The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 11, 1894, Page 2, Image 2
THE SCRANTON TTflBUNTE FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 11, 1894. THE SECRET (IN S T?' fl a a in 8th ACT. To some things we've ot the key, Johann Holt's Malt Extract see? After such a splendid showing 'Tis a remedy worth the knowing. B mre to obtain th( Gunmri, tad i1j uot bo itnpod upon by the ntirnsrouR substitute's offered us "just an good " The Gtnnioa Jolivn Holt's Malt Extract must have the sigiiaturo of Jobanu Ilolt" on tho neck lab of every bottle. Nona other is genuine. B18NBB A MENDKLSON CO.. Abohii, 109 and 1M Fr.inkliri St., Now York. TRIPLE It Was Hade by First B'asoman Wente and Second Baseman Weikart, of Easton. SCRANTON TAKES ANOTHER GAME Plftnnaghan Pitelies Too Good a Game for the Visitors to Do Anything Umpire Hardie Henderson Makes a Wronp; Decision Which Costs Eas ton a Run Items of Base Ball News Which Will Be Interesting to Scran ton Cranks. By far the pr-t! play that nns been made at IIrs:ui p:rk. this HMH ws an Melting triple play by firit baaatnao. Wtnta and second baaaman Weikart, of tiie Baaton team 'ibis remarkabla piar occurred in tin third iuainj? of the Scrantun-Kaston Kama yesterday afternoon. Baraaton hud scored one run in the first Inning, and Baaton had baan blanked. Wataal opened the third for Tie home team with a linile, and was followed by Hogan who reached first safsly on a lit. 1'atetaen picked out wlut he thought was a nice ball and slammed bit bat against it in vicious style. Tba sphere tore through the wion outdoors In a lively manner and Ian lad safely in the outaretched pawaofflrat bseniun Wente, wLo bad to get up in the air about as l.iirh aa was possible f. r him in order to make tba atop. Wataal and Ilonan shared in the gen eral belief that the bit was good for at least two bases and they were well on their journey toward the home plate before they realized that Patobtn'a hit bnd been caucbt. Hogan imme llately Binds n iprtut to set hack to tirst, and Wttaal waa awfully sorry he had not tarried longer la t'ie neighborhood of the sec a I bag Hefore Hogan cinl 1 return to first Weuta had toaobtd th bag. nI"l th,a S''"1 tBI bill down to Wetkart at second iu time to catch W( tzel. It was if-veral moments before the ptatatora realized that a triple play bad been completed. The applause tnat followed the play was trotu'iid iis and Wente Was given a rousiug oratiou When be came to the bit. AN OMUJI HICCISIoN. Umpire Hardti lleuderson cannot be called a huge success as an umpire. He undoubtedly means well, and were it in his power be womd mnko no mis takes. Mr. Henderson invariably nan HgtH to get in a larger numb, i of er rors than the average mortal. II" was frsijuently in error yesterday, but in no ciw ffii the miataka so glaring a when be filled haston s short stop. Griffin ont at third baas, when hi wis Jilamly flafe Gr flin bsM BsadaatWO las- hit, and attempted to steal third I'aU'hi-n got ti e l ull djwn a little late, but L'mpire Henderson, nevertheless, flfUad Uriffin out The deanion was r caivs ! with nttmafooa erlee from tk arectators of "BOt out," "he was n.if Holmes and Weibl each followed with a sink'le, and had not Hondersi u made the mistake Easton would havj scored at Itaat onn run. The work of the Scranton outfield whs partieularly u m-1. Eiofan, Btaltl and Rogers made several difficult j Ihvs. Fntunitgau w is m V .' .r tvranton ml pitched a silt-edge game. PatOBOB irava him excellent support In tha ftval Inning, after