The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 11, 1894, Image 1

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    The Third
Series of Multi chromes
now ready.
TT.MI. m
Wish them should order
N.I'-" i .
n?7 ; 144
(Jailed States Offlcrs Are Stoutly Resisted in
the Northwest.
Fierce Struggle at North Yakima
Two Deputy Marshals and Several
Tramps Wounded in an Effort to
Regain Control of a Train An In
junction Issued Still Chasing the
Missouri Pacific Train-Stcalers.
TAOOKA, Wash., May 10.
Fa FIGHT tv.t pine nt North Yaki
A ma at 7 :ii o'eloek hint atoning,
fall between deputy United Statm
LTU marshals nud Uoxeyltea. Dep
uty Marshals Cliideater and JollicK, of
Tucoma, warn shot, tlie first in tlie letf
nd Hih latter through the bowels, and
s blofilint; to Instil Internally. Twenty
shots War fired Svane, Weaver ami
McAdee, til s-Ht tin Coxeyitee, reeeired
11-nh wounds from revolver shots. A
Beattle Coxeyite known a "Book,"
Who was tiiB lender of the crowd, hid
two Onsen broken with a club.
11 o hunt wai the result of a determ
ination on Him part of tlit Coxoyites
not to iMTa it trai l which had btvu
held there since 10 o'clock in tna morn
inn. Thedepntr umbels determined
to r H.4- tne tihiu. luu trans pi
swariut'd over ti,e cars und outi:m:i
liored the marshals Tile offlootl gave
uo after two attempts to oust tbe
tram pi, ant look th train back to
Yakima, iwo miles from tho scene ol
toe fi'it, and side-tracked it.
The deputv marshals from Tonpenish
nepoaded to Cbidnter'i dimandi tor
niofomnonta mid twenty-live more
men wan I from Edlenibnrg,
At 7 o'olook last evening tho traiu
whs bsck"d to tho bridge over Ibl
X kino river, a mile from tha town
half the population followed, ihe
OnxiyiUS boar led the tram to Ibl
nanoM of lo0uin. CnidntOf says
one of them attempted to set a lirsKa
a dipoty marshal orden l kin to stop
Oil bis refusal. tiie dipoty pollod htuj
away. Tbl Coxvy i tea bewail clubbing
the deputy, olid tiien sbootniK b.gan.
Tha tramps rtre ited, tr-aki!i4 i
switch and piliov rocka on tha track,
lot afterwards nnoviog tiiem Dur
ing the fight stones Win thrown at tbe
OOgiOMt und fireman iu an attempt to
dislodge them.
The train was hacked lotO S- lah sta
tion after tiie fiitiit. h" it now is. A
suron has one front Yakima tout
tend the wonnded. "Adjutant" Fitting,
of Seattle, wnt to Yakima from Ellens
burj last night anddem inded foo l aud
shelter for tue army. The city council
granted leave to sleep in thi city ball
last night and the demand for food
was also granted.
United States Marshal Frake has
gout- to the scene. All alonu ttie line
the tramps are in an uly inool
Thirty of 'hem lei t Klleiisburc last
niitht to walk over the mountain to
WeB itcnooi: the Urekt Northern read,
where they hope to iM tratniportntiou
to Bpokano ami ponlblj to Bl PanL
ErOKAKK, Wash, May 10 Judge
II ii.lord has issued an lr. junction r
Itrainlog ail peis( us from ::' :
With or trcj,avsiiig Opon property of
the (treat X rthern Kilrutd oonpanjr.
Notios is givin that ay one ho doing
will he guilty of o Dtttinpt of court mid
liat'l to inndlnta arrest.
TonXA, Kn., May 10 The State
Jonmel bai mtormatloii from H or 101
Oreelt-y county, Kamaa, laying that
the Misonri Paoifie train stolen by
Coxeyites riaobld that point at 11
o'clo k this morning, having got psst
tbe ohstriislioti at C'bevington and ob
tained fuel Mini water for thfir engine
Th sheriff of tlie comity telegrsphal
to OoVOtnOf LoWoIHm for asMietunc
from the state, saying he Is unable to
muster sufficient force to ami I tho
Coxeyitos, Ths Jiusouri Paoiflo ha
obatrnetions this stda of Horace and
wst of Si-ikirk.
AliIt.KNE, Khs Mar 10 Tho Coxoy.
ites' wild tram was ditched about forty
miles wast of Silina General Attor
ney Waggenr of tlie Mis( nn pacific
Railroad company with United Bttitai
deputy mnrslials left Ballon on nana,
cial train at about 11 o'clock to capture
the party.
