The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 10, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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"We will sell our entire stock of
New aud Stylish TRIMMED
PRICES. Come and see theui at
Tha most delicate fabric prop
erly cleaned m
Lackawanna Laundry
308 Penn Ave.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
415 Lacka. Avenue.
We Will Offer far a Few Days
Fine Moquette Rug at Si oo.
These Bug Have Never Been
Sold for lea Than $3.00
'27 Wyoming Ave.
An enjoyable intn bv Thcrmi i uborri
appears on page i of thin issue of Tiik
Delaware, Iarkawanria and Vatrn
trainmen wer paid yesterday and many
will be paid today.
John Noloman, the well known plumber,
of Jermvn, u a randldate for delegate to
the Republican county c rOTatlttotL
There will be a meeting of the board of
benlth at their room in ton mumcipiil
building at 3 o'rloca tomorrow afternoon.
The contract for building W. H. W fine's
new hotel at Washington avnnno ami Vin
street hen 1, nwarde.1 to Mitlherin .v
Judge. The building, which Is to coat
llil.isJO, will be commnuoml unit week.
Among this year' graduates ot thn Wo
mcu'a Medical college of Pennsylvania,
located nt Philadelphia, were Anna Law,
of Plttaton, ami Kvber M. Tyrrell, of
Kingston. No Hcrautoulans were repre
sented. 8aya the Pottsvilla Dispatrli; "W. V.
Conrtright, of Scraoton.and .lohn ii Jenk
ln, of Pittstnn, gentlemen who have long
been identified with milling interests 111
Koran ton, are registered at the Men unite
They are lookiug orer the coul Meld 111
this vicinity."
Mabel, the H-yar-old daughter of II. J,
Kntherland, Ills forth Washington avenue,
who baa been no aorioutly ill of diplithntic
croup, and on whom intubation whs p.-r-formed
by Mr. W. K Allen, of BoranloBl
Edward L Mionev, of BjrMOML K V .
and Dr. O. E. Hoot, of thin city, ha fully
recovered. The third serine of mnltlrhromes, which
baa be-n received in anfflcient quantity at
THE TrihCNI office to accommodate all
intending purcuawrn, giviw four Imnd-orae
lloral atodiei- iweet pee, golilen rod, pansy
and orchid. Art student particularly
will be pleased with thin series: but nil
will find it a moat appropriate addition to
home decoration.
The Tribune in indebted to T. J, Davie.
Mna. Barb., for a lopy of bin latent work,
"'l he Kadiaut Morn," a 1 1 1 irti-tto that
h an been ttlactad for competition at the
PittntoD Cambro Ainericau Eiataddtod.
The theme of the composition 11 unpr
tentioua, bat is worked up In an artistic
manner throughout, and the quartette ia n
new evidence of the ability of thn com
poser. "The Ksdiant Morn'' in undoubt
edly one of the best of Mr. Dimes' many
meritorous compositions.
Anbsuser busch Bser.
Lonia Lohuiau'a, KU (spruce ot.
Harvey N. Pack, of Newark, Interred at
Foreat Hill Cemttsrv
The funeral of Harvey N. Peck wan
quite largely attended at the Penn
Avenue Baptilt church yesterday utter
noon. Mr. Peck was former real. lent
of this city. For a number of year he
had chars of the coal yards of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
railroad at Uoboken. Previous to this
lie waa a passenger train conductor.
Of late ha bad lived in Newark, N. J.
The aerrices were conducted by Rev
Warren G. Partridge and Rev. F. C. A.
Jones, of Newark. The pall bearers
were W. W. Wolte, Snmnel Boorem,
Fred Stevens, Fred Steven. Eugene
Van Vllet and Charles Von Vliet. In
terment wag made nt Forest Hill ceme
tery. No. 10 of America.
No. 10 of the charming art series,
"America" has arrived and copies may be
procured at THE Trmu.nk business office.
The lateat number of these delightful
similes will prove one of the most interest
ing of the collection.
New and stylish trimmed hats at New
loan's, 808 Spruce street.