VW.el liad truck out, Hogeu made a safe hit, hi e ti. l u I un l eord on logi H.;ii.v No more ruti-iuaking occurred QQtll the seventh Intlng, when the Hcrantona fWOODad down upon IMtcher Oilien and pOnnded him all over the big yard. George Sialtz opens 1 with a tbraa-baggat ami scorea on Westlake's liy to Holmes. Higgiug followed with a double, and scored on Wetzel's triple. Wataal came home on n passed tiall that Catcher .Sharp lost night of. Hogan (Tingled and tallied on Weikart's failure to stop I'atcheii'a hard bit, loiTeaein our percentage: SCRANTON. a. II. fn. Wetzel, hs.1 2 " 1l'4g!l, cf..St V i PateheQ, c. u ;i Bo,(era,rt, 0 2 si .Hartley, IbJ n II I I ilU If.... I I 1 Vet'k,:tl II a iirinBii!n.i i 4 Flaiilg n, ..U 0 0 I EA5TI N .F 1 II II. tO, i dBpl'earf.piO i a ii RWeMjjf.T.O l l I 0 1 "inn, . 'Hi.. .a u I II ii.vharp, r....O II ) II UWik't,ai..0 II ; n nuwyer, ef.O 0 a :i iiwnt.., lii.ii ii ii 1 i(4rtfhn,ss..l 1 4 8 no Ilea, p...o o o a r o ii u II Total.... 1 10 gf M Q Total.... U Ii aT 10 i Berantca l DU()nn400 5 jlustou 0 UUUUOUUO-U BsfSad Knna-Serentun, 4. TwobaHohits 111X1.1118, ItoKers, IMitltn. Threo bnxn hits WeOtati Htaltz Harlllrn hits PlaunlKsn. Dona, stolen baw Hogan, Btalta Doable plny W.-ikart to Unit n to Wettte, Trinle jilay-Wontii to Wiikart. Stnuk out Of KlnniilKuii. 8; t.illoii, 4. Kirst l on halls (ill Fbihiiigan, Bj Glllen, H. l'nserl balls Hmrp, a. I lino, l.B, Oniiiiru, ilouilersou. OTIIKIt STATE I.EAOUB UAMgS. At Hazluton JIazleton 0 0000300 1 I) Alleutowu ....U 8 1 0 0 8 6 1 1-15 Hits Hnzleton, 3; Allentown, 14. Kr rors Hazleton, 13; Allentown, .1. Bat teries Fee and Moore; Donohuo and Alilli ?au. At Iteadiug Heading 0 0010033 0-0 Altooun 2 9010040 x 0 Hits Heading, 9; A'ltooua, 10. Er rors Heading, 7; Altoona, 2. Battcriun 3 Hi oades and Goodbart; West and Cote. Umpire Wagner. At Pottsvllle- Tottsviile 1 0 1 8 0 1 0 0 210 ilarrisburg 0 6 0 1 4 7 5 0 x 23 Ilits-Pnttsvllle, 10. Harrisbnrg, 2a; Er-rors-Fottsvillo, 1 1 ; Harrisbnrg, 1. Ilattor les Fleming, AlcCoach aud' Hhilksky; fcjirogel and Smrjk. Umpire Keun. OF STRENGTH. ACTS.) f7. aMBBSft tr : Upsn .35 53 3i r;S NATIONAL LKAiiuii. At Bostou Boatoa l 0900004 z f Brooklyu 0 0000 100 01 Hits Huston, 3; Brooklyn, 2. Krrors BostMi, 3; Brooklyn, 4. Batteries Nich pls aad Kynn; Stein and KhialOW. L'm pire ORoaraa, At New fork- new u.rk 0 I a 1 0 0 1 ii x o Washington. ,.0 000000202 llfits Now York, 0 Washington, 4. Errors Naw York. 4; Washington, 3. Batteries Rule ,m,i Psrrslli Meicer unii Jlciiuire. I'mpiro Hurst. At Baltiuoro Hh iiniore 0 003000003 Philadelphia.. 2 0 I 1 1 0 1 2 x 1 lilts-Baltimore. W; I'liiladelphia, 12. Kr rors Baltimore, S; Philadelphia, 1. Bat terles tlnltanaand Robinaoat Taylor aad Clemen ta, Umplra Lynch. At Pittatrarg Plttabnrg 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 l Cleveland 0 000003002 Hits- Plttkbnrg, 8: Ctevalasl 5 Rr rors Pittsburg, 8: Olavalaadi 9. Hat-tertes-Killen aod Hack; Y' .iogau Zim mer. I'mpir's Miiuade. At Chicago The i hirago-Looisvlllo gstiie wn piistp.'nod on accujiit uf ram. At 'incinuati Cinriiinatl 0 0 0 ! 1 1 !i 0 1 X Is St. le.ois 2 0 II 1 0 3 3 0 00 Hit Cincinnati. IP; 8k Louis, It Er rors Cincinnati, J, St. lxinla, 4. Batteries I'arrott aud Vaughn; llawlev, Breiten- iteln, rtaakfand lrnz. L'uijiire-swar:- wood. EAsrmtN UUOOB 'At BntTalo- HmTalo 1 1 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 WUkaa-Barrtk.S 0020000 x 4 H:i!.e llit Buffalo. V W like- l.srr. . : Errors Buffalo, 4; W ilk-s Barre, J. 111-t.-rii -Belts mM I-.. 