The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 10, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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These are the prices that ex
pand the purchasing power
of the American dollar.
Printed China Silks
One of the most important
assortments shown this year
is now on our counters at 50c.
the yard, and is especially
conspicuous for its exceptional
value. Regular price, 73e.
At 25c. Per Yard
21-inch Plain China Silks,
imported to sell for 37c. Such
values as these cannot be
found in any other store.
Black Nan's Veiling
Favorites because so cool, so
light qualities much Improved
over last year and juices
heavily decreased; 10 percent
better in quality and 2S per
cent, lower in price.
40-inch, 50 cents.
Last season's price, 650.
36-inch, 45 cents.
Last season's price, 5Sc.
Ladies' House Gowns
Prettily made of Indigo Pine
Chintses, with lull front and
back, raffle and fashionable
Bleeves. Price 7Uc. each.
It is to your interest to
Buy Now. The goods we
have are beautiful and the
Prices are Away Down -Lower
than Down. Come
and see us.
A Btcorl rf Impirtant Ev.nta Eptto
nls.d for ft'ilck Kifl'm.
Signal to the wanton Tribune.
Archbai.ii, Pa.. May 0 A rgair
miftiuf of the borotub omncil wss
htld last vsninij All th nimhr
wr prrssnt. I.illt of th Cracnt
Electric cotnpsnv tor.HO n I fl7 58;
ArchtM Watr oompaay, 175: B. t
Bias. (6. Msrtin CawUjr, (171 50, and
Thomas 1'adilHn. f'i. wre onlrd pail
Th strt cniunnsaiotisr' tim. amoutit-iDBtofl-7
!-' was hIio approve I
Dr. Via i1 ri ' board of halth,
presumed su ordinance pvrtiunini; to
toe htalth of th borough It was ap
provd hi)1' nrdrd published lo t:i
BOfcurroii Tiuuaa
Peter Kstrutli, I'strick Lvnn, Alx
endr Ale iri nel 1 and Louis Swart z
tranbsr asked to tiavtt the roitd In (ronl
of thetr premiss plscsd in good order
Thir coniphint W'li r'"rrd to the
rod committee. James II. WhiU ..
jtcted to th maimer In which th
Traction company was placing thu road
In front of hit premises. This wm alio
Mr. Thompson, of th ( arbondal
Traction company, prssstiUd rsolu
tioo asking for an extsniiou of sixty
dayi within which the company mitflit
complete Hi track. 1 1. rMolanon
was lost by a ti vote, Call ry, lilakaaod
Jonea bavinc votod for and I'adden,
Swift ami Jonti against th resolution.
Agreesbl to Mr. Jon' motion fii'in
waa appropriated for th purpoi of
repairing th roada on th Ridge. The
bond of John J. Ftrrell.higb constable,
with William F I'.renuan and John
Fltuimmoni aa swstiss, was approved.
Tb preildeat waa directed to call a
pacial meeting of the council should
th relations of the borough with the
Traotion company warrant it.
Th Father Mathew aociwty line be
come affiliated with the Soranton Dlo
eesan Union. At a meeting hld laat
Hunday. Presidsut Antliony Daffy and
John P. Karny were chosn delegate!
to tb convention at Wilko Harr next
Dyspepala and Indltsstlon
In their worit forms are cared by the
nee of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and
ran down, or If you need a tonic to regain
flesh aud loit appetite, ntreugih ami Vigor,
take P. P. P., and you will Oh atrong ami
healthy, for shattered OOUtittltiotia and
loat manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ann, Poke
Knot and Potassium) la th king of a'l
medicines. P. P. P. ia the greatest blood
purifier in the World. For aale by all
Opantnr of the Hiw Baptist Church.
Other New of InUraat
Pptcial to th scranton Tribune.
DtJRYEA, Pa., May 9. Tb heavy
rain and wiud storm that paiied here
Sunday afternoon did quite an amount
of damage by breaking window glasa
and overturning trea.
The members of th Baptist church
bald their Srat services in their new
church Sunday morning. Tbe untiring
Workri who have erected this hand
some ediBt should be congratulated
with their new enterprise.
Dill's hall has been decidedly im
proved by being papered and carpeted.
Sptolmen Cases.
S. H. Clifford, New CasseL Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
bis stomach waa disordered, his liver was
affocted to an alnrmiug degree, appetite
fell away, and he was terribly reduced iu
llesb and strength. Three bottles of Lino
trie Bitters cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harriabnrg, 111., bad
a running aore ou bis leg nf eight years'
standing. Used three bottles of Klectric
Hitters and seven boxes of Bncklen'a
Arnica Salve aud his leg is sound aud
well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had
live large fever sores ou his leg, doctors
said he was incurable. One bottle Electric
Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica
Salve cored him entirely. Hold by Mat
thews Bros.
Braeav Springtime Waif '4 from Monroe's
Day Capital.
fperial to the Scranton Tribune,
Stroudshuko, Ph., May 9 Th an
nual meoting of the stockholders of
the normal school for the election of
four trustees was held at the sohool
Monday afternoon. Two tickets were
in the field, the old trustees being re
elected with tbe exception of Morton
Decker, who dtclined the office. Tb
following gentlemen wore re-elected
for three yearn: Milton Yetter, J. A.
Gardner and F. W. Eileuberger, F. J.
Klstltr being elected in place of Mr.
Decker. Tne following trustees: Mil
ton Yetter, J. A. Gardner, Seely
UosenkruuH. Philip Rutter, Hon. J. B.
Storm, T. Y. Hoffman. J. W. Eilen
bergf, Goorge 3. Stauffer, L. H. Bur
nett, J. K. Fiinner, J. I Miller, Port
land; Alex. W. Dixon. Scranton; Will
iam B. Holmes, Honsdal; Dr. W. G.
Weaver, Wilkes-Barre; H. S Rinker,
Manch Chunk; John J. McGealiin,
Haaieton . A. E. LiiBar, Eastou, and F.
J. Klstltr,
Mis Emily Heilman, of Rending, is
visiting in town.
Mr. aud Mrs. Jacob Hunter, who
were visiting at Taniiereville, havo re
turned. Howard BU left tod.iy for a trip to
Piiiludelpliiii ou a wheel. IU will De
accompanied by George Makin aud
Louis Walton as fur as Enston.
A number of extra call boxns has
been added to the Strotldsburg post
office, making a total call of lock boxos
of 549.
During rt small gal Monday the
lightning rod wa-i broken from the
steeple of th Mettiodiat Episcopal
hurcb, Stroudsburg. Tne sharu ends
punctuted boles iu tbe roof aud ro
uuined there until taken down.
Some very fine music waH rendered
at th) Epworth Loairae meeting last
night by Professor R"Sutiurg, A E
Nortbnp and Miss 1(1. inch Blgtftu.
An uldrest by Ruv L B. Huffman ulso
addd much interest to the meeting.
Just as Sheriff Kresgu was taking th
supper into the prisoners iu the j ul
an attatupt to escape was made by
Daniel Van Buskirk who is incarcera
ted for attempting to shoot his wife
and larny. The sheriff allowed .1.
Uuskirk to have i-xecise iu tbe corrid r
and th prisoner tri 1 the same dodgl
of Purycar. The sherilf was to qaick
for him however ami ho so 111 huatled
him into the cell D.irring the slrug
gie th supper diahaa were broken.
A. D Steward, of Alluntowu, spent
Sunday with the family of J. li.
Father Walsh, ofSoraol 'n. H visit
ing parishouers in B,st Stroudsburg.
Julius Young and I. G. nur lick are
visiting J. W. SoOOg, they are from
Clifford l'a.
Jouathau Schwartz, of Allentown,
is visiting his daiU'ht-r, Mrs A.J
Marsh, ou Academy Hill
Dr. T C Walter and Bobtrl Elliot
left for a couple of days visit to the
Mrs. A. C. Voir, of Brooklyn, is
spending a few d vs with her father.
Elwjrd lialtz. S,e Is accompanied I y
her little son.
A social meeting of the M-triiu
Lather league wnl be held iu tne real
dene of Ed Wahera, at But Mrouls
larg. on Friday svuuin.-
J E Lrafitt, pro netor of Barton
villa Hotel, aud bis brother, Henry,
caught a tiu lot gf trotlt Tne tiah
rangd in langtb from 7 to 9 InobM.
William 11 u laobnsao, CbarlM Hor
hora and 1. W. WtnoUtDM are rOgta
tered at the odiaa l' lean Hotel. Ile v
ar en FOQl M Bolota wiier- they bav
extensive clay works. Thoy repoit
shipueuts brisk an I ext' -ct to st.rl
With full force 111 a few weeks
At th tueetiag of th gun club hld
in th store of Mayor Kiatler it was de
c.Jed to hold a sh otiug tournament on
i t.ursdsy, May 17 A prizn of a II 10
;uu will be glfM to tii one making
tb btfbtai sc r Th entriea will
cost (8.60 each and twenty-tire shots
will lie allowed each Ilitu.
A graphic au l bighly loUroatlBg a -
count of miesio iarv i.f in Sitivrna w 11
given by Rjv E (.'lark Hiosiniuu, too
of Rv. Dr. UiUhmau, pastor of th
Reformed church of this place Th
younger pastor, who Is in charge of a
Reformed church at Trapp. IV. M
cnpie I Ins father's pulpit last night.the
older minister preach-! in IfMoh
Ci.mik yestrlay. lv E Clark
Hibahman, who bas Iravele.l sxten
sively in the east, gave a iboti address
instead of a regular aeitn m last night.
Th tram attached to Drake B Mc
Fall' grocery wagon becams (right
end this morning while standing at
East Stron labarg freight dtpot Tiny
ran until near th Washington h I
Strondsbnrg, wlier they were caught
due of the wheels csiae off th wagon,
spilling th sugar with which it ws
loaded Th runaway Oatttod in tic n
M L III. ami, alderman. Fifth wai.l,
Scranton, l'a.. stated Nov. W, so: lb-had
ued Ir. Thomas' I'.clectnc 1 hi for prain,
hum-, cats, bruises ami rheumnti-m.
Cured every tune,
All the News of a Uv Carafully C m
piled. Sjrinl In th firrantttn Trhnn.
Forest CttT, Pa ,My 9. List nicht
burglars made 1111 entrance lolo tbe
Erie station at this plsc Tne dOOf t
tb gentleman's waiting room was
opened f 1 rut. From this rOOtD tbey en
tered thu freight house by prying open
the door to that room. A thorough
search wai made in this room for prop
erty that tbey wished to appropriate to
themselves. Luckily bnt little freight
of use wss in the room, anl 110:1. w u
taken. ThOJf made their exit bylh
side door of tbe freight house.
Mrs. ,(. J. Elweod, of Walton, N V ,
spent tbe latter part of lalt wei-k wit.i
her sist'-r, Mrs M Wood 111 ins-ie.
John S. Courtrlgbt and C. (J Van
Wormer, of Montrose, wore in town ou
business today.
M. D Evans ipent a short Unit List
evening in Carbondslo.
Land agent for the Hilled 1 com
pany, H. J. UoOortnlo, of Scranton,
was looking after the duties of his of
fice in this place today,
John Maty took a ride to BOrMtOH
on bis bicycle today mid returned bv
tbe train. He is getting to be au x
pert rider.
Tbe Interest in tho revival meetings
being held at the Methodist Episcopal
church by Mrs. Grace Weisur Davis, of
Jsrsey City, iucr aases each eveuiug. A
large number have turned from their
old way aud aro trying to lead a bettor
lit. Mrs. Davis gave a vary impres
sing talk to a large audience last even
ing. Mrs, Davis is a splendid alto
singer aad gives some very choice
songs from a song book, of whioh eh
bas composed the greater part. Tbe
subject tomorrow evening (Thursday)
by Mrs. Dsvis will be "A Three Story
House with One Window."
Rev. nnd Mrs. U. P. Lappeus ware
visiting iu Soranton today.
John R Buddhns plant -d some trees
in front of his bloek on Main street
Fred J. Osgood, Eq. is on a buBinoss
trip to Windsor, S, Y.
"Jephtba and His Daughter" at tho
opera bouse, May 110,
Myron Wooc'mnnseo returned last
evening from a fishing excursion which
he hud yesterday with forty -five choict
Happenings of the Hour In the Pioneer
City Carefully Reported.
fecial to the Scranton 2'rihaae.
CAlthONDALE, Pa., May 9. The
funeral of Mrs, Bryc R. Blair occurred
this afternoon nt 3 o'clock from th
residence on Sixth avenue. Services
were conducted by Rev. William Ed
gar of tbe Methodist church. His text
was: "In My Father's Hones are Many
Mansions; if it Wero Not so. I Would
Have Told You. I Go to Prepare a
Place for You." John 1-1-2. The pall
bearers were five sons of the deceased,
William, Robert, Frank, Charles and
Ralph, and a nephew, Howard Barton,
of llszloton. Interment was made iu
Maplewood cemetery.
The following young people from
this city attended a social iu Moosio
this evening: Misses Kate Mang,
Lizzie Wylie, Fannie Movies, Messrs.
Klnjer Brokeushire, Harry Steels,
Frank Berry and George James.
Charles A. Ks'e will attend tbe
grand encampment of Odd Fellows at
Altoona next week as a delegate of
Lackawanna enc imptuctit No 10
Jacob ( ippenhuimer will represent Olive
Leaf lodge.
At last evening's tnSAtiug ot the
councils tbe following bills against tbe
city were acted upon and ordered paid:
Colling ifc K'nuady, work on city
bnlUlog, 135 00; G H Fryon, work
On city building on estimate 0' archi
tect Lncy, $600; Collins & Eannsxtf
balance du on constructi u at Colum
bia bar'. Mttmate of City Engineer
Frier, $84 00.
Irvine Divisis on a business trip to
New York city.
Atwood Brothers, of Bridgeport,
Conn., will build A factory 111 Ibis city
which will give empl n nieiit to over
900, if a suitable sit will be furnished
them by the citiz ns.
Mra. Willar.l CbatC has returns 1
home after a 111 mtus' visit with rela
tives iu Pittsburg
Mrs F (i is viiting Hones
dale friends.
Th Albatnhra Bate Hill club will
contest in a gam of ball with the
Browns, of Qlypbant Tbe gam will
ho played on the Simpson gioiluds Fit
day alt. roo Ml, May 1
Mrs W. Fisher left for net bone in
Tt x is last ev -nitig at u r a live mouths'
visit in this city as tint guest of Mr
an I Mrs William Opt, of 1 hirkett
' ' a !
A Cast In th Minora Crurt Hons.
Kousl-.s lit taTS In a r wsidlf Pcrap
.' Jirriu to Iht Srr.lnen 7VWHae.
Mtiio Xa, May 1 ii una D II is-
cball and It lijiiiiin F Knapp WCOl la
Andertonvllle on busiueas Tnei lay aud
returned ytrday.
lb pnseeot inperrieori sr stow
nb nt gilt Dg 'loan to btulnts At
tbe rate tbey sr.- going now it does not
look as if much wotg w.'l b" d n on
tbe roads this summer, 1 tie rOS I near
th lonmtt of (iresnw-Hll hill heeds
the r attoiltion rignt awar, OT else the
taxpsyers will la- cslle 1 11; 0:1 t atl.e
datuage suits arising frui damaged
ve .teles
1 '. KaHonel colliery of William
Conusll iV Co. start' d up on full tun
Sqolre I II iru's c.iorl was th scn
of a domestic drama yesterday, in
which Lilly Usbedf, of N'rd:ism's
Patch, was the b-avy villain.
same home the other night full of Bib
le grog, and aft.-r polling off bis cost
ud rolling np bis shirt levi. h t
gH t throw the cups, saucers and
plates on the Hipper tail at his wife
Su escaped from hi wrath and Upt
in a n-iglibor's house tbat night. The
fo.low.'ig dv ah awore out wairant
before Jnetl w O'Hara aga ael hr bet
tr half. Billy a. ; a I tl the hearing
an I protected a rr IW (or h a mil 1 -. !a
ii was directed t psv th costs and
farni-a tWOball t" keen th pere
Jobo Welsb, of Qllmore avenne
1 ig 1 a bore yeeterday from Tiinuu
Br .'hen In Taylor.
A dance was run on Tuesdsy night
at Pambold'e ball by eome of th nog
people of i re.-n W !. Ateitlt I) o'clock
a gang of vagaboti la, w.10 bad peat
th eve .iog in au in lusttl uh ff .rt 1 1
se how ilrti .k they aoold get. I.egan
lO fight In front of the hall The vn
Uro crowd eras male np of cowards
aud not on of theiu got hurt. II t
water danbed over thm w u'.d not b
a bad ld a.
Tb M--S-. Impertnal News rf Oa Day
Onrarallr R-p "tat
f)frKiln a ,'-nn..n rubuas.
HoltnOALI Ma. '.1 Mrs im. Snn
Sera, sr., nf Troyvlile, died at her
home Tnoodav nlgbt aged It yesrs. 5
months au t -7 daya Mrs Stuudera
bis lived 111 the vicinity of Boneodalo
fortbepiat thirty yars She is sur
vived by a bneban I an I I WO ebll Iran.
BajBBel Banndera, jr.( and Bre, Char
lotte Martin. n (on-ial will be bald
from her nOBM Krt lav nt :' p in
II Two TKcmg events will bebeldby
Wayne Comity Agricultural aoriety 011
May 'M. one trotting and pici .g, free
for all, and trotting, ' .VI ci. I'urse,
1 Ml A stake race lor county burses
will be held. Entree, jo
e '
Criticising Y ui ir Ladv.
"Bbe would Is- a pn-lty girl for tmt ono
"What's Ibatr asked Ohnrtty,
QOOrgl BOT faC" Is always covered with
purple and red t-lotch-a.
Charley Oh. that's easily enough dis.
posed of. I'- . 1 tob' the utne way tny
elf, but I caught on to the trouble one
day, and got rid Of It In DO tun.
(tVorge What was it r
( barley BlUtptl M iod ernp I ibj. Took
a abort eon me of P. P. P. I tell ron, It's
the Ikiss Mood corrector The .iv rnor
1 ad rhenniatian hj bad tbat yon roobl
boar hint boiler clear across the country
every time be moved. He t:i".l It, ami
you know what an athletio old trout be i
now. If somebody would give Mm Daisy
n pointer, sb" would thank them aft"r
Wards, All tlie drug stores sell iu
JCRMYN b r' 1 1 n ; t ii i.
Farsonsl and Other Paiaa-rapha if Local
verm fa las snyaafea Tun in
JgBltTMi Pa, May 0, Miss Anna
liritlls, of Montrose, ll u welcome !
Iter here.
The funeral of a child of Lewis
Adams look place yesterday afternoon.
It is reported that Liverymin Tiff
any intends to h 01 bis stable and em
bark iu business elsewhere,
Tho O. Mains & Co 's circus will
pitch their touts on the vacant lots
near the Ontario and Western station
tomorrow. Tney arj well spoken of
by those who hava seen them and no
d mlit the small boy will sive his paf
dayehaiigs und inspeot this, tbu first
circus which honored Jerniyn with 11
John Bray, of Huzleton, is thigmst
of ids brother, Thomas Bray.
G. H. Snyder has opened an ice
cream parlor near Gaorga Walter's
meat market and will keup Barner's
cream on hand at all times.
The D.'lawnre and Hudson miners
received their Anril pay yesterday.
Charles Hayes, of Philadelphia;
Frank Ames, of Bingbarutou, and C.
cilled on
Jerniyn trade yesterday.
ADO reotulur meeting ot tuisnurooK
lodge, 81)0, Independent Order of Odd
Feljowv, will be held thia yaniug. Tbe
first degree work will be exemplified.
lie v. Stephen Jay. or ousiiuoiikuub,
who hud been visiting friends her for
a few daya, returned home yesterday.
Th.. u.. nn..llnn aa.mia to haVO
recelced a black eye. as nothing more
is ueara or the matter. Are w 10 uave
sewers or are we not?
Qeueral News of Interest from Our
Suburb on the H11L
Fperial loUs gsnmiON T'ldun.
Dunmohis, Pa. May 9 The question
of supplying the "borough with au
efficient eleotru fir alarm system is
now reoeiviug tho council's fullest
consideration, and the indications are
that at an early date the town will be
furnished with an alarm system that
will b second to none. At Monday
evening's meeting the agent of the
Gamewell alarm bud his apparatus on
exhibition and deiaonstrated to all
present the excellency of their tele
graph system. The members of coun
cil were very favorably impressed with
th workings of the svslom. Chief
Burschel was also present and declares
himself in favor of the Gamewell sys
tem. Thn matter has beeu referred to
the, fir committee.
The Young Lsdies' Missionary Sici
ty will meet tomorrow (Ihursday)
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Boyd on
Monroe avenue.
Mies If ame Leonard has bsen quite
111 for h -v. -ml days.
Mr. and Mrs. James Crosby and son
Harry, of Puila lelphia, visit 1 rla
lives here this week
Fresh milk, "1 cents per quart; 21
quart! for $1, at Palmer's
Mr Suiiui is nuking marked im
provements around the Banner House
Architect Duckworth has been en
gaged by th school board to examine
Bo. 4 school building an 1 whit
plans can be made to eulnrg to th
nest advantage.
D ie your house 'need new gutters'
I' I 1, try Wardell's galvatiizs l steel
Ltittr H foot lengths Gomel Fifth
and Butler atr-ets. "
Tbe young isits ot Dnomora will
hold a social in ( 1 Id Fellows' ballon
f arsday evening, May IT TbeLojral
Legion will ho 1 an entertainment at
the tame place on Friday evening.
May 18
The Neptune II s company will
hold a puoiic resepti 11 o 1 Miv .'l. li
ritatlOO car-It will b issued in a fw
Mr S i Kerf will deliver temper
inc lectures at Tetnpirnce hall on
Friday areolnf, My 18. Admission
10 cnts.
1 be Y mug Men's I utittrs c mtsin -plate
boldlng grsti 1 s 1 tlal on My -J
at the 1 1 Id Fellows nail.
Mia Jac ib 1 ' Ifial bas r turned from
Tnnkbannocl where an ha beeu vis
Ittng rel itlooa
Mra ,1 T, r'eir and dttihlar ar
visiting Ptttel n relation.
The fu i-ril of In niiss ltsrr-tt. of
Bunker Hill, occurred from St. tUry'a
etiureb yrsler lay forenoon, wner a
a damn bun lna of requKU waa gala
Prated, a term 0 1 was maJ in Ml
1 ' r inl cemetery
A tu'.,cg of th D insn re biard of
health was bold at tbe bor ingb build
ing on To s lay evening. All th m-m
lert -r ) reent, v:r John P J
P F llilan I. Patrt s B -nil n, 11. V
-'Veeneyanl li J t liamlierilt; . M
11 11 w Bweaney wu aleoled praai
deal aad It Cbamberlalo wae eleetad
secretary nil hiallh oflbel Th
tui-uit'rs an I ofticers were then sworn
in, and after tbe eOSOtiM of ipmS fur
ther buainest adjourn I to most 011 th
following l ues lay evening
NAllSTfaO irtMi.
Lttl Locals Oeaeerataej tbs lahab tant
1 1 I.lvali Town. fu ta .Vr.iafea rn'-ua
BAI l-ii tD, Pa . May I -Mrs. S B
Ci. se mi n. a on Monday
Reg rdef Wrifhl of Montrose, nai
in town ' a M J Isv
The Y 'ting Peopl' Society of Chris
Una Eidoufof of the Preebrteriai
c'liitc i w..i I. .. a cap a. clsi at the
borne ' i Bertha OllUiple m Oraal Bend
aa '1 nun lay eyealng The C ihlla
Chrletiao Badeav rs aietr le espaated
tob jr.aent. Ail ar orllaliy ir.-
W. Mc Col lob, of Scranton, will fly
leeaoni in penmansblplo tins pio b--
ginniug Monday evenlug at It. school
A I an I of gynei I pist. 1 tlirongli
tbtapl aa yaaterday on inati way t
ward Blagbamtoo.
Cottage tureiibg on Friday even
ing at th home of John Fisher, 111
th West Bad, t : 18 p m
Gopsl tue-iing 00 Sunday at 11 :i 1 p.
in. will be addressed by Meaara NVil
llami aa 1 Boora
Bay, Mr Dayiewlll praagh hifirat
sermon asp,t,.r of ti iipttstcbLtch.
In that church next Minday.
Ballatead Teaohara1 meeting will bo
held at tbe home of Mra. J. H Yan
Loan, on Church atrst, Friday ven-
WbeU Dal - as alck, n-e cae h.-r rr.stnrta,
When she uaaal Inld, slu-crlisl f. r I'astorla,
ft'ln-ii U I- - a in- Mm, sh ebai to i a torla,
When ISM hud lhi;.lrwi,elu gamtbssa CasUa-la,
Atlantic ReHning Co.
ati ii.ifai-tureis nuu Deaiors la
Illuminating and Lubricating
1 Inseed OH, Naptnai nmi (iivn-
littrs of all i:r.'iles. Axlo Greasn,
Pinion Qraaee ami Colliery t'ont
pOnnd ; also, a lurjio lino M l'ar
riiilitie Wax Candles.
We sls.i hiuulle the Famous CROWt
ACME OIL, the only family safety
turning oil in tho market.
Ofllre: Coal Ejclmnirn, Wyouilur Ave.
v arks at Pine Uruoit.
Eureka Laundry Co.
Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave.
All kindj of Laundry work guarantee
tne best,
P. O'Mallev nf Serar.tor.
All Run Down
Always Tired, Sleepless and
Without Appetite
Blood Vitalized and Strength Re
newed by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" For a eouple ol years, 1 was subject to feel
ltii(S anything- but K"d- I always felt tired, I
NUld not sleep at Bight and thu little 1 could
cat did not seem to bene lit me any.
I Did Not Have Any Ambition
to go around or work am! In fact was not ablo to
do a good day's wnrk. 1 happened to pick up a
Circular embracing adiertlselneuLl and testi
monials fur Hood'l Sarsap.-inll i, and alter read-
Hood's5?. Cures
log tfttm decided to give Howl's Sarsaparlll.i a
trial. I have taken live bottle and must say
tint i have derived eraaderfiUbeaetthmnltaad
Fool Liko a Now Wan.
l would reoooaaead it to ait luJeren ami would
urie them not to beettate but to decide at ooee
lotake Hood's Ssrsaparilla." PaCLM. WrhKH.
til-' S. itli lenthstrei t. !;, nt 1 1 k, Pennsylvania
Hood's Pills a.--pi apt aud efficient, yet
easy inaction Sold by all druggists, aic.
A Victim of Over-Sensitive-;
TltiaC Tfiinn f Va P. r. i ! TTsrs I
3een Majority.
Tbsvs were s'.ttluc at cable In one of Reran
ten n t popular r-staiiraiita the other 'lay,
S f Snail r .1 ii.-r, Willie tlln .Uer
ol Ihe Iwn remark. 1
' ty the vay, e hafa Ui-i.tne of yonnK
sre'iiel ay ni.tre.
il-.i-d we-k or tn
-mt'tit. ra.
11- a tbe lsat mar I
' 'Imif. How illil It
with an aecMoatr '
It s m-r-'ly tne oh!
orvtton OVT anln. Aa
teisuallr aenaitlre,rnl
ild ha
atory of
VOU klei
S-l-t WlTl.i
r oanie eak, kept hi. satcrhsge t"
! Sis familr at.. I ahonld
I nf ha tnlaf irtaae. Kieally. h wss
ly tsrogea u; met t.-.k loatobed
Ire, tl - fami I I - lor, eaa exiled in
oa pfne a -1 th- raa horrsd,
' :.-a-i. ttit - alt Ussre! to It.
a hsme Tbel v nnn miti'i life
ise lp , T . .-ii si the eleventh
!l S
an 1 at
Dr. E). Grower
Thj Eminent Fhilidslpliii Specialist,
('."liir.-tT a-uarantes o etir. all f .rma of
NeKVuru s ii a - it i i uiaeAaav
at ite it.-a ;,. ..nlv .1 .... t ,. .-tin-, tait all
i' LUKE, aO l'. I'r (Irewer la
Igra'-.utr- f Ifc I'niv -raity ol lniiaylvini
I ' " t. siorarf nam haw .,f the stadteo Oalrai
I glcl A -.ati MS, an 1 si f..r manr eara
metalwr ..f tb (araltv o tb MkUoo-i r.
ti,. fii.t raa i,.t saui.i gtv i-uufideiie to
el ery atf.'f e-
nav Hour, n t t u i'. m. Daltj
Son. la,. II a m. l t f nr..
IT'.naaltati. n tad ejioinatl(B free and
tiirtl) i. mat..
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
This tiaoll niters In drK, alter rvary
farltlls ti s tin tr salatSSSS, l.iial-
nras ami ra-a. k... a 1 1. 1 1 1 1 s .
Iplal an. ..ii.. u tir t. analaeeeaoa
roulit lull-leal 1 aid on I Inn- il. iioslta
(CILLIAMI i'vm 1 1. Prldat
t.t.n II I VI I IN, I,.- I ,. .l,lrnt-
M il l UM II ttU u. t ..hler
Mill I MiKs
Wllllasa Caaaati, i m n ratlin.
aifn-ii iiaii.i Java Archibald, Hary
Delia, Jr. Mlliiam T. biullh. Lutlior
National Bank of Scranton,
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $25,000,
FAMl'F.I, IHNF.S.irri-sMent.
w.vf. Watson. Vice l'rusuisat.
A. ii. WILLIAMS. Cashier.
RAMrai. Hines, jamks M' F.vrnnART,
liiviNo a. FiNon. I'iKitcsB, Pintar,
cuas, r. atAnaivrs, John t. roiiisu.
W. W. Waibox
This bank Invites tho patronage of tmainosa
men und Uruu guucruliy.
EverythingpoR Everybody
The Fair
400402 Lacka. Ave.
Sole Agents in
Our New Millinery
Dept. Now Open.
Hand-woven Carpets and Rugs
30x60 inches, $1.75.
Smyrna Rugs All Sizes
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
With an Eye
To secure more patronage, in addition to
our already extensive trade, we have de
cided to inaugurate the following Gift
Distribution to all purchasers of
dj J C Worth of Goods I A m o p. iner Set
V J or over.
T srtj Worth of Goods A gift of an Elegant American
P J or over. Onyx Finish Clock,
with EVERT
Parlor Suit
This advertisement must be presented
in order to secure the above gifts. This
GIFT DISTRIBUTION hold good for cash or credit
sales. Goods delivered free evervwhere.
Scranton for the
50 Cents
75 Cents
9x12 feet, $15.00.
Coat Hook3
Towel Racks
Card Tables
Brass Tables
Music Racks
Umbrella Stands
Rogers' Groups
Curtain Poles
Picture Books
Brass Tack3
Stair Buttons
Bead Portieres
Bamboo Curtain3
Step Chain
Blacking Boxes
'A lino fruit subject In JAntirjue
t a U and Ciold Frame.
! A Pastel iu Ivory and Gold, Em
1 pire Ftame; something new.
. A heavy pair of Chenille Portieres
iu all colors.