Williams & McWty
Local Merchants Are Going to Have Them
Arrested for Violating the Law.
Result of the Securing of Information
by Men Paid to Do the Work With
out Having Detective's License La
test Phase in the Sunday Closing
ing Movement Mr. Dany's Man
Said He Was to Receive Pay.
The detectives, or assistants, as Rev
F. A. Dony calls the men who secure
information against m-rchanta of the
city who keen open their places of bnni
Qes on Sunday, contrary to the aet of
IT'.II, made a great big mistake when
they testified before Alderman Putt
vesterday afternoon that ttiey were
paid fiir doing the work
K. Motet, the well known Wyoming
iiVentte cigar denier, was before the
alderman for selling cig-tr on S in lay,
May 0 Colonel Frank ,T Fitzsitntnnnt
appeared for Mr. .Mon-'s and examined
tilt witness of Mr. Dony in a very
elone manner. Ha succeeded in estab
lishing the point that thev received a
compensation for securing information
galnit merchants wlio keep their
ntores open on Sun lays,
The merchants who have been ar
rested and lined fir not cloning on Sun
days will proceed against the men
hired by Mr lViny, under the law of
lc'!C, which in ikes it a mind -meaner
lor anyone to do detective work for a
compensation without first securiug a
detective '1 license.
Mr D mv m-ikes the claim that the
men in his employ who do detective
work are not detectives, but merely as
siitants to bin in Ins work, which is,
he savs, entirely too large for htm
to do QOMtitted, The merchant allege
that this is a tec'inicslity that will not
stand before court, and are conQlent
ol being ab e of temrtai the eonvic
ioti of all who hvn worked for Mr.
Don; for a eompeattttno
Alderman Pott was k-pt quite busy
all vesterday afternoon raking in four
dollar tin- igainst prominent bum ties
men of the city
Mmn EmDM ltiert, who con Inct a
baktry on lower Lackawanna avenue,
kept her store open on last Sunday, and
for so doing wan tine. I ft and cot.
The eaae agatoal Dragtiat David 8
Kvan, of l'eini aveun and priv, was
continued until 0 o'clock tin m trains
1C aidner, a l il;er oa Bpraot
str-et, had to ptv the l tine
Th most in-iiit ant merchant
against whom Mr. Dony tan so far
ir.,reedd. itH Jacob D l.'Urk, the
l'enn avmne tobacconist
As hn entereil tli al i-rmanic c mrt
Rev. Mr Dony arose an 1 itretc'img
oat bit hand in frmn I'v greeting, aid
"Mr ( 1 xrkr. I am Mr 1 1 my "
"Wall, then 1 don't want to know
von. You nr th smallest nun I bate
v-r known "
Mr ( lark walked tip to the abler-
man' desk, an 1 without any parlm
alltied up Lin $1 and the amount of th
,-(,Stn. secured a bill of pr!ICIllr of
costs, and turning nprni Sir DouV, de
livered an tlMnpOnOVOW "roasting,
which for severity is sel I OB her I 111 1
court room
Mr. Dotiv merlv smiled, ani Mr
Clark' oratb.n did not rntisi th ttn
per of tlu secretary of trie Siblntn
union a particle.
Ther Wat a large nnmnnr of well
known citizens at the hearing of E
M e at o'clock. Tbcouit ra
wat crowded and tne s;i .ctstors took
an unnnsl in!nret intli- proe-!ing.
F. I win lloDooald, the tirst wittie.
for Mr. Dony. Wat called and teftiStd
Ibatbawat m Mr Mom' eigar a tor
b-tw-en 7 and 8 o'clock last Sunday
evtning. and saw Imu sell some cigars
for winch he received pv.
MaaDonald told CoIomI FltMlfla
mona that h lived at - " Adam av.
nna.aod itetad that he was an agent
Colonel ttttsitnmOM then q itiontd
Mat Don aid Ilka unn
"What do you do for a living?"
"I eanva for kettle and roasting
"Do von make anv more money
eelling liar Iwar than by telling eyi
dencn against saloon keepers wh 1 have
open ttores on Snndayl"
"I refne to answer thai "
"Ilow much do yon receive from
Mr. Dony for your work?'