1,1. I'nuiptlild and Warner. Paagna Baydaf. At lroy - Troy I 0 10 10 0 104 ProTidaaea.. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l s lis.- Rita Trov, II; Providsaca, 7 Errors Troy, 3; Provident. 8. Bat tones Doaovaa and CaUill, Sullivan aud I'll. u. I'mpire tlaffney. At Syracuse Syracuse U 00010011 ' Bprtngasld....6 3 a 0 0 1 7 1 0 30 Hits-Syracuse, II; BprtngfloU, ft, Er rorsSyracuse, 18; BprtnglWd, I Battr- les Pajraa ami Wilaaai Uragalln ami Leahy. I'nipiro-lluut. At lira Erie 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 04 Binghamton . .0 OOOOOOOO 0 Hits Erie, 0, Binghamton. .T Krrors Kne, i; Blagbaintoa, . naileries Mas Ufa . May-, ud PstgSf , Uslai.ey aud Pawes. I'nijor.' ill ' GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. The .iames Hots and the Stars will play a game of b.i oa the James Buys' grJuuds Niny 13. Be rstiton shou'd nut mourn. J. hnstown lost BIBS straight last year and iliil won the p.''inapt. They ran five I.srrr Kstriekthe "jolly" if they want to. hut he's Levertheleea the l-Ht ui.ipir. that li.K l e 1 bere this e ir. Frank B. Osrrett, wh . plajre . BSSJOtsd for the IVnnsvivania IUiir.a.1 rlub. of riulai.tihia, would like to sign with Potts villa, Torrysoa got bank t Heading rTsdaaa day aad said that aVsttoa wameil him to sun, bnl ha rsfosed, He wuid like to plav with PottSViUa, '1 ho Wet Side Stars challenge the Yontig Sailors t a game of ball, Saturday, May 12, at 5 o'rl ick 00 l.lttlo WOOOS gioutids LaiaiB Unvies, n;st,ager. ',"iinii of Potfsville hsa 'Iwen srleased. Bala B catcher, a gxvl r.Mtrher, a gentle man on or off the diamond, and should have no tronble in aiguiug with another good club, The Klfctries, of Taylor, challenge the Anthracites, of Hyde Pailr, aud the Ac lives, of ProTtdanaOj for a game of hall on their own grounds tor May l . First ans wer flrt served. ItlcilAHO Watkivs, slanager. Jack Tlgho, of PoltsviUe,; h ail his left shoulder sliding to BBOOBd vixtorday and it may cnpphi him for a few ilava Tbo injurnl n.emlier ws given an elertrn Shook lust night, under the advice tof a physician. A picksd olnb healed hy Burson Vail Roes Surdam, M'ultnm Walsh and Kay Bioa defeated Vloyd iiiaaeire team hj i score of 81 to 8, l'li featut.e of tbitnui was all's and Surdam's flr.,t Imse wo;k, Walsh s fielding and Bice's pitching. The Young Men's Christian Ass.;i atluu ll'iie Bail cidb, id this city, Mdl fair to ba one of the BtrODgOSt amateur tvauis in the slate ll has plenty of excellent material to dtaw from and about t wenty nmn are working bard for thb different positions. Professor Weston has arranged to have BOOM Of the bent nmaii ur Uajna in the statu to piny npalnst thsm. Their tirst game was played last Saturday with a score of 13 to I In their favor and tomor row they play the Haatlsn, of the vst Side, considered a very strong team. Tho game will he called at 4 p. m. Admis sion, 1.1c. A Hnzleton dispatch says: "The dis puted Baaton-Haalitoo game, If what I'm iiireKoirick says goo, will bo givun to llazlston. Mr. Ketrick explaius that de claring Easton winner was the only means he hail of saving his life. The Imodiums bad ctowded threateningly about him, and it was only by the aid of the Baatoa play ers and a few of the DON cool-headed spectators that lie escaped even then. He has already notified Secretary Diddlebock of the situation, and in bis official report will declare Hnzleton the winner." Think of the clnim Scrantnn would have had for damngna If Kaston had injured one hair in our Larry's bead. . Bpsolmeii