The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 11, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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All Things Musical
134 Wyoming Ave.
Id ICS 1 1 C.KAU1J
sua w,
See the Shaw Piano froin
the World's Fair in our
11 Foe to Dyspepsia
USE 1111:-
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Co,
Punch Cigars
Gm B. 5c Co ,
ImprlntM M Fioa C'nar
Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
Nothing New Learned About the
Manner in Which John Mc
Donald Met His Death.
The mystery sorrouniliag th death
of Ji)tin MVIionaM, whose corps WM
fonn'l Wednesday afternoon alouy a
brannh rsilros'l leadirijr up the Moosic
monntHin, Is. yt unsolvd.
McDonald wii k:.own to be in per
fect liesltb on tb morning he loft
home for Mooic to buy torn paiut.
nor was be ever subject to soy hidden
kilinoDt, an attack of which niigbt
carry him off suddenly.
Coroner Kelly nd the jnry empan
elled in tbe cssa went down yesterday
and a thorough examination of tbe
roily wai made, Uiaiiusiug not a single
mirk of violence; nor oouid any theory
be mivHueed as, to the cause of death.
According to the evidence of the
people at whose bouse he left the paint,
they were positive be remarked to
them that too medicine h" had got for
his shoulder mads In in very sick.
Tho medicine may have been for ex
ternal application, which might be
deadly poison if taken inwardly, and
there ia n possibility thnt the BUM mis
understood tho use of it and drank it.
Oa this hypothesis the dea 1 man's
stomach was removed and the contents
of it obtained. A chemical analysis
will be made, the remit of which will
be made known at toe meeting of tbe
jnry in tbe coroner's ollico tomorrow
Tbe remains of McDonald were, turn
d over to his friends yesterday ami
interment will take place this after
Psrmlsaloa Qranttd to Economy Light,
Heat and Power Company.
Permission has been granted by
Street Commissioner Kirat to the
Economy Light, Heat and I'ower com
pany to lay steam pipes from the plant
near Poplar street in Dunnmor?
through mat.y of the etruetl and alleys
of the city.
The permit grants the privilege of
laying the pipe? on JelferHon avonue to
Gibson streot, Moir court, Linden
ptreet, Kressler court, Olive strnet,
Hitchcock court. McKouna court, Clay
avenue and Center street.
None of the thoroughfares mentioned
are paved in the localities for which
the permit is granted. The company
later will trench the utreetH and
will tben have to furniuh bonds to
properly repave.
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's Now
Discovery know its value, ami those who
have not, have now tho opportunity to try
it Free. Call on tho advertised Draggle!
add get a Trial Hot tie, Free, (Send your
name and address to II. E. liucklen & Co.,
Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills, Free, ax well as a
copy of Guide to Health and Household
Instructor, Free. All of which is gnaran
teed to do you good and cost you nothing.
Matthews linw. Drugstore. '
Fishing Tackle.
If the fish don't bite go at once to David
ow Bros, for their tackle.
Mi-w Aim of Frauds. He sure you get
the geuuino Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil. It
cures Colds, Croup, Asthma, Deafness and
Events of Interest to Tribune Readers Across
the Lackawanna.
A Very Interesting Entertainment
Held at the Methodist Episcopal
Church Serious Accident to Young
Bert Simons Entertainment Given
by Martha Washington Chapter at
Beer's Hall Short News Notes.
The West Sid) office of the Scravtom
TnmrNK is located at 104;) Jackson street,
where subscriptions, advertisements and
communication! will receive prompt at
tention.! One of the quaintest and most uni
que entertainments which has been
iveii on this side in a long time was
"Yo Olde Folks Concerte" given last
evening in the Slmpaoi Methodist
Episcopal ehnrch. The costumes
were very odd looking, the e.riista
representing farm hands, spins
ters, old heads, matrons, and others,
l'he noted bars linger, Harry Acker
was attired in a striped suit, an 1 red
hair, tile novelty hting that the hair
WOUl l Hop up and down to th- great
Hmnitmtnt of the audience. The pro
grnm opened with thu chorus, "Auld
Lang Syue," and Wallace Moser gav.t
"A Speaking Pieee." A duet was run -dered
by Misses llirtley and t'oster, and
James Uartt limn reviled a comical
puce in farmer's dialect
A quartette company of Minor
Warden, Howard Devil, unil Misses
Edna Saxo and Raobel Jones, rendered
a eelection
Miss (ieorgie Kittle, an elocutionist
of much ability, recite 1, aud the
"Olde Folate," rendered the chorus,
"Comin Jtromiah." Mrs. K. J. Wil
liams alto recited.