Marqcktte, Kan., May 10, Snpt,
Bbanhland has ordered rails to be torn
op just last of Scott City. The scheme
is to pen thn Cnmtnonwealtr up bu
twesn two obstructions.
South Bknd, Ind, Map 10. Sullivan
and bis brancb of tbe Randall band of
Coxeyltes were met by polico and ss
cortid through this city to Island Park
last night, furnished provisions, and
ordered to move at if o'clock this morn
ing. Randall, the leader of the band,
who was arraigned at Laporte yester
day on tbe charge of conspiracy to
commit larceny, was discharged from
police custody on his promise to move
bis tramps, left thero for New Carlisle,
and is expocted to arrive here lato this
Denvek, May lO.-Thn Salt Luke
Coxeyites, numbering 800 men, are
marching eastward along tho line of
the Rio Grande and Western railroad
toward the east, and have not yot at
tempted to seize a train, The railroad
Company keeps a traio of empty sand
cars running ahead of them ready to
be ditched in order to block tbi prog
,res of any train that tniglit be stolen.
Edward Woods Attempts to Kill I. L.
Bookhrimer snd Receives a Bullet.
Huntingdon, Aa., May 10. Edward
Woods, who was sent to tho Hunting
don industrial reformatory from Phila
delphia, was shot ami instantly killed
this afternoon by I, L. Bookheim-ir, a
cell house guard. Woods and Henry
Wuldron, also of Philadelphia, bad
been reduced to the third grade by
jBookheitnir for misconduct and they
threatened vengeance. They secured
two biavy iron bars, which they se
creted on their pirsons.
This afternoon they eluded tbe vigil
w t
ance of the guards in the tailor shop
and started nfter Guard Dookheimer,
who was in the cell home, and ap
proaching tlie guard from behind,
Woods hit him with the iron bar,
knocking him down. A second blow
broke tho guard's wrist. At thia junc
tnre Ronkheimer secured n revolver
from a fellow guard, mid on a second
attaok from the two prisoners, shot
Woods through the heart, killing him
Bookhlluor wns exonerated tonight
by the coroners jury, who decided that
tho shooting was done in self defence,
The Champion Kuteian Wolfhound Diss
of Overheating-.
Louisville, May 10. The Rnsslan
wolfhound Lcekboy, owned by Cnarles
Bttdman Hawks, of Manchester, died
yesterday from overheating during
Ho whs valued at $1,500. and was a
winner in the challenge class at Chi
Representative Robert K. Erattan, of
Maryland. Succumbs to a
Lingering Illness.
WAtUKOTON, Itaf 10 ltepressnta
tive Robert F. Braitan (Dam.) of tho
first district of Maryland, who bas
t een lying dangaronily 111 for BOtQi
weeks, died this m iming at his hoUM
in PrinoiM Atine.
In boostqtianoi of the inaccessibilltv
Of Mr Brattan'l Maryland home and
its distance from a telagraph station,
so many fa's reports of Mr Brattan'l
daath have boon circulated during the
!st two months that th tlHW to-. lay
was discredited by his associates In the
nous until the receipt of a telegram
from Mr. DatMtiOM, a member ol tbl
Maryland state striate, and Mr.
tan's father -in-law Mr. Urattan his
been ill since September Isst. He was
serving hit first tnu in coagMM and
OOOnpMd bis seat in the home during
tbe extra session of congress 1 it year,
which was called to tbl Sfiirnao
silver purchase act Shortly -ift.r ad-
jonrnniol bo Ml ill. His malady w.s
i com pile a ti u of heart and kidniy
tronbl s. He has not be n iu Washing
ton during the resent tarn
Reprasautatire Talbatt.of Maryland,
has call. I a meeting of thoatatodolo
gation at whie.i the usual ritolaU MM
ol rep-et will be adopted.'
At 19,80, after the trnnaaotton of
oni priVatl business, tbl boon heard
the annonoMntnt of the death of ihi
iat- RlpT i ntativo Urattan by Mr
lalbott. Hem, (Md.i. Tha costotnary
resolution were adopted and the
hotiae adj urned until tomorrow noon
Hon. Bobortf Urattan was ths son
of the late Joseph Pr tttan, wb Was
fop many yaam chief jodgoof the or
1 bans' court for Som- roonty, If"
was lorn on March IS, 1848, In 1881
h was ndnittod to Mm b r. Hi wm n
memljer of several state and OOngTII
sional oonTMtiona and In 1806 wai
elected to the iUrvland honae of doll
gates Mr. Braitan bneami member
of tho OtatO senate in is;;) inocoeding
Ur. G. B li' Tinis, bis law partnoT, who
Werit to the United State, tjnate. Mr.