Cases. B. U. Clifford, New OaaaaL Wis., was troubled with mmralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, nppetite fell away, and he waa terribly reduced iu flesh and Btrength. Three bottles of Eleo trlo Bittors cured him. Edward Khopherd. Ilarrisburg, HI., bad n running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used threo bottles of Klectnu Bitters and seven boxes of Buck leu's Arnica Solve and his log Is sound and well. John Speakor, Catawba, O, had live lareo fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottlo Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve corod bim eutirely. Bold by Mat thews Bros. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stooks and Ilondi. Nkw Y'ouk, May 10. Lower cables from Loudon, tho poor exhibits of earnings by bt. Paul and the demoralization of freight rates at the west, and a beliefithat at least 2,BOO,000 gold will he shipped to Europo on Baturday,allctntribnted to a weak opening fur stocks to-day. The decline, however, was Furprisiugly small iu view of tho un favorable fnctors mentioned, and was much commeutod npon in stock circles. Louisville aud Nashville scored the great est lueses among railways, lioneral Elect ric was the weak spot in tho industrials aud dropped c. Tub 'other prominent issues varied only fractionally either way, and the trading was liijht. The nervous ness became ipiite pronounced in Ameii cnu auga: in the last hour, and in their activity to get back their stock the hems bid up tlm p'ic" of these certificates. The stock opened at 1H4' and then roto to 10741 with a reaction at the clone to W' Tho railway list displayed considerable Btrentrth lator in the day, especially the Urangers, which were affected hy rumors that the government crop report will he favorable. The toUoWtni complete table showing the day's BnetttaUOOS in active stocks Is suppho'l and revised dslly by l.sllsr Ii Kullsr, stock brokers, 111 Wyoming avenue: Open Ink. Am. Cot Oil tm Sugar H'l't a. x. a s. v ism Can. So. ten. N.J Chle. if. W li!T' t' . B, ft W 'i flue. Has. M1 ('., ('. C. ft St. L coi . Book.VsI ft T I). U p., L. ft W ni HU-h- Low Clos- est. est. U'g. lurti liiti iotw uH ujj isjj 11'nisi; llifti ittU 7k ;m4 7-ai, Otils Iil4n CiHj M1U IT vt: ;na SO m m km IBM SSI BM 1NII, m mi Ml 4Ak US tjsfl fl'k IIMJ is M P'.iH : i.i T lit SM w i;a BM 3 11. it u, r si Frle It's u. K. do :fi lke shore L A N 47 Manhsttau IBS Mirti. I'ae "I Nat. 1.. ad. N. Y. H N. K.... n. v. Oeutral,,, N. Y..U. ft W.. N. .. S. 1 Wh V. S. C. Q 3 a.. North Pae n Mortn raOa pr is Omaha tU Par. Mail Radliig l''4 Book Island BHa H T stZ Bl Paul 'i I I , I , n 1 1 ' 111..., Cnloo Pad Be Wabash p Wsstl rn Vnion a u h. L g Chicago Oram and I'rnvlslons. BCEAVfOB, Ha 1 T: 'nhowltig qnots- ti'.iiH.irs iipplle.l an! c rr '.l ,laily by l.a Ml .v Kulli r.sUsk hroker.i:i Wyoioiog at.-- liue. or if m asi n 1 1 i.'v tsJ ?ii 'i, -i r.iu, a-it aiii. ilia oik i- 's ilia ... M4 -i U ... i:M pts 1TB IM .. ISVi P4i Isis 1M ... MH mi hi ISM' 4eM isti May July. Bapt t-S O' t;ii iat i"ii rMl (eu, snj mm BJ t.' 4"S aH bmI Ml ii n 'M nr, MM m H4, BM BU "b 0 , MN MM a-S WH 1 mi Mat i.aa MM lag mm MM ItM T 701 703 7.11 Tut 7i6 MO H : I 7ii M TO) M OS BM '.IT at'. 1.0 H uo iu tVki ' 1 hMoMa Il.-tteet I 'West Ulgti Lowi st... OAl Oiinng 11 hs 1 l.w.-t 1 ; - PuRK. Open ng I Highest ' Liw. t I Oiling I I. lll. I i iilng 1 H its Lowest 1 loams j BHOKT hit. HlgheM Lowest Cl. -lag New Yoik Produce MsrheL Nr.w Y iix. Msy lfl.