Mr Dony objected, whereupon Mr.
Fitzsiuimonn asked if the witness
would do the work for nothing.
"I.woald do it for tbapropet obter
vation of the Sabbath. "said Mac Donald.
"Do yon receive or were you prom
ised anything for this worn?'
"Y 1 sir, I was. "
"1 don't know of any lixel salary. "
' Yon wnik on the Sabbath?"
"No ir."
"What were yon doing in Moe'
ttore; do you smoke?"
"Ye tir, I tinokt. "
' Did yon go in ther to pnrcbase
"I went in to tee if ha was violating
the Btbbnth "
"Who tol I yon to do that?"
"No one "
"Yon swear to that, do yon?"
"Ys, sir."
"You volunteered to do th work
without the tolicitalion of any one?"
'My instructions were to take notice
of everyone who wa violating the Sun
day law "
Mr. Dony! "He got instruation
from m "
"I" Mr D my the perou who was to
pay vonV
"Yes, ir "
L F. Hiorus, one of R..y. Mr Dony's
stalT, was tlien galled. H Raid that he
p.ssed Mr. Moses' tore lust Sunday
evening. Hn saw parsons going in tbfl
cigar store, purchasing cigars and com
ing out after paying for tnem.
"What is yonr business, Mr. Hiorns? '
"That is none of your linsinesa."
"Oh, well if you are asiiatued to tell
yon need not."
"Are you doing this for the pnrpoae
of having th Sibbath law observed
more strictly, ami for no other reason?-'
"I won't say anything about It."
"You are ashamed of your husine,
vour employer, and ev-rything else
Do yon exp-ct the alderman to believe
anything you say, or not?"
There wat 110 more testimony of
fered anu Ainerinan r-osi imposed a
tine of si and coats npon Mr. Mosea.
Druggist Lowemu-p, of Spruce
street and Washington avenue, was to
hnve had a hearing, but Mr. Dony's
witnesses were absent and the case whs
postponed until tomorrow morning
Dr. C. (.'. Lauhach, dentist, Gas and
Water company building, Wyoming ave
nue. Latest improvement. Eight years In
They Have Gone Down
That It prices at Guernsey Brothers
Guardians of the Peace Undergo the
Few Defects Were Found and the In
spection Reveals a Body of Men
Which Is Second to No Similar
Body in the State During Summer
They Will Perfect Themselves in
Drill Summer Vacation Schedule.
The annual inspection of the police
fore of this city occurred yesterday
afternoon at the municipal building.
In th absence of Chief Willi in T
Bltnpton, who is attending United
States court at PltttbUn, the inspec
tion was conducted by Captain Rlc
ard Edward, ranking as second com
manding officer of trio poliee depart
ment. Although the ranks were depleted by
the absence of eleven members of tho
force, six of whom were at I'ittsliiir.-,
an 1 five who were doing dnlv about
the city, a very creditable showing was
made. The healthful, physical and in
tellecttril appearance of the men inaka
it a certain conclusion that oielltot Ol
the city ui y properly proclaim that the
personnel ot the force is second to no
similar organisation in the ttate
Previous to 8 o'clock, the hour an
nounced for Inapaotton, them wat a
burnishing of q llpo 'at au I general
preparation for In critical eves of ti"
coiniii Hiding oilii' -rn .-unitary Pain -man
William H llurk, WOO prove I
ntmaelf an exparianced and capnbie
drill matter, wat detailed to OondOOt
t'ie formation of the men during thn
As the men stoo l formed in louhle
lin in the large beadq 1 rter r mi II
wa seeti that all were properly
equipped with r"d corded p ir In iticks,
aboat were w-ll blackened and eacu
wore until iculate HnaO
From tne Hadqoartera' room the
Company was inarched single Q into
tne long Oirrldor, where ac'i police
man unlock d and nto id facoig his
looker. Revolvers, nipp-rs and firn
an I Station Key Were 1 nd in the locker
and the line and all equipments wr
clonly Insp Cted
It wat found that many of the men
were in need of new revolvers, in fact
(nttii (tkh carrying weap in of their
own 111 lieu of defective city prop-r'v
A few f nltn in the refc'ulst m 1 mm it
nf wearing the uniform or equipment
w.-re found among the ntwly pp 'inte I
fflotrt, but, generally, the men were
fonn I to be properly el ad an I 1 quipped.