A round was .ting by Misses Davis,
Powell and Paine, and Messrs. iUrt
mau, Long ami Hartmeu. (.Taraiioc
Plorey rendered an excellent tenor solo
in the atiire of "I irauthcr,". The
most pleading fsatnr of the evening
and one which celled forth rounds ot
applause, wee a recitation by the young
daughter of George Fellows, a band
H me little Jiis ot .') years, who recited
: 'Where is mv Doll,'' an intricate etiar-
I aCter recitation, with all the lluency
Md eun of a Ooiabed elocutionist
Tbe rendition, of tb piece made the
littie .Mis Fellows the star p rformer
of the evening, after tin.' entertainment
tne young ladies served maple sugar
and ice cream lu tbe parlor.
A Peasant Affair.
Mattha Waebiogtoo chapter, order
of Eastern Star, gaTC a uieastug entei-
tainmeat last evening In Been' hall
on North Msiu avenue. Toenail was
irettily decorated for tbe occasion
jaBeoi Eaton was obooen ebalrnao and
opened the programme with a selectiou
Of the "Columbian Trio." A piaao
solo was rendered br Miss Williams,
and a vocal solo by .Mrs Phillips. A.
1! Ilolmee gave an CXOelJont ad Iress lu
whicu he gave a report of the order,
showing large gains Mr. M-tzgsr
gave a contrail solo in a sweet voice,
and was lib- rally applauded John T
Watkms sang and res;, indod to an en
core. A recitation was given by Mm
Uitb House. The male trio again
sang, after Which an excellent supper
was nerved ine c mtnitt"ei were ai
follows: Entertainment, Annie Wii
,iam, chairman , Mrs C W, Stevens,
Mrs. Broad bent, Annie Mareb and Mrs.
Uvron Boeklagbaa, of Blmharet; re
freshment ootnfflittee, Q F. Eyuon,
William Madden, Mrs William Fow
ler, Mrs, Wrought an 1 Mrs Davies
Sabbith School Convention.
The eighth auniiJ uiPJtit.g of the
Wyoming Sabbath School onion will
be held in the Welsh Congregational
ehnrch of Providence, on 'l ues lay and
Wednesday, May 18 and 10. Ofl i'uee
d .iy evening section lie v. George M
BojBtOO, of Beaton, Mass., Will deliver
an address on .Sunday School work.
Tbe Committee invites all pastors, 0
printu 1-nls and all Sunday school
workers to make a special ei'.irt to
come and bear Do-tor Poyuton. A
very interesting pr graWBe has been
arranged for rVodncod IT, when there
will be ad ireses and topics pertaining
to tti Babbatb aebool work, etc., de
Hvered by ll-v. T t' Biwarde, D. D .
of Kingston, and other prominent min
isters. Unable to
A serious accident OCCOrcd yesterlny
at recess at No II school, liert Simons,
a lad of 7 years, wh.le at play with of his school iniOs, Wal en
deavoring to balance himself acr H an
iron balue trade piaueii on itene steps
twelv feet high in the rear of the
boil ling, Wulle attempting this feat,
be lost his balauo and fell to the
grouud, Striking his head upon tome
loose stones. Kind bands b rw thu un
conscious little fellow to the rootn of
he principal, Professor W. George
Powell, where he Wis sonnwnat re
vlved Later he was removed to bis
father's home on Tenth Itfaot, where a
physician attended to Ids injure, l'he
olow on the head was a asvere one, us
the youug lad has not spoken since.
The Lsdlss T. A. S.