-Kuoa - Poll, pfieSS weak WMBA1 Itjatai lirm- No. '-re.1. store and elerat'T. I tS . all, .a', SI 4c. f. i. b ( lW 11 Vr. ; 111. graded red. Bagtadad, .'.7afllr . No 1 northern, iMiiOv.e , opttatM dud and irregular, closing n.-iu st Sac. ad vance. No 2 rod May, I i',c . Wotic, r. Ma . ialfi 1' -c . Aagast, ru-,c. ; Bep Isaabar, BtMc Daaaaabar, w.o. 1 mks Doll raaler, No, 4.1)4843', r ; elev it- r (,all & alloat; OptlUtM and i'o, lower; May, 4 'jC , July, 44tc , Asguot, ti . Us rs -ijDiet, eair; options doll, lower, tt-adjr. May. -,r.; June, Bs',c.; July, r ,c. N... I will's May, 41M-; Spot ETHOS, No. I JUa4oc-: No I white 4V,c. ; No. i Chicago. 40c.. No. J, Xtf. . No 3 white, 41.,c. , mixed western. 41a 4'.'tr.: white d,.., white sUtc, 42a4Cio. Lkkr-laiet. aleadv. T11 m rn Bssr OulL MlPbLaa- Nominal. LA BE ,'!:?. steady: western I' I0j city, S 4c. M.y f 7 JO; July, raiaadi 'iun. mailaaat. ism; America, tW; rompoufid, SstltC Punk Doll, yuiei. Bi.TTSh- Light feoelpt. steady; dairy, m-w. ; . ii .. . . ,d, . il'.V team K 4.. 1 S.uth I stste da cremuery, new, 14al7o : Pem.aylvauia. do., Ilal7c, wi -rn dairy, tew, Uo If . imllattoo creaaasry, llaita Cltrxst -Mislcrato de'nand, leas (Inn Booa -4ja lot; fancy :?rui, state and Petiraylvanla, MSr.; weetem fresh, lot aiwc; aaauMra, wsiie. Philadalphla TsllOW Market. Pilil.Aon 1 HlA. May 10.- TaUjw was dull snd aBOaangaq. Prices were I nme citv. in I . gshesils. 4 c ; prune country, in tMrrels, 4'.c ; do. dark, Iu bar rels, 4M'C; cakes, !ijc; grease, 41c. Taian ami Tmi b u the venhn of gaapta who ,ake Hood's Sa.-s.tpai ilia I ho gisul effects of each indicine sre bhiii f. It p nerve trrngtb restored, appetite crratisl and health giveo. BootVa I'nia da not weaken, but aid digestioo and toue the stomach. Try them. Borantor.'s Bun , ess lnterasta TU Tituii NB will aaoa publish a rare, fully compiled and classified hat of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional iulereets of Bcrauton and vicinity. Tim pdlMOa w ill be bou d in bMk foiiu, beantifnlly llioatratad with pht t,.gravare views of our pnbllc hiilld lugs, bnsinesis blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of lending cltirens. No similar woik has ever given an eiual rep r entatton of Scrauton s many indni tries. It will bean invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent U persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and fie an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circn lariou la on a jilan that can 11 ot fail of goisl results to those concerned as well as the city BtlatgOi Heprosentatiree of Tux Titini Bl will call upou Tilosie BrHOBI namks are DI8IIID in this edition and explaiu its nature more fnlly. Those dnalring views of their residences In this edition will please have notice at the otlice. Proposals. CKAI.L1) I'ltnPOSALH WILL Bl KK i eeivsd hy ths Koooomy Llghti Heat ami Power company until Saturday. May 18th, ISM, nt Boon, nttJ Oca of I. II. Hums. Ll srsry buildfng, Boraaton, Pa , for trenching. and lumk mime alsiut six thousand yards of trenoh In ths dtyuf Boraaton, Tho company reserve.! the right tu reject any anil all Inds. THB ECONOMY 1.1UHT. I IK AT ANO POWBH COMPANY. America 10 BSATJTirrjt IK I litis. I.VF.UV NOTED PLAOI in Alaska, XHI I NITKII STATK8 AMI MEXICO. B1TM n r vi in its tiN thm c in s TKB, TFN OBMTg ami ONI COUPON FOIl AN V M vi Ml I; For Delicacy, For purity, end forimprovementnf thecom plexion, nothing equsls Posioni's Powder. A LIST of reasons why yon should iu Bist upon having Dr. Pierce's Pleasant PoUets, and nothing else in their plaoo : Bseansa