Brat tan atrrod tbrongh sever ii torni
as slate senst it, t mg nrisnim iiily
elected pnaidont of tho Maryland sen
ate iu 1880 Ae was elected a nombor
of the fitty-third OOOgflM M I DsiO
crnt from the Firt Mwrylsnd Olstrict
and took bis seat a rear ago.
No Hall In Cl-. lnr.a-,1 1-ir Knouitb to
Psv Him to flpar Thin,
CnCPtVATJ, May 10 Last night
I)au CreeUon slid Jim If ill lignod an
agreement at the Boqninr offl I
fight six rounds wit,, tlie gloves for
points. Tha time and plar-e is left
open to bidders. The clnb offering tbe
largest sufficient purse will be awarded
Ihi natoo.
The sporting e.'.itor of the Enquirer
will rtceive the bids by letter ur wire.
Ball and Crildon Will lnet on Sat nr
lay V' sterday afternoon Fitzim
mons refnstd a propo.itiori to come to
Cincinnati and spar four rounds with
Hall for a sbaro of the uta receipts.
He aaid there was not a ball in Cincin
nati big enough to pay bin to come.
Factions cf tha AnOtint O ilsr of HI
bmlans to H Ualr.d.
KlW YoltK. May 10 -It was after 11
o'clock this morning whin tho dele
gates of the Aniisnt Order of Hiber
nians, tho rd'r of Erin met to ton
linu its convention. Tiie absorbing
topic of con Vtrnatlon am ng the dele
gate was ttii report of a committen
of five regarding plana which Will lead
to thi adjustment of the existing dlf
ferance between the order of Krin and
tho order of Arnr-ricn, which split from
the order of Krin in IHil, and which
has just been holding its convention in
All the delegates hnro are in favor of
uniting the two factions the only cjuea
tion being us to details.
Tr cmt only 471 to feed 139 prlaonors in
the i'ottsvide jail for a mouth.
Tho rennsjlvuuia Bolt an I Nut works
at Lebanon, yesterday started up lull
banded. William Knggles wns discovered yester
day making counterfeit coins in Lebanon
jail, ami was rearrested.
Charged with robbing bis fiancee fev
eral days beforo tho propored weddiug,
John Thomas, was yaitordny arrested at
Two blood bOUddl escaped from f'harlcs
Frank; at Bobnon, nmi ar killing ail the
dogs iu that part of Lebanon Valley.
Tho WOUOni Missionary society of tha
East Pennsylvania synod of the Lutheran
church began its sessions at Stceltou yes
terday. Miss CoZiy, daughter of the common
wenl general, passed through tho western
end of the state ycBtorday, on her wuy to
The following fourth-class postmasters
were appointed today for Penniylranlii
Patrick Laville, ObafflOl Lottll Kresbiorn,
Levi; N. P. Wilcox, Nicholson.
An older posted yesterday makes the
working time of all shops on the Pennsyl
vania sytem three days of eight hours
each week until further notice. The rea
son given for this order is tbe absolute
cessation of business on the road.
Coxey's Movement Brings to Life the Old
Slate's Rights Reptile.
Tho Goorgi Sonntor Thinks That
Decentralisation of tho Government
Would Remedy the Commonweal
Evil3 Spirit That Caused the Un
pleasantness of IC0I Is Growing
Amonr; the Fire-eating Southerners.
WigHmOTON, May 10
H BILL to repeal the act of July 18,
At 1882, "to regnlate the mo of tbl
l oanltol grounds" t'i law under
uu wbleh Ooaey and biiinbordin
at.B were recntly arreated, tried and
onoriotod was introduce l in tba sen
ate todav bv ilr. Allen, (Pop., Neb.),
and referred to the judiciary commit
tee. A resolntion was offered bv Mr
I'elf. r, (Pop, Km. i. and went ov.-r till
tomorrow, proriding for a aoloot com-
mittce of three to consider the present
condition of the country with special
rafironoo to thi proTalllng hndnoai d--pression
and tbe luro number of un
employed people, and to report what
llgjllltion is necessarv to nfford relief.
