THE SCTiANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 184. 5 FOR ONE WEEK W e will sell our entire stock of New and Stylish TRIMMED UATS at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Come and seo tlieui at NEWMAN'S 303 SPRUCE STREET. WE have special facilities for A NO. 1 WORK, LACKAWANNA THE LAUNDRY 308 Penn Ava. A. B. WURMAN. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue We are showing new designs in printed IRISH LAWNS, JACONET, DIMITY and PONGEE. 415 Lacka. Avenue. CARPETS BARGAIN i0 3. We Will Offer for a Few Days Fine Moquette Rugs at $2 oo. These Rugs Have Never Been Sold for less Than S3.00 ".27 Wyoming Av. CITY NOTES. Hx new esses of measles were reported Veatenlay. A regular meeting of tlio Imard ! tmaltli will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Ttie Delaware, Lackawanna and West em mil pay Hloomsburg dlvisnu employ e today. Th Jaffarton and sturges eompariv will produce "Josbaa Whitcumb" at .Musio ball tbii evening. The coinpnny contain Keverai capable actor. Tnrnnr hall haa tmen hnndsonielr deco rated for the Hon Ton Sii-ial Club's (Act ive Turners eecontl annual May hop, wUich takua place to-night. May 11, A reward of 50 Iihh ti"'t. nffered by the National hoard of Fire D ud-rwritr for tne arrest and conviction of the ueraou or perauns who caused the recent Arrado tire. There will be joint meeting of the council' lire depart ni-iit committee this evening to consider the bid for a chemical engine for 1'henix company ami a steamer toff the Neptune, Treasurer S. 11. .Steven, of the fund for the iJaltnn home for sick WOMB Msd Children, acknowledges the receipt of ." from "A Friend,'' teller donations may besent to Mr. Steven at lis Wyoming avenue, A copy of the bttigsl Valley Comet for IKet. the first number of contain a graceful reference to the late Dr. Ilolll ter, of Providence, ha been received. It 1 cbaracteristicalhr neat in Bppsaranoa, bright ( material and HouriBhing in It "ails," the latter item thauki to Joe 11. Hart. Manager (leorge K. Davis, of Wonder land, has tendered un inraation to hie brother Elk and their wivea ami lady friends to attend the production of "Mi chael Htrogoff ' at Wonderland this even ing. All Elk will bo recognized at the door and no tickets or further invitation will l necessary. Anhauaar Butoh Beer, Lenta Lbhman's, iSU Kurucs ' WANTS FIVE THOUSAND DAMAGES. list of Sevtral Case to B Brought Acatnat th Traotlon Company. Tba first of several cases growing ant of the same accident was instituted yesterday by John Howey, by bia at tornejri, Halslandsr & Voshnrg,against the Hcrsnton Trnotion company. Ha olaimi $5,000 damages for in Jurin sustained Oct. 4 ,1899 on North Main avanns, in the North Uud, by reason of being rnn into by a enr after nightfall; whioh, ba allegos, wax be ing rnn with improper speed, without a headlight, and without tho rlngiug of a bell, Tbaro were several persons in the wagon at tb time of the aocldent, all of whom were injured. The Mine at torneya ars preparing the papers in other oases to bs brought by them. No. 11 of Amtrica. No. 10 of the charming art series, 'America" haa arrived and copies may be procured at Tiik Thiiiunk busman office. The latest number of these dellkbtful studies will prove one of the most Interest ing of the collection. No Use of Crying; Herd Times As long as Davidow liros. have plenty money. Come yourself and tell yonr friends that Davidow Bros, 1 the only place you can be accommodated. Their Business is,Btrictly private and their rates the lowest. Iil7 Lacka. ave. They Hav Oone Down fhat la prices at Guernsey Brothers, Williams & McAnulty NEW BRIDGE Ifffl WAS R BUS! MEETING HI WOOD GUILTY Prominent Citizens ui Scranton Uivrj Their Opinions as to Where It Should Be. MR. POWDERLY FAVORS MULBERRY Ho Says He Is Not in the Real Estate Business and His Opinion Is There fore Unbiased Luther Keller Pre fers Linden Street to Mulberry, bul Would Rather See the Bridge Lo cated at Spruce Street The interviews printed in voiterday's TRIBUMI relative to the movement in favor of changing to Mulberry street the proposed Linden street bridge, have civ a t an interest in the matter which goes to show that there are many who helieve that such a ehange would bo most acceptable. Among the uuuibor is Hon. T. V. l'owdorly. Mr. Powderly