Mears ball was crowded to its utmost
capacity 1 st evening at thu entertain
ment and social of the ladles Totil
Abstinence P.-nevdent society. The
chairman wns T F. Casey. Bold were
rend'T. d by Mits Connolly, Peter Dug
gan, Misses iraldiui Bl 'Wilt, (.Vina
Long, Maggie O'Loyle and Mamie
Monaghati. TboM Who gave recita
tions were Miss Winnie Durkin. Miss
lame Finnerty and Miss Winnie
Jones, Profeeaor ieorgo C'arr delighted
the indienoe with several banjo solos,
aud the clog dance by Moilonough aud
Walsh created groat applaus1. 'fhe
pleasing affair closed wiln a social.
Intcrrrd V ..- Aftnrnoon.
'I ho many friends of Mrs. David I'..
Davies, who died at bcr home on Mon
day morning, assembled atthefainilv
residence in Decker's court at 2 30
o'clock yesterday afternoon to witness
tho lust final rites of tho deceased.
Ref. PaVid Jones, pastor of the First
Welsh Congregational church, Wai tho
offlolatillg clergyman, anil spoke in
eulogistic terms on the and memories
of the departed. Interment was made
at the Washburn street cemetery.
The pall bearera were Owen D, John,
Richard Hurlow, William Williams,
James Harris J. J. Ho wells; John X.
Fell Into a Hole.
This week an opening was made on
JacKson street for a culvert for tho
Keyser Valloy creek to run through.
At Lou Wickizer, of the West Moun
tain, was driving past the place last
evening his horse fell into the cavity.
Mr. Wickizer, after great trouble, got
the animal out aud found that his legs
wore badly Injured. Then Constable
Jones came npon tbe scene aud took
the animal to the livery of Undertaker
Short Items of News.
Miss Alice Weeks, of North Hyde
Park avenue, who wont to Virginia
about u mouth ago, is reported as bs
lug in a very low oonditio.i at that
Mr. and Mis. 0 G. Green, of Syra
cuse, are giienteof Undertaker William
Price, of South Main avenue.
An entertainment was given In tbe
Washburu Street Presbyterian church
lust evening. This is the last affair to
bo given in tho church, as it will be
sold at nuution on Tuesday next to
make vuv for a new uud innch hand
somer edifice
John K. Kl wards, of South Main
avdtina will go to Spring Brook today
on a phf itorial trip.
calledIr. wi A FOOL.
Exciting Scenes in Alderman Post's
Office at Druggist Ryan's
Tho atmosphere in Alderman Post's
office yesterday morning was a trifle
wanner than out on the avenue, but
then there wai more going on in the
aldsrtnau'e ulfice.
Secretary Dny, of the American
Sabbath union, had Druggist D 8.
Byan before Alderman Post for tilling
soda water on Sunday. J. Elliot Boil
ami T. P. Hobnii appeared for Mr.
The principal witnoss against Mr.
Hyan was absent from the city, and
Key Mr Don) took the stand to tes
tify about how Mr. Kyau violated the
law of 1794
Mr. DonjF etated that ho rasped
Ryan's store on Sunday, Mav 0. and
found the soda water Bizzllng just as it
is lit the habit of d dog on week days
"Did you so nuy person pay for
sods water :'' Inquired Mr Byan,
"1 won't answer that Tne law you
know very well states that no worldly
bil-iiiess shall be transacted on Sun lav.
I ami selling soda is worldly business, "
i responded Mr D 'tiy.
Mr Ross It is a fair question, as
' the proeecOtlOQ has to establish a sle
before there can be a conviction. Th
act of assembly covers the cases of drug
air. II o'oan Tbe law exempts works
of charity and necessity, and drug
! stores are the Utter.
"We dispute tue druggists' right to
I keep open lor the transaction of hutl
nees, as is claimed,' sai l Mr Deny
"Then, Mr Dony, you re a fool,
aid Druggist Ryan
It was at this particular point of the 1
heaiing that the meroury in the ther
mometer commnnc-d jumping up, un- .
til O tl,u , .rl I ,u.t.,r
IS supposed to boll.
Then Mr Dony lefan to boll, fignra
lively writing 11 shook Ms list at Mr
tlvan. and told him quite emphatically
that he diuw tbe line at being called a
Alderman Post Sailed the hot hea led
crowd down and in a few moment ad-
! j oirned tne ess until next Wednesday
0lf One l f IVrl.,-1 Teeth.
