THE SCRAJNTON TRIBTOE-TIIUI.SnAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1894. 4 Old Titus Writing the History of Rome. YVhon old Titns wrote Roue's history he did not think that in future agvi the stiriurs of Europe would bo brought to America, for America was not known then, although it existeil.and o did the t'nrlHuad Springe. You oau buy the Carlsbad Bprndel Suit at every drug store now. They are the concentrated evaporations of the Waters of Carlsbad which huve ban used for centurlea for their epscilio properties in all derange nieuts of the stuinaoh. eonstlpation. liver and kidupy disessos. The genu ine litis the sitcnatura of "Eisner and MandallOD Co , Hole Agents, New York." on every bottle. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? An Allseed Buffalo Solum to Play ths Tallapoosa Oams Again. Ppretat In fit .Seranton Tribune. riTTST.'N, Msy 'J A apeoial dispiteh aunt out from lUttlalo lias the following to aay concerning the transactions of p.-rsous in ttna locality. It runt aa fol lows: "A clever scheme by means of which t ne good people of Vilka l! irre are to be relieved of about 1S, 000 c.itiie to light her on Saturday. Aa the story govs a deal has been ooia ploted between a real estate broker of tliii eity aud two or throe eltitona of Pittstou, whereby a pieoe of vaoiut property girregatiug in the neighbor hmd of 4. WO feet frotitn, bought here for an avjrnga of 18.8Q a foot, is to be auloiil-d on Wilkes H irre capi talists at 1 15.50, or an iutlttion of $3 a foot, the parties in the deal to pocket the f.12,000" thus obtains I The hook 1: - been temptingly baited, ani it only rem tins tu tit seen whether ths tithing grounds selected will yield ths gulgeons who are to swallow it. The property lias near tho city line, nlrucst live miles from the city hall, end within the shadow of a 20 foot railroad etubaiikuiunt along wjicn Irani thunder night and day It can hardly be called deeirabie rest dance property, and yet it is on the line of progress, and Its market value, $12 0 Itr fojt, might be safe inveatment wbleh in time would yield a return. Notwithstanding, however, It has been la the market here at the lower rate i amed for som time, there appears to be no great ruh to suatcli it u;i by lo cal dealer, hence, probably the effort which ia to ba made totinloid it 00 outsiders. K-al e-tat hers is moving very slowly at praaaat) but there has hues l.o decline in prices where the invest tuenla were carefully male, and with the return of good times the "boom" will probably be resumed." BAD DOAWAOI causes much sickness, aud bad blood and improper action of the Iit.t and kidneys is bail drainage to the human system, winch llurdock Blood Hit tors randy, PITTSTON CONOFdSATION . Minor Matters of Intersst Cut Down for (in k Peruaal Atrial to thr .Nminfon Tribune. riTTSluN, IV, May U -The congre gation of the Water Street Episcopal chnrch has decided to paint ttie struc ture. Tue work will be commenced today, Toa Y.i'.cao Iron works, of the West Side, has hog un lea hour s ilfls. Daring to the recent depression the works have baea working night hours a day. l'Vrdinand Incutti, the South Main street Italian who figured m a aeuta tlotial story some ttU" ago in connec tion with Bill Koss and other Italians, has bad another tilt with the wily lilll and the result is Hilly baa bad Fr diuand arreatei and the latter has on a counter suit. The misunder standing ; tv . the parlies is due to a boy now in the possesion of Incutti, which Ryes alleges is b. log held ille gally from the hoy's pareule, The white and gold Interior need in the aeeond aot of I) L Hart's new play, "The Daughter of Dixie," will be one of the most maifiitticetit saenee ever nsed iu a play. It is so delicate that the slightest touch with the bare hand will soil it Therefore the stage hands will necessarily have to wear spotless white gloves iu handling it Wilkes Uarra Times. A Urge number of mem bora of Nu gent post, Department of l'eunsyl vania, Grand Army of the Republic, went to Wilkes-liarre on the electrio at 7 o'clock this evening, to attend the exercises iuciduut to the presentation of a handsome gold watch to Herman Cohoe. quartermaster of Couyugham post, No. W. The following persons frsm this vicinity are to report June 18: Pitts ton, Henry M. Williamson, merchant; O. C. Glick, druggist; D. G. Botaard, agent; 11. Hurray, hotel; Gilbert O Jones, miner; Maroy, James Kennedy, hotel. Ei-Borough Treasurer G. L. Houter contemplates bringing aetion against the borough for the recovery of fees he was deprived of through the failure of the outgoing aounoil to meet and pay bills daring the last three months of the fiscal year. The accumulated bills of borough officers and for work done Iu three months, whioh sboald bave been passed by the old oouucil and paid by Mr. Houser, were acted on by the new council, consequently the new borough treasurer is paying these bills that should have been paid monthly, derived the percentage on disburse ments that wenld have gone to Mr. Houser. Gazette. The ladles of St. James' church will bold society at the home of Mrs. R. W. Day, of Sebastopol , tomorrow evening at 7.30. All are invited. Sinning, music and games will be the chief amuse ments of tba evening. Tba members of Wyoming Com mandery No. 57, Knighte Templar, will attend divine servioe at Dr. Jones' ohureb, Wilkes-Bajre, tomorrow (Thursday) evening. Tbey will meet at their rooms at 6 80 aud leave for Wilkes-Barre at 7 o'olook. Miss Ward, of Philadelphia, is the gueat of Miss Morris, of William street. Mrs. M. Wiseman, of WillctR-Barre, visited Mrs. H. M. Wiseman, of Wil liam street, yesterday. Arrangements have been made to lo cate tba tent for the Moody meetings on the river bank in West Pittston in front of the properties of G. B. Thomp aon and Thomas E. Grier, on River street. Martin J. Howley, of Pittston town ship, is an aspirant for the Domocratia nomination as jury commissioner. The annual excursion of St. Jam's church will be held at Ransom grove on Thursday, Juue 21. Music will be furnished. Tax Colleotor-ehot McDonnell's re ply to the paper filed iu court calling upon him to show by what right he claims the offloe will probably bo filed tomorrow morning, Edward C. Root and wife have gone to Wyuiusing, in which pleasant coun try town they will spond about two mouths in the hope that Mr. Root will recover him health. GENERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES. The conl tonnnge of the Rending mil rond for the week endod May SwuslU!,- i tons, n decrease of 2 4, .10 7 tons over tlie corresponding week Inst year. Total ship ments fur She year to dale aggregal id 4.071,484 tons.a Cotnpamd with the correnpoudiug period last your, of b47,3D7 tons. The Heading repair shops in the cal re gion have been ordered to hereafter work live daj-H each week instead of three, This is done to get rid of an accumulation of shop cars and prepare for any sudden ac tivity iu the coal trade that inlght mail from a coutiuuiuice of the bituminous strike. There are Ave miles of cars be tween l'ort Carbon and Middleport thut need repairs, an 1 over ouo mile at Mount Carbon. One Incidout of the Delaware nnd Un i son annual election in New York Tuesday, iu which trio Olvphant stockholders were triumphantly Sustained, is thus related by th c jut ham repn sontative of the Philadel phia Inquirer: "William Williams, of Car bondalu, Pa,, owns one share of stuck. Bvary year he attends the meetings of the ahareholdeis ami always come, to the front with a complaint. Mr. Williams is kuowu as 'Squire of Carbondnle, where bo Is also justice of tint peace, uud where he also Writes n great deal of poetry. The '."quire had some of Ins poetry with him today." Possibly it was the poetry that defeated Leiirand B. Cannon and carried the new took is-ue at par, but this la not itiudu clear. The Honey llniok washery operated by the Carson Goal company has rasamod operations after an idleuess of several days during which time new machinery Was being placed ill the breaker. It is now rumored that ViOO President Vi.orhees will reslgu Irom tue Beading Daaaagecaoat Shipments of I.vkeus' Valley coal for the wi i-k elide I ilay .'. aggregated U DM tone, au Increase of 77y tons; for the to date eliipiiieiits am unt-.l to l-.l,.Mr tone, a oaOraaaa it J l,Nl tons. Humor has It that the Ontario people win aoon a id to their pasasngsr service, already excellent They may, it Is I run trains into the Lackawanna depot when the Delaware ai.d Hadson trains euter the new Lackawanna avenue sta tion. William Hughes and Wtl.iam Watkius, experienced miners both, hae beta Coiitruct a new cillery en v. ly fl 1. 1. near l nrbondale. wbich, when In opera tion. will employ 100 men and Ihi-s Pre para tictia are being male f t siakiag s el. aft. The new company's pr lust will be shipped "Ver the Ontario and Was tarn, ai- tOoCgD the no hrm will particularly cater to local trade. A slightly bettor demand for anthracite is reported, due In part to the MMmla famine and in part to the expectation ol an increase lu the June circular. Pan and buckwheat are in exceptional favor. At Ikiet n and Buffalo the market la notice ably better. The anthracite aoala Uted li. ' 'hlcago is fust dlaappearing. plus Stocks generally hsve scaled down. Next month, better times are po eible lu the uuniiig regions. The Philadelphia Stockholder ear. rath, r mysteriously: "A deal is pernlm,; let wren two state electric railways In rvl.i.h 1'hila capital la largely InVcaled. An important annoam rtiieui in tl.u c nnei tlou will be made soon " l)oes th e refer to the possible coti-oliilatiioi nf the N: a:. ton aud Wilaee-llarre system? An instaine of the lively 1 ral rivalry betwieu railroads la thus humor. un treated by ' Ataspnl" "fhe new earl niuruiQg ihroiuh freight sooth Is a cer tainty And it Is pat in notion for lie purp .so of hauling tba toaaton-Baltifaore line, a commercial eichani;e wluab was SO tabitehed en tna Pennsylvania and Dola wan nnd 1 1 lids n systenu some cireeur four year ago. The hue extends ft ti. Philadelphia to Nrant. u ai.d hitherto cohMstod of only one and two cars a day Tbiaeeaaou the businoaa will lie lucreae.d to six and possibly aigbl cars dally, and the trade will he confined cloelly to wr Isbabie sblpmeiita. fact found its way to the headquarters or the Central Haiiroad of Now Jersey and straicbtwnj did the oftlcials of that road iro and make n bid for the buslneas by offering to get the fieighl to Scrauton by 7 u iioca Of tbrri abouts. thus beating the rStnasyl vauia and 1 le awnrr ami II hi fully an boar, lint the De aware and 11 odaoa and 'l'eunsy' boiiud to 'do' theio and not be 'done' made railroad arrangements and now the llsitluiore freight will r. a h Scrantou via Its present route not Int. r than fi a. m. and aa math eur.h r as is pos sible." Kpnniii In Old Ktiglanil. Italian table linens in the time of the Virgin quoeu were heavily embroidered, trimmed with laOS, and with Ihrm rame massive forks mid spoon, of eilver bullion, wrought much after the fashion of tie; SOUVenlr lately iulriKliicd by the silversmiths as no idea of the current Jime. Not only were silver and gold spoons used attuble by tbuir iudlvldunl owner., a nap kin being carfied for rlcamlng them, but tbey were rt4 i-meil ns In irinoiiM. The poHaeaslon of any numbar was Im portaiit enough for historical record. Tho were artistically beautiful, lsing hand wrought in Ugureg and arnrorial haatlnp; the apostle, twelve and thirteen, Were favorite subjecte for the smaller spoons, n few complete seta being on record in the collections of English enthusiasts of the present flme. Juliet Oorson in Chicago News. How the Jewa Strangled a Man. Strangulation whs a form of death by suffocation, it was effected aa In burning. Thu culprit stood up to his knees In loose earth. A soft cloth containing a cord w as wound once round his neck. The ends be Ing pulled (ln opposite directions, life was soou extinct. This modu of death w is the punishment of one who struck hie father or his mother; of any ono stealing a fellow Israelite; of a false prophet; of an elder or provincial judge who taught or actod con trary to the decision of the Great Synho drln of Jerusalem, and of soma other crimes against public moral. American Notes and Queries. Buckleu's Arnloa Palv. The best salve In the world for Cuts Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Halt Hheuin. Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and nil bkiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or uo pay requirod. it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. MULTICHROMES. Art for the masses. One Dime and One Coupon Vhy lie Studied Law. Ono of the members of the New York senate, who has passed through a good many experiences during his lifetime, was in hia younger days u trackwalker on a New England rullroud. At each cud of his route wan n small station. The only per sons to watch him were In these neighbor hoods. Pat (it is needless to aay be was an Irishman) lived iu a small house beside the track, about half a milo from one of these stations. Ho was tho fortunate owner of an old horso and wagon. This Is what, led to his temptation aud downfall. There wits a good WSgon road running parallel with tho track all the way. "Pat," said the tempter, "what's to hin der your riding between stations?" "It wouldn't do," suid Pat. But the idea had taken hold of him nnd one rainy night he tried It. He left his horse half a mile from each end of his beat and walked to the stations at his usual time. Over the rest of the distance he rodu on the turnpike, trusting to luck that tho track would be all right. The t hing was so easy that it soon became a settled prac tice with him. For three or four mouths he guarded tho company's properly in this way, and no ono was t lie wiser. Then ho was spotted and a summary discharge fol lowed. "A man with join- genius for dodging work otiuht to be a lawyer," said the .su perintendent. "Faith, I think so meself," answered the discharged trackwalker, and a lawyer ho became. Buffalo F.srpress. An Irate Theatrical Han age r. Two funny stories are told about a cer tain theatrical manager famous for his "English, ns she is spoke." lie was direct log n rehearsal the other day in wbich, at the close of one act, tho actors all mnkc their exit dancing. As hcy went through this parformancc he shouted at (ebemi "Here, you come back! Now you people back there can wall, oil any way at all, but 1 want )ou and yon," naming tba principal performers, "to do pyramid-.." It was several minutes la-fore the bewil dered company g it on the trail of the Nronl "pirOUCtt," which won thu one the man ager im int. A little bit later ho found the leader of the orcheetra writing, "What are u do ing f" he said. "Writing SOUM music," said the musician. "I U in t ICS au Q . -sity for that. What are those little tilings you are makiog?" " I'hon- are ri-ti " "Rests:' be shunted, "is it resting you Intend tod. if Laook bcrc, I pay yon folks to play, ami I want you to play, seel Bed Ing Won't do with n.e. I want iiwm-.' Ken Vol k Reoordi r They'd Belter Look Out. "Mamma,'' said hi Sit broken little BsCO, Whose pet dog had Just died, "whCTC heC Jin k gone, do j on think to heaven f" MPerhapB," .ild mamma, 10 comfort. Bees thought auut it for nwblle, and then ri'aumod, "Mamma, 1 gmwa the an gela'll he awful w an d w hen the) tuf Jack comin sjotnj- be! so cross to strangara w Bach age. WEAK MEN Y(,u" ATTENTION i it 1 1 o ii. i iia lit. a l 1 l.tfllab Ki l:nd)-, Cray's Sp cific Kelicin? if ynu surrcR" f bdity wenfeneas w .. . u. , I' and Mn t, N. Y I Ai rsisti In Ker ith eti a -iir i r If i W i.l'AHAsTl' l.aia . w Wui i .i. baa my ("Da- hal4lnh.-raiit .il Us alailLears Hrua B. B. B. Burdock Blood Bitters test regete , iseeeeti g rewfect reffnlatlsf p re .vr all tke or- IgMS nt lbs srstrin. an. I i.nlruling thelf .secretions. It also pm tflse lbs biuo4 tuai It Cures Ail blood bnmorsanil .1 vm fr m a ron Bvii Imrls in il. r,.rat scf fj. ana s r. aud tins c- mbmet with Us unrivallrd re. C'l atinc. rleau.inj airl punfrisa li.flj- nc us Iba sr, irti .n ,if ths llver.kldnevs bowels and skin, rsi.der It ur.w jal;ej aa a cur, fur a.l ditsaaoa ut tba Skin From one to two bottle will rnra hells, pisnt )a. liKtrhs, nettle rali..c :.f. tetter, and all thf simpla foroi of akin msasM Frr.m two Uj f,ur t..ttl m rura sail rl.aum or eoj .ma. at.mslaa, erjilielaa, ul cara, a to. eae-a. ruauiua- irea, aii all sale arupliotii. It Is no'.ienb!o that sufferarl frum skla Diseases Ar.' ncsrlv slwars air;raate. hi- Int - lar Itchiuf, lut tl.l rj'jirkir suheijes on the rein.ivsl ..Ct'ie Ivi,.. bv U h u. l'a a, int hi. to ;"er rat iirevaleat ili.eaass, such al K tnle , iwellfnga, humors and Scrofula W have nr.doiibled pr.xif that from three to an liottlwi interna Iv aud by nat- waid appliontlea (dilated if theekin is lei" (brtert-'l part., will effect m core. Theieut mission of It. II It ! to reenlate the liver, kidneys, lajwels anal, to correct ifrld'ty ami wnitiK antion lf Ike Stomach, and to open th sluice wava , f the system to Varrv off all r!oiri(iMJ end iinpuie aecretions, ailnwing nature thiie tnald recuvety a-id rjiu ivs without Tail Blood I Ivor romplnint, biliousness, dvspcpia, ewk keadaetie, dropsy, rhojmatiiin, ana "ery spociee of disease ant. Ing from du erdered liver, krlasys, stouiacb, bnwis Md 01000, Wi-guarantee every bottle of li. II. li. t hou ri aav por-ion be dissatis fied after using the firtt bottle, we will re fund th.. lm.r.i'v i.n iipplii-atmn personally or by letter. We will ulo bo (jlad to sunij testimonial., and information previus; the rlli'ctsof II. B, B, in tho abovie uatned dl sesKes, on apjiliriiiii n to VOSTFIt. illl.BL'RN i: IX). RnPaln K BLOOD POIsnNrm !aRlcleTi. I ecr, utiilfr r'Jiupt,, aackl by I'Jti Nk. I iranvspfssnsas ioo p, Stat, manisavi irooil I lltfr(.m....l(ieiiitil.rwhrrall Whwi Hn Sprinp I tad Mfmirjf.,1, oi.r Mnulc Pjmedy wis 1 1 pniitinir sen, umu o.. in.l nnd vluor qulrkly rt'ntored.Varlcocla, , . . .' run. miiii, atr.iMij ftp uri-y Clln-il by I Ml A I'll. tl. Brra MAITUliWS bilOS.. Urusalata, ScrauUm, Pa. Ladies Who Value A refined complexion must use Poizonl's Pow-I aor. it produces a soft and beautiful skin. Bad pnng Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrons. E Ei PITTSTON, PA. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, - M VUallJtU 4Yj ICBAJfTOak "ll'IVH A V s. l k I II lilt' l MKIU allS.Ml II M MM la h. I 1.1 M IV. KH PIANOS Te n nr.e nti-i t ftrnt '. ORGANS ail mi m. si i m HANUllMk aiihit, i. L.1U ER CO. iooir.!l8-i!Mcir,iiio."wi!t'8 6IJ3 M I1AMU.V, IVV. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Vedoat Mm Mi 810 and BtT8B DAIal rYOR&t LaflUn .v Kan i Powto Co 's ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric tattrls, Ku for i;ij1 bs bteeta, t-ufety l'u and RrpauooChrmical Co. 's High Explosivrs maloney OIL AND MANUFACTURING COl Ifeanfaernsen and liers i OILS M.i. sjvsee llsoShafticg and Journal Greasi 0mOlt-ta Weat UrVairanns Ara i.'i.KS Memllao -t'.rasl HOW LIKE A HAH HE FEELS T AST VI.AK he had Raved 1800, boaghi a boose irorthllSSO )uid if.ioo down, gave a mort gage for $1,550, Today ho eati unites as follows: Rent saved J2I0 0 liiti ront on mortajage ffj oi Tuxes ami repairs R 50 119 50 Ketenvingon ront jiai w MVed on ealury 140 UO To apply on mortgage $t!7u ao ItEl I.l t'i ion -"In TOVn years that house will In. fi,,,. from ilubt and I shall huve a home f iiiy own." OBKXN IlIDOR ia the paradise for home,, rinn Hona have reeently fln IshoU a nenntlfal villa, which they oU'tir, 011 easy imyiiieiits, at 1850. Tail at their nfflee, betwoon Washington aud Adiiiua on Ollvo streuu EZRA FINN & SONS. GLOB WM US MO Pi Good Men Deserve Good Clothes a SO . DO GOOD BOOKS ONE of the strong points of The Trib une's equipment as a I irst-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to-date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania. Preserve Those Pic- mo Don't Spoil Those Mai tichromes Have Them Neatly Bound Lhe Tribune will promptly )rcscrvc any i i the art series jur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. It will make special rates on the 1 midmg of any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated Series Molticiirome Series OrAny Oilier Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 1'IIVSK IANS mi -l i.i, i UN - I ) U. KliUAK DEAN has removed to 016 J-' Bpruce street, Hcrntitou, lJa. (.Just op posits eouri-houso Square ) )K. A. J. t-ONNELLr6fflco 201 Washington g avenue, corner Bpruce street, over rrancko sdruK storo. Kosidonce, 712 ViuosL Utticu noum: 10.SII to 11! a. m. and H to 4 uud . '-30 p. m. Sunday, li to 3 p. m. )K. W. E. ALLEN, Ufflco cor. Liicka ( wanna and Washington uves. : over Leon S 'J'" store; oUico hours, 10 to 12 a. m. aud "to 4 p. m.; eveninns at roaldonce, OUN. ViiiNliiiiKtou avo. I ) b U L. KHEY, Practicu Umited to 1J1 1J eases of tho Eye, Eur, Noao and Throat; offlco, L4J Wyounu uvo. ltcsidouce, W Vine Rtreet. D I' M. OATES. 126 Waahluirtoii Avonuu. I j : . , . . I., . . .. it : m, o Lou a.m., l.ju lo o aim i lAHfi.m liA. 1. 1 . .... . - - .wrujuucH am inuuison avenue fOHN L WENxz, at. U, Offices H sod lomiiioiiwealtli lmllilini?-. resiilonco 711 Madison avo; otllee hours, lJto II 2 to 4, 7 to Bj onndays 2 :v to I. evenings at recideuco. A specialty made of lipoiiH.-M of tho eye, ear, uosj ami throat nml Kyneoolugy. i.A ti t KitnT I J1 C,JtAMl-'K S Uw u"'1 t'olhwtlon of tl . Doe. No, m Siiruuo si., opiHislte Fnrc.t lliiiiM.. Bcranton, l'a.; collections a speclulty inrounncnt rennsvlranlai reiiuuiocoi iesuoud- cute 111 every county. 1 l.Ui at llA.,u,Attornoys and Counsel. I lors at Uw. Uiuninuweiilth Imildin Washiu.lonava. W. H. JssstfP, HoHACS E Hamd. w. H. Jaaanp. Jn. It II.IjtKD WAllltKN '. KNAfP, Attor- vv nsvsjmd umnaelorsat Law, rleiiubllcan hiiildtne. Washinntiinav.... Scrantou, Pa. pAT'iEHwiN i WILCOX. Attorneys and' , louiisellors at Low; odiuia ti und 9 Library lullding, Bcranton, l'a. gpewau n. PArrnitaon 11 1. mm a. wruxn A l-rilKlillANI) WILLIAM I HANI) At Jl torneya ai.d (Viunaellora, (.'omiuonwualtb liinlilinir Itooma l. ill ami 21. It' t. H1 Y I.E. Attorney at Law. S.,.. Ft) and 20, lluir liuil.linK, WaHliiiiKtuii avenue. H EN B Y M. HEELY La w offlreeTnPrTce tiuiiiliiiif, 1211 Washlnnton avsnan nRANK T OKELL, Attorney at Law. Boon I 1. I nal Eirhant'i. Seranton. Pa. MILTON W I.OWKY, 1 Att ys, 227 Washmj OH VOW BTOBCH, (tonav!, C II IAMEB W. OAKKiKD, Attorney at Uw. r..n. M (H nlnl K Ciiliil.ii.nw-.iltli t,'l k. L'AMUEL W. BDUaR. At;. : ... at Urn 1 ; , ni sprier . Hi-riinton. re I A WATBKS, Attorney at Uw, CJ 1 1, Ijirsawanna sue. s rantnn. Pa I) 1' Mil l II, 1 . u r at Law 1 a ,. I . riKniM, .'4 M Commonwealth hiilliln. ( I' IIH IIKlt. Attorney at Law, Lom moiiwea th hnllnina' Scran ton. l'a. 111 1MEUY8.JUI Hprnce st. nil BEPLOUI .k,Attorniiy-Loans n.4o- uated on rnl aetata security d Bpmoa l 1 KILL AM, Attorney at Uw. 120 Wy I . nn ini:an-i,iii., s rant. .11. lIAVB fOI K DtEDH AND MOBTOAOKB BBOWN1NO, Attrii.y and Notary Puhli " ' altli It'ilUliK HOol SCHOOL OF TBI LACKAWANNA, Scran.' W tan Pa . prepares hop and gin. fm Ui " 1 "" t; r. it tiains ... . Ui. Iroa Lala.osue at leuuat Hrv Tltnv o M cut WALTaa 11 Bnau. llh- WORCESTEBa K1NOEBOABTEN 'I an 1 loeenL Ui Aansaeaeeaaa Pnniti r.rit.,i ,1 aij tim44 N8X tarm wffi iipeu a 1 r . I 111 N I'lNTs ' C.l.AOBACH. anrceon No. UJ y mi 11 ir ave M i KA 1 I ' N v l I'll- IIMMi rpkl BEPVBUC lAvlnn and Lou a. i sMtloa will i.Nta ou m ney on sealer t. ru. ami pay yi u hotter on luvestnwnt than any ether aaaodntlon Call .n s. N CALLhN W ';. I' ma Hank hoi rllns ('it CLAM 0 1 .1. Baedei va , end Nuraeryim ii, store 14 v ahin't-ei ar-i.ue; jr.-n kesnnalSHl Norm Main avouuo, Sserc t(lf.pti..n 7sr 1 1 s '''A ' - 1 ' ' U Mil si 111 I Vs. I 'is Kl F. IT EI, til ave " Sera ' ' a us Kl ETTEI, ill IJK' arenna. na Hon LB AMD RstBTACnAXTs 'j'ME NtKM'MINMf.K. El 2U Wl Sm I ave Him heali-d with wiu: all mT are Unprovessente C M Tainan. Prop rpU ELK CAFE, island 127 Franklin at. 1 sue. Kates reasonable. P mil tu. Propiiaem, tl LslJUNslLH HOTKI. V W. U HCBKNCX, atai.aj-r. mteentt strssi, esse bloek easl . .; Broedwan at t aton N;uare. Nrw Torn, American plan. A .'a) prr day and upward pOYNI HOUOS. kuioan alaai food v Ml tna ( 1s.11 day and nlthL liar ajie piled .IU the W ' 1' ft TVNF.. PtemtStOl CCBANTON HOl'HE, near D., L, A w , sei.fc-er depot on the Enropeea Vii-riia Kcn'ii. Proprietor 1 ' BAND t ENTKAL. I'be larseaVand besi VI r.i.m.pal jotol in Ailuntowa. IV, ralol 82 and 2.,ai net day vn niii P ntatra. Proprietor. ' aiii inn 1 is AVIS A HoOpT, Architect 21 2A and iti Commonwealth bid's, S.-rnntoa I) I,1 L. w.m.i KB, Architect, Library unlld I ii liik." Wyoming svi-nii" Seranton. 1 U BROWN. An-h It Ar.-hiUvt Price 1 l.tuldlna". I1M Vt aalitnittoii ATe.,s.-rant in, HISCKLLANKnttl HAt'Ell s clti'HE-TltA Mt'lt: Inn balLv plenica. parties, reoepttona Wed dlnifa and ooin-ert work fundahesl For terms sd dress n. .1. Baner, soednotcr. Ill Wyoming svs . over Hnlberfs tousle ii ire niUTiN U BWAKT8 WHOLKBALI Inmtwr. 8 and s Dunn Pank buildlnn Seranton, Pa. WKOABUKB BBOTHERfl, PBINTRB8' .sl mppliia, enTcloiaia. paper la"a. twin Wurchouats U0 W ashuia'tou ave, Scrantou. Pa I'Oi'TEs I IVKKY. I'...i tiipous" ivcn i" I First class carriages D I. 10OTE,At Funeral Director end EutLnlmiT nBANK I'. BHOW.N A CO, WHOLE I sale deajers m Woedwam Oordaee and Ol', Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna avenue IEBA KlNN A SONS, builders and coutrac- tora. Yards: Corner Olive st. and Adams ave ; corner Ash nt. and I'enn ave., Scrantou THE Thatcher IS THE BEST. Get prloes ami seo the furnace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Uauze Door Ranges. COXLAN'S HARDWARE PITTSTON PA. aiiiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: mm " i AMERICA COUPOJN NO. 60. 1 Send or bring two of theso coupons, differently numbered, s E with Ten Cents,aud get ono of the scries of sixteen niagiiilieent Sv S photographs. Ten numbers now ready. Mail orders,2c. extra, a iiMiiiniiiiaiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.Biiiii.iniiiiiiii.iiaiiiB..ii3.i:u.i RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anttdredte coal uroiI exclusively, lnsurluir cleanliness and comfort. T1MU TAI1LK IN EFFECT KF.n. I, 1891. Trains leave Scrnnton for Pittston, Wilkes llarre, etc , at S.lll, ll.lj, 11.. '10 a. in., 12 30 ''00 ifS effl I'W'11-06 P' m' Sundays, 11.00 a. iu.; l.Otl, 2.U), , .10 p. in. For Ailuntic City, 8.10 a. m. J'or New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.10 (express; a. in., 12.30 (express with Buffet p"iii KaT)' U (znv P. tn. Sunday, 2.00 I'olt MAITII Cni'NK, Al.I.KNTOWn.BltHl RfW FAfPS ad I'lm.AiiHl.i'iiiA, 8.10 a. m.. Bnno.00?.lneM,pt P- 8.l0ar m?l'2.fio"pA,,t;;H CEAN GI,0VE' otc" For KeaduiK Lebanon and Hnrrlsbnrt?, via Mentown, 8,10 a. m., 1'iJO, 6.00, p.m. Buuday. For l'ottsville, 8.11) n. m., 2 30 n. m. Hi tnrnlnn. leave Now York, foot of Liberty iWibrASr, at liU) (express) a. m.. .' ', k1" iSSf wi,h liur' P'"'''"' o p. iu. Sunday, 4.:i a. m , Van 9y,e!P.hU' eadlag Terminal, IkOO a. ni 2.00 and 4. Ji p. m. Sunday, 0.27 a, in. , .. ,'V'"i1llit''k''N V. a11 '"'intH !it lowest rates , !! JPPUaatlon lu advauco to the E P. BALDWIN, lien. Pass. Airent J. n. OLIIAt'SEN, , Pen. Bnpt V JJT , BON BAILBOAD, 1 oniiiieiii inn May 2.1. I - ' '. bains will run as follow: Trains lcavo Brldos stn-11 Station. Scruiiton. for Pitts- ton. Wilkes Tlarra aln Mil fcOT, IJT, PU2a. in., llld, 1 .2.1. 38. tli. A Is sis ui-. ami 11.86 i 111, For New York and Palla- tM 4 lit and 11.80 p. ' ' "w I'or lluiiesdalo ( from Delaware, I.askawatins. and western di potj, 7.0o, 8180, lu.luu.ui 12;J m.. 2.17, ill) p. 111. For Carlandali-and Inti-rmedinte stations. 8.40, 701. k;, 10.10 a. m . 121111m.,: 17, t,Kfi li 2n and 0 ;15 p. in. ; fr'.m Eriili;o Street Lienot. 108 a. m., S.I7and 11 :a p. m. Fast espreas to A.buny, SarutoKa, ttie Atli romluck Mouutiiins Boat m and New EiiKland points. s.i a. in., arrlviav at Albany U.4& Saratoga 2 211 p. m., and leiiviinr Scruuton at.l p. 111 , nrrivinu at Albany at 1(0 p. 111., Sara toga. 12 -Via. m . and B. letOO, 7. no a. m Tlie only dirw t routu ln-twei n th" coal del li and Itoeton. "Tho Li-iidlmr Tourista' Koute of Aim-rlru " to tho Adirondack Mountain re nuts, UkestieorKoand Champlain, Montreal, etc. Tlmo tallica shnwlmt local and throtiuh train soi vice lietni-eu etatlons on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may he obtained ufi all Delaware and Hudson ticket offloes. II ti YoCNU, J. W HL'ltDICK, S nd Vice President. Oen. Past. At. I EH1QH VALLEY BA1LBOAIX li n. II, lst. Train leaves Seranton fur Phi!alelpliia an 1 N-w ..rk via. D. A- II It It at a.m . 11.10. U8 and U 88 p. DO via D , L. & W. K. K , M 8.1". 11.0) a. in., and I. II p. m. L. i.v.) Bwnnton fur Pittston and Wilkee Iiarre via D.. L Hi W, 11. K., D.OUL 808, 11 a. m , 1.30. a.611. 11.07, a.: p. m. L- avi. Scrautoii f..r Whito Haven. Hazleton. Pi'ttavillu and all pi.iuts on the B.-aver Mend iw and l'ottsville branches, via E .'. W. . 8 M H.m .vail. 0 It U. H. at 8 a in., 12.1 1. MR 1 l p. m . v;a D . L. & w. It. It., e.u0,e.o, ll.'Ji a in., 1 ill. MO p.m. ni in' ti t t Ih'thlehem, Easton, Bsndlna llarri-liur and all Intermedials pointa via u 11 it. it , 1 a do m 10, 8 H ILU J. m, L Ai W, B U..t;iU.8 WS, 11.20 a. OL, IM p in. U-ava Seranton f .rTunkhanno.-k. T-iwanli, Elmira. ItOnoe, Oeneve and all intennodiit 1 li.uts via i. A 11 n k..' ' 7 a m. .12 10 and 11. ii p ,vla D. L. ,v W It It.. 'ii a m. Imv.-S. rant-ei I..r IVsh.-itnr. Hulfalo. S'l airara Fal Detroit, Clncauo and allpolnti waatvlaD & II It. It. U.n7 a.m.. 12 lu.; 1 . 1 . H r. 111. via D. LI W, B. R. and Pittston Jutiction, aos a m., 1-J a p. 111 . via E. & W. U It., .-.ii p. ni. For Elm re an 1 t!i I west via Salsmv.oi. vis D. a 11 it It i,n. 110,1 15 p. nt, v. a D L- S' K It. ,1 08 1 iiu. 1 i and .'J7 p m. Pullman parlor and sleeptnc orl V. chair cars 011 all trams between I. it Junction or Wilkes llarr" and New Yors. Pbllail -lpuia, Buffalo an I SuaiwtiMon Hridiro Bollin 11 WILBUB ii.-1 Bnpt. Baal Die CI! AS S. LSI . 1'iH. A t l'MIa.Pi. A W NONNEHACHEB Asa'l rAen.Pase .W'u BoatB Bethlenesa, Pa. ntl. AW i III, LACKAW. tv KsTKIfi K.VI..K11AI1 IN A AM Trains ksave Seranton as foiiiws: Eipress tor New Yore aswd all is.inta East, Uo, 8J81 & 15, s i and v V. a. m ; 11 5. and 3 W p. m. Bxnrsss f"r Kaatiai. Trenton, l'lutaditlphta si.t th South, il 8.00 and .S. a. m.; ai.d i 80 p 111. Washington and wsy stations, t it p. m. Tobyhauna aocommiHlatton, rt 111 p. in. Espr aa for Blmtbaiiit Ustivh, Elmira, Onrnlnst, llt'i Danevtlks, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12 10, 2 11 a. 111. and 1 21 p. m.. making cloea com sottoos at Ituffalo to all pointa lu ths Went. Nortbweel ami iiuutbwce:. Hath aoeooimodation. - a m. B haint..n and way stati ma. 12 V p. m.J Nlt holaoii and way atati. iia. 5.41 p in. Nicitoaon nceummodalloa, a. 4 p. m. and A p in Btnffbaintoa and Elnnra f.iprets. 6 05 p m. 1 i i "s for Cortland, Syracuse, i'wex I'ticaand hicbuVld sprma'a. 114 a m. and 14 P m. Itlisca. ! 15 and Hi'! la m. and 12p m rnr Nortnemberland,Pltta1 tw Ukss iiarri, Plymouth. Bloomsberg and paavtue, makitu cloea eonnections at NorthumUrliand for WHBssaspnrt Harrtaburit. Haltiin. re, Weals' ' lnift. n and the South. So 1 tliiimls rland and tatennedlate stations, I 4ui. k.C a in and 130 and 4.07 p m. Niii.' oke and intermediate etatlons, &'H and 1191 a m Plrmouih and int.Tuiodlat stations, aJS'aud j. m. Pullman parlor and slis plnn coaches ou all esi.r. -. trs ns For detailed rnfonnatlon, tss-kct tliu 1 tabliis, etc apt ly to M. L Bnuth, city ticket olB.'j, 32n l.a. aawauuaaveuue. or depot Uckut offlcsa ni it tNTuN nnrtnioN. In KI.11 Janiiary Otth, 1!M. orih Hounil. toa wi ba so, nn Honni:, .( Ml I (IS - - , -. L. -. - y Ui 3 3 Stations sC rr f 3 iTralns liallv, F.i a opt KAtnaav 1 5 3 w irnc lasave a n :-.'.'. N Y Franklin sul ...J 7 H r in west na street row Weebawken .... m Arrive Leave t 11 7 ii 100 p M r H 2 0S 2 II 2 24 .':i 211 I ilS; I a at s 0) .1 i'j 3 I'J n am s l 7 5 7 1 l.'. Hancock .liiiicllon n .. II Banc s-!( Ii . I, e is I Slatllirht Preetoo part Ootno Poyntille Hi'liuout Pleasanl eti l nlnndule l'orsct l lty Carboodaie Willie Htlds'e Muvltcld erni) n Archibald Wlntiii Pcckv litis Ulrpbant Dickson Throop Providenco l ark Place ti'JQ 1. :u 1. I 1; ii 88 7 4' IT .' 3 2 13 2 1 iw ... 7 Us 1- v 11, -,s II -li !A 6 51 .1 S3 Sis,'.'. 89 a. i t M .. no .'4 9(5 3 HI t nun 7 27 tl If rs S-l f; 1-2 re mu 40 (tiSlfSiB ....I 6 41! A '.HI I 88 fi X. Ml!: 2s 7 SI 9.' 3 4.1 7 40 10 oen 3 si 7 43 in ctv 8 s4 7 4S 10 10, 3 li 7 5! 10 15 4 04 7 54 10 17 417 7 06 10 ) 4 10 I i I ffi 88 .'ill 11 6S.1 S 07,11 21 80nii 1 1 21 11 in 11 is 11 10 f 18 0 l.V 4 .' re 1 1 fi ".' 80KI0M 417 s 0 . In ,'in I IW e 11" 4 n 11 or. scran too r e'p all 11 Leave Arrive a III All trains run dully except Sunday. f suidilca that trains slop on slitual tor ras. angora Additional trains leave curbmdiile for soran. ton 1. 10 and il.lS p. iu., arrlvlu at Scrantou 1.51 and : 00 Leave seranton for Carbindale 8. 80 and 8.80 arriving at carbondale at 7 Sfi and 9.15 p. m. Secure rates via Ontario a Western bufnre ptirchaslni; tickets and suvo money. Day aud Blhgt Ei press to the West. J.C. Anderson, lien. Pass Agfc t. microti, DW. Pass, Agt. Scrantou, l'a. i7BlE and WYoUlHa valley kail' Lj BOAD Train leave Scrntit.m fur New York nnd In termediiite points on tho Erie at UW a. in. uud 3.24 p. m. Also fm- Ilawley and local jiolnta at A 115, V.4.'i and 3 24 pm. Train leaving at 8.48 a. 111. und 3 21 p m. are throngb trains to and frnm Utnesdslei Trains limvo lor Wilkes-llsrro utO.40 a. iu. aud 3.41 p. m. IMVi AT'