The Allen-Coxty imolntion was laid
before the senate and Mr Gordon,
Qoorgla, ii ke upon it. He looksd
up in the Coxoy movement, he slid,
from a aootbom ataadpolnl It np-
peared to bin to laaoh a lesson whioh
s-nators might wisely and gravsly
pondor, TIM movement had its inspi
ration in patarnailau In that theory
of government winch if indulged In,
w. nl ! Inoraaat llo large brood of aim
liar movements and Intensify tbl I- -mamla
of that els is of piopll for re
t-TATI.'- KIilllTs TIM. l;Y
Thi remedies wbioh hi n.'g'st d for
tho pres-nt OOndllloniof things WON
two first to decentralns the general
government at much as ponibll an 1
imp w.r th i state- to deal with it, and
a. o m I to l.ientralixa ths rtirreiicv, re
peal the pi pr c -nt. tax on state haniii
and enable the ItatOI to have currency
innpliad he th-ir own iltit -ns.
Mr. I-li.r. Colorado, took part In the
d;-i-ni n an 1 tr .tad the n'i!ioii in
volved as an Important one. He dl
OlaiBad hv dire to dllay the passage
or the tariff bill, ttu Ihe'euutrary he
thought that a speedy solution on the
tanfi qnoatioa wool I n n tba iir.r 't
of all th pe pl b) the 1'nlted statis.
There Was great diaOOtttOBl among
the people ind a growing di .ire fl
them to coine to Washington for '.he
purpose of influencing logialatloo.
That, Mr. Teller de.-lare.I was a ptt
fectly proper thing to do, and nobody
ought t complain if it w done wit .
proper doawnn and decency. Hut,
after all. it could ba seen rhst If ail
tbe people who were dilOMtaated and
dutre.-d ibonld attempt to cm to
tneniti rial ri; lal. th-re rni.-lit b-a
condition of things liuposilbli to en
dure TKu.m 100m Tin roucg,
Mr Teller reviewed briefly the oc
cunenre. at the time of ( ojtoy'l arrs'
and p ike of tbe action of the police as
most disgraceful If the poiici baJ be
haved Willi as much JllOntioO ail 1.
ceuey as the commonweal nmy did,
there would have been n IrOObll at
all. Coxey's wa not j wicked s heme;
he bad heard propoalliOM In tbe HQ
ate thai were hot aa Mualblo as Col-
iy'a That abbima woold not briog to
the country m i bnndndth port of thi
distress which sum logtllatlOfl (alio I -ing
to the silver demonetizing acl) bad
brought to it.
Mr Stewart. Nevada, spike In up
port of tbe ri solution and due. anno 1
against the poliot and th- polo-., c nirt
for wnnt tie aalled their exhibition of
party tyranny.
Senator Boar male a str- ng speech
against It. He ib rlared that he sym
pathlzsd with the public dnties a groat
deal more than those Senators di 1 who
sought to iiiake it an in-truin-ut for
their own political ptirpiJOei Of th"'.r
own reckleis political ambition. He
ad led, with equal veh mnc, that
senators would not lay down t-isir co i.
stitn'.ional functions and bl idarnored
out of their character as AtairloiD
Itgislators by anv mob spirit, Whotblf
it found its utterance from a Oogiy
cr or from thi se it of tbOMnntOf from
Nevada (Mr. Stowart.) The ntolgtlon
went over without action and will
ootiia up no tnore.
Tlie tariff bill wai then la km up an I
theprogress luade'ou it Waa to the ex
tent of just ono line.
o tba COOrns of tho tsrilT lisenssion
some little nnpliaanntnaai was devei-
oped on ICOOnnt of ilr VoorheiV sharp
answers to soino questions from the
Republican side of the chamber, Mr
Hoar remarking that It waa the tint
time thot such uthlng hail happened in
the parliamentary history of ins coun
try, as the treatment given by ttie
chairman of Ihi finance committee to
Courteous and proper inquiries.
Mr. Patton, the new senator from
HloblgaO, was sworn iu aud the louate
at o. 18 adjourned.
Trolley Cars st. Anhl md r.-av the Traokt
With Bai R.tults.
AIRLAND, Pa,. May lO A trolley
car jumped the track near St. Nicholas
today, and, In endeavoring to escape,
Motorman John Welch was killed.
Tue paasengors in tho car were shaken
up roughly, but no one was injured.
On this same road it car jumped the
track yesterday und five persons were
badly hurt.
The Disease Prevalent at Twenty Dls
tlnc. Points in ths State.
LANCASTER, Pa , May 10. At a meet
ing of the state board of health hen to.
day renorts were receive 1 of the preva
lence of small-pox at twenty distinct
points iu the stale, The diseasi spread
from Danville, whore the malady was
improperly diagnosed.
