The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 11, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Goethe's Visit to Carlsbad.
There is no doubt that the life
of the great poet was greatly pro
longed by drinking the waters of
the Sprudel Spring. In our day
wo have the Sprudel Spring
brought to us iu the form of Sail,
which is obtained by evaporation
from the waters of Carlsbad.
SALT (powder form) is iu no
sense a mere purgative, but is an
aiterative and eliuiinative remedy
which dissolves tenacious bile, al
lays irritation and removes ob
struction by aiding nature. It acts
soothingly and without pain. lc
ware of imitations. The genuine
article baa the signature of EI8
agents, New York, on every bot
tle. Pamphlets mailed free upon
application. Price per bottle 1.00;
large size $1.50.
an EXplOblou of Gas
la the Twin
ftvool (o th Moron Ami IWkwM
PrrmOft, May 10. The Twin iliaft
of the N'swton Coal ciuipanr WM the
scene of lerious accident about 10
o'clock this morning, caused by the ex
plosion of nceutuulatad mine gas
Three Litbunlau miner employ-id at
work in the mine at tbe time wt-re
btdlr bnrnod. Their names are ni fob
Joseph Mikalawib, iinul", ao-t 21;
William BnoUtutk, married, ntd 80 1
George Webber, iingle, aged 10, The
injured men were conveyed to the hos
pital where they wero given the nec
cessary treatment.
Thrlr injuria! while not serious are
very p.iufu). The burn-.U parte are
their .tees, hat.ds and anna.
IUn Dhaisahe causes innch sickness,
ana bad blood and improper action of the
liver and kidneys is bad drainage to the
human system, which liurdock Mood Hit
ters remdy.
An Interesting Batch of Lccal Happen
legs firitfl; Narrated.
Fj'tcial tn tht scranton Trthune.
riTT-i",May 10 A passm 'er train
acuta bound oa the l)elawa' and
HuJsou railroad, due here at 'J N pio
truck aud imtantlv killed two cowi
in the vicinity of Dspool this after
noun. The accident cutis-) I tnueb con
sternation amon the psssauers bnt
fortunately no one was hurt.
A, a meeting of the illreclon of the
Miners bank held yesterday afternoon
plans wore anbuntted by tbe architects
in charge for the erection of a new
bank building to be located, .as hereto
fore stated, at the corner of liruaJ and
Mam streets. As the plans were not m
detail tbe arebltects, who are from
New York, wen ordered to make thata
more definite and alro to prepare ipo
ficatioiis Tbe building in to be a four
Italy building of brick and terra cetta
40 feet front by It. feet in depth The
backing room will be M by 50 In szs,
bark of which will be the vault. Next,
running east, will be the directors'
room. The room back of that again
will be need aa an entrance of Broad
street leading to the elevator At the
rirof this room will be a pnv.tte
cilice for tbe baun ofticers The re
maining 10 feet on the front will be
mule into a store room The upper
itafiM are to be used for ofDce pur
poses and will be replete with the
Iotest modern improvements.
Ex Treasurer George L House is
very iudiuuant eret tbe report published
in several papers to the tfTstt that he
Intended bringing suit against the
borough for commission on certaiu
Treasurer Watson, of the Hospital
association acknowledges the receipt of
$")') fnr tbe endowuuent of a bed, from
the liimed Virgin Mary Soladity, of
St, John's Roman latbolis church,
through Rev, Father Finnsn.
Mrs. A. Friedman uud daughter, Mrj
I. N Cathrull, are visiting friends in
i'ort Jervls. H. Y.
Q L AlcMlllim bes recovered from
a severe attsck of grippe
Hon. Morgan Williams, of Wilkes
Harre. was a visitor in town yesterday.
A hilling party comprising M N
Donnslly, G. Jl Reap, Attorney 0.
Frank I'ohsn and otliere leave tomor
row on nu extensive fishing trip.
Mrs John Mcfengal, of this place,
and Ml-s Nellie Oulue,of Cbleago,wbO
is visiting friends here, paeeed yester
day iu Wilkes Bam.
Revs. Hralil, Zlotorlnakl and Salts,
all of tliii place, mude tbeir annual
visit to the Ransom home today, where
they administered spiritual comfort to
all the Inmatll of the Cutbolie faith.
Mrs. P. Y. Stakes and children, of
Sosanton, visited her mother, Mrs.
Ellen Holland, on Iiutlsr street today.
Miss Ella Jacobs has accepted a posi
tion in McDoogal's book store
Mrs. Joseph Fear and daughter, of
Dun more, are spending a few days with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, P. H. Moon,
ou Butler street.
In OM but Favorit Dessert.
Lemon snow is deserving of its wide-apt-nod
popularity, being un ornamental
nu well as appetizing dish: Souk half a
box of gelatin In a cupXul of cold wa
ter. Add 2 cupfnls of boiling water and
tho grated rind and julco of alurge lem
on, or 2 imall ones and a cupful of sug
ar. Dissolve and strain. When cool, but
not stiff, odd tho whites of 8 eggs beat
en to a stiff froth and beat the whole
until it "seta" In a firm, light snow.