1 think the general run of teeth are ts"
coming worse a- the yean g" by. Tbe
ancients certainly hail is-t-er teeth than
people coeeess today. This Is ! be ae
coiiuusl fur iti grout meaeurs by the luvi-
rioll flKsl N'iiple rat. 'I be 11 f Udsll'CO
pres, rrs tei-tt,, lu.n . .-..e s;'n-y
iiu,s and ai rp: u In fm.-t, I nrxrr
ki ow ..f but tn ptrbil set of teeth, and
the owner of these was a girl of nineteen
years, .en, bioit w r, s.,r s ill. ml
eu attack of typhoid fever, and iur then
I twine nf tlesM-snlenil.d ti et u ,uvaivl.
Interview m Phlladtlphia Becccd.
Hie Offtake geetisstse fwr Besjiseeleeh,
Soph'" let ! it-. of the hones uf At-tb-a,
and XtflOptsM rooted awhile frnn
listening to Secretsjs and Sffoei a trrati.o
ou the a rse that BfOUH P ile, t erwtit un a
I i.or-e in in mi'.., ri, t;in Hut if we had
j no other evidence of the Oreaka1 tosMdnese
tor horse, the trf-autlful marldra on the
i Parthenon pediment and (risen wonld t-n
tt.e it r) These marbles show nio the
self mastery of tbe yonthe who cumrolUsl
the pnaideel of for th Oreeki
knew wi .i that the seerel of power oi r
others, whether in or brute, lay llrst of
all in x '.' i iiininand. Chicago Herald.
A run ais fact in the early history of pins
la that when they wrr tirst sold iu "open
shop'' t ere wae such a great demand fur
them tna! a code wai permitting
their sale only on t wo days In t he year -Ihe
1st and Id Of January, Those days the
court Indian and the dty demes fktsked to
the deoU t purchaeU them In such num
ber th.'.i tbey ware anootuitad festival.
In Australia then.' Is inanufai tuntl a hat
win. a ,- smd Vi te,e!i,bie the Panama hat
Very oloaaly. It Is made fruiu the tltioT
pauded loaves of a native plant, which are
Immersed in boiling wati r. and then drnd.
The tlts-r ohtauisd by this treatment U
plalu-d as lu South America.
Hallway statistics show that theAmsri
can tusi ( tvrenty ovrn railway trips a
year, the ffnglhlinrni nineteen, the Belgian
eleven, the ", th (ierman,
Swede, Noiwaklan and the Spaniard live
each, while the lurk, thu Swiss and tho
1 IijIiiui take but one each.
1) A Lander, of Iliughamten, was yes
terday iu thu city.
E P. Ifneklow, of Minorsville, was la
tho city yesterday.
Dr. William Van Dozn, of Arclibild,
was in the city yesterday.
M Jor Everett Warren was engaged In
legs! bustocci at Boneedale yeeterday.
Prank Arrlco, of Birmingham ton, Aia.,
IStbegUeUot Mrs. II. M. (irambs, of
Taylor avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Not'loton left yes-
terday for Danavill N. Y., for a two 1
weeks' sojourn.
James L sties, of Wilkes-linrre, and
Tailie Evans, of Munch Chunk, were in tho
city yesterday.
Attorney M A. Mr linley is acting as
stenographer iu couit room No. 3 U nlng i
the pecial term of court.
Mis. William UoDoOgall, of East
Orange, N. J., is visiting her brotber, i i
S 1 1' 'i mer, of 41'J Olive street.
T. A. Braahear, of st. Loois, at present !
located at Dal too, was In the city last
night enronte from New Yurk.
Edmund J, Dounegnn, n dental student !
at tho University of Pennsylvania, is
spending his Vacation with his pirouts iu
this city.
-4 .
Ptnogvnphrs Furnished
We are prepared to furnish business men
with first-class stenographers by the day
or hour. Export bookkeeping a specialty.
Scrauton C'oninieri aal Association, Lim
ited, 4-5 Spruco btri.ier,
Ilavi You Kver Bounht Anythlna
of Davldow llros. that did not give satis
faction? If so go to tbelt jplaoe at once and
they will mako it satisfactory.