A resolntion was adopted that, in
view of the prevalence of small-pox iu
lomo of the western states, the secre
tary is instructed to exercise untisuil
vigilance to prevent the introduction
of infectious diseases by bodies of per
sons travelling from ur through this
Cprat ire of West Vlrglnl Districts In
tsnd to Stait Mining.
OKAtXEtTON, W. Va., May 10. Tho
coal operators of tho New rlvor and
Kanawha diltrlltl met las', night at
Clifton Forge, Va.. and agreed to start
up their coal works Monday, May 11,
regardless of the strike or Btrikers
They further notified the min- rs to go
to work or get out of the houses owned
by tha operators.
By some it is belisved that this will
bring on trouble. Tin operators aro
determined and are prepared for w bat
may result.
Tho Little Vermont Town of Fair
Haven Surrenders Itself to Vis
iting Sons of Cymry.
ft'ffmi in thr gmnfia rVitaaa
FAIR HaTKN, Vt . May lO This
town is ablaaa with Cymric entbnit
asm. The pnrada of thi National
lodge of IhlTmiOrdOf oflvorites was
a gi't-ul inOOOM, ami the banquet ten
dered to tb visit ing brothers was an
elaborate iffalr, '1 lis public meeting
was also exceedingly successful. 1)
P, Thomas, of thiscitv, was conductor,
W. V. George, Ulion, presided
aMBMgthOM who took proinlnerit prt
Iri tbe meeting WM Henry i' Davlat,
Morgan H williaDM and John II.
PhilUuL all of tbiioity, and 1 Q Will
iams. New fork c'.'v.
Tbe following officeri wars electa 1
for next year i Preitdiat, H K. Morns,
Bangor, Me., rtoe-praitdint, w. n.
lluhes, I air Haven Vt .treasurer. It.
W. Lloyd, Plttahnrg, P , Moritary,
ID P, Tbomaa, Beranton, Pa. A pan
I noinensi laoroaaa in mombornblp daring
! lail yssr was lowa in the annual re
p. rl PI lladllpbia bas been selects-'.
; for the OSXl DT wling place. II -njaml n
1 Hughes aim 11 P DeViN were elected
tru.tees for the OOmio
tArH to a Fifth of (OW.OCO Left by
Her Ui.i.dfa h't
UARUntrrk, Wi., May 10 Miss
Mabel lisiikt, a y ting lady of this
citr has fallen, with fo ir otb.r
I relatives, to p r'
The eitat. OOOSOI fTOB a grandfather
In 1 lobridge, Hnaa, and the securities
i are on depiMit In a Csrubr. gO bank.
' Miss lianas is a typewriter
House O.cupi.d b Uansu Labjr.r. Sit
on Fir..
BLTRIA, t' io. May 10. -1 he bitt.r
fooling agaiaat the cheap latmr that
has l.--n Imp rte I r to the sto , quar
ries here culuunttrd hut night in an
It tam pi to cremate a gang of lab rOTI
A house ociupled bv eight Italians
w s s-l on fire ai d t'.' OOOO pan tl barely
atoapod with tnir hre.
F L A Ft 10 FitOM fM WIRES
I angerous roan'erfeil halves and quar
ter, are in circulation st ihnaha
Byontliag i ff the t igm of the Yale
college tsdl, student, silence, It f, r once.
Mii. Mllll htanleyetla Titos will bs ex
amlaad May lu for admission to the bar of
N-m V rk city.
Mr. Wi ban. i ill, ing, who livl at Scars,
dale, N Y, haaheon ibrlN sliol by her
aim in -law, who lia diiapje-areU.
.in i iu. Bthwibocber, aoa of a weaithr
dniiler of leorle. III, wa caught yealer
day in tbe act of rubbing a neighbor's
Wllllani R, Young, the ptonOM cotton
mannfaetnrer of the snutii, at i .dumb i-.,
tin., Bgi d i .
At Wilmington. Del,, llarrv Palmer, ex
cbief eumneer of the city eng neering de
partment, and agminate of I. .high uni
versity, aged BJ years.