Serve ith whipped cream or a custard
made with tho yolks of tho eggs and a
pint of milk, sweetened and flavored
with lemon.
Bisque Soap For Luncheon.
A delicate bisque sonp served in cups
1b a welcome change from tho customa
ry bouillon at luncheon. The nioest ac
companiments me oblong slices of bread
cut from a small loaf, baked for a few
seconds In the oven to make them per
fectly crisp and of a light golden brown.
If yon desire the man to repoat his
call, yon should so express yourself
whop- " Is leaving.
President Wilbur, of the Lehigh Valley
Railroad company, in denying the rumor
that tbe Weatherly and Hazleton shops
would be removed, said: "The Le
high Valloy has not discriminated against
uny town and will not. It has been tho
policy of the company to help towns and
to scatter its work aa against the ordinary
railroad polioy of concentration. The ma
jority ef other roads build no one town at
the expense of the line. That has not been
done in the case of the Lahigh Valloy. As
to how these rumors of interference oriiji
nato I am at a logs to know. The LohUh
Valley has been loyal to its people. Its
plans are laid so na to muke the road as
great as any in America and to give it a
more important position in the anthracite
trade. The gradual consummation of these
plans means increased prosperity for that
part of the stuto known as the Lehigh
In baslnc rosente predictions ns to Potts
ville's future upon tho fact that outside
capital is rapidly investing in Schuylkill
county coal properties, tho Despatch say!:
"The purchasers and lessees of tlm various
tracts of land nround Pottsville, upon
which improvements hove been sitae!
atarted or projected, are men from tho
Wyoming region who nre thoroughly fa
miliar with the coal business and who
kuow that in order to supply the market
the coal in this valloy must be opened at
an early day. They are shrewd, intelli
gout business men who fully understand
the situation, and who know thill in
vestments here will brine them handsome
returns in tho future. The success of
these enterprise will renew the as-ur-ances
that within twenty years I'nttsvillo
will be the foremost city iu the outiro an
thracite ruglou."
The statement of shipment of anthra
cite coal (approximated) for the week
ended May 5 shows a freer movement from
the Lehigh uud BehnrMu regions, ship
ments from the former having increased
18,1138 ton, aud from the latter 18, 888 tons.
There was a decrease, however, of ."('. 4'.fJ
tons from the Wyoming region, io that
the net remit for the week n- aditren.-.e
of 84. 17a tone, making the total decrease
lor the year to date l,'JM,ii!U tons, The
statement in full is appended:
May 5.
Tons. Dir.
124,138 Dee M.iK
1 IV, SSI luc 18,188
liaj.soti luc i.
74.771 I), e H .172
Regions. Tons.
Wyoming 887.1 It
la-tali 1,771
Schuylkill 2"i iv
Total f T year
to date :0,70-.,.fl7i, 11884,114 Dec,23tl
It Is rumored that the Lehigh Willi is
to purchase all the) new engines rev.ivnl
by .Mr. t'oxe lately and will have thein put
oa the Wyoming division, it is claimed
by the Valley's officials that the login!
are too heavy to run with safety over the
bridges betweeu Urifton a. id i'erth Ambov
and they find It will be necessary 10
stiengthen every bridgl alOOg this route.
If this proves to be true the D, B. A 8,
Company will purchase engines some. vhat
UghtOf thau the otheis.
An Interesting tXMrintMt With oil a
fuel f. r 1. 0 l 1-. I" !!..;.. 1.. !l.
1 liicago, lurhugton and i lincy railroad,
lu anticipation Of the col.t nuauco of tho
coal miners atrike. A DUsnbef of locomo.
tives are biurf provided With apparatus
for burning oil. Tho management in
teode to make the first trial lri;to the
Mississippi within a Ihort time if the
ruu proves euccesaful all 11)0 locomotives
in the company's service will be sent to
the shop to be supplied with burners.
Lehigh Valley "engine No. Ci, coir.,
pleted at tue Itaffelo loops last Saturday,
on Wednesday between ltatfaio aa 1 Bate
via mvle an.iloettbe rate of i , m l
an luur. (She is oi peeled to iTiraglTO
miles an hour with a heavy ptmnnglf
train. The engine was in as good lOOdUlon
after her spun as if she hat not done l-t-tvf
than a messenger boy on a BUM ble
pmyiug .lay.
The strike in tho MtaBiaoM ooa regi M
In the wo-teru part of the tte apars to
open up a promising field for the surplus
i'olee and llungsrians of eastern IVnmyl
vaoia, who hop' to secure place vacatnl
by the strikers. 1,'uiie a number of these
foreigners aie leav lag liazit and adjs
cent towns for the soft coal fields.
These items of persona! mention are
taken from the I'ottsville Iieapatrh: "Dr.
J. N. Kiceand James 1'. Bono, BoMUstoe
rapltalUts. are looking over the new rl
Brlds. James Arehbald.of , rau
ton, a represet tatire of the Albright ( oal
compauy, la KopptBg at the Merchants "
Borne Colombo, O., Journalist has dis
covered Uial lUO.UOO anthracite miner
waut to join in the soft coal stns. Tbla
Is a case of g .ing away from Lome to get
newt Wltl a vengeance
The Jersey Central will not abolish its
pay car in favor of cheeks.