thov re the smaffesf. and the pltatantest to taka Becauso they're tho easiest in their ways. No disturbance, no reaction afterward. Their ef focts last. They absolutely and perma nently euro Biliousness, Indi gestion, Constipation, Bick Head ache, and Sour Stomach. The most common cause of Piles is constipation. By removing the cause a cure is effected. Montgnmi m, Oranyc Co., If. 7. Tin. Prenct: Dtar fltr 1 sudered untold misery with bleeding piles. I could get no r.dlef night or day, until I commenced nslnR your " Pleasaut Pellets," and now for two y irs or more, I have not been troubled with the Pllis; if my towels get In a COnStlUstod coudition, 1 take a dose tif Ilr. I'lenw's Fleas Bi t Pellets, and tho troubb Is all llspellod by next day. ONE CENT A Word. Honrs 0 all kinrii eosf fhtal much, rr- rf'f Wfitatioai WmiUAwMek are iiisurted i:KK. Situations Wanted. l K. Book I p r or 'Hue manager; ten A 1 ..ars practical . isMtisnos 1 thorough. QOmbvtSfit and raUablol w illing worker: okii fur eugaguitieiit: rufor.ince and s-M iirity If neosssary. Address liusiin . Tribuiie ottJj'M. POSITION 18 DBBIRBD BY A YOCNQ V iiiim, sgedsf, 0 ho has had 1 rsasaaapo rtsnes working In a bank Bsstof rafereooe, sad l- iid. if dwlreil Address Imx 4IH, Tunk aaanooki Pa, UrANTKD POBITIOM HY A MIDOUt aged aratnaa t do house ilcsDiiig. scmbbtng or Wsshiat jdiuass. J. H. c , 4i.i Thlrtosath at. U'.v: 1 it) POfll riON kfl LBBR BY middle affSd man, t 'an speak Kmuilaii. I'oWah. Slavic :,... I. nullah. Ad Ires-. PI. I Lit MABLYAK, Box -;,h , ivIUs, Pa. UrANTKD A B1TUATION as WW nurse, (luod nsfStMOSSI Mi PtttStOO sventic. A LADY WI N is WABHINQ To TAKB i boara Apply BM BMsatsr court CITUATION WAN TED ""a WOMAN I OaM llkn to g.-l ,rk hy the day at washing or cleaning, of will lake washing home address MaITT DONNRLLT, TM Orchard street. Agents Wanted. U ALBUMIN WANTI 1 g I. aaui p. t' t tall Mds; aell "ll eight t or Brm; liberal salary an ail ion pvrinaiiaiil rr stamp, CKNTKSNIAI. k.... . T BILL OOI 1.' WSot sale and re. , rarf bsataaaa Btsa 1 cllN.lne . tld. i. laims .ldreee with Mill 1 p, MlUau U'ANTl li MAN WITH L1PI AND WIUM ir.auiai ip-r 11 as - .t .tor in l-a. kaeanii et unt) . gsl ladmeai'hts to righl mail Aa.lreas 11:3 Beta huiMlng. I'l.l.a.lrlphl l a. Help Wjnted. WANTKIi ri8T MAhHK APPLY Ml ' Llioltn street in lU "W'-uil.-rhand.' H. rn.l. a. lor Menu l,'"lt HINT UODM III ADAMB 1.' I BO Apply to Kd A llertl, 404 Ia. k .',. - i Iv.uiiKS T UUHT WILL FPttllHHlb I r.iia, Ut. L::.. ksralkM Ml aeiilag u,Q svsaaiSi r'o POI a HUM if YEA MM I 1 Part or a.l .4 tare. hunJr-sl f-t 4 ard o-i- . .-.14 radruad. Aptiy at 4.t'iankUa Srvntte rj'o 1:1 NT TnHr: t'f)olt rt'HM-lll I) en kl'tgw atfst Very : I ea raaaucaU terms, App.y I.IToN ur C ii. WiAiOIll H. kl k a 1 g SMbl for Sale. I 'iiK --Al.f a I akki i w' UOH I A Iti B, I i.e and !..- I. at! BMlSS fruw I'altwn ,41 the Oelawarn. Larkawanna and W.-atrn rallr.4Sl First a, farm home with a never failiag .i rn.g SeVrby rww lrna. g... lead Sad gel "rcbard w III be a,, 1.1 . heap, lerioa sit. Ad.treaa 11 I' . iN sr. 'Ki II r IsAA ' eiernt.irs. Paitsv Le. Pi 'nil U i A LP. PtiW .la f,.r lag . htg Aipiy v It,, k noB Kf.N i 1 Wi I . NIMH ID MimiMk I fur itght booae kewtsng with uae.flaUh. lei PraBtUm aveaoe 101 a A LB afACKK IAHM, f4TJCi r uUnall J M. SIIKPkIKI.U. M. in - . 