BoraMo N. King, who discovered "Pro-
vmciai Bprlng" winie oonflood at Andar
sonrlltl prawn. He was kille-lat a rail
road crossing in Anders aiville, f. Y.
a -
An ofiirisi itatomont of fa
lion under thn axtonded Qraary law
placet the figure at lO.'i, JO.),
BoprmntatlTI Meyer, of Louisiana, has
Introduced a bill for a new p.t oftli-o at
New Orleaus at a limit of coat of totK),-
The department of agriculture proposes
ile-tH v ii it the Kngllsh sparrow by break
ing up nietl aud doatroyiog eggs aud
Biproaontatiri Bynnm, of Indiana, lus
introduced a bill, by reque.t, for poiiainus
at Ibe rale ol 1 sent per day for each day
of service.
All the Mill for tlie extermination of the
Bnnlan thlxtle that huvoboen pending in
the noiise committee ou agru nliure have
been reported adversely to the bouse.
tfnporitttoadont of ffoniga Mails Brooks
lies ordered that packages of live bees be
admitted ss samples to tho nialla here
after dtspatcbod from this country to
foreign lands.
Hepreseritative Ul ick, of (leorgia, intro
deced a resolution diiicting the house
committee on priming to ascertain what
reduction in the Ooverninent Printing ol
QOS can be made.
The corner stone of the new homo of tho
OorcoTM art gallery on tha corner of
Seventeenth street und New Y'ork avenue,
OppooltO the state, war and navy building,
whs laid yesterday afternoon.
Tha Post layi that the Natlonnll Pboto
Lithographer company (of which Mr.
Josiah Qalnqr is a friond) will lose the
Patent Oillcc U metto contract this yelr hs
the former contractors the Norris-Peters
Company, an the lowest bidders.
Representative Cuiniuiugs, of New
York, has introduced a bill to prevent
Iraudulint dealings in bogus jewelry. It
provides that the word "plated" ahull be
used with other marks and devices to
show the rial character of jewelry.
TUo case of Colonel Frederick J. Ains
wortb, chief of records anil pension divi
sion of the war department, indicted for
manslaughter ou account of the Ford's
theater disaster, will again oome up be
fore tbe criminal court tomorrow.
SBOBOrfOfj tho Menury of the Mother of the
Father o: His Country.
Fifty Thousand People Witness the
Ceremonies at Fredericskburg.
Grovcr Cleveland and Members of
His Cabinet Aro Proscnt and Take
Part in tho Exercises Spoeclies of
Tho Occasion.
FBIDgUCKbBCRU, Vs., May 10
N the presence of the ahief magis
trate of the country, surrounded
by his constitutional advisers, by
the justice of tbe supreme court,
by many senators and DMttbON of tbl
house of representatives, and by pa
triotic niO and women from many
states, and amid the booming of ran
non und patriotic cheers from 80,000
throats, tbl monument erected to the
memo'y of Mary, mother of George
Washington was dedic ited and unveil
ed today.
The littll town was gorgeouilyd ec
orated iu honor of the occasion, an 1
nature smiled her benediction 0DOII the
proceedings through an azure sky and
bright innabini
President Cleveland, accompanied by
Vice-President Stevenson. Secretary of
Mate Qroaban and other mtmjbon of
the cabinet, Chief Jnstice Fuller and
the associate justices of tba supreme
Court, ami fully one half of thi mem
bership of IblMnati and huuo arrived
early this morning.
ri dedication wss preceded by a
pro - ion of companies of military,
municipal so ieti-s and visiting civil
ian!, and which occupied nearly an
boor in passing a given pi int.
When the location of ths monument
lis ! teen reached. Governor F-rrall
delivered an addron of welcome to
Wbioh Preaideot Cleveland made a
brief response. In accordance witb
the request of ti e board of lady mana
gers the praaldont thsu assumed tbl
i hair and presided owr the aabeoQ,ttont
ST 00 dings.
An address in bhalf of thi dlOOOnfl'
aula of tbe Immortal QoOffgO was de
livet.d by l.iwrence Washington, ion
of Augnstir.e Waslnngtou, tbe favorite
ueptiew of tiie lint president, and who
inheriiel M tr t V.-ruou and sold It to
ti.e association which r ow owns it
thk murr mnrglUB
As the Am riesti tl if which had
vailed the monument wai drawn Baidl
discloslag the shaft to view, the Mar
ine bind from W isnmgt i i ren ter'd
tho "Star Spangled Banner" ami the
; et it. r i 1 for several m.nutss
1 be formal oration was d.hv-red by
United States senator Joba W Hn
lela, and waa una of the best elf rla of
that celebrated orator
At tbe conclusion of tbe format pro
i linn 'he lent, vice president
and other distingu sbd guests were
entertained at luncheon by the ladles
,.f Fredoriekiborg in the house in
. Mary Was.ilugtou lived unrmg
tao revolutionary war, and where she
died on Aug 88 1788
I he monument imveil-d t dsv is a
plain monolith of granite, fifty feat
high, and stands tip m a base eleven
feet square The base bears this sitnole
' Marv, the Mother of Washington '
It i. as MOO paid fur by contributions
from almost ev.rr state lu the union,
an I Itiodl at the head of her hitherto
negleoted grave, a quarter of a mile
beyond the city limits Tbe event of
the day Is the cuimiuation of fie effort
of Mis Margaret Helsol of Virginia,
aud Mrs. Amelia C. Waito, widow of
the late Chief Justu s of thel'mled
BtntM Then brought into existence
the Mary Washington Memorial Asio
ciatlou They received tb- co opera
lion of many patriotic northern and
Mothon women. It is five yean smia
the first subscription was received.
e .
Em.llSi's of Aatbracite Are Success
I ell V Us.d on Tug Boats.
Pun APt iriiiA, Pa , May 10. The
strike of the soft oool miners Is having
a temporarily disastrous effect on the
roMting trade of Philadelphia, In which
the coal shipments form a molt im
portant item. So great Is tha scarcity
of bituminous coal that the Greenwich
Point p ers of the Pennsylvania rail
road Which are exoluslvidy devoted to
this trade l ave had to suspend oper
ations entirely, what little coal there Is
a transit have DOOU Miked by the rail
road company for use in its loco
motives. The result of this embargo on soft
coal Is that one of the largest tloele of
idle vossel.s ev -r seen on the Helawaro
river now t! its at anchor, awaiting
the termination of the strike.
One effct of the strike hss been that
the rivsr tu,-s which ordinarly use lofl
coal, have taken to burning pa coal
and And it u very good substitute.
Datra fir tha On. lug Flxsd at Aug 11
to 18 Inclusive.
HaRBUBOBO, May 10. Orders will he
itsu-d froui National Qaard healiiuar
tsrs in a day or two for the division
encamp. Hunt at Gettysburg, the dates
being Aug. 11 to IS inclusive.
The season for rifll practice will bo
May 1 to Oct. 31 and all must qualify
ns mark.mun.
A Discussion nf ths Stiilie Situation at
PmtBCBO, Pa., Miy 10. A largely
attended and important mseting of the
railroad coal operators of the Pittsburg
district was held this mornimr uml
after a discussion of the strike situa
tion a ipeiial committee was appointed
to meet a like committee of the river
operator! for the mimosa nf trvintr to
effect an ngreetuen between them on
tho question of uniformity.
Tuw joint conference was held this
afternoon. At tomorrow's general
meeting of river and rail operators the
result of today's molting will be mado
known and both parties to the agree
ment of today will take action on what
prices and terms they will insist upon
at tha Cleveland convention to bs bald
May 18.
Harrlaburg Sluirvere Orestsd With Brass
Music and Red Fire.
HARRISBORQ, Pa., May 10 On the
return of the Harrlaburg club from
Pottsville tonight after winning eight
consecutive games, it was given a live
ly reception. President Meyers, with
a lallyho and four horses, hauled the
victors to their quarters, a band and
red lite being features of the demon
stration. President II K. Meyers talks tonight
about transferring the Harrisburg clnb
to the Bai tiro league, taking the place
of Wilkes-Parre whose franchise, it is
understood, has been tendered bim by
the Eastern loague officials.
Captain Watson Proposes to Teach
Offending Nlcaraguans at Blue
fields a Lesson.
Washington. I). C , M ay 10. Very
important news from Captain Watson,
of the United St-ite. Sim Frjn.
cisco, now lying off lilueflelds, Nicar
agua, has boen received at the navy de
partment in two dispatches brought to
New i 'rieuns by separate steamers yes
terday and sent theuoe by telegraph to
the department. Captain Watson
says that he has insisted that Arguello,
who was charged with kiliiug the
American, WillOO, shall be promptly
lb- also notified thi Nicaragnan
authorities that in bis opinion Amen
eau citizens sre not being adequately
protected, and ihsl therefore he pro
posse to give them the necessary pro
lection. Ho is aeting with that end lu
Claim Th.y W.r. Meitreet-d bv Offlc:
clals cf I hi Raln.y Woiki.