Da. Wo D's N.rway I'lue Svrupcnras
coogbs and colds quicker than any other
romisly, because It combine the lung
healing quality of the pi DC tree with other
valuable tnedlclnee. M l In- all dvalere on
a guaraulee of aat:sfao. ion.
A f uiit. nl) nl lire ...
A convenient dl'UM lot 8faing ntid
summ'-r wear is of blai k in-rgo, minlo
With a plain, full skirt btexined with
light ennvas to make it stand out from
the waist. For tail skirt two waists can
bl DMOjI a simple waist of serge fur
the morning, and unnther of nmiro :ui
tio;no, made tigb.t fitting, with a Istjqnsj
coram ut iug at tho hip, mid some s ,ft,
nroemj leie falling from the neok, nuk
ing it a liniidw unn dress fur afternoon
iio t I or lloosei. I. . .,
r.uiled starcli is much impruved by
the addition of a lirtln sjierm or a little
salt, or both, or a little gnm arable dis
solved. Corks vanned in oil mako oxoellout
substitutes for gla-ss stoppers.
Mend tho turn pages of books with
white tissue paper.
If carpets bo sprinkled witli rait ls--foro
twigging, it will be found that BOl
o much dust will arise, and that tho
carpets are wonderfully brightened.
If straw matting be washed over with
salt and wator, it will look like new.
If vue wishes to iron well, it is neces
sary to own the proper sort of irons. If
one undertakes todron collars, citlTs or
tiff shirts, polishing irons must bo
nsed. Fluting irons will improve the
appearance of ruffled underwear. Em
broidery should Iio ironed on flannel and
on tbe wrong side.
Two strips of rag carpet tacked to
gether like a comfortable make it bvtter
rug than a single piece, which is not
soft to tho feet aud is always turning up
at the leitst provocation.
The electrostatic resistance of the At
lantlo cable reduces thu speed of the elec
tric current more thuu one third, requlriug
thrco suc-nila for it to travel to Europe, ,
Bucklen'a Ainlaa Salve.
The best salve In the world for OnU
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, fait Kheum, Fever
Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hauds, Chilblains,
Corns and all Bkin Eruptions, and poal
tively cures Piles, or no pay required, it
la guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaotlon
or money refunded. Price US cents per
box. Kor sale by Matthews Broa.
Art for the mas363.
One Dime and
One Coupon.
The Shirt Walsls of 1804.
The shirt waist of 1894 surely de
serves its name, being an exact repro
duction of a man's shirt, with the ex
ception that it is shirred in ut tho waist
and worn with a belt. Even the onfl 1ms
boiTowed tho true shirt finish, for it is
set on tho sleevo with a staying piece up
permost, opening on tho top exactly like
a shirt cuff. Then thero are the shield
shaped bosom and tho high straight col
lar, with points which turn slight ly, all of
which is very moimish. The only saving
graco to this costume is tho largo, full
sleeves, which at least givo it a slight
touch of femininity. The bOBOm fronts
are niado in whito and delicate shades
of blue, pink, gray and heliotrope, uml
also hairline stripes of white. Linen in
palo bull and tan is often used, and
black and white striped and dotted ma
terial, chambray, percale and cheviot.
Tho "shield frill" waist is mure truly
feminine, with a turn down collar all
XOnnd, and with cull's which lack the
genuine "shirt" effect. These are most
becoming to slender figures and are
much easier kept in good condition then
the design! which demand polished stiff
ness. Then there iy still another variety
with fine tucks at each side and down
the front, with n roll collar quite differ
ent from the others. Generally the backs
of these waists are made with the yoke
and fullness gathered Into tho belt,
Which seems to bo most hatisfaotory.
Tucks and gauged ba ks are ai.-o Worn,
but the yoke is tho must popular.
Bsnbroideriss ami Trimmings,
Embroideries of nil Ulaa are much
worn, one of tho newest being a thick
butter colored creation, partaking some
what of the nature of hue, which will
be used alike on dresses of all kinds of
material. A pretty way of arranging
laoo on a waist is to cross it infolds
from right to left, drawing the ends
through a rhiiitstoiie buckle and allow
ing them to fall below or fasten with the
buckle. Wido bln'k moire ribbon Will
bo largely u.-ed for dress trimmings;
also for the bows on hats and for im
mense bows around the neok.
Ilerlpe I'ort lliluiiiuili llr-aU
T.ii.o (lour us for making liiM-uit, add
a cupful of yeast ipongit two well beet
en eggs, atjuart of lukewarm water and
a cupful of Mii;ar. Suit and kte-ad same
a.) light doogh and s.-t it to rise. When
it is ready t mak" oat, roll it Into thin
cakes, place ill well buttered pans and
In it re again Bake to a light brown
on top, and when done spread a cream
OVer it made as follows: White of an egg
N iton to stiff froth, add tex-p. sinful i f
ground cinnamon and a tabioipOOnfnl
granulated eager, When tin is done,
put the broad again in fh oven to dry
the cream. This is delicious.
CI ru I
IH.rM Proof
Mv wif tin. l-H-n troabtarl
with UtMt ' SS lalal ami Nl
piutlon of ihe h.arl fnr "r
y.-ar Iter w tb Mill
iof n ir lt ptirt- li Aft.r
nslny tlirr twHIss of Tour
i!anlj.-k Bli -1 Itl T t -r -b is s4
i r. : i: w. uuir
.lAMxauii i-n. your inmliAiasi
or aal isifu.
atoutil;r. WiI.Uum Co . O
tllsoasos nro cjiusod by 1 it i
ptirt tr doplptwl Mood. Tho
blood otiKiit to be pure and
rich, ll is made so by
tho Cream of Cod-iivor oil.
Scrofula and Anaemia aro
overcome also, and l!iltliy
Flesh is bmit up. Fkfnekau,
tho world over, endorso it.
Oci"t be decci.fl by Substitutes!
Prapusd t; hcuu A Jsn
V. A : Drutfista.
Bcmplexlon Pmtriii
DR. H E r. H A ' 3
viola. ,m
Rcmorct FraoMc, Pimplas
Livar Molai, 1. laci. kti
Sur..Surn IKMI Tan. and i
stores tin skiu to I s orsjV s 1 Slfl ialj
BSI DSSDMSS. .ns1uclli:: a lVjlrSt''
chnr aii'l h' .U:.y ( in 4aM. l
pinion. Bopeilortoi'l (. . j
proj.nrtloii anl jxrlmlir hsmilr1 A' all
uriigvlats,orituuli'd lor 50. is. btmd lur Cirtulur,
VIOLA 8KIH 80AP ( impir tMassjsssssi u
rtln 1 'irtl.lLI S-l, w ..i'1'r- ' .i ! tll..l .
as w tt .r.fT. ii- !oi.f j-.m tot act .w;
uui. Atdraalio. Pries 3l Carta.
G. C. DITTNCn t. CO.. Toi.ido. O.
Fur sain liy Matthxars Bros , Morgan llrosjtutl
Morunn Jk Co.
livery Woma.
Sometimra, necdi a tell
able monthly regul.itu i
n. nc? a i ae
ui . rcnu w;
An prompt, aafo nn.t (vrliiin in rrsnlt. Tim ft : i
las lr. nsPs) assririlissppoiiit. sont anfwh. IS
'"0. 1'oalMnll' iisUo.l 'inj. O.
RoM tiy iOUK It. PHELPS I'lisrmsrls t
Cornnr S faalaf uvrliuo anil IprttOI ttroot
Soranlon. i'a.
petiuuriilir cured I
in 20 to iio iri by J
Itdfa under luaraotf.hackM I , i A
itl.Te proofs e,ud Iuo-bA book , ill-fttrutu) (ron
1 llffifron)t.pletirftl.frtrbrrnaM ffhrnHolftritifi
and M.f.nryrail, Our Mntttlc Reme'Jv wOl I
I posl'.ttrljr onr. Ul.ik UKH Kin til., lltlef;n. III.
Lost Manhood
nnfl vl(jor qulrklj
i.lchltv inl..l,.n
atropbr. ste.. siiirly cursd by IMiAI'O. in. Kn nt
llhuloii Rriiifly. With MrUl.oim.r.ntnooriirj. Bolii bj
U A 1 1 ill. o a BKUS., Crugk-lita, .vlu. la.
What is More Attractive
Than a protty face with a fresh, bright
complexion? For it, use Potzonl's Powder.
VrMk ft
We have placed on sale
our line of Ginghams for the
coming; spring- and summer.
Finer Goods, More Tasteful
Colorings and Lower Prices
than ever before, are what
will recommend them to our
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
City Music Store,
- syxuiujiu AVa acnAJTruia
in ( h l it nut i n HIM in
H It AMt II A i:- k anu
hit UVl .V I. At I.U
-"V M0 el 'f Crev.Mi
Ml sii m mi III II INDllaatj
Ul 1U KM, 1.1U
Booms 1 vi McMo:iltti Bli 2,
VlaUaattl... Mm '' snl KL'sli
LiAlL WORkta
Lsfllin .V Bend l'owilsr Co 'i
tlsrtnr llatti.rlm. I'uao. for atplo
iiiU blasts, Ntfe!? i uH anil
RipauooChemical Co. 's High Explosives
Msmfsctiras i nd Daalsn i
toralSA nil Aaoi
Also Shafting and Journal Greisa.
OKKlt'K: Tit Wi-at Urkawanna At.
Vt. i.hM Itartdlaa Hrn
AST YKAH li' hud Bavotl 00.
J lit' bought a hotiso worth il,sj0
Iid $300 down, gave a mort
gage for 11,980. Today ho oati
mates us follows:
Beat need 8"(n
yitsrast on mortfiafi 8tw t1
'l'ttXim and rep.iirs 'it 91) 119 M
Net s!Tlii( on rent JI'JI .rri
Bsved uu salary l&U IM
To apply on mortgago $?U jd
RIXECTION-Ia rOUB years that
huuav III he free from ilulit and I ahull
have u hoMs of my own."