Following the iiispct;.in, th m-1
tn irehed rroin the building to the ar
mory on Vdatu avanut athera an hour
s devoted '.i practice dr. II
Oq theif return to headqanrters I ha
address of each man was taken an I the
names of a s.jnsd real sin were r. -Itmcted
to report at tn arm Tr Pi i l
for drill. Tkidrllla wui baoonttnuad
wnklv throughout the tnnioier
The total number ofoflseri andtu
trolmn comprising the Fofae is forty
eight Thirty-seven partioipatad In
the Intpeotloo.
! II wing the Inspection the follow -ing
.1 .ten of Vacati n were announced
for 1884
Matthew and i'..isn, Mv it to 84;
Palm-r and OoaleW, Hay "t to June ,;
Evaat slid Dyer, June I to Id. l.ien
lensnt S;ie!mn and Fiahertc Jan
II to , l Unerii'z and (t irrell. .Inn- 88
10 July I Sartor and Fee i-y , .1 nlf ' 1
18; Bug n I Mnrker. July I : to ."
aiil and I. Jonet, July '.'.! 1 Vi; -
Rotham and Lowrf.Anc 8 ! 18: Dot
gan and Kolaii !. Aug. 13 to 88 . H 'hie-
lie ami Lieiiteuaant D.v I, A g 88 I I
Kepi 1, Mill and Lieutenant Zang,
s-pt 1 toll. Johler and LleuMnaoi
WiiluiiM. s-pt. 11 to 81; Toonai and
Hetttroth, Sapl "1 toOct 1; Moir anJ
Saliry, tict. l lo 11, T JoM and
Bldgwav. Oct 11 to 81; v Uh .1,1,1
Tnomaa. OA 81 to 81; Bonmldt an 1
B rgant Deitnr, Out, II to Nov 10;
Itnrke, Nov. 10 to 80
Ladies Will Replenish the Troatury
of the Board ot Associated
The meeting of la ll-s, at which Col
nnl E. 11. Rippiewill preside, tomor
row afternoon at t o'clock at th
Young Worn -OS Christian atsociatim
room should be attended by every
lalv who has the city w-lfr at
I eart A pi in will be put In operation
for securing fun Is to replenish the ex
beusttd Ireaanry ot th board of aeto-
eclated btriti
The last hundred dollar available
wat appropriated by tut b isr I it Tuet
lay Dlgbt'l nineilng to give employ
ment and aid to a very small pt-rcent-nge
of tht horde of deatitntt persons
who art dtily tppt.liug for blp
Many r.rn nnstakvn by tn bright
dayt, mrm weather and I iioyanry
which acrotnpaiiy ipring into the
thought that relief applications should
decree ae. Balmy weather doe ooi feed
the stsrving. The riqiort of I he Clisi 1
ties' ageat and member of the board
testify that the destitution of the punt
winter has not been lessened, but that,
on the contrary, appeal! are increasing.
Tin atate ot all lira is not ctni-d by
a worse condition of tr le In tunny
case the present condition is owing In
tne fact that email savings have been
spent and the winter's store of provis
ion bus been onsnnad,
The Hoard of Associated Charities
hat x'euded ail to 111 my hundreds;
the ladies are not the ones to let the
good work atop,
Programme to be Hendered at th T. M
C A. Gymnasium
The following will be the order of
exercises for the gymnastic exhibition
of the Young Men' Christian Asnocin
tiou, to he given in the Y. M. C. A.
hall tomorrow evening:
Military and Fancy Marching Ladies
Manual of Arms Hoys
Club Swinging Ladies
Fencing Kxercises.' Ladies
Hoop Drill Mi-sos
Advance,) Clnh Swinging Ladies
Uol! Drill -"doing Out to Tea" Uirls
(a) Delsarte Exercises 1 n-Wred
(6) Emotional Pones eeiectea
City Officials and Cou cilmen to Take a
Trip to Luzrce County.