UxtOMTOWV, Pa , Mav M Kevi. Or
hack. Lamharliu aril Useubay cam to
town this morning In company with six
Slav., who claim they were lurprisoued
and maltriatcJ by Superintendent
Pradock at the Mover works of W. J
it iir.ey yesterday, and two informs- '
t:ons were eufred against Superintend- ,
si mi not i -lie cuargee pom sing
Mr-arms aud it, rests to kQI aud the
oth-r with assault aud battery.
Warrants were iisnel and an ufllcer
d ipatObed at uuon to msks tbe arrest
IS. ii I - - - - .
r o.iuwieg me criminal proieoutlou a
civil actioa far d images will be entered '
agaloat Bainey and Bradford for un-'
lawful detention Tba Slavs say they I
were release 1 from ttie mino last night
after outside friends had been Int.r.
Daughter cf O.c.ral Coxa? Returns to
Wife No 1
Massilhin. ()., May 10. "General"
' i-v has eapitulaled before Mrs.
1 Wy NO L The "goddess of peaei"
of the Mar ly p.,rsde returned home
eusnnouuesd yesterday to obviate the
abduetlon pNOOOdinga, newipepW re
ports Of which bad alarmed the com-maader-la-ehier,
Miss Mamie brought
a peace otfiring in the shar of gJ.
which ehe laid upou tbe lap nf giier
mother, who is far from Mtilflrd
lhe "goddess" MnpUinod bitterly
that the press compelled UertoJleaVe
Washington an 1 a good titn Miss
t-oxey said that her faiher is arranging
to go ou a lecture tour.
KEiivs rtttr is slow.
UtUl Pr. gr... 8U4C by the Flat Beats
the Pint Dar Oat
Dt NXEii.s. Iowa., May lii Commo
dore kellv s navy ou its first ;day out
from l'ee Moines encountered a choppy
sea and a heavy head wind, which ren
dered tbe prog mi of the list boat!
'1 his point is twenty miles by river
from l.j Moln.s, and not more than
P0 members of the army had reached
here at 10 o'clock laet uight, Tbe
other members re encamped at dif
ferent places for ten miles up the river.
Blnaular Accident D.rails an Express ard
Kills 111. Knglneer.
GUOAQO, III , Msy 10 A brake ebco
dropped from a ft-i .nt train, clogged
the switch at Hneklev last night and
threw olf tho New Orleans express this
The engine, mail ear, baggage car
and two OOaebn were derailed. The
engine was overturned and Kogineor
Samuel Fogarle was killed. The fire
man was serionsly injured.
A Ooiiflwrattou Sweeping on the Canal
Eront at Mldnlvlil
BtBACTJOT, N Y.. May 11. 12.110 a, m.
An immense fire is raging on the
canal front. Two lives are already lost.
The (ire was exttnguitued at 2 a. m.
Loss about $(10,000.
Befon a large crowd f American resi
dents nud Vill tori, the corner stone of the
new Methodist church and college was
laid at Kouie. liisliop Newman delivored
an oration.
"Tho greatest trade monopoly lhe world
has ever seen" is what tho London Daily
News calls the proposed combination of
tbl Standard Oil company and the Russian
oil companies.
For too free comments on police inter
ference with a gathering of unemployed,
five Social Democrat editors of Berlin were
sent to jail for terms of two to five mouths
and four others fined. '
Washington, May 10,-Forecast
for tritlay: For Eastern I'enn
lylWnM, fiicr-eirsiA! comffness
and showers, cooler in ws'.ern
portion, IOMM0M thiftiny to
southwest winds. For H'esfem I'ennsyU
eantO, showers in the early morning fol
lowed by clearing, cooler, westerly winds.
The Great Popularity of Cur
Ladies' Shirt Waists
Proven" thai they are correct la
Stylt; and Quality. They com.
prist- Plain and Fancy Silks, Lin
eud, Cheviot, Lawns, Percales, etc.
Aro of the t?st, in Style ami
Workmatahlp, and include "Tha
Kiu' Waist," in Fauntleroy,
Plain White, Uin-liauis, Peruale,
The "Mother's Friend"
VVaisI uml our Special Blouse
W'ui.-t at bOc, the greatest for the
510 and DM Lackawanna Ayc
Maltese Cross
And Oak tantiisl Leather Bolting,
H. A Kingsbury
a aura
313 Spruce St., Scrantorj, Pi
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
In Russet Slioes.
114 Wyoming Avo.
We Examine Eyes
Free of charge. If a doctor
is needed you are promptly
told so. We also guarantee)
a perfect lit .
All SILVERWARE and Damaged Good
at Arcade Fire will be aold at
50 Per Cent Below Coat
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
avi nor
I. J. ram