The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, May 10, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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Ti i. Tbiiiuni Publisiiino Company.
Nirw York omci: TnmcN Bnr.niNO.
Fhank s. Orav. Manaoer.
tnlerrd al the MiioUce nt Scrna'on, fo.,
Krcunri-t'fuss Hail Mailer-
TBI EXPRESSED fear of certain 000
temporaries ttant Sunday ball playing
may be Indulged In y Bints league
Stabs can lis dismissed at one as with
out foundation. Sabbath dsseorstlon
is not only not necessary to the financial
success of base, bull; but with proper
management of the secular names, the
proper observance of Sunday as a day
of rest will add to the popularity ami
to the revenue of the week day sport.
The Income Tax Once More.
The announcement that if the income
tax becomes a law a test case as to its
constitutionality will ha prepared bv
Pennsylvania's noted constitutional
lawyer, John Gr. Johnson, acquires ad
ditional interest to Scrantonisns bv
reason of Mr. Johnson's recent presence
inthia eity as one of the counsels in tlie
Spenoer suit. There is no division of
opinion among lawmen as to Mr. John
son's iibiliiy to prepare a itrong cise
should tt-at labor bo forced DDOO him
as a result of Democratic folly. Indeed,
the longer this revenue proposition is
consi lereil by persons who look deeper
than the m-rely superficial conclusion
that it "utak-a the ric i in-n pay the
coNts of gorernmont" the lets x-u
does there si t m for its adTanoement io
time of peace, and the less justice do.'
it possess.
Mr. Johnson states the case mil liy
whn he Hserts tlint it is a "most
odions and dot icatile messnre," and
that on general grounds it is "objec
tionable ami unconstitutional," Why,
indeed, "tbould a man eubj-ot to pop'
ular knowledge 'he amount of his in.
come?'' Wi'v should he "be compiled
to brirjg forth his hooka and account.
if the aateesor makes the tax too blgbf
Tha theory of ;ntirnalim, agatnat
wnich Democracy has railel so p.-r-liatently
since tbe verv beinnini; of
this government, has nerer aetnn d
trior i xtri rue m v nil nt plus in an in
this nn called-for and utterly nnj'isti
1 . la attempt to antbnriz- spying tat
sses-on to prv into the private iti-i-ness
accounts of thrifty eitit'M and,
when resisted, to cloth- tiiein witn tu
ultra authority f sunnitrv arret I and
commitment, "Soeli a tiiea.nre," savs
Mr. Johnson, "will '-ad to prejudice
and I liter attacks " Tue country unr
cunsidc Itself fortnr.ate if the enact
ment or sueli a lw, in tints of p.ace
and quiet, would th reeuiunt
telle to etop merely at "preju lice and
bitter attacks. " Fir less no lacmut in
vasions than this of individn il rights
minions of an arbitrary law hav- loen
in jsetsd to fnrcibla Indignity end riot
bal been Incited which has shaken m
pirs We have no manner of doubt that
Mr. Johnson's contention aa to the
law's nconetiutlonality is correct.
In principle the tax Is vicious beyond
lepair. It caters to ono class and op
press! Knottier class. It eoumi's tut
government to a policy of economic
favoritism and punishment more out
rageoui a hundred fold than wej ever
charged egainel the protective taniT
which tht Democratic orator denounce
so faciltly at unjust class legislation.
Under a protective tariff, Whatever
adjectives mv ba applied to it, the
American pef pit prOSpsrsd at they ha 1
never proeptred before. (Jo ler an In
come tax rider to a anti-prod ction
scheme of tc inomics we ahould ste
such a multiplication of claat frictions
and industrial clashes us not even the
most prescient protectionist has yet
dared to fnret-11
With the enactment of the income
tux will end the theory that this is a
democracy, Are we ready for that I
BkaDINo's ( oi nch.manic scandal has
apparently simmered down to a point
where on lldtil afraid tn stv anvtlii iig
anlthe'ther "rlaaoanl" The original
accusation that m lid I. ecu improp
erly distri'nnte I among Certain toloni
was made without proof Htid It yet
stands without proof; hut the PT0babtt
itis are so evenly balanced that no
body seems disposed to disbelieve the
charge. Men might 10 DC sent to coun
cils who do not excite suspicion
Hv hissing opportunely away, Cro
ker hop-t to ba able to live and fight
another day.
Breckinridge a Brazen Blasphemer.
Notwithstanding the strong opposi
tion of the Louisville Courier-Journal io
his renomination an opposition made
all the stronger by the fact that this is
the first time in its hlitorv which this al
most leered oracle of blue grass Hour
bonisra has transgressed its rule of
strict neutrality toward ctndi lutes
prior to the nominating convention
Colonel Ureckinridgo is pushing his
"campaign for a vindication" with ex
traordinary energy and nntacity N r
Is he lacking in shrewdness. In any
other portion of the conntrv a defiance
of public sentiment from a man eon
vlotnd of unutterable infamy would
eicite amusement rather than sym
pathy. In Kentucky, however, among
descendants of the "Lost Caus-," sncti
talk aa that which follows it not with,
out eff-ct :
My friends, are you to chose your own
representative shall resolutions adopted
by meeting! in Boston and Philadelphia, or
editorials in the Courier-Journal decide
for yonf Who of yon has not souse
enough, who has not manhood enough,
who has not will enough to vote your own
vote in vour own wayf I am not asking
the suffrage of any man outside the Ash
land district. It l impertinent inter-med-liuefor
anyone outside to dictate what it
shall do. I denounce the claim of anyone
to meddle in what doe not concern him,
and the hicher 'he name the more I de
nounce him. In the natno of God, whose
name I am not afraid to take upon my sln
fr l but reverent lips, 1 deny the right of
anyone to nse His dread namo to my in
jury. This, to be aure, is blasphemy, naked
and bold. Rut among a certain class
of Kentuckians, blasphemy ranks at an
exceedingly mild offence, if not really
au accomplishment. It depeuds now
npon the true chivalry and dignity of
the bine grass commonwealth to vindi
cate tbe honor of Kentucky's pure oit-
iz-nship. In a sense the entire state
is in the balance. It will be weighed,
the whole lineage-proud southern aris
tocracy wili be weighed, In accordance
with the measure that it will ltstlf put
in the scale when it passes npon W. C.
P Breckinridge. We do not have ssri
ons doubt of the result. Whatever ar
tificial distinctions time, locality and
custom may engender, human nature
at bottom it the same in Kentucky as
it is els-where; the tame in its high
regard for womanly virtue and manly
honor, the same In its thorough con
tempt for blatant hypocrisy aud braza n
dishonor. Yet it is well to hav this
insue fairly and plainly drawn. Upon
the verdict much d -ponds.
Richard CR0KIB it the latest con
vert to the belief that this is not a
Democratic year.
Mrs. LitASiC has been heard from
again. 8 ie is once more in the middle
of the arena, an 1 the object of her
quest is to get into congress. Consid
ering that Kansas has s"t up a con
gressional standard which does not re
quire its representatives to he anything
other than conspicuous its frayed dele,
gation of sockless Populists might be
amen led for the b-tter hy the inclu
sion of Mrs. Lease. There is no dis
puting her ability to talk.
Onr (loon, rousing Republican broad
side would turn the Tammany confus
ion into a panic. It it New York's great
The Bridge Question.
In view of tbe continued interest at
taching to tie location of the WestS It
bri lg, TBI TltllU NE elsewhere begins
a series of additional Interviews with
Scrantonians who have been prominent
in sdvocao? of thia needed ImpTOVi -nienl.
Tne opinions presented thll
morning represent in ampler fashion
than Wat previously practicable the
views of those who wi .o in tisrticlni-
tion or in sympathy with Tuesday
evening's meeting cailej to advocate
a change of the bridge site from Lin
den to Mulberry alreet. Thi Instal
men! of interviews will be followed by
others representing other shades of b
lief and preference. Our aim is to
CiVS all si lea a fair hearing and to tint
Snd short communications, properlv
sinned with tne writers' names for
publication, are aolirit. I
At the same time, it must be sai l i n
'rmkeest t.'at the egitation for a
changed li cstion appears to have been
tardily begnn. There can ba little
donhi, H se. pis to us, that the indorse
mnt recently .'ivn at the polla to the
bridge project by the reepoostble tax
;avrs of Scrinton tvaa conditioned at
that time ODO . what w SUppOOCd U
be almost the e.jnivaUnt of a fixed
f'Cf, namely, tht the Went Bids
brides, if authorised stall, would spaa
th" Lackawanna from Lin lea to w-t
land streets If It ehonhl now appear,
hy lbs generil voice of the pen; iU, tnel
the aentimeiit of the ni .joritv has sud
denly undergone a chaagcj or that
hter obstacles have arisen rendering
lbs first choice of doubtful Utility, w
aave no doubt the fact can be mani
fested without th trouble or til" ex
pense of prolonged Wrangling an I
factions litigation. The paramount
considtratioo, at all events, le to pro
mote the welfare of the greatest num
ber; and thi can ocly be don by a
promot a OOnStrUCtiOO of the or. dee as
is consistent with ofl ial fidelity l the
inttreata of the w, d city.
WlTB Ggmt&aX HaKUSOS anl Gov
ernor UeJDaley both f-remf deter-
mined tc have "antbla to aty, "tbit
b-coiuts Tom Bead's great clia ce
The MTU of the pretent postofflc
department that Saloon ktert and
l4r tenders shall be bsrr l from p-pointm-nt
a postmatert is founded on
obvious justice to the pn1 lie. manv ol
whom ilo not ctre tn go for tnil into
i building where ICtOlteentS are die-p-used
"on the tide." Tne man who
Can lUCOSSef oily mansK a liquor aa
loon no doubt has the potential al llity
also to manage a ph ; bnt toe
former busineaa it generally fsr too
profitable to nukeit worth hia whli to
negotiate for a trade,
As to Sunday Cloiiog.
( in., geio-re principle msy le. aflinne I
with nohsiaitatlng emphsslsi Tbe great
tu i -my of Intellcgenl Anurtooa nn
stns favor a rtssoosbls Sunday observ
nice ami are npp.iae I to a wantonly
dossers ted Babbath. There i no dis
pute hs to the merit and wisdom of the
(CBsral iurpote of those hcrantonlant
who are i leniified with the movement
to close local business places on Snn
day. It btromtt, then, purely question
of methods lias there ben a Sufficient
education of tbe inaasea up to a point
whvre a rigid a lininiatration of the
ao-called bin law Standard in thia
Community would b desiranle, if pos
sible; or possible, if desirable? Is
there a fair prospect of reaching sub
stantial victory along tb line which
selects for exemplary prosecution an
occasional druggist who sells sola
water and apparently omits to punish
the "speak easy" proprietor who sella
adulterated liquora and vile cigarsT
Theoretically, the theft of a penny is
as big a crime as the embeaglemont of
millions; but for practical nurpotes,
tlie prevention of the latter ia of greater
benefit than the exclusive correc ion of
tbe former Is it not taking needless
risks to head a crusade against s da
fountains wnil much mjra hurtful in
fractions of the Sunday law inconveni
eucea larger proportion of our citizen?
Tmf.ue WILI. bo no torehesds nt liar
rlBhurg on the evening of May 20.
This it not a year for soreheads, at least
not for Republican soreheads.
An Excellent Charity.
The appeal which is elstiwhtre pub
lished in behalf of the free home for
sick women and children eatablished
last summer at Dalton by charitably
inclined Scrantoulaus, deserves to meet
wiih a generous and immediate re
sponse, For the benefit of thoso who
may not have had opportunity to be
come familiar with the workings of
this practical bentficance. it should be
said that the Dalton home is
entirely uon-sectarian and entirely a
creation of voluntary and unselfish
eenerosity. Missionary agents of nny
church or philanthropic society who
will vouch for deterving mothers or
children, whose circumstances make
desirable, but otherwise impossible, a
short sojonru in the country are privi
leged to have us many guests enter
tained at this home at there are. means
to provide for such entertainment. No
questions will bs asked at to raco or
creed; all who deserve a welcome will
get it while the funds hold out.
Another meritorious feature con
nected with this nractioal charity is
the entire absence of red tape which in
many instances strangles or crippUs a
charity's practical power for good.
None of the persons identified with the
home, except those who do manual
labor, make any charge for their ser
vices. Neither does a dollar contrib
uted to the treasurer dwindle down
through repeated handling to fifty or
twenty-five cents at the further term
inal of its philanthropic mission.
Every penny goes to the doing of a full
penny's worth of good, and it is a deed
eapecially commendable for the reason
that its beneficiaries are tired mothers
and suffering children, to whom the
short sojourn amid refreshing rural
surroundings means, in many cases,
preserved lives.
In this connection, although the two
beneficences art separate and distinct,
a word of praise would seem to be in
place for the free summer excursions
conducted each year by the Men's
Ootid of ihe st. Luke's church. Began
.even years ago, the total number of
tzcursiontets has risen from ,100 the first
season to more tlun 1,800 last season.
Of the latter number 101 wore babies in
arms, while more than 000 were
children below tne age of 8 years
As to what extent this second
practical charity has contributed to the
enjoyment of It bsneflolarioc, and even
o th ir physic il salvation, it would be
Impossible to form any estimate. The
Hi' re citation of numeral results, how
ever, should le sufficient to exeif-
imong our citigsns emotion of pridt
at the thought that progressive Scran
ton is thus alert in Its cliaritiea, aa well
as in it material advancement.
A s ntPIJMtOM seems to prevail
imonj i -rlaiti base b.ill en'hnsiasts i .
this city that so long bs an umpire pre
serves a fur balance, it does not ni tt
t-r bOW ininy gross, god palpable er-r-re
he mar make Thia idea is wr m..
in both theory and prectles In theory,
an umpire isrxpee'l to know Ids bti
ineca, and a little of thia, in practice,
W Ul I do BQCb to restore local 011 pa
trons to corei hnmor .
BU QtTlao, as utnal, hit th nail
; lomoll and fairly on the head wnen
be md. aprop s ..f ( rokr: "Any msn
vb i retiree under tir, cvifess-s.'' Or
Hn,7 d thievery will SgrviVC foker'l
defeat ; bnt its rich prod's can be tf
outly curtailed if ttalj prsssnl advan
tage on the i'l of ho iest gov. r imtnl
I res. InUlv followed np
It tn I at; t f .rtn ihtfS r tai 1 to
be ktt item in th 'Wilson" bill which
have le-en'1 from a free trade to
a protective basis, st the sppeel of in
tretd eonstitunt. Thaqueation now
i ess, if Ropub ican protection i "nn-
i constitutional, what li thia Demo-
cratie protect! oo In favored spotol
Tlir nsT plan in uch m-'Vem'nts at
that for Sunday closing is not to gel
too far ahead of th majority sn l nol
to be too eartiet in the swinging of
punitive clubs. People cto b led
when thty cnsit H lr'vn
live jot iisjg Puiirics.
t hlni 1 r of the trje yestt-r lsr ransd
Tut Tidin sr to t.Mipon tbe Hopabltoaa
State OOaVeattoa OO day. The error w
ohvi .n. h iwev-r. if anything. t.oobTl
otu. I 'tie of th" rnvsterl of life Is how
vividly on I it ( Is nilttak p"njru itself
t-nvurd tu- reader of nJsp.r Wbtet
SOMBaa Of a.curat or remain on-
U'preeentative Slbler'i generosity in
tratviBg bit mien.' objections tu public
life, when tearful y he .ughtby C asrf rd
roonty tmbstn to ac . ept i Mimn naf n,
will thunder down th corridors nf iim s
oae rare sadehtnlag instance of pare ai
truism in politic
1 hat delegation of llarleton eip.ctntt
winch the atber day waited on Congress
man Wtlllsm limes with the announce.
tie-nt that It he .. il I "pirk ..'ie an l l-ay
tne reel" II Would be better far than for
ail to hunger f r the p-.-'al plnm that
doesn't drov adopted a cruel ntetbod of
renin ling the in.'inlier from I.ux rue that
Bit Cell, and not himself, lathe on whose
i h-.osiug "goe."
I! current rumor is to lie believe.1, the
entry of Lettcorlng let i the Lasitrat
roller. -si .mil canvass hs had a dliurb
mg effect on i he salcnleUoat or a go ..i
many ohl timers. It was charge! hv
lien tan. OfWUMI that Mr. l-isennrg
wan young and m-tpeneaced, and that he
wa setup by I he managers of his boorn
iiu-relv to be ki OCbvd dCWa a soon i,n
purse ran ilry. Th - sequel is proving that
lie ia well able to protect himaelf ami, if
neCSSSary, to give eatonl veteran
points. II" may nol Im nominated against
llltie; but It is certain thai tin will help
materially to say who shall be.
An I- ! -i Herein.
I 'offlie.
Vernier Hodge ireadmg novelette! I'm
out of nil patience with that Ulariys Kn.
allwyn In the atory the Cray she's abusing
h. r beautiful eye She doesn't deserve to
have nny.
Mrs. Hodge What's she been doing
farmer Hodge This Imiok it (nil of It.
First "lie l brew her eyea up to the ceiling,
ami then let them dropou tlie Moor, then
she ilariod I heui down 08 a long corridor
and rested them on the cool waters of the
lag on. Then she must heVCCallCd then
back somehow, for il ay she bathed them
111 sad, salt teara, wiped them and swepl
then with long lashes. Once she wss fool
enough to rivet then On ihed me, and,
when I left i IT, shewn flung them on e
I a Judicious I v .-tmn '.
yesaotglea flier
An linpnrtniit item in the management
of any modern buaiueas c-ubliihiueut de
li, nd-nt for success nn the patronage of
the public is ilmt of advertising. Mer
chants Iny nnt money in advertising for
the purpose of getiing returns by attract
ing the attention of the public to the
goods they hne to sell. An advertise
ment then is an inveatmeiit, and a very
good investment, if one uses the same
judgment in making it, as he would ordi
narily use : Investing in real esiato, or m
any other commodity.
Jolly Place fcr Ommnnwsaltri.
ifonfon Trnii.scri'p(.
The challenge to tbe fnte of previous co
operative, socialistic ami various other intended-to-be
Uptopinn comiuunitie ia bold
ly thrown down by General Booth In his
plan to form a Salvation Army colony in
Western Australia, in which the unfor
tunates of all natious and creeds may find
refug and encouragement to begin lite
anew. The United States has n lively
special interest in its success, as it Would
draw frow the number of ne'er-do-weels
hitherto drifting io this country.
Pas Ball "ii Sunday.
ylentoica lender.
Tho Enston base ball team has started to
vary the monotony of the day of rest by
inaugurating a series of sacred ball games.
Just how they will be patronized by the
populace of the wicked c ity we can't say,
but one thing we knOWl The people of
this region Allentown, Catasanqua and
the Bethlehems are not going to tolerate
Sunday ball playing. If the Honorable
Mike Kelly anil his minions want to knock
files on ihe first day of the week they had
best do so in Jersey or Kalamazoo. If they
they try the contlnensl Sunday racket ou
Allentown, they will got hit by their own
V. hen Hia Mission Ends.
Philuii pMS Tones.
The prniession of the walking delegate
as n mi-chief maker is always nt an end
nhen the etriker couBults home interest.,
nnd homo ties first.
BLUc rioge.
For Tin; TntBVSB.
My hills .if bine, mv hills of blue,
My heart in love goes out to you:
(Joes out as, softly, (old ou fold,
Your downy lines nre distance-told,
Till wedded with the sky's own huo,
Culm, curving, lulls of blue.
1'ar hills, to me you seem to bo
Dream wave upon an azure sea,
A dreamy sen of azure mist
My fancy bnrk ooul I ne'er resist,
Hut lloaied ever on nnd thro'
Those waves of softest blue.
0 bills of blue, fair hills of blue.
To love anil beauty ever true.
The world, beside, in vajn may show
Her treasures ran.; there's naught 1 know
'an be so tlear to me as you,
My native hills of blue
THIMM (J. OsinmNic.
Taylor, Ps . May 9.
Hill Sc
131 and 133
N. Washington Ave.
Bottcm Prices
& Co
Meat Market
Ihe Fines t in the City
The latent iuiir.ive. fur
nlaliitiK anil nppsntSI fur
ItaS Ding meat, luilter ami KS
V!3 veming Ave.
Qualified Veterinary Surgeon,
Over Thirty Yearn' Experience
Practical Shoeing
PrsdnStS Of the American Veterinary
The treatment ef I.AM EN F.1 anil ether Im
pediments In th" movement! of h ret
every sttSfnOBBi
l ame and sink nrlmaln examined ami pre
SBrfSed for tree of rharaeevery Monday from
i let P. Mi
X) 1 OFtinnins and nolrtnrina nil done away
1N with hv the ue of 1IAKTMAK S AT
ENT PAINT, whl.h conalate of nitiredl nts
well-known to .ill It .-an be applied m tin.
pal vanned tin. heet Iron rooa. ai o to brick
jlwollin -H, whirh will prevent nbaolutely any
eranbllM orackiag or i-r.-nk of ths
bri. k. It will ontl.iHt tl:niii ot any kind l.y
many,iind it'n cont dr not exceed one
fifth thntof he cost of tlnnina. Ia sold by
the jo' or p. uud. Contracts taken by
tnli'MU IIAki.iivn "i.T Hirch St
. : .,
Lar-2 Szzz'.-l
WANT a Piano or Organ Cheap?
An extra fine Honry F. Miller Square
l'lano $15
An extra fine "Chick. .ring "Squarn Piano 171
A Rood Haines llrotlien Sqa.ire Pano... 10U
A food Mayer Brothers quart Piano.... so
A maid Firth & Pond CnttSTS I iano 75
A good Pinphnnin H niar Piano 60
A verv good lloton Piano Co. Walnut
Upright W
A very good Whceloek I'pright Piano.. 19'
A very SDOd Wheelock Upright Piano.. 151
You've settled that question in your mind already. And after
seeing the new dresses in church of late, you've about made up
your mind that you can't get one too soon before the prettiest
things are all gone. If s only a question where you shall get
it. You want, of course, new spring styles, new combinations
new colorings and new textures; in fact, you want a large va,
riety to select from, so that you will take no chances in having
something old palmed off on you.
And everybody knows it, that always are the first to show the
latest productions from foreign and domestic looms.
All-wool Silk and Wool Novelties, never shown before, just opened.
New Brocaded and 3triped Sewing Silk Grenadinas; are very scarce, but we
have a large line of them.
Japanese, Chinese and Lyon3 Silks, in all of the new and beautiful designs, at
popular prices.
French Wool Chillies, our latest and last importation for this season, just out.
Wash D
Consisting of Foo Chow Pongees, Sateens, Swivel
Crepe3, Creponettes, Bengalines, Ginghams,
A stock unsurpassed in variety, newness
With the New Valves
Out of Sight
( ur new Bicycles arc now
to be seen at our Lacka
wanna avenue store
And a full line of Hoys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Sei oiul -hand Wheels.
I ui
314 Lacka. Ave.
Fountain Fens
ounttain ;cns
ountain rens
SI 'I a I A I F K' A
A Guaranteed Foun
tain Pen, regular
price $1.50, for
98 Cents
Reynolds Bros.
Stationers and Enrjnvers.
Dr. Hill & Son
Fet teeth, W.W; beet eet, SJj for cold capn
and teeth without platen, railed crown and
bridge work, call for prlcne and rcferenoea.
TOKALOU, tor extracting teeth without
llu. No ether. No nan.
A very good Shoningcr Upright Piano..
A Mason riamliii.nearly ncw.hlgh top.
double r"Od
An A. H. Chase, nearly new, high ton
double ree
A Chicago Cottago.neorly new, high top,
duble reed
A Worcester, nearly new, high top,
double reed
f 50
I fl Will I A MM OBfl
ui ui niLunmim u i
aud Organ at Wholesale snd Retail, on Iustullmei.ta.
Goods. Oh ! Such a Variety
Special S,U Se- c p, n l Cnritive T
Kulll ! .S Ik arter. with Oxidized .ml
.le Price. 5 CENTS.
224 Spruce St., Cp. Tribune Office. ImJSK'
IXTE Btrtbsflnesl uf W,el of ail greden arel inarar.t-e ererv machine
old I'urrhwr Uu(l.: -id. free .-lur.;. Cell fcr cetaloirue.
Qpn eveltafS Sieial Br!n inaeennd haol wheel-
Amount of convenience for the least expanse.
Tho secret? It lies in the
Alaska : Refrigerator.
We have Many Styles and Sizes.
Hi 1 iga
The best is none too
good. Ours are 18-k.
All sizes and weights.
423 Lackawanna Ave.
ThelireatMiirvelol Dental Science
A recent discovery antl tho sole
property of
Hanwood k Wardall,
316 Lackawanna Ave
After having alarm teeth extracted at
one sitting by tlie painless method, I pro
nounce It entirely atislnctorv In every
particular. J. U. 8KAMON8
A Standard.nenrly new.hlgh top.donble
A I.. ... i,i nnv Inirti top.
doll ble reed ' J. " i ?
And shout JO other go.l SSSSM hand or
gaiik, $25 to It , ,
The above collection or Second hand Insru
mentsaronll in good order, fully guaran
teed, the greatest bargains over idtered in
this city Call and see them, lnataliuionte
or discount f r cash.
Silks, Dotted Swis3e3,
Dimities, etc., etc.
aid cheapness.
ilt Sin
9c. pr box of throa cakes, fl
Silver Cl m
uiaal price, j);. bpscial
Globe Shoe Store
Evana & Powell Z
or THE
A limited number of the above
liiinit-i are for sale at par and ae
orned interest by the following
parties, from whom copies of the
mortgage and fall Information can
be obtained)
ELW. Mulligan, Cashier Second
National Bank. Wilkes-Harre, Pa.
W. L. Watson. Cashier First Na
tional Bank, Pittstou, Pa.
J. L. Polen, Cashier People's
Savings Bank, Pittston, Pa.
A. A. Pryden, President Miners'
Savings Bauk, Tittston, Pa.
And by the Soranton Baviogl
Bank and Trust Company, Trustee
under the Mortgage.
T. a Atherton, Counsel,
Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at ths
rate of ONE CENT A WORD.