O8MB8UI RIPOBI Is thn paraillsn for
hotasi, Finn lc Sons hsve rMiaUjr lln
Isheil a baantlfol villa, which they offer,
ou eusy imymuuta, ut eiM3l.
Call at their ofllee, between Washington
and Adams on Olive street.
Good Men
Good Clothes
. so .
ONE of the strong
points of The Trib
une's equipment as a
first-class printing es
tablishment is the fact
that it has a superb
Bindery, thoroughly
supplied with up-to-date
machinery and
managed by skilled
workmen. For neat
work promptly done
and at prices that are
fair and square, it has
no superior in North
eastern Pennsylvania.
Preserve Those Pic
tures : Don' (Spoil Those Hoi-
The Tribune will
promptly preserve any
ol the art series pur
chased by its readers
at prices especially
moderate. It will make
special rates on the
binding of any or all
parts of the
World's Fair Series
America illustrated
Multichrome Series
OrAoy Other Series
And do the work so
thoroughly that you
will simply be de
lighted. FOR ALL KINDS
DR. fi. KDQAB DEAN has removed to Dili
Spruee street, Scranton, Pa. (Just op
puslte court-buuae Squara)
T)R- A. J. CONNELL, Office 201 Washington
avenus, corner Bprucsi street, oyer
I raucko I drug store. KoBidence, "ffl Vluest.
Offlco hours: lO.autolZa. m. and I to! and
6.ajto7.aU p. m. Sunday, 2 to 3 p. in.
)B. W. E. ALLEN. Ofllco cor. Lucfcv
A wauna and Woshlnntou uves. ; ovor Leon
ard shoe store; otlico hours, 11) to U a. m. and
n 4 ' evenings at routdonoe, UHN.
jiishlngton avo.
DK. C L. KKEV, PracUce limited to Dls
eases of the Eya, Ear, Noso and Throat;
office, Lii Wyoming uvo. Keoldonce. W Vine
H UM. UATES. 125 Washiuirton Avenu.i.
. uul nouis, ntoua.iu., un io a auu i
fO S T ... IJ. I ...... . . ,1
ioii. iwiuonce jnj diauisim avenua
1 OHN L. WENTZ, M. U., Offices oiTand l
t, V,omnionwli'''1" building: rosldenoa 711
Madlsonavo; office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to
a; bundaya H.30 to 4. evenings at residence. A
sperlulty made of ilif oiisos of the eye, oar, noas
aud throat and gynecology.
l.A U hhs. '
JM. U KAN'C'k ti Law and Collection of-
V, - " Biruoe St., opposite Forost
Houho. Scranton, Pa,; collt-ctlons a specialty
throughout Pennsylvania; rollublo correspoiid-'-J-tH
m every county.
1 EasUPtt HAND, Attorneys and Connset
O loia at Law, Ummonweiilth building,
Wimhlugton av w. H. Jeshi p,
lioiiACE E. Hand,
W. 11. Jkssuf, Jit
neys aml Counsiilorsat Luw, Itouublicaa
hulMing, ablngtin ave.. Hcranton. Pa.
liAT'l'tlthON Ji Wll.ruX, AHom.-ys aiid
A Counsellors at Law; otllcus 0 uud Library
building, bcrantou. Pa.
I toruoys and (xnUSSUOm Comiuouwealtb
budding. Rooms IV, a) and !1
l' V. HoVLE, Atlorm y at Ij'ar.d
. :b, ll in Imilding, Washington i.v. i.u.
HENRY M. 8EELY - Law offl. ea in Pries
building, li Washington avenue.
L'RANK T OKKLL. Atbirney at bt. Uooui
o. ( 11 tirbange. Srrautou. Pa.
lUiJJfl W. I.OWKV, l Att ys. T. VsL
. il i i.-s M I IHI II, I av , C. II
t Law.
rooms . M and W. ( ommonw..i,lth b l g.
VJ A.ML'LI, W. Kliii Alt, Attorney at La.
l- (ifflr,. ;iu snrtu-est . Crrai.ton. Pa.
I A WATKLs, Attorney at Law, til
j. Lai-ksM!iiin .e. Si-raiitnn. Pa
I) P. hMITII. ( onn-eilor at la, mli.-e.
I . rooms M. .'.'il ' 1 noi. nwvalth bull.ling
' It I'lli 111.::. Attoiio.y at Law. Lour
. moo wealth biillolnf, s. rant)n, I'a.
C COMEOYfcV li Hprnea at.
I) BBPLOOU Attorney-Lnans no,o-A-'tlated
on real etst. ae.-urlty.t Hprnea
1 i KILLAM, Aitoriu-v at Law, IJj Wy avenue. S,rant..n.
wrlttau and ackuowIwIgHa by i W
HKiiW M.NO. Attorn) aL l Kitary Public XI
'.. i-alt!i Hi,:, ling
M mini ,
k1 t..n. ', i.rrpares ln.yaaad girls for coliega
or bnainsM thoroughly trains voung chlldrea
laU.ogue at rvgueat.