Mutlo Bczst Ezclutlvaly.
Best made. Play nny desired number of
tunes. Uautschi & Sons., maoufacturers,
1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestrial organs, only fa and (10.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired aud improved with new tuues.
James Forrester Injured at the Lower Mill Last
Night and Nairouly Escipes Death.
He Is Manager of the South Side
Eusiness OfTico of the Truth He
Went to the Mill With His Cousin's
Supper Norlh End Friends Sur
prise Mrs. J. F. Best Charles
Roehl Passes Into the Great Be
yond Shoter Paragraphs.
James Forrester, of Pear street, who
is business manager of the South Side
branch of the Truth, had his two feat
badly crushed by cars at tbe South
works at 8 o'clock last night, and had a
narrow escape from getting killed. He
went to the steel mill with supper for
his cousin, a man named Loftus who
works there, nnd was crossing the nar
row gauge track running by the j it,
when the Barry F. locomotive pushing
u trip of iron cars struck bim. Be fell
an 1 ins feet were thrust ahead of the
wheels of the iron truck, and he was
rollrd about ten feet when the car
jumped the truck, lb 000 who wit
ueieed thu eoetdent saw Forrester's
shoes lorn frnn his feet, and expected
when the oar wai lifted fr. in bim to
find him lifeless, or at least his logs
severed from his body. The extent of
his injuries fortunately was hes ser
ious, but it may take four moot lis
until he fully recovers the us of his
feet. A lua.sagu w is sent to Dr. J. A.
Mauley ami he went Immediately to
the mill and dressed Forrester's injur
ies. He did not make an elaborate eg -amloallon,
simply putting ou tempo
rary bandages; but he is of the opinion
that n bones of tho feet are smashed
The delta and muscle, bovtt-ver, is ter
ribly crushed.
Charts Koohl Pass Awav.
A moot) relpected citizen lu the ner
eon of Charts Roehl. of 440 Aider
street, aged 57 years, joined tuegiat
majority Wednesday evening at 8
o'clock after a lingering illness of four
years. Mr. Boon! was born in G't
uaiiy and nami to this country in tho
oarly days of the city of BcreOlOQ He
held many position! of trust and al
ways iCUUitted the confidence reposed
in bin in an upright and capable man
ner Bit wife mid Hire step children,
Mrs John Bebeuer, jr., Charlri Linn,
an i Mies Liene Linn, are left to mourn
bun. I'll luneral will take plaOC to
morrow afternoon a' I o'clock Ser
vices will be conducted at the lliokory
.'-:ret Presbyterian church by Pastor
Lci.-e Interment will b met lu
th Pittston Avenue OIBMtaff Alli
ance Herman lodge of i bid Fellows,
and th Han (ln society, to which he
belonged will attend the funeral in a
Burp-1 is for Mrs J. F Best.
Mrs Jams f Beat, wife of the pro
prietor f th- Rianng ltraok hot!, en
tertained a number of br N rtli En I
frisnds last night at tbe family resi
de) c on Cedar avenue, in young
folke planned their visit in the nature
ofsrurprise, but Mrs littt jave a
Splendid rtcsp'.lnn nevertheless. The
parlors were given over to th visitors
and delicious refrs'limntits were nro
Vided VoOe! and in-trnmntal music
msl tb hours pas quickly ami Ike
i i npany loft at V a in., on a special
trim vr the Dilawar and lluln
railroad 1 he I sius nf 1 1 . s- j rss.nt
re Misses It ( i .Maliey, .Maun Tay
ler. U Walsh. L'llle Scblll. J-nile
ii llsra, Selin Soon, Hannah Thorn
ton, Msnne O'Boylo, Kan Taylor,
MiimU Roga'i, 11 H-liiy and Ifanx
U ftns, of Provide aos fjeovgi a
I'Don leU, Frai.k V Ki.igh'. 1 aonru
1'. Mullen, John F. Mnllin, M Healer,
i f Frovrienoai Andrew J. Itt. if
Oedar avenue, and John J, Oeyaa, f
Will Btre at H-nasdsls.
