you, It's
the boys blood corrector. The governor
had rhonmntiam so bad that you could
hear him hollor clear across the country
every timo he moved. lie tried it, aud
you know wlmt an nthlotio old irent he is
now. if somobody would givo Miss Daisy
a pointer, she would thank thoui after
wind). All tbo drug stores sell it.
Thing; Every Woman Wants to Knew.
The belts of skirts to woar with blaz
ers are quito plain and straight, or else
they aro covered with a sort Dias belt
called a crush belt
A card sent to a reception is exactly
tho saiao aa if you attended in person.
Many of tho silk petticoats are now
lined With a very light quality of caah
mero. This adds very little to their
weight and makes them wear much
Tho colors of evening dresses aro very
soft and pretty, few bright tones being
favored at present. Yellow is in much
demand, especially in conjunction with
The baisquo part of the new waists
may be a ruffle, or it may bo finished
in box plaits or "ripped" like tho seam
less collars and catics on tho jackets.
Colored straws will be much worn.
A curious fashion in scarf and hat
pins consists in having its tho pinhead
a large pearl, either pink, gray, white
or Mack, with a tiny diamond euako
curled slantingly around it.
Tho collet tapes Mem to hold their
fraiie is worn six months for a sister
nnd black without crape, another six
mouths. Tiien black and white with
lueo trimming, also lavender and gray,
aro suitable. Silver jewelry may be
worn after one year of mourning dress.
In tlto last six months of the year con
certs and musicales aro attended, but
dances are considered too gay.
Make skirti for your little girl of 1
years to fall jat below the knees, or, if
more becoming to the child, let them
reach half way to the ankle.
The original Raw Pood.
An unrivalled nutrient.
It builds muscle and bone
It makes new blood.
Is retained by any stomach.
Satisfies the hunger of
Unaided it will sustain
strength for weeks.
Contains the largest amount of
nutrition in the smallest
possible bulk.
It will sustain life by injection.
It is simply the vital principles
of raw beef concentrated.
It is prescribed and recom
mended by more physicians
than any other food in the
world. We refer to iny
physician you know.
l or sal at all Jrufgltta.
Atlantic Refining Co.
Maxufai-turtra aid IValera .a
UlmninttlQg and Lubricating
Unseed OU, Nsptnes and ovo
lines of all era lea Axle Urease
Pinion i tease and Colliery Com
pound , also, a laffl luo of l'ar
rsfia Wax Candlea
Wa sln han lie th Famous CR0W1
ACME OIL. the only family safety
1 int., oil n tho marl, -t
Ofltee OtaJ StlbsaSBl W yuialug At.
VSurk. at rino llrovs.
Eureka Laundry Co.
Ccr. linden St. and Adams Avo.
t-i'i at lloi ar tsgi Aaa
All kinds of Laundry work gunrantee.l
th beat.
waae a wen
. . Mir, f
I'lull UI
i in i.i ar
cTcWMN 11 . II K AtV E
ItEM l.TN In no UAVH.
hrrvtiun tin. akaw, r nlltntf Hrn nry
I'tm.-i.a. ri..' aa. Nlarlitlr FiiiIm
llultK, etc., fiauwj ,y patt tt ii !. girt Tliror rami atie
tOHntmuiM (iiiti-kly but pnrrlr rratom
I. cat ! unborn MOM OT 0 Uft- ranVil hi 1 M
pocket. rrh$.)0 p.ltfe. Six for tsVOO with
I i vi . it j u- k iff ' - nix i "i p.ara ttnit
i t amr nr n. . rffuntlrd. I'n't
iiprlivlplrtl -li uwl"! t nu any ktnfl nl
lni-Ut mm Imvirm I MM IM n utlivr II
Wrllll II '"II NHT
if i nnr mi
IrTtifiirion. t i ti rt UiL-
hn ii ifot It. wu will c nl It lv mull upitn rcrrlpf
Bfprwa I'niiiphlf't In ptaU'il iMivi(iHt fret'. Aildmti
Orlrata.1 Medltal t , Pro pa,, Ulea, III., eroar igntcv,
IOLD by Matthews Uros., Wholesale and Retail
DrnnutaV SCRAN ToN, PA., DM otiicr Lcd-
lnR Uiutjgiits.
Enborico t thi HioHttT Mcdical Author in it
in n noL mmm
have you r ATA DDU
HEDJCHEW will euro you. A
wonderful boon to siiitcrerf
from Cold., BoreThront,
lnllnrnr.1, Ilroneliltla.
orHAY l l'll lt. Afnrdi
immedinttrtlitf. Anefflrlimt
rtniil Aitit.tilflnl. fitna.r.
In poetet. realty to rn on flnt Indication of cold.
an. Mount r.o unvote Permnnent Tiire.
Hntlifarilon nuaranti'od or mnnojr rofuodnd. Prtee,
CO eta. 't'rlul free at lruii!lt. Iteslstered mall,
CD conn. H. I. CUSasAH, Sir., Ihiw Rinrt, Mich., 0. !. L
MPNTMni The surest and safest remedy for
mum nut, all skin dlsciaaus.Koicma.lioli.Seit
Ithenmild Mores, lltirns. fill.. Wonderful rum
edrforPll.RH. Price, S5 ete. lit llrtis- ry a l aa
Iflijta ;tr by una preaald, Addros shove. PHL.Hl
For sale by Matthews Bros,, Morgan Uros.and
Morgan tt Co,
f ir" i ' 'am -v
I A'ttl ir i N!W,a.r "
wv' r i r i
V a r i
Mist Katie Ilosengrant
Ulster, Penn.
Tho Worst Case the Doc
tors Ever Saw
Hood's Sarsaparilla Perfectly Cured
" C. L Hood St Co., Lowell, Mass. :
"Dear Sirs: I wish to testify to the great
value of Hood's Sarsaparilla. For some time I
had been troubled with scrofula, which early
last w inter assumed a very hud form.
Sores Appeared on My Face
and hands and gradually Increased In number
until they reached to my shoulder. The: doctors
said It was the worst case ot scrofula they ever
saw and also went so far as to say It was In
curable. 1 tried olntinenti sad other rented!!
hut to no avail. A friend rucomuieuded Iluud't
Harsaparlila ami although I was completely dis
couraged, us a last i banct t resolved to elve It a
trui. Aiier taxing one imitie i noticed tnc
hud commenced to heat
Alter the sixth bottle
They Wore All Honied.
I eontlmied to take It. however, until I had used
nine bottles, and now 1 am perfec tly well."
Mis KATM l ister, nan.
Kcod'? Pilla SrC prompt and rftVient, yat
tas) in action, bold ty all druggists. 23c.
A Victim of Over-Sensitive-ness
Join3 tho Great Un
seen Majority.
' Ther wre sitting tl a table Id on of "eran
t i.ti . m t y r , . intiits tha other day,
wlilfQi.a an altor-dlaaar oiar.srhll tha older
of the two rem irko I
"lu tie vry. v list's ti-"ina of young
Joi i I doa t hlt'i ar -uu-l any more. "
"Didn't rot In h" d;od i.nk or tan
days asof ri'ii'.i"d hi. cotapaataai
"Dead I Great Soot Has tbe hat man I
w. uld hav t"nailit of dTtaa How did It
bapj n i il. taet vrltaaa aeoidaatr'
"Weil, y t sti-l CO. It s BaTly tha old
tory of -. ith'nl ladlceret oa over atalo. As
I'D. ktiow. Jon w.a aaaaaairy eot:itlr,'a&d
for h"r .timn-i ... .. kt hie eaertngto
hlratelf, lost Ins fstiil'r and friends should
t sjrl l tfai laiarortuaa rtmalrr, h waa
completely brat n ap tad t .'k uaJibad
i ltd tsijidifs the family doetor, wa called tn
and at tec. pTOQOSiaoad lb oaan tiopate,
N.w atiwdcadi that's stltaare's to it
Wbal a .liame- That foeee inan'e Ufa
1 i.aso Uou MVid, eva at thu eleventh
Ji air
Dr. B. Grower
III. Eminent PhiltJslphia Specialist,
Potrtlvtll guarantev to eur all f irm, of
NiKVil?s ami i-iiitair MattAau
at any tta i. Vut urtly tl ho euro, tut all
t-s . of tB das is ofSr rontoveil frnai
the, I'omidet. bi-ilib nd vnjur re and ti e i nly term, of tr atmetit ara
MO CURE, NO PAY !r Olwwvr I. a
(rrailuato i f tb.- 1'u vrr.ltv of I'otiti.vUsnla
baa li ti rry ntMibct at lac m dt fhiror
gfccl Aaaoctatiofi. .nl ws. for manrvasr. a
Bbwl f th f.ult o' th .i i l..r .r
k" il C Ilea rtiiU'liili'hta. trhcrc tie w..