1 ! ALB OR I riIASUK Folt BCRAN srti A luring orangw gr.iv ig In priMiii tiort tid value yeerly Is k-e wV.l.m In f l..rl , Addr V C I foN. Uk.. 11. lei.. Piorl.u M'HTll AI.B. A p., to the Depi sit mm la. Spcclj' Notice. T I MPFTIMI or TUP. I'lliKi-l'i Its . V 1 tho Map Aug Falls aad Klmharsi Boils vardl uipsnr It waa rwsdvml thai a m.sf ng of tbe kbs-khisler be clled t-, aoaVSSMI a- Ihs geaoral .iflt".. nt ths tnwMuw HMwa M It. publican I. iii! Ill, g. on the Mh day ef Juno A. I). IBM, fr in A. 10 M. until I p kg take BOttSI on the approval or dlaapproval d the pronel laaraaBB of the capita, stock ossald eosapaai froai i'.uoo u, f. '" . ami tint ths secretary ba, sitd as C herein .ire.itlt. ghe notice tlier. .f ss re , i rod by law I II WATK S- Swretarv. ikioTici thk nominations poa or is Bosn ut the Ueraiaola Building i.nd lean ass.,cUtlon of ' nth M runton will take place Friday evening, April X7. 11. after transacting the regular boslnssa JAOOBf M I I.I.I li. ni.ANK Booia, PAMPBurrs. maoa atnea, ete., bound or rpluund at Tus TlimcNK ofticu. (Jun k work. Keasonalle prices, klKAI. TICK ITS CAM III MAD T 144, ill corner spruce ntnsit and Krankliu an. rule Twenty m. il tickets for IS.Su OwhI table l,r.. legal. I," - lA'l I- oP PULIfh .1. UtAN-L. lA-f 1j of the lN.rough of Taylor, di ase,L Let- ters of sdmlnlstriitien up. ii the above estate having been granted to th iindersigiieil, all pereotM ha ug slabas or deinnmla against the sanl n-t.itu will present lliein for payment, sad th.." iadabted tharoto will pMsaoaaks iauasdlata paymsnt to II A N N All C BANK, Adtninlstratrlx. Tayh.r, 1'. JoIlN' M. HAltUN, Attorney for F.tato I.SSTATKUP K..ltA UK WITT.UECKAHKD. 1j Notice is luiehy given that a rule baa been granted to how cause why Jnuo u. Uo witt executrix of the last will and isataasaat of said decedent, shall not ho dim-barged from thu duties and liabilities of her appointment Application Will Iu. imidn to) have aabl rule mad., ubsulute and thu executrix discharged July 2, IBM, s g PK1CK. Attorney for executrix. The QENTJINB New liavoa "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1860. New York Wurerooins No. 80 Fifth Avemio. E. C. RICKER & CO., Sole dealers in this ssotion. OPFICK-m Adams Ave., Telephone BT'd'g Connolly 80 Wallace OPENING OF LADIES' SHIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS Many new features this season in the way of Shapes, Styles, Colors and Materials. SHIRT WAISTS from 50c. to $3.75, in every conceivable design and material, from the medium to the finest grades of Lawn and India Linen, Percales, Sateens, Dimities, etc. The newiest and nobbiest thing is the LADIES' SHIRT. Made with starched shirt, stand-up or lay-down collars, with cuiTs attached. They come in Plain White, Printed Percales, Sateens, Madras Cloth, Century Cloth and Pongees. We venture to state that our liue of above is the largest and most complete In the city. Prices, as usual, THE LOWEST. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 Bicycle AT 1 1 1 K Driving Park Scranton, JULY 7Uh 12,000 worth of Diamondl to be giw sway as prlaei. All the Im-I kiinuii ruciiiej lut'ii In the oouotry win eompete, (irand Pitrailc of Wheeltntn iii the tneraing, Bxenition r.ttcs on all roadi. OUR WATCHES DON'T BEAT TIME Aivl do onn la lMkl vim bM hm Th-f are mi tttbH sj.ry titna' xn all ih. tlm and th firtt tlrn fvt hava timn c-ima in antl lbMt ari urat tlm kexnrm, which trrjr our ll 1 k IftaW IVMfMlM lib rTir nbj 'In ; r . t , i talnu ar for blaftu at ffmai full wlol Ainr;'ti wlrhaMj In p-n&t of valtiM They Are Record Smashers Price List: We Will Sell an II W Ravuui.d Meiement iu 11 year II..M Kl e.1 as.