The double quartette of th Si ran Ion
Ssngcrrunde, whicli rehearsed last
night at (li-rinsi la hall, will take part
In the concert of the II udl Lei ler
kreoi next Monday night. It consists
of tb fol.owiug Vocalists, wbo posse
musical merit of high order. First
tenors, August Bebutti and Chris tlaa
storr, second teoore, John Leu tee aud
Cbarlti lleil; Bret ban ft, August
Soblmpfl and Anton Flscb, second
Is. so, John Stoebvr and Wliliaiu
Bauechm m
Bhrrtsr I'arasiapha
Organist Schilling, of St Peter's
cathedral, and wile, of Prop.-ct nve
litis, gave a Very pleasant "At Booto"
tb the memben 01 the cathedral choir
W luoedey uiebt
Breafter Tin Tribcxi will gve
ipecial interest in pUbliahlUf the pro
gramma of service at th different
ebnrebM on thll side on th antecedent
Saturday I be pastois nro respectful ly
asked to hav their lubjeots eclected
on Friday evening if possible, and a
TnjWWI reporter will call st thu resi
dence for them,
'1 no condiliiioa of E.ldll Bartman ia
tunc i Improved Bird he Is expicted to
A pedeettlan parly of young folks
from the Tw- ntletta w ird will walk to
Paid Mount Sunday, if weather la fa
vorable, Stt.eell i (aires.
Dr Sch wen longer, of Munich, has nmdea
fortune out of his antifat naultarium,
wliero overweight 'cr-ons are curisl by
moans of colietunt exon iso and dietetic re
strictions. Tii Turks obtain the same re
Sufi by sweat cures and Iird Myron doc
tored inline , i with vinegar salads and pro
tracted f..-t. a much los disagreeable
method is that proposed by a French n r
reepondent, who recommendi his fellow
lufforere to oat only one article of food at a
meal. In thai way, ho says, t ho sense of
satiety will Is- induce I much mme quickly
and the temptation to overeating corre
spondingly lessened. Philadelphia Times.
A Pleas I rand.
Ad Italian oouDtrvmen triad to steal a
hen. He oaogbt bold.of It by tbe tall, bat
tbe (owl escaped, leavlog the tea tben in
liis I' mils. Tin1 man I'.fti'iavanl confi'sscil
bli tank in tiie print, who told hint to
bring Ave lln In expiation o( his criminal
Intent. Tbe oountryman returned with a
paper imi; full of coppera, irhlob lie held In
mob n way that when the priest temk hold
of it all tin' money dropped out imo tho
man's hat, and his reverenoi vrai let) erlth
tbe empty bag, Wberenpon tbealy, peni
tent remarked, "I, too, only got the ffath-
imi tin. fnwl"' II MeaaaessM
Film Shoes, tin' latest all aprini; stylos,
st tin' t'liinniomvi'iilth Shoa storo.
MowhujUMObareeof th KB78TONK HO
Tflla forraerry eaped the Orosi KeyjLeprtter
Bromley ave. and Bwetiand, A full Un" of
Liquors, Beer, Ale and rino ttuni wid be
kiit In stouk. Mr I'lillllps will hu plmis .dt o
irrt'L't his iniiuy Irlc uds whu will favor Uiui
with a call.
Osorse Wlntiburo V as a Prominent
sad Frogresslv Cltistn.
By the death of Osorgs Winterbara
at Taylor ysstordsy morning that
borough lotus one of its most promi
nent and progressiva citizens. The de
ceased is survived by a widow aud
three children.
He was a member of Lily lodge, In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows; Tay
lor lodge, Knights of Pythias, and W.
A. Couuell divition, U. R. of K. of P.
Evkuy article guaranteed at Davidow
Beadlnston Sc Woerz's and Ballantlne's
Ales are tho best. E. J. Waxii, agent, 81
Lackawanna avenn.
Haye You
Seen the Latest
Neapolitan Ware? It
is the Most Artistic
ever made.
If you want a good car
riage you should see
His .e-ys. as
1111101 f 1 Cm
i-. Q -dilu
1 JllCU is .
Best Assortment.
mt: MIL
p, hi
a liiiLLHU
116 Wyoming Avenue,
"One Coat lakes
Them Look Like New"
ant l of
Cherry, Mahogany,
Oak, Rosewood, Walnut,
Vermillion and Ebony
Tot up In Tint and Half Pint t'aaa.
i euro i.ifon.m:. .ii . ssi i you will not oo
To Obtain Satisfactory Results
with Ready-Mixed Paints
-fit TUB
This Paint has len la M itnt sjee f ir over
t. n ,.ir i,, sr.. re-'uinm-tid it as tKln
sod ilarabU aud
mt fr : 'i U. :.,: r i ' .
1 hy our nistom
' tr . !. : . :
( all or s n I f.,r a mpl rsrd ahmrlni; el
reeadwtta full iutrui tiuu. a t mtimatiua
Itol I'siutifyias our bom" aud sarroUM
Matthews Bros.
32 j Lackawanna Ava
Print Butter
25c. a k
427 Lackawanna Ave.
Wkyraa all over ti ley lookiae, forcni.i
ilolhtrs wilh mi ' liumiri'daa I lea I sate' wirrtu
Ol cold in thetu! Hut you will ruino very
otoee to it it lr m will qall at th. ri.riit plao.
Ilrlnir your dl lien ,.uld, sliver aud gruou
hacha to
its arnvt itbebt, and tot fun viuo
lor your money in
n Mil KV, in ; ci i.ii.its
til KIDS.
Bicycles Hi" arms, eto. repair Sd at short
BOtioe, Eey flttliu- a suuclally. (live mo a call.
And all kinds GARDEN
SEEDS in bulk and in pack
Pierce's Market
Hindoo Handkerchief Puzzle
Now on sale for 25c. or,iven
away with purchase of every suit.
Handsome line of Spring Overcoats
and the Nobby "Bell" Cutaway Snits
Martin & Delaiiy
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
WyoVning Avenue.
X!JL Fashion
AtM)b Lackawanna Ave.
500 Ladies' Lace Trimmed Hats in all the 00 QQ I
S popular shades, regular price $5.00; for yuvO I -
s 50 doz, Sprays of Flower,3 in assorted col
5 ors, regular price 50c; for -
y 45 doz Sprays of Flowers, assorted colors,
i regular price $1.00; for
0 50 doz. Extra Long, Full Regular Herms.
1 dorf Dye, Ladies Hose, regular price 39c ;
2 lor - - ...
100 Pair Nottingham Lace Curtains, our M a
n regular $5 00 Curtain; for - - - -1"
'iMiiiM.-uiiuiuiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHiii!iutiiitcii:iiuiiEi.h.: s.iiiiuiiaitiuuir
Now Open
i nil
Th scire as Is , .mm,' 1 1 learai Wiites-Barre
has b"eii Iutu; WE have been here: we are
here: We will Is here, Anm w aay, look
le "ti us. .ad f we cannot sbovr you the flneat
I.JOH-, an la record of nior bicycle sales
Ii n . ay f h r firm In the inly, wo will take
you io the show.
Bicycle Riders,
Take Notice!
CAPS Invented
by a rider
Something New
Has the Agency
for them
Look In
' VSa,
ij . JSBrwm. ' -
Aro nt lrecnt Ihe M't Popular and l'rrfcrrcd by
T"BdlliB An lit.
Varcrooms : Opposflfl Columbus Monumont,
205 Washington Av. Scranton,Pa.
39c. I
A Fine
Worsted Suit
for Men,
in colors black
and blue, for
Only $9.80
For Women
Sell, Sell, Sell, is the order
of the day.
Imported Clay Jackets. Cut,
Stylo aud Work tho best of
tin' tailor's art A reduction ,
ol 50 Per Cent. See this offer
ing of High-class Jackets,,
Your size is here.
In Cloth, Morie Silk, Covet
Cloth and Lace. My 8ty!ea
and prices that will pleaso you
Printed Duck and Serges,
Striped and Spot Patterns.
You ought to have one. Tha
prioB, $3.50 to $7.50.
G. W. Owens & Co.
Cloak nnd Suits Makers,
Court House Square,