1 1 miii aatratnr of nyalOMfly and fMirrr
Ttii-v f.'-t. pttc th.i d .-tor In
af tha harked rr.diniiUs .. a vhy.ulaii if
the St .t ran at. i :. i.lg.i- ...uhlni. . to
niiry .' flat or
t n.rr Hour.: f l
laadari v aaa aa
I Pi 1. Dally.
tVOineulutii.u aud nam. nation free and
trtrtly private.
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, - $200,000
SURPLUS, - $250,000
1 ni. I- i - h i-iTi r to ilrin
fsrlllt) w uri ni.l.d by Ibi-lr tutlaoi i .. bu.l
lie., anil ri'iiililliltlty.
tpvotal atloatloa alvra tn batlMcc e-
ruulita lul. ri .l 1 ul. I mi lliuo tlrpn.lla
triLLIAM CONH mt. f., .1,1,1,1
tilo. II CATL1N, Th Prldai
U III l V SI II I'l l U. 1 -.1,1. r
dim rotu
vrilllam ( i.ooi-ii. rca B, ratlin,
Alfreil llatul Juiues Arrhtisld. Henry
iii-mii. Jr., WlllUm T. buillh, Lutlir
National Bank of Scrautoo,
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000.
FAMT.T.I, IlIM'.srriresldont.
W.W. WATSON. Vlee 1'reaident
A 11 v 11.1.1 a MS. Cushiar.
SAMnar. MtNtta, james M' Kvr.nnABT,
lBviNd A. KiNOft, PlBBOa R KlNl.ST,
.toSEPll J. JlillMVT JI H. KSXIRBIb,
' "At.. Pi .4.1 1 1 III -,n, .1 .11 n T. l'oKl'tn.
W. W. Watson.
This haul: Invites tho patrouag ot business
men and uruui Kenurally.
EverythingFOR Everybody
The Fair
400402 Lacka. Ave.
Sole Agents in Scranton for the
Our New Millinery
Dept. Now Open.
Japanese Rugs
Hand-woven Carpets and Rugs
30x60 inches, $1.75.
Smyrna RugsAll Sizes
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
With an Eye
To secure more patronage, in addition to
our already extensive trade, we have de
cided to inaugurate the following Gift
Distribution to all purchasers of
Worth of Goods
or over.
Worth of Goods
I) JJ) or OVer.
ULinVVlU 0U11
Parlor Suit
This advertisement must be presented
in order to secure the above gifts. This
GIFT DISTRIBUTION hold good for cash or credit
sales. Goods delivered free everywhere.
50 Cents
75 Cents
9x12 feet, $15.00.
Coat Hooks
Towel Racks
Card Tables
Brass Tables
Music Racks
Umbrella Stands
Rogers' Groups
Curtain Poles
Picture Hooks
Brass Tacks
Stair Buttons
Bead Portieres
Eamboo Curtains
Step Chairs
Blacking Boxes
A Ciiltof a 100-piece Diuner Sot
I A. gift of an Elegant American
Ouyx Finish Clock.
A lino fruit subject in JAntiquo
Oak and Hold Frame.
I A Pastel in Ivory and Gold, Fin-
j pue r rame; something new.
I A heavy pair of Chenille Portieres
in all colors.