Rsv Thomas M i'axs;
W a LTr ii It Urui.i.
anl K-hool, 411 Adams aveimo. fupilj
r red at a.1 time .t taru Brill epeu
' r LAITIIACIL Burgruu Deutiat, No, Ul
. " J oioiiiH
( sva
M. -1 LA 'I I i 'N,
al Ell
TUBBSPLrBLIO svtass sad Lou Asso-
s nation wi.l i.un iou in i.or on easier terms
and lay y u twiter on luTeatment than any
fr aaivK-Utiou fail ,n S. X. CAI.LL.N
11II. 1 1 rue Hsik ttiUdinr
' K CLAM. CO., hrssiawen I --.
s " i and Nurserymen; .lore .to W sah;ngv.-j
avenue: .-re.n le uae.lXal Nrih Main aveuua.
st. .ni tilephuno Tsi
I I. Is
""ANL i HIOM l L i ii Jonas iir .
STIEI si III i Ss.
ECETTEi, Ucsawanna
MlilHs IMi U si VI M .
'1 '111: V r i'MIN TLH. ..:., WyanTn
I are Booms heated with ateam: all sm3
sm tmproTssmaats C Jl Tncsua, Pros
rVBM tlX OAFB, IU and m Franklin ava
1 uur. ltatrs reasonable.
P .inn tn. Proprietor
U Laliil.saTKR HOTEL
" 0 M HKSrK. Btsnafr. trs SSM btooksSSl of llroadwaa
at I't.iou rkjuare, New York.
Amsrtran )an. .ia0i9r day and upward
riOYNI llid hr European plan. food
V rooma ( pen day and night, liar sup
plied aim tba Lest
P It COYNE I r - rie-
ijt RASToN HUt'SE, near I' . LAW ,
i teiissir dapoL "un lin lad (Si Ihs taiinisil
I s , 1 1 r-n no, 1 1 . rroprtetor
, ki'.n 1 i:timi.
I ' MBln&asi 11 im A11uBu,.v:l 1'. saSaa
1 he -arwoal and Isjai
tUeaiowu. Pa. , rat.
!- and liM per dar
Vii-nui P
P ( ana, Pr. prlator.
M 11 1 1 1 1 i-
IkAVIs UOIPT. AnbltwU. Rooms It,
1 r r.
Mi'l 3rt t'omuit ti wsi th I. ij'g S. ra ' a.
? U WAl.rKIt, Arl!tcta LilTary tuu
is) liiaf. Wv 'ininif uu. MTMloOs
? U HKUW.V. Arrh B, Ar.hitK-t, PritK
I tuildlDg.lSB luhlnirttMi Avo-,'u.
Sllsi III IM111,
At Kit . -s ohi IIKsrii.V Mfsio FOR
111, plrnio. psrt'.ea, re spt:oii. we.I
fllnga and eoticert work hirnlhisl. For termi
address It. J. Bauer, coniliu-tor. Hi Wyoming
ave . over HuUiert s music store
tamnsr, and Dime Bank building,
Soranlon. Pa
11 siippliea, envelopes. mr bags. IwtM
WarvbouasS) 1( Washiiigtou ave, Scrantou,
l.'OOTF s I.1VKU'.
l.'l t'nisiuse avenue.
First class carriages D L FOOTX, Aft
Funeral Dir.
i-ior nun ainoaimir.
I aale dealers In Woodwnra, Cordage and
oil Cloth, 7'Al W. avenue.
LZRA FINN A- SONS, builders ,i-1 contrac
tor. Yards: Corner t'livo at. andsAdatus
ave ; corner Aah at. and Penn ave., Scranton
IS THE BFST. Oit prices nnd
e thi furnAoe and be con
rinoeil. A full lins of HEAT
ERS, Appello and Oauzi Door
Send or bring two of theso coupons, differently numbered,
with Ten Cents,and get one of tho series of sixteen iniiriiiticent
photographs. Ten numbers now ready. Mail ordcrs,2c. extra.
AntUrscito coal BSSd exclusively, insurlna
cleanliness uud comfort "
Trains leavo Scranton for I'ittston Wtlkes.
Barro, etc., at 8.1H, 11.15, 11..I0 a. m 12.U0 100
8.;i0,, TJS) ll.lQ p. m. Sundays. 1.00 a.
LOO, 100, 7.10 p. m. '
For Atlantic City, 8.10 a, in.
For New York, Nowark and EHiaboth, 8.11
CSXprass; a. m., 12.30 (oxpross with Buffet
parlor car), 3.30 (expretuj p. iu. Sunday. ZtU
p. m.
Foil MAtrcn CnuNK, Ai.lentown, BiTni.s
!!,k,m' ffflWS and Phii.aiiei.pima, 8.10 a. m..
BAoOp! n(,XC0Pt P- '
For Loho BRABOB, OcEA.i Grove, etc., at
aiOS, m., l'2..ip. m.
For Reading Lebanon and Harrisburg, via
AUsntown, ,10 a. in., U.80, 5.00, p.m. Sunday,
For I'ottsville, 8.10 a. m., 12 30 p. m.
lleturnlng leuy New York, foot of Liborty
l m'i ;n i'-u'i . rlvcr' 8t,IU0 O-iprf-ss) a. m..
; i VS wltl1 B"ot Purlor carj
p. m. Sunday. 4.: a. ni
. 'a,i,0ni,,'l'U'l,'1.0!,,hi;l' RoKHns Terminal, 0.0H
a. ni M0 and 4.8J p, m. Sundny, 9jS a. m.
mil' 1,"i;i1,itlck"tl V "t Inwost rates
may be had on application in advnnco to tba
ticket ugent at tha station.
J. B 0LBATJ8IN, U-'n- Agont
ni-.i. supt.
IiL-T , ilr.t... . x
V JIrT . ,. WIN RAiLitoAD.
i.ommontiug May at ISM,
trains will run as follows:
i min i inavo Bridge Street
Station. Scranton, for Pitta
ton, Wlllrss nsrra ale his
I'.i.iC. 9 :i7. 1(W , vi in'
ME 2.:w, 4. in. Ell ail Ii i
and ll.UTi i,. ni.
For New York and Phil-i-tle
nhia. nllin m. lin -. -.
2 38. 4.10 r.nd 11.30 p. m.
For Hotlsadala (from Delaware, Lackawanna
nnd western depot;, 7 00,8.30, 10. 10 u.m., U.uo
ni.. 2. 17, fi.10 p. m.
For ( artiondali! and Intertiiodiata stntlons.
6.40, 7.01, e.:0. 1U.10 a. m., I2.0d ia,J 17. 3 z; ', '
I.IOandlMp. m : fr -m Bridge Stroet Depot!
E0J a. in., ILlTand 11 1A p. ul
Fast efpreas to Albany. Saratoga, the Adi
rondack Mountains, Boston aud New England
points, Mo a. m., arrn .ng at Albany U.4S,
Saratoga MO p. in , and leaving Scranton at I
p in., at Albany ats.fK'p. in., Sara
toga. Llts a in ., and B ston, 1JX a, m.
Tlii-only direct route between tho roal fiiildt
and Boston. "The Leading Tourists' Kouto
of AxnlliOS to the Adirondack Mountain re
sorts, LsJnfl (leorgo and Chaiuplaiu, Montreal,
Time tabli-s showing local and through train
service between stations on all divisions Dela
ware and Iludsiju system, may be obtained at
all I lelawan- and Hudson ticket offices.
H. O. YOL'Nti, J. W. BL'HDICK.
S, ootid Vice President. (ion. Pass. Agt,
i EHiaa valley kailroaxi.
Pis. ii, ism.
Train loaves Scranton for 1'hlla.lolphla an I
N. w York via. D. A- H B It. at ., , 12 1 1,
-3- and 11 35 p. in via D , L. it W. R. , tat
E0I ll.Kla. in., and LB p. m.
I. iv.i s , ,.,t,,n f,,r pittaton and Wilksi
Bsm Mali. L W. It. K., O.Ou, B OS, 1 1 SJ
a. m . LIE 3.&1. EOT, 9 'is p. m.
L-av acranton for Whlts Haven, Haxlcton.
Pottsville and all p-iints on tbe Bearer
.Meadow and Pott-vilf branrhea, via E. A- W.
. I a D. t IL If. It. at I a in.. ttM
UE I lip.m, TiaD.. L. & w. R. B ti.00, s tK
UJO a.Rk, 1 .30, X4lp.uL
Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Eaaton.
Beadlt.f. Harrt-b-irg and all Intermedial
po:nts :a D A II. It. It , a m .12 10.
pxt .. D.( L At W. R B..I, ug.e.UB, ll.aja. nu
Ut p m.
Leave Scranton for TankhsniT-k. Tow.anlv
Elmlra. Ithaca, lleneva and all Intermedial
po:nui via l. A- II li It..'.' "7 a m.. L! lu and 11.31
p. tiL.vla D. L. A W. B B.. 8 0S at,
Leave Scranton for Rochester. Buffalo, Ni
agara Falls, Di-trMt, t'hicas and all point
westviaD II R. B. E07 .m..l2 10.'.lall JJ
p m. via D. L. A- W. K. K. and Pitts! 1
Jnnotfcm, mis a m 1 JO 0 3 p. m , via K & W.
It It.. .Ml p. m.
For I".lm:ra and tin west via PalsmwiOL rls
D. A 11 R R V.u7 a.m.. p. m , v a D
I. W H.K.. .sONanL. 1 Sland ii. '? p. in.
Pullman parlor and sles-plng or L. V. chair
cars on all trains between L & H Janet
Wilkes Harre and New York. PbllaJ lp .la,
Buffalo and Soats-n-ion Bridge
BULLIN 11 Wll.HL'R Hn Supt. Di-
1 1 1 kS S. LEX, 'il Pas. A t. Puiia.PL
A W Ni'NM As, i Q :. p Ag t,
oi its IU'thlrhem. Pa
1 ... . .