The muyor.ciiy engineer and member
of both branches of tho city councils
have been invited by rl-Oommlatlontt
Ilendler, of Luz-me couutv. t inspect
his quarry at Fairview on Aay 16.
Tim party It ex itcted to 1-ave for
Fmrvlew on the 9 u m D da ware nnd
Hildton train aud will be met at
Wilkes-Iiirre by the Luzorna county
Very General Sentimsnt Found to Favor the
Mulberry Street Location.
Samuel Samter Claims That the Best
Interests of the City Will Be Served
by Changing the Location of the
Bridge from Linden Street to Mul
berryThe Change Would Be a
Saving to the City.
At the meeting lit the arliilration
room In the court house Tu -s lay even
ing to discuss tba advisability of chang
ing the location of th propowd bridge
from Ltndenatreet to Muloerry trent.
it wan s iowii that tuore if N gr cit de d
of interest taken in the matter. 'I'll
meeting developed th f lot Hint many
of the leading uitiftOt of tba E lit and
W-tt Side have given th mitler
mncb attention and that their invesli
gationt hv led them to the belief
thai Mulberry tree! in b-ttr adapted
lor tlie bridge location tuan is Linden
The TBIBURI desire to have the pr. -posed
cba.ige Ireelv discusd, and
locked upon from all aldat, Onaoeonnt
Ol the prvllUra Of other new It Was
Impoaalbla to devote aa mnob pce to
the meeting at the c mrt tinutt an ws
dtsired. However, TRtBUNI reporter
yesterday saw a oufflbei ol gentlemen,
several of whom attended mil spoke
at Tut ly' matting, and lo further
ezplanntton of tii-ir view, tba follows
Ing Inter vie wa art given: Tblt pper
will continue to pnbltab an 1 ibciis for
that purpose the view of all person
who car to express an opinion, either
tor or sgaiual 1 ia Linden etreet sit,
it only requirement t-ing brevity an l
the writer nam, for pnbltoation
Dim ol the molt ardent advocate of
I lie change It Siinuel Satnter, of the
firm ot Sateier lire. He was frank
ongb to say Wl i n intrrviewe i by a
I r.:i i vk reporter yesterday afternoon
til ,t lie Wat among those win) might be
benefitted, fruffl a pecuniary stand
point, yet he was Oonvlnced that in
be.t 1 itoreata ol tba olt would alo be j ,j
nerv-d by - in-11 a change.
"From ihl engineer' point of vi-w,'
ail Mr Satnter, "Muiberry itrMt is
more desirable because the bridge
wool I tic-rily b suortr, ih piet
w. til l he firmer and there would b
fewer of tuom. "1 scientific prlnci
p,e genera ly. fr.un w.ial tu engin
eer ay, a leslter tin lg could be bnilt
an I at far les font et M ,1 bt rry street
than t Unden Dtaidaa mis th- ip
proacUet would tie much in re c ui
venlent for vai and pduriMi
"from a praotlcil ataodpoial it ap
pear to to that Mulo-rrv Street p te
ese many advaotagaa over Linda,
street The teroloni of thebnigeat
Linden street w iul I Ik al grade crost
lUg, while that at Mulberry It reel
would not The ffect on i nslness and
property Valoe WOOld b greater be
anna It W ill 1 OpM up more nnim-
proved I andt It would be in t bene
licial to people living In th N rtb F. I
an I would a!! irl better fCI Hies f ;
reselling the mora Important public
1 nil llntra, I migbi my io mat N .r
Aug falle, tn nw property joil opened
up by the Lackawanna Iron an I Btaal
company, contiguous to Nar Aug park,
olt!ienew bonievard to r. in
which w ill nn loobt 1 1 v be very popn
lr. wouid l' re -idered m rn accestiuln
1 v 1 in ig nt Mulberry street.
Vgain. It Inn lie.-n long cone, lei
that a bridge latwen Lsckawanna
sveona and Car boa treet i or, ...