- fJB M aasao la I sa CWo Ittoor Obas an II. It I'm t Meveiueut la JO veer UuUl FUI..1 i see 0 0 ftatur In is In l aee II 00 O. M. Wneeler Movement In 10 year oM naa w X iti Bain.' la 4 aa. Can lUvor M 4 Aft h t si. Tra.'r a On. iti 30 rear (li .1 FlUt rase M kl Sam - Iu li Can eilver ... B i I' S llartlett M .u.-:.l In X year OuUl K:U-I I'aae. rt Hamo in , ..In silver 14 It FREEMAN, Uealer In I Haiuon-la. Wat.-bea, Jeailrr. K.lo Cor. Tenn Ave. and Fprnw St. MT, PLEASa-NT AT Itr. I All.. Onalnr the vt finality fer flnmeetle rf all aliee. .lelitrere.1 lu anf nart ut Uie nty St leWrwt I rire Onlera felt at my 00 mi. 1 1 a. trTOMTHH tvrvrr. Rear rn. .m. ttrstloor, fklH Natl iial Ha'iB. o- K-nt try mail ir tslsakoaakt tie uiui'v ivui nsieirV sffoanl aMsau m epeclal eei.lraoOi will be made for MM sale Baa eaavof vi Baoawtteat LaU. WM. T. SMITH. B RICK DRAIN TILE. FRONT, WIRE CUT. HOLLOW, VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON B R I C K Best in the market OFFICE: Binghamton. N.Y. FACTORY: Brandt. Pa. Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on the Eyo. Huadsohes and Nervousness relieved. Latest and Improved Stylo ot Eye Glasses and Hpectacles at tbe Lowest Prices. Best ArtiUolal Eyes Inserted for S3. 35 SPRUCE ST., op. Old Poat Office. Brandt Clay ProductCo CIIDMITIIDC Repaired and 1 umii 1 unL BEST WORKMEN. LOW PRICES. MATTRESSES At Factory Prices The Scranton Bedding Co. Cor. Adams and Lacka. Aves. DID YOU That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at Mercereau IKI7 I.AI k. V WHY NOT Bee our FIFTEEN DOLLAB Solid Oak Bedroom Sftf WeeaU Furniture iw cheap aa atn bouse In tho cotmtrj- that in t'iitls to e;ivt honest value for tho iimaey. Try ua. Hull & Co. 205 AMD 207 WYOMiKG AVE. E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbk Per Annum, DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at llio Wapwallonen Mills, Lu mrue county l'a., anil st Wll inastitou, Lclawara HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming Dlatriot, uB Wyommc Ave,, Scranton Pa. Third National Bank Building. AOSKCIPS. THOfl. FOKH, rittaton. Pa. JOHN H SMITH & HON; Plymouth. Pa. fc W. MULLIGAN, WUkos-Barro. Pa Axeuts for the Kepauue Cbemieal Com paay's High Lxploelvss. Upholstered. KNOW? & Connell ANNA AV1.NLII TaWBSUAY, KH1PAY AND SATl'KUAY, LAST THREE DAYS - Off THK Wonderland Dramatic Co. Appealing iu tlm Great Play, MICHAEL STROGOFF HFHEAFTEK, AND 1NT1L KLRTHBl NOTICE, Ten Cents Will ! the prlo ot admission Bp all parts ot tho liouav, ON AFTKKNOONS ONLY AliMISSlliN BVBNIHOa, 10. to OR SOn. l'err. riimuei'B every attern.sin. sucspt Moo days and Thursdays, at ;, aud every sreo lugat f 15. Doors open at 1.8U and 7.00 P.M. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ONI WK.K.K. si Commencing Monday, May ' SlsK'Ial EngaKi'iiiont for ONE SOLID WEEK MINNIE LESTER With Her Own Company. Band and Orehaetra, in a repertoirii of successful playa st popular prlcoh. Opoulng play: A Little Busy Body Matinees Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Matinee Prim, lllr to everybody. Evening Prims 10. 'ill, 30c Frank McNlslisnd Ills Original Specialties st eviiiy perforniance. Change of bill nightly. Hotel Waverly Enropean Plan. First-olaas Bar attached. Depot fur Derguer A Engel's Tannhisussr Bear. N. L Cor. 15th mi Filbert Ptilladt. Most desirable for residents of N K. Penn ylvsula All conroulenoes for trsrelsra to and from Broad Street station and ths Twelfth snd Market Street staUon. De lirable for visiting Sersntonlaus and two (la In tho Anthracite Region- T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR,