THE SCBaNToN TRIBUNE THURSDAY MOHNBTO. MAY 10, 1894. WOOL TURNED WHITE. AWFUL EXPERIENCE OF A NEGRO BESET BY ALLIGATORS. Oe Spent the Greater I'urt of Twenty four Houm no a Stump in it Deep Swamp Be Held a Pig on Ilia Hack and Wa Snrroumled by Hungry Ssurlans. On the edge of a little take about tefi or twelve mile northwest f Tallahaaaee, there lives an old negro whom 1 lee and with whom I talk every time I go hunting In that direction. At least I have always Kupnosed he wai aged, for though his wife Is a buxom young woman, he is while haired, though hale and hearty in appear ance. The lost time I was out there I learned that he was quite young, only about forty in fact, and that hi.-, snowy locks had a history. After urging 1 pre vailed on him to tell me the story. It seems that during the war this negro, Ben Aiken, had run off, anil while hiding out In the woods subsisted as best he could on wild fruits, some game, young com, and an occasional chicken if he wassofortunate as to find ono far enough away from a plants) ion. One day he happened to slip up on a half grown pig and, getting close enough, knocked it over, ami at once stuck it with his knife anil started oil with It to his im provised hut. While picking hia way through Ml awamp ami g"ing from one little mound to another, stepping on logs and stumps and ryprex Itneee, he noticed that one log he w:vs just in I he act of step ping on was uot a log at all, but quite a vicious looking alligator. He had lived longeoougb among 'gators to feel DO particular uneasiness over this one, though he also knew that they are mean to have around, Ben itepped baok to the mound ho wai on (which wai only about ten or twelve feet square) and eon eluded to wait till the sluggish creature moved on. Hut the 'gator .ifter awhile aroused itself, and in company with four jr live otinTs started toward Ben, The negro concluded to Deal a retreat, when he found that his little island was entirely surrounded by alligators, atid he then ri'r.lizcd that they had been attracted by the shuat he was carrying, which hail left a trail of blond behind him. AI.LIGATDIIS ON KVKRT SIIK. The darkj itus DOW thoroughly fright eued. He saw the alligators crowding around his little island, he knew that at night they would come up after him; he had no weapon except a knife and a club, be knew there was DO chance of anyone hearing his cries, and it was now nearly itindown. A ball grown alligator came crawling up toward him and hi bfalna I u with a club, but it gavi him DOCOUohv tion, for he knew he could Dot keep that up through the night. There was one cypress knee or stun p n the mound Which rose atsiut five feet nr more, but he doubted his anility to git upon it smooth tup. and even if he g f there he didn't think he could keep his place there long. Il.idi s, it diuneful even then if he would be out of reach f their jaws, iieiiig the only chance, how ever, he tried it. and found that I attention and sitting in a very cramped position he could keep his place Upon the stump. Night came on and he Im-aiae sleupy. He dare not close his eyes. He did sverthing possibh-to keep binMMll awake ! captivity ltaelf would be a Wee i relief compansl with this, and lie cell dlong U ! loud for help hour aftr hour Hi knew :t was of no use. but he kept it up. At last the first gray streaks of dawn were lean, and presently ram- the l His little mound was covered with allige tors aud the swamp seemed alivi with them. He tried to frighten them away, so that he OOttld at least get down ami Itfeti h his limbs, but they crawled all around bixa, glaring up at turn, opening tix-ir bor rid mouths for the feast they knew was coming. The not raye of the sun were becoming unendurable, fur he bad kept up hi-call iug fur blip until his throat and mouth seemed psrrhed. BXXCtm A r,tnnf.l!!T, idiot. Hi kad all thia tint kept the pig in M arms, and now, in slightly altering his Ksition, it dropped to the ground. At once an enormous alligator from Mch side rushed toward it. It was the gang! of battle, and a gurgling threat from earn wan followed by the onset. Never did any one witness such a combat. The enormous teeth and powerful jiws era-hing on maileil side, hark ami head, the linal advantage gained hvmie in a grip under the dm k, and the fearful struggle of the other; the terrible strokes of lath with his long tail, and the resounding echoes through the swamp all, Joined with Ben's hoarse cry for help, mad" a dm and comuioi ion that, almost deafened Mr. Aiken and his men, who now appeared u(H,n the scene. A crowd that had been out coon hunting the night before had l-n frightened i,y Hen's erica, and reporting it ,ii the house Mr. Aiken concluded a must he his run away hand, and so took a crowd of nu n and started alter him and DOW BUM 0000 the scene. The bittle between the alliga tors was finished, and tho oooqUeror wai at once alio killed. The others were driven nway, and Ron was taken off his perch, a chattering, gib fettling Idiot. A week's rest rest' nil him to his normal condition, boWIVII, exoett hie kinky hair. That has always remained as white as t he w hitest bale of cotton on the plantation. Cor. ,St. Until Globe-Democrat. Part About tlie Heads of OrlnUaatt, The tjclief of some anthropologists is t lint tbe criniiiial sect ,ou of iniinkiiid is distin guislieil by certain definite physical char acteristics whieh are siiscnptible of study anil classification. (Jem-rally ipeajtittg, they assert, the haUtnaJ evildoer is under sized, his weight being dlipro portioned to hia height, with a tendency to lint footed ness. He is heavy In his movements, laek Iiik anatomical symmetry and beauty. I 'ar ticularly, his head is not symmetrical. Indeed, want of symmetry ns to the bead and face is mrptialngly prevalent in criini uals, as it Is also in the insane. It is so usual that a collection of portraits of thieves and murderers lias ail the effect of a series of caricatures. The suiir loaf shape of head Is the predominant tya and the loiiKth and breadth of the f .ice are hot li excessive Curiously enough, the average weiht of the murderer's cranium is great er than that of tho noncriminal type. -Washington Star. A Begfuentel Tijer Cab, In the hot season of ISGil two ollicers of the Fifth Lancers Captains Chaffy and Thack wellwhile on a shooting ixpedit on In the Toral encountered a line tigress with cuba. They killed the tigress, but not until she had severely lacerated Cap tain Thack well's arm -00 severely, indeed, as to render amputation necessary.the op eration, unhappily, resultliiK in the death of the unfortunate officer. The two cubs wero captured and taken to I.ucknnw, where they nsed to play nliont, the Fifth Lancers' mess. One, however, choked himself with a lump of raw meat which he bad purloined. The stirvivinK cub was presented by Captain Chaffy tothl Madras Fusiliers, who gave him the namo of "I'lassey," and constituted! him tho regi mental pet. I'lassey became very tame and was on most friendly terms with the men. He lived at tlie officers' mess, and when al lowed to be at large he amused himself by stalking a small donkey, which was wont to wander about, the mess compound. He was also Introduced to an antelope and a dog. With Whom he lived mijicabl whiiu tlic regiment remained In India, Vlassey accompanied the One Hundred and Second to England, being granted a free passage by the captains of her majesty's ships J umnaand Himelayd. Two young leopards unci his canine ally were his fellow pas sengers. Planey landed with the regiment at Dover, where suitable quarters were pro vided for him in the main fosse of the cita del, beneath the ollicers' mess. There I'lassey lived a happy life with Ids friend the dog, hll "personal attendant" being tlie adjutant's groom, who fed and looked after Dim, At meal time I'lassey always allowed the dog to have the first "go in," but when he I bought liis canine companion had taken a fair share lie would give him a gentle pat with his paw as a reminder. When I'll ey was nearly full grown and in the zenith of ids popularity with the Kusiliers an old lady resident of Dover wrote to the general Commanding the dis trict and stated that she had "seen I'lassey disembark," and that ever since she hull remained a prisoner in her house, fearing to go out lest I'lassey should have escaped and be roaming about the I own I So fre qUIDl "ere this old lady's letters and com plaints that at last the general felt com pelled to take notice of t hem, and so poor I'lassey was sent off to the zoological gar dens, accompanied in exile by his faithful dug. Loudon Art Journal. CATCHING TROUT BY HAND. An Old Trie Thai is Frequently Played on the Unsospeetlng Toarltt, One day a Will d raised man visited n pertain hamlet , carrying t he newest of fly rods. He intended to fish for trout. Could iny one give lum Information ni to thi Is'st place for his day'- sport As he nskcil for it at the bar of the small inn of t he bamlititbt Information wai soon forth coming, one of the customan there told kim be knew where there w is a big one, ind no mistake; he could show it to bim, and all he had to do a- to catch it. The bait took. After a generous "liquor up" and the tip of a shilling away tiny started, lie saw the Bib, ami for nearly the w hole of n day he thra-hed that water hard enough to frighten all the trout that over swam in It. Rut not even .1 Bah t he size of a sprat did lie oapt urc. At the inn. before his train started, as lie IMted for an hour, In- guide of the mom iug appeared and asked in in what sport he had had. "Not a single ll-h," replied he, adding, "I would suid half a sovereign in drinks if that trODI lay in my ballet, or give t hat sum to any one who would put me up to getting It there." Five minute- later the Dative whispered totitn, "Did ye mean what ye said?" The angler pulled out half n sovereign and showed it to him. "Die here I bit," said the man; "VOUr train don't s;art et." In leM tk in half an hour the stranger WM beckoned out of the bar to set the big trour. si :i alive and ki-king vigOrOOaly, on some flags in a banket, He had a hook attached to a pu ce of broken gut in his upper li ; not a bruise or a mark was on him. ' Take him, basket on all. fur what ye said, "quote the native; ''he'i a preetoaa s; ;ht too lug to K into that consarn o' yourn. An I I ! ,.erry in nh Oblngod to you for tip- ere half sov'rin, and do mis take." i was Informed afterward that the fish had ien n fnghtecd by the thrash ing of that would ts angler that he had retreated to tbi utmost limit Of his hover under tlie bank, and there he had ie mained, ai only a trout will remain. The cute rustic knew this woult, be ao, and he had simply gone down tn the spot, taken off hie shoes and lucked up Lis trousers and "groped him out." That Is DOW most of the great trout are captured; but I never saw one that hsd been groped for that was not shown with a ho- k in Ida mouth. A g it loo does not cost much, and it looks so very much letter "Vile poaching?" No; that wss wn.te land wm re the big trout was got out Uhtck- wood's Ifagaaine. Tbe rim llaptUm It wss tbe first Sunday after my ordina tion, and m reotor MM to tr.e: -v , there will is a baptism in this afternoon ' service. If oa may ae well take it, It will Ik- a beginning lor you." "Very well," wai my humble and wrmtwhel tremulous reply. The preliminaries of the bsptisrml office were over, it remained hut to "name tins child" end "twptire" it. Ala: it waa more easily sad than done, for 'he bnbf had a word to say agalnet it Yes, for he was eighteen month i-ni. and could talk and walk. Oh, cruel fate, for a first eh rioter, big hy a nervous maul I Miaod him (for it had to lie a forcible graspi n s-rform my office The rebel kicked and plnnged like a fnkv Colt, twisted and twirled like a llippary eel, yilled erltb all the wcr of bis Innga, and was deaf and indifferent to tlie persuasive powers of bis maternal rei.i tive. I held him aloft, by msm force, and dipping my hand in the wster. began the sprinkling. ISut he look his revenge. What whiskers I hail he s, lied on and h- d fa.t i iwith one band, Bgbting madly with tbe other, The poor little chap was sorely frigBteMd, no doubt, and perhape in my anxious nervnu neei I had not l u as careful o( bit Ami ih.'i as I might h ue Ix-en How I said t he words, Or whether they wen ever said, 1 know not, so great was the noise slid so tumultuous were my feelings. Willi a crimson face, and Uitlied in per Ipl ration, I disentangled his list froin my whiskers and gave him up to th ise who Is longeil to him, very glad to get rid of him, while I meekly concluded t he mtv ice conscious of amusement mid tittering among tin- congregation at the new u rnte's first christening.- 'LoOOjOU Til Hits. very OhlM a reek, The h ve of motley and the love of every thing elso hut nature is UOqulndj it is a matter of education. No boy see- any charm in business. If he lind his pin-kets full of money he would spend it all, or give it away, What for A gun and fishing rod, a dog und u horse, a boat and a lunch baaket; then he would start for the woods or tbe lakes. Wh-n you como to sift it down the child is born with no other pas sion but a loveof nature. As for rainbows am' storm-, he may not. prefer the hitter; but it is impossible to find a child that does not go into eratielei over i rainbow. How often have 1 seen theiii stand in wrapt tie light H the storm swept, eastward at night, ami the setting sun, after filling the valley with gold, painted a double Imw across the rear of the clouds. More than this, and involved in It, is tlie great trut h that every child is a poet. It. takes a good deal ol sobering down and compulsion to bring a boy ,,r Kjri jnlo blank prose. Up to about eighteen a child t hat has a f reo DOOM, and not too muob repression, thinks and feels only poems. This is one reason why childhood is Is-set with dangers, because the young creatures see everything high colored. Ht. ixjuis (ilolic Democrat. New Yorkers Are (ireat Iteiuleri. "What do you notico most about the peoploof New York?" was asked of a girl who was making her first visit to the me tropolis. "That, everybody reads U0Wa pi-pers," wioj the prompt reply. "The laborers going home with their pails at night are rending the last edition, tlie girls, with schoolbooks under their arms, nre reading morning and evening; tho women in tho elevated trains are always reading; tin- messenger boys and the news boys read, and .sometimes I see a man who stops a newsboy nnd buys every evening pajierthat, Is published in the city. I never saw a city where everybody from prince to pauper took so much stock in tho news papers." New York HccorUer. Beechanfs pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free ; pills 25c. At drurstorcs,or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. J " ' ' ... i . i . , SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of floor can be had al any of ibi Following iiierciis-t who will scrept Tux Tribtnk fuh'R coi'l'oM of i.) on eaeb one ban lrel ponn I ol flour or 50 on each l.arrel ol flour. si-rantoti f i p IHS WaaUagtOI SVSOoe I i i . ' t , i lit . I I'O . P., V 1 l'r,.... 11. .'.I U.l-I li - . . .. v.'.i'. nraii'i I'Ulllli .re - V It t.i,Li Kiim,I.iIm li... I 11)1. Hark-Canoe lit Ws-htnun st. i :..i.i , i -i I, i i . . . . , Umn M i Green II; l. A l..s, j. -t y II. U Bm. . - i Me.ui Brand Froeldsnee- Peoaei .v Chappell tiue, SiitH.rl iliv. omni ( '. .1 Mart. tr! 'It, I ,1.. I ,, l Msm sv :; - .pis, Oiti liAiit Jauosi J..r ln Huperlstir.. Hrnl I'f. bIf-r K U r Hupi.rliiT Jsnnva cl u WIi m i c. v..n.,...- i : A- .! .1 ., , S !,-, . -( I Mll Car' .e-li s Clsrs. Bold l!e., llrsnd. 1 1 -n .Isle I N r '..r ,V I o. iiOi I 111.. UiDuoka M II. I.srells. NORH XV llti is l-.l ii K DM M--M sll VI. It I I it gp ciAli mii l:si in-, i MOI ItH .it sm lp8 I NOUbSH CAS I si i ii UOHSK BHOKg TO! CALK i mi-: MM I IM ItV PKIKU BO I i BTBEIi v II . It LLOWfl HOK4I Mils ILB1 a i-.ri i.i I I I MM. M Bittenbender &Co.,Scranton, Wholeeale ami retail dealers la Wsgonmsrs and niaohimilan1 Hi 1'I.IF.S "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OW THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, 1 'a. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO CgAMTOM amj WH.ggg.gAgBa PA. MANCFArruituta ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HUISIING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundred of young men end young women in Him country who Iuim- gplendld ability, but they have navei boeu wiikctu-il up. Wood's College of Bnsiness and Shorthand I Iiw lii-t ii an inspiration to hiiiMlretls of .voung poolp. If you ere tired of inactivity und want to do Boim-t liiu tangible, como to the College, common BNOLISH oovbsb, in sini-:ms ( oi usi:. HHORTHAMll OOCMtt p g W00D( proprietor Pftiunpll'nnr InHnnitT. Ighy ntl propftld. With c.runtARUHritnudinQ.i.HiiiMr. AfUinitn akkvk NiriMO., AIukoiiU: Temple, l uicago. ILL, For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Drugifit. on. WaahlntoD MMH Ror006 utroetn. i i-rmr nun tr Tt n nriun .. ' ".. PENNYROYAL i;Ank for DR. MOTT'S JB: is aonu. ior i-ireu;ir. ii"rii-o yi.itli uir dux, nns lor e&.OU. 1)H, MOTT'H CHEMICAL CO., - Cleveland. Ohin. Fur Sale byC. M. II. Villus. IruKiiit. DEITEIi RI10K CO., Inc'p. Capital. $1,000,000. JtKST SI. 60 SHOE IN THE vrom.n. "A dollar noted It n dollar tarntd." 4 This T.adles'Kol til French Dengole Kill But ton Hoot delivered free unywhi-ro in the U.S., on receipt 0 1 vaso, MonryOrdfr, or Postal Note for $1.60. Kquula every way tho booU h i lu nil retail itorea for IM. Wo make tills boot PliSllVHi thereforo wo guar eajM tboyff, efsls and wear, ami if any 0110 ia not atUtUii wo will refund tho money nd another pair. Opera le or Common Henno. iths (J, I, K, & gg, izra 1 to 8 and halt jlrea. Hendvour tlzt: , yV ue Knl fit vnu 4$w Illimtrnti-d Cata. I I . j -Am&BP FREE Dexter Shoe Co., Special term to Jttaltr. ItomthrX Y. Tribune, Sov.l, tS'JS. The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oct 61. Fh first fnci- snnonncement of World's Pair di jilomas on flour lias liseti made. A medal lias been awarded by tli World's Fair jtidgei to tlie flour uianu fscttired I y tbl Washhtirn, ( rosliv Co , in the prist WnHlibnrn Flour Mills Minneapolis. Tlie rotntnitteo reports Ihe flour strong and pnr, and entitles it to rank as nrst-class palmil ll.jur tot lsmily slid i akers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WROLEIAL1 At. I M I Tuy lor Jinlir A i . (i,.M Me.ll. Atliert I S. i Li ! cX Co., Hnperlatlve. 1 ill i'Tnns l.umo Ms i - t M. UN Will I I WII s RPKINGg M t lis PORI KIMg I I I I sM N, It. K. gplavJU , n'KLLS BROS gCRBH XI HIM li General Ofton, B0BAMT0R, r.v "NERVE SEEDS. Title wonder in I rtnrdy gnai am. e.l I.. r urc all m i tuns die asHri ar- , x m t-..r -v. ' tad v n w. , fiMlsMMjl hh WMl Ktmonr, Lost Of llrnln POWtTa HMdMbt. WBkfulnr, HABDOOd, Nlfbtly KmlMtitiiH, Nnrvniinn), n 1 1 (irnliiri antl Imnnf powir InQsii mil TO 4 ifLin'Hi'f either tcx oauaoit by nTrrpii'itlnii.jouihl'uliTrori, IfM'Hi V(l II C of tuhniTn. (in) 1 1 1. 1 nr itlMnilnnts wli It'll llnd tie ItiHrmlt r. lm. On Irnrilet11n vent pnckeU ! per hux, ft fur n 1r order wo Wa wrllien gnamnlrr- In cure J .' . 1 " ' ' ' ' 'T " J ' "'"' " 101 n, inav TfXlnTBrXrrg -he only nre ana PILLS, ever offered to Ladios, especially recommond ed to married Liulina. IJTTEOTAI, FILLS and tako no other. 1U7 I'eiin Avenue. THE SECOND PORTFOLIO . . The in r4 m ft contains four incomparable paintings ty the world-famous Medairv, which surpass all of his previous efforts for faithful ness to nature and unparalleled beauty. They comprise every phase of Nature's changes, as de lineated in the tour seasons, and will prove a revelation to most persons, ot her peculiar moods. Lowell has well said: "Our seasons have no fixed returns; Without our will they come anJ o; At noon our suJJcn summer burns. Era sunset nil ii snow.'' I he Ottman Lithographing Company in reproducing these paintings from the originals, has achieved a marked success, and produced lour pictures that will easily hold first place in ithcr home or studio, not only ior their artistic merit, but as fine examples of the work of this renowned artist SPRING This delightful picture is one of Medairy's four water colors, "The Seasons," whio arc all found in portfolio No. 2 of this Series. "Spring" is a bright-colored work of singular merit. The drooping apple trees, burdened with their pink and white bloom, contrast effectively with the rich green back ground of trees and the flag-fringed pool in front. The light and shades are superlative, and the whole effect is wondrously pleasing as a picture, or when critically considered as a study. REMEMBER, ONE C0U - PON WITH ONE DIME SECURES 4 PICTURES. THIS IS THE COUPON, OF . . . Art Students' Series of ultichromes :yillllll83l!iniHI!ll!IICtllll!UIII!!lllllllll!!UI!IIIIIIIIIIHIimiliniminilPi s Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa., May 10, 1894. 1 S bend this coupon, with 1U cents m cash, and get four of the marvelous j i MultKhrome Art greatest offer of all. gri iiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiKiuiiiiiiuiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiniumiiuiiiiiiiimiin Gems by far the Mail orders Za extra. 1