-ity. ai d s Hi prn t of havn.g
two between t!i-' p-unta in very d.t
nt, Wt at lest OUgl t to have on that
rill ls centrally iooatad and at the
inie'.iin. l 1 h ip-r than one other
WIS placed.
"1 don t hliv the appropriation for
thn erection of L.nd-n tre.t bridge
will b tutli -lent 10 c vr II coi and
pay tbe damage! which It will cms.,
on the wstrn end The city will
probably raaliB that It ha uitlea
mlatnka if tba brl Iga i placed at Lm.
den street I feel safe in saving that
if the appropriation of fli l oisi is not
enough lo complete the bridge on Mill
berry itraal, the property holders con
tiguous to tn brl lg will promptly and
abet rfully make up 1 he d:ff-renoe.
"People may lay thai tne interest
manifested with regard tO the bridge
at Mulberry street in shown mutlv by
tbOaa having propel ty o ell. That's
q isliy true ol Linden atroel Latotw
s. llisli Ititerestl be compare. I a .d see
Whose are t ie DOT reasonable I Mill
confident that (rum Ihlanawpbaa of
th.- miller an well is from I uine
and practical View, we have til bent
ground for asking that the bridge pa
pi iced at Mulberry sir' t "
Victor Liner bad into tO y:
"The uisj .rity of Ibe people of the
Well Sole are indifferent as lo where
til bridge I placed and oiltsld of
i. living along Bwetland irt In
the Poorteentb ward th-re is lulls in
terst maulfeatad In the Bettor What
lb Hyde l'ark p-ople want I Ireedom
fiom grade crossings, low surface
gra In and another mean of crossing
the Lackawanna. The bridge at Lin
den street will probably aiollsh the
grade crossing and afford a means ol
crossing lii river, but it is almost im
possible to get a low surface grab'
there. All these din 1 I vintages may
is. avoided by placing the bridge a!
Mulberry street. Placing tun bridge
Urilier from tba prospective loca
tion of the viaduct increases
the chances of getiiug a viaduct
which so many of the West Side po
pie desire and tins is mor-. likely to
follow tne hn Igi at Mulberry ttreel
than kt Linden aireet. T 1 engineer
say tfiat th bridge at Mulberry sireet
Oao be built for at lean (I 000 less
than the bridge at Linden Ureal. This
lining tile case, wny not build the
bridge nt Mulberry ttroet and apply
1 he money saved Ity so doing inward Hie
construction of the viaduct? IVttebone
street, Hie western extension of Mul-b-rry,
could more easily be Widened
and with less expense than B Wat land
street, the terminus of the proposed
Linden street bridge. Taking every
thing into considerstion. I think a
ridge nt Mulberry s'rcot wonld be fr
mora desirable than on at Linden
street. "
Oilier whom The Tkihi ne reporter
aw on both si lee or the river were 1
equally ardent in their opinions, but
they differed little from those expressed
by the two gentlemen above quoted
It is certain that there is a very strong
sentiment in favor of changing tht
bridge, but whether it can be done
without recourse to law ie a qOMtiOD
on which there is coniidcrnbiu differ
ence of opinion.
much notltt imiDOK.
The grade on Hie western end of the
proposed bridge at Linden street It an
other matter of consideration. At
Swetiand the grade will be m om 11 per
cent, while it certainly will not exceed
4 per cent, if Pettibone etrout is made
tne western lerniinus of the bridge.
The bridge at Linden street must of
necetsity be 0S5 feet long, at Mulberry
street it would not be more than 550
feet. Pettshone atreet, the wettern ex
tension of Mnlberry street it at present
fifty feet wide and may easily be madt
wider. Swetiand atreet is only thirty
and the expense of widening it would
reach a considnrablo sum.
Thete are tome of the money argu
ments udvanced by those who favor the
location of the bridge at Mulberry
street The feeling In favor of the ex
change ia growing and it U burd to tell
what the outcome will be.
An ADpsalln Behalf of th Salton Sum
mor Home.