Traina leave Scrant. n as follows: F.xpresi
for New Tort and all points tUat. 1 .Sj iiL
Ell, I U and V 61 a. tn. ; 11 h an l 3 M p. iu.
Eaprwa for rjuton. Trenton. PUiUdelphla
and th. s.uth, EIS, KW and V.i, a ul; liii
and IM p in and war stations, 3 "ip. m.
Tobbanna aoromuos'.atlon, ti iu p, ul
Eijr as for MMhamttBl. awet;o. Elmlra.
Oornlnf. Bath. DaVSrlUs, Mount Morria atid
Buffalo. 11 lu. 2 If a. DO. and I 24 n. ul, making
OjOM aonnectiona at Buffalo to l points iu thi
W.-st. Northwest and Souihwee,
Ba'.h arcoiiim slation. v a. m.
Blncbamton and way station, l: 37 p. a.)
Nicholson aud way station. 5 4S p. in.
Nlchosoa a. cou.m.slat:ou. at 4 p. m. and
I n ni
Blntrbamton anu Elmlra Fiprea. 8 0S p.m.
M pieas !,. 1 ortiand. yia .- ia.weg
Vtica and Richfield Spriuga, 2.13 a m. and 12.'
. p m
Ithaca. Ell and Bath . a m and li'l p m
hor Ni, Wilkea Harre.
! Plyiuouth. Bbs uisburg and Danville, niking
close oouaectiout al orshuiuberlaud for
Wllliamsport. Harrisburg. Baltiuiire, Wash-initt-'n
and th- So ilh.
Sottbunils-rUnd and Inti-nne '.lato station.
USA 60 a m and I ' and r tr p m.
Nai.t .'oki) and intermediate station. 8.0)
and 111' a m Plymouth and intermedlatJ
atatlona. 3 .Vi and ,:
11. m
PulliiLtn parlor and sleeping roache on ad
expri s. r . .
For detailed information, pocket tlm - tab'.ei,
etc. apply to M. U Mu.lli, city ticketomei,
32.- La. kawaunaaveuu . or depot ticket oltlc.
M"lt ITtN 1'IVIa.lON.
In Kfleci Jauuari ISta. s:l.
Norlh Bouilll
2011 207 ttM
Hnuili Rm-nil
.02 21 I ?us
a i 3 f
I 1 t ? 3 .Train Dally, Ex-: : ' s
p y, cept Sunday 1 - - j 3
4 7.
r a rrle IsMTl
mmir i i
I 1 1
.... .... 7
.... .... 7 J.)
.... .... 800
r ... r m
.... 20s
SOU .... 2 11
6 is .... I 24
ias .... i .1
ii ii .... 2 41
S4-4 .... IM
6 45 .... 2 54
H S5 .... li 01
frt -Vt .... i ul
7 nu a 1 11
7 24 9 IS .1 34
7 27 :i HI11S4
ft S2 fit Sits 41
; 31 9 M ' 4.1
7 4i 10 1 2 I 51
7 43 10 0ft .1 M
7 4S 111 :i s
rii 10 is; 4 04
T ?4 10 17 4i7
I H 10 ski 4 10
S 01 10 M 4 14
t oaio it 4 1?
8 OJllO M 12J
A KA M t a
N, Y. Franklin s:
10 West nnd stn 1 1
00 Weehawken
x Arrive LMYI
r m
t iq
1 1:. Haiii-oi-k J unction
II ii.1i s L
Stat light
Preston park
Poynti He
Plessasi ME
Forset l ltr
wiiit.- Brl In
Jenny n
OI v pliant
pro idinoi
Park Place
1 81
Is! IT
1 2 32
i-5 U
17 !
7 lis p si-1 1
a so s u.m 1 , a ,
v ., 1 . .s , , -si
f 1
ail r,
Jul I :tli
S S.V . 14
tssol s 1 1 if nss
6' lonii 21
I -2: r.i
nu 1 u
I IS 4 V
ft lit f 4 Ml
ill IS
11 11
11 HI
1 10 4 so
11 OS
r a r
al aT-iave
All ttnliis run dally except btmday.
t slgnlllcs that trains stop ou UfUl for pu
8fl gel's.
Adilltl'innl trains leave Carbondale for Scran
ton 1.10 aud Ell p. m., arriwug ut scrantcn i.SB
and 7 iv
Leave scranton for Carbondale 0 so and 8.80
arrlMngat carbondale at T 30 and Ell p. rn.
secure rates via Ontario Western beforl
purchasing tickets and su vo money. Day and
Mlhgt Kiprcss to the West.
J.C. Anderson, Gen. Pa.. Agt.
C. PUtoroft, Dlv. Pass, Agt. scranton, Pa.
Train leavo Scranton for Now York nnd In
termediate points on the Lrio railroad at tt:tj
a. m. and 3.2t p. m. Also for Ilawloy and
local point at 4 e5. 9.4') nnd UN p in.
Train leaving at S.4.") 11. m. mid 3 21 p ul
aro through train to and from lloncadr.le.
Trains leavo for Wilkcs-tlarro a 4.10 a. m. and
3. II p. in.