says he la not in the roal estate business and is tnerefore not biased in his views. Whan asked by a TrIBDMI reporter for bin opinion 011 the matter, Mr. l'owderly said: MK. POWDHUI.Y's OPINION. "I may not know enough about the cireuiuBtaiices to speak with a wonder ful degree of intelligence 011 the sub ject because 1 have uot given it much attention. We voted for a bridge at Linden street and 1 understand that if we desire to change it we may lie obliged to vote on the bridge ((in-stlim sguiu. It would take another year to do this and by ttiat time we shall in all probability need another bridge. "I believe that the Mulberry street approach is lietter adapted to bridge purposts than Litulo'i street. 1 thought so before the electiou and 1 think so now. Hut Linden attest bad caught the popular fancy ami the council de cided to place it there. 1 had nothing tossy. What I think the people want is a bridge They want it quick and want It within the Appropriation too. 1 think it cau be built at Mulberry street at muoh leas expense than at Lindtu street, for aearly all tho land ou the west side of the river, which would probably he the terminus of the Mul berry street bridge, is unimproved. "My reason for not attending the meeting on TOM lay night and for not caring to have anything to say was be came it might be nrged ajraitist me that 1 ni in favor of Mulberry stret, because Mulberry street was nearer to my property than Linden streak. As fur as that is concerned, Lttiduu street is as good for me as the other, sluoe 1 am not iu the real estato b;mues. " "It is complained that the property owners along Hwetlaud s'ruel are de mat: ling too high prices for their land It seems to me it would be a good idea to have the viewers, or whoever has tho matter in hand, to take an assessor with tbm an 1 have tb property of tin se people assessed to a proper legal proportion of tha value the owners place on it 1 think it's only fair that the city should pay as much, or a little more, than anyone 1m for a iimi.'s property, htcause it it sometimes trutibleaome to in v and select a new lioui: but then the c.ty mi.'lit M banifltttd in the way 1 have suggested." Mil. KI LLEIt's VIEW. Lnther Ksller cm hardly be consid ered stiioug those who be, leva that a bridge at Mulberry street would ba more convenient or desirable in any wav than a bridge at LtattM street, chute the contrary. Mr Kellar thinks luat the bridge. If It were potable to place it at Spruee street, would be even more desirable Wause it .would be nearer to the majority of people cu lioth aides of the river, 'If 1 wre to m swayed by any pe cnnlnry Interest I may have in the loca tion uf the budge, " said Mr. K -I tar, "1 should favor placing it at MulPrry street, for 1 hsv properly of consider able value at the comer of A dam ave nue and Mulberrr street, rhil 1 have none In the vicinity of Linden. Tba nufurtui.ate feature of the LlBdeD street site at present Is the fact that the grade at the western end, Swatlaml street, woul 1 13 greater than that of i'ettebone street, I think it would be better in the end to im prove the grade at Linden str et even if It cost more money. We are I, nil. ling a bridge to accomodate the people of today uot thus wuo may live fifty years from now. 1 am convtnod that the bridge at Linden treet Would ba far more convenient, far better in every way than I bridge, at Mulberry street Nine-tenths of the people of the West Side wh'j msy hsv occasion 0 travel over th bridge line south of Swetlsnd street, aud in order to go to tho center of thu eity, would b obliged to walk a greater dutanoe if the bn k were to be placed at IV.tebntio street. Kven then they would not be as near the court house or the post ofllc and would net be much farther nwsy from th municipal building. Th only real objection to Swetlaud street as far as I cau see is the steep grade and I be lieve that this should be improve 1 even if it becomss necessary to have more monev to do it. "I think this agitation is going to deUy the building of the bridge. It it certain that if tba location Is changed from Linden to Mulberry street, the Linden strojt property holders will protest and will enjoin tha city from placing it at any place other than that voted for. 1 think the bridge slimil I be placed as near as possible to the business portion of the city. A I said before, w are building 11 bridge for to day, and it should be built to accom modate the groatt st number." Mr. Mason, of Mnoa ft Co., alio favors the Linden street site for the bridge. Ho thinks it would lie more accessible to the business element, both of Last and Wt it Scranton, thau Mulberry street, Juseph A. Moars voted for the Lin dan strset 1. ridge, and thinks it would give general satisfaction if place I ther. Mr. llettn, of Ira Bennett A Co., favors Mulberry street. II thinks it wonld be the moat satisfactory place to have a bridge. SERIES OF EVENING SERMONS. They Will B Delivered by Riv Warrn O. Parttldge at HI Cl.uioh. At the I'enn Avenue Ilnjitist church on Sunday evening the pastor, Kev, Warren (J. Partridge, will deliver a series of sermons ou "The Future Life." The following will be the lubjeots: May 13, "Heaven as a State;" May 20, "The Heaveuly Howards ;" Juno a, "The Heavenly Body:" June 10, "The Judgment Beat of Christ;" June 17, "Future Punishment." A short KvangellHtio service will be held each Sunday evening after the sermon, giving anyone an opportunity to signify their desire to begiu a Chris tian life. Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah. Everybody go to Davidow Hros. for bar gains, as you can get 100 cents for every dollar's worth you purchase. Scranton illuminating Company Objects to Free Lights. MANY IMPORTANT MEASURES READ Decision of the uourt on Rights of Second Board of Viewers Will Be Appealed Bids for New Steam and Chemical Engines Read Ordinanco to Facilitate the Arranging of Dam ages Referred to Committee. Several Important measures came be fore last night's meeting of common council for action. Captain Moir pre sented a communication from the Scranton Illuminating, Heat and Power company calling the attention of councils to the fact that the original franoliiai bound the company to fur nish only 79 lights to tbn city, but that it was furnishing about 500 lights with out compulation, The company wants the mattor adjusted, aud is given more complete mention below. Mr. Sweeney presenuted a rwsolntion to the street and bridge committee for opening ami extending Fairview court to Kobiuson street which win ap proved. Bids for curbing, flagging and pav ing at th Excelsior Hose nouse were referred to the streets and bridges com mittee ns follows: Edwin S. Williams, $180) Muldoon & Bowe, f 170. liids for furnishing a steam fire en gine for Neptune Engine company were referred to the joint lire depart ment committee as follows: Man chester (X. II.) Locomotive works, "Amotkeag" engine, tor 1 1,000 and the present obi Neptune angina; American Fire E.igin- company, Seneca Falls, N. Y., f I. film and jfiUU allowed ou tho old engine, Lt France Fire Engine company, lilmirs, ft, 000, and al lowed on old engine. Bids for furnishing achemlcil engine for the Pheuix company were also re ferred to the joint fire department com mittee at follows: Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing committee, tl.roug i S. F. Havwar I o: Co., Nw York, "Ciiatu plon," $1,780; tba Holloway oompanr, BadUmora, "improved Hoilowar, fi, 700 tho Liniigren Msliau Chemical Fire Engine company, Chicago, 1,700, Tli joint fire department Oomtnlttaet will consider the bids at theinestlug t be held thi evening at the city clerk' offloa, FoR TIIK HI TKEMK I ' d RT. Regarding the disputed rights ot the second board uf view ers iu assessing damages for the grading of Washington avenua to ( spouse avenue a year ago, t com munication of City Solicitor Torrey favoring an appeal from the court s dciiou was concurred in on motion ot Mr. Hobathau. The tint board of viewer f mn 1 no damagss, but ! the coats on property ownera Th second board asd damag. Kx cvpti us to th report were tiled, I were overruled by the court The point is a new on under the aet of 1891, and the city solicitor will be allowed to ap peal to the supreme c jurt for a reversal The meeting concurred iu a roaoiu lutlon of select council compelling the SofantOO Traction company to charge Lilt one far on South Side lines The bridge ordinance paste I third alol final reading. Tha petitlou of th Stranton Illumi nating, Heat and Power ecuipauy in abstract was e follow That a con currant resolutl 11 of Jo. '.1 ',"4, pi voted for the pladtag of ; . wirl and that fMy two light I e furnished the city free of cost; that the company Mian lifbted the old mu nicipal offices and Phanlx, Nay .Mig, Crystal c mpanl' hom-i tuat wire Were extended to the niM dclpal build ing. tloek and Laddor, Franklin nil Columbia Companies' house, .Vl light furnished fr. at an spOBAt of 9,400 to ti e coiiipsnv , that the resolution i f I8M did not prorld fotwlm to tha points last named. Tho petition itatd further; that in jiKtise 11 done by granting to the Su burban Electric Light company th privilege to extend wire, ertel pole and llgbU, vtltlioiit QOmpasMOtlOM to the cur or free lights That tne petitioner Is still willing to fnrnlsli th seventy two origin.! light free and alio willing to pay a pole tax of 8'M or enter into any ratOOnabl and fair arrangement The pettthn li signed by B. H Throop. president and Trd Q Han!, lac rttary and atked that th eouued ailjuat tii matter. 1'he following communication from City Boiled tol l rr-y was referred to the propll commit!!!- rAOtUTATH DAJtAOl IKWa. la the argument upon the application for viewers to fes damagea for baUding a viaduct, raoantiy kod In the eoori of 1 oinmou pleas, it was strenuously urged that the city ought, Iwfore having viewer appointed in that or any sim l ar rase, to MOW lliat an ell-Tl had llrst DSHM made to agree with the owners of properly upon tha amount of their damage. While th court OidjOOt ilstlnilely sustain this position and while 1 still qoastion whether It could be maintained, ii might a vi aomplloatloaa growing ont f similar objections in future proceedings If soiae provliions were mad" for meeting the oh jt-c 1011 before It arises. 1 enclose herewith a draught of a Con current resolution which covrs the ground without commuting the city: That In all casei I 11 n Inch ordinances or other action of the city have bcn or shall M adopted, the iffeOl of which stool be to injure, take or destroy private property, and Iu which the damages nave not been agreed upon, the mayor, city engineer and city solicitor are authorized to negotiate with property owners affected. In case such officer aie unable to agree with the owners, the city solicitor shall apply to court for tho appointment of viewers to assess the same- In cane the officer agree with the property owners, the amount agreed upon shall be reported to council for action. A large number of minor matters were acted upon and an adjournment made until next Thursday night, A GOOD PLAY AT WONDERLAND. lllchael If Wlcomd by a Oood 8tsd Audltnoe "Michael Strogoll" waB warmly wel comed on its reproduction at Womltr laud laHt evening, as it really deserved to be; for 110 other plsy presented at tho popular-priced amusement house is more worthy of public approbation aud patronage. Una Homer as "MIhael Strogoff" has a more congenial role than any other he haa esaayad. All th members of the company acquitted themselves with great credit. Tha staging, especially the battle soene, la superb. The stock company closea its season Saturday night, and Wonderland will be dark next week. Manager Davis states that spocial attraction may ba put on, from time to time, dnring the summer, Clocks, Clock. Clock, Tick. tick, tick, Davidow Hros.' clocks speak for themselves, as they are more superior for quality aud time keeping and every one of thoui are guaranteed. Uo at once aud secure one, if you have boo. The jury Thinks That She Unlawfully Held White's Watch. THOMAS MALONEf IS ACQUITTED Ho Receives Thorough Vindication at the Hands of a Lenient Jury Trial of Mrs. Gallagher End of the Dun moro Nuisance CaseDefaulting Defendants. YfRterday wai an uneventful day in Court, the tnuu during the morning lession being devoted to the hearing of trivial cases. Thomas Muloney was triod before Judge McClure ou a charge of having ill treated Mrs. Sarauol New man. The Newmans keep a grooery on Fifth street in which a great variety of goods are sold. Malouuy and a nuin her of is said, went into Mrs. Newman s grocery and askad for goods not dry. She claims that they took a few bottles of sarsuparilla which they refused to pay for. When Mrs. Newman demanded tho value of th llqnida, she received not the money bnt a kick rudely administered, and with malic aforethought from Maloney, from which she was confined to her room for some time. The defendant denies this and says that he went in with some others and asked for cidr. The prosecutor got angry to think they suspected her of kteplng anything so weak as this and ordered them out. They were going out peaceably and without giving any one any trouble and Mrs. Newman didn't think they were going fast enough and she used a broomstick to KOelirata their pace Sh was sue ettul in this and the quiet yonng men want away witBOUt laying a hand or a foot to anybody. The jury int I that Maloney is not guilty and that Samuel Newman should pay the cost. Marv rjallag biff, an agad lady of nearly four score, was tried before Judgo Albright charged witu bronklog a window in the house of Mr. M guire, of Wales itrot, Providence. Mrs (Jallaglier rented a room in tho Uagnlra house and on account of som tronbll with Mrs. Maguir, took a stoiu and broke evry window witniti reach. The defense il that tho honse she bad ranted beint locked against her, she took m atures to enter her home. The jury found that Mn. Gallagher waa not guilty and that the 0 lUUtj bould piy tin coiti. Kits. WOOD 11' II. TV. The jury return- d a verdict in th case brought agaitut Mil Hannah Wood by her colored boarJer, li Atno White, wto'-ei watch sh borrowed and neglected to return The jury de clared Mrs. Wool guilty of larceny Ly bailee. The case brOOffbt by Martha Hoo ver against Robort RoWoaon wr con titiud till next term to give the 1 fen lant a ohanr. to get bis wltneiet Michael H Pi x pleaded guilty to a similar charge preferred by Mary Ann NVaikir. He will bOtOBtOMOd Satur day Joseph Woergel. Frank BOBWta. Mieiiael Slater. Flix Strtueky. Pan -1 Uarbag-. Adim I 'kv, 'l.arl Blook, Alex ZaromOgl and Frank Calalin did not appear to bl prosecuted 1 bolr ball were forfeited Bud Sheriff Fnhey ITM directed to bring in their 1" Mat, DtD not rilH TO fXalll II 1 1 ( ora Sampson npreise l her wlih not to proaaantl F. H Msrber and liar br paid the cots. A Ilk ml was er.Wrsd in the two oa of C. . Stockwll cbsrgnl with fala pretense by I H IF mo Ud Cornelia ( oiuegvs The jury in the BOM cf (i W. and 0 M. Potior and W M MllVw charged with BjalatainlBg a nniaanoa In keep ing a laeghter home, y ItOffdajf found tb Pottrs guilty and arqnltta l Miller. Michael Ni-e wa declared by the jury not gmiiy of assaulting John Pol Kt. and ti jury directed that Poikal pay Hi coat At 0 o'clock renrt ad: inrnel till this morning, trim th sheriff will appear with nine defendants who are waiting for trial Pevldaw re. are ttfll In ths They make all competitors humtv in prt a ssaMT PRISBYTI RUNS WILL CO. Ixw Huttl and Trs miurtaiian Rate for Btiat it Aststnbly The National Assmhlv of tha Pres byterian church will convene at Sara logo on I'btirsdav of next wk, and, in li from thi coamlaalonan from the Lackawanna dittnet, will probably be ittondod by many of the clergy and laity from thi city and vicinity. l'ne cotiimitiionr from this district are: Kev. W. s Btitai and Baoohar, of Wyoming, Uv F T Swan, of Pitta ton, and Elder W. W Parke. Evans and Thompson. Hev .lain! M,' LaffOd, A. W. llicksoii, Alfred Hind and ot'oer will a'so be in attendance l'.trinoly low rates with ftral clss privilegts have been made bv the rai. roada, ami the belt hot-1 at Saratoga have mad the rat" t tin s 1 intending the nssembly as low as f I pr ilav. It ii iUlte probable that mauy will take ad' vantage of the low pnee for transpor tation and accomodation and derive the benefit of fine weather and the re sort' healthful waters. t - -mmm Coxey It V 1 in Bg Arnite To go to Davlibiw lire., for bargains. A WEEK OF POPULAR PRICES. aiii. i.i Letr aud Htr Company at th Acad'iaiv of Mutla Miunie Lester, a very elsver coniedi on ne, will be at the Academy of Muilo all uext week, and will produca a num ber of first class plays at popular prices. With the Minnie L'stor company will appear Frank E. McNish, the celebrated minstrel, who will intro dues bia well known specialties. Tin play to be produced Monday evening is "A Little Busy Body.'1 Pricos will be 10, 20 and 80 cents. The uale of seats opens this morning. Watch, Watch, Watch. A surprise to see the beautiful watches you can buy for three, four and five dol lars. How can we do this? This is easy for us to explain. The watches are left with us as pledges for a small sum, and as they are unredeemed wo are ready to sell tbom at prices ipaoted above, Davidow Uros., Ill 1 Lackawanna avenue. No. 11 of America Has just been received at Thk TRDjUin business office. Parties who have ex amined this number pronounce it the best of tho series yet published. Art lovers should uot fall to add this most meritorions number to their collection. Laihkh' and gents' fine shoes at the Commonwealth Shoo store, Washington avenue. TALE OF MARITAL WOE. Patrick Mullalty, of Dlokson Oltr, Must Appear at Court. Patrick Mullally, of Dickson City, was arrested yesterday on complaint of his wife, Mrs. Ann Mullally, and given a hearing before Alderman Wright Mrs. Mullnlly charges that her hus band hag threatened to kill her and is an habitual drunkard. Attorney John R, Jones appeared for the plaintiff and Attorney Sopher for the defendant. Mr. Sopher beoame bondsman in the sum of $1100 for Mul lally'i appearance for trial at next qu irtcr sessions. The prosecution itated that the plaintiff is a confirmed drunkard, la a notorious character at Diokion City and is believe. 1 to be iutane. AN URGENT APPEAL. Every Lady in the City is Bound to Attend This Meeting. Help the deatltnte. The importance attached to tho meeting of ladies at which Colonel E H. Hippie will preside at 4 o'clock this afternoon nt the Young Women's Christian asiociatiou rooms caunot be overestimated. It ineaiii that tho treasury "f tho Associated Charities is practically exhausted, and that the women of this city are going to devise ways and meaus to procure funds for tho most worthy of pnrposei. Several ladies met In the board of health rooms early in tho week and decided to take it upon themselves to procure money to assist thu Aisociated Charities in carrying ou a work, which has kept many of the city's poor thill far, comparatively frus from pauper ism and consequent crime. The Asso ciated Charities and those immediatily Identified with today's meeting appeal, not for themsolves but for the city's good, that every woman attend the gathering and leu 1 euc mragemout. Tlier is a mistaken 1 lea that sine the Opining of apring the poor of the city have recouped the savings and provisions conininsd during the win ter ncli ii not the esse. Mm W. H Uuggau, the Associated sharlti agent, avers that th destitution, and In many csiss actual sutfrlng ii as apparent now us dnring tba winter. More than on case extt where mother are providing as beit lhy oai for several chlldrau, the youngest a nursing babe. How they abtaiu food, pay roal ana clothe theiuselvna ia a pr-M ::i t-j 'Jici;,-e;e Well M thi public. The city poor board li doing its work an I relieving many, but they might have le-en engnlfed in the dutl of '. Iiir 1 tlio b t verv ; nrp tt Ihi y are called upon to p-rform hal it not bn for tin A citl I'haritlea Now that the women bav swung int I the arena, will they bs mccelif ul? Atteud thli meeting. ' YOUNG WOMEN GYMNASTS. Pi gram to b Ht.drd at th T. M. C. A. vmnaalum Th following will be the order of extrcite f r tBO gymnaatir exhibition of the Young Women's Christian Ao c. alien, to bo given at ths V. M C A. nail this evening Military and Fancy Marching Ladles Manual of Arm Buys ' lull fwluglng Ladle Functus: Exerciaea Lauiet Hoop Drill Mie AdVMeed 1 inn Swinging Doll DrtU'ttoiag nui to Tea.". ...Onl I) 1-Isarte Exnrciao 1 Selc:d sVnKli nal i'taiing .Music will be furnlthed by Cmrad' orchestra Tickets li."a Setts can la riaartod witboalaztra ooat at V M c Al ST. PAUL'S EflTERT AINMtNT. I An Kx allaal I .- ai. i.-.t to p Hndrd at Coll. at Hall. An entertainment will be held under th aneploes of St. Vincent I)e Paul 10 Btaty Ol BollOfM uext .-uu lay evening, May 1 I An interesting programme ba bn irrangi I Father McNally will deliver an ad Iron on th charities of the ohnroh. The College hall has btx - -onrod so a large crowd can be ices Oi -latod The following will ba the pro gramme Opanlag Ranaarki w a. Orady mo m U00 Mra. William Borka Vo al Silo selected) p. tjbeerln lion Mi Lizii lierily , .! Kli slcted ..Mr. W P, Hhllling Rl tattoo Mi Kinnertv Banja lnet.Mer. "eUaghlln ami Wolf V'ooaJ rjolo (aaataatad) j. w. Kirov AddrOM Kev. I. P. McNulty Vocal Soic (SlecteP....Wni Annie Hoac'h Kecitatlon Miss M im e llolaud Mo Mrs fohn .'one, Pffofaajof William .1 hnt and Ml. Mag.i.- ,1 01. Vocal ijlo (Selexted). . Mrs. William Uurke Oa Dollar far ilarrtl Saved By using the noted p. oral Wend Klour, j tbl bIgnOst gTOdi and lnst family fl lur f minnraotOfad. l'ed by tho.uand. Alt your grocer for it 11. Mont.o'Mkay Co., Agents, Ti6 W. Lackawanna avenue, Scruoton. Ar W the Lowttt In Prlotsf We,'., I goaaa, we beat them all, and law fore purchamug come and have your eyes and ears opened bv : our aatOOMUlg low .ricea. Davidow llros., Ill Lackawanna avenue. Wonderful Aie tha works Of 11 Whaflbatf' row. It should lu oikil 01100 yur. HOW ABOUT YOUR WATCH ? It is 11 much liuer pioco of mcrhaiiisiu mul should bu oloansd and oiled every year, to keep it iu good order. Have il dope by W. W. Berry The Jeweler Who has had iwonty-fivo years' experience. You will Bad him at A1"7 Lacka. Avenue. Best Seta of Teeth, $s00 li eluding the painless extracting cf teeth by an entirely now pro cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. Davidow Bros. Can Beat Ooxir, As they have more followers, ten to one, than Coxey's whole army. Bptolal Sale of Ladies', Misses and children's shoes, factory Shoe Store, 411 Lack'a ave. jsiiiiaiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitgiitiiiiggiijj I THAT DOLLAR OF YOURS Tnkeia now lease of life the inlnuto S yo" Offing It into our store. To con- - viueu you of the truth of oar statouiaa t ame a few price. I Tea or Coffee Pots oT.'c: 55cup I ''Marion Harland" Coffee Fots B5c . up j GAS STOVES A touch and there's tho full Maze: another torodi.gone! Clean, J lint pla are. 7."5c. up. Many " slzua anil klinla. a OIL STOVES M - ,0;'- up. Don't build a largo 5 coal lire till warm weather; It riiak.- th whole bejuse nncon forlahln. m '"" 1 J" We lit v. Hoiuetlilng entirely now - S BPBARti king Uange the 3 very 1st. -it wonder. (Hud to shuw you S the pi Int. I'oruulu and eve, lt Ih not 9 to buy always. 5 1 HENRY BATTIN & CO. i 10 PIMM AVKNUK. I HOUSEHOLD SPECIALISTS. IlllllllliilliiciiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiHitiiin OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. Wt :tre now dlgplayltlg u lino line of Hosiery In COTTON. BILK and LISLE THREAD. HIGH GRADE WHAT DO 10 YISIT the PENN CLOTHING AND 8H0E HOUSE SHOE DEPARTMENT and find anything your fancy may wish or mind dictate. Our stock represents the Choicest Spring Styles for Men, Women and Children Do you want anything jn Patent Leather, Russian Calf, Kangaroo, Tan Goat, Tan Vici Kid, Calf or Cordovan, in Laca, Button, Blucher, Blucherette, Congress and Oxfords, from $1.25 TO $5.00 Men's Fine Russian Calf Shoes at 81. CX ); worth $2. 50 Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Siioes at $ 1 5; worth $2,00 Evwy parohMtr of foods amoaoting to ti or over receives a dhttooon the IVauUini PaVELOB BUIT. nam clothing k mi boose 137 AND 139 PLNN AVENUE, Complcto Outflttsr, SCRANTON, PA. S. L. GALLEN, THE CUT SEOVH HERE Represents Banister's new Razor Toe Last. If you want the latest styles in Footwear trade at Banister's. BANISTER'S PRICES are a little less tba yon are paying elsewhere for inferior goods. BANISTER will give yon MORE for yonr money than any Shoe House in the city. Patent Leather and Russet Shoes in endless variety. - V (' - BANISTER'S, Coxey's Army Can't Buy These BARGAINS FOR TODAY ONLY Child's Straw Sailors, wo'th 25c. and 35c. On Mon day, 19c. Child's Lace Caps, regular price 25c. to 35c. Mon day, 19c. Child's Mull Hats, our reg ular price, 25c. Mon day, 19c. These Bargains for BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. We will give all a chance. This sale will continue for the remainder of the week. Look at This We will offer for bal ance of week a 40c. Trimmed Sailor For 19c. Also a Black Clay Worsted Coat, with moire trimming, latest cut, worth $14, For $6.00. You can have your choice of 100 Capes and Coats for $2.98, Worth from $7 to $15. Don't miss this chance. It will last for the remainder of this week only. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME BANK. ? SHOES? UAwim !jnMijjin lm Boys' Kilt Suits, regular price $1.35. Monday, 99c Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, worth 35c. to 50c. Monday, 23c Special Bargains in Flow ers and Ribbons. ONE DAY ONLY. wcrrm g, eviwtjiayaV IN