Tba home for sick women and
children who, through misfortune,
find them -Ives unable to pay for atrip
10 the country for rest and pure air,
will again be opened near Dtlton early
111 June, provided the moana for defray
ing the expense are forthcoming. As
list season, it will again ho entirely
noneectarian, and it is earnestly hoped
that charitably disposed citizens of
all cree ls will contribute generously.
Contribution miy b sent to Mr. S.
H. S'evens, 1 1 fS Wyoming avonRe, who
will act at IrtaiUrer, ami will acknowl
dge nil gift. An this charity latt
year was of great benefit lo the poor
le' pie of our city we b'speuk for it a
g"hnrons response.
General Committee Elects Officers
and Starts on Prelim
inary Business.
L st Blftbt the general cotnmittoeof
the Sheridan Uonnment association
met for permanent organization at the
1 osrd of trade rooms and transacted
important preliminary business
I hi i:HrR remuiitten comprises
some of the representative bnsinat
nmn of tfie ci'V who propose to raise a
fund to the extent of Wl or mor
throughout th county and erect an
qneetrisn latun to the memory of
General Phil Bberidso In court hnntt
; T . uemes of those c mpot
n, g 'he committee were selected by
anoih-r committee which w app dnt
t a iiieetm.' of citiZ'ht field
recently in tu armory,
1 im lo!,,, wing ofH.-er weraelncte!
laetolfbti Captain P. DeLacy, presi
dent. Siinuel Satnter. Vice president;
.1 II a ,gli 11, ret.iry . I i
M ra, treasurer.
Wntln th general plan of raiting
flllldn Wa ll..'USS 1 ,'. r, as d , . ;
to take definite aotloo nnlii a commit
ten of, termed the "plan of caUl
palgn" c 'tnuntte. appointed by the
ch nr. h ive rep -e I t i thn K)nrl com
mittee 11 it Wednesday nigOl
Samuel Sam -r. John E H 0ht. T
J K-lly. M .1 K liyand J..on Gib
lions were ippolntod the Bom
mittoa mratloaod b.iv Tney wii,
sutimn to thn g.-iieral boly messur
for lis fc'Ci line, a plan for districting
fee BOty among ub e uninitt-es n I
neani for tba ratal ag end handling of
The board of trad roorai will be
used for meeting pnrpises etch Wed
n today night nntil further nonce.
tR ftT fMf ClASS WOUItS.
Small BUai Ea nial hsl the
Hts Peatyeetee Arnye
Ther wa a small blaM in th psck
ln( drpsrtment of the tiren Hidge
1 Ita WOrkl last evening lb fiie
which originate I In a pile of trsw,
waa d Itcovered by one of too tBpJoyee
of the glass works. Who tent In tti
Workman about th place got a
itreara on tba lama bafora tot arnvi
of tb tir oom Banian, and luoaaa led m
tStingnUbing it. The damage wt
Oes Delta l er Rrrl Ssv(t
By using the leted R ival Blend V. u-,
th lngi.l gratia and best fan i v II .tir
mnuti fired l -nsl by tboj.atid As
your gri.i it for It.
II M 't . vrav ' " , Agents,
726 NV Lsckawanna avenue,
" Sirsutoo.
Ssee -St
Rcrsnt 1 's Pnetaaaa Interaatai
lilt 1 hum st will MM n pub 1. h n rare.
fu Iv aora piled and chueifl-d list of th
leading wholesale, tiatiknig, tuanufactnr
logand profettiooaJ lateraata of Bemntoa
nml nelalty. Tim edltloo will be bound
in book form, le-aunfuiir Qlnetrated wuu
ph togravure views of our pnbllc build-
i g.. posii). bl". ks, streets, , tc, together
With portrait of leait ng ritnens. No
similar work has ever giv-u an e.usi rep-
reteatnteoa at Beraatoa'a many htdaa
tries. It will la an invnluable np..sition
if our biisinees r.s urcM. Sent t ontalda tba city, espial of
tins handsome work will attract
new comers and hn au Boequalled
sdverlisement of the city. The c.rcu
latloa is on a plan that cannot fail of good
result IOtboawnrWMd w. a thee it y
ii isrgn Rapresentatl vet of Tn Tnm
will call upon tiiosi whose namei
an itiiitiit' in tin tflittfrn md explain
Ita nature more fully.
TI desiring views of their residence
m tn: edition will please 1. ave notice at
Hie oltlce.
The Electric Glove Clean
er. The greatast success.
No washing. No odor. For
sale at FINLEY'S.
row, ;ii
the works of a wheelbar
it shouiii ii oiled onoe
It is it nuich liner piece of
mechanism nnd should be
cleiineil and oiled every year,
to keep it in good order.
Have it done by
W. W. Berry
The Jeweler
Who has had Iwenly-live
years' experience. You will
find him at
417 Lacka
Avenue. Best Sew of Teeth, $Si00
1 Irclntllntr. o,e palnlp utraetlni
cl tei-tu by uu tunreiy uow iiir
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
ltu UVUiUlNU AVli.
tfieael' Social
J. Prank Biegel social Thursday evening,
May 10. General invitation extended to
friends and former patroot.
Bpsolal Sal
of Ladies', Misses and children' shoes
Factory Shoe Store. 411 Lack'a ave.
is" 111 iiimiiiiiiiiii mmij
I The Melancholy Days
JJ Of bousecleanlng havo come.
I The Saddest of the Year i
To the married man, because his
boma in all broken up.
1 The Time of Misery I
Would be of shorter duration if
2 the household comprised somo of 8
J tho labor savors which B .TTIN
g A CO. have 00 special sale at this H
S bsssou. m
and HARDEN TOOL uf all kinds
at pricon within roach.
REERIliKRATOKS In fact.acom
pl -te lino ot useful and necesaary
ui ueies.
128 Wyoming Ave.
We are now displaying
a fine line of
SHOE DEPARTMENT and find anything your
fancy may wish or mind dictate. Our stock represents
the Choicest Spring Styles tor Men. Women and Children
1 o vou want anything in
Patent Leather, Russian Calf,
Kangaroo. Tan Goat, Tan Kid,
Calf or Cordovan, in Lacs, Button,
Blucher, Blucherette, Congress
and Oxfords, from
$1.25 TO $5.00
Men's Fine Russian Calf Shoes
Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Shoes
r.v. rv purchaser nf piods :t in -
chance on the Beantifnl PABLOB
Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA.
Razor Toe Last.
latest styles in Footwear trade at
Banister s.
BANISTER'S PRICES are a little less than yon
are paying elsewhere for inferior goods.
BANISTER will give yon MORE for yonr money
than any Shoe Honse in the city. Patent Leather
and Russet Shoes in endless variety.
T-3 X T T ffl TT I Q
. ixi 15 I r- r n
- 1
Coxey's Army Can't Buy These
Child's Straw Sailors, wo'th
25c. and 35c. On Mon
day, 19c.
Child's Lace Caps, regular
price 25c. to 35c. Mon
day, 19c.
Child's Mull Hats, our reg
ular price, 25c. Mon
day, 19c.
These Bargains for
We will give all a chance.
This sale will continue
fur the remainder of the
Look at This
We will offer for bal
r 1
ance ol week: a
Trimmed Sailor
For 19c.
Also a Black Clay
Worsted Coat with
moire trimming, latest
cut, worth $14, For $6.00.
You can have your
choice of 100 Capes and
Coats for $2.98,
Worth from $7 to $15.
Don't miss this chance. It
will last for the remainder of
this week only.
138 Wyoming Ave.
$1.90; worth $2.50
81.35; worth $2.00
in tt t i nic
to $1 or over receives a
Banister's new
If you want the
Pnr IsolfOiianns snrl Uinminrr liisnnts
UW t-uuKunaiiiia uiiu nitiiiimg biuiiusoi
Boys' Kilt Suits, regular
$1.35. Monday,
Men's and Boys' Straw
Hats, worth 35c. to 50c.
Monday, 23c.
Special Bargains in Flow
ers and Ribbons.
-"TttTTf n